Luxury Hospitality Magazine June 2015

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EDI TOR’ S Edi t or-Mar i aSt i l l edi t or @l hmagazi ne. co. uk Edi t or i alAssi st ant-Jami eRol l and edi t or i al @l hmagazi ne. co. uk Feat ur esEdi t or-Ri char dLapt hor n r i char d@ l hmagazi ne. co. uk Pr oduct i on/ Desi gn-Jenni f erHaml i n j enni e@ l hmagazi ne. co. uk Sal esDi r ect or-PaulAt t wood paul @l hmagazi ne. co. uk Sal esManager-Mar i aSut t on mar i a. sut t on@ l hmagazi ne. co. uk Sal esExecut i ve-Cal vi nGr ai nger cal vi n@ l hmagazi ne. co. uk Sal esAssi st ant-Sophi eEvans sophi e@ l hmagazi ne. co. uk Account s-JanetBal comb account s@ l hmagazi ne. co. uk Ci r cul at i onManager-JakeYor k j ake@ l hmagazi ne. co. uk

Everyeffor ti smadet oens ur et heaccur acy andr el i abi l i t yofmat er i alpubl i s hedi nLuxury Hos pi t al i t yMagazi ne.However ,t hepubl i s her s acceptnor es pons i bi l i t yf ort hecl ai msor opi ni onsmadebyadver t i s er s ,manuf act ur er s orcont r i but or s . Nopar toft hi spubl i cat i onmayber epr oduced ort r ans mi t t edi nanyf or m orbyanymeans , mechani cal ,el ect r oni c( i ncl udi ng phot ocopyi ng)ors t or edi nanyi nf or mat i on r et r i evals ys t em wi t houtt hepr i orcons ent oft hepubl i s her .


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Leader si nal lar easoft hehos pi t al i t yi ndus t r yhavegat her edf ort hel aunchof Hos pi t al i t yExper t s . i si sanew vent ur ewhi chwi l ls eet hepr of es s i onal s s har et hei radvi ceandexper i encewi t hot her si nt hei ndus t r y .Wes peakt o s omeoft hepr of es s i onal si nvol ved( page49) . Ihavehadani ndul gentmont hhavi ngbeeni nvi t edf orr evi ewsatSt .J ames ’ s Hot elandCl ub,SkyGar denand eLandmar kLondon.Manyt hankst oal l t hr eef orf abul ouss t aysandmeal s ,youcan ndal lt her evi ewsi nt hi si s s ue. ngsi nt hi si s s uei ncl udi ngManches t er ’ sHot el Wehavemanynew openi Got ham,abeaut i f ul l ydar kandmys t er i ouspr oj ectt hatwet akeani ndept h l ookat( page26) .Weal s obr i ngnewsf r om t hes t ars t uddedopeni ngof e BaratGaucho( page8) .

CONTENTS Deal ec 2 NEWS4 New Openi ngs 6 Gaucho 8 TheGai nsbor oughHot el1 0 Konr adHor nschuch 1 1 Ramsi de 1 2 Cr estLeat her sLi mi t ed 1 3 Hot box 1 4 TheLandmar kRevi ew 1 6 Tr adel i nens 22 HuntManagementSol ut i ons 22 BestatPr i nt 22 Quar t zf or ms 23 Rel oadFur ni t ur e 24 Pr oductNEWS 25 Got ham Hot elPr oj ect 26 UHSUK 31 Foodf ayr eUKLi mi t ed 32 Pr oductNEWS 33 LussuosoDesi gn 34 StJamesRevi ew 36 Gr aham Gar dnerLi mi t ed 42 RecommendedHot el s 44 SkyGar denRevi ew 46 Nor t hcr of tFabr i cs 48 NEWS 49 Canopi esUK 50 Ser i pOr gani cLi ght i ng 50 TheLondonTi l e& Mosai c Company 51


I ndi goAwni ngs 52 Ter r yGr oupLi mi t ed 54 Har t l ey& Ti ssi erLi mi t ed 56 NEWS 57 St eveCul l um’ sHogRoast Machi nesLi mi t ed 58 Mi dWestDi spl ays 60 Pr oductNEWS 61 Saf el i ncsLi mi t ed 62 Rai nbow Chal k 64 Hot el keycar dsLi mi t ed 66 FW Li ght i ng 66 Bi zer baUKLi mi t ed 67 AguaFabr i csLi mi t ed 68 Pr oductNEWS 69 FW Li ght i ng70 NewbyTeas 71 Car dsSaf e 71 Saf et yRent alSer vi cesLi mi t ed71 Jur aPr oduct sLi mi t ed 72 El ect r i cHeat i ngCompany 74 Demi st aLi mi t ed 75 Kyot oGar denAr tLi mi t ed 75 Der ni er& Haml yn 75 Enj ovi aLi mi t ed 76 Ar macMar t i n 78 Ci nder sBar becuesLi mi t ed 79 TheWhi t ePavi l i onCompanyLt d80 Cempl asWat er pr oofing& Concr et e Repai r sLi mi t ed 82 Boar dsDi r ect 83 Ast r oLi ght i ng 84



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