Luxurious Magazine - UK Luxury Winter Edition

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l ux ur i ou sma ga z i n e 速


www. l uxur i ousmagazi ne. com







Fo r t h o s e t h a t k n o ww h a t t h e y w a n t f r o ml i f e t m


Edi t or ’ sI ns i ght

De a rRe a d e r s , I a md e l i g h t e di nmyn e wl ya p p o i n t e dp o s i t i o na sE d i t o r , t owe l c o mey o ut ot h eWi n t e rUK2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3E d i t i o no f L u x u r i o u sMa g a z i n e ,t h er s ti nas e r i e so fs u b j e c t s p e c icp u b l i c a t i o n swh i c hwewi l lb ei n t r o d u c i n go v e r t h ec o mi n gmo n t h s .T h i si s s u eb r i n g sa ni n t e r n a t i o n a l a v o u r a n dt h ev e r yb e s t f r o ml u x u r yma r q u e sa c r o s st h e g l o b e , f r o mAs t o nMa r t i nt oZ e n i t h , wh i l s t wea l s os a mp l e s o meo f t h en e s t r e s t a u r a n t sa n dh o t e l st h a t t h eUKa n d Af r i c ah a v et oo f f e r .I na d d i t i o n ,wec a t c hu pwi t ht h e r e n o wn e dj e we l l e r yd e s i g n e rAn d r e wGe o g h e g a n ,l o o k b a c ka ts o meo ft h en e s ta u t o mo b i l e sa n dt i me p i e c e s l a u n c h e dd u r i n g2 0 1 2 , a n dh e a rt h et h o u g h t so f Mi c h a e l Br e e n , CE Oo f t h eP 1S u p e r c a rCl u b . Wed oh o p ey o ue n j o yr e a d i n gt h i sE d i t i o n , a n dwewo u l d l i k et oo n c ea g a i nt h a n ke v e r y o n ewh oh a sh e l p e da n d c o n t r i b u t e do v e rt h ep a s tt we l v emo n t h st ot h es u c c e s s s t o r yo f L u x u r i o u sMa g a z i n ewh i c hweh a v ewi t n e s s e ds o f a r . Wel o o kf o r wa r dt ob r i n g i n gy o umo r el u x u r i o u sf e a t u r e s , n e ws , a n dr e v i e wsi n2 0 1 3 .

Sim on Y o u r s , J S i mo nWi t t e n b e r gMOI

P u t t i n gt h eGr e a tB a c kI n

2 0 1 2wa sas p e c t a c u l a ry e a rf o rt h eUn i t e d K i n g d o m,T h e Qu e e n sDi a mo n dJ u b i l e e ,T h e Ol y mp i c sa n dP a r a l y mp i c s ,a e u p h o r i c wa v e s we p tt h en a t i o na n dp u tt h eGr e a tb a c ki n t o Br i t a i no n c emo r e .I twa si n c r e d i b l et os e et h e n a t i o ns t a n dp r o u d l yt o g e t h e r a swec e l e b r a t e da s o n ea n dr e k i n d l e dt h ep r i d ei nb e i n gBr i t i s h . Asy o uwi l l h a v en od o u b t s e e n , S i mo nWi t t e n b e r g h a sb e e na p p o i n t e da st h eE d i t o ro fL u x u r i o u s Ma g a z i n e , as u p e r bc h a pa n dr e ma r k a b l yt a l e n t e d j o u r n a l i s t . T h i sa l l o wsmet oc o n t i n u eo p e n i n gn e w ma r k e t sf o rL u x u r i o u sMa g a z i n ef r o mmyb a s eo n t h eo t h e rs i d eo ft h ewo r l di nAs i a . T h i sd o e sn o t me a nt h a tI wi l l n o tb eg e t t i n gmy" h a n d sd i r t y " , f o rt h i se d i t i o nI h a v ep i c k e ds o meo f myf a v o u r i t e l u x u r i o u st i mep i e c e so ft h ep a s tt we l v emo n t h s . T h el i s twa sa l wa y sg o i n gt ob ed i fc u l tt o c o mp i l e , t h er s ts i xo nmyl i s twe r eo b v i o u s , t h e n e x t s i xwe r ed r a wnf r o mas h o r t l i s t o f 1 0 , a n yo f t h e md e s e r v e dt ob ei nt h eGo d b o l dF a v o u r i t e Wa t c hL i s t o f 2 0 1 2 . I d o n ' t wa n t t ok e e py o uf r o m wh a t ’ si n s i d et h i si s s u e , s ou n t i l n e x t t i me . . e n j o y !

OJ P a u l Go d b o l dMI F o u n d e ro f L u x u r i o u sMa g a z i n e

Edi t or i a l

Lux ur i ousMa ga z i ne ®

( HeadOf f i ce) Lux ur i ousMagaz i ne 5StJ ohnsLane London EC1M 4BH T el :+44( 0) 2071938380 T el :+44( 0) 2075492899 edi t or i al @l ux r s . c om www. l ux ur i ous magaz i ne. c om About The magaz i ne was cr eat ed by Paul Godbol d,anent r epr eneur i alEngl i s hman wi t haMal ay s i anher i t ageandamember oft heChar t er ed I ns t i t ut eofJ our nal i s t s . Or i gi nal l y , Lux ur i ous Magaz i ne® was pr oduced s ol el yasawebs i t egai ni ng a hugenumberofv i s i t or swor l dwi dewhi l s t bui l di ng s t r ong r el at i ons hi ps al ong t he way wi t h many oft he pr emi erl ux ur y br ands .Due t of r equentr eques t s ,we v ent ur ed i nt ot he wor l d of el ect r oni c di gi t alpubl i s hi ng.Thi si spr ov i ng t o be i ncr edi bl ys ucces s f ulbas edonf eedback f r om ourpar t ner sandgl obal r eader s hi p.

Si monWi t t enber gMIOJ Bor n i n t he Gr and Duchy of Luxembour g,and now bas ed i n London,Si mon Wi t t enber gi st he Edi t orof Luxur i ousMagaz i ne®.A s peci al i s ti nt heaut omot i v es ect or , Si monhaswor kedwi t hs omeoft he wor l d' smos ti coni cmar quess uch as Lot us Car s ,Fer r ar i ,and T es l a Mot or s .Hi spas s i onsi ncl udel uxur y goods ,mot or s por t ,andt r av el .

Nat ashaGodbol d Mos c owbor nBr i t ,Nat as hahasan obv i ousl ov eofl ux ur ymak i nghera per f ec tmat c hf orherhus bandPaul , t hef ounderofLux ur i ousMagaz i ne®. Nat as haac c ompani esPaulont hei r f r equentt r av eland di ni ng r ev i ews , as s i s t i ngi nt hewr i t i ng,phot ogr aphy and f i l mi ng.T r av el ,f as hi on,di ni ng, f i nej ewel l er y ,heal t handbeaut yar e t he ar eas t hats he i s pas s i onat e wr i t i ngabout .

Adver t i si ng Lux ur i ousMagaz i ne® oper at esdi f f er ent l y t omos tpubl i cat i ons .Adv er t i s i ngoppor t uni t i esar e pr edomi nant l yv i ai nv i t at i on, howev er we do mak e ex cept i ons i n cer t ai n ci r cums t ancesi ft he pr oductor s er v i ce bei ng adv er t i s ed i ss ui t abl ef or ourpubl i cat i on.Forf ur t heri nf or mat i on emai ladv er t i s i ng@l ux r s . c om.Rat escan be f ound wi t hi n our medi a pack on l ux ur i ous magaz i ne. com. Gener alI nf or mat i on

Nopar toft hi spubl i cat i onmayber epr oduced i nanyf or m wi t houtt hepr i orwr i t t enconsentof t hepubl i sher .Vi ewsandopi ni onsexpr essedi n t hi spubl i cat i onar est r i ct l yt hoseoft hewr i t er s, phot ogr apher sand cont r i but or s,and ar enot necessar i l yt hoseoft hepubl i sher .Ever yef f or t has been t aken t o ensur et he cor r ect ness andaccur acyi nt hemat er i alpubl i shedi nt hi s el ect r oni ci ssueofLuxur i ousMagazi ne®. The publ i sherand edi t or i alst af facceptno r esponsi bi l i t yf oranyef f ectar i si ngf r om er r or s. Whi l stever yef f or thasbeenmadet ot r aceand r equestper mi ssi ont ousecopyr i ghtmat er i al s i nt hi s el ect r oni c magazi ne,t hi s has been i mpossi bl ei n some case.Al lcopyr i ght sar e r et ai nedbyt hei rcr eat or sandor i gi nat or sand t her ei s no i nt ended i nf r i ngementon t hose r i ght s.Mat er i al s used i nt he magazi ne ar e sol el yf ori nf or mat i onal pur poses.I fnot i f i ed,we wi l lbepl easedt or ect i f yanyomi ssi ons.

ReenaPat el

Pascal eHaywar d

Reena i s a heal t h,beaut y ,gas t r onomy ,l ux ur yt r av els pec i al i s tand t he Deput y Edi t or of Lux ur i ous Magaz i ne®.Reena’ sf r equentand wel ldoc ument edv i s i t st ot hewor l ds mos tl ux ur i ous des t i nat i ons and f i nes tr es t aur ant s pr ov i des omeof t he mos tpopul ar ar t i c l es i nt he Magaz i ne. I n20 10,s hewasawar ded t he PRCAPCG Fr eel anc eroft he YearAwar d.

A Fr enc h nat i v el i v i ng i n Engl and s i nc e1990.Al t houghPas c al el ov es Engl and and mor e par t i c ul ar l yt he Engl i s hc ount r y s i des hei ss t i l lv er y muc hat t ac hedt oherhomec ount r y ofFr anc eandi t sgr eatqual i t yofl i f e. Pas c al ei s pas s i onat e aboutf r es h wel l pr epar edf ood,l ux ur yt r av el and t hegr eatwi nesf r om herhomec ount r y .

Luxur i ousMagaz i ne i npar t ner s hi pwi t h

Luxur i ousMagaz i ne i npar t ner s hi pwi t h

Edi t or i a l

Lux ur i ousMa ga z i ne®

OngChi nHuat

CoverI mage Thi sedi t i on’ sf r ontcov erf eat ur es : ThePi agetRos eJewel l er yCol l ect i on. “ I t s e e mst oh a v ebe e npi c k e di naga r de nof di a monds .Sur r oundi ngahea r tofl i ght ,i t a ppea r si na l l i t sf a cet t edgl or y ,a dor ni ng s t udsorpendi ngea r r i ngs ,apenda ntorr i ng, neck l a ceora“ s ecr et ”wa t ch…”

Al t hough gr aduat i ng f r om t he LondonSchoolofEconomi cswi t h al aw degr ee,Chi n deci ded t o pur s ue a car eeras a j our nal i s t . Hav i ng been t he s oci aledi t orof t heHongKongT at l erand aswel l aswr i t i ng a t wi ceweekl ycol umn i n Hong Kong’ sl eadi ng Engl i s h l anguage news paper s ,t he Sout h Chi naMor ni ngPos t ,Chi nhasmet and i nt er v i ewed ev er y one f r om bus i nes st y coonsands uper model s t o mov i es t ar s ,r oy al t yand wor l d cl as sat hl et es .

SabiPhagur a SabiPhagur ai s a heal t h,f i t nes s , t r av elandl i f es t y l ej our nal i s taswel l asaf i t nes si ns t r uc t orwi t hov er14 y ear sex per i enc ei n bot ht he pr i nt and br oadc as t i ng medi a.She has wr i t t enf orTheSun,SundayMi r r or , Mai lon Sunday ,Dai l y Mai l ,The Guar di an,Dai l yMai l ,Dai l yEx pr es s , Dai l ySt ar ,andTheMet r o.

Di aneRoncone Jonat hanHasson

Management Publ i s her :Paul Godbol dMIOJ Edi t or :Si monWi t t enber gMIOJ Deput yEdi t or :ReenaPat el Cr eat i v eDi r ect or :Nat as haGodbol d Li f es t y l eEdi t orAs i a:OngChi nHuat Adv er t i s i ngHead:Pas cal eHay war d HeadofFi nance:Mal col m Gi l beyMISM

Shanghaibas edJ onat hanHas s on, ( or i gi nal l yf r om I t al y ) ,was bor ni n Bel gi um andgr ew upi nAf r i c a.He hasaBac hel orofAr t s( I nt er nat i onal Af f ai r s & Ec onomi c s ) f r om an Amer i c anUni v er s i t yi nBr us s el sand hass pentmanyy ear sr es ear c hi ng l ux ur y t r ends i n As i a. J onat han s peak s f l uent Engl i s h, Fr enc h, I t al i an,andc onv er s at i onal Mandar i n.

Bas edi nNewYor k ,Di anes er v edas anedi t orf orNi c heMedi a,t hepar ent c ompanyofl ux ur yni c hemagaz i nes ac r os st heUni t edSt at es .Shewas ex ec ut i v e edi t orofHampt ons ,as wel l as an edi t or f or Ni c he’ s Br i dgehampt on Pol o magaz i nes , and LosAngel es Conf i dent i al .She hast r av el edac r os st hegl obe,has an unquenc hab l et hi r s tf oradv ent ur e andanev er endi ngc ur i os i t yabout t hewor l dandi t smanypeopl es .

Luxur i ousMagaz i ne® i npar t ner s hi pwi t h

Luxur i ousMagaz i ne® i npar t ner s hi pwi t h

Wh a t ’ si nt h i se d i t i o n ? h eGu a r d i a nb yDo e t t l i n g 1 6T T h ewo r l d ’ sr s t s e c u r i t yl u g g a g e

u to f Af r i c aa n d Be y o n d 1 0 2O De p u t yE d i t o r Re e n aP a t e l j o u r n e y sa c r o s sA f r i c ao nal u x u r yS a f a r i

a c a l i s t e rMa n s i o ni nGe o r g e t o wn , Pe n a n g 2 0M Hi g h e n dl u x u r ya r r i v e so nt h eP e a r l o f t h eOr i e n t

Y e a ri nMo t i o n 1 1 0A S o meo f t h eb e s t Br i t i s h ma d ec a r so f 2 0 1 2a n dwh a t ’ st oc o mei n2 0 1 3

i g hT i mef o rHi g hT e a 3 0H F o r t n u m&Ma s o n ’ sDi a mo n dJ u b i l e eT e aS a l o n

o r o l o g i c a l Ma c h i n eNo ’ 5-Ont h eRo a dAg a i n 1 2 2H Wet a l kt oMa x i mi l i a nBu s s e r f o u n d e r o f MB&Fa n dc r e a t o r o f t h eHM5

f f Pi s t e : T h eGr a n dPa r kHo t e l a n dSp ai nAu s t r i a 3 2O S a b i P h a g u r as a mp l e ss o mep u r eA u s t r i a nl u x u r y

h ePi a g e tRo s eCo l l e c t i o n 1 2 8T I t s e e mst oh a v eb e e np i c k e di nag a r d e no f d i a mo n d s .

e s t Wa t c h e so f2 0 1 2 4 2B P a u l Go d b o l dr e v e a l sh i sf a v o u r i t ewa t c h e so f 2 0 1 2

aRe s i d e n c i a 1 3 4L S a b i P h a g u r av i s i t sT h eT h a i S q u a r eS p ai nL o n d o n ' sCo v e n t Ga r d e n

h eCo p a c a b a n aPa l a c eHo t e l i nRi o 5 8T T h eg r a n d e s t h o t e l i nRi og e t sawe l l e a r n e dma k e o v e r

a r c h&Wh i t e 1 5 1M Wet a l kt ot h ef o u n d e r so f t h i sBr i t i s hI n t e r i o r De s i g nCo mp a n y

e we l l e r yDe s i g n e r , An d r e wGe o g h e g a n 7 0J A ni n t e r v i e wwi t ho n eo f t h eUK ’ sl e a d i n gJ e we l l e r yDe s i g n e r s h eP1Su p e r c a rCl u b 7 8T I n t e r v i e wWi t hMi c h a e l Br e e n , t h eF o u n d e r a n dCE O e we l l e r yDe s i g n e r , Al e x a n d r aMo r 8 6J Wet a l kt ot oo n eo f Ne wY o r k sl e a d i n gJ e we l l e r yDe s i g n e r s o n a t h a nHo l me s 8 8J I n t e r v i e wWi t hJ o n a t h a nHo l me s , CE OA n dF o u n d e r Of L u x d e c o . c o m h i t t l e b u r yHa l l Ho t e l a n dSp a 9 4W E d i t o r S i mo nWi t t e n b e r gs p e n d sawe e k e n da t t h i s E n g l i s hc o u n t r yh o t e l

AUDI OVI SUAL-Bang&Ol uf s enBeoVi s i on11

Bang&Ol uf s enBeoVi s i on11

Amas t er pi eceofs ound,pi ct ur e, anddi gi t al ent er t ai nment

Bang&Ol uf sen’ sBeoVi si on11i st hecompany’ smost i ncl usi veandambi t i ousTVt odat e.Beyondt heSmar t TV’ sl uxur i ousl y under st at ed aest het i cs awai t not onl y spect acul arsound and best i ncl ass vi deo,but al soconveni entaccesst oacompl et er angeofonl i ne possi bi l i t i es.Seaml ess connect i on bet ween cont ent andever yonei nt hedi gi t alhousehol dhasneverbeen t hi ssi mpl e,orexqui si t el ydesi gned. BeoVi si on 11 was concei ved t o pr ovi de t he ent i r e f ami l y wi t h a compr ehensi ve ar r ay ofupt odat e di gi t alent er t ai nmentoft he hi ghestcal i br e wi t hout compr omi si ng t he t i mel ess aest het i cs, i nt ui t i ve cont r ol s,andhi ghqual i t ysoundt hatBang&Ol uf sen i sf amousf or . Pr oduci ng hi ghqual i t yand power f ulsound f r om t he l i mi t ed physi calvol ume ofa at scr een cabi neti sa cont r adi ct i on i nt er ms f ormostpr oducer s.Bang & Ol uf senhaspackedi nnof ewert hansi xspeaker si nt o t heBeoVi si on11’ ssl i mi nt er i or ,andeachi spower edby i t sownampl ier .Acompl et esur r oundsoundmodul ei s al sobui l ti nwhi chcanbeconnect edt ot hef ul lr angeof exi bl eBang & Ol uf senspeaker s.I ncr yst al cl ear2D and3D,BeoVi si on11i nt r oducesaweal t hoft hel at est t echnol ogi es f oropt i malvi ewi ng,i ncl udi ng a uni que sensordevel opedbyBang&Ol uf sent hatcont i nuousl y adj ust sbr i ght nessand cont r astf oropt i malvi ewi ngcomf or t .

Andt okeepupwi t ht hemanydi f f er entt ypesofcont ent usedbyf ami l i est odaysuchas l m,spor t s,gami ngor news,BeoVi si on11seaml essl yadapt si t spi ct ur emode t oavar i et yofvi deoi nput st odel i veropt i malper f or mancenomat t erwhoi swat chi ngwhat . Easy access t o cont ent and conveni ent cont r ol , BeoVi si on11i st he r stt el evi si ont of eat ur eBang & Ol uf senSmar tTV ,anew pl at f or mt hatl et suser sswi t ch easi l ybet ween t el evi si on channel s,t he I nt er net ,and ot heri nt er act i ve cont ent .BeoVi si on 11 comes wi t h ar emot et hatenabl est hemanagementoft hemany f eat ur essi mpl yandi nt ui t i vel y ,andi sal sor eadyf ort he BeoRemot eapponat abl et .Fur t her mor e,BeoVi si on11 makesi teasyt omat chdécorwi t hat el evi si on,t hanks t oachoi ceofsi xf r ontf abr i ccol our s,af r ontf r amei n si l verorbl ack,andr earcabi neti nbl ackorwhi t e. Andwi t hf ourst andopt i ons,t heBang&Ol uf senSmar t TVmaybesi t uat edwher ei tt sbesti nt ot hef ami l y’ s homeandl i f est yl e,whet heri ti scour t esyoft hel uxur yof t hemot or i sed oorst andorwal lbr acket .Vi ewer scan si mpl ygr abt her emot et ot ur nt heTVoutf r om t hewal l i nanyangl eupt o90degr eesandt ur ni tback,andout oft heway .Awal l br acketwi t hmanual t ur nandaneasel st andar eal soavai l abl e. Expectt opayf r om £4, 995. 00.

T h eDö t t l i n gGu a r d i a n T h eWo r l d ’ sF i r s t Hi g hS e c u r i t yL u g g a g e

Döt t l i ng, t he Ger man saf e manuf act ur er based i n Mai chi ngen nearSt ut t gar t ,has unvei l edt he‘ Guar di an’ ,t hewor l d’ sr sthi gh secur i t yl uggage,whi chpr ovi despr ot ect i on f orup t osi xwat ches,j ewel l er y ,money ,or i mpor t antdocument s whi l ston t he move. The cent r epi ece of t he Guar di an i st he mul t i l ayer ed,hi ghsecur i t ycyl i nderbui l ti nt o t hel eat herout ercover ,whi chwasdevel oped i nhouseatDöt t l i ng.Thi sconsi st sofar ange ofhi ght ech mat er i al s,whi ch have been i nt er l ockedi nat opsecr etcomposi t i on.The car bi decomponenti snear l yashar d asa di amondanddest r oyst ool ssuchasdr i l l sor sawsat t empt i ngt oat t ackt heGuar di an.

Sever al l ayer s of hi ghl y t ear pr oof and cut r esi st ant ar ami d car bon-br e f abr i c, whi chi sal sousedi nbul l et pr oofvest s,al so pr event sanydr i l l i ngorsawi ng. The out er mostand i nner mostst r at um of t he hi ghsecur i t y cyl i nder i s made of pol ycar bonat e,amat er i alwhi chi sal soused f orant i r i otshi el ds and hel metvi sor s.A hi ghsecur i t ysaf edoori si nt egr at edi nt oone endoft hecyl i nder ,whi chi sal sor ei nf or ced wi t har ami dcar bon-berf abr i c,andcanonl y beopenedwi t hat hr eedi gi tcode. Whenent er edcor r ect l y ,t hel ock,consi st i ng off our hi ghgl oss pol i shed car bon st eel bar s, opens. The pr oduct i s equal l y equi pped wi t haGPS t r acki ngdevi ce,and can t hus be pr eci sel yl ocat ed ar ound t he gl obe. Asf ort heext er i oroft heGuar di an,t hesame appl i esasf oral lDöt t l i ngpr oduct s:t her ear e vi r t ual l y no l i mi t s sett oi ndi vi dual i t y .For exampl e, t he handl e br acket s made of hi ghgl osspol i shed st ai nl essst eelcan be engr aved.Anyconcei vabl evar i at i oni nf abr i c orl eat heri sal sopossi bl ef ort hecover .Thi s ensur est hatt heGuar di ani snotr ecogni z ed asa“ t r avel saf e”–pr ovi di ngaf ur t herpl usi n t er msofsecur i t y . TheDöt t l i ngGuar di ancanbecar r i edwi t ha handl eorshoul derst r ap,andt hankst oi t s compactdi mensi ons( 37cm i nl engt hand 13. 5cm i ndi amet er ) ,i tcanal sobepl acedi n asui t case,andwei ghsonl y4kg. The qui l t ed cal fl eat her Guar di an cost s €12, 000, whi l st t he sal t wat er cr ocodi l e ver si on i spr i ced at€14, 500.Bot h can be pur chased att he New Bond St r eetst or e, Kr onomet r y1999,i nLondon. Formor ei nf or mat i onvi si t : www. doet t l i ng. com

ByNat ashaGodbol d

TRAVEL-Geor get own,Penang

A si ghtt obehol di sonewayt odescr i be Desi gn Hot el s’new member ,Macal i st er Mansi on,an l uxur i ous bout i que hot eli n Geor geT own,Penang.

Gl amor ousandpr i s t i newhi t easi ts hi nes pr oudl yi nt he s un byday . Atni ght , wi t ht hehel pofcl ev erl i ght i ngi t ss heer gr andeurt ak esy ourbr eat haway . Aut hent i c, qui r ky , st yl i sh and sophi st i cat ed, Macal i st erMansi oni st he r staddi t i onf r om Mal aysi a t ot he Desi gn Hot el s col l ect i on.The 100yearol d col oni al est at ewascr eat i vel yr enovat edbyi t sowner s -Dat o Sean H’ ng and Dat i n Kar en H’ ng i n cl ose col l abor at i on wi t h Col i n Seah of Si ngapor e' s r enowned r m Mi ni st r yofDesi gn.Whi l est r i vi ng t o r est or et he or i gi nalf eat ur es,l i ke t he wr oughti r on spi r alst ai r casel eadi ngt oavi ewi ngt oweri noneof t heguest r ooms,t hedesi gner sbr oughtt hehot el i nt o t he moder n er a by addi ng st unni ng cont empor ar y ameni t i esandbespoke xt ur esandf ur ni shi ngs. The end r esul ti s an exqui si t e combi nat i on ofol d and new, pr eser vat i on and i nnovat i on, uni que, excl usi veandunexpect ed.

I magesont hi spages uppl i edbyPenangSt at eT our i s m Dev el opment ,Cul t ur e,Ar t s&Her i t age.

On7Jul y2008,Geor geT ownwas,t oget herwi t h Mal acca,f or mal l yi nscr i bedasaUNESCO Wor l d Her i t ageSi t e.I ti sofci al l yr ecogni z edashavi nga uni quear chi t ect ur alandcul t ur alt ownscapewi t houtpar al l elanywher ei nEastandSout heastAsi a

Locat edal ongt hehi st or i cMacal i st erRoadi nGeor ge T own,aUNESCO Wor l d Her i t ageSi t eci t yand t he capi t alofPenang,abust l i ng,di ver seand col our f ul met r opol i s ami dt he sea,Macal i st er Mansi on i s per f ect l yi nt unewi t hi t ssur r oundi ngs. Notunl i ket heci t yi t sel f ,i tst r i vest opr eser vei t smul t i cul t ur alher i t agewhi l stkeepi ngupwi t ht hemoder n devel opment .Macal i st erMansi oni st he r stpr oj ect underHer i t age Rede ned,a conser vat i on i ni t i at i ve headedbyDat oSeant oshowcaset her egener at i on ofPenang’ sol dcol oni albui l di ngsandbr i ngi ngt hem i nt ot he21stcent ur y . Named af t erCol onelNor man Macal i st er ,t he r st Br i t i shGover noroft hest at eatt hedawnoft he19t h cent ur y ,Macal i st erMansi on i s payi ng homage t o hi st or ybydi spl ayi nguni quear twor kand bespoke decor at i ve pi eces r epr esent i ng var i ous st ages and advent ur esoft hecol onel ’ sl i f et hr oughoutt heguest r oomsandpubl i car eas.

BaganBar Aspacet ochi l l outandr el axi nt hecompanyofol d f r i endsandf ami l i arf aces.Wor kyourwayt hr ough our cust omi sed r ange of si gnat ur e Macal i st er Mansi oncockt ai l s/ mockt ai l s.BaganBarwi l lhavea dr i nkt osui tyourever ymoodandi nal lcol our sof t her ai nbow.Thi sspacewi l lbeaper f ectendt ot he daywi t hent er t ai nmentf r om t hei rl i vei nhouseband.

Macal i st erMansi on i s based upon t he i dea ofan ol d Engl i sh mansi on.Each space i sdesi gned t o pr ovi de hospi t al i y aki nt ot hatofan act ualhome –good f ood,bever ages,engagi ngconver sat i on, soot hi ngmusi c,agoodni ght ’ ssl eepor si mpl yl oungi ngbyt hepool .

Not wor oomsi nt hebui l di ngl ookt hesame.Ther ear e8 beaut i f ul l yspaci ousguest r ooms,eachf ol l owi ngadi f f er entt hemeandt husi ndi vi duali never ywayf r om si z e anddécort of ur ni shi ngandor i gi nalf eat ur es.Wi t ht he owner sbei ng r enowned suppor t er sofl ocalar t sand cr af t s,uni quepi ecesofar t wor kwer especi al l ycr eat ed bypr omi nentSout heastAsi anar t i st sf ordecor at i onand f ur ni shi ngoft hehot el ,l i ket hespeci al l ycommi ssi oned l ovesonnetf orTheBr i dalSui t eort heGr aceT ant ext i l e pi ecei nRoom 7payi ngt r i but et ot het ar t ancol or soft he Macal i st ercl an.BespokeFur ni t ur epi ecesandhandpi cked car pet s, l i gr ee i nspi r ed si l ver and whi t e mosai c i n t he bat hr ooms and ci r cul ar mi r r or s suspendedf r om t hecei l i ngsatadi st ancef r om t hewal l s –t hese ar e onl ysome oft he f eat ur est hatcr eat ea speci alf eelofwar m andr el axi ngambi ancet hatmake guest sf eell i ket heyar est ayi ngi nabeaut i f ulpr i vat e mansi onr at hert hanat ypi cal hot el .At t ent i ont odet ai l at Macal i st erMansi ondeser vesaspeci alment i on,f r om speci al l ydesi gneduni f or mst oper sonal i sedst at i oner y; not hi ng escaped t hedesi gner ’ scar ef uland t hor ough consi der at i on.

ent husi ast st ol ocal var i et ywi t haspeci al t wi stf ort hose f avour i ngAsi an avour satTheLi vi ngRoom.Ther ei s anexcl usi veCi garBar-TheDen,wher eguest scan i ndul ge i n an i mpr essi ve col l ect i on of ci gar s and whi ski es,a‘ swi mup’poolbarTheLawnandahi pand t r endyBaganBarat t r act i ngasophi st i cat edni ght cl ub t ypeofcr owdwi t hagr eatsel ect i onofdr i nks,adance oorandl i vemusi cper f or mances.

Macal i st erMansi oni sal soanew hi phangoutpl acet o seeandbeseen,hi ghl ydesi r abl ef orevent s,gat her i ngs and par t i es. Dat oSeani susi nghi snew cr eat i ont o st r engt hen hi sr eput at i on as a successf ulcul i nar y ent r epr eneurby of f er i ng t he guesta choi ce of ve r est aur ant sandbar scat er i ngf orvar i et yoft ast esand pal l et s.Fr om cont empor ar y Fr ench cui si ne i n The Di ni ng Room, t hat woul d pl ease most nedi ni ng

On t op oft he unf or get t abl e exper i ence ofact ual l y st ayi ngwi t hi nmesmer i z i ngcol oni alest at e,t hel ocat i on ofMacal i st erMansi on,whi l ebei ngsetsomewhataway f r om t hehust l eand bust l eoft heci t ycent r e,al l ows yout oexpl or et heI sl andofPenangwi t hi t shi st or i cal ar chi t ect ur e,wor l dr enowned cul i nar y del i ght s,and di ver seandcol our f ulmul t i cul t ur alher i t age.

FI NEDI NI NG-For t num &Mas on

Hi ghT i meF orHi ghT ea R e e n aP a t e l t a k e sa na f t e r n o o nt oe n j o yt h i st i meh o n o u r e dt r a d i t i o na t F o r t n u m&Ma s o n ’ sDi a mo n dJ u b i l e eT e aS a l o n .

Fanci f ulf est i vewi ndow dr essi ngswel comedusi nt o For t num & Mason,t heexqui si t edepar t mentst or e onLondon’ sPi ccadi l l y . Wet ookt hel i f tupt ot hef our t h oor ,wher et heent i r e spacehasbeenel egant l yr ef ur bi shedt or evealaqui nt essent i al l yEngl i sht easal on.Geor gi anst yl educkegg bl uesandcr i spwhi t esdr esst hef r esh,spaci ousr oom wi t hsof thi nt sofsi l ver ,whi l eagr andpi anopl ayswi t h subt l et yi nt hebackgr ound.I t ’ sj ustt hepl acet omar k speci aloccasi onsandmakesawonder f ulsoj our nf r om t hesur r oundi ngmayhem ofMayf ai r . Webeganwi t hashor tt eat ast i ngsessi on,i nvi t i ngus t osi ponaf ew bl endsbef or echoosi ngour sf r om t he i ncr edi bl esel ect i on ofover150 var i et i es.Ourexper t ‘ t ear i st a’pr esent ed uswi t h abowlofdel i cat e,pal e col our edJapaneseSi l verNeedl ePekoe-at opgr ade whi t et eawi t hagent l esmoki ness.

We al so t r i ed a smoky Chi nese bl end – Handmade Dongt i ngBiLuoChun-or i gi nat i ngf r om WestI sl and i nT aiLakenearSuz hou,wi t hal i ghtandsl i ght l ysweet avourandasof t ,savour yar oma.Ourf avour i t ewast he Mar gar et ’ sHopeMuscat elsecond ushDar j eel i ng-a ne gol den l i quorwi t h a pr onounced cl assi c of fdr y char act er .I nt hewor l doft ea,Dar j eel i ngi sknownast he champagneoft easandwecoul dn’ tr esi sti nor der i nga pott oaccompanyourf oodmenu. Weal sochoset heI r i shBr eakf ast-abr aci ngbl endof exper t l ysel ect edAssam andKenyant eas,wher et he r stpr ovi desmal t i nessand t hesecond addsbr i ght ness.Forme,af t er noon t ea woul d notbe compl et e wi t houtsi ppi ngonacupofEar l Gr eyCl assi c-bl ackt ea avour edwi t har omat i candst i mul at i ngoi l ofber gamot . St eeped i nr i cht eahi st or y ,t hewor l d oft eaand t he nameofFor t num & Masonhavebeeni nt er t wi nedf or overt hr eecent ur i es.

For t num & Masonwer eoneoft he r stcompani est o successf ul l ybi df ort henewI ndi ant easwhent heywer e r stauct i onedi nLondoni nt hemi d-1830s.T oday ,t he i coni c est abl i shmenthol ds t he r oyalwar r antf ort he Queenf orgr ocer sandpr ovi si onsmer chantandast ea mer chantandgr ocer st ot hePr i nceofWal es. Ther e’ san i mpr essi ve sel ect i on ofmenust o choose f r om her e.Aswel last hecl assi caf t er noont easer ved wi t h ngersandwi ches,movi ng on t o scones and desser t s,asavour yver si onawai t st hosewi t hsl i ght l y l ess of a sweet t oot h. For war m, hear t y di shes pr edesser t s,t her e’ st he cel ebr at or yhi gh t ea opt i on, whi chi swhatwedeci dedt ogof or . Af t eraspar kl i nggl assofr osechampagne,ourmagnicenthi ght east ar t edwi t hdel i ci oushotpl at esofsal mon shcakeswi t hcaperbut t ersauceand al i ght , uf f y haddock and cheddarcheese soufé t opped wi t ha poachedeggandachi vebut t ersauce.Nextappear ed ast unni ngt hr eet i erst and, l l edwi t hsundr i edt omat o andher bsconesser vedwi t hbasi lcr eam cheeseand ham andcheesesconewi t hmust ar dbut t er .Thet opt i er pr esent ed uswi t hasmoked sal monbl i niwi t hcr ème f r ai cheandcavi ar ,smokedduckbr eastoncr i spt oast ed pai nd’ epi cewi t hapearandsaf f r onchut ney ,mushr oom andt ar r agonshor t cr ustpi ewi t hgar l i ccr umbandmi l l e f eui l l ewi t ht omat o and bl ackol i ve,mascar poneand whi t eanchovy . Ouraf t er noont eaaf f ai rcont i nuedwi t hanot herpr et t y cakest and,del i cat el yl acedwi t hmi ni mi ncepi es,ar ose écl ai r ,amoder nt wi stonbl ackf or estgat eauandot her del i ght f ulmi nipat i sser i es and cakes. The mi ddl e t i er cr ammed wi t h cl assi cf r ui t and pl ai n scones, accompani ed by Somer set cl ot t ed cr eam and For t num’ spr eser ves.Asi st het r adi t i onwi t haf t er noon t ea,t heyar eal lr epl eni shabl egoodi es. Ourhostexpl ai nedt hatwecoul dal soenj oyanyoft he Hi ghgr ove cakes di spl ayed on t he gr and car r i age t owar ds t he cent r e of t he r oom.We i ndul ged i n t wo l ar ge shar i ng sl i ces ofmoi stchocol at e wi t ha decadentganachecoat i ngandawal nutandmapl ewi t h but t er cr eam f r ost i ng. Ther e was al so a r aspber r y bakewel ll eadi ng usf ur t herdown t he pat h ofsweet t empt at i onbutwedeci dedourt eawascompl et ewi t ha f r esh caf f ei nef r ee i nf usi on ofper f umed chamomi l e ower s,known f ori t s cal mi ng qual i t i es.Decadent l y di vi ne. www. f or t numandmason. com .

T heDi a mondJ ubi l eeT eaSa l on

Of f Pi s t e


TRAVEL-TheGr andPar kHot el Heal t h&Spa,Aus t r i a

Sa b i P h a g u r ae n j o y st h ev e s t a ra p r è s s k i o no f f e ri nt h eAu s t r i a nGa s t e i nV a l l e y . TheSkiseasoni swel landt r ul yuponusandmany wi nt erspor t sa ci onadosar enow busygear i ngup r eadyt o pl ough t he pi st es.The Gr and Par kHot el Heal t h& Spai nBadHof gast ei n,Sal z bur g,of f er sa gr eatdi ver si onf orbot hski er sandnonski er sal i ke, andi twast hedr aw oft hi s vest arhot el ' sexcept i onalspaandi t sexqui si t ecul i nar ydel i ght st hatt r ul y l ur edmet ot hi sl ocat i on. TheGr andPar kHot el Heal t h&Spai si deal l ysi t uat ed i nt heGast ei nVal l ey ,whi chunf ol dsoverapr eci pi t ous beaut i f ulhi l l si de and i s home t o 18 nat ur alhot spr i ngs.Vi si t or scant aket ot hewat eratmor et hana doz enl ocal spasi nt hear eat or el axort r eatai l ment s. I t ’ st heheal i ngpr oper t i esoft her adi oact i vet her mal wat er st hathaveat t r act edpeopl et ot her egi onsi nce t he13t hcent ur y ,andt her adonr i chwat erf r om t he mi ner alspr i ngs i nt he Gast ei n Val l ey i s especi al l y popul arwi t hpat i ent swi t hr heumat oi dar t hr i t i s. Ther e ar e 89 bedr ooms i nt ot al ,al lofwhi ch var y sl i ght l yaccor di ngt ot hei ndi vi dual ' sneeds.Mi ner esembl edt hegr ound oorofal uxur yhousecompl et e wi t hawal ki nwar dr obeandanensui t ebat hr oom. Thevi ewf r om myFr enchst yl edoor sopeni ngont oa bal conywassi mpl ymagnicent ,andIcoul dwi t ness

r st handt hespeedandski l l ofski er scomi ngdownt he sl opes.I twassoeasyt ogetabsor bedbyt hescener y f r om t he bal conyt hatIf ound mysel fl osti ni ton a numberofoccasi ons.Justbeyondt her ecept i onoft he hot eli saseat i ngar eaequi ppedwi t ht hecosi estsof as andar mchai r s,andi ft hati sn’ tenought owel comeyou, i tboast sanopenwood r et ot oastyourhandsandf eet whencomi ngi nsi deaf t erbei ngkneedeepi nsnow.

Oncei mmer sedi nt hespa,i tt akesj ust15mi nut esi n t he r adonr i ch 37 degr eecel si us war m wat er t o st i mul at et hei mmunesyst em whi l et heheati mpr oves bl ood ci r cul at i on.I tt akesar ound t hr eehour sf ort he bodyt or i di t sel foft hei ner tgascompl et el y-t heef f ect however ,keepsgoi ngf oral ongt i me.Ihadanumber oft r eat ment sdur i ngmyst ay ,butper hapsoneofmy f avour i t es was t he T uiNa ( pr onounced ‘ t weenah’ ) massage wi t h Dr Li ane Weber .Li ke al lt r adi t i onal Chi nesemedi ci ne,t hi st r eat menti sacompl et eheal i ng syst em whi chwor ksbot hbodyandmi nd. T uiNai sof t enusedi ncombi nat i onwi t hacupunct ur e, r ecuppi ngandher bal i sm.Fundament alt ot hi st heor y i st he l i f e power i ng ener gy t hatt he Chi nese cal lQi ( pr onounced chee) .Ever y aspectofbodi l yf unct i on depends upon Qiand i t s ow t hr ough t he t i ssues. Accor di ngt ot heanci entdi sci pl i ne,i ti si mpossi bl et o t r eataspeciccondi t i onwi t hT uiNawi t houti mpr ovi ng t he over al lQist at us oft he body .Chr oni c,neck, shoul derand back pai n can al lbe t r eat ed by t hi s met hodaswel lasanyunder l yi ngemot i onalpr obl ems. Li anet ol dmet hatonl yqual ieddoct or si nAust r i acan pr act i cet hi smassagesot hati ti scar r i edoutcor r ect l y . Fr om t hemomentLi anest ar t edt owor konme,Il ett he gent l el ul loft hemel odi cmusi cdr i f tmet oapl acef ar away .I l aysemi consci ousasLi aneusedhersof thands t obr ush,knead,r ol l ,pr ess,andr ubt hear easbet ween eachoft hej oi nt s,knownast heei ghtgat es,t oat t empt t oopent hebody’ sdef encesandgett heener gymovi ng i nt hemer i di ansand t hemuscl es.Icoul d senset hat Li anewasusi ngmot i onandt r act i onandmassagecombi nedwi t ht hest i mul at i onofacupunct ur epoi nt s.The90 mi nut escover ed ever yi nchofmybody ,and Iwoul d havebeenver yhappyt ohavel ai dt her ef oranot her90 mi nut esasIf el tsor el axedi nmyhal f daz edst at e!

Wheni tcomest odi ni ng,t hef oodser vedi nt hePARK r est aur anti smost l yor gani c,andal loft hemeal sar e pl anned wi t hyourt ast ebudsand heal t hequal l yi n mi nd.Thegour metdi shesser veddel i ghtt heeyesas wel last hepal at e,andever ydayguest scanchoose f r om t he vecour semenusorĂ l acar t edi shes.Once aweek,t hevenueal soser vesa7cour segal adi nner compl et e wi t h some musi calent er t ai nment .The r est aur anti t sel fi smagnicentwi t h agr and cei l i ng and wi ndowsf r om whi ch you coul d seet hesnow cover edmount ai nsgl i st eni ngi nt hedar k. Themeal sIat ewer eal lwel lcookedandbeaut i f ul l y pr esent ed,andsomeoft hemout hwat er i ngdi shesI enj oyedwer ej ustoutoft hi swor l d.Thesei ncl uded t he sea bass l l eton eggpl ant t omat omoussel i ne and t he t unat r ufe cr eam.Wi t h desser t ssuch as mar z i panchocol at e soufĂŠ and whi t e chocol at e i cecr eam pr esent edi nt hemostcr eat i veofways,i t washar dt osayno.Evenasadi abet i c,veget ar i anor vegan,youneednotmi ssoutonanycul i nar ydel i ght asgl ut enandl act osef r eepr oduct sar eavai l abl e.

T or eal l ysum upt hi sexper i ence,i fyouhavemadea new year ’ sr esol ut i ont o becomemor eheal t hy ,Ican assur eyout hatat r i p awayatt heGr and Par kHot el Heal t h&Spai swor t hever ypenny . The Gr and Par k Hot elBad Hof gast ei n' ssevenni ght TCM Ret r eat st ar t sf r om ₏1, 245 per per son and i ncl udes :Accommodat i oni nadoubl er oom ( t wos har i ng) onaf ul lboar dbasi s,1i ni t i almedi calexami nat i on,1 nal medi cal exami nat i on,1T ui NaMassageandneedl e acupunct ur ebyDr .Weber ,1l ect ur eaboutheal t hydi et and l i f est yl e byDr .Weber ,2 par t i albodymassages ( each 25 mi n. ) ,1 sea sal tbodypeel i ng ( 20 mi n. ) ,1 t i bet anbel lmassage( 30mi n. )1l ect ur eorwor kshop aboutheal t hy nut r i t i on and l i f est yl e,and use oft he spaci ous2, 000sqm spa.

Forf ur t heri nf or mat i onandr eser vat i onsvi si t www. gr andpar khot el . atorcal l .+43643263560.

AF r es hNew L ookF or L i bbyL ondon ForSS13,Li bby London l aunches a s t unni ng new col l ect i on of sophi st i cat ed,f emi ni ne dr esses and separ at esi nt empt i ngcandycol our s,br i ghtpr i nt sand el egantmut edt ones.FounderLi bbyHar t ’ sphi l osophy i st omakedayt oeveni ngdr essi ngef f or t l essl yeasyf or anywoman,r egar dl essofherageoroccupat i on.Fr om wor kand weekends,t of or malevent sand summer weddi ngs,hergoali st oi nspi r emoder n women t o cr eat eawar dr obet hatwi l lmul t i t askf ort hem. Or i gi nal l ydesi gnedf ort hewor ki nggi r l ,Li bbyLondon dr esseshavepr ovent obest yl eswhi chj ustasqui ckl y and easi l y can t r ansl at et ot he eveni ng wi t ht he addi t i onoft her i ght ,car ef ul l ychosenaccessor i es.The new col l ect i on has l i ght ness f orspr i ng wi t h i r t y , pl eat edski r tdr esses,cl assi cshi r tdr essesandst yl i sh separ at es cr af t ed f r om sof t si l ks and pr act i cal , washabl e bl ends.Best sel l i ng dr esses such as t he T amarandThameshavebeenbr oughtbacki nnew and exci t i ng col our ways.No det ai li sover l ooked i n cr eat i ngt heper f ectshapesuchasdr apedordr opped wai st st ocompl i mentany gur e,whi l et hepl aci ngof at t er i ng neckl i nes,cuf f sand bel lsl eeveson shi r t s anddr esseshaveal lbeencar ef ul l yconsi der ed. Hi ghl i ght si ncl udet heRi bbl e,wr ap st yl edr esswi t h i t spl eat edski r tandanewr angeofsepar at essuchas t hesophi st i cat ed pl eat ed Beckski r tand Br ooksi l k cami sol et op.Excl usi vepr i nt ssuchast heHel f or dwi t h i t sst r i ki nggr eenandwhi t epr i ntandt hemonochr omi a pr i ntont heT amarand sl eevesoft heRoxbyal l ow you t o show your f ashi on ai r whi l st st i l lbei ng appr opr i at el ydr essedf ort heofce. Thenew col l ect i onwi l lbeavai l abl et obuyonl i neat www. l i bbyl ondon. com f r om Januar y2013.

GODBOLDPI CKS-Fav our i t eWat chesof2012

PaulGodbold,pi cks 12ofhi sf avouri te ti mepi eceslaunched duri ng 2012. I t ’ s nevereasy pi cki ng yourf avour i t es wat ches, especi al l y when you ar ei nt he t ype ofposi t i on posi t i on t hatIam.Havi ng many f r i ends i nt he hor ol ogi calwor l d,Iam boundt oupsetsomepeopl e andexpectt ogetaf ewquest i onsal ongt hel i nesof “ Whydi d you notchoose us?What ’ swr ong wi t h ourt i mepi ece?”and “ Youdon’ tknow whatyouar e t al ki ngabout ” . Thi ssel ect i onoft i mepi ecesi squi t es i mpl y , bas edupon myownper s onal pr ef er ences . I ncompi l i ngt hi sl i stIhave t akeni nt oconsi der at i onaspect ssuchast heover al l beaut y ,desi gnandt het echnol ogyused. Sowhyshoul dIhav eanopi ni on? Iam akeenwat chcol l ect orwi t hoverf i f t ydi f f er entt i me pi ecesi nmycol l ect i on,Thesei ncl uder ar emodel s f r om Pat ek Phi l i ppe,Vacher on Const ant i n,Bvl gar i , Omega,As pr ey sand s ome out s t andi ng i ndependent wat chbr ands .Ial s owor kex t ens i v el ywi t hmanyoft he wor l d’ sl eadi ngwat chcompani esonar egul arbas i s , and f ort hos e unawar e,Iam t he f ounderof Luxur i ous Magazi ne. I fyouf eelt hatIhavei nadver t ent l ymadeanobvi ous omi ssi on,pl easeemai lmeatpaul @l uxr s. com andt el l mewhy .I fIagr ee,we’ l lf eat ur eyoursuggest i oni na f ut ur ei ssuewi t hyourr easons. So,s i tbackandenj oymyf av our i t ewat chesof2012.

A.Lange&SöhneGr andLange1andt heFi v eMi nut eCl ock TheFi veMi nut eCl ockabovet hest ageoft heSemper Oper a House i n Dr esden r epr esent s a hi gh poi ntof Saxoncl ockmaki ngar t i st r y . I t sdi gi t ali ndi cat i onwasr evol ut i onar yatt het i me,and hasbeeni ndi cat i ngt heexactt i me–vi si bl eevenf r om t he back r ow – dur i ng al lper f or mances ofmusi cal mast er pi eces si nce 1841.About150 year sl at er ,i t i nspi r edA.Lange& Söhnei nt hecr eat i onofanot her wor l dpr emi er e:TheLange1,wi t ht he r steverout si z e dat ei ndi cat i oni naser i espr oduct i onwat ch.TheLange out si z edat ei sal soachar act er i st i cf eat ur eoft henewA. Lange&SöhneGr andLange1,whi chi saboutt ocome ont ot hemar ket ,pr ovi di ngagoodoppor t uni t yt or evi si t t hehi st or ybehi ndt hef amoust wi naper t ur es. Wi t ht he A.Lange & Söhne Gr and Lange 1,t he movementhasbeenat ot al l yr edevel oped t opr ovi de a pl easi ngl y at desi gn.Wi t h a di amet er of40. 9 mi l l i met r es,t hecase( avai l abl ei nr oseandyel l ow gol d orpl at i num)i sonl y8. 8mi l l i met r eshi gh,pr ovi di ngan ext r emel yhar moni ousr at i oofwi dt ht ohei ght .

I naddi t i oni thasbeenpossi bl et ot r ansf ert hepr eci sel y bal anceddi alar r angementoft heLange1t ot hel ar ger modelwi t houtany over l appi ng.The i mpor t ance t he Lange pr oductdevel oper s at t ach t ot he pr i nci pl e of del i t yofscal ei sdemonst r at ed eveni nt hesmal l est det ai l s:TheLangeout si z edat e,t hehandsandevent he sol i dgol dappl i queshavebeeni ncr easedi nt hesame pr opor t i onast hecase. Al t hough t he hei ghtoft he movementi s onl y 4. 7 mi l l i met r es,t heA.Lange&SöhneGr andLange1has an i mpr essi ve powerr eser ve of72 hour s.T o save space,t hemovementhasonl yonebar r el .I nsi det he el abor at el y handdecor at ed and t wi ceassembl ed Lange manuf act ur e cal i br e L095. 1,a bal ance spr i ng madei nhouseensur esmaxi mum pr eci si on.

B r e g u e tT r a d i t i onB r e g u e t7 0 4 7T ou r b i l l onF u s éeOrR os e Br eguet ’ sembl emat i c“ T r adi t i on”col l ect i oni senr i ched t hi sy earwi t hamodel i n18car atr osegol d. Thi sGr ande Compl i cat i on t i mepi ece wi t hf useet ype t our bi l l on and Br eguetbal ancespr i ng i n si l i con j oi ns t heexi st i ngyel l ow gol dandpl at i num model s.I nspi r ed by t he l egendar y“ souscr i pt i on”wat ches cr eat ed by A. L.Br eguet ,t hi sobj etd’ ar tsymbol i sesbot har et ur n t or oot sandar esol ut el yf ut ur eor i ent edbr andvi si on. I t s pur e,moder n aest het i c set st he st age f ort he t our bi l l on and t he f useeandchai n t r ansmi ssi on posi t i onedont het opoft hepl at e.Thi sscul pt ur al model hi ghl i ght st he cont r ast s and dept h ef f ect s,t her eby gi vi ng l i f et o each component .Fourpat ent s pr ot ect t hese t echni cal accompl i shment s and symbol i se Br eguet ’ swat chmaki ngexcel l ence.

Movement Handwound,ant hr aci t ecoat edt our bi l l on,Cal i br e569, 18, 800 vi b/ h,16 l i gnes,43 j ewel s,50hourpower r eser ve,t i t ani um uppert our bi l l on car r i age,t i t ani um bal ance wi t h 4 gol d adj ust ment scr ews, si l i con bal ancespr i ng Funct i ons Hour s,mi nut es,seconds,andpower r eser vei ndi cat or Case 18Kr osegol d, nel y ut edmi ddl e,41mm Sapphi r ecr yst al ,f r ontandback Wel dedl ugswi t hr oundedends Wat er r esi st antt o30m /3ATM/3bar Di al Of f cent r eat7 o’ cl ock,handgui l l oché,bl ackcoat ed 18Kr osegol d I ndi vi dual l ynumber edandsi gnedBr eguet 60secondt our bi l l onat1o’ cl ock Moont i pped“ Br eguet ”handsi npol i shedst eel Br acel et / St r ap Br ownal l i gat orwi t h18Kr osegol dpi nbuckl e

BVLGARIPapi l l onVoyageur The Dani elRot h Papi l l on Voyageuri s an excl usi ve Haut eHor l oger i et i mepi ecewi t hanessent i al f eat ur ef or i nvet er at et r avel l er s:a second t i me z one.Gr aduat ed over24 hour s,t he l ocalhourappear si n a ver t i cal wi ndow at12o' cl ockbymeansofaj umpi ngdi spl ay . Thesecondt i mez onei si ndi cat edbyacent r al ,openwor khandt hatsweepsagui l l ochédi sc,al sogr aduat ed over24 hour s.Mi nut esar er ead f r om t he Papi l l on® mechani sm.Posi t i oned i nt he cent r e oft he di al ,i t count st hemi nut esonabear i ngdi sc.T woi ndependent andpi vot i ngl oz engeshapedhandsmoveacr osst wo 180°segment si nt ur n.Onemeasur est he60mi nut esi n t hehourwhi l et heot hercount st enmi nut ei ncr ement s. 99pi ecel i mi t edser i es.

Gr i e b&Be n z i n g e r Bl u eWh i r l wi n dS k e l e t o n i z e dT o u r b i l l o nMi n u t eRe p e a t e r Ther ar ePat ekPhi l i ppet our bi l l onmovementf oundi t s wayt oGr i eb&Benz i ngert hankst oahar dcor ewat ch col l ect orandahappycoi nci dence.I tt ookmor et han f t eenmont hsf r om r stt ouchi ngCal i berRTO 27PS f ori tt ot akeoni t s nalf or m –wi t houtknowi ngt he ki ndofhypet hatt hi smovementwoul dcr eat ei n2011: t hi sver ysamemovementcausedagi antsensat i onas i tsol dwi t hi naoneof aki ndPat ekPhi l i ppeT our bi l l on Mi nut eRepeat eri nst ai nl essst eel ,whi chwasdonat ed t ot heOnl yWat chchar i t yauct i oni nMonaco2011. Ther esul twasl i t er al l ysensat i onal :t hehammerf el lat 1. 4mi l l i onEur os. Thi ssensat i onalauct i onr esul ti nspi r ed t hemast er s atGr i eb & Benz i ngert o cr eat eabr eat ht aki ng new wr i st wat ch.Thi si nt ense hor ol ogi calwor kt ook t he ar t i sans’f ul lat t ent i on si nce t he ne gui l l oché on t hepl at esandbr i dgesnecessi t at edmovi ngor i gi nal dr i l l i ngsbyl esst hanonet went i et hofami l l i met er ,and t hemovementneeded t o becar ef ul l yr eassembl ed, adj ust ed,di sassembl ed,andr eassembl edi nor dert o guar ant ee f ul lhar moni ous f unct i oni ng oft he gr eat numberofl ever s.Thi smovementwi t h336i ndi vi dual component s not onl yi ncl udes a t our bi l l on, but addi t i onal l yami nut er epeat ermechani sm –maki ngi t oneoft hemostcompl i cat edmovement si nt hewor l d. Thi smovementwascompl et el ymodiedi nt hest yl e char act er i st i cofGr i eb&Benz i nger :f ul l yskel et oni z ed, gui l l ochéand engr aved byhand.Evengearwheel s wer e embel l i shed wi t h gui l l oché and t he 12 nel y gui l l ochébr i dgesandcockscoat edwi t hr hodi um and r osegol d.Asi ft hatwer enotenough,anaddi t i onal myst er i ouswheel ,vi si bl eont hebacksi de,r epl aces t heor i gi nalgol ddr i vewheelf ort het our bi l l on.

I n handskel et oni z i ng t he base pl at e,t he t eam at Gr i eb& Benz i ngerj our neyedt ot heedgeofwhati s possi bl eandi spr oudt ohavecr eat edt hewor l d’ sr st vi si bl e skel et oni z ed t our bi l l on based on a Pat ek Phi l i ppe movement .Af t er t he skel et oni z at i on and gui l l oché, t he base pl at e was coat ed wi t h bl ue pl at i num,asi gnat ur eel ementofever ysi ngl euni que Gr i eb& Benz i ngerpi ecet hatwasdevel opedbyt he r m. The skel et oni z ed St er l i ng si l ver di al i n st r i ki ng r egul at orst yl ewasembel l i shed wi t har ar eBr eguet f r ost ed ni shcr eat edusi ngt hecl assi cmet hod,whi ch i sonl ypr esent l ypr act i cedi nt hi smanneratGr i eb& Benz i nger .

Cl audeMeyl anRépét i t i on5r ef8731 A skel et on wat ch and mi nut er epeat er ,Répét i t i on 5 capt ur est hespi r i tand savoi r f ai r eofCl audeMeyl an. Pi ni ons,wheel s and gear sf or m an or chest r at hat soundst hehour sand vemi nut ei nt er val sondemand. Ti met ol di n musi c,and acel ebr at i on ofmechani cal beaut y ,t echni cal pr eci si on, and t he sobr i et y of t he whol e. A mast er pi ece i n st eel or i n gol d, dedi cat edt ooneoft hemostpr est i gi ouswat chmaki ng compl i cat i ons. Pr oposedasa100pi ecel i mi t edser i es.

Movement Aut omat i c,ET A2892DD89,f ul l yskel et oni sed, decor at edandengr avedbyhand Funct i ons Hour s,mi nut es,seconds,st r i kest hehour sand5 mi nut es Case St eelor18Kgol d,42mm Sapphi r ecr yst alandnumber edt r anspar entback Wat er r esi st antt o20m /2ATM Di al Gr ey angewi t happl i edAr abi cnumer al s Br eguethands Br acel et / St r ap Bl ackorbr ownal l i gat orwi t hst eelor18Kgol dbuckl e

Zeni t hElPr i mer oChr onomast er1969 Thenew ElPr i mer oChr onomast er1969Chr onogr aph i spur eZeni t h.Fort he r stt i me,t heor i gi nalcol our s combi newi t ht heopeni ngi nt hedi al ,now asi gnat ur e f eat ur e,t oof f eragl i mpseoft heper f ect l ysynchr oni sed beat i nghear tandt hemagi coft hewheel si nmot i on. I ndeed,t het wochr onogr aphcount er s–30mi nut eat3 o' cl ock,12hourat6o' cl ock–bor r owt hemi dni ghtbl ue and ant hr aci t e gr ey oft he 1969 model .Agai n wi t h aest het i csi nmi nd,Zeni t h' smast erwat chmaker shave goneasf arast or et hi nkt hemovementconst r uct i on, and movet her egul at i ng or gan,vi br at i ng t ent i mesa second,t ot heedgeoft hemovement . Thi s new aut omat i c chr ono cal i br e -t he ElPr i mer o 4061,desi gned,devel oped and made by Zeni t hcompl et est hi scont empor ar y ,cl assi ct i mepi ece.

Movement Aut omat i c,ElPr i mer o 4061,282 par t s,31 j ewel s, 36, 000vi b/ h,50hourpowerr eser ve,osci l l at i ngwei ght wi t h" Côt esdeGenève"mot i f Funct i ons Hour s,mi nut es,seconds,chr onogr aphandt achymet er Case St ai nl essst eel ,42mm Domed ant i r e ect i ve sapphi r e cr yst alon bot h si des andt r anspar entback Wat er r esi st antt o100m /10ATM Di al Si l ver ed,sunbur st ni shandopenwor ked Rhodi umpl at ed, f acet t ed hour mar ker s and hands, coat edwi t hSuper l umi nova 30mi nut ecount erat3o' cl ock,12hourcount erat6 o' cl ock,smal lsecondsat9o' cl ock Br acel et / St r ap Bl ackal l i gat orwi t hr ubberl i ni ng and st eelbuckl eor t r i pl ef ol di ngcl asp

Ul ysseNar di nMar i neChr onomet erManuf act ur e For mor et han a cent ur y , Ul ysse Nar di nhasdevot ed i t st al entt ot he manuf act ur eofmar i nechr onomet er s, andcar r i esont hi st r adi t i oni n2012. TheMar i neChr onomet erManuf act ur e combi nest hear tofgr andf euenamel wi t ht he pr eci si on oft he UN118 cal i br e,i nt r oducedi n2011. I t si mposi ng45mm casei npi nkgol d i senhancedwi t hanew cr ownwhose r ubbercasi ngf aci l i t at eswi ndi ngand set t i ng.Thehandcr af t eddi al i nsnow whi t eenamel cont r ast swi t ht hebl ack Roman numer al s and cher r yr ed accent s. Ul ysse Nar di n f ur t her demonst r at es i t s cr eat i vi t yi nt he pr opr i et ar y movementwhose l ever escapement i s manuf act ur ed i n Di amonSI L,a r evol ut i onar y al l oy of di amondandsi l i con.Thegol dmodel i s pr oposed as a 350pi ece l i mi t ed ser i es.

Har r yWi nst onHi st oi r edeTour bi l l on3 Act3i nt hi sHi st oi r edeT our bi l l onl eavesnodoubtast o t hevi si onar ypat ht akenbyt hi scol l ect i on,whi chHar r y Wi nst on l aunched i n 2009.Pr oposed as a 20pi ece l i mi t ed ser i es,Hi st oi r edeT our bi l l on3dr awst heeye deepi nt ot hemesmer i si ngmeander sofi t sper pet ual l y r ot at i ngmechani sms,f r amedbyacasei nwhi t egol d andZal i um速.Thedi al ' st hr eeopeni ngsar ecompl et el y i ndependentyeti nt i mat el yl i nked.Respl endentat9 o' cl ock i st he bi axi aldoubl et our bi l l on whose out er cage makes a compl et er evol ut i on i n 120 seconds wher eas t he i nnercage makes i t sr evol ut i on i n 40 seconds.At6o' cl ock,asi ngl eaxi st our bi l l onr ot at esi n 36 seconds.The of f cent r e hour s and mi nut es ar e di spl ayedont wor ot at i ngdi scs,whi l esecondsr egul ar l y t i ckby .Thet hi r dz onei sf ort hepower r eser vei ndi cat or , onadi scsetwi t hsapphi r esandci t r i nes. Anar chi t ect ur edi ct at edbyavant gar dedesi gn,set f r eebyt i mei nal li t sdi mensi ons.

Mi c he lJor di-I c onsoft heWor l d Wi t hI consoft heWor l d,Mi chelJor dipays t r i but et osomeoft hewor l d’ smostl egendar y pl aces.Onecol l ect i on,ei ghtl ocat i ons,each i ssued i nal i mi t ed edi t i on of t hr ee. I n cooper at i on wi t h JeanFr ançoi s Moj on, Mi chelJor dihascr eat edanunusualgongst r i ki ng mechani sm.I nst ead oft he usual vi br at i onsoft hecaseback,ahammerst r i kes t he gong at a l ow f r equency of 2Hz , r emi ni scentoft hecadenceoft her i ngi ngofa mount ai nchapel bel l .Chr i st opheMoi nati si n char ge oft he desi gn oft hi smodel ,whi ch r e ect st hesi gnat ur ecodesoft heSwi ssI con col l ect i on, i ncl udi ng a sapphi r e cr yst al camber edl i keapebbl ef r om t heRi verRhône and t he cyl i nder shaped cr own f eat ur i ng a deconst r uct edSwi ss ag.I ti showevert he day/ ni ghti ndi cat ort hatspr i ngst hebi ggest sur pr i sebyr eveal i ngat10o’ cl ockt hepl ace ormonumentt hatgi vesi t scount r ysuchan i coni cnat ur e.Thet i t ani um andr edgol dcase l endst het i mepi ecea nalt ouch ofst r ong char act er .

Cuer voySobr i nosHi st or i adorRet r ogr ado Swi ssMadebutLat i nt hr oughandt hr ough! The Hi st or i adorRet r ogr ado i st he qui nt essent i al Cuer voySobr i nost i mepi ece,when1940sHavana meet scent ur i esofwat chmaki ngexper t i se.Each modelbecomes an expr essi on oft hi s uni quel y i ndi vi dualand ecl ect i c st yl e.The f or m oft he Hi st or i adorRet r ogr ado caset akesusbackt oa wat chwhi cht hebr andmadeear l yi ni t shi st or y , whi l et henamei si nspi r edbyi t sf unct i onsofday i ndi cat orand r et r ogr ade dat e.The pi nk gol dpl at edcasehousesanaut omat i cmovementwhi l e t het r adi t i onal" Cl ousdePar i s"decor at i onoft he di almakesanel egantcount er poi ntt ot hebl ued " Br eguet "st yl ehands. Thi si sast at ementwat chf oragent l emanof char act erandsophi st i cat i onwhowi l lnever compr omi seonst yl eorper f or mance. Avai l abl ef r om Febr uar y2013.

MB&FHM4Thunder bol tRT I nt r oduci ng Hor ol ogi cal Machi ne N째 4 i n an envel ope ofr ed gol d,t i t ani um and sapphi r e. Beneat ht heaer odynami cshel lar et wobar r el s, connect edi npar al l el andwhi cht r ansf erpowert o t het woi dent i cal ,t ur bi neshapedi ndi cat i onpods. I nt hecent r alcockpi t ,t hest r eaml i nedcockhas beencutawayi ni t smi ddl et or evealasmuch oft he osci l l at i ng wheelas possi bl e,and t he sophi st i cat ed ni sh oft hese mi cr omechani cs. Thi st hr eedi mensi onalaest het i cwasconcei ved specical l yt o house t he engi ne,whose 311 component sar eal lt ai l or made.

andmyf av our i t ewat chof2012. . . Formanyyear s,whet heront hecanvaswher e t hepai nt erbr i ngshi swor ki nt obei ngort he di alwher et hescul pt orappl i eshi s r el i efdecor at i on,t hebr and' s wor kshopshavepai d homaget obi r dsand br oughtt hem t ol i f e.

TheJaquetDr ozBi r dRepeat er Formany year s,whet heron t he canvas wher et he pai nt erbr i ngshi swor ki nt obei ngort hedi alwher et he scul pt orappl i eshi sr el i efdecor at i on,t hebr and' swor kshopshavepai dhomaget obi r dsandbr oughtt hem t o l i f e. T oday ,JaquetDr ozaddsanewdi mensi ont omanki nd' s ageol ddr eam of yi ngandpushesbackt heboundar i esofHaut eHor l oger i ewi t h TheBi r d Repeat er .Thi s except i onalt i mepi ece,concei ved by t he cr af t smen of t he House, bl ends t he hi st or y , knowhow and i magi nat i vepowerofJaquetDr ozi nawayaspr eci ous asi ti sor i gi nal . I nast unni ngvi sual show,TheBi r dRepeat err epr esent s t woBl ueTi t s,symbol i cofPi er r eJaquet Dr oz ’ snat i ve Jur ar egi on,t oget herovert he nestcont ai ni ng t hei r edgl i ngs. I n anot her nod t o t he or i gi ns of t he Manuf act ur e,t heSautduDoubswat er f al lal so gur es on t he di aloft hi s new hor ol ogi calt r easur e.Ful l y ani mat ed byamechani sm ofunequal l ed compl exi t y , t hi st hr eedi mensi onalpi ct ur et r ul ycomest ol i f e.Whi l e oneoft hebi r dsbobst ogi veabeakf uloff oodt oi t s

of f spr i ng,t hewi ngsofi t scompani onspr eadt or eveal t hei rdel i cat eshadesofcol or .Aneggi nt hemi ddl eof t henestopenst or evealachi ck,whi l et hewat eroft he st r eam owsi nacont i nuouscascade. TheBi r d Repeat eri sanaut hent i caut omat on,wi t ha cam syst em i nher i t ed di r ect l yf r om t he cent ur y of Enl i ght enment ,andi tcal l supont her esour cesofal l t he decor at i vecr af t s.JaquetDr ozengr aver sandpai nt er s havewor kedt oget hert opr oducet heyel l ow,bl ue,whi t e and deep bl ack oft he bi r ds'pl umage,t he per f ect l y bal ancedvol umesandt he nel ydet ai l edwi spsofgr ass f or mi ngt henest . T oachi evet her eal i sm oft hi sscenenol esst hanei ght di f f er entani mat i on mechani sms acti n synchr oni sm: t he movementoft he bi r ds'heads and wi ngs,t he movementoft he edgl i ngs,t hehat chi ngoft heegg,t he spar kl eoft he owi ngwat er .

T r uet ot hebr and' sext r emel yexact i ngphi l osophy ,JaquetDr ozhasgi ven TheBi r dRepeat eroneofhaut ehor l oger i e' smostvi r t uosocompl i cat i ons: Mi nut eRepet i t i on.Si mpl ypr essi ngt hepushbut t onmakest hewat chst r i ke t he hour s,quar t er s and mi nut es and set st he wonder f ulani mat ed sequencesi n mot i on.Ther esonanceand mel l ow t oneofi t scat hedr al gong,gener at edbyt wot ur nsar oundt hemechani sm,ar eequal edonl yby t hecompl exi t yoft hesyst em ofchi mesi ncor por at edi nt hegol dcase,47 mm i ndi amet erandonl y18. 4mm t hi ck. TheBi r dRepeat er ,madeupof508separ at ecomponent s,hasa48hour powerr eser ve,andi savai l abl ei nt wover si ons,onei ngr eygol dsetwi t h di amondsandt heot heri nr edgol d,eachonei nal i mi t ededi t i onofj ust 8pi eces.Theout comeoft woyear sofdevel opment ,t hi snew,daz z l i ng mast er pi ece i st he l at esti l l ust r at i on,and doubt l ess t he mostext r eme exampl eoft heuni quenessoft heJaquetDr ozspi r i t :gi vi ngl i f e,l i keno ot her ,t ot hepoet r yofTi me. TheBi r dRepeat eri sal r eadyonvi ew t oday ,butt heManuf act ur ei si nt he pr ocessofcompl et i ngapi ecet hatwi l l bet hecr owni nggl or yofi t shi st or i c l i nkwi t ht hewor l dofbi r dswheni ti spr esent edatBasel wor l d2013.AtLa ChauxdeFonds,l i ket hesongoft hebl uet i t sandt hemusi coft heSautdu Doubswat er f al l ,t heenchant mentofTi mewi l lnotsoonf adeaway .

T ocel ebr at et he90t hanni v er s ar yofi t s cr eat i on,t her egalCopacabanaPal ace i n Ri o de Janei r o has j us tr ecei v ed apr es entl i kenoot her–a$20mi l l i on r ef ur bi shmentt ot ake i t s gr andeurt o t henextl ev el . TheBr az i l i anbeaut y ,f avour i t eoft hest ar sandcel ebr i t i esal i kef r om al lovert hegl obe,hasbeenf eat ur edas oneoft hel eadi ngl uxur yhot el si nRi of ordecadessi nce openi ngi n1923,butnow,i nt i mef ort hef est i vi t i esi t wast i mef orchange.T omaket hel adyl ookbet t ert han evert hepr oudowner sOr i ent Expr esshavepul l edout al lt hest ops.

Mai nt ai ni ng i t s pr i me l ocat i on on t he gl amor ous CopacabanaBeach,wi t houtal t er i ngi t sr enownedneocl assi ci stdaz z l i ngwhi t ef açadeorcompr omi si ngoni t s hi ghl evel sofser vi ceandl uxur y ,oneofRi o’ shi st or i cal gemshasj ustst ar t edt oshi neevenbr i ght er . Payi ng car ef ulat t ent i on t o pr eser vi ng t he or i gi nal f eat ur esandhi st or yoft hebui l di ng,t hedesi gner shave gi vent hewhol est r uct ur eabr eat hoff r eshai r .I fyou once wer e a guestoft hi sgl amor ousest abl i shment , you’ d not i ce t he changesi mmedi at el y .A br and new gl ass and st ai nl ess st eelpor t i co now shi nes above t he mai n ent r ance pr ot ect i ng t he new ar r i val sf r om t he el ement s,and t he sweepi ng ext er i orhas been expendedt oal l owf ormor et hanonecaratat i met opul l upanddr opof ft heguest s. T oenhanceyour r sti mpr essi onf ur t her ,whi l ei ncr easi ngt heeaseand owofchecki ngi n,t hemai nl obbyhas been ext ended by80%,compl et el yt r ansf or mi ng t he f eeloft hei nt er i ori nt oamagi cal l yl i ghtandai r yspace bywi deni ngt hecar r er amar bl est ai r caseandr est or i ng

t heor i gi nalcei l i ng,di scover edundert hepl ast erdur i ng t he r enovat i on.Al l145 r ooms and sui t es have al so r ecei ved t he cont empor ar yi nf usi on, i ncl udi ng t he compl et echangeoff abr i csandf ur ni t ur e,r edesi gnof t hel ayoutandr est r uct ur i ngoft hebat hr ooms. Whi l e payi ng homage t ot he gl amor ousdaysoft he past ,whenst ar sl i keMar l eneDi et r i chandOr sonWel l es wer eamongguest soft hehot el ,t hedesi gner sdonot compr omi seont hecomf or t soft hemoder ndays.The i ndi vi dual l y desi gned r ooms expound el egance and sophi st i cat i onwi t hper i odf ur ni t ur eanduni queor i gi nal wor ksofar twhi l ebei ng equi pped wi t h amust have Wi Fiandi Poddocks.Themaj or i t yofbat hr oomswas expandedandunder wentcompl et est r uct ur al r edesi gn. Beaut i f ulpor cel ai n enamelbat ht ubs now per f ect l y

compl ementsepar at e shower cubi cl es and mar bl e count ert opswi t hdualbasi ns. Anot hernewaddi t i oni sani nt r oduct i onoft wobout i ques– 1923andVi l l aCopa,sel l i ngar angeofst yl i shappar el i ncl udi ng swi mwear and accessor i es f or men and women – r angi ng f r om chi c basi cs t o oneof aki nd desi gnerexcl usi ves by bot hl ocaland i nt er nat i onal desi gner s. The r stpar toft her enovat i onpr ogr amme,st ar t edback i n2011,t hatpi oneer edt her emodel i ngoft hehot el ,was t heCi pr i aniRest aur ant .Oneoft hehot el ’ sbestasset s t her edesi gned r est aur antr emai nsf amousl ychi cand sophi st i cat edwi t hl i ght erandai r i erf eel . Thedel i cat edécorr e ect st heeasygoi ngel eganceof t heci t ywi t houtcompr omi si ngont hesophi st i cat i onand excl usi vi t yoft hepl ace.

Anot hernew f eat ur ei sani nt r oduct i onofa“ t abl edu chef ”i nt heki t chengi vi ngt hel uckyf ew anoppor t uni t y of an i nt i mat e di ni ng exper i ence. As par t of a cel ebr at i onoft her el aunchi ngoft her est aur antabr and new menu was i nt r oduced -ChefNi col a Fi namor e i ncl uded cl assi cs f r om t he r est aur ant ’ s namesake i n Veni ceaswel lasi nnovat i veI t al i ancui si ne. Wi t h i t s unbeat abl e posi t i on on t he f amous Copacabana Beach and easyaccesst o one oft he mostvi br antci t i esi nt hewor l d,CopacabanaPal ace hasbeenal andmar ki nRi of oral most90year s. I tof f er sauni queoppor t uni t yt oexpl or et heat t r act i ons ofRi o deJanei r o wi t houtmi ssi ng outonaf abul ous hol i dayon t hebeach,whi l epr ovi di ng acomf or t abl e havenand al uxur i ousr et r eatwhenyouar er eadyt o escapebust l i ngst r eet sofRi oatt hedaysend. Fr om i t s ear l y days t he hot elhas est abl i shed a r eput at i onf orexcel l entser vi ce,l uxur i ousaccommodat i on.Wi t hi t sbarhavi nghadi t sownf acel i f ti n2009,i ti s now one oft he cool estdr i nki ng and st arspot t i ng pl aces i nt he ci t y ,wel comi ng count l ess hi gh pr ol e guest sf r om t hewor l dofpol i t i cs,busi ness,andspor t s, aswel l asst ar sf r om t hebi gscr een.Al l t hi sgi vest est amentt hati tr eal l yi st hepr emi erl uxur yhot eli nRi o.The compl et i onoft her ef ur bi shmentatt hehot elwi l lki ck st ar tayearofcel ebr at i ons,ast hehot elembar ksoni t s 90t hyear .

Pi agetRoseCol l ect i on Th eUl t i ma t eRo ma n t i cEx p r e s s i o no fLo v e AtPi aget ,ev er yj ewel i sas y mbol ofl ov e,a mes s age of s educt i on and s ens ual i t y , whos ei ns pi r at i oni st r ans l at edi nt oat hous andandonebouquet sofl i ghtdedi cat ed t of emi ni nebeaut y .So i twascompl et el y nat ur alt hatt her os e,t hemos tf r equent l y gi f t ed oweri nt hewor l d,s houl df r om t he Si xt i esonwar dsbecameamot i fdeart ot he Hous ewhos ecol l ect i onswer ei ns pi r edby pl antl i f e.Di s cov erourgar den and of f er y ourl ov edonet hemos tbeaut i f ulr os eof al l ,t heYv esPi agetr os e.

ď ° Pi agetRos e-Li mel i ghtGar den Par t ys ecr etwat ch.Cas ei n 18K pi nkgol ds etwi t h231br i l l i ant cut di amonds( appr ox.1. 4ct s ) .Di ali n whi t emot her of pear ls etwi t h101 br i l l i ant cutdi amonds . ď ° Thi sdr eami l yr omant i cr i ng ev okesat enderpr omi s eofl ov e. Ar os ebud i ns pi r ed byt he Yv es Pi agetr os e del i cat el yunf ur l si t s pi nkgol dpet al s ,cr eat i ngal i f el i ke i l l us i onofar eal r os e.

Whi t es at i ns t r ap.Buckl es etwi t h 51br i l l i ant cutdi amonds .

ď ° Li mel i ghtDanci ngLi ghtwat ch. Cas ei n18Kpi nkgol ds etwi t h52 br i l l i ant cutdi amonds( appr ox.1. 6 ct s ) .Di ali nwhi t emot her of pear l wi t hr ot at i ngr os ei n18Kpi nkgol d s et wi t h 155 br i l l i ant cut di amonds .Whi t es at i ns t r ap.Buckl e s etwi t h15br i l l i ant cutdi amonds .

ď ° Pi agetRos ependanti n18Kpi nk gol ds etwi t h2br i l l i ant cutdi amonds .

FI NEDI NI NG-Sev enPar kPl ace

Cu l i n a r yS u r p r i s e sA t ‘ S e v e nP a r kP l a c e ’ ByWi l l i a mDr a b b l e B yS i mo nWi t t e n b e r gMIOJ

Justas he pr esent ed our naldi sh oft he eveni ng, ourhostspoket hewor ds:‘ l i f ei sal waysf ul lofl i t t l e sur pr i ses’ ,aphr asewhi chcoul dnothavesummedup ourexper i ence mor e beaut i f ul l y att he ‘ Seven Par k Pl ace’r est aur antbyWi l l i am Dr abbl e. T uckedawayonPar kPl acebehi ndt hebusyt hor oughf ar eofLondon’ sPi ccadi l l y ,t hi seat er yoft he vest ar bout i que St James Hot eland Cl ub was ofci al l y r el aunchedi nSept ember2009.Af t erj ustoverayear , ‘ SevenPar kPl ace’andExecut i veChef ,WI l i am Dr abbl e, whohaswor kedi nsomeofEngl and’ smosti n uent i al hot el sandr est aur ant s,wer eawar dedf ourAAr oset t es and a pr est i gi ous Mi chel i n st ar ,a f eatwhi ch was r epeat ed f ort het hi r dt i met womont hsago.Housi ng onl y ni ne t abl es and 26 cover s,‘ Seven Par k Pl ace’ pr esent sani nt i mat edi ni ngexper i encesur r oundedby décorchosenbyDr abbl ehi msel ft or e ecthi sl oveof moder nFr enchst yl ef oodmadeusi ngt hebestBr i t i sh seasonalpr oduce. I n addi t i on t o bei ng hi ghl y accl ai med, what was di f f er enther eat‘ SevenPar kPl ace’ ,i st hatt hemeal whi ch we wer e about t o embar k on was nei t her pr ocessi onal , nor pr edi ct abl e. Even i f you coul d r ememberwhatyouhador der ed,ever ycour se,whet her l ar georsmal l ,wasexpl ai nedi ndet ai lasi twaspl aced bef or eyou.

However ,t hesewer et heonl ydet ai l swhi chwer et obe r eveal edt hr oughoutt heeveni ng.The r stsur pr i se:an amuse bouche off r og’ sl egs.Al t hough t hi swasnot t oourpr ef er ence,t hi sdi dnotmat t er ,becausebehi nd t hescenes,andwi t houtusevenaski ng,ourhosthad t akent hei ni t i at i veandef f or tt oi nf or mt hechefofour ‘ deci si on’who,i nt ur n,cr eat edanal t er nat i vei nt hef or m ofhomemadecar r otsoup. Thi sopeni ngdi shsi mpl yooz ed avourwhi chsett he t oneni cel yf orourst ar t erofa l l etofr edmul l et ,whose del i cat e avour si nt er t wi nedseaml essl ywi t ht he nel y cut f ennel and war m bl ood or ange vi nai gr et t e. Comet hemai ncour se,andIwasequal l yt akenaback byt hesumpt uoust ext ur esoft her oast ed Br i l lwhi ch wassetonabedofbakedendi ve,andr oundedof fbya cr eamy sauce ofcepes whi ch was not hi ng shor tof super b.Myguestwasal sor i ght l ywaxi ngl yr i calabout t hei rar t i st i cal l ypr esent ed gr i ddl ed l l etofSea Bass wi t hbr ai sedJer usal em ar t i chokessubt l ydr essedwi t h par sl eypur eeandr eadwi nej us. As i ft hi s wasn’ tenough,t hese di shes wer e pai r ed per f ect l y by t he r est aur ant ’ s Sommel i erwi t h a cr i sp 2011Chat eaudel aRoul er i eAnj ouBl ancwi ne.

Fordesser t ,t hemenu gr eet sdi ner swi t h ar angeof i r r esi st i bl e and i ndeed di fcul t choi ces whi ch can each bej oi ned byoneoft her est aur ant ’ sper sonal l y r ecommendeddi gest i f s.Whi l stt her ei smi l kchocol at e mousse or Pi na col ada bavar oi s wi t h poached pi neappl e,myhear twasseton‘ AnAssi et t eofAppl e’ . Thi st r ansl at ed as an ar r ay ofappl ebased sweet s, neat l y or gani sed t of or m at ant al i si ng sequence of car ef ul l ycr af t eddesser t sspanni ngf r om at ar t et at i nat oneendofpl at t ert oabr aml eyappl emousseatt he ot her ,acombi nat i onwhi chwor ked awl essl y .Myguest opt edf ort hesel ect i onofBr i t i shcheesesbyPaxt on& Whi tel d( abusi nessf oundedi n1797andt heofci al cheesemongert o HM Queen Vi ct or i a) .These wer e i nt el l i gent l y ar r anged on a sl at e pl at t eri n or derof st r engt h,st ar t i ngwi t ht heAl dwychgoat ' scheeseand cul mi nat i ngi nSt i l t on,andwer eser vedwi t hamedl eyof savour ybi scui t s. Ti me f oranot hersur pr i se compl i ment s oft he Chef : car amel i sedbananawi t hhomemadebananai cecr eam, a di sh whi ch i ndeed l ef tourpal l et sf eel i ng ni cel y r ef r eshed.Justaswewer est ar t i ngt omul loverwhat had been at r ul yenj oyabl eeveni ng,ourhostar r i ved wi t hone nal of f er i ngandmaybet het oughestdeci si on ofal l :t ochoosef r om sel ect i onofhomemadeconf ect i onar y( i ncl udi ngdar kchocol at eandcof f eeorbai l eys, and pi st achi o macar oons)and ‘ mel t i nyourmout h’ mar shmel l ows.Ther ewasnowr ongmovet obemade, buti twasj ustamat t erofhow muchr oom coul dbe f oundt oaccommodat eyetanot hersumpt uousdel i cacy bySevenPar kPl ace.

Aswel l asbei ngf ul l ofgr eatt wi st s,t hi swasameal t hat wasi mmacul at ei nt er msofpr esent at i onanddel i ver y . Ther ef or e,i twasonl yaptt hatIwasabl et or et ur nmy owncompl i ment st oChefWi l l i am Dr abbl ei nper son,as t hi swasamanwhohad,af t eral l ,cr eat edamast er pi ece f r om st ar tt o ni sh. Forf ur t heri nf or mat i on,ort obookat abl eatSevenPar k Pl ace,vi si twww. st j ameshot el andcl ub. com

PEOPLE-Li onel Mes s i

Li onelMes s i ,Ambas s ador f orAudemar sPi guetwi ns f our t hBal l ond' Or . Audemar sPi guetAmbassadorLeoMessi wasvot edf ort hef our t ht i met hewor l d’ s bestf oot bal lpl ayeri n2012byj our nal i st s, nat i onalcoachesandcapt ai nscement i ng hi sl egacyast hebestpl ayerofmoder n t i mes. LeoMessibr oket her ecor dhej oi nt l yhel d wi t hMi chelPl at i ni ,Mar coVanBast enand Johan Cr uyf f ,who wer e each awar ded t hr ee t i mes.Regar ded by many as t he bestpl ayerofhi sgener at i on,t hi sawar d now put s hi m wi t hi n a gr oup ofel i t e pl ayer si ncl udi ngPel e,Mar adonna,Cr uyf f , Zi danewhocanal ll aycl ai mt ot het i t l eof t hewor l dsgr eat esteverpl ayer . Whenyouconsi dert hatt hemoder nday er aoff oot bal l i sf armor est r at egi candt he moder ndayf oot bal lpl ayeri sconsi der ed t o be a bet t er at hel et et han pr evi ous gener at i onsofpl ayer s,scor i ng91goal si n 69gamesi n2012,79f orBar cel onaand12 f orAr gent i nai sanachi evementt hatmany t houghtwoul dbeal mosti mpossi bl e. Messial soscor edt wi cei nei ghtsuccessi vegamesandt heywer eal mostal l goal s ofbar el ypl ausi bl ebr i l l i ance. Upon r ecei vi ng t he t r ophy ,Li onelMessi sai d“ t ot el l y out het r ut ht hi si sr eal l yqui t e unbel i ev abl e,t hef our t hawar dt hatIhav e hadi sj us tt oogr eatf orwor ds ” . Honour i ng a t r ue l egend and a gr eat spor t smanofourt i me,Audemar sPi guet l aunched i n 2012 t he Royal Oak Chr onogr aphLeoMessiLi mi t edEdi t i oni n st eel ,pi nkgol dandpl at i num ver si onsand wi l l auct i ont heN° 10wat choft hepl at i num edi t i oni nSpr i ng2013.Al lsal epr oceedi ngswi l lgot ot heLeoMessiFoundat i on ai med t o hel p depr i ved chi l dr en ar ound t hewor l d. Thet i mepi ecewi l lal so beaccompani ed byasi gnedf oot bal l j er seybear i ngMessi ’ s N° 10.Recogni sed f orhi s mast er y and ar t i st r y , Leo Messi ’ s out st andi ng and br eakt hr ough per f or mances embody Audemar sPi guet ’ sphi l osophy ,“ T obr eak t her ul es,youmust r stmast ert hem” .

JEWELLERY-Andr ewGeoghegan

Andr ew Geoghegan I npur sui toft he‘ per f ect ’ pi ece I fyou’ r enotf ami l i arwi t hPhi l i pHowar d’ sgr eat accompl i shment s,he i sal so t he man behi nd anot her doubl e Mi chel i nst ar r ed t ownhouse r est aur anti n Not t i ng Hi l lcal l ed The Ledbur y , al ongsi de Ni gel Pl at t sMar t i n and wi t h hi s f or merSousChefBr et tGr aham.Hi st hi r dand f our t hLondonr est aur ant s,Ki t chenW8( whi ch hasoneMi chel i nst ar )andSonnysKi t chenar e i npar t ner shi pwi t hRebeccaMascar enhas.He wasal sor ecent l yoneoft hewi nni ng nal i st son t heBBC’ sGr eatBr i t i shMenu. T ogeti npl ent yofvar i et y ,wedeci dedt ooptf or t heseasonalt ast i ngmenu–ni necour ses,each onecl ever l yand car ef ul l ywel lt houghtoutt o compl ementt hepr evi ousandt henext . Si nceTheSquar e’ sdoor sopenedbacki n1991, Phi l i pHowar dhasmanagedt ost aycur r entwi t h hi smenubut avour .

LM:Fi r st l y ,l etuscongr at ul at eyouont hebi r t hof yourson,how ar e you f eel i ng,and how ar e you copi ngwi t hbal anci ngt woj obs-Managi ngDi r ect or andDad! AG:ThanksPaul ,t hebi r t hofmysonAr t hurwasi ncr edi bl eandI wentt hr oughawhol ear r ayofemot i onsdur i ng andj ustaf t ert heevent .Ihavet osayatt hi spoi nthow br i l l i antmypar t nerLi ndsaywas,Iknew shewast ough butIsaw anew l eveloft oughness!Af ew weeksi nt oi t now andIf eelIam i nt ot heDadgr oove–somegood advi ceIhadwast o‘ keepcal m’whi chIkeepi ngatt he f or ef r ontofmymi nd–evenwheni ti s3am andt her ei s asoundt hatwoul dsendmostdogsoutoft her oom! T wo weeksofpat er ni t yl eave wasper f ectf orme t o embr acemynew r ol eandmeantt hatIdi dnotcome backt ot oo much cat ch up.Pr esent l yIseem t o be copi ngwel l wi t hDadshi pandMDshi p-goodj obt ooas we have j ustdespat ched a col ossalamountof ne j ewel l er yt o mycl i ent s.Thesl eepl essni ght sdo t ake t hei rt ol lso i ti sagood t hi ng t hatmyj ob i ssel dom cust omerf aci ng. LM:Andr ew,asy ou know we ar e bi gf ansofy our wonder f ulj ewel l er y ,someofourr eader smaynotbe asf ami l i arwi t hyouwor kaswear e.So,gi veusani nsi ghti nt o yourbackgr oundandhow y oubecamea j ewel l er ydesi gner . AG:Dur i ngmyear l yschoolyear si twasobvi oust hat Iwasan‘ ar t y’andi nvent i vet ypeandwhenpossi bl eI woul d st ealawayt o myDad’ sgar ageand seewhat Icoul dcr eat e.Myar tf uel l edschool i ngsoonl edmet o mor escul pt ur alendeavour sdur i ngAl evel sandImost de ni t el yhadapassi onf orwor ki ngwi t hmet al . AsIconsi deri tnow,Il ovet hewayIhaveal mostt ot al cont r oloft hemedi a–Icanmel t ,t wi st ,beat ,dr i l let c. Thi sappear st oechohow Iam qui t econt r ol l i ngi nmy per sonall i f e( cont r olf r eakIhearyoucr y) . Af ewyear satuni ver si t ydevel opi ngmyski l l si nwor ki ng met alanddesi gni ngspar kedmyf asci nat i onwi t hcombi ni ngmet alandst onesomypur sui ti nt ot hewor l dof j ewel l er ywasaf or egoneconcl usi on.Af t ersomever y shor tl i ved appr ent i ceshi ps,shor tmai nl y due t o my yout hf ular r ogance,t he r stf ouryear sofmybusi ness wer espenti nagar denpot t i ngshedki ndl ydonat edby mypar ent s!Wi t hanunconvent i onalt r ai ni ng,t hej ewel l er yi ndust r yst ar t edt ot akenot eofmyst yl easi tappear edt obeaf r eshappr oach.

LM:I fyouhadn' tbecomeaj ewel l er ydesi gner ,what doyout hi nkyouwoul dbedoi ngt oday? AG:Oneofmypassi onsasal adwasar chaeol ogy .I l ovedt hef actt hatIcoul dunear t hsomet hi nghi dden– t hi si spar al l el edi nmyspi r i t ualendeavour swher eyou coul d sayIam t r yi ngt o‘ unear t h’somet hi ngt hr ough medi t at i onwhi chi sofgr eati nt er estt ome. Soi fnotanar chaeol ogi st ,t henI t hi nkI woul dbei nI ndi a sati nacaveorashr am wi t haver yl ongbear d! LM:Do you r ecal lwhatt he r stpi ece of' t r ue' j ewel l er yyoumadewas? AG:Yes,i twas an ar chi t ect ur ali nspi r ed pi ece at Uni ver si t ywhi chIhavei nmyst udi oi nLeeds.I twas basi cal l yut i l i si ngdi f f er entgaugesquar ewi r est ocr eat e ar i ng.Unequi vocal l year l yAG duet ot hehar dangl es– i nf actt her ei snotacur vei nsi ght .Myt ut ort houghti t wasbr i l l i antand t hi sadded f uelt ot he r et hatwas al r eadypr et t ydamnwar m!

Fi ssi onCl ust erOvalSpi nel 1. 69ct( 8x5mm)Li l acSpi nel Ot herst onesi z esand qual i t i esavai l abl eonr equest

LM:Yourj ewel l er yr angei sst unni ng,pr et endt hatI am nott hatf ami l i arwi t hyourpr oduct s,how woul d youdescr i beyourj ewel l er yt ome? AG:Fi r stt hi ngt osayi st hatIhaveonef oot r ml yi nt wo camps–EngagementRi ngsandCockt ai lRi ngs.Nott o sayt hatIdon’ tdesi gnot herf or msbutt heset wof oci havebecomesynonymouswi t hmyr ange. Asal l udedt oal r eadymyst yl ehaschangedashasmy char act er , ci r cumst ances and per sonal i nt er est s. Cur r ent l yIwoul dsayt hatt her ear et hr eever yi mpor t ant f eat ur est omywor k–Fl ui di t y ,I nnovat i onandI nt r i gue. The ui di t yofmypi ecesIbel i evecanpr oj ectar i ng i n mor e ofa scul pt ur all i ghtas opposed t o mor e f unct i onal . Byensur i ng t hatt heent i r er i ng comesi nt o pl ayand t her e ar e no cont r i ved el ement s,t he pi ece can be appr eci at ed as she shoul d be,as a pi ece ofar t . I nnovat i onhar ksbackt o myear l ydayswher eIwas al wayst r yi ngt oi nventsomet hi ng–ar eal mot i vat i onf or mei st odevel opnew st yl esofset t i ngornever bef or eseenf or ms.Iwantt oi nspi r epeopl ebybei ngi nvent i ve andi nnovat i ve.

On a sl i ght l y di f f er ent t ake,Iwoul d descr i be my j ewel l er yasi mpeccabl ymade.Dur i ngt hepast16year s ofbusi nessIhavesoughtonl yt hebestcr af t speopl e andbel i evet hatmybusi nessi sonl yasgoodast hese i ndi vi dual s. LM:T al ksust hr oughsomeofy ourpr of essi onal hi ghl i ght s? AG:Bei ngt wi ceshor t l i st edf or‘ Desi gneroft heYear ’i n t heUK Jewel l er yAwar dswer especi alf ormeandmy t eam.Theot herawar dssuchasEdi t or sChoi ceand Pl at i num I nnovat i onAwar dwer esi mi l ar l yi mpor t antand havehel pedbui l dmycon denceasadesi gner .I nmor e r ecentyear s,bei ngaccept edasasuppl i ert oHoul den, t he mostpr est i gi ous buyi ng gr oup i nt he UK was i n val uabl et o my busi ness and i s gi vi ng me t he oppor t uni t yt or eal l ypushmybusi nessf or war d.Asa manobsessedwi t hdesi gnIwoul dal sosi t et hecr eat i on oft woofmysi gnat ur epi ecesaspr of essi onal hi ghl i ght s –t heyar et heRevealengagementr i ngandt heSat el l i t e cockt ai l r i ng.Theset wodesi gnshavebeeni nst r ument al i npushi ngmybusi nessi nt ot hel i mel i ght .

LM:What ' st hebestandwor staspectof r unni ngaj ewel l er ydesi gnbusi ness? AG:Besti sdoi ngsomet hi ngIl ovedoi ngwhi chi s desi gni ngandi nvent i ngj ewel l er y .Iam mi ndf ul t hat t hi si squi t er ar eespeci al l yasInevergett i r edofi t . Icoul d al sodescr i bet hi saspectast hewor sti n t hatI ndi tast r uggl et ot ot al l ydet achf r om my wor k.Whenapassi onr unsdeep,andnotj ustt he desi gni ngaspectbutt her unni ngoft hebusi ness i n gener al ,t hen t he t empt at i on t o wor k on i ti s i ncr edi bl e. Aswi t hmypi eces,Ihaveat endencyt oconst ant l y i mpr oveandt hi s,wher easanexcel l entqual i t yi n mostcases,can al so l ead t o a‘ neversat i sed’ f r ame ofmi nd.Iam sur e Geoghegan j uni orwi l l i n some way be hel pi ng me cr eat e a heal t hy det achmentf r om t he busi ness.I ti s onl y ver y r ecent l yt hatIcamet ot heconcl usi ont hatwher eas I donothaveabossi nt heconvent i onal meani ngof t hewor d,i nt er nal l yIhaveabosswhi chi scal l ed ‘ t hebusi ness’ .

Sat el l i t ewi t hT our mal i nedQuar t z

Thi scr eat edbosshascer t ai nexpect at i onsofme and i n a way does become an ent i t y( al t hough unr eal )i ni t sownr i ght .Themor eIcont empl at et hi s t hemor eIappr eci at et hei mpor t anceofensur i ng t hatIdevel opt hebusi nesst owor kf ormeandmy ci r cumst anceasopposedt omesl oggi ngmygut s outf ort hi spseudoboss! LM:T el lusabouty ourbespokej ewel l er yser v i ce.

Chocol at eBoxRose

AG:T ocompl i mentt her angeswecr eat e,weof f er a wonder f ul l y compr ehensi ve bespoke ser vi ce. Thi si sai medatcl i ent swhowantt ohaveani nput i nt ot hedesi gn,orwantsomet hi ngt ot al l yuni que. Iuset heMat r i xCAD pr ogr ammewhi chgi vesme excel l entver sat i l i t yt ocr eat eanyt hi ngmybel oved cust omer swant . I tal sogi vesmet heoppor t uni t y ,bysendi ngexcel l entqual i t yr ender s,t okeept heexpensi vepr eci ous met al s out of t he pi ct ur e unt i lt he desi gn i s con r med.WhenI j umpedont heCADbandwagon af ew year sagot hewhol edesi gnpr ocessf ormy r angepi ecesaswel lasbespokewaschangedf or goodandf ort hebet t er .Wehavecr eat edawhol e r angeofdi ver sebespokepr oduct sf r om Dogt ags t opi er ci ngst hatwoul dl i t er al l ymakeyouweep! Re ectPer i dot

LM:Wher edoest hei nspi r at i oncomef r om f oryourdesi gns? AG:Thei nspi r at i onbehi ndmydesi gnshasbeensomewhatamyst er y howeverIam awar eofcer t ai nt hemesr unni ngt hr ought hecol l ect i on. Att hest ar tofmycar eer ,t hepi eceswer eal laboutangl esand at sur f aces–t hi spossi bl yar e ect i onofmyyout hf ul ar r ogance,r i gi dmi nd and ‘ wannabe’t ough guy!As t i me pr ogr essed,my desi gns have not i ceabl ysof t ened –r e ect i ng mor e ui d and accept i ng char act er t r ai t s.Col ourhasbeenani mpor t antf eat ur ei nr ecentyear sandIwoul d sayt hi swaspar t l yduet oani ncr easi ngcon denceand adesi r et o expr essmyar ti not herwaysasopposedt oj ustf or m and ni sh.So muchsot hatt hemor ecol our f ulpi ecesi nt hecol l ect i onar ebecomi ng t hemostt al kedabout–especi al l ywher eIcr eat edi scor dwi t hcer t ai n col our s.AsIwr i t et hi sIwoul dsuggestt hatt heent i r et yandunf ol di ng ofmyl i f eexper i encesar emyi nspi r at i onandt r yi ngt ocon nei tt osi ngl e event sor‘ t hi ngs’doesn’ tqui t eseem t ot .

I wo u l dg oa sf a rt os a yt h a t e v e r y t h i n g wed oi sa ne x p r e s s i o no f o u rs e l f i ns o mewa ya n dd e s i g n i n g i sn od i f f e r e n t .

DecadenceDi amondSetWeddi ngRi ng/ et er ni t yband. 8x2ptpr i ncesscutdi amondsequal l y spacedar oundt heband

SugarCoat ed 1ctNat ur alFancyI nt ense Yel l ow PearCutDi amond cent r est one

LM:Whensoci al i si ng,doyou ndyour sel fl ooki ng cl osert hant heaver ageper sonatwhatj ewel l er y peopl ear ewear i ng? AG:TheKi net i car angeofr i ngswhi chIcr eat eds ome y ear sagowasbas edonmyobs er v at i onofhowpeopl e weart hei rr i ngs–ormor epr eci s el ywhatt heydowi t h t hem.Inot i ced t hats omewomen( and men)woul d r ot at et hei rr i ngar oundt he ngeror i cki tf r om s i de t os i de.Mos tl i kel yuncons ci ous l yandas i mi l aract i on t o bi t i ng ngernai l sort appi ng t he f oot .The r api d mov ementoft her i nghad becomef ors omeaway ofexpr es s i ng t hei r uneas e,i mpat i ence,bor edom, exci t abi l i t yet c.SoIdev el opedt heKi net i cawhi chhas af r ee mov i ng s et t i ng whi ch t he ownercoul ds pi n t ot hei rhear t sdes i r e.Iam v er yj ewel l er yobs er v ant whenouts oci al l yandhav epr obabl ymades omeal i t t l e uncomf or t abl ebys t ar i ngatt hei rpendantj us tal i t t l e t ool ong. How doyouknow whensomet hi nghasmetyour hi ghst andar ds? AG:Par tofmy bus i nes si deol ogy i s‘ i n pur s ui tof per f ect i on’ .Thi skeepsmyt eam andmy s el fs t r i v i ngt o bet t erourcr af tbuti sul t i mat el yanunachi ev abl egoal ast he cl os ery ou l ook,t he mor ei mper f ect i onsar e v i s i bl e.Idon’ ts ee t hi sasdemor al i s i ng,j us tt hati t keepsev er y oneont hei rt oesandchancesar et her et o cons t ant l yi mpr ov et hepr oduct .Ev er ypi ecewecr eat e i spai ns t aki ngl yl oupecheckedf orany‘ i mper f ect i ons ’ bymygol ds mi t h,s et t erandbymy s el f .Weknow exact l ywhatt ol ookf ori neachpi eces ooncei tpas s esal l ourbeadyey es ,t hepi ecei s tf orpur pos eandbyany t r ai nedcr i t i cal ey ei si mmacul at e. LM:I fyoucan,descr i beat ypi caldayi nt heofce f orAndr ew Geoghegan? AG:Notasexci t i ngass omewoul dt hi nk.Agr eatdeal oft i mei ss pend i nf r ontofacomput err epl y i ng t o emai l s , s endi ng quot es , t y pi ng out i nt er v i ew ans wer sand gener al l yr unni ngt hebus i nes s .Thi si s i nt er s per s edwi t hmeet i ngswi t hmyPA,qual i t ycont r ol ofwor kand count l es sconv er s at i onswi t hs uppl i er s andcus t omer s .Themaj or i t yofdes i gnwor kact ual l y happensathomeduet ot hef actt hatt her ear et oo manydi s t r act i onsatt heofce.I fmydogWi l buri swi t h me,wemaygof oras t r et chatl uncht i mei nal ocal gr av ey ar d.My60pl usr et ai l par t ner shav et hepl eas ur e ofmycompanyf r om t i met ot i meandt hati sus ual l ya v er ypl eas antaf f ai raccompani edwi t hher bal t ea. Soas y oucans eenott hemos tr ock‘ n’r ol l wor ki ngday !

LM:I st her eapi eceorpi ecesyou' vecr eat edt hat youwoul dconsi deryourf avour i t e? AG:As al l uded t o al r eady ,t he Revealand t he Sat el l i t esar er mf avour i t esofmi ne.Theybot hhave t he keyqual i t i esf ort he t ype ofr i ng t heyar e;t he Revealhasver sat i l i t y ,cl eanl i nes,i nt r i gueandgr ace wher east heSat el l i t ei si nnovat i ve,hi ghi mpactand t ot al l yt act i l e.TheSat el l i t ei ssot act i l et hatIwoul dgo asf art osayt hati tbr i ngst hesenseoft ouchi nt ot he mi xasmuchast hevi sual . LM:Whatdo y ou hav e pl anned f ort he next12 mont hs? AG:Fi r st l yal i t t l et i meof fwi t h myf ami l yf orNew Year / Jan i n Fr ance.Then t he yearwi l lst ar tver y st r ongl ywi t ht hei nt r oduct i onofnew t oughpl at i num f orAG,anonl i necampai gnt or i valt he‘ Wor l d’ sFi r st FacebookRi ng’ ,del i ci ousnew desi gnsi ncl udi ngmy t akeont het r adi t i onalCl ust er ,andt hepossi bi l i t yof usset t i ngupsomeaccount sout si deoft heUK. LM:Andr ew,t hankyouf oryourt i me,asyouknow we' ve been pl anni ng t hi si nt er vi ew f or a f ew mont hsnow andwer ekeent ot el lal lourr eader s ar oundt hewor l daboutyourst unni ngcr eat i ons.I s t her eanyt hi ngt hatyouwoul dl i ket oaddbef or e we ni sh? AG:Justt osayt hanksf orgi vi ngmet hi soppor t uni t y andf oryourt i r el esssuppor tofl uxur ybr andsespeci al l yt hesmal l er ,i ndependent sl i kemysel f . www. andr ewgeoghegan. com

CARS-TheP1Super carCl ub

E x c l u s i v eL u x u r i o u sMa g a z i n eI n t e r v i e wWi t hMi c h a e l B r e e n I n2000,t heP1Super carCl ub,based i nSur r ey ,UK, pi oneer ed t he conceptofa pr i vat e member s’cl ub of f er i ngshar edaccesst oa eetofsuper car s.T odayt he busi ness,t hel ar gestofi t ski ndi nt hewor l d,pr ovi desi t s cl i ent swi t hunr i val l edaccesst oast abl eoft he nest and f ast estcar severmade.I nr et ur nf oran annual member shi pf ee,t he cl ub t akescar e oft he costof depr eci at i on,i nsur ance,ser vi ci ng and mai nt enance, l eavi ngmember sf r eet oenj oyt hecar sf oraf r act i onof t hecostofowner shi pofj ustonemodel .Wecaughtup wi t ht hei rFounderandCEO,Mi chaelBr een,t o ndout mor e. LM:Whati st hephi l osophybehi ndt heP1Super car Cl ub,andwhatwer eyourmot i vat i onst of oundt he busi ness? MB:Iwasver yf r ust r at edwi t ht hewaysomesuper car deal er st r eat edt hei rcust omer sandIwant edt omakea di f f er enceandgi vet hei ndust r yabi tofashakeup.I bel i evet hatIhavesol vedt hever ydi fcul tpr obl em of depr eci at i on on super car s whi l statt he same t i me addi ng t heabi l i t yt o dr i veawhol e eetofsuper car s r at hert hanj ustone,i nanunbel i evabl ycostef f ect i ve way . LM:Wher ear et hemaj or i t yofyourmember sbased? MB:Thevastmaj or i t yofourmember sar ebased i n Londonandt heHomeCount i esi nt heUK,al t houghwe doal sohavequi t eaf ew cl i ent sover seas. LM:Whoar eyourcust omer si nt er msofpr of essi on? MB:Theycomef r om al lt ypesofpr of essi ons,buti n gener al ,mostofouruser s come f r om t he banki ng, pr oper t y ,andI Tsect or s.

LM:Ar et her e manyf emal e super caruser s atP1 I nt er nat i onal ,andi si tagr owi ngt r end? MB:We have a f ew women who dr i ve ourcar s. However ,Iwi sht her ewer emor e,andi ti ssomet hi ng t hatwear el ooki ngt ogr ow. LM:I nr ecentyear s,someofyourcompet i t or shave goneoutofbusi nessast heeconomi ccl i mat ehas become mor e chal l engi ng.Whathas been your r eci pef orsuccesst ost i l lbeher et oday? MB:I ti sl i keanybusi ness–al otofhar dwor k,keepi ng member shappy ,andpr ovi di nga r stcl assser vi cei s key .Fr om t hemember swhocomeacr osst ousf r om t he compet i t i on,t heyt el l ust hatser vi cei swher eal otofour r i val sr eal l ydr opt hebal l . LM:Whatwast her easonf ornotr unni ngt he companyonaf r anchi semodel ? MB:Myvi ew i nbusi nessi s‘ neversaynever ’ .Ther eal i ssuef ormeunsur pr i si ngl yi sser vi ce.Wear el ooki ngat f r anchi si ngi nanumberoft er r i t or i esr i ghtnow andIam pl easedt osayt hatIhavef oundsomepar t ner st hatI canwor kwi t handbecon dentt hatt heywi l lpr ovi de exact l yt hesamel evelofser vi cet hatwehavebecome r enownedf ori nt heUK.

LM:Whati st hemostexpensi vecaryouhaveever of f er edt ocust omer satt heP1Super carCl ub? MB:I thast o be t he £325, 000 Mer cedesBenzSLR McLar en!Noneofourcompet i t i onevergotanywher e cl oset oof f er i ngsomet hi ngl i ket hat …. LM:What ' snextf orGr oup5?Ar et her eanypl ansf or t heBugat t iVeyr on,PaganiHuayr a,orMcLar enP1 super car st obeaddedt ot he eet ? MB:Notr i ghtnow,butagai n,i ti snotsomet hi ngI woul d t ur nawayi ft hedemandwast her e. LM:Whi chnew l uxur ycarst oodoutt hemostf oryou i n2012? MB:That ’ s an easy one!i twoul d have t o be t he McLar enP1especi al l yasMcLar enwer eki ndenought o namei taf t erourCl ub!

LM:Whatar eyourambi t i onsf or2013? MB:T ol aunchP1i nt heUSandAsi at ogoal ongsi de ournew Swi ssbr anch. LM:AndaboutyouMi chael ,haveyoual waysbeen anaut omot i veent husi astandwhati syourf avour i t e carofal lt i me? MB:YesIam at r uepet r ol head.Myf avour i t ecarofal l t i me–t hat ’ sat r i ckyone.Yousee,Iam al l abouthavi ng t her i ghtcarf ort her i ghtoccasi on.Ial sol ovevar i et y , andIdon’ tl i kebei ngl i mi t edt oj ustonecarsoIwoul d havet osayIwoul doptf oraP1member shi pever yt i me anddr i vet hem al l ! LM:Thankyouf oryourt i meMi chael ,andwewi sh youal lt hesuccessf or2013. Forf ur t heri nf or mat i onont heP1Super carCl ub,vi si t www. p1i nt er nat i onal . com.

McLar enAut omot i v eMer chandi s e I ns pi r edbyt he12CSpor t sCar McLar en Aut omot i ve has desi gned and devel oped a r ange ofpr oduct si nspi r edby ,andf ocusedon,t hepassi onofdr i vi ng. The pr oduct s ar e al lavai l abl ef r om t he r ecent l yl aunched McLar en eSt or e – www. mcl ar enst or e. com – and t he r ange i ncl udesavar i et yofst yl i shaccessor i es,cl ot hi ngandl uggage, based ar ound t he desi gns evi dentt hr oughoutMcLar en and t he gr oundbr eaki ng 12C hi gh per f or mance spor t s car .These f ashi onabl e and ver sat i l ei t emsar e per f ectf ort he mostavi d McLar enf anort hosemostf ocusedonenj oyi ngt het hr i l loft he openr oad.

Men’ saccessor i es McLar en has a l ongst andi ng r el at i onshi p wi t hT AG Heuer ,andt heSwi ssl uxur ywat chmakerhaspr oduced aspeci aledi t i onchr onogr aphwr i st wat ch,desi gnedi n col l abor at i onwi t hMcLar enAut omot i veDesi gnDi r ect or , Fr ankSt ephenson.The T ag HeuerCar r er a MP412C chr onogr aph t akes di r ecti nspi r at i on f r om t he hi gh per f or mance12C spor t scaraf t erwhi chi ti snamed, t hr ough t he use ofcar bon br ef ort he di al .On t he r ever se,sapphi r ecr yst ali nser t sr evealt hemovement behi ndt hehi ght echf ace.Li mi t edt oonl y1, 000pi eces gl obal l y ,i ti savai l abl eexcl usi vel yt hr ought heMcLar en gl obalr et ai lnet wor kandatt heMcLar eneSt or e. Hi ghl i ght i ngt hepi oneer i ngst epsmadebyMcLar eni sa car bon br e and mesh McLar enSpor t mechani cal br acel etbyLi nksofLondon.McLar en r sti nt r oduceda car bon br echassi st oFor mul a1i n1981,set t i nganew benchmar ki nt hespor t .Fr om her e,al lMcLar encar s, bot hf ort her oad and f ort heci r cui t ,havebeenbui l t usi ng t he l i ght wei ghtst r uct ur e.The st yl i sh br acel et i ncl udesdesi gnf eat ur esmot i vat edbyt hecomponent s oft he Vodaf one McLar en Mer cedesFor mul a 1 car s, wi t ht hewovenmeshoft hebr acel eti nspi r ed byt he pi pi ngusedbyMcLar enRaci ng.

Bagsofspace Desi gnedt omaxi mi set he144l i t r esofspacebeneat ht hebonnet oft he12C i st hest yl i sh, t t edl uggageset .Thet hr eebespoke cases wer e desi gned i n col l abor at i on wi t h t he McLar en Aut omot i ve desi gn st udi o,and ar e made f r om an excl usi ve car bon br eout ermat er i al ,wi t hcar bon br ehandl esandsi l ver orMcLar enOr angedet ai l st i t chi ng.Thedesi gnont heext er i orof t hebagsemul at est heengi necoveroft hegr oundbr eaki ng12C, whi l et he l i ni ng ofeach case i s ni shed wi t h‘ Space Fabr i c’ , whi chi susedt ouphol st ert heseat si nt he12C.Thecasesar e avai l abl ei nt hr eesi z es–59cm x43cm x22. 5cm;59cm x39cm x 22. 5cm;40cm x30cm x16cm.

Men’ saccessor i es McLar en has a l ongst andi ng r el at i onshi p wi t hT AG Heuer ,andt heSwi ssl uxur ywat chmakerhaspr oduced aspeci aledi t i onchr onogr aphwr i st wat ch,desi gnedi n col l abor at i onwi t hMcLar enAut omot i veDesi gnDi r ect or , Fr ankSt ephenson.The T ag HeuerCar r er a MP412C chr onogr aph t akes di r ecti nspi r at i on f r om t he hi gh per f or mance12C spor t scaraf t erwhi chi ti snamed, t hr ough t he use ofcar bon br ef ort he di al .On t he r ever se,sapphi r ecr yst ali nser t sr evealt hemovement behi ndt hehi ght echf ace.Li mi t edt oonl y1, 000pi eces gl obal l y ,i ti savai l abl eexcl usi vel yt hr ought heMcLar en gl obalr et ai lnet wor kandatt heMcLar eneSt or e. Hi ghl i ght i ngt hepi oneer i ngst epsmadebyMcLar eni sa car bon br e and mesh McLar enSpor t mechani cal br acel etbyLi nksofLondon.McLar en r sti nt r oduceda car bon br echassi st oFor mul a1i n1981,set t i nganew benchmar ki nt hespor t .Fr om her e,al lMcLar encar s, bot hf ort her oad and f ort heci r cui t ,havebeenbui l t usi ng t he l i ght wei ghtst r uct ur e.The st yl i sh br acel et i ncl udesdesi gnf eat ur esmot i vat edbyt hecomponent s oft he Vodaf one McLar en Mer cedesFor mul a 1 car s, wi t ht hewovenmeshoft hebr acel eti nspi r ed byt he pi pi ngusedbyMcLar enRaci ng.

ALEXANDRAMOR F o und e r , J e we l r yDe s i g ne ra ndCr e a t i v eDi r e c t o r Whathasbeenyourhi ghl i ghtf or2012 I ti ssohar dt ochoose,i thasbeenanamaz i ngandr ewar di ngyearf orus. I fImay ,I ' dl i ket oshar et wooft hem wi t hyou. TheGem el dsCol l abor at i on Iwashonor edt obesel ect edt ocol l abor at ewi t hGem el dsmi nesi ncr eat i ngaspeci al pi ecef ort hei rl aunchi nt heUSAandAsi a.Thef r ui t soft hi scol l abor at i onbr oughtaone ofaki nd26. 16car atel evat edsugar l oafcabochonemer al dr i ngt ol i f e( seer i ght ) . TheQui nt essent i al l yGemsBook Qui nt es s ent i al l yGems ,byT amar aKami ns k yandQui nt es s ent i al l yPubl i s hi ng,s howcas es t hewor l d' smostt r easur edj ewel r ycr eat or st or e ectacol l ect or ' sr e nedt ast esand cont i nuousdesi r et oownsomet hi ngt r ul yspeci al .Iam honor edt obei ncl udedi nt hi s book,andbeamongt hewor l d' sl eadi ngj ewel er s,whosewor ki sconsi der edt obe col l ect i bl ear t .Wecal lourcl i ent s' col l ect or s'becauseIvi ew mywor kasar tandonce t heybuyonepi ece,orgett oexper i enceamadet oor derpi ece,t heyal wayscomeback f ormor e.Asmyt agl i nesays," Il i ket ot hi nkaboutmypi ecesashei r l oomsi nt he maki ng" . I fmoneywasnoobj ect ,whatwoul dt heul t i mat epr esentt hatsomeonecoul dgi ve you? I nawor l dt hati sal l masspr oduct i on,anaut hent i cmadet oor derpi ecei st heul t i mat e gi f tofal l .I tal l owsonet oexpr essandbr i ngt ol i f eever yt hi nghi s/ herhear tdesi r esand oneoft hemostenj oyabl epar t sofcr eat i ngaj ewel f oracl i enti shavi ngt hem par t i ci pat e i ni t scr eat i on.Whendesi gni ngapi ecef oracust omer ,especi al l yaweddi ngr i ng,I t ypi cal l yshar et hr eedesi gnopt i ons,wepi ckaf avor i t eandt henr e nei tt oget heri n st agesunt i l wear r i veata nal desi gn.I t ’ saver ycol l abor at i veappr oachandIl ovet hat aspect . Forcl i ent swhoIcan’ tmeeti nper son,I ’ vecr eat edasect i oni nmywebsi t ecal l ed‘ My Jewel r yBox’ .Acust omerbasi cal l yr ecei vesaper sonall ogi nandcangot ot hei rown accountonal exandr amor . com.Oncet her e,t heycanvi ew vi r t ual l yever yst ageoft hei r cr eat i on’ spr oduct i onf r om t hecomf or toft hei rcomput er :t heygett oseet hedesi gn concept sandt heycanappr ovedesi gnr ender i ngsbef or et hey’ r e nal .Cl i ent sgetar eal ki ckoutoft hi s,andsodoI ,becauset heynotonl yownt her i ngbecauset heypai df or i t ,t heyal soownt heexper i enceandt hest or yoft hepi ece. Whatdoyou/t hecompanyhavepl annedf or2013? We' r epl anni ngabr i dal l i neandcont i nui ngt hespeci al t r adi t i onofmaki ngoneofaki nd pi ecesf oroneofaki ndmoment s.Get t i ngengagei samagi calexper i enceandshoul d bedonewi t ht hought f ul ness.Thej ewelacoupl ecar r i eswi l lwal kwi t ht hem f oral ong t i meandi sasymboloft hei rl oveandf r i endshi p.Ihavebeendesi gni ngf orcoupl es si ncedayone,andam exci t edt oi nt r oducei tsoonasanofci al l yaddi t i onall i neof ser vi cef r om Al exandr aMor . www. al exandr amor . com

fmy nko i h ot ket i Il " n msi o o l r i e sh sa e c e pi " ng ki ema h t

PEOPLE-Jonat hanHol mes

I n t e r v i e wWi t hJ o n a t h a nHo l me s , C E OA n dF o u n d e r Of L u x d e c o . c o m B yS i mo nWi t t e n b e r gMIOJ Luxdeco. com i sanew onl i ner et ai lconceptf or hi ghnetwor t hi ndi vi dual swhoar el ooki ngt o pur chasel uxur yf ur ni t ur eandhomewar esf r om someoft hewor l d’ smostr enowneddesi gner s andbr andsusi ngonewebsi t e,whi l stal soenj oyi ng aper sonal i sed exper i ence.Wecaught up wi t h Jonat han Hol mes,t hei r CEO and Founder ,t o ndoutmor e. LM:Whati st heconceptof Luxdeco. com,and how does t hi s shoppi ng por t aland member s’ ar eaf unct i on? JH:Ther ei sa huge audi ence ofafuentconsumer s whoar el ooki ngf orbeaut i f ult hi ngsi nt hei rhomes.The pr obl em i st hatt her ei snosi ngl edest i nat i ononl i neor ont hehi ghst r eett hati ssynonymousf orl uxur yf ur ni t ur e and homewar es.And wi t houtan i nt er i or desi gner , peopl ej ustdonotknow wher et ost ar t .

TheconceptofLuxDecoi st oaddr esst hi spr obl em by of f er i ngaper sonal i sed,onl i neshoppi ngexper i encet hat hel ps member s di scoverand buy l uxur y homewar e. Ever yt hi ngont hesi t ehasbeencur at ed–whi chmeans i tgoes t hr ough a pr ocess ofsel ect i on,st yl i ng,and edi t i ng–byat eam ofdedi cat edi nt er i ordesi gner sand st yl i st s.The por t alal so al l owscust omer st o expl or e pr oduct st ocompl ementapi ecet heywantt obuyor al r eadyown.Ul t i mat el yt hi smeansourmember scan cr eat et hehomet heydesi r e. We al so of f ermember st he l at estt r ends and most sought af t erpi eces f r om some oft he wor l d’ s best desi gner s and br ands.I n addi t i on,we wor k wi t h f ur ni t ur eand pr oductdesi gner s,bot hi nt heUK and over seas,t o cr eat e excl usi ve r anges and i ndi vi dual pi ecesespeci al l yf orLuxDecomember s. Anot herpar tofourof f er i ngi sanonl i nei nt er i orst yl i ng andconci er geser vi ce.

Whet hermember sseekst yl eadvi ce,wantt oar r ange bespokeorcust omi sedi t ems,r equi r emor ei nf or mat i on abouta pr oduct ,orwanta par t i cul arpi ece f r om a f avour i t ebr and,at eam ofst yl i st swi l l ensur eever ywi sh i sf ull l ed.

LM:Whi char et hemaj orbr andsf eat ur ed? JH:LuxDeco,sof ar ,wor kswi t hover150br andst hat speci al i sei nst yl i shpr oduct sf ort hel uxur yhomeand di scer ni nghomemaker .Theyi ncl udeLi nl ey ,HugoBoss, Kenz o Home, Agent Pr ovocat eur , and Havi l and Por cel ai n.

LM:Howdoyousel ectwhi chpr oduct syoumake avai l abl et ocust omer s? JH:Wel ookf ort hebestqual i t y ,mosti nnovat i vedesi gn, andasenseofl uxur yi nourpr oduct s.Wehaveabuyi ng t eam wi t hexper i encef r om t heUK’ sl eadi ngr et ai l er s, suchasHar r odsandSel f r i dges,wi t hbackgr oundsi n i nt er i orand pr oductdesi gn.We al so i nvi t ei nt er i or desi gner s and st yl i st st o guestcur at e col l ect i ons t o shar ewi t hourmember s.Ourt eam i sal waysl ooki ngf or qual i t yofcr af t smanshi pandmat er i al s,andat t ent i ont o det ai lt osui tmember s’t ast es.

LM:How does Luxdeco. com seti t sel fapar tf r om t hecompet i t i on? JH:LuxDecoset si t sel fapar tf r om t hecompet i t i onwi t h ast r ongemphasi sondi scover y ,cur at i on,andchoi ce. Unl i ke manyonl i ne homewar er et ai l er s,pr oduct sar e cur r ent ,cut t i ngedge,andhi ghendandwear ewor ki ng wi t hmanybr andswhi chwer enotpr evi ousl yavai l abl e t o buy onl i ne.Ourf ocus i s on t he l uxur y shoppi ng exper i encef r om ever yt ouchpoi nt .Notonl ydoweof f er t hel at estt r endsandpr oduct s,ourcur at edcol l ect i ons ar ecar ef ul l yedi t edsot hatcust omer sar eabl et ogai n i nsi ghti nt ohow t ocr eat easpecicl ookorf eel .

We ar e const ant l y st r i vi ng t o ensur et hatouruser exper i ence i s unr i val l ed,i n an at t emptt o mi r r ort he shoppi ng exper i ence oft he hi gh st r eet .LuxDeco‘ s st r apl i nei s“ l uxur ydi scover ed”andour“ St yl i stPi cks” , “ Conci er ge”and“ MyShowr oom”f eat ur essetusapar t f r om t hecompet i t i on.

LM:Whenwi l lt hef ul lver si onbel aunchi ng,and canpur chasesbemadedur i ngt heBet aphase? JH:Yes,pr oduct scanbeboughtdur i ngourBet aphase. I nf act ,wet ookour r stor deraf t erj ust90mi nut esof bei ngl i ve.Sof ar ,wehaveshi ppedpr oduct sacr osst he UK,Eur ope,Russi a,andt heUSA. Al t hough ever yt hi ng on t he si t ei sf unct i onal ,t he pr oductwe have l aunched wi t hi sessent i al l ya ' l i t e' ver si on. We ar e wor ki ng atmaki ng t he si t e mor e per sonabl e and emphasi si ng di scover y ,r at hert han j ustst r ai ght f or war dsal es.Wepl ant ohavet heseext r a f eat ur esi npl acebyspr i ng/ summer2013.

LM:Whatdoyouexpectt obet hemostpopul ar pur chases,andbywhi cht ypeofcl i ent ? JH:Weexpectt hemostpopul arpur chasest obet he excl usi vepr oduct st hatweof f er ,t hatcan' teasi l ybe f oundel sewher e.Weal soexpectt hepr oduct st hatwe f eat ur ei nourmagaz i ne,asseenonphot oshoot sori n cel ebr i t i es’homes,t obepopul arsel l er st oo. Ial soexpectLuxDecot ohavecl i ent st hatt obegi nwi t h, ndmaki ngl ar gepur chasesf ort hei rhomedaunt i ng.A l otoft hesecl i ent swi l lst ar tbyusi ngt he“ Conci er ge” f eat ur eand “ St yl i stPi cks”f or t r ust ed advi cewhen maki ngsuchdeci si ons. Oneof fi t ems,f orexampl econsol et abl es,occasi onal chai r s,and duvet sand pi l l ows,ar et r adi t i onal l yver y popul arsel l er s onl i ne as t hey ar e bul ky t o buy and t r anspor tf r om aphysi calshop.

LM:Whathavebeent hemai ni nt er i ordesi gnand f ur ni t ur et r ends of2012? Have any mat er i al s, col our s,orpi ecespar t i cul ar l yst oodout ? JH:The mostst r i ki ng i nt er i ordesi gn t r endsof2012 comef r om desi gnswhi chusecol our ,asseeni nour " Geomet r y Col l ect i on" and “ Col our Bl ocki ng Col l ect i on� . Sophi st i cat ed neut r al s,monochr ome,and shades of gr eyar eal sopopul ar .Theuseofnat ur al mat er i al sanda r angeoft ext ur eswi t hhand-ni sheddet ai l swi l lal sobe pr esenti n2013.

LM:How do youseet hel uxur yi nt er i ordesi gn andaccessor i esi ndust r yper f or mi ngi n2013? JH:2013 wi l lshow i ncr easi ng st eadygr owt hf ort he l uxur yi nt er i ordesi gnandaccessor i esi ndust r y .Overt he pastf ew year si nt i mes ofaust er i t yi thas become appar entt hatpeopl ear e,cont r ar yt ocommonbel i ef , i nvest i ngi nst at ementpi ecesf ort hei rhomesandar e notputof fbypr i ce.A gr eatexampl e oft hi si st he success ofPor t uguese f ur ni t ur e company ,Boca Do Lobo. I t s br eakt hr ough desi gns ar e not f or t he f ai nt hear t edbutt heyar emostcer t ai nl yl eadi ngt heway f orl uxur yf ur ni t ur e.Thi syear ,weexpectt oseecust omer scont i nui ngt oi nvesti nbi gst at ementpi ecest ogi ve r eal i mpactandcr eat eal ooki nt hei rhome.Thet r endt o shopal ookwi l lcont i nuet ogr ow f r om st r engt ht ost r engt ht oo.

Ial so seemobi l ecommer cei nl uxur yhomewar eset t oi ncr ease dr amat i cal l y .I nt ur n,over t he comi ng year ,l uxur yi nt er i orbr andst hatar enotyetavai l abl e onl i newi l lbegi nt oof f ert hei rpr oduct st hr oughmobi l e commer cepl at f or ms. ForLuxDeco,onear eawewi l l bef ocusi ngoni n2013i s cur at i on.Thi si sat r endt hathasgr ownst eadi l yi n2012. The l uxur yf ur ni t ur e space i sno l ongermonopol i sed sol el y by t he I t al i ans,and we ar e seei ng i ncr easi ng number sofdesi gnsf r om Por t ugalandt heUK.I ti st he di scover yofgr eatnew f ur ni t ur edesi gner st hatwewi l l f ocusonshar i ngwi t hourcust omer s.

LM:Whatar e cl i ent snow l ooki ng f ori na conci er geser vi ce? JH:TheLuxDecomemberl ooksf orexper tadvi ce, under st andi ng,and al evelofexcel l ence( si mi l ar t o aVI P ser vi ce) .Aswel lasshar i ng knowl edge and advi ce,we of f er our member saf r i endl y and appr oachabl e conci er ge cont act t hat has a“ not hi ng i st oo much t r oubl e� at t i t ude when deal i ng wi t h al lr equest sand we go above and beyondt ohel pourcust omer s. T o ourl oyalcust omer s,we of f era dedi cat ed conci er gecont act ,asweunder st andt hatpar tof t he l uxur yshoppi ng exper i ence i st he f ami l i ar i t y and t r ustofan i ndi vi dualdeal i ng wi t hr equest s. Thi si ssomet hi ngyouwoul dexper i encei nast or e envi r onmentandi ssomet hi ngwest r i vef ori nour cust omerser vi ceappr oach.

LM: And aboutyou,Jonat han,whati s your backgr oundi nt hel uxur ysect or ? JH:Asachi l d,Iwasl uckyenought oexper i encel uxur y andIwassur r oundedbyni cet hi ngs.Ir ememberbei ng mesmer i sed t he r stt i me Ivi si t ed a bout i que on London’ s Sl oane St r eet .The envi r onmentand r et ai l exper i encewasamemor yt hatIhaveneverf or got t en andIt hi nkt hat ' swher emypassi onf orl uxur ybegan. Whi l eatuni ver si t yIst ar t edadesi gnanddi gi t alagency and overt he year s Ihave wor ked wi t h a di ver se sect orofl uxur ycl i ent s,f r om f ashi ont ot r avel .Ihave spentyear swor ki ngwi t hcl i ent st ounder st andl uxur y consumer sandwhatwor ksf ort hem bot honl i neand ofi ne. I twas onl y when Iwas l ooki ng t of ur ni sh my own pr oper t yt hatIr eal i sedt her ewasagapi nt hemar ketf or l uxur yf ur ni t ur e and f ur ni shi ngs,par t i cul ar l y onl i ne.I wentt o mymum,an i nt er i ordesi gner ,f orhel p and t oget herwet est ed t hebusi nessmodelbyl aunchi ng www. i kandi i nt er i or s. co. uk.Thesuccessoft hi sl edme t ost ar tt heLuxDecoconceptwi t hr ealexper i enceand anunder st andi ngt hatwoul dhavebeendi fcul tt ogai n el sewher e.

LM:Whi chot herbusi nesseshaveyouwor kedf or andwi t h,andwher edoyouseeyour sel fi n ve year s’t i me? JH:Thr oughoutmy 14yearcar eerwor ki ng i nt he di gi t alspaceIhavebeenabl et owor kwi t hsomeoft he mostpi oneer i ng l uxur yand di gi t albr ands,on some f ant ast i cpr oj ect s.Att heageof18,I cof oundedmy r st st ar tupandt hepassi onhasst ayedwi t hmet hr oughout mycar eer .

Wor ki ngasaconsul t antf ort hesebr andsal l owedme t ocont i nuet oex er ci s emyent r epr eneur i al i ns t i nctal ong t heway . I hopet hati n veyear s’t i me,LuxDecowi l l beoneoft he l ar gestl uxur yr et ai l er son t heweb and domi nat et he homewar e sect ori nt he same wayNet aPor t erhas r evol ut i oni sedl uxur yf ashi on.Fur ni t ur eonl i nei sst i l la f ew year sbehi ndf ashi on,sot hebesti syett ocome. Onaper sonall evel ,Iwoul dul t i mat el yl i ket obeabl e t o hel p r stt i me ent r epr eneur sf ace t he chal l enges ofa st ar t up,notj ustwi t hf undi ng butbei ng t her e wi t hadvi ceandknowl edget ohel pt hem succeed.My i nvest or sar esuccessf ulent r epr eneur swho st i l lwor k ver yhar d,yett heyar eonhandt ohel pmeandof f er advi ce.Thi si saposi t i onIhopet obei nonceLuxDeco hasr eachedgr eathei ght s.

LM:Thankyouf oryourt i meJonat han,andwe wi shyoual lt hesuccesswi t hLuxDecoi n2013.

Es c a p e t o t h e Co u n t r y

TRAVEL-Whi t t l ebur yHal l Hot el

Wh i t t l e b u r yHa l l Ho t e l &Sp a BySi monWi t t enber gMIOJ I ti sni cet oseet hatWhi t t l ebur yHal l Hot el &Spai nr ur al Nor t hampt onshi r ehasn’ tl osti t st ouch,andi sj ustas i mpr essi veaswhenIl astvi si t edt hi spr oper t yi n2006 dur i nganadr enal i nef uel l edl aunchoft heLot usExi geS spor t scar .I twast heper f ectchoi cebackt henbecause manyoft hef aci l i t i esatt hi sf our st ardel uxepr oper t yar e t hemedar oundt hef ast pacedspor tofFor mul a1,and t he cor ner s oft he nei ghbour i ng Si l ver st one Br i t i sh Gr andPr i xci r cui t . Fastf or war dsi xyear s,andal t houghf ordi f f er entr easons,i tr emai nst heper f ectchoi ce,ast hehot el andspa of f erar el axi ngbr eakawayf r om t hest r essesofmoder n l i f e and t he col d and gl oom br oughtbyt he Engl i sh wi nt er . Onar r i val ,Whi t t l ebur yHal li nst ant l ymakesagood r st i mpr essi onwhi chyoucan’ thel pbutadmi r e.Guest sar e gr eet edbyasweepi ngdr i vewayt hatmeander st hr ough t he beaut i f ul l ykeptand l ush gr ounds ofWhi t t l ebur y Par k,bef or ebei ngwel comedbyt hehot eli t sel fwhi ch spor t s a ‘ cl assi cmeet smoder n’ Geor gi anst yl e ar chi t ect ur e.Housi ngover200ensui t ebedr ooms,f our i ndi vi dual l ydesi gned sui t es,as wel las conf er ence f aci l i t i es, t he pr oper t y can onl y be descr i bed as spaci ousandwel l l ai dout .

Oneoft hehot el ’ skeysel l i ngpoi nt s,whi chi tr i ght l ypr i des i t sel fon,i s‘ TheDaySpa’whi chwast hi syearvot edas t hewi nneroft he‘ BestSpa-Mi dl andsCat egor y’i nt he pr est i gi ousGoodSpaAwar ds.Asoneoft hel ar gesti nt he count r y ,andsetacr osst wol evel s,‘ TheDaySpa’f eat ur es 23 t r eat ment r ooms, st at eof t hear t Mani cur e and Pedi cur est at i ons,Hammam andRasul Chamber s,aswel l asover60l uxur i ousi ndi vi dualt r eat ment scar r i edoutby pr of essi onal t her api st s.Ont hel ower oori st he‘ Heatand I ceExper i ence’wher eguest sar ei nvi t edt obot hgr avi t at e att hei rownpacebet weenhotand coolar eassuchas t heCal dar i um -Roman HotBat h and t heI ceCavet o pr ovi dedi f f er entbodysensat i ons,andr el axi nt hecent r al l ukewar m hydr ot her apypool whi chcomescompl et ewi t h wat erj et sofdi f f er i ngi nt ensi t y .

Ther ear enumer ousdayandr esi dent i alspapackages t ochoosef r om atWhi t t l ebur yHal ldependi ngont he desi r ed t r eat ment s,and t i me avai l abl e.Fora t ypi cal ‘ SpaRel axat i onDay’f ort wopeopl ewhi cht r ansl at esas at wocour sebuf f etl unch,t heHeatandI ceExper i ence, and useoft heLei sur eCl ub,t hi sst ar t sf r om £79f or eachvi si t orandr i sest o£169perper sonf ort hemor e ext ensi ve‘ Del uxeDay’spapackagewhi cht akesi nt o account al l of t he above pl us ESPA Hol i st i c Ar omat her apy Body Car e and a l uxur y mani cur e. Whet herf oraweekendorf ort heday ,spagoer sal so haveaccesst ot hehot el ’ sRomanbat hsesqueLei sur e Cl ub wher et hey have t he use ofa 19met r e pool , Jacuz z i ,st eam r oom,t wo saunas,and 44st at i on gymnasi um. Beyondt het r anqui l havensofTheDaySpaandLei sur e Cent r e,t her ei spl ent yofspacet ounwi ndandenj oyt he companyoff ami l yand f r i ends.Fort hose l ooki ng t o congr egat er oundt heTVwi t hadr i nk,t her ei st hemor e t r adi t i onalSi l ver st oneBar ,orj ustacoupl epacesaway beyondt her ecept i onar ea,t her ei st hehomel y‘ Lounge’ ar eawher eguest scanenj oyr ef r eshment sandcur lup ont hesof ai nf r ontofanopen r epl ace. Si t t i ngatt hehear toft hi sl uxur ypr oper t yar et henumer ous eat er i es whi ch span f r om t he pool si de T er r ace Caf é whi ch ser vesl i ghtl unch and af t er noon t ea,t o Whi t t l ebur yHal l ’ st hr eer est aur ant swhi char et ai l or edt o

di f f er entoccasi ons and budgetcome t he eveni ng meal .These r ange f r om Ast ons ( named af t er t he l uxur y aut omot i ve mar que, Ast on Mar t i n) whi ch accommodat es ar ound 300 peopl e and of f er s convent i onaldi shessuchassl ow cookedbeefbr i sket , t or t el l i ni ,andchi ckenj ambonet t e,t hr ought ot hemor e i nt i mat eMur r ays( i nt r i but et oFor mul a1Comment at or , Mur r ayWal ker ) .

Thi spr i vat er oom del i ver sat woAAr oset t e-nedi ni ng exper i ence f orup t o 30 guest s,and a sophi st i cat ed menu f eat ur i ng del i caci es such as pi g’ s cheeks, poachedBr i l l ,andasel ect i onof neBr i t i shcheese. Atdawn,Ast onsi st r ansf or medi nt oabuz z i nghi veof act i vi t ywher eguest scandi pi nandoutofagener ous and ni cel y pr esent ed br eakf astbuf f et .Ther e ar e of cour set heessent i ali ngr edi ent soft hehear t ycooked Engl i sh,butt her ear eequal l yt hel i ght eropt i onsoff r esh f r ui t ,cheeses,andcer eal s,meani ngt hatt her eshoul d besomet hi ngt osui tmostt ast ebudsandappet i t es. Al t hought her ei snoshor t ageoff aci l i t i est ouseand exper i enceonsi t e,vi si t or sseeki ngt ovent ur ef ur t her a el d can enj oy t he near by at t r act i ons of St owe Gar dens,t hear chi t ect ur al l yi mpr essi veWar wi ckCast l e, andt heCi t yofOxf or d.Near ert ohome,t her ei sal ways t he l ocalpi ct ur esque vi l l age ofWhi t t l ebur y whi ch i s i dealf oranaf t er noonst r ol l .

Si nceWhi t t l ebur yHal lHot el&Spaopenedi n1999,i t hascer t ai nl year nedi t sspur sandaccl ai ms,andf ora goodr eason.Whet herf orar omant i cweekendget away , bi r t hdaycel ebr at i on,orj ustadayout ,t hi shi ghcal i br e pr oper t yshoul dbet opoft hel i stf oranyonel ooki ngf or at empor ar ysanct uar yf r om t hedai l ygr i nd.I ti soneof t hosespeci al pl aceswhi chyour eal l yhavet ot earyour sel fawayf r om,andt hatkeepsdr i vi ngyout ogoback f ormor e.Expectt o pay f r om ÂŁ89 perper son f ora doubl er oom ( i ncl udi ngdi nnerandbr eakf ast ) . Wi t ht hankst ot hest af fatWhi t t l ebur yHal lHot el&Spa f oran enj oyabl e st ay and t hei rgener ous hospi t al i t y t hr oughout . www. whi t t l ebur yhal l . co. uk

OutofAfri ca andBeyond ByReena Patel

TRAVEL-OutofAf r i caandBey ond

Re e n aPa t e l h e a dst oT a n z a n i af or

THEsafariadventureofalifetime Wer ecei vedanar r i vall i kenoot heratandBeyond Gr umet iSer enget iTent edCamp-t he r st dest i nat i ononourbespokesaf ar it r i p. Bi gf r i endl y smi l es by our pr i vat e but l er and hi s ent our age war ml y wel comed us t o checki n att he l ai dbackguestl ounge,whi l et hecal l sofwi l dr esi dent hi pposgaveust hei rownst r i ki ngser enade. andBeyondGr umet iSer enget iT ent edCampi st ucked i nt o a st r i p ofr i ver i ne f or esti nt he r emot e west er n r eachesoft heSer enget i Nat i onal Par k.I tl i esneart ot he Gr umet iRi ver ,whi ch i st he per f ectvant age poi ntt o vi ew t het hunder i ng her dsoft heGr eatMi gr at i on,i t s ent r anci ng wi l debeestcr ossi ngs and enor mous Ni l e cr ocodi l es.Weembr acedourshor tbutper f ect l ysweet t hr eeni ght st ay her e and eager l y accept ed t he i nvi t at i ont oanear l yeveni nggamedr i ve. I twasn’ tl ong bef or e we wer e outon t he r oad i na comf yopen4x4saf ar ivehi cl e,spot t i ngi mpal as,l i ons, buf f al os,baboons,z ebr as and mor e –j ustmi nut es awayf r om ourcamp.Her e,you can al so see bl ack and whi t ecol obusmonkeyst hati nhabi tt her i ver si de t hi cket s( f oundnowher eel sei nt heSer enget i ) . Dr i vesar ehost edbypr of essi onalgui desandr anger s, whohaveanunsur passabl eweal t hofknowl edgeand

exper t i seonal lwal ksofbi r d,pl antandwi l dl i f ef ora t r ul ywel li nf or medsaf ar i . We wer el ucky t o encount eran abundance ofsuch wi l dl i f e.Mostoft he act i on wasunbel i evabl ycaught l i t er al l yr i ghtwi t hi nourcamp:hi pposl ei sur el yl oungei n t hecr ocodi l el adenr i verandal ongmuddybanks,whi l e a200st r ongher dofel ephant sandsome50gi r af f es gat her edar oundt hear eaf oranent hr al l i ngdr i ve.

Evi dent l y ,not hi ngi severdonebyhal veswi t handBeyond.Bef or eheadi ngbackt ot hecamp,ourr angerset up a mi ni barwi t h snackson a popup t abl ei nt he r emot e sur r ounds oft he Ser enget if oran excl usi ve sceni csundowner .Fort hosewhosetoutondayt i me dr i ves,agour metpi cni champeri spr epar edsoyoucan st opf orl unchmi dway .

Onr et ur n,ourv er yownpr i vat ebut l er ( whoat t ent i v el yt ookcar eofourev er y i magi nabl eneed dur i ng ourst ay )was al r eadypr i medt os af el yes cor tusback t oourr oom. Sui t esher ear et heepi t omeoft ent edl uxur y ,gr ant i ng cont empor ar yt ouches wi t hout l osi ng t he r ugged, out door sychar m ofanaut hent i csaf ar iexper i ence.T en amboyantt ent sundershadypal mf r ondr oof sf eat ur e a col our f uli nt er i ordesi gn wi t h huge ki ng si z e bed and alf r esco showeropen t ot he sun and st ar s.A compl i ment ar y sameday l aundr y ser vi ce i s al so i ncl uded -anot herspeci alt oucht hat ’ sof f er edatmost andBeyond si t es. Cont i nent al st yl e br eakf ast s ar e compl ement ed wi t h panAf r i can cui si nes f ordi nner ,

usi ng t r adi t i onalj i kos(r es)and out doorovens.The magi cal l yl i tbomaopenr est aur antmakesast unni ng backdr op f ora r omant i c di nnerundert he ni ghtsky . Dur i ngt heday ,i fi t ’ shotenoughandyou’ r enoti nt he mood f oragamedr i ve,guest scanal so r el axi nt he camp’ spool ,orl oungeont hespaci ousdecks,whi ch over l ookt her i ver

TRAVEL-OutofAf r i caandBey ond

Ne x t S t o p : a n d B e y o n dNg o r o n g o r oC r a t e r L o d g e Our next st op was on t o andBeyond Ngor ongor oCr at erLodgef ort woi ncr edi bl e ni ght s–boast i ng30sumpt uoussaf ar i sui t es, per chedont her i m oft heNgor ongor oCr at er . Onceagi gant i cvol cano,i ti st hel ar gesti nt actcal der a i nt hewor l d and shel t er saper manentpopul at i on of mor et han30, 000ani mal s.Near l yt hr eemi l l i onyear s ol d,i tshel t er soneoft hemostbeaut i f ulwi l dl i f ehavens onEar t h.I ti sal soaWor l dHer i t ageSi t eandoneoft he Wonder soft heWor l d. OurandBeyond gui de dr ove us t hr ough t he mi st y cl ouds,downr ockyr ubbl er oadsandt ot heCr at er oor i n a pop up r oofvehi cl e.Her e,we saw endanger ed bl ack r hi no,whi ch ar e pr ot ect ed wi t hi nt hi s nat ur al Eden,gi antt usked el ephant swander i ng t he f or est s, pi nkand whi t e ami ngoescr owdi ng t he soda l akes, ost r i chandsomuchmor e.Onourwaybackupt oour cabi ns,weal socameacr ossal ar genumberoft hel ocal Maasai ,whof ol l ow t r adi t i onbygr az i ngt hei rcat t l eon t heCr at er oor .

The magnicentar chi t ect ur e ofeach st i l t ed sui t e at andBeyondNgor ongor oCr at erLodgei si nspi r edbyt he Maasaimudandst i ckmanyat t a( orhomest ead) .

The r aw mat er i al sused ar et ypi cal l yAf r i can,f r om mud pl ast eron t he ext er nalwal l s,t o banana l eaf cei l i ngsand makhut ipal mr oof s.Each r emar kabl e l odge f eat ur es an ecl ect i c mi shmash of i nt er i or f ur ni shi ngs and t t i ngs wi t h Af r i can st yl es and Eur opean i n uences: gr acef ul ant i ques, Af r i can t r easur esneat l ypl aced,beadedchandel i er shangi ng abovel ar gegi l tmi r r or sandbi l l owi ngr awsi l kcur t ai ns t hatbr usht het opsofbeaut i f ulPer si ancar pet s. Each camp has i t s own l ounge and di ni ng r oom, out door di ni ng ar ea and vi ewi ng deck, pl us a spect acul arensui t ebat hr oom t hatf eat ur esahuge showerand or nat ef r eest andi ng bat ht ub.Ourbeds wer emadeext r at oast yoncol dereveni ngswi t hel ect r i cheat edbl anket s. Per sonalbut l er sdi scr eet l yt endt oever yneed.Our s pol i t el y of f er ed us wake up cal l s,t o br i ng us t ea i n bed,st oked t he r epl acei n ourr oom and even dr ew usal uxur i ousbat h af t eral ong gamedr i ve, whi msi cal l yl acedwi t hr osepet al s.

Wewer eawest r uckbyt hedecadent l ydomed di ni ng r oom and baratt hi sl odge,whi ch i sbedecked wi t h l avi shdesi gnf eat ur essuchascr yst al chandel i er s,r ugs, ut t er l y cosy cushi oned sof as and not f or get t i ng al l i mpor t antWi Fi ,t o gai naccesst ot her estoft he wor l d.andBeyondownsandoper at es33i ndi vi dual and i nt i mat el odges and camps i n sel ectbr eat ht aki ng hi ghspot sacr ossAf r i ca,I ndi aandSr iLanka. Thenobl emeasur ei st hatwi t handBeyond,i tdoesn’ t j ustent er t ai n pur e guesti ndul gence.Thi spi oneer i ng l uxur ysaf ar i t r avel companyhol dsast r ongcommi t ment t osust ai nabl er esponsi bl et r avel .I tal sohasacor eet hi c of‘ Car eoft heLand,Car eoft heWi l dl i f e,Car eoft he Peopl e,t oenr i chandempowert hecommuni t i est hat sur r oundt her eser ves.Bychoosi ngt ot r avelwi t ht hi s mul t i awar dwi nni ngcompany ,guest sar eal somaki ng a di f f er ence t o ongoi ng bi odi ver si t y pr ot ect i on and conser vat i ondevel opment .

Acapt i vat i ngandal mosti ndes cr i babl e exper i ence,andBey ondgav eusan al mos ti ndescr i babl ej our neyt oAf r i ca t hatwewi l l nev erf or get .

CARS-TheLux ur i ousRev i ew2012

20 1 2AYeari nMot i on L u x u r i o u sMa g a z i n et a k e sal o o kb a c ka t s o meo f t h eBr i t i s h ma d el u x u r yc a r s wh i c hma d et h eh e a d l i n e sd u r i n gt h el a s t t we l v emo n t h s , a n dr e v e a l swh a t we c a ne x p e c t i nt h ec o mi n gy e a r .

Ast onMar t i nhadt hr eemaj ormodell aunchesi n2012, st ar t i ng wi t ht heVanqui sh( avai l abl ei na2+2or2+0 con gur at i on)whi chmadei t sr stLondonappear ance att hesui t abl yst ar st uddedsur r oundi ngsoft heLondon Fi l m Museum,CoventGar den.

B yS i mo nWi t t e n b e r gMI OJ

TheVanqui shf eat ur esasi gnicant l yupgr aded6. 0l i t r e V12 engi ne boast i ng 573 PS al l owi ng t he £189, 995 SuperGTt or eachat opspeedof183mph.Thi smodel wasf ol l owedcl osel ybyt hei nt r oduct i onofanext r eme newspor t scari nt hef or m oft heV12Vant ageRoadst er , aswel last her ef r eshed£131, 995DB9.

Bent l eychose t he Moscow I nt er nat i onalAut o Sal on ( MI AS)i nAugustf ort hei nt er nat i onaldebutoft he205 mphCont i nent alGTSpeedcoupe,t hef ast estr oadcar t hecompanyhaseverpr oduced.TheBr i t i shmar que al so si gnal l ed t hei rr et ur nt o mot or spor t wi t ht he Cont i nent al GT3conceptr acer ,t he r stt i met heywi l l be hi t t i ngt het r acksi ncet hei rhi st or i csi xt hLeMansvi ct or y backi n2003.

Jaguaruncover edt hei rhi ghl yant i ci pat edFT ypet woseat erwhi ch super sedes t he i coni c ET ype.Cost i ng f r om £58, 500, cust omer s can choose f r om t hr ee di f f er entvar i ant s whi ch boastt he company’ s most advanced i t er at i on ofJaguar ’ s accl ai med r i gi d and l i ght wei ght al umi ni um ar chi t ect ur e t o dat e. The company’ s Academy of Spor t s Ambassador and Ol ympi cat hl et e,Jessi caEnni s,madei t sUK dynami c debuti nf r ontofacr owdofover500, 000peopl eatt he Lor dMayor ’ sShow i nLondon.

Land Roverbr oughtoutt hei rnew gener at i onRange Rover ,t hewor l d’ s nestl uxur ySUVwhi chr et ai l sf r om £71, 295.Thel at estl i neupf eat ur esanAut obi ogr aphy 4. 4l i t r e SDV8, Vogue 3. 0l i t r e TDV6, and t wo Aut obi ogr aphymodel spr opel l edbyt he5. 0l i t r eLRV8 Super char ged pet r olengi ne.Addi t i ons i nt er ms of equi pmenti ncl udepanor ami candcont r astr oof s,and t heal l al umi ni um bodyenabl essi gnicant l yenhanced per f or manceandefci ency .

Att hePar i sMot orShow,McLar enAut omot i vet ook t hewr apsof faconceptver si onoft hei rP1super car whi chi ssl at edt ocosti nt her egi onof£800, 000wheni t goesonsal ei nt hel at t erpar tof2013.Thi sf ol l owedt he l aunchoft heconver t i bl ever si onoft hei r12C model , named t he 12 C Spi der , whi ch made i t s ofci al Eur opeandebuti nt hesummeratt hei naugur al Wi ndsor Concour s ofEl egance whi ch t ook pl ace wi t hi nt he gr oundsoft het own’ sr oyalr esi dence. Looki ngf or war d,af t erwhatwasanexci t i ngyearf ort he sect or ,2013i ssett obeasi gnicantmi l est onei nt he hi st or yofsomeoft hewor l d’ sbestl ovedbr ands.Ast on Mar t i nwi l lbecel ebr at i ng t hei rr st100year swi t ha f est i valwhi chi ssett ot akepl acef r om 15t o21Jul y . Desi gnedt oappealt oowner sandent husi ast soft he br and,t he Cent enar y Week wi l li ncl ude open house act i vi t i esatt hemanuf act ur er ’ sexcl usi veGaydonheadquar t er s,i ncl udi ng f act or ybased event s and dr i vi ng t our s.Fur t her mor e,McLar enwi l l becommemor at i ng50 year ssi nceBr uceMcLar enf oundedwhati snowoneof t oday’ smostr ever ed and i nnovat i ve aut omot i ve and r aci ngmar ques. Luxur i ous Magazi ne wi l lbe r epor t i ng f r om t he GenevaMot orShow i nMar ch.

Justbef or e2012camet oacl ose,Lot usCar si nHet hel l aunchedt heEvor a‘ Spor t sRacer ’ ,avi sual l yenhanced and opt i mi sed ver si on oft hei rmi dengi ned 3. 5l i t r e V6 spor t s car .The ‘ Spor t s Racer ’r ecei ves uni que cont r ast i ngaccent sofgl ossbl ackacr osst her oof ,f r ont spl i t t er ,r ear di f f user and si de si l l s, exagger at i ng t he Evor a' s aggr essi ve st ance and sl eek si l houet t e. Thi scarcomesf ul l yl oaded,boast i ngLot us'ul t i mat e specicat i on, and expect t o pay £65, 900 f or t he t opend350PSsuper char gedEvor aS.

FI NEDI NI NG-TheSquar e

R e e n aP a t e l Ch e c k sI nA t T o pDi n i n gE x p e r i e n c e , T h eS q u a r e Wear r i vedatt hi sdoubl eMi chel i nst ar r edr est aur antwi t heagerant i ci pat i onandcur i osi t y .Wi t hPhi l i p Howar daschefandcoowneroft hi supmar ketMayf ai rest abl i shment ,wehadhear dnot hi ngbuthi gh pr ai sef ort hecul i nar yt al entt hathehasbr oughtt oBr i t i sh nedi ni ngwi t hmoder nFr enchf ood. I fyou’ r enotf ami l i arwi t hPhi l i pHowar d’ sgr eataccompl i shment s,hei sal sot hemanbehi ndanot herdoubl e Mi chel i nst ar r ed t ownhouse r est aur anti n Not t i ng Hi l l cal l edTheLedbur y ,al ongsi deNi gelPl at t sMar t i nand wi t hhi sf or merSousChefBr et tGr aham.Hi st hi r dand f our t hLondonr est aur ant s,Ki t chenW8( whi chhasone Mi chel i n st ar )and SonnysKi t chen ar ei n par t ner shi p wi t hRebeccaMascar enhas.Hewasal sor ecent l yone oft hewi nni ng nal i st sont heBBC’ sGr eatBr i t i shMenu. T ogeti npl ent yofvar i et y ,wedeci dedt ooptf ort heseasonalt ast i ngmenu–ni necour ses,eachonecl ever l y and car ef ul l y wel lt houghtoutt o compl ementt he pr evi ousandt henext . Si nceTheSquar e’ sdoor sopenedbacki n1991,Phi l i p Howar dhasmanagedt ost aycur r entwi t hhi smenubut st i l lhol d on t ot he hear tofwhatdr ove hi mt ot hi s unequi vocalsuccess.Ourhosti nf or med ust hatt he saut éed l angoust i ne t ai l s( ourf our t h cour se on t he t ast i ngmenu)havebeenont hecar dssi ncei ncept i on andi sst i l l oneoft hemostpopul ardi shesser vedatThe Squar et oday .Wecoul dn’ twai tt ot ucki n.Fi r st ,t he aut umnmi nest r onebr ot hwi t habeaut i f ul l ysl owcooked quai leggandami ni at ur et ar t e neofsavour yoni ons andcepest oaddashar psweetcont r astt ot hesoupy avour .

Then,ar ef r eshi ngoceanspr ay ,wi t hr i l l et t eofsmoked Cor ni sh macker elwi t h vi nai gr et t e ofPool e pr awns, oyst er s,seawat erj el l i es,cucumberandcavi ar . Oursommel i er ,a cl ear l y consummat e pr of essi onal , pr esent eduswi t h newi nepai r i ngsf oreachdi sh.Our f avour i t e was t he Mád T okaj iFur mi nt , 2011 – a Hungar i anwhi t et hatwor kedf ant ast i cal l ywel lwi t hour af or ement i oned f our t h cour se - saut é of Scot t i sh l angoust i net ai l swi t hPar mesangnocchiandapot at o and t r ufeemul si on.I tcer t ai nl yhi tt hespot .Cour se number vewas l l etoft ur botwi t haut umnt r ufeand wal nutpest o wi t h a smoked cel er i ac and bay mi l k pur ee,f ol l owed byawel l pr esent ed br eastofgr ouse wi t ht ur ni p and cel er i ac,pear lbar l ey ,pancet t a and bl ackber r i es.Fort hosenotkeenongame,di ner scan choose t he l l etofbeefwi t h smoked cr eam pot at o, cepesand r ed wi ne.The Squar e can al so cat erf or anyonewhoi sveget ar i an. Ourcheesecour secont i nuedourepi cur eanf east ,wi t h abi t eofBeauf or tandanul t r acr eamypotofSt i nki ng Bi shopser vedwi t hcr i spyt hi ns.Ourkeyf avour i t eswer e t hedesser t s-Br i l l at Savar i ncheesecakewi t hmango, passi onf r ui tandl i meandt hemel t i nyour mout h nal e, pl um souféwi t hal mondi cecr eam.

The Squar e had al r eady won us over butf ort he sweet estsendof f ,we wer e pr esent edwi t hacol our f uldi spl ayofj el l y candy l ol l i pops – vani l l a coat ed mi ni appl es, hi bi scusi nf used j el l y cover ed pi neappl e pi eces and mor e.A pl at e of candypoppi ng t r ufes sentus outon t o Br ut on St r eet sat i sed and i nf ul l agr eementwi t ht het wo not or i ousst ar s hangi ngonTheSquar e’ sname. Fort hose who wi sh t ot r y outPhi l i p Howar d’ sr eci pes athome,check out newl y publ i shed The Squar e, The Cookbook:Savour y–t he r stvol umeof hi s debut f ood bi bl e on l ear ni ng t he basi cs,pl us r eci pes f orsoups,sal ads, shandmeatdi shesandmor e.I tt eaches youhowt or ust l eupvar i ousmeal s,gi vi ng you i nval uabl el essonson t i mi ng t hi ngs r i ghtwheni nt heki t chen. www. squar er est aur ant . com

CARS-As t onMar t i n100Year s

Thegl obal l yr enownedBr i t i shl uxur yspor t s carmakerwi l l mar ki t sr st100year swi t ha ser i esofUK andi nt er nat i onalcel ebr at i ons hi ghl i ght i ng t he uni que success of t he br andwor l dwi de. Boast i ngt hest r ongestpr oductl i neupi ni t s99year st o dat e,Ast on Mar t i n has r ecent l yi nt r oduced i t s new ul t i mat eGT–t heexcept i onalVanqui sh–andt i mel ess new DB9.Thenew car shavebeenunvei l edt ogl obal medi aaccl ai m and,i nt hecaseoft heVanqui sh,numer ouspr est i gi ousawar ds. Ast onMar t i nhasal sopl ayedakeyr ol ei noneoft he year ’ smosthot l yant i ci pat ed l ms,wi t ht hei coni cDB5 st eal i ng t he aut omot i ve l i mel i ghti nt he l at estJames Bondbl ockbust er ,Skyf al l . Cent enar yl aunch 15 Januar y 2013 mar ks t he ofci ali ncor por at i on of t hecompany100year sagoandt ocommemor at et he hi st or i coccasi ont heol destsur vi vi ngAst onMar t i n–A3 –andast unni ngnewVanqui sh,t hebr and’ sul t i mat eGT , wi l l t aket hei rpl acesataphot ocal l atHenni kerMewsi n Chel sea–t heor i gi nalhomeofAst onMar t i n–wher ea commemor at i vepl aquewi l lbeunvei l ed.

Cent enar yweek Thecent r epi eceoft hecel ebr at i onswi l lbeaweekl ong f est i valofal lt hi ngsAst onMar t i nwhi chi ssett ot ake pl acef r om 15Jul yt o21Jul ynextyear .Desi gned t o appealt o owner sand ent husi ast soft he br and,t he Cent enar y Week wi l li ncl ude open house act i vi t i es at Ast on Mar t i n’ s excl usi ve Gaydon headquar t er s, i ncl udi ngf act or ybasedevent sanddr i vi ngt our s.

Theweekwi l lcul mi nat ei na1, 000guest‘ bi r t hday par t y’on Sat ur day 20 Jul y and a spect acul ar Cent enar yConcour seventi n cent r alLondon on Sunday21Jul y . Thi shi ghl i ghtoft hecent enar ycel ebr at i onswi l lbe hel di ncent r al Londoni npar t ner shi pwi t ht heAst on Mar t i nHer i t ageT r ustandt heAst onMar t i nOwner s Cl ub.I twi l lf eat ur et he100mosti coni ccar si na concour sdi spl ayand up t o 1, 000 Ast on Mar t i ns f or mi ngt hel ar gestgat her i ngi nt he100yearhi st or y oft hegr eatBr i t i shmar que. Cent enar ydr i ves A numberofcent enar ydr i veswi l lal sobehel dt o coi nci dewi t ht hebi r t hdaypar t yandt heconcour s event .These wi l li ncl ude a JamesBondt hemed r out ear oundEngl andandWal est aki ngi nanumber oft hei coni cBond l ml ocat i ons,adr i vet hr ought he Hi ghl ands and I sl ands ofScot l and and a r al l y t hr ough si x Eur opean count r i es i n si x days. I n Amer i ca,t he Pebbl e Beach cent enar y dr i ve pr ogr ammeof f er sanoppor t uni t yt ovi si tsomeof Cal i f or ni a’ smostsceni cr egi onsbef or e spendi ng t he weekend at t he l egendar y Pebbl e Beach Concour sd’ El egance. Cent enar yl ogo T omar ki t s r stcent ur yi nbusi ness,Ast onMar t i n hascr eat ed aspeci alcent enar yl ogo:adynami c spi r al l i ngdesi gnder i vedf r om t henaut i l usshel l ,one oft hemostper f ect l ypr opor t i onedandmat hemat i cal l ypr eci seobj ect sf ound i nnat ur e.Ni net yni ne poi nt sar r angedi nanel eganthel i xspi r aloutf r om t heAst onMar t i nl ogoandcul mi nat ei nar ed' 100' t o mar kt hecel ebr at i on year .Thel ogo hasbeen desi gned t o expr ess f or war d mot i on whi l e al so acknowl edgi ngt hei mpor t anceoft hepast .

1913t o2013 On15Januar y1913,Li onel Mar t i nandRober tBamf or d f oundedanew aut omot i vevent ur e. Theycal l edt hei rcompanyBamf or d&Mar t i nwhi chl at er became Ast on Mar t i n, acknowl edgi ng Rober t Bamf or d’ s success att he Ast on Cl i nt on Hi l l cl i mb i n Bucki nghamshi r e,wher e he had successf ul l yr aced t hei rver y r stcar s.Bamf or d and Mar t i n began t hei r busi ness i n Chel sea’ s Henni ker Mews i n London, becomi ng wel l known as pr ovi der s of spor t i ng machi nes t o ent husi ast i c r acer s and di scer ni ng ent husi ast s. I nt hecent ur yt hatf ol l owedAst onMar t i nhascomet o r epr esentmanyt hi ngs,f r om spor t i ngpr owesst hr ough t ot echni cal i nnovat i on,beaut i f ul desi gn,necr af t smanshi pandsuper i orper f or mance.I nAst onMar t i n' s r st 90year st hecompanybui l tf ewert han15, 000car s.The openbodi edt woseat erspor t sspeci al soft hepr ewar year sgavewayt ot heDavi dBr owner aoft he1950sand beyond whi ch saw t he i nt r oduct i on oft he l egendar y DB2/ 4,DB4,DB5,DB6andDBS,bef or et heV8Vant age and Vi r age l ed Ast on Mar t i nt ot he DB7,or i gi nal Vanqui shandoni nt ot hemoder ner a. A secondcel ebr at i onseesAst onMar t i nmar ki t s r st decadeatGaydon,i nWar wi ckshi r e,movi ng i nt oi t s pur posebui l tpr emi seson3Januar y2003.Si ncet hat dat eAst onMar t i n,over seenbyCEO DrUl r i chBez ,has pr oduced45, 000car st ohugecr i t i calandcommer ci al accl ai m.Theor i gi nalDB9andVant agewer ej oi nedby t heRapi de,DBS,Vi r ageandnowt het i mel essnewDB9 andul t i mat eGT ,t heVanqui sh–Ast onMar t i n' sl at est agshi pspor t scar . Ast onMar t i ni s,t oo,nol ongerf ocusedont hedomest i c mar ketbutani nt er nat i onalpl ayer ,expor t i ng 75% ofi t sannualpr oduct i onar ound t hewor l dt o146deal er shi ps i n41count r i es.

FI NEDI NI NG-LeMér i di enPi ccadi l l yhot el

Di ni ngWi t hAVi ew

TheTer r aceGr i l l & BarAtLeMér i di enPi ccadi l l y Si t uat edont hesecond ooroft hepr oper t y ,over l ooki ng Pi ccadi l l y , one of t he Capi t al ’ s most f amous t hor oughf ar es, t he 60seat er r est aur ant i s bot h cont empor ar yand chi c,and pr esent sapl easantand sophi st i cat edenvi r onmenti nwhi cht odi ne. Themenuspor t sadi st i nct l yBr i t i sht heme,cour t esyof ChefdeCui si ne,Mi chaelDut nal l ,andof f er sanar r ayof meat ,game,poul t r y ,and shdi shes.Fort hest ar t er ,I choset hechi cor yandwal nutsal adwi t habl uecheese sauce,whi l stmyguestopt edf ort hegoat ’ scheeseand beet r oott ar tdr essed wi t hwat er cr ess,pi nenut s,and her boi l .Thesubt l e avour soft hepr i nci pali ngr edi ent s usedi nbot hoft hesedel i ver edni cel ybal ancedent r ées. Mai n cour sesr ange f r om l amb cut l et sand st eamed seabass wi t h mussel s,t o gr i l l ed nat i ve l obst erand whol er oastPacki ngt on chi cken.Wi t h ourt ast ebuds er r i ngont hesi deof sh,It r i edt hepanf r i edl emonsol e wi t h a por t i on ofhand cutchi ps,whi l stmy guest sampl edt hegr i l l edwhol ebonel esst r outaccompani ed bysi desofspi nachandsaut épot at oeswi t hsof toni ons. Mycompl i ment sgo t ot he chefast hi scour se was not hi ngshor tofdi vi ne.

Asi def r om bei ngver ygener ousi nsi z e,t hel emonsol e whi chwasdecor at ed byadel i cat egar ni shofgr i l l ed cher r yt omat oes,wascooked per f ect l yr esul t i ng i na succul entt ext ur e,whi l stt hel emon,her b,and but t er saucecompl i ment edt he shsuper bl ywi t hever ybi t e. Myguestwasequal l yi mpr essedwi t ht het r out ,whi ch boast edamoi stconsi st encyandel egantpr esent at i on.

Come t he desser t ,and i fl i ke me, you have a sweett oot h,t her ei sa mout hwat er i ng choi ce of puddi ngs whi chspanf r om aBr i t i shcheeseboar d t hr ought oaLemonSyl l abub.Fol l owi ng some l engt hy del i ber at i on, t he nal deci si on came i nt he f or m ofhomemade i ce cr eam decor at ed wi t h bl ueber r i es and a br i ght or ange Physal i sf r ui tasacent r epi ece,and a chocol at et r ufewi t hr aspber r ysor bet . Af t erampl e st ar t er s and mai ns,t he l i ghtand subt l ecomposi t i onoft hese sweet sr oundedof ft hemealbeaut i f ul l y . The ser vi ce t hr oughout was wel l chor eogr aphed ( t her e was ar ound a 15mi nut e gap bet ween ni shi ng one cour seandt henextonear r i vi ng) ,but notf astenought of eell i ket heywer e pi ni ngaf t ert het abl ef ort henextsi t t i ng. Ourhostf ort he eveni ng was ver y hospi t abl e, and mor e i mpor t ant l y , smi l ey .Butwhatst oodoutt hemostf or us was hi s car ef ul and t hought f ul mannerast ohow heposi t i onedever y i t em ont het abl esoast ocr eat et he l easti nt r usi on and i nt er r upt i on t ot he ow ofconver sat i on.

Thi swasyetanot herr e ect i on of t hi s eat er y’ s passi on f or det ai lwhi chwehadwi t nessed dur i ng t he eveni ng at t he T er r aceGr i l l&Bar .

Consi der i ngt hatt hi si sar est aur antofal uxur yhot elononeofLondon’ s mostpopul arst r eet s,t hepr i cesar ever yr easonabl ef ori t sl ocat i on.Expect t opaybet ween£21and£35eachf or shandupt o£45f orasi ngl emeat di sh.Coupl edwi t hsi des,mi ner alwat er ,aswel lasabot t l eofhousewhi t e wi ne( acr i sp2010Pi notGr i gi oi nt hi scase) ,youar er eal i st i cal l yl ooki ngi n t her egi onofar ound£100andupwar dsf ort hr eecour sesf ort wopeopl e mi nushotbever agesandcockt ai l s( whi chcanal sobeenj oyedi nt hegi nbar andupperl oungear ea) . Upondepar t ur e,wewer ebot hcomf or t edbyt hef actt hatwehadenj oyeda mealt hatl ef tyouf eel i ngt hatyouhadeat enwel l ,butwer enotbur st i ng att heseams.Thebestwayt or eal l ysum upt hi svenuei st hati fyouar e l ooki ngf orsmar tsur r oundi ngs,excel l entf oodandser vi ce,andasensi bl ypr i cedmeal awayf r om t hehust l eandbust l e,t heT er r aceGr i l l &Barwi l l not di sappoi nt . Formor ei nf or mat i onont heT er r aceGr i l l&Bar ,vi si t www. t er r acegr i l l andbar . com.

HM5Ont heRoadAgai nmayappearr el at i vel ysi mpl e,buti t ’ scompl i cat ed:t hehour andmi nut edi spl aysl ookst r ai ght f or war d,butt heyar ebi di r ect i onal j umpi nghour swi t h i ndi cat i onsi nver sed,r e ect ed90°t ot hever t i cal andmagnied20%;HM5hasaf ut ur i st i ccasedesi gn,buti t ' sf r om t he1970s;t hecaseofHM5i snotwat err esi st ant ,buti t s movementi s;HM5hasamoder naut omat i cwi ndi ngmechani calmovement ,buti twas i nspi r edbyaner awhenquar t zwasKi ng;t her earl ouvr esonsuper car sbl ockl i ght ,but onHM5t heyl eti ti n;HM5hasexhaustpi pes,butt heydr ai nwat er ;HM5i sOnt heRoad Agai n,buti t si nspi r at i onbar el yl ef tt hegar age.

Thel astdecadeort wohaveseenanexponent i al gr owt hi ni nvent i onst hathaver evol ut i oni sedourl i ves.Robot smaynotcookdi nner ,butt heycanbui l dcar s,vacuum t he homeandmow t hel awn.Sendi ngamant oMar si snotaquest i onofi f ,butwhen. Buti magi net heexci t i ngant i ci pat i onoft hef ut ur ei nt heear l y1970swi t ht hear r i valof super car s,hover cr af t s,super soni c Concor ds,Apol l o moon l andi ngs;and hi ghpr eci si onquar t zwat ches.Ever yt hi ngseemedpossi bl e:humanoi dr obot s,j et packsand yi ngcar s.I nt he1970st hef ut ur ewasn’ tt omor r ow,i twast oday!

WATCHES-HM5‘ OnTheRoadAgai n’

“ I magi net el l i ngs omebodyi n1972t hat i n2012,mos tpeopl ewoul dbewear i ng r ound wat ches wi t hr ound di al s and t hr eehands .Thatwoul ds oundcr az i er and mor ef ar f et ched t hant hei deaof l i v i ngonMar s ! ” Maxi mi l i anBüsser

I n1972,onepl uckywat chbr and,Ami da,deci ded t o t akeont hequar t zusur per satt hei rowngamewi t ht he Di gi t r end,whi ch f eat ur ed a f ashi onabl yf ut ur i st i ct aper edcaseandver t i caldi gi t alLEDl ookdi spl aypower edbyamechani calmovement .I tl ookedj ustl i kea cut t i ngedgequar t zwat chandi tevent ual l ybecamean i coni ct i mepi ece.Unf or t unat el y ,appr eci at i oncamet oo l at et osaveAmi da. Theunmi st akabl ewedgeshapedcaseofOnt heRoad Agai ni sdi r ecthomaget ot hedar i ngAmi daDi gi t r end. However ,i tal sot akesunmi st akabl ecuesf r om t hesl eek l owsl ungsuper car soft heepoch,wi t hl ouvr esont hei r nearhor i z ont alr earwi ndows bl ocki ng sunl i ghtand heat .Conver sel y ,t hesl i deoper at ed l ouvr esonHM5 opent oal l ow l i ghti nt ochar geont heSuper Lumi Nova number sont het i medi sks. Anot herdi st i ngui shi ngf eat ur eofsuper car sar et hr oat y exhaustpi pes.HM5hasdual exhaust st odr ai nwat er ,i n case–l i keJamesBond’ sLot usi n‘ TheSpyWhoLoved Me’– HM5 get s wet .An i nnerwat er r esi st antcase keepsHM5’ sEngi neni ceanddr y .

Anopt i calgr adesapphi r epr i sm r e ect st hehor i z ont al hourandmi nut essot hatt heydi spl ayver t i cal l yanda convex l ens magnies t he numer alby 20% f ori mpr oved l egi bi l i t y .The ver t i calf or war df aci ng di spl ay makesHM5anexcel l entdr i ver ’ swat chast her ei sno needt ol i f tyourwr i stf r om t hest eer i ngwheel t or eadt he di spl ay . HM5t akest hese1970si consandnow,40year si nt o t hef ut ur e,put st hem Ont heRoadAgai n.

Ma x i mi l i a n Büs s er Q.Whathasbeen yourhi ghl i ght ( s) f or2012? Nodoubt ,whenmywi f et ol dmeshe waspr egnant . Q.Whatdoyouhavepl annedf oryou andt hecompanyi n2013? Asusualmanymanynew pr oj ect s! Anew Machi ne,anew Per f or mance Ar tpi eceandaf ewot hersur pr i ses… Wej ustopenedour r stmonobr and MB&F bout i que i n Chi na and wi l l pr obabl y be openi ng our second M. A. D.Gal l er yi nT ai peit hi s year ( f ol l owi ngt hesuccessofourGeneva M. A. D.Gal l er y) .You wi l lal so see some amaz i ng cr eat i ve pr oj ect s whi ch ar e notl i nked t ot he wat ch i ndust r yand t hatshoul d makeyou smi l e. 2013 wi l l be an amaz i ng vi nt age! Q.Congr at ul at i ons on yourr ecent doubl e wi n att he Gr and Pr i x de l ’ Hor l oger i e de Genève.When t he LegacyMachi ne1 ( LM1)won bot h t hePubl i cPr i z eandt heBestMen’ s Wat ch,descr i beyourf eel i ngswhen youhear dt heannouncement . I ni t i al l y ,onbei ngr ewar dedt hePubl i c pr i z ei twasj ustshock.Andt henj ust ast henumbi ngwasst i l lsubsi di ng, we f ound t hatwe won BestMen’ s wat choft heyear ,soyetmor eshock! It hi nkIs pentt her es toft hecer emony i nacompl et edaz e. Then,af t erwal ki ngoutoft het heat er and di scover i ng t he l ook on my t eam’ sf aces,t r uehappi ness expl oded!

Q.Wi t ht her oar i ngs ucces sofMB&F , t he M. A. D Gal l er i es and f at her hood, meet i ngs ,i nt er v i ewsandawar dshow ar ey ou ndi ngbal anci ngev er y t hi ng? I ' v e nev erbeen mor e bal anced.You hav et oi magi nehowobs es s edI hadt o beatt hebegi nni ngofMB&Ft omak e t hi s cr az yi dea ex i s t .Focus ed i sa mi l d wor d.Not hi ng count ed out s i de al l owi ngMB&Ft obebor nandbecome v i abl e.Now,s ev eny ear sl at er ,I hav ea f ant as t i ct eam of14s upercompet ent peopl e who do,much bet t ert han I woul d,ev er y t hi ngIwasdoi ngonmy ownt he r s ty ear s . Now Icanconcent r at eonwhatIl ov e mos tandt her ef or edobes t :cr eat i ng, i ns pi r i ng,engagi ng. Oneof t ens ay st hatl i f egoest hr ough s ev en y earcy cl es .Ibel i ev et hatat MB&F our r s tcy cl ei s endi ng and openi ngupt ot henex tbi gchapt erof ourcr eat i v epr oces s .I ti sex hi l ar at i ng…

Re e n aP a t e l F e a s t so n1 5 Co u r s e so f F i n eCu l i n a r yCa n t o n e s eF a y r ea t HK K Di scr eet l y( and oh so cooland excl usi vel y)t ucked awayont hebor deroft heSquar eMi l ei neastLondon, i st hel at estbespokeChi nese nedi ni ngexper i ence t obei nt r oducedbyt heHakkasanGr oup:HKK. T o be i n such gr eatcompanywi t ht he l i kesoft op eat er i esChr ysan,Yauat chaandofcour se,Hakkasan, ourst andar ds wer e setr eal l y hi gh bef or e ar r i vi ng. Wi t ht hatsai d,i tdi dn’ tt akeusver yl ongt odi scover t hatHKK nat ur al l yl i vesup t oal lexpect at i ons.Just l i kei t swel l est abl i shedsi st err est aur ant s,t hi spl ace i sf astbecomi ng one oft he hot t estgour metspot s ar ound. HKKexcl usi vel yof f er sasi ngl e,ever evol vi ngt ast i ng menuf orl unchanddi nner .Ouruni queeveni ngmeal compr i sedof15car ef ul l ycr af t edcour ses–eachone compl et el y di f f er entyetwhol l y compl ement ar yt o t he pr evi ous and next .Her e,t he menu phi l osophy t el l st hest or yofChi nat hr oughr evi vi ngandmoder ni si ng ol dr eci pes,usi ng aut hent i c wokand bar becue cooki ng met hods al ongsi de pr esent day sous vi de t echni ques.

Guest sdi nei nar ound,f aci ngacent r al ser vi ngt abl e,so youcanwat chasmout hwat er i ngdi shesar epr epar edi n f r ontofyoureyes.A l ong,wel l equi pped baral so st r et ches acr oss al mostone ent i r e si de oft he wal l , shaki ngup var i oussi gnat ur ecockt ai l sand decant i ng nespi r i t sandexqui si t ewi nesf r om ar oundt hewor l d, i ncl udi ngsake.Wewer ei mpr essedt oseeadel i ci ousl y var i ed and wel lt houghtoutveget ar i an menu,pl us nonal cohol i cdr i nkspai r i ngs;aser i esoff r eshj ui ces, mi xedcockt ai l sandt eas.Wedeci dedt oenhanceour meal wi t hawonder f ul l ypai r ed i ghtofwi nes,eachone excel l ent l ydescr i bed byourchar mi ng and i nf or med sommel i er . Af t erourChi nesei nspi r edcockt ai laper i t i f s,webegan ourf ourst ar t er st yl ecour seswi t h‘ f ourt r easur e’I ber i co ham wr ap,pai r ed wi t hasavour ywhi t eSpani sh no. Nextar r i ved t he20year sGuyuel ongshandr unken chi cken.Cher r ywoodr oast edPeki ngduckf ol l owedby poul etdeBr esseand awel l pr esent ed dr i ed scal l op soupwassui t abl ymat chedwi t hal i ght ,r ubyr edpi not noi r .Cour se ve was a di m sum t r i l ogy ofGai l an, shi mej i mushr oom andl i l ybul bi nXOsauce,ser vedwi t h a dar i ng yetr ef r eshl i ngl y vi br ant ,or ange col our ed cockt ai lcal l ed‘ Bi t t erFor t une’ .Wokf r i edl obst erwi t h panmee wentdown a t r eatwi t ht he cr i sp t ast e of Aust r al i anchar donnay .

The ski l land cr eat i vi t yofMi chel i nst ar r ed chefT ong CheeHweeshi nesbeyondcompr ehensi on.Hei nj ect s hi st al entf orpr esent i ngcompl ex avour edCant onese di sheswi t hamoder n ai r ,del i ver i ngor i gi nal i t yandvi t al i t yt oever ydi shatHKK.Mi dwayf ol l owsar i t ual i st i c af t er noont eacour se:ahi ghqual i t ybl endofDaHong Paoool omg( al soknownas‘ Bi gRedRobe’andi st he mostexpensi vet eaperpoundi nt hewor l d) ,ser vedwi t h osmant hus owerj el l yandwat erchest nutcaket ohel p cl eanset hepal et t e– tenoughf oraChi neseemper or . Wewer et henont ot hemai ncour sesofmonk sh l l et wi t hLoui sRoeder erchampagnesauceand t obanof homemadepumpki nt of u,ser vedwi t hr i cewi ne,sake. Ourf avour i t eswer et henextt wodi shes:j asmi net easmokedWagyubeefandst eamedr az orcl am wi t hchi l l i , mui choigl ut i nous r i ce.Ouri mper i albanquetwas t opped of fwi t h a hel pi ng ofl ychee t api oca wi t ha t r opi calsor betandpassi onj am,f ol l owedbypi neappl e f r i t t er ,sal t edl i mej el l yandvani l l ai cecr eam andasel ect i onofpet i t sf our s,al ongwi t hal usci ousI t al i andesser t wi ne. HKKi sde ni t el yasensat i onalsensor yandsumpt uous exper i encenott obemi ssed. www. hkk. com

JEWELLERY-Pi agetRos e

Pi aget Rose I ts e e mst oh a v eb e e np i c k e di nag a r d e n o fd i a mo n d s . Su r r o u n d i n gah e a r to fl i g h t , i t a p p e a r si na l l i t sf a c e t t e dg l o r y , a d o r n i n gs t u d s o rp e n d i n ge a r r i n g s , ap e n d a n to rr i n g , an e c k l a c eo ra“ s e c r e t ”wa t c h …

Adel i ght f ulj ewelonwhi cht i mehasnohol d.Awi nd ofgent l e madness gent l y sways i tatt hi s meet i ng poi ntofr ei nvent ed l ove and nat ur e,and as i fi t hadbeenr eenchant edbyt hej ewel l erwhosecr eat i ve exuber ancei tsopower f ul l yi nspi r es. Ascul pt edr ose,anopenwor kedr ose,al acewor kr ose, bl oomi ng ami dt he heady euphor i a ofan al l egor y qui ver i ngwi t hdesi r e… I t ski ngdom i smet amor phosi s.I t i ssur r oundedbyanomni pr esentgl ow,andi t sgar deni s anendl essspr i ng.

Exper t i seandcar e AtPi aget ,t her osei sr standf or emostt heexpr essi on ofanat ur alenvi r onmentt hati si nt er pr et edi nast yl i sed r at hert han nat ur al i stf ashi on.Vol upt uous.Sensual . Jubi l ant ,l i keawomani naf uchsi acol our ed eveni ng gownwal ki ngt hr oughherr osegar den.Posi ngi nbr oad dayl i ghtandoutofcont ext .Theadver t i si ngvi sualpr oducedbyTi m Wal kerf orPi ageti st heechooft hewor k ofPi aget ’ sj ewel l er yar t i sans,at t ent i vel ycul t i vat i ngt hi s r osegar den,i gnor i ng convent i ons,t o bet t erexal ti t s spi r i t .

Thespi r i toft hePi agetRose:l ovi ng,gener ous,r el axed.A r osewi t hchar act er ,a r oset hati sal mostapeony .Pr esenti n t hel i nesofasi mpl ependantaswel l asi n t heswi r l sofar i ngsetwi t h158di amonds anda5, 1car at ,pi nksapphi r edewdr op. Ar oseappeal i ngt obot hmi ndandhear t .

Pi agetRoser i ngi n18K whi t egol ds etwi t h178 br i l l i ant cutdi amondsand acent r al br i l l i ant cut di amond. Ref .G34U5600

Fort heHouseofPi aget ,t her osei sat al i sman.A message ofet er ni t y and r enewedl ovet hatpul sat esdai l y .Agener ous,j oyous i con mi r r or i ng t he r ose of whi ch i ti st he muse:t he Yves Pi aget r ose. “ Ther osei st hemostuni ver sal ower . Forme,i tbr i ngst omi ndchi l dhood,and my r stl ove f ort he wi l dr oses cal l ed SweetBr i ar s,whi chgr ow wi l dat1, 100 met r es. I t was when I l ef t La Côt eauxFéest ogot oNeuchât elt hatI di scover ednur ser yr oses. ” “ Ihaveal waysbeeni nl ovewi t hr oses, f asci nat edbyt hewor kdonebybr eeder s,whose i magi nat i on i s mat ched by t hei rabsol ut edi sci pl i ne.Theyseekonl y beaut yandper f or mance.I n1982,when t her osepeonywaschr i st enedt heYves Pi agetr ose,i twasan ext r emel yemot i onalmomentf orme. “ Il ovet hesegr adedshadesf r om pi nkt o mauve,I l ovei t sexcept i onal per f ume.I t ’ s at r uedel i ght .T ocel ebr at et hi sj oydai l y , al l youneedi sal i t t l er owofadoz enr ose bushes. ”YvesPi aget Onceuponat i met her ewasar ose… TheYvesPi agetr ose I n1982,i nt hepr est i gi ousset t i ngoft he Concour s I nt er nat i onal de Roses Nouvel l e de Genève ( Geneva I nt er nat i onal Compet i t i onofNewRoses) , t he wi nni ng r ose was chr i st ened t he “ YvesPi aget ”r ose.Af t erbei ngcul t i vat ed f or t wo year si nt he r ose gar den i n Geneva’ sPar cdesEauxVi ves,t her ose wont het hr eemosti mpor t antpr i z est hat year :Di pl ômedeMédai l l ed’ Or ,Pr i xdel a Vi l l edeGenève,CoupeduPar f umRose d’ or…

Pi agetRose-Li mel i ghtGar den Par t ywat chwi t hcas es pr i ng.Cas e i n18Kwhi t egol ds etwi t h668 br i l l i ant cutdi amonds .Bl acks at i n s t r ap.Fol di ngcl as pbuckl ei n18K whi t egol ds etwi t h40br i l l i ant cut di amonds .Pi aget56Pquar t z mov ement . Ref .G0A37180

Al egendwasbor n. Ofapal epi nkNeyr onhue,andwi t haver y par t i cul arshapet hatr esembl esapeony , t heYvesPi agetr ose our i shesi navol upt uousswi r lofmor et han80l acepet al s, exhal i ng a Rosa Cent i f ol i a per f ume as power f ul asi t s ower i ngi sabundanti nt he f ol dsofi t spi nkandmauvedr ess. Aheadypassi on. Thi r t yyear sl at er ,t heemot i oni sasst r ong as ever .“ On t hatday ,Iwas t he same col ourasmyr ose …”r emember sYves Pi aget .I n1982,t hi st r i but et husr ender ed seal ed hi s ver i t abl e commi t mentt ot he queenof ower s,apassi onsopr eci oust o hi mt hathecr eat ed i n1979at r ophy:a l i f esi z er osei n18car atgol dmadei nt he Pi aget wor kshops f or t he Concour s I nt er nat i onal de Roses Nouvel l es de Genève,and whi ch heawar ded no l ess t han30t i mes.

ThePi agetgar den… ort her osesaga AtPi aget ,ever yj eweli sasymbolofl ove,amessage of seduct i on and sensual i t y , whose i nspi r at i on i s t r ansl at ed i nt oat housand and onebouquet sofl i ght dedi cat ed t of emi ni ne beaut y .So i twas compl et el y nat ur al t hatt her ose,t hemostf r equent l ygi f t ed oweri n t hewor l d,shoul df r om t heSi xt i esonwar dsbecamea mot i fdeart ot heHousewhosecol l ect i onswer ei nspi r ed bypl antl i f e.I nt er l aci nggol denpet al s,hear t ssetwi t h di amonds,br ooches,saut oi rneckl aces,medal l i ons, r i ngs and cuf f wat ches – al lmake r ef er ence t ot he gar den,combi ni ngt heet er ni t yofst oneswi t ht hef r esh bl oom off eel i ngs.AtPi aget ,t her osehasest abl i shed i t sel fast hequeenofi t scr eat i vegar den,suf f usi ngi t wi t hnew l i ghtwi t heachnew season. 2012sawt heYvesPi agetr oset ur n30year sol d.Pi aget i s cel ebr at i ng t hi s bi r t hday i nt he mostnat ur alway i magi nabl e–byt r eat i ngi t scol l ect i onst oanefor escenceofnew model s.Fr om earst udst ot he“ secr et ” wat chsetwi t h668di amonds–t hedr eam i si nt act . Fl owerj ewel ,j ewel ower ForPi aget ,t her osei st hesymbolofapassi on–t hatof Yves Pi aget ,and t hatoft he desi gner s and j ewel l er cr af t smen i ti nspi r es.Thr ough t hei rt al ent ,some100 cr eat i ons have bl oomed i n Pi aget ’ sr ose gar den, of f er i ngt hr eei nt er pr et at i onsofar oset hatr emai nsas uni queasever . Ar osebl oomi ngwi t hdi amonds I n gol d,i n di amond,ati t s hear tgl i st ens a dr op of dew exal t edbyt hemostl umi nousgem oft hem al l .I t vol upt uousl y unf ur l si t s ent i r el y di amondsetst yl i sed pet al s,bl ossomi nggener ousl yj ustl i kear ealr ose. Theopenwor kedr ose I tpl ayswi t hl i ghtl i kea owerawakeni ngundert he r st r aysofsunl i ght ,r eveal i ng t hej oyf ulr oundnessofi t s opengol denpet al s,pol i shedorsetwi t hdi amonds.An i conoft r uef eel i ngs,wi t hadi amondbeat i ngati t shear t . Thel acewor kr ose I t s open pet al s car ess t he ski n,as i ft ol eave t hei r pr eci ousi mpr i nt .I t si nt ensel ysensual ,l i ghtandsi nuous i nt er l aci ng mot i f s enhanced by gol d and somet i mes di amonds,t r acet hecont our sofavi br ant ,exqui si t el y del i cat er ose. Secr et sofar ose I n Pi aget ’ s j ewel l er y wor kshop, cr af t smen have devel oped t hei rt echni queso ast o gi vet hi sgol d or di amond owert he vol ume and spar kl e ofa r eal r ose. Ever y el ement i s made i ndi vi dual l y , and t henassembl ed.Thepet al scutf r om agol dpl at ear e i ndi vi dual l yf or medbypl i age.

T oenabl eeachdi amondt obemagniedbyl i ght ,ont he backofeachpet alt hej ewel l erpi er cest hemet alatt he exactspoteachgem i sposi t i oned,usi ngt he“ honeycomb”t echni que.Ont hi spar t i cul arpl ace,t hegemset t erpr epar est hegol d,whi chhasal r eadybeenpol i shed, t or ecei vet hest ones,andf or mst hegr ai nst hatwi l l hol d i ti nt hepr eci ousmet al .Thi smet hodbr i ngsaddi t i onal spar kl et ot heset t i ng.Het henset st he nalt ouchby maki ng adel i cat eengr avi ng on t heper i met eroft he pet al si nor dert oaccent uat et hei rcur ve.Ther oset hus begi nst ot akeshape.Eachel ementi smount edf r om t hei nsi deandf r om t het opt ot hebot t om oft he ower , t her eby ensur i ng t hatt he Pi agetRose cont i nues t o pr eser vet hesecr etofi t sgener ousvol upt uousness.

Penconnoi sseur sever ywher ewi l ll ovet hi seyecat chi ngdi amondencr ust edf ount ai npen-t he r stofa st r i ct l yl i mi t edcol l ect i onofhandcr af t edj ewel l edmast er pi ecesbyGr afvonFaber Cast el l . Thi sdecadentwr i t i ngi nst r umenti sdr essedwi t h60gems-58ofwhi char edi amonds-wi t hacombi ned wei ghtof4. 6car at s.Thebar r elhasbeencasti nsol i d18car atgol d.T woBr az i l i anMadei r aci t r i nesshi neat t hecapandt heendoft hebar r el ,whi chi scr ownedwi t hhandsetdi amonds.Thepencapandendcapand al lot hermet alpar t sar e24car atgol dpl at ed,whi l et he18car atbi col ourgol dni bhasbeenr uni nbyhand t oensur esmoot handeveni nk ow. Upon pur chase,you al so r ecei ve a cer t icat e on t he wei ght ,car atand number i ng,si gned by Count Ant onWol f gangvonFaber Cast el lhi msel f .The‘ Penoft heYear2012Di amondEdi t i on’f et chesf oracool £60, 000atHar r ods.Gr afvonFaber Cast el lal soof f er sat i dyDeskAccessor i esGi f tBoxf or£995,whi chi s madeoft he nestI t al i ancal f ski ni nyourchoi ceofbr ownorbl ack.I thol dsasel ect i onofsi xst yl i shaccessor i es,i ncl udi ngl et t eropener ,not epadhol derandpenhol dert ost or eyourbeaut i f ul wr i t i ngj ewel s.Ther e’ sal so spacef orapent r ay ,si xGui l l ochepenci l si nanel egantsl i di ngcaseandadeskpad. Per f ectf orasl i ckst udy .

Wi t ht hej i ngl ebel l sofChr i st masandf est i ve r ewor ks ofNew Yearcel ebr at i onsbehi ndus;i t ’ st i met ol aunch i nt o a br and new yearwi t h new br and pl ans and expect at i ons. Haveyoual r eadymadepl ansf orSai ntVal ent i ne’ sDay? I fyouar est i l l l ooki ngf ori deas,we’ vegotagoodonef or you.How aboutwhi ski ng awayyourl oved onef ora r omant i cweekendi nMal l or ca?Wi t hOr i ent Expr ess’La Resi denci aopeni ngf oranewseason2013you’ vegota per f ectoppor t uni t yt odoi ti nst yl e. Per chedont heedgeofanar t i st s’vi l l ageofDei à,ont he nor t hwestcoastofMal l or ca,andshel t er edbygr and mount ai ns ofT r amunt ana on one si de and a pr et t y swi mmi ngcoveont heot her ,t hi shi st or i cmansi oncome l uxur i ousbout i quehot eli st heepi t omeofal ovenest . Setamongstbeaut i f ulgar dens sur r ounded by ol i ve and l emon gr oves,t he est at ei s hi dden f r om st r ess and noi se oft he moder nday hi ghpaced l i f e,and of f er speaceandt r anqui l i t yi napi ct ur esqueset t i ngwi t h spect acul arvi ewsoft hemount ai nsandt hesea.What bet t erpl acef oramemor abl ecel ebr at i onoft hemost r omant i cdayoft heyear ?

I ft hatsoundst empt i ng,LaResi denci aof f er saspeci al packagef orTheVal ent i ne’ sDaycel ebr at i ont o seta r omant i ct onet oyourst ay .Youwi l l r ecei veanaut omat i c upgr ade t o a Juni orSui t e,a compl i ment ar y bot t l e ofChampage and a beaut i f ulbouquetof ower st o wel come you,a f our cour se di nneri n ElOl i vo,t he hot el ’ sexqui si t e nedi ni ngr est aur ant ,anda€50cr edi t atLaResi denci a’ sawar dwi nni ngSpaf oreachguest .I n addi t i ont ot hat ,t hemor ni ngaf t er ,youcant akeyour t i megr eet i ngt henew daywi t ht hel ovedonebyyour si de,asbr eakf astcanbeser vedi nyoursui t et i l lasl at e as2o’ cl ocki nt heaf t er noon,whi chi sal soapar toft he package.

Whet heryoucomet ost ayf ort wodaysorl onger ,you ar ei nnodangerofbei ngbor ed. Ther ear epl ent yof t hi ngsyoucanenj oyt oget her .T omaket hemostoft he br eat ht aki ngscener yandbohemi anl ocat i on,t hehot el of f er s carand bi ke excur si ons,hot ai rbal l oon and hel i copt err i des,aswel lassai l i ngormot orboatt r i ps ar oundt hebeaut i f ulcoast l i ne.I fyouar ei nt ophysi cal act i vi t i es,whynott oexpl or et hel ocalhi ki ngt r ackson f ootorast r i deacut er esi dentdonkeyandt akei nt he st unni ngpanor ami cvi ewsal ongt heway ,ort r youtt he hot el ‘ st wo super bt enni s cour t s sur r ounded by t he T r amunt anaMount ai nsand over l ooki ng t hespar kl i ng Medi t er r anean.Ther e ar e Yoga,T ai Chiand Pi l at es sessi onsaswel lasi ndoorheat edpoolaquaaer obi cs cl assesonof f er . Forcr eat i vesoul s,t her ei saf ant ast i coppor t uni t yt osee ar t i st satwor kandt ot r yyourhandatpai nt i ng,cer ami cs orscul pt i ng undert he i nst r uct i on ofa pr of essi onal . Ther e ar e handson demonst r at i ons,ar tcl assesand wor kshopsf orguest saswel l asahot el gal l er yf eat ur i ng ar emar kabl econt empor ar ycol l ect i onofor i gi nalwor ks ofar tcr eat edbyar t i st swhohavel i vedandwor kedi n Dei Ă orMal l or ca.

Whenyougethungr y ,bei ngbusywi t hal lt heact i vi t i es, t her ear epl ent yofopt i onst of ull lal lyourgast r onomi c needs r i ghti nf r ontofyou.Fr om ne di ni ng i nt he awar dwi nni ng ElOl i vo,seti n a 16t hcent ur y ol i ve pr essand of f er i ngasuper b spr ead ofMedi t er r anean del i caci esi nar omant i c,el egantambi ence,al lt heway t o a coz yt r adi t i onalpi cni c out si de wi t h a vi ew t o behol d. And, of cour se, t her e i s an awar dwi nni ng La Resi denci aSpat oconsi deratt heendofanadvent ur ousday .Whatbet t erwayt ocompl et eyourwonder f ul br eakt oget hert hant ogetpamper edsi debysi deata f abul ousspawi t havi ew?Someoft het r eat mentr ooms have openai rt er r aces,so t hatyou coul d enj oyt he ast oni shi ng vi ewswhi l ehavi ng asoot hi ng t r eat ment . Ther ei sawi der angeoft her apeut i ct r eat ment st hatwi l l hel pyour el axandunwi nd,aswel lasani ndoorpool , Jacuz z iandsaunat oenhanceyourexper i ence. So,i fyouar epl anni nganunf or get t abl er omant i cget awayt hi sFebr uar y ,La Resi denci ai n Mal l or ca mi ght bej ustwhatyouar el ooki ngf or . Af ai r yt al emansi oni ngor geoussur r oundi ngs‌ Whosai dt hatr omancei sdead?

B yS i mo nWi t t e n b e r gMIOJ

TakeThai ' m OutTo Rel ax BySabiPhagur a

I t ’ s vi r t ual l yi mpossi bl et o nd somequal i t y‘ me’t i me. Butsomet i mest hat ’ sj ustt het i cketweneedt or el ax, r ej uvenat eand r echar geourbat t er i es,bef or ewecan getgoi ng agai n.Wi t ht hi si n mi nd,Ij umped att he chancet or evi ew adayspawher eIcoul d getaf ew hour sal l t omysel fandr el ax.Andwhowoul d’ vet hought t hathi dden ami dstt he bust l i ng st r eet s ofLondon’ s Covent Gar den,Iwoul d nd j ust t he pl ace.The ThaiSquar e chai ni s popul ar l y known f ori t sr i ch t r adi t i onal cui si neandt hespaI di scover ed,ext endst hi s r eput at i ont of oodf ort hesoul .I tspeci al i sesi nbr i ngi ng t r adi t i onalThait r eat ment st oLondonandhasvar i ous di vi nef aci l i t i esi ncl udi ng sevent r eat mentr ooms,t wo l uxur ycopperbat hsandamosai cst eam Rasulsui t e. Housedi naconver t edVi ct or i anwar ehouse,Ii mmedi at el y escaped t he buz z i ng shops ofLondon,and ent er edi nt ot hel apoft r anqui lsur r oundi ngsoft hespa. Af t erbei ngwel comedbyt hel ovel yandcal m st af f ,I was gr eet edbymyt her api stNoo,whot ol dmeshewoul dbe t r eat i ng me t o a Thai Hot Compr ess t r eat ment . Thi s massage she sai d, uses t r adi t i onal her bal r emedi es,r ol l edupi nt oabal lencasedi nmusl i nbag and heat ed bef or e bei ng pl aced al lovermy body . I coul dn’ t get i nt o my si l ky r obe and sl i pper s qui ckenough,r eadyt o baski nanyheatIcoul d get consi der i ng t he subz er ot emper at ur es I ’ ve had t o endur et hel astweek.Thet r eat mentbeganwi t ha or al f ootsoak,wher ebymyf eetwer epl ungedi nt oat er r acot t a bowlofsoot hi ng war m soapywat erwi t hr ose pet al sandher bs.

Whi l eNoowor kedoncl eansi ngmyt i r edf eet ,I t ooksi ps f r om acupoft hei rsi gnat ur et ea–t heThai bael f r ui tt ea. Thi sf r ui t ,Iwasi nf or med,i snor mal l yusedi nr el i gi ous r i t ual si ncl udi ngheal i ngi nt er nalwoundsandget t i ngr i d oft oxi nsi nt hei nt est i nes.Ir emembert hi nki ngIwoul d needmor et hanj ustacup! AssoonasI l ayf acedownont hemassagebench,I was i n pur el uxur i ous bl i ss.Noo was cl ear l y an exper t , havi ngt r ai nedatt hepopul arWatPot r ai ni ngschooli n Thai l and,andappl i edj ustt her i ghtamountofpr essur e wi t ht hecompr essor ,t opushandst r et cht het ensi on outofmybody .Thepr essur ef r om t hecompr essorwas f ai r l yhotand r m butnotpai nf ul andcompl et el yi nvi gor at i ng.Ir emembert hi nki ngIwoul dsl eepsoundl yt hat ni ghtbutsl eepcamesooner–att hemassagebench! Hal f wayt hr ought het r eat mentInoddedof fandi twas t hesoundofmyowngent l esnor i ngt hatact ual l yawoke me.Iwasal i t t l eembar r assedt osayt hel east ,butNoo r eassur edmeI wasn’ tt he r stcl i entt of al l asl eepdur i ng t het r eat ment .TheThai Squar eSpauseEr bpr oduct s,a pr emi um nat ur al ski ncar er angei nspi r edbyanci entThai her balr emedi esandr i t ual s.Ther angewasl aunchedi n Thai l andi n2000andi sal r eadyr ecogni sedasoneoft he count r y’ st opski ncar ebr ands.Thesenat ur alpr oduct s ar ededi cat edt ot hewel l bei ngoft hemi nd,bodyand soul andt heonesusedonmybodywer et r ul yamaz i ng, r ebal anci ngandheal i ng.Unf or t unat el yt i mer eal l ydoes ybywhenyou’ r ehavi ngf unbutIdeci dedt osavour t hesur r oundi ngsoft hewoodenr el axat i onwi t hanot her cupofwar mi ngbaelf r ui tt ea.Buti twassodel i ci ous t hatIcoul dn’ tmakei tl astmuchl ongerandbef or el ong Iwasdr essedandr et ur nedt ot her ealwor l d.

PRESTI GE450S:MORESPACE,MORECOMFORT Thei nt er i oroft hi snew Gar r onidesi gnwi l lsur pr i seyou wi t h al i vi ng space ent i r el yon one l evel ,a spaci ous sal oonaf f or di ngapanor ami cvi ew,andagal l eyt hati s i deal l yl ocat edneart heent r ance,bet weent hesal oon andt hecockpi t .Thi si st r ul yasi gnat ur ePr est i ge. Of f er i ngspaci ousdoubl ecabi ns,i ncl udi ngonecent r al cabi n wi t hi ndependentaccess,t he i nt er i orl ayout f eat ur esmanydet ai l st hatonewoul dexpectt o ndona muchl ar germodel .Al sowor t hnot i ngar et het wol ar ge headcompar t ment swi t hsepar at eshower s. Thi sPr est i gei st r ul ydedi cat edt oasuper i orqual i t yof l i f eaboar d.Thesur pr i si ngl ygener ousdi mensi onsoft he cockpi tgi vewayt oal ar gehydr aul i cswi m pl at f or mand ani mmensest or agecompar t ment .


PRESTI GE550S:THECOUPECONCEPTREVI SI TED The conceptofcoupĂŠ mot oryacht s,asr evi si t ed by Pr est i ge,f eat ur esal ar gel i vi ngspacedesi gnedent i r el y on a si ngl el evel ,wi t h a wi de openi ng doort ot he cockpi tand a l ar ge,el ect r i c openi ng sunr oof .Thi s con gur at i oni si dealf orcr ui si ngi nanyl at i t udes,and unl i keconvent i onal expr essmot oryacht s,i twi l l pr ovi de t he added bene t of comf or t abl e cr ui si ng i n any weat hercondi t i ons. Neverseenbef or eonayachtoft hi ssi z e:t hel uxur y spor t ybr i dge i s accessi bl e by a st ai r case and shel t er edbyacanopy ,wher et heXXLsundeckont he r oofoft hespor tt oppr ovi desanaddi t i onalspacef or r el axat i on,whet heratanchororatsea.The cockpi t oft hePr est i ge550S i sgener ousl ypr opor t i onedand f eat ur es a comf or t abl e sunbed,wi t h an el ect r i c sun awni ngf orshel t erondemand.Theaf tcabi nr emai ns accessi bl ef r om t hecockpi t .Al ar gehydr aul i cpl at f or m i st hei dealpl acet oenj oyt heseaandst or et het ender .

T heBent l eyCont i nent a l GTS pe e dCon v e r t i bl e T heF a s t es tf our s ea tc onv er t i bl ei nt hewor l d


CARS-TheBent l eyCont i nent al GT

The new GT Speed Conver t i bl e combi nes t he s ens or y pl eas ur es ofr oof down l uxur y t our i ng wi t ht he s hat t er i ng per f or mance of a 625 PS ( 616 bhp)t wi nt ur bochar ged 6. 0 l i t r eW12,whi l edel i v er i ng a f t een percent i mpr ov ementi nf uel efci ency . Thecl oser at i oei ght speedt r ansmi ssi on,upr at edand l ower ed suspensi on and r et uned st eer i ng pr ovi de exhi l ar at i ng accel er at i on and shar p,communi cat i ve handl i ng wi t hout det r i ment t ot he r enowned r i de comf or t of Bent l ey’ s Cont i nent al conver t i bl e. Per manental l wheeldr i ve ensur es opt i mum t r act i on and power del i ver y what ever t he r oad condi t i ons. T aki ng i t s pl ace at t he pi nnacl e of t he Bent l ey Cont i nent al r ange,t henewGTSpeedConver t i bl ehasa t opspeedof202mph( 325km/ h)andi nt r ueBent l ey st yl e,nocompr omi seshavebeenmadei ncr af t smanshi p,l uxur y orr e nementt o del i vert hi s unr i val l ed per f or mance. Subt l e spor t i ng desi gn cues i ncl ude excl usi ve 21i nch al l oy wheel s,dar kt i ntgr i l l es and ‘ r ied’exhaustt ai lpi pes.I nsi dei t shandcr af t edcabi n, t heGTSpeedconver t i bl ef eat ur est heMul l i nerDr i vi ng Specicat i on as st andar d, bl endi ng cont empor ar y l uxur ywi t hadi st i nct l yspor t i ngchar act er . TheCont i nent al GTSpeedconver t i bl eshar esi t spower t r ai nspecicat i onwi t hi t sBent l eyst abl emat et heGT Speedcoupé.The625PS( 616bhp) t wi nt ur bochar ged, 48val ve,W12engi nepower st henewconver t i bl et o60 mphi n4. 1seconds( 0100km/ hi n4. 4s. )andont oa t opspeedof202mph( 325km/ h) .Noughtt o100mph ( 160 km/ h)i sdespat ched i n onl y9. 7 seconds.Peak t or que–ani mpr essi ve800Nm ( 590l b. f t ) –i sr eachedat j ust2000r evs/ mi nandmai nt ai nst hatl evelt hr ought o 5000r evs/ mi nf oref f or t l ess,r e nedper f or manceatal l t i mes.

I nsi de,excl usi vet r eadpl at esf eat ur i ngt he‘ Speed’ l egend wel come you t oaf our seatcabi nt hat f eat ur es t he handcr af t smanshi p oft he Mul l i ner Dr i vi ngSpecicat i on,wi t hi t sdi st i nct i vedi amondqui l t ed hi de uphol st er y .Fort he Cont i nent alGT Speedmodel sBent l eyof f er sanexcl usi veDar kTi nt Al umi ni um ‘ engi ne spi n’ ni sh,i nspi r ed by t he dashboar dsoft he Le Manswi nni ng Bent l eysof t he 1920s.I t s under st at ed shade i st he per f ect compl ementt ot he ext er i or ’ s dar kt i ntchr ome r adi at orandbumpergr i l l es.Ot heropt i onal ni shes i ncl udet hef ul lr angeof newoodveneer sanda sat i n-ni sh Car bon Fi br e opt i on f orf asci a and cent r econsol e. Thei nf ot ai nmentsyst em f eat ur esBent l ey’ sl at est sof t war e upgr ades,whi ch var yf r om r egi on t o r egi on buti ncl ude r e nement s such as poi ntof i nt er estmappi ng,opt i onal sat el l i t el andscapei mager y ,l i vet r afcdat aand,wher et hei nf r ast r uct ur e suppor t si t ,di gi t alr adi o.Thesyst em f eat ur es15 Gi gabyt esofavai l abl emusi cspace,aswel last he f aci l i t yt opl aymusi cvi aani Pod,MP3pl ayer ,t he car ’ sownsi xdi scCDchangerorSDcar d. Fl atpanelBal ancedModeRadi at or( BMR)speaker s,whi ch combi ne t he f unct i ons ofsepar at e t weet erandmi dr angespeaker si noneuni t ,di r ect t hesoundwi t haccur acyandpr ovi degr eat ercl ar i t y acr oss t he audi bl e spect r um.Al t er nat i vel y ,t he audi ophi l eNai mf orBent l eysyst em,i ncor por at i ng cust ombui l tspeaker sand ei ghti ndi vi dualDi gi t al SoundPr ocessi ngmodes,i savai l abl easanopt i on. Asat hought f ult ouch,t heaudi obal anceset t i ngs aut omat i cal l yal t erwhent her oofi sl ower edt ocompensat ef ort hechangei nl i st eni ngenvi r onment .

CARS-As t onMar t i n100Year s

Wi t h t or si onal st i f f ness a cl assl eadi ng 22, 500 Nm/ degr ee,t hebodyshel loft heCont i nent alGTSpeed conver t i bl ei s except i onal l yr i gi d,l ayi ng t he per f ect f oundat i onf oramor eengagi ngdr i vi ngexper i ence.The al umi ni um doubl ewi shbone f r ont suspensi on and t r apez oi dalmul t i l i nk r earset up f eat ur er evi sed ai r suspensi onspr i ngsand damper sf ori mpr oved agi l i t y andbodycont r olwi t hl i t t l esacr icei nr i decomf or t . Fr om out si de,t heCont i nent alGTSpeedconver t i bl ei s di st i ngui shedbyamat r i xr adi at orgr i l l eandbumperai r i nt akesi nadar kt i ntchr ome ni sh.The21”Speedal l oy wheel sar euni quet ot hi smodel ,andar eavai l abl ei n si l veroranopt i onaldar kt i nt .Lar ge,el l i pt i calexhaust t ai l pi pesf eat ur ear iedi nt er i or ,whi l eaf ur t her ,subt l e desi gnt ouchi sr eveal edwhent hebonneti sopened– t he bl acki nl etmani f ol di suni que t ot he Cont i nent al Speed model s.As wi t ht he GT Speed coupé,t he wi nged‘ B’badgewhi chcr ownst her adi at orshel li sset uponabl ackenamelbackgr ound. The f r ontwi ngs oft he GT Speed Conver t i bl e ar e cr eat ed i n super f or med al umi ni um, t hei r seaml ess f or m and cr i spl yde ned body cr eases cr eat i ng an i mpr essi on oft ensi on and muscul ar i t y .The 10 mm l owersuspensi on and uni que21”wheel saccent uat e t hewi de,l ow andpoi sedst ance.

Thenew Cont i nent alGTSpeedConver t i bl eof f er st he l uxur yandr e nementofacoupéyett r ansf or msi nt oa headt ur ni ngopent our eratt het ouchofabut t on.The f our l ayerhoodensur eshi ghl evel sofr e nementand acoust i ci nsul at i on.Exhaust i vel yt est edi nal l condi t i ons f r om 30° Ct o+50° Cormor e,i tr esi st sevenmonsoonf or cer ai nandmai nt ai nscomf or t abl e,dr af t f r eewar mt h evenont hecol destdays.Anot herpr act i cal f eat ur e,t he neckwar mer ,makesopenai rdr i vi nganappeal i ngand comf or t abl epr ospectevenont hecool erdaysofspr i ng andaut umn.Wi t ht hehooddown,t heCont i nent alGT Speedconver t i bl eof f er ssensat i onalper f or mancewi t h t hesensor yampl icat i onofopenai rmot or i ng.Hood up,i t ’ s as pr act i cala year r ound pr oposi t i on as i t s coupést abl emat e. Aswi t hever yBent l eyCont i nent al model ,t heGTSpeed conver t i bl eof f er st her eassur i ngst abi l i t yofper manent al l wheel dr i ve,bi ased60: 40i nf avouroft her earsot he spi r i t eddr i vercancont r ol t hecar ’ sl i newi t ht het hr ot t l e. Ther ear bi asedt or quespl i tal somi ni mi sesunder st eer dur i ng har d cor ner i ng whi l et hesyst em var i est or que bet weent hef r ontandr earaxl esf oropt i mum gr i pi nal l r oadandweat hercondi t i ons.Ther esul ti sanexhi l ar at i ng combi nat i on ofper f or mance and pr act i cal i t y;a Bent l ey t hatcan t ackl e sundr enched boul evar d or snowyal pi nepasswi t hequalapl omb.

Ma r ch&Whi t e I nt er v i ewwi t hEl l i otMa r cha ndJ a mesWhi t e

BySi monWi t t enber gMI OJ Mar ch&Whi t ei sanar chi t ect ur eandi nt er i ordesi gn st udi obasedi nLondon.The r m’ spor t f ol i oofwor ki n t he l uxur y sect ori ncl udes hot el s,r est aur ant s,as wel laspr i vat er esi dences.The st udi o hasr ecent l y compl et ed t wo si gnicantpr oj ect si n London,t he accl ai med LI MA r est aur antand an apar t ’ hot elon SussexGar dens.Wecaughtupwi t ht hei rDi r ect or s, El l i otMar chandJamesWhi t e,t o ndoutmor e. LM:Whati st hemai nphi l osophybehi ndt heMar ch& Whi t ebusi ness? M&W:Weunder t akeanunusual l ybr oadr angeofwor k, spanni ng f r om hot el sand r est aur ant st o housesand r oyalr esi dences.Butl i nki ng al lofourpr oj ect si sa det ai l f ocused appr oach,f r om sel ect i ng t he per f ect mat er i al st odesi gni ngbespokef ur ni t ur e. A de ni ng char act er i st i c ofourwor ki si t s hol i st i c appr oach,mer gi ngar chi t ect ur eandi nt er i ordesi gn.A l otof r mst r eatt het wodi sci pl i nesassepar at e,butour t eam i nt egr at est het woski l l s–i fyouwantar emar kabl e pr oper t y ,youcan’ tcr eat eanexci t i ngbi tofar chi t ect ur e t hat i sl et down by t he det ai l s of t he i nt er i or . Fundament al l y ,weseet hei nt egr at i onoft heext er i or and i nt er i orasone oft he keydr i ver sf orpr oduci ng bet t erbui l di ngs.

LM:Wher ear et hemaj or i t yofyourcl i ent sf r om,and whi cht ypeofcust omer sdoyouwor kwi t h? M&W:Wear el uckyt ohavel oyal cl i ent swhoappr eci at e desi gn and under st and t he val ue we add. Thi s can r ange f r om pr i vat ei ndi vi dual si n London t o r oyalf ami l i esi nt heMi ddl eEast .Weal so wor kwi t h desi gnl ed devel oper s and l anded est at es such as Gr osvenoron t hei rMayf ai r& Bel gr avi a hi ghend r esi dent i alpor t f ol i o. LM:Luxur y can al so be aboutext r avagance.Ar e t her eanyspecicdemandsorr equest swhi chhave par t i cul ar l yst oodoutdur i ngpr oj ect st odat e? M&W:Wear ecur r ent l ydesi gni nga10m hi ghci r cul ar r evol vi ngdi ni ngr oom cl adi nexqui si t ecr yst alwal l s– t hat ’ spr et t yext r avagant !

LM:I sl uxur yi nt heeyeoft hebehol derorar et her e mat er i al sorf eat ur eswhi chpar t i cul ar l ymakesomet hi ngul t r al uxur i ous? M&W:Si mpl yhavi ngvastquant i t i esofspacecanmake apr oj ectul t r al uxur i ous,especi al l yi fyouar ewor ki ngi n aci t yl i kePar i sorLondon,wher et hi si satapr emi um. Wi t hspace,i tgi vesyout heabi l i t yt oi ndul geyour sel f . We ar e now seei ng a demand f ort hese addi t i onal speci alr ooms t o house pr i vat e col l ect i ons i ncl udi ng vi nt agedr esses,per sonalwi necol l ect i ons,and even st at egi f t s. LM:When you r ecei veacommi ssi on,whatar et he pr i nci palst epsi nt aki ngadesi gnf r om conceptt o r eal i t y ,andhow muchoft hedesi gni si n uencedby t hecust omer ? M&W:Weappr oacheachpr oj ectwi t hnopr econcept i ons–wedon’ thavea“ housest yl e” ,butwedohavea pr ocess.Thi si nvol ves mappi ng outi ni t i alconcept moodboar dst ohel punder st andt hecl i ent ’ saspi r at i ons and l i f est yl e.Then wepr oducedet ai l ed desi gnsand vi sual i sat i ons so we can di scuss how t he desi gn i s pr ocessi ngwi t ht hecl i ent .Wet hendevel opt hedesi gn f ur t herandsel ectt hef ur ni shi ngand xt ur es,seei ngt he pr oj ect r i ght t hr ough t o compl et i on.The cl i ent i s i nvol vedever yst epoft heway–weval uet hei ri nput , exper i enceandaspi r at i onsasi ti sul t i mat el yt hei rown speci alpl acewear ecr eat i ng. LM:Whati st he mostambi t i ous and chal l engi ng l uxur ypr oj ectyouhaveeverunder t aken? M&W:Al lofourpr oj ect sar echal l engi ngandexci t i ng i ndi f f er entways. Ourappr oachi snott opl ayi tsaf e butkeepi ngont r yi ngnew i deas.However ,wehavea par t i cul ar l yr emar kabl epr oj ecti nt heMi ddl eEastwhi ch i sr umour edt obet hel ar gestpr i vat er esi dencei nt he r egi on!

LM:Whet heryouar edesi gni ngamansi onorhi ghend hot el ,what ar et he most i mpor t ant ar chi t ect ur al consi der at i ons? M&W:Li ght ,space,and vol umeshoul d al waysbeat t hef or ef r ontofgood desi gn,becausewi t houtt hese, t hedesi gni sal waysl etdown.Al so,don’ tdesi gnyour bui l di ng ar ound yourf açade!We somet i mes i nher i t bui l di ngsf r om ar chi t ect swhohavepl annedi tt hi sway ar ound and spend mont hst r yi ng t o unr avelt he oor pl ansandmaket hei nt er i or swor k,especi al l yi ft heyar e hi ghendl uxur yapar t ment s. LM:Ar et her eanymat er i al s( e. g.mar bl e/ wood/ sl at e et c)ori nt er i ordesi gn ni shes whi ch ar e pr ovi ng par t i cul ar l ypopul art oday? M&W:Wehavebeenusi ngmet al ef f ectpanel l i ngbya companycal l ed Met alFX i n ourr esi dent i ali nt er i or s, whi ch i s mor e commonl y associ at ed wi t hr et ai land hospi t al i t y .Unt i lnow,t hi smat er i alhasbeenseenas bei ngt oocol df orl i vi ngspacesbutnew mat t e ni shes ar ewar m andsophi st i cat edandwi l lbecomeapopul ar choi cef orhomeowner swant i ngt o ndanew wayof ani mat i ngt hei rspaces.Fori nst ance,wehaver ecent l y compl et edapent housei nChel seawher ewecl adan ent i r ef eat ur e book wal li n met alShar gr en,whi ch i s r eal l ybeaut i f ul .

LM:Whatdoyout hi nkwi l l bet hepr i nci pal l uxur yi nt er i ordesi gnt r endsf or2013? For ecast i ng i nt er i or desi gn t r ends i s al ways t r i cky becausewet r yandbl endt hel at esti deas,t echnol ogi es, andt r endswi t hat i mel essel egance.I n2013,weexpect ar et ur nt o1920sgl amouri nt hehomewi t ht hecr eat i on of opul ent Gr eat Gat sbyst yl ei nt er i or s usi ng r eal si gnat ur epi ecest ocr eat eaver yst r ongl ook,bl endi ng cont empor ar yandcl assi cdesi gn. Luxur y i nt er i or s wi l lavoi d becomi ng past i che by f ocusi ngoncr af t smanshi pandt heuseofqual i t ynat ur al mat er i al ssuchasMadeaManot i l escr eat edf r om l ava st oneandpai nt edbyhandi nI t al y .But ,aswesay ,t hese cur r entst yl es have t o be i nt r oduced subt l yi nt o an i nt er i or ,gi vi ngdesi gnsl ongevi t y . LM:Andaboutyour sel ves,El l i otandJames,whatar e yourbackgr oundsi nar chi t ect ur e/ i nt er i or s,andwher e doyouseet hebusi nessi n veyear s’t i me? M&W:Wehavebot hbeeni nt hei ndust r yf orover10 year shavi ng pr evi ousl ywor ked f orr enowned desi gn r ms such as Dani el Li beski nd St udi o, Li f schut z Davi dson Sandi l andsand St i f f& T r evi l l i on.We came t oget herandcr eat edt hecompanywi t hanemphasi son desi gni ng t hemostst r i ki ng and r emar kabl ebui l di ngs andi nt er i or s. Wear eal r eadywor ki ngonsomeoft hemostgr oundbr eaki ng l ar ge scal e pr i vat er esi dences ar ound t he wor l d,sowhoknowswher ewewi l l bei n5year s’t i me? Hopef ul l y we wi l lhave t he oppor t uni t yt o desi gn a cut t i ngedgehot elandr esor t ! LM:Thankyouf oryourt i meEl l i otand James,and youhavegi venourr eader sagr eati nsi ghti nt oyour busi ness.

AndSoT oBed’ snew ‘ Gr andVer sai l l es’i saspar kl i ng bespokedr eam ofabed,gi l ded wi t h si l verl eafand embel l i s hedwi t hgl i t t er i ngSwar ov s k i cr y s t al s . Thousandsofsci nt i l l at i ng Swar ovskicr yst al sencr ust t hebed’ sbaseandor namentt het al l ,i nt r i cat el yhandcar ved headboar d.Each cr yst ali si ndi vi dual l y hand appl i ed,a del i cat e pr ocess t aki ng mor et han t hr ee weeks ofwor k.Fi f t een di f f er entsi z es ofSwar ovski cr yst al sar eusedont heheadboar dal one,i l l umi nat i ng t he r omant i c per i od det ai l i ng and t he magnicent acant hus ni alwhi chcr ownst hebed.

TheUl ti mateSp arkle

The Gr and Ver sai l l es i s a wonder f ulr ococo f ol l y of a bed;a magnicentpi ece off ur ni t ur e made f r om mahogany ,uphol st er ed t oor derand handpai nt ed or gi l ded i n si l verorgol dl eaf .The Swar ovskicr yst al embel l i shment s ar e al so appl i ed t o or der ,al l owi ng cust omer st ospeci f yj usthow gl i t t er i ngandgor geous t heywoul dl i ket hei rul t i mat ebedt obe! Gui depr i cef orbedasshownÂŁ14, 995. www. andsot obed. co. uk

WI NES&SPI RI TS-Rev i ews

Gr a n dMa r n i e r l a u n c h e st h e i r L i mi t e dE d i t i o n“ P a r i s ” b o t t l e ByPas cal eHay war d

Gr and Mar ni err ei nvent si t sel fever y yearbydesi gni ngauni quebot t l e.Thi s Chr i st mas,Gr andMar ni erpayst r i but e t oPar i s,t hehomeofGr andMar ni er ’ s successst or y . The desi gn pr ovi des a t i mel ess and evocat i vei mageofamagi calni ghti n Par i s,capi t alofFr enchl uxur yandAr t deVi vr e. Gr and Mar ni er was i nvent ed by Loui sAl exandr e Mar ni er Lapost ol l e and was r stpr oduced i n 1880.I t ’ s secr etl i esi nt hebal ancebet weent he st r engt h and nobi l i t yofCognac AOC ( Appel l at i ond’ Or i gi neCont r ôl ée,cont r ol l ed desi gnat i on ofor i gi n)and t he exot i ci sm and nesseofbi t t eror ange pur estessence. I n 1900,t he “ Gr and”name wassuggest ed byCézarRi t z,Di r ect oroft he Ri t zhot el i nPar i s,t oassoci at ei twi t ha Gr and Li queur , hi ghl yappr eci at ed i n mor et han150count r i esandby al ar genumberof ne connoi sseur s.

Avai l abl ef r om December2012 atHar veyNi chol s( London)and speci al i st swi neshops,wi t h pr i cesst ar t i ngf r om £25. 99.

B e l v e d e r eV o d k a Cr eat edi nŻyr ar dów,Pol and,and r sti nt r oducedt oNor t hAmer i cai n1996,Bel veder e Vodkar epr esent st hepi nnacl eoft hePol i shvodkamaki ngt r adi t i on.Pr oducedexcl usi vel y f r om t he nest100% Dankowski eGol dRye,andquadr upl edi st i l l edt ocr eat et heper f ect bal ance ofchar act erand pur i t y ,Bel veder e Vodka i st he wor l d’ s r stsuperpr emi um vodka,of f er i ngal uxur yexper i encet oabr oadi nt er nat i onalaudi enceofent husi ast sand connoi sseur s.Leavi ngnot esofvani l l aandr yeont hepal at e,t he ni shi scr i spandcl ean wi t hl i nger i ngwhi t epepperspi ce. Met i cul ousl yhandcr af t edi nsmal l bat chest oensur esuper i or i t y ,Bel veder evodkamustgo t hr ough mor et han 30 qual i t y cont r olchecks bef or ei tcan be r el eased.Compl et el y addi t i vef r eeanddi l ut edwi t hwat erf r om Bel veder e’ sownar t esi anwel l ,t hi si savodka whi chcombi nesover600year sofexper t i sewi t hanuncompr omi si ngcommi t mentt o qual i t yandher i t age.Thi sdedi cat i onwasr ewar dedwi t hei ghtVodkaMast er spr i z esi n 2009,t wi ceasmanyasanyoft heot her120+vodkasi ncompet i t i on.Bel veder emeans " beaut i f ult osee" ,andt hest unni ngbot t l eshowcasest heBel veder ePal ace,t hef or mer homeofPol i shr oyal t yand di gni t ar i es.Thebot t l i ngpr ocessi sasl ow oneduet ot he numberofchecks,andt hespi r i ti sal mostbot t l edbyhand.El evenpeopl ear eempl oyedat t hi sst ageoft hepr oduct i onpr ocess,wi t hat hr oughputof8000bot t l espershi f t . Al l i sonDedi anko:Bel veder eVodka’ sGl obalBr andAmbassador Al l i sonDedi ankor ecent l yvi si t edSout hAf r i caf ort hever y r stt i mewher eshehost ed cr eat i vecockt ai lsessi onsi nJohannesbur gandCapeT own’ st opbar sandcl ubssuch as HUSH,Lat i nova,and The Or phanage,t o demonst r at et he l at estcockt ai lmaki ng t echni quesf r om ar oundt hegl obe. Al l i sonj oi nedMoëtHennessyi nJanuar y2011asGl obal Br andAmbassadorf orBel veder e Vodkaaf t erbeat i ng t housandsofcont est ant si nt he“ Bar t ender ’ sDr eam Job Sear ch” compet i t i onwhi chBel veder er anont hei rFacebookpage.Shewasoneof11 nal i st swho bat t l edi toutf ort hegl obalambassadort i t l eoverat hr eeday nali nNew Yor kwher eshe i mpr essedt hej udgeswi t hheri nnovat i vemi xol ogyski l l sandvodkaknowl edge.Al l i son’ s f avour i t e cockt ai l si ncl ude an i ce col d Bel veder e Mar t i niwi t h an or ange t wi stand a Bel veder eOr angePi ñaCol ada.Shei snow r esponsi bl ef orr epr esent i ngBel veder eonan i nt er nat i onall evel ,educat i ngbar t ender sal lar oundt hewor l d,andpr omot i ngt hebr and’ s var i ouspr oduct s. EXPECTTO PAY:Fr om £29. 25( 70clbot t l e)


Fami l yowned di st i l l er ,Wi l l i am Gr ant& Sons have cr af t ed t hi s ul t r a pr emi um scot chbl end,whi chi sacel ebr at i onof vegener at i onsandaf ami l ycent enar y ofwhi skymaki nghi st or y . Exper t l ypr oducedatt hef ami l ydi st i l l er y i n Scot l and by mast er bl ender Br i an Ki nsman,Gr ant ’ s25YearOl d cont ai ns someoft hewor l d’ smosthi ghl ypr i zed anddi st i nct i vemal tandgr ai nwhi ski es. Eachwhi skeyi sunhur r i edovert i meand mat ur edi noakcasksf orsi xmont hst o gi ve enhanced dept h and compl exi t y . Thi sspeci albl endi ncl udes25whi ski es f r om ever yr egi onofScot l and,i ncl udi ng t he r steverl ai ddownatGr ant ’ sGi r van di st i l l er yand r ar ewhi ski esf r om di st i l l er i esno l ongeri n exi st ence.Themost uni queel ementi nher ei sGi r vanGr ai n, t hebackboneofal lGr ant ’ sbl ends. Ont henosear edef t l ybal ancednot esof f r agr antsummerpeach bl ossom and pol i shedl eat her .Aci nnamonandgi nger bi t ewi t haf r eshandmel l ow sweet ness f ol l owson t he t ast e,wi t h ar i ch spi ce ni sht hatl i nger sont het ongue. Thel i quorhasawar mr i chamberhue andi sencasedi nabespokebot t l ehas specical l y desi gned t o showcase t he col ouroft he br onze bl end.I ti s pr esent ed i n an i ndi vi dual l yhand-ni shed gi f tbox ador ned wi t h gol d engr aved met al wor k,maki ngi tani dealgi f tf orany whi skyconnoi sseur . £210 Avai l abl eexcl usi vel yatSel f r i dges: www. sel f r i dges. com

www. l ux ur i ous magaz i ne. com

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