Refurb Renovation News Issue 21

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Issue 21 2016


Beauty and Substance Kemperol membranes put Piccadilly gate’s roofs back on track


A Square Fit for Earls and Dukes


Considerate Conservation and Energy Efficiency Can Go Hand in Hand



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The refurbishment challenges of high rises and tall buildings by Simon Lay, director at Independent Fire & Risk consultancy Olsson “Alongside the continued trend for new high rise developments, there is a corresponding interest in the benefits of remodelling, recycling or rebuilding existing high rise property - a topic particularly prevalent in light of the current uncertainty surrounding Brexit and its impact on future development.


hilst some analysts have talked of an unresolved Brexit scenario leading to a contraction in the London commercial market of up to 15%, it is certainly anticipated that tenants will seek to maximise best use of space and developers will seek to gain the best value from property. “Combining build data with census data, for example from CTBUH Skyscraper Centre and Wikipedia, it is evident that not only is the number of tall buildings going up, but the rate of tall building development is outpacing occupancy growth. This might be expected in emerging economies such as China and the Middle East region. However, the same is true, even in cities with a very long established tall building heritage, such as London, New York and Chicago. “However, we also know that the types of tall building are changing. In Lon-don for example, the NLA identified that the current wave of tall buildings, taking us towards 2025 is expected to comprise of c. 80% residential stock. This reflects how the urbanisation of our cities is mainly attributed to new residential high rise projects. In established cities like Chicago, populations in the inner city areas were

declining, but are rising again as high-rise residential becomes the norm. We are building proportionally fewer high rise commercial buildings and yet the cities are growing. “All those new city dwellers must be working somewhere, so if the population is going up but the rate of tall commercial buildings is not matching that change, which lead us to conclude that existing workplaces must be undergoing change. Alongside this, some commercial buildings are being converted to take advantage of the rising value of residential stock. “Post-Brexit, it may also become relevant for developers to seek changes of use for dated existing buildings or buildings under construction so that better value can be realised, alternatively it may become relevant for existing ten-ants to seek to maximise use of space and for developers

Post-Brexit, it may also become relevant for developers to seek changes of use for dated existing buildings or buildings under construction so that better value can be realised, alternatively it may become relevant for existing ten-ants to seek to maximise use of space and for developers to offer higher oc-cupancy rates for existing floor spaces.

Figure 1 to offer higher oc-cupancy rates for existing floor spaces. “There are good economic drivers for refurbishing and remodelling existing buildings. Based on recent tall building cost models by Alinea c. 40% of the building value is tied up in the basic shell and structure with roughly half of that committed to the building façade. There are cost challenges associated with refurbishing buildings, such as it is more costly to fit things internally to a building after completion than during construction. But the underlying value of the shell of a tall building is a compelling case for re-use on its own.

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“Alongside cost, there is a parallel sustainability driver for re-using the building shell. Research shows that the embedded carbon from the initial construction of a tall building is c. 20% - 40% of the total lifetime carbon. In the case of 30 St Mary Axe (Figure 1), a detailed review showed a modern, low carbon building like this still has 33% of the total lifetime carbon embedded in the original construction.


“Because fire safety is regulated, the challenges associated with fire safety represent significant risks to unlocking the re-use process. Resolving these challenges is Olsson Fire & Risk’s specialty. “The challenge of course is that traditional approaches to designing for maxi-mum flexibility can be expensive. It is not economically viable to add extra or wider stairs to a tall building on the off-chance

that it may be re-used later in a manner which will make use of those stairs. Making a less efficient building in the first place, in the hope that overall it will turn out more efficient, requires extraordinary commitment and progressive thinking which goes well beyond the financial cycles of all but the most forward thinking of clients or developers. “There is however a reasonable balance that can be achieved. Too many ap-proval regimes focus on signing off the building in its first incarnation. ‘Day one’ approvals for schemes which do not consider the potential legacy of the building are something of a tick-box exercise, meeting code but not the needs of the building and society at large. “Designers, clients and approvers all have a role to play in moving the agenda forward. Approvers need to ask clients and designers to consider the legacy situation. Clients need to ask designers to include legacy options in their appraisals and designers need to step up and lead the

Designers, clients and approvers all have a role to play in moving the agenda forward. Approvers need to ask clients and designers to consider the legacy situation. Clients need to ask designers to include legacy options in their appraisals and designers need to step up and lead the technical approach to planning for re-use. technical approach to planning for re-use. “Often, unlocking re-use potential in a new scheme does not cost more, nor does it radically change the design. From a fire safety design perspective, it may simply be a matter of applying better analyses techniques to understand how the building might respond to different uses or layouts. It may also re-quire the application of more complex, performance based design solutions rather than following a code approach which immediately tries to define the building as a specific occupancy type from the outset. “By taking due regard for legacy conditions, and including legacy design as a performance objective, the fire engineer for tall buildings should develop not a ‘fire strategy’, but a ‘fire code’ for each building. The fire code approach means pre-approving an operational envelope within which the building can change and function over time. “The use of performance based design approaches to create solutions or re-veal the flexibility already within established design solutions can provide a powerful means of unlocking tall building designs for future re-use. This kind of approach avoids the mistake of standard codes which lock a building de-sign to a specific configuration and use, restricting the future re-imagination of existing buildings.”

About The Olsson Group

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The Olsson Group is headquartered in New Zealand and was brought to the UK by former AECOM directors Simon Lay and Sam Liptrott who were given the autonomy to launch a standalone UK business within the Group.


Latest News Refurbished Chapman Building revitalises campus

Construction firm graduates to next phase as Derby school undergoes revamp STUDENTS at Murray Park School, Derby have begun enjoying new and improved facilities and are looking forward to further improvements being made to the school this summer.

Galliford Try wins airport refurb first Contractor will re-lay East Midlands Airport’s runway over seven consecutive weekends


alliford Try has won a contract to carry out a refurbishment of East Midlands Airport’s runway.

The works will be carried out over seven consecutive weekends in November and December, a first for a runway project in the UK. Beginning on 5 November and ending on 19 December, the project will see around 360 workers every weekend laying 50,000 tonnes of material across a 150,000m2 area. Whilst the runway is not operational, the airport is also replacing over 1,200 lights on and around the area with more eco-friendly LED lighting. Andy Cliffe managing director at East Midlands Airport said: “After an in-depth consultation with our airlines and cargo operators, we came to the decision that completing the project in this way was the best way to avoid major disruption in the lead up to Christmas.”

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Colin Abbott, aviation director for Galliford Try said: “Logistics make this an exceptionally challenging project and due to the hard work of all involved scoping out every possible scenario, we have every confidence that the scheme will be delivered safely and on time.”



he £800,000 refurbishment project, managed by Ashe Construction has been split into two phases and includes external restoration of the roof and replacement of windows as well as internal updates to cooking areas, art rooms, textile classrooms and metal art shop. Renovation work on the school interior has now finished and works on the school exterior will be picked up again in the summer by Ashe Construction, when the second phase of the project begins. Site manager for the project, Steve Redgate at Ashe Construction, said: “Murray Park School is a great project to be a part of and the first phase went very well, with works finishing on time, within a tight schedule. “From the start of the project, Ashe Construction had a great relationship with the school, teachers and pupils.

A key phase in the redevelopment of the University of Salford’s campus was achieved when the refurbished Chapman Building was opened to reveal a beautiful, contemporary and environmentally-friendly space.


he outdated 1960s building has been modernised to improve its internal and external appearance. Students now enjoy six lecture theatres equipped with the very latest technology and large screen displays, a series of learning and breakout spaces, plus a Fairtrade

organisation and we look forward to working with them again on future projects.” Ashe Construction is an East Midlands Property Alliance (empa) framework partner. Managed by Scape Group and formed by local authorities, the empa framework aims to improve the delivery of construction projects and property maintenance for public sector bodies, saving them and the taxpayer money. Peter Bignell, regional business manager at Scape Group added: “We are delighted to hear that the school is enjoying its new facilities and improved learning spaces following Ashe Construction’s work delivered through the empa framework. “The project was a great success, boosting the learning and teaching environment for students and staff. We wish everyone at Murray Park the best of luck in their new surroundings and look forward to working with the school again in the summer.”

“It was important that we worked alongside the school to avoid any disruption. During the first phase, we worked around the clock during the six week summer holiday to ensure the necessary work was completed to the highest standard before the new term began.

Tuebrook gem gets approval

“We also provided health and safety talks for the teachers and pupils and volunteered to show the final years around the building site and classrooms, as this tied in with their curriculum.”

The Lister Steps Carnegie Community Hub, Liverpool. Planning approval and listed building consent granted

Headteacher, Martyn Owen at Murray Park School, added: “Ashe Construction has successfully carried out a major refurbishment project at the school. The work was funded through Derby City Council and included work to improve lighting and provide a better quality classroom environment for Murray Park students and staff. “From the initial planning of the project, it was evident that the work would be very challenging and of a complex nature. Ashe Construction were more than willing to accept the complexities of the school environment and worked closely with the school to minimise the disruption to teaching and learning. Murray Park staff and students also played an important part in ensuring the success of the project and getting the school running smoothly again. “The work has significantly improved and had a positive impact on the teaching and learning environment for the school’s students and staff. We are impressed with Ashe Construction’s work and

Latest News café with views across the campus. Environmental benefits include the halving of gas consumption, a 20% reduction in electricity use and building insulation with a 30-year lifespan. Real-time displays of energy use are shown on walls by the entrance, and technical information and a cut-away section of the insulated wall in the reception will be used as a teaching resource by students in the School of the Built Environment.

Armitage Construction to refurb university building Ancoats-based Armitage Construction is set to start work on a yearlong refurbishment of the Kilburn Building, part of the University of Manchester School of computer Science.


The refurbishment marks the delivery of the first phase the University’s Campus Plan which is transforming Salford into a state-of-the-art university.

art of a package of projects the joint value is worth in excess of £4m.

An Armitage team is expected to complete the update of the 1960s building by November 2017, according to Armitage’s Senior Quantity Surveyor Andy Cliff, who has been with the family-run construction company for 14 years.

The next phase includes the construction of the new Gateway Building for arts subjects which will have a theatre, studio space, tuition and practice space and social learning areas. New student accommodation overlooking Peel Park will also be built.

He said: “The Kilburn Building is a key academic building for the school of computer sciences. Unfortunately the current configuration is no longer conducive with modern working practices so we will be re-configuring much of the Ground Floor of the building, over three phases, to create a modern layout that will encourage a more collaborative working environment. MD Daniel Armitage added: “We are delighted to be involved with such an important project at the university. “This is where our expertise, based on 140 plus years in the building industry comes into its own. “Our permanent construction team’s building expertise, backed up by a vast range of skills and experience means we are equipped to take on and deal with the widest range of challenges. That’s why we look forward to getting started on the Kilburn Building project.” Clients at the construction firm include Quarry Bank Mill, Elizabeth Gaskell’s House and Jodrell Bank. The MD said: “We’re looking forward to once again bringing the benefits of Armitage Construction’s professional know-how to Manchester University. “And I can’t wait to see the new look Kilburn Building when it is completed next year.”


iverpool City Council has today granted Planning Approval and Listed Building Consent for the repair and conversion of the Grade II listed Andrew Carnegie Library in the Tuebrook area of Liverpool. The £3M Heritage Lottery Fund supported project will see the building, now in a state of disrepair, transformed into a new community hub offering childcare, rentable meeting space, hot desking, heritage activities, an events venue and a wide range of training and volunteering opportunities for local people. Tuebrook, Liverpool is considered to be in the 1% most deprived wards in the UK, the project aims to be the spark that ignites the regeneration of the wider area. By providing opportunities for people to socialise, learn and participate Lister Steps will support the wellbeing and development of individuals, groups and local enterprise.

The Grade II listed Andrew Carnegie Library designed by Thomas Shelmerdine, was built in 1904 as a direct result of a donation from the wealthy industrialist and Philanthropist, Andrew Carnegie. The library was built to provide opportunity for a disadvantaged local population – Carnegie himself offering the money to

community to be given something to be proud of and this project will ensure that this aim is continued into the next generation.”

After a 100 year life as a functioning library, the building, having been underfunded for a significant period, had to be closed following health and safety concerns. Unoccupied, the building has been subject to theft, vandalism and neglect and is listed on Liverpool’s ‘Buildings at Risk’ register. Lister Steps, a local charity who provide childcare facilities in a neighbouring temporary building plan to bring the Library back into use, to continue the legacy of philanthropy and education, offering opportunity to a new local population. The aim of the project is to refurbish and re-model the Grade II former Andrew Carnegie Library to provide much needed community services to the neighbourhoods of Tuebrook and Old Swan. The ‘Carnegie Community Hub’ will act as a focus for community activity, providing a wide range of functions to extend Lister Steps current activity. Nick Berry, Director of OMI Architects said, “This is a fantastic opportunity to bring a building, which was once the corner stone of the local community, back into everyday use. We have a history of working successfully with listed buildings and saving them from the risk of serious decline. What is unique about the Carnegie Library is not only the impressive scale and rich detailing of the of the internal space, but the fact that Carnegie himself saw the need for this

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The approved design places a series of insertions within the volume of the existing reading rooms to create the subdivisions necessary for the diverse range of proposed uses, whilst retaining the original characteristics of the spaces.

Liverpool to further their aspirations to improve the education of its inhabitants.


Latest News Church refurbishment plans unveiled as congregations join forces Two congregations have come together to pray and worship under one roof in a contemporary new ‘community church’ designed by a North East architecture practice.


ateshead-based Gradon Architecture has submitted renovation plans for the former Blackhill Methodist Church near Consett, County Durham. The plans breathe fresh life into the church, which dates back to 1850, transforming the building into an inviting and flexible community space. As part of the place of worship’s transformation, the congregation from Shotley Bridge Methodist Church, which closed in 2014, have moved to join the congregation on the Blackhill site, and the new church will be known as Trinity Community Church. Members of St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, also

in Blackhill, are now also in discussions with a view to joining the partnership. Gradon Architecture’s design plans for the church will replace some of the existing building with a new welcoming, contemporary worship hall and entrance. The use of a glazed gable and curved sanctuary will bring in much more natural light and a warm, inviting feel to what is currently an enclosed space. Importantly for the congregation, the modernisation plans will also restructure the church’s internal layout,

Architects could cash in over new zero-carbon rules Oblivious developers ‘will need specialist help to avoid London offsetting fees’


evelopers risk having residential schemes rejected by London planners because they are unaware of a zero carbon requirement which comes into force at the end of the summer. Many developers are still in the dark, warned Richard Twinn, policy advisor at the UK Green Building Council. But he predicted architects specialising in sustainable design would benefit from the changes as developers seek innovative solutions. From October 1, the London Plan will require housing in the capital to meet standards that are 35% stricter than Part L of building regulations – or to pay cash in lieu into a carbon offset fund. It is also a higher bar than Code for Sustainable Homes level 4, which was to be the standard before the coalition scrapped the zero carbon homes policy. “Most people haven’t got their heads round what’s happening [through the London Plan],” said Twinn. “There are a lot of developers who haven’t twigged that it’s going to be effectively zero carbon.

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“But it’s big news and people need to be aware it’s coming. Developers will have to go further than


The Greater London Authority (GLA) is unique because it has the power to impose sustainability requirements. Other local authorities have to rely on negotiating with developers through the planning system. The GLA announced earlier this year that it was

pursuing a policy of zero carbon homes, though its definition is slightly different from the one used by the government – before it scrapped the national 2016 and 2019 targets. The 35%-above-building-regs requirement is already in force for both housing and commercial buildings in London. What is new is the carbon offsetting fund for housing that fails to reach the required standard. Twinn predicted it would incentivise developers – and their architects – to work harder to make their residential developments closer to being genuinely zero carbon. “It’s going to require architects to go further than they have before,” he said. “They will need to be on the front foot if they want to secure work in London. Developers will be looking for things that can be done on site to help them minimise their offsetting costs. “So there’s an opportunity for people who know their stuff and have innovative ideas to make an impact on the London market. “It starts with the architect. They are the ones who will start coming up with the overall solutions. For instance they will need to develop innovative solutions around air-tightness and overheating because just adding more and more insulation isn’t going to produce the best performance. “Architects who understand the best outcome in terms of energy use will be a significant boon to developers.”

bringing flexibility into the building and allowing the various community groups that use the church to have a space that suits their needs. Since being appointed, Gradon has worked closely with representatives from all churches to progress the project, allowing opportunity for feedback and ensuring the final design meets the varied need of the community. Architect Paul Skepper, who has led the design of the project for Gradon Architecture, said: “Throughout our consultations with the congregations, it has been clear that as well as a modern-day church with plenty of natural light; welcoming spaces for use by the whole community are vital for the future of the church. “Our final designs respect the original building while transforming the layout into a flexible, modern space, creating a versatile facility for churchgoers and community groups alike to enjoy.” David Arbon, a member of the leadership team at Blackhill and Shotley Bridge Uniting Methodist Church, said: “This is a very exciting project for all involved. Gradon Architecture has designed us a church that, combined with our prominent positioning on the high street, will make a real statement. “The finished church will be a truly welcoming place for worship, while the flexibility that Gradon has built into the designs, plus improved facilities and disabled access, means that the space can be utilised by the whole community.” Gradon Architecture already has a number of successful church refurbishment projects under its belt. Its NE40 studio in Ryton, Gateshead, started life as a locally listed church, which Gradon founder Graham McDarby took through the renovation process. The practice followed this up with the successful modernisation of the entrance and café areas of the Grade II listed Brunswick Methodist Church in Newcastle city centre and is currently working on the second phase of an ongoing refurbishment project at Seaham Methodist Church, County Durham. It also has projects with churches in Killingworth and Whitley Bay currently in the very early stages. Graham McDarby, Gradon Architecture Design Director, said: “As a practice we pride ourselves on our community ethos and as architects we have a key role to play in keeping these churches alive and in use for future generations. Our designs are respectful of the original buildings, while carefully transforming the spaces to create churches and community spaces fit for the future.” With Gradon’s plans now going through the planning approval process, the congregations are continuing to raise money to fund the final works.

Latest News Tate Modern refuses to back down Work begins over visitors ‘snooping’ into Rogers on WG+P’s flats cost-effective Tate Modern and Herzog & de Meuron are refusing to back down after residents of the neighbouring Neo Bankside luxury flats complained the gallery’s new public viewing deck is making their lives hell.


eople living in the Stirling-shortlisted flats next to the Tate’s £360 million new Switch House extension have instructed lawyers after complaining that Tate visitors were taking photos of them in their living rooms up to 10 hours a day, seven days a week. Their objections centre on the 10th-floor viewing deck which wraps round the top of the Herzog & de Meuron extension, which opened in June, and is just yards away from the Rogers Stirk Harbourdesigned building. The staircase and members’ room also have direct views into some of the flats.

Neo Bankside, where flats can cost £19 million, was completed long before the Switch House – but they both went through the planning process at around the same time. This week the Tate stuck to its guns, issuing a robust statement pointing out no concerns had been raised during the public consultation. “The viewing level is an intrinsic part of the free public offer of the new building, providing a 360-degree experience that is virtually unique to London,” said the statement.

Residents originally demanded that side of the viewing deck be shut but when Tate refused they asked for screens to be erected to block prying eyes and long-tom lenses. So far the Tate has simply put up signs asking people not to snoop.

“Since the very first plans were drawn up in 2006 we have been through an extensive consultation and planning process, and have maintained an ongoing dialogue with local residents.

Local councillor Adele Morris who is representing residents invited Herzog & de Meuron project architect John O’Mara, Tate directors, Southwark planners and Neo Bankside freeholder Native Land to a meeting on the terrace where she was shocked to see visitors zooming in with their cameras.

“At no point during this process were any concerns raised regarding the viewing platform. There is signage encouraging the public and visitors to use it respectfully and responsibly.”

“You have to factor in that these are two architectdesigned buildings,” she said. “The [Tate] architects weren’t keen tinker with their beautiful pure form. And the owners of Neo Bankside didn’t particularly want to start putting one-way film on the windows because it would affect the visual appearance.” The Switch House was a stunning building, she said, but Tate was not being “very neighbourly”. One unnamed resident said: “It’s terribly intrusive. I bought this apartment because of the view but now I have to keep my blinds down whenever the platform is open, otherwise you get people waving at you. “If I had known what it would be like, I would never have bought a flat here. Now I think I would struggle to sell it.”

Native Land, the developer behind Neo Bankside, said: “We are aware that public use of the new viewing gallery of the Tate Modern’s Switch House has caused concern over the privacy of some of the residents of Neo Bankside, whose apartments can be seen by visitors. “While development of Neo Bankside had already begun when plans for the new gallery were submitted to the authorities, potential buyers at Neo Bankside had access to marketing material which showed the location of the planned viewing gallery. A model showing the planned Tate extension in context to Neo Bankside was also available. “We, the Tate and Southwark council are liaising with the affected residents and neighbours to consider the concerns raised.”

housing scheme in South East London WG+P Architects (Waind Gohil + Potter) have redeveloped an existing 1960’s housing scheme in South East London.


he brief was to extend and modernise the housing block adding apartments and increasing green amenity space, incorporating parking on the site and establish a new identity for the development, referencing the look and feel of the surrounding area in a contemporary way. Following a single statutory application process the scheme in Bexley was granted planning approval by (London Borough of Bexley) in early 2015, increasing the saleable area by 100%. It aims to target first time buyers with just a 20 minute train ride from London Bridge Station. WG+P have integrated a two new mansard levels above the existing two-storey building to provide 34 new contemporary apartments and 2 new terraced houses. The materials used on this upper level design consist of anodized metal and a modern glass structure along with aluminium balconies which have been added to articulate the separate units.

“By utilising timber frame construction we were able to meet the clients brief and deliver a cost effective housing scheme at £1,400 per m².” Phil Waind, WG+P Director The design also re-locates a caretaker’s flat to form two rationalised ‘L’ shaped blocks that semi enclose the south-facing amenity spaces. The glazed atrium gives an imposing quality to the building’s entrance, offering significantly more natural light into the communal circulation areas and breaking down the overall mass of the front elevation facing Lingfield Crescent. New green amenity spaces and parking has been incorporated into the design. Construction costs have been kept to a minimum at a modest £1,400 per m² using a timber frame construction method for the new mansard levels, an approach WG+P have expertise in working with when extending existing buildings on a tight budget, avoiding the need for costly ground works.

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WG+P Director, Phil Waind comments: ‘By utilising timber frame construction we were able to meet the clients brief and deliver a cost effective housing scheme at £1,400 per m². By current rates this figure is low and an approach that developers could aspire towards in developing fast, efficient, practical housing models in dense areas on top of existing buildings.


SOTTINI’S NEW DESIGNLED COLLECTION IS DEFINED BY CRAFT AND CREATIVITY Sottini, the timeless bathroom brand built on a heritage of quality and innovation in design has unveiled an exciting addition to its portfolio, the new Mavone collection.


avone, embodies accessible luxury and is characterised by Sottini’s attention to detail and contemporary design aesthetic. The Mavone collection is a geometric and versatile vanity-based line, with selection of dedicated furniture units, a compact corner basin and WC bowls. Each piece has been developed individually with high design specifications and precision engineering, ensuring each basin, bath and WC is a unique piece: a work of art and a design statement. Mavone is the essence of simplicity and purity, with its soft geometric shapes expressing the essence of minimal elegance. The range reflects the contemporary taste for clean lines while offering an elegance that is simply timeless. Like all Sottini products, how each piece could work together in your space is left entirely to the imagination.

flat, linear surfaces, creating an inviting, generous depth. There are seven to choose from, with sizes starting in a small 45 cm handrinse basin to a larger 100 cm vanity option.

MAVONE 80cm VANITY BASIN with one taphole (U851901); 80cm WALL MOUNTED VANITY BASIN UNIT– 2 DRAWERS Gloss light grey (T0051PH); 40cm HALF COLUMN UNIT Gloss light grey (T0055PH)

The ceramics are accompanied by a sleek furniture collection, comprising of simple yet stylish furniture units and fixings, offering a choice of 1 or 2 drawer units in key sizes with a floor-standing semi-countertop and WC unit. There are also full and half-column storage units. The vanity units are extremely flexible, offering floor standing and wall hung options. There is a 50cm space saving vanity unit that is perfect for even the MAVONE 100cm VANITY BASIN with one taphole (U851801); and 100cm WALL MOUNTED VANITY BASIN UNIT Matt Dark Taupe (T0048PU)

most compact of cloakrooms. Sizes increase to a 100cm vanity unit option. Enabling further customisation, the range comes in a choice of four elegant colour options including white, light grey, dark taupe and light wood. These four finishes have been created in three different textures, offering style and personality to suit everyone’s taste. There is a gloss finish for a clean and fresh look, a matt finish for a more contemporary feel, and a classic, elegant wood finish, an integrated handle enhances the clean look.

The innovative and versatile Mavone collection has been designed with space saving and modern living in mind, offering smart solutions to suit a range of small to large spaces, from family bathrooms to cloakrooms and even ensuites - all at an accessible price point.

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The basins are seemingly sculpted into


MAVONE 60cm VANITY BASIN with one taphole (U852001); 60cm FLOOR STANDING VANITY BASIN UNIT Gloss light grey (T0053PH)

MAVONE 100cm VANITY BASIN with one taphole (U851801); 100cm WALL MOUNTED VANITY BASIN UNIT Matt Dark Taupe (T0048PU); 40cm HALF COLUMN UNIT Matt dark taupe (T0055PU)

MAVONE 45cm CORNER HANDRINSE BASIN with one taphole (U851301) and FULL PEDESTAL (U852301)

The innovative and versatile Mavone collection has been designed with space saving and modern living in mind, offering smart solutions to suit a range of small to large spaces, from family bathrooms to cloakrooms and even ensuites - all at an accessible price point.

The WC range includes innovative AquaBlade technology which offers industry leading aesthetics and unrivalled hygiene, along with soft close seats for an unparalleled experience. The Mavone’s slimmer profile WC is ideal for smaller spaces. The new Sottini vision invites customers to simply imagine their own unique bathroom space. The products in each category have been designed to work in harmony with each other, enabling customers to design their perfect bathroom and to form an emotional connection with their surroundings; and with Mavone the choice just got larger.

For more information visit

IXMO ďŹ ttings from KEUCO Less is more.

Concentrated functionality and minimalist design in the shower

other functions such as a wall outlet for shower hose, hand shower bracket, stop valve or selector. This allows the number of products on the wall to be reduced, and enhances the appearance at the same time.


Since the individual fitting units can be freely positioned, IXMO offers a high standard of design freedom. Fittingelements in one standard size, either round or rectangular, and measuring merely 90mm, all have a coordinated design which is both modern and timeless. The brilliant chrome surfaces emphasize the precise forms and the precious character of the fittings. The single-lever mixer for the shower is available with its own handle, but it is also available in other design variations to match all KEUCO fittings series.

ith IXMO – a technical innovation in fittings – KEUCO reveals new possibilities for shower fittings with a minimalist design. At the centre of the IXMO fitting is a single-lever mixer or thermostat which can be combined with multifunctional fitting elements in a coordinated design. The unique concentration of functions

The central concept behind the IXMO fittings for the shower is the concentration of functionality. in one place at the wall spout offers design freedom on the one hand, and a simplified appearance on the other. Moreover, an intelligent depth offset system ensures that all elements project out from the wall in an equal appearance. With the new IXMO fittings for the shower, KEUCO once again demonstrates its high standard of innovation in design and technology.

RRNews - Issue 21

The central concept behind the IXMO fittings for the shower is the concentration of functionality. An IXMO single-lever mixer or thermostat is always combined with multifunctional IXMO elements which, in addition to connections for one, two or three water channels, also compactly unite

Another special advantage of IXMO fittings can be found in the wall itself. Here the fitting system scores with intelligent innovations: At a variable installation depth of 80 to 110mm, the single-lever mixer and thermostat feature an intelligent depth offset, which always ensures that the fitting elements project out from the wall in an equal appearance as the fine construction set adapts to the basic construction set. So installation is extremely practical, quick and reliable: simply slide on the visible component and screw tight. A novel new integration of design and functionality for the future.


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TOUPRET UK have launched the first range of DECONTAMINATING skimming fillers which contain the active Toupret registered SANEO formulation.

PLANEO G with SANEO The first product /tools combination that successfully achieves perfect finishes when manually skim filling walls and ceilings prior to painting or wallcovering. Perfect for renovation and new work. Especially useful for the trades man who needs to quickly patch areas where traditional plastering is not cost effective.


TOUPRET SKIMMING FILLERS WITH SANEO are unique in their ability to capture and destroy FORMALDEHYDE molecules that are present in the air in your home, work place, schools and other common areas.


OUPRET SANEO products take up to 24 hours to effectively start purifying the air inside, thereafter releasing clean air back into the environment. This process continues for the life of Toupret skimming filler . The benefits of SANEO go further because it still works after being painted by any normal paint system or wallcovering . If combined with a decontaminating paint it reinforces its effectiveness. Toupret UK, s Jim Newark goes on to explain: “ FORMALDEHYDE is the NO.1 indoor pollutant recently classified as CMR in Europe and classified as carcinogenic by the World Health Organisation. FORMALDEHYDE is used in many manufacturing processes that end up in the home and workplace. Surprising to many of us normal folk, chemicals given off by scented candles, plug in scented devices and household cleaning products. give of LIMONENE. Unfortunately although smelling fresh and pleasant its chemical reaction with normal air in your house etc. can produce molecules of FORMALDEHYDE” A recent article in The Daily Mail by Jaya Narin reported on recent tests carried


RRNews - Issue 21

The first AIRLESS spray product with SANEO that requires no trowelling! Also its machine flow of 2.6 litres per minute combined with a tip size of 4.19 means it can be put through smaller cost effective airless spray machines than most other ready to use or powder skimming fillers.



out by Professor Alaistair Lewis of The National Centre for Atmospheric Science at The University of York who explained the problem and the research that they did .The bottom line of these tests was made very clear in that Formaldehyde causes cancer particularly in the nose and throat .Many of the tests conclusions are in line with what TOUPRET external test laboratory [EUROFINS] have ratified in accordance with ISO 16000 Standard on the claims made by Toupret SANEO and the benefits of acting to reduce this pollutant . The two new TOUPRET SANEO skimming fillers are now available to be ordered through most professional trade Builders Merchants, Independent trade paint stores, Brewers Decorating centres, Crown Decorating centres, Dulux Decorating Centres and Johnstone Paints trade centres. Enquries Toupret office 0203 6916747 or email Website

The benefits of SANEO go further because it still works after being painted by any normal paint system or wallcovering . If combined with a decontaminating paint it reinforces its effectiveness.



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Considerate Conservation and Energy Efficiency Can Go Hand in Hand Lawrence Wall, Managing Director of ERW Joinery discusses the issues faced with improving energy efficiency in a period property whilst still maintaining original features.


hen it comes to renovating historical properties, balancing the requirements of conservation with improving a building’s energy efficiency is a nightmare. There are other factors that can improve the overall rating, but windows and doors are key area for improvement with a staggering 26% escaping through windows alone. This can often be higher in a historical building where straightforward upgrades are not possible and options are restricted by the requirement to preserve original features.

ERW Joinery has been working on the refurbishment and restoration of historical properties in the North East for nearly four decades, including some of the area’s best loved buildings, such as Redworth Hall, Wilton Castle and Newcastle University. This has provided us with a wealth of experience and insight into what is required to sympathetically maintain original features, whilst improving the overall efficiency and future-proofing for generations to come. Using this knowledge, we have developed a range of timber products and techniques which are perfect for renovation and restoration whilst introducing modern technology to a historical or listed building.

RIGHT High Performance double glazed sashes in historic bay window FAR RIGHT Lawrence Wall, Managing Director of ERW Joinery

Internal Arch window with replica stained glass


Flush casement windows with replica Georgian bars


ERW Joinery has been working on the refurbishment and restoration of historical properties in the North East for nearly four decades, including some of the area’s best loved buildings, such as Redworth Hall, Wilton Castle and Newcastle University. to fit in the smaller rebates, with very little difference aesthetically. Other considerations such as where toughened glass is required by Building Regs, e.g. next to an entrance area can be a common concern; original glazing cannot have been toughened, so the installation of one of these new Energy Saver units can meet both requirements perfectly.

Renovation & Refurbishment The elegant proportions and charming aesthetics of the original sliding sash window are a familiar part of the UK’s architectural landscape. But with many of them over 100 years old, and some dating back to the 1800s, draughts, rattles and operational issues are all too common. ERW’s unique renovation system will make all of this a thing of the past and introduce modern technical developments, so you can keep the original charm and character without the need for replacement.

Improvements to windows with leaded glass also have little restriction now. Leaded work can be preserved in an encapsulated unit or if replacement is an option, the design could be replicated using clever modern alternatives such as Replica-Lead, and installed within a double-glazed slim line unit.

RRNews - Issue 21

Research from English Heritage shows that the thermal performance of a traditional


And when it’s not possible to replace the original glazing? The addition of secondary glazing, for energy efficiency or sound proofing, with either hinged units, lift-outs or, vertical or horizontal sliders can work well too. 1880s sash window (rescued from a skip) can enjoy significant reductions in draughts and heat loss after undergoing even the most basic repairs. In addition to this, ERW is able to further reduce heat loss by up to 60% with the installation of Energy Saver sashes containing high performance double-glazed units. Using a combination of slim line spacers, an Argon gas filled cavity with energy saving glass, these high performance glazed units are designed

Considerate restoration is key to futureproofing historical or listed buildings, whilst maintaining the original character of the nation’s built heritage. Using clever renovation techniques and the addition of modern methods is the perfect solution to ensuring energy efficiency can be achieved.

For more information, visit www. or call 01642 456167.

Heritage Oak Buildings Heritage Oak Buildings specialises in saving, restoring, supplying and re-erecting antique oak framed buildings.


hese buildings are generally redundant farm buildings dating the 16th century and are built of English oak, which covered great areas of England at that time. They were built using traditional techniques of mortice and tenon with wooden pegs and the method of jointing and material was phenomenally strong. We have a number of fine old frames looking for new sites and we would be happy to assist in any queries related to our specialized work. About Us We have carried out a considerable number of successful repair and restoration projects following storm or fi re damage, including the re-instatement of several listed barns and houses covered by insurance and the complete replacement of old oak framed buildings lost in fire. We have also been employed by insurers and loss adjustors to advise on claims and buildings. The massive advantage of using one of our old restored and re-erected oak frames is illustrated in this recently completed project. We can then mix the beauty of old handmade and crafted structures with the latest up to date technology Including:

t Foundations t Floor Construction t Underfloor Heating t Superb Insulation t Sealed Unit Windows t L.E.D Electrical Lighting t Fire Proof Technology (Below The Thatch) We utilise appropriate finishing avoiding standard domestic materials. We also use reclaimed limed sarking board, bathroom fittings and furnishings made from recycled material coupled with the latest systems of heating ie air or ground source. For all of the reasons above we call ourselves traditionally modern. email: Tel: 01798 344066 Mob: 07836 250882

We have carried out a considerable number of successful repair and restoration projects following storm or fire damage, including the re-instatement of several listed barns and houses covered by insurance and the complete replacement of old oak framed buildings lost in fire. Photography by Sophie Sitwell

RRNews - Issue 21



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TORMAX DELIVERS FOUR STAR WELCOME TO HOTEL GUESTS As part of a programme of extensive renovation, TORMAX was specified to install a four-wing automatic revolving door to the main entrance of the four-star Grosvenor Pulford Hotel, Chester. Blending seamlessly with the eighteenth century building, the new revolving door successfully combines the elegance of a by-gone era with the convenience and welcome luxury of an automatic entrance. Driven by the technologically superior TORMAX 5201 motor, reliability and smooth operation is assured for many years to come.

RRNews - Issue 21

The Grosvenor Pulford Hotel and Spa has been significantly upgraded since the family-owned, Nelson Hotels, assumed ownership of the property in 1994. Main contractor on the most recent £1.5m project, HH Smith & Sons of Manchester, has been responsible for the construction of a stunning two-storey reception with new mezzanine floor above. The impressive external glass wall at the front of the property was contracted to Glass & General Maintenance who worked with TORMAX to deliver a first-class automatic entrance.


With over 65 years of experience in the design, manufacture and installation of world-class automatic entrances, TORMAX was well placed for this prestigious job. “Our operators have been engineered for performance and reliability at our HQ in Switzerland,” explains Simon Roberts, MD for TORMAX. “Incorporating a high-torque motor, the 5201 revolving door drive has been combined with our ‘classic’ profile to create a high quality solution.” The TORMAX 5201 operator incorporates a technologically advanced programmable logic circuit, allowing hotel staff to adjust all aspects of the door’s operation to reflect weather conditions, as well as changing levels of foot traffic. This ensures the reception area is kept warm and welcoming at all times by minimising heat-loss from the building.

In addition, a self-monitoring function optimises door performance, automatically adjusting movement in response to factors such as wind resistance or a build-up of dirt for example. If an emergency should lead to power failure, the Grosvenor’s revolving door can be used manually to ensure unrestricted egress. “We are absolutely elated with every aspect of the new reception area,” comments Lucy Nelson, Sales & Marketing Director for Nelson Hotels. “A spectacular central hub has been created in which we can greet and welcome our guests.” For further information - Tel: 01932 238040 Fax: 01932 238055,

A Square Fit for Earls and Dukes

at least 100mm between the primary and secondary glazing, a cavity is created which decouples the panes of glass and reduces noise transmission making a reduction of 45dB achievable. With the use of twin brush seals this further reduces air and sound leakage.

Selectaglaze refreshes a striking art deco building on the corner of Russell Square.

Along with sound reduction, secondary glazing aids in reducing heat loss and can virtually eliminate draughts. Selectaglaze installed over 600 units from its slimline heritage range, including horizontal sliding and lift-out units to allow access for cleaning. The minimal frames created clean lines complimenting the existing primary windows, making them unobtrusive and virtually unnoticeable. Selectaglaze’s units are a fully reversible adaptation accepted by most heritage bodies.


n 1804 Russell Square was built and was named after the Russell, Earls and Dukes of Bedford, set in an ideal location midway between the city of London and the West End. As time has passed, the skyline surrounding the square has changed and is now lined with hotels, offices and UCL. Situated on one of its corners lies Russell Square House. It was built during the 1940s to provide lodging for services personnel. During the latter part of the 1980s, the building received an overhaul and changed its use to office space. After a number of years, the building was in need of a major revamp to bring it up to modern day standard office space. Russell Square House underwent an extensive refurbishment to make it a more comfortable working environment, whilst retaining all its original art deco features.

With fifty years’ experience and Royal Warrant holders since 2004 Selectaglaze has worked on all building types from Listed homes to new build hotels. A wide range of tested products and fully bespoke manufacture allows sympathetic designs to be created for all types of window. Literature and guidance notes covering acoustics, thermal performance and added security are offered together with a technical advisory service and RIBA approved CPD seminars.

Selectaglaze will be at London Build 26th-27th October Stand No: P21

For further information, literature or test results please contact: Selectaglaze on 01727 837271 e mail: or visit:

RRNews - Issue 21

Selectaglaze was approached to reduce the problem of traffic noise, from the busy thoroughfare adjacent to the building. Secondary glazing is a fully independent window, installed to the room side of a building and is the most effective way of reducing dB levels. When there is a gap of

With fifty years’ experience and Royal Warrant holders since 2004 Selectaglaze has worked on all building types from Listed homes to new build hotels.


TOUCH IRONMONGERY LTD 210 Fulham Road, Chelsea London SW10 9PJ



stablished 33 years ago in October 1982, Touch Ironmongery is one of London’s leading ironmongers. Originally called Âł$ 7RXFK RI %UDVV´ WKH ÂżUP changed their name in 2003 in reaction to slowly advancing market changes in architectural ironmongery which is no longer supplied solely in brass, and to DOVR UHĂ€HFW WKH EURDGHU UDQJH RI SURGXFWV DQG ÂżQLVKHV WKDW they sell. In fact today, Touch can VXSSO\ D ZLGH UDQJH RI ÂżQLVKHV including Brass, Satin Brass, Polished Chrome, Satin Chrome, Polished Nickel, Satin Nickel, Copper, Bronze -solid and plated, BMA, Antique Brass, Black, Pewter, Ceramic, Leather, Stainless Steel, Satin Stainless Steel, Gun Metal, and the list NHHSV JURZLQJ :KDWHYHU ÂżQLVK you require, Touch can help you get the right look.

RRNews - Issue 21

Touch occupy their recently refurbished showroom at 210 Fulham Road, Chelsea, where they display a vast range of their 5,000 products. With a customer base including Interior Designers, Builders and individuals who are interested in the top end of the


Ironmongery market, Touch mainly supply to residential SUHPLVHV EXW KRWHO DQG RI¿FH properties also contribute to their vast clientele. The company also have a healthy export market to all corners of the world, namely the Middle East, Europe and the Americas. Touch’s owner and founder, Bill Benham, has 33 years’ experience in the ironmongery trade, as do his colleagues Jim Haselup and Alan Blanchard. Saleem Qureshi is the newest member of our team and has 10 years’ experience, meaning their knowledge is unrivalled in this industry. The range of products supplied by Touch date from circa 1640 French (Louise XIV) and cover all subsequent periods (Georgian, Edwardian & Victorian), art deco and contemporary pieces also make up the product ranges. In addition, Touch showcases the very best of British manufacturing; the best ranges are still produced in the Midlands by craftsmen in factories dating back 200 years or more. Touch also sell European manufactured goods

which is considered to be of a very good quality and in recent years they have introduced some of the far eastern made products, albeit in a limited range but cost effective. With trends continuously evolving, new innovative products are constantly under development. Touch understand that keeping up with the fashion-shifts is imperative in order to provide every customer with the best solution for their requirements. ,URQPRQJHU\ FDQ EH D GLIÂżFXOW and complicated aspect of a building project, as a result Touch aim to take this awkward aspect and make it user friendly and clear to understand by offering an onsite service where they carry out a detailed door by door, window by window, room by room Ironmongery schedule, highlighting all requirements and identifying any items that can be refurbished. Refurbishment is a large part of the business; Touch will undertake complete ironmongery refurbishment projects, and can restore old paint covered door furniture to their former glory, looking as new, at a fraction of the cost to replace.

For more information about Touch Ironmongery or to arrange a showroom visit please call 0207 351 2255 or alternatively visit

OLARIA BARCELONA has now come to London Olaria full range is now available from Touch Ironmongery. Olaria are manufacturers based in Barcelona. Est.1934. Suppliers of luxury hardware to the most emblematic buildings of Barcelona such as Casa Berenguer and Casa Mila of Architect Gaudi, Old Hotel Ritz, Hotel Avenida Palace, Hotel Majestic and many commercial and luxury buildings.

GET SPACED OUT WITH GARADOR SECTIONAL DOORS! In modern buildings, space is always at a premium inside and out, and driveways are noticeably shorter today on many properties. So it is no surprise that Garador’s sectional garage doors are now a top seller across the UK.


hese superbly engineered doors open vertically then horizontally on tracks back into the garage, eliminating the problem of losing driveway space through standard up and over doors, which ‘kick out’ on opening. Thanks to the vertical opening, cars can park close up

to the garage door, a huge benefit in modern homes. There is another benefit too…. Garador’s Sectional garage doors run on metal tracks that travel vertically and then horizontally into the top of the garage. This means there is also no loss of width in the garage space, giving maximum parking space for wider vehicles such as 4 x 4s and MPVs.

These superbly engineered doors open vertically then horizontally on tracks back into the garage, eliminating the problem of losing driveway space through standard up and over doors, which ‘kick out’ on opening.

RRNews - Issue 21

Along with their great practicality, many choose Garador’s sectional garage doors to enhance the look and style of a property. The doors come in a wide variety of surface finishes, designs and colours, including ribbed and panelled versions, elegant Georgian style


and small and even ultra modern large linear, ensuring anyone can find exactly the right style of door to suit their property. With a full range of size options, including standard and purpose made, there really is a door for every requirement and every build. As with all Garador garage doors, the sectional door range offer excellent security and reliability. Sturdy rubber weather seals on all sides of the door ensure maximum weather proofing and 42mm thick door sections on Premium models ensures terrific thermal insulation. This has to be the best choice for integral garages and workshops where thermal insulation is paramount. A classic single skinned range is also available at a very competitive price point. Superior operating lifting gear provides smooth operations and the doors are totally reliable, safe and low maintenance.

Find out more about Garador’s sectional garage doors by calling 01935 443798 or visit



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Latest News Studio Egret West to redevelop Barking shopping centre Studio Egret West to redevelop Barking shopping centre


he proposals, for investor Benson Elliot and development manager Londonewcastle, would create a mixed-use scheme comprising 13 buildings of up to 36 storeys. The plans will create 275,994sq ft of retail, 54,876sq ft of leisure space, up to 13,450sq ft of office space, 850 new homes and a 150-room hotel. The redevelopment will also feature a cinema, 300-capacity music venue, primary school, healthcare facilities and public realm Benson Elliot acquired the 5.2-acre site opposite Barking station for £35m from Northern Irish joint venture Lagmar last summer. Barking & Dagenham Chamber of Commerce president Mark Bass said: “The redevelopment of the Vicarage Field site offers a fantastic opportunity to encourage more growth and investment in the town centre.”

Long-empty buildings transformed into student homes as part of major Bristol regeneration project A major regeneration project to convert two long-empty office buildings in Bristol city centre into stylish student homes has been completed.


ristol-based developer Urban Creation sold the site last year to stock exchange listed student property specialists, Empiric Student property PLC, with a view to breathing new life into Prince William House, a Grade II listed 1980s building, and its neighbour, Matthew House. The £4.5 million refurbishment project, which was carried out by regional contractors Bray & Slaughter, with work starting in August 2015 and completing in September 2016, has resulted in the creation of 75 student homes, ranging from studios to three-bedroom apartments. Students also have the use of a large communal space, a 30-seat cinema, a fully equipped gym as well as bike store.

RRNews - Issue 21

Prince William House and Matthew House are located on Colston Street, close to the University of Bristol’s main city campus. On the doorstep of the vibrant harbourside area, they are also near the popular shopping and leisure hubs of Park Street and the Clifton Triangle.


Jonathan Brecknell, director at Urban Creation, said: “The new accommodation at Prince William House and Matthew House will offer students modern, stylish and cleverly-designed homes, providing the best possible layout and plenty of storage space. Hopefully the inclusion of communal areas, a cinema and gym will offer students plenty of opportunities to socialise and make friends, whilst the location of the homes means they are moments away from the city centre with all that Bristol has to offer in terms of leisure, entertainment, education and work opportunities at their feet.”

Tim Attlee, Founder and CIO of Empiric, added: “We’re delighted to add William and Matthew Houses to our portfolio of investments. Urban Creation has been a great partner for Empiric and we hope to do more with Jonathan and his team again soon. Bristol is the city where the seeds of Empiric were sown by us in 2010 with the redevelopment of 39 College Green. The city is an important market for Empiric, and one where we expect to invest further and hold assets into the long term.”

“We are pleased to have delivered this complex scheme which has posed technical and logistical challenges due to the extremely constrained nature of the site and the respective ages of what were separate but joined buildings.” Grant Jefferies, managing director at Bray & Slaughter Grant Jefferies, managing director at Bray & Slaughter, said: “We are pleased to have delivered this complex scheme which has posed technical and logistical challenges due to the extremely constrained nature of the site and the respective ages of what were separate but joined buildings. The repurposing and change of use of building stock to create high quality environments is a hallmark of our work and we are delighted with the project.” The works have seen the façade of the building renovated, with traditional Bristol red bricks

revealed beneath the white paint that was covering them. The conversion has seen the demolition of part of Prince William House as well as a new the installation of four-storey timber frame that now wraps around the building. Urban Creation develops and manages high quality developments across Bristol for both students and professionals. It is currently carrying out refurbishment works in Clifton, where it is transforming Alison Court, on Apsley road, and Beech House, on the corner of St Paul’s Road, into high quality apartments, with consent recently granted for the transformation of 14, 15 and 16 Charlotte Street, off Park Street, into stylish student homes.

Ebbw Vale Library receives 21st century upgrade The all new, fully refreshed Ebbw Vale Library has been reopened to the public following its transformation by Innova Design Solutions and Blaenau Gwent Council’s architect and contract team.

Latest News Gradon Architecture gets green light for multi-million pound Mongolia regeneration project A North East architecture practice is shaping the future of Mongolia after its designs for a multimillion pound regeneration project in the country’s capital Ulaanbaatar have been given the green light. radon has had plans approved for Galleria UB, transforming a disused former print works into a high end shopping centre. With Ulaanbaatar undergoing a period of rapid transformation, the large-scale regeneration project will be one of the most significant conservation and restoration projects seen to date in Mongolia.


“With bases in the UK and Mongolia, as well as Northern Ireland, we bring the unique combination of local knowledge and UK expertise in sustainable design solutions to the project. As Mongolia’s urban regeneration continues we look forward to bringing our sustainable design solutions to more sites across the city.”

Situated in the heart of the city on the famous Chinggis Square and close to Mongolia’s Parliament Building, the former print works has been empty for a number of years, falling into disrepair.

Gradon made history last year when the practice became the first UK architect to set up in Mongolia, opening a design studio and initially taking on three local staff to add to its UK expertise and has since added to its talented team. In its first 18 months the practice has worked on a number of prestigious design projects in the country including the Tuguldur shopping centre, Nukht Valley sustainable housing,

Regeneration work of this nature is uncommon in Mongolia, adding to the uniqueness of the project. Work is due to begin on site shortly and is expected to be completed by early 2018.

Four Seasons 17 hectare mixed use masterplan and an extension to a school. Passionate also about giving something back to the communities in which they work, the team continue to support The Christina Noble Foundation in Mongolia, creating better places for orphans to live and receive an education as well as also assisting the Lotus Childrens Foundation to help them improve their facilities. The practice has earned a strong reputation at home and in Asia for its use of innovative and sustainable designs across a variety of sectors including private residential, commercial, leisure, community, industry, master planning and interiors.

Gradon’s designs will see the exterior restored to its former glory, while the interior will be completely revamped to create a light and modern retail space. The architect’s plans include two floors of high-end retail space, with a number of retailers already expressing an interest. Tanja Smith, Technical Director of Gradon who heads up the Mongolia studio, said: “This has been an amazing project for everyone involved. Mongolia, and Ulaanbaatar in particular, is changing very quickly and it’s hugely exciting to be involved in shaping the future of the city. Galleria UB is in a prime location and will offer an unrivalled shopping experience to both tourists and residents alike.

The mezzanine first floor now offers a traditional reading environment with ample study facilities and the flexibility for staff to reconfigure the space for events. Daniel Heginbotham, national sales manager at Innova, said: “When planning the refurbishment of the library we had to upgrade the services, integrate technology and make it engaging in such a way that it complements a very traditional building.


fter winning a competitive tender, interior specialists Innova set to work on the refurbishment of the facility based in the classical, stone-built Bethcar Methodist Chapel. By working with architects and librarians, the upgrade to the late Victorian building has seen cutting edge technology, IT systems and engaging, modern, bespoke furniture incorporated into the traditional space, whilst remaining sensitive to the building’s history.

Managing director, Anthony Hughes said: “The refurbishment will transform service delivery at Ebbw Vale, enabling greater community involvement,

“This is exciting news for library services in Blaenau Gwent, a fully refurbished library at Ebbw Vale will play a vital role in supporting the community.” Upon entry to the refurbished library – a central feature ‘rotunda’ entices visitors to browse, sit and read. On the ground floor, technology has been integrated seamlessly with dual functioning units incorporating IT hot desks on one side with book shelving on the other. This maximises central space and replaces tightly packed and dated shelving units that left little room for browsers.

“The finished result provides a relaxed reading environment right next to the IT hub, meaning users can move effortlessly from one area to the next according to their needs. We are proud to see the library in use and we hope it effectively engages the community and encourages the next generation of library users.” Following the opening of the library to the public, the refurbishment has received rave reviews, with a library visitor commenting: “This refurbishment has the “Wow” factor in spades. The building is now a modern, contemporary light filled space which is perfect for a library, whilst still retaining the architectural features that make this building such a landmark in the town.”

RRNews - Issue 21

In a refurbishment that is claimed will be “totally transformative to services”, the library now provides a valuable, multipurpose space that will engage the community and encourage learning and literacy.

improved IT facilities and providing an opportunity to increase our partnership work with a wide range of organisations.

“Beyond the mix of modern and traditional and the new digital services, the library can now accommodate community activities including art classes and events for children, thanks to its uncluttered, spacious layout.


Editor’s Choice

Dampness complaints are a problem that, in the condensation season, plagues every Local Authority, Housing Association and private landlord throughout the Country. Mouldy is an animated DVD with accompanying booklet which takes a much softer approach to dampness in an attempt to help tenants understand the problem and save the landlord time and money in having to deal with these ever occurring complaints. For full information and sample DVD call Mould Growth Consultants Ltd on Freephone 0800 285 1624 or email



RRNews - Issue 21

PIR occupancy switching and adjustable photocell for daylight control Real time scheduling for switching, lux control or function changes Switching / dimming functions can be controlled by sunset and sunrise prediction Automatic time adjustment for BST Innovative twin level time lag function for even greater energy savings Versions for Switching Only, DALI Dimming and 1-10V Dimming Functionality uploaded by Android phone or tablet. For more information call us on:


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Smart homes technology specialists Cyberhomes have won the custom installation (CI) industry’s Install and Technology Solutions Award (ITSA) for ‘Best Whole House Integration’.

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The award recognises the quality of a fully-integrated automation and entertainment system designed, built and delivered by Cyberhomes. Having worked with the property developer client on several previous projects, Cyberhomes were given the opportunity to provide the integration of the AV (including a cinema room), lighting, heating and security systems for his own luxury family home in Hampstead.

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RRNews - Issue 21





loor lamp with double LED light sources, Solid oak or walnut base with a black anodized arm housing the LED light source.

Three machined grooves in the main body allow the light source to be placed in up 12 positions, with a further set of LEDs in the back of the main body. The dimmable LED light sources are perfect for creating indirect and direct mood lighting.

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RRNews - Issue 21


Latest News NOMA appoints contractor on major office refurbishment NOMA, a joint venture between the Co-op and Hermes Investment Management, has appointed Russells Construction to refurbish a nine-storey office building in the centre of Manchester.


he contractor will rejuvenate Federation, one of the Co-op estate’s original developments, on Dantzic Street in Manchester city centre. The NOMA neighbourhood comprises 20 acres of prime real estate between Manchester Victoria, the Northern Quarter and the central retail area.

Federation is located between Victoria Station and the Northern Quarter on a major pedestrian route between the two. Its proximity to Manchester’s creative hub and its accessibility via the train and metrolink at Victoria and Shudehill, give the building huge appeal.

The 70,000 sq ft building is set to become a business hub providing a creative workspace for emerging businesses. Ground floor retail and leisure operators will cater for passers-by and the 5,000-strong work-force already working at NOMA.

“Offering a truly blank canvas and the potential for collaborative working, Federation will cater for the city’s growing army of digital, tech and creative companies who are playing an increasingly influential role in Manchester’s local economy.” Ben Tolhurst, Asset Manager, Hermes Investment Management,

Refurbishment work has already begun on bringing the early twentieth century structure back into use. Russells has stripped out much of the internal fittings to create large open floorplates with neutral décor. NOMA wants to provide future tenants with a blank canvas upon which to stamp their own identity. New mechanical and electrical services, lifts and bathrooms are also being installed. Careful attention is being placed on restoring windows, brick and stonework, as well as a stunning internal white glazed brick lightwell. This will allow the building to retain its original character.

It has been part of the Co-operative portfolio since it was built and the Group operated its food sales business from there before staff relocated to the new One Angel Square, the flagship of the NOMA development. Ben Tolhurst, Asset Manager, Hermes Investment Management, said: “Offering a truly blank canvas and the potential

for collaborative working, Federation will cater for the city’s growing army of digital, tech and creative companies who are playing an increasingly influential role in Manchester’s local economy.” David Pringle, Director of NOMA at The Co-op, said the rejuvenation of Federation House would be a significant moment in the wider NOMA regeneration. He said: “With the completion of the Sadler’s Yard public realm, attention turns to the refurbishment of the incredible buildings which surround that space, of which Federation is the first. Built more than 100 years ago, it housed a growing collective of pioneers who went on to lead the world in a new style of commerce that put the needs of people first. Now part of our city’s proud heritage, the building will once again meet the needs of a new generation of pioneers in digital, technology and creative business. Gareth Russell of Russells Construction said: “As with so many of these solid redbrick buildings, the structure remains in good shape and will benefit hugely from the restoration works. It will be great to see the building returned to its former glory by the end of the summer.”

Hucknall schools given room to grow thanks to school expansion TWO Hucknall-based schools have been given room to grow thanks to expansion works, completed by local contractor Ashe Construction.


eighbouring schools Butlers Hill Infant and Nursery School and Broomhill Junior School have both seen modular classrooms extensions completed this year, to meet the ever-growing demand for school spaces in the area. The £475,000 modular extension at Broomhill

School on Broomhill Road was completed earlier this month and included two brand new classrooms. Across the road from Broomhill School, Butlers Hill’s £750,000 modular extension included two classrooms that link to the existing school as well as additional play areas and a rear car park expansion. Following the extension works, the school will now be able to cater for 75 places per year group a - 25% increase on previous years - offering an additional 45 places at the popular infant school and nursery. Melinda Amos, headteacher at Butlers Hill, said: “The new expansion will offer much more space to our

teachers and pupils, as our current classrooms have become overcrowded. The external development has created a dedicated area for our reception children to play in too, which will be more suited to the number of children we have at the school. “The project has been complex and challenging for everyone involved, but despite this we have worked together well with empathy and good humour! We are incredibly proud of our school and we hope the new space is well received by pupils, teachers and parents.” Justin Howard, framework manager at Ashe Construction, said: “Both of the schools’ learning environments had been working well, but given the high demand of school places in the local area it was starting to out-grow capacity. The schools were involved at every stage of the process, from planning to development, and will now be able to offer more places to children in the local area with greater room to learn and play.”

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Ashe Construction completed the two projects as part of the East Midlands Property Alliance (empa) framework. Managed by Scape and formed by local authorities, the empa framework aims to improve the delivery of construction projects and property maintenance for public sector bodies, saving them and the taxpayer money.


Paul Windle, regional business manager at empa, added: “We are delighted to see the completion of another two excellent school extensions under the empa framework. Due to an increase in population, it is now more important than ever to improve learning facilities and provide children with the best learning environment possible.”

Latest News Great Ormond Street launches £190m rebuild competition Children’s hospital wants design team and contractor for next phase of redevelopment


competition has been launched to find a design team for a £190 million project to create a new “front door” for Great Ormond Street Hospital. The winning team needs to be able to give architectural expression to the famous children’s hospital’s guiding principle, “The child first and always”. The hospital is starting work on phase 4 of its redevelopment programme which will see it replace outdated facilities on part of its central London site and provide a new street entrance. The contest, being run by RIBA Competitions, is a competitive dialogue process to appoint a multi-disciplinary design team and prime contractor. Peter Steer, chief executive of the hospital

which has 3,800 staff and sees more than 268,000 patients every year, said they wanted the design to express the things GOSH prizes, from its research programme to the children it treats. He added: “We are excited to see how the world’s best design and construction experts can reflect our vision to create a building that supports our staff in their important work and nurtures our patients and their families through some of the most testing times of their lives.” Previous architects who have worked at the hospital include Stanton Williams and Studio Weave.

The deadline for PQQs is October 7. Three to six teams will then be shortlisted and invited to participate in a three-month competitive dialogue programme starting in late October. This process will include workshop sessions on design, cost and contractual issues leading to the submission of final tenders in February 2017. The submitted design proposals will then be put out to public consultation. An equal honorarium of £20,000 (+VAT) will be paid to each of the lead architect or designer of every team that submits a compliant final tender and gives a clarification interview presentation.

The deadline for PQQs is October 7. Three to six teams will then be shortlisted and invited to participate in a three-month competitive dialogue programme starting in late October.

North East architect celebrates expansion success with more growth Ambitious North East architect practice Gradon Architecture is celebrating a successful first year in Northern Ireland by growing its team.


radon Architecture, based in Ryton, has seen its Northern Ireland operations go from strength to strength since opening in Derry in July 2015. After securing a number of prestigious projects in Northern Ireland and across the North East, the firm are now looking to expand. Graham McDarby, Managing Director of Gradon Architecture, said: “It’s a really exciting time for all of us. We’re delighted to have had such a successful first year in Northern Ireland and it’s fantastic that we’re in a position to grow the team as we now seek to recruit a number of people at different levels to include Architects and Architectural Technologists. Gradon Architecture got off to a strong start in Northern Ireland, scooping a prestigious industry award for its first project, the RoCo hair and beauty salon on the prominent Derry waterfront.

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The practice is also growing a strong reputation for its innovative and sustainable design approach to complex social housing, city centre regeneration projects, as well as bespoke one-off homes, for which Gradon offers a personalised, hands-on service, guiding clients through each step of the process.


Founded in 2009 by Graham and Donna McDarby, Gradon has quickly grown into an award-winning practice operating across multiple sectors and international market places. In addition to their Ryton and Derry studios, the firm also set up a design studio in Mongolia’s capital city of Ulaanbaatar, becoming the first British architect

practice to do so. Each of the three teams works to support each other across projects, creating a unique round-the-clock service for clients. Graham added: “The collaboration we have between our three studios provides our clients in England, Northern Ireland and Asia, with access to a highly skilled and multi-cultural design team. We’re now looking forward to recruiting in both our Ryton and Derry studios as we enter into an exciting period of growth and new projects in new emerging markets for us. Liam Nelis, Gradon’s Technical Director, who leads up the Derry operation along with co Director and architect Sean Furey, said: “It’s been a fantastic first year here in Derry and we want to carry that success forward. With a number of fantastic projects under our belts and more on the horizon, the next step for us is expanding the team. “As a practice we pride ourselves on giving opportunity to young, local talent looking to develop their architectural skills in a supportive and exciting environment.” Candidates wishing to apply to join our exciting design teams in Northern Ireland and the North East of England are invited to email their details, including a CV and a portfolio of not more than 5MB, to in advance of interviews in late August.

Nathaniel Gee lands Estorick upgrade Nathaniel Gee Architects has been appointed to oversee the restoration of the Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art.


he Estorick Collection opened 18 years ago in Northampton Lodge, a grade II Georgian house in Canonbury, north London. The building was converted with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund to create six galleries, an art library, café, bookshop and garden. Nathaniel Gee, who was responsible for the original design of the Estorick in 1998, is currently working on new designs for the museum. These include a new entrance, shop and facilities, renovation of the stairs and galleries, improved access and a redesign of the garden. This will include a new conservatory linking the café to the outside spaces. The museum is set to reopen in January 2017.

Join the Discussion in October It’s been a busy year thus far; We’ve had the referendum, Theresa May’s appointment and the new Mayor, Sadiq Khan. Khan has highlighted his determination to continue investing in London’s construction industry, having pledged to meet a target of 50,000 new homes a year.


ousing, regeneration, London’s future plans and much more will be discussed at the annual London Build at Olympia London, taking place on October 26th & 27th. Widely recognised as the leading construction and design event for London and the South East, this free-to-attend event is perfectly timed to drive the industry forward. This year’s show introduces the Architects Hub. Some of the features include 3D

modelling of major projects across the city, a project wall commending innovation and design from leading architects, demonstrations and trials of the latest BIM and design software, conference presentations, CPD accredited training workshops along with endless networking opportunities with key developers, architects, specifiers and contractors. Mae Architects, Sarah Wrigglesworth Architects, Natasha Reid Design, Fletcher Priest Architects, Skidmore Owings & Merrill (SOM), PLP Architecture, Squires and Partners, London Underground, Maccreanor Lavington, Dallas Pierce Quintero, Bouygues UK, Avanti Architects, Design Software Solutions, Honour, LABC and CIAT are just some of the key speakers presenting throughout the two day conference and CPD training workshops.

RRNews - Issue 21

Our Meet the Buyer VIP Luncheon will include a Business Card Exchange, announcements on the latest tenders and investment opportunities in London, oneon-one meetings and huge networking potential with hundreds of key decision makers including First Base, Heathrow Airport, Transport for London, Lendlease, Crossrail, Foster and Partners, Mace Group and Atkins Global amongst many others.


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Editor’s Choice

NEW MEETS OLD SUDwell :-Resin driveways has just been commissioned to undertake the refurbishment of the pathways for St Johns Church in Upper Church road St Leonards on Sea. This 18th century church is surrounded by well manicured gardens so it was imperative that we bring a new concept in design of pathways and access point into this structure with thought and consideration for the overall appearance! Working closely with Church members, Chartered Architects R.D.P and Resin Driveways design team arrived at a colour scheme for theses areas using natural stone giving a fresh vision of the future look of the surrounding area!

RRNews - Issue 21

Resin Driveways trades under the banner of SUDwell which has been working in the field of Resin Bonded and Resin Bound surfacing S.U.D’s Sustainable Urban Drainage for over 15 years covering many different aspects of the Resin Bound and Bonded systems! Ranging from Large country


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Latest News Brick Awards 2016 Voting now open for Architect’s Choice Award Following the exciting announcement that the annual Brick Awards shortlisting has been revealed, the Brick Development Association (BDA) would like to invite registered architects to help them choose which project should receive the prestigious Architect’s Choice Award on the 10th November at The Brick Award ceremony held at The Hilton Park Lane, London.


he award has been sponsored by Catnic who are honoured to present the award to the overall winner of this category on the night.

Inside the £25m Southbank Centre refurb Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios reveals what it will look likeand how it looks now.


eilden Clegg Bradley has released images showing what the restored Southbank Centre will look like once its £25 million refurbishment project is complete. The architect also took BD on a tour of Archigram’s unlisted brutalist arts complex to see the work progressing. One CGI shows the Queen Elizabeth Hall foyer with wrap-around glazing replacing the concrete wall at the north-west corner. The windows can be opened fully in summer, creating another entrance. This was one of the most controversial aspects of the scheme for Historic England and planners, but they were won over by the idea of the venue being more open, said Ian Taylor of Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios. “It will create a visual connection so you can see Big Ben and the Royal Festival Hall terrace, so the foyer becomes much more visible. Many more people will come in and use it,” he predicted.

RRNews - Issue 21

The existing bar will be repositioned, while the box office will be returned to its original location on the other side of the main doors, leaving the foyer less cluttered.


FCBS is also replacing aluminium acoustic panels in the ceiling with timber units to improve sound performance. A new ramp will be installed from the foyer into the Purcell Room and a new artists’ entrance and 300sq m green room and bar will be on the level below with greatly improved facilities.

Taylor said this would be one of the most dramatic spaces in the building with a soaring internal view up to the giant QEH air duct. Both the QEH and Purcell Room auditoria are being completely overhauled and the ventilation system upgraded. Air flow will be reversed to make it more efficient. The project also involves refurbishing and upgrading the Hayward Gallery. Its famous pyramid rooflights have been removed and new coffers are about to be installed, capped by a waterproof membrane and motorised blinds. This arrangement will allow the new pyramids to be open on their north-facing sides, meaning views of the sky from the top galleries won’t be gradually occluded by layers of dirt. Taylor said the project was one of the highlights of his career. “The more we have worked on the building the more we respect the original,” he said.

The shortlist this year showcases a spectacular and varied range of architectural projects, covering brick excellence in public, educational and commercial buildings, as well as housing developments. The BDA received over 200 project submissions and the expert jury panel has selected 77 projects in total to be shortlisted for a Brick Award. This year’s nominees include the Newport Street Gallery, the Peabody Scheme at St John’s Hill, and Eastwood Health and Care Centre in Glasgow. These and all shortlisted projects are fantastic examples of how brick can regenerate and ameliorate its surroundings, in addition to its well-known practical benefits and longevity.

The shortlist this year showcases a spectacular and varied range of architectural projects, covering brick excellence in public, educational and commercial buildings, as well as housing developments. The Architect’s Choice is an opportunity for the wider architectural community to be a part of the Brick Awards. The BDA is delighted to invite registered architects and architecture students to vote on their favourite projects in each of the 14 categories of this year’s awards, with exception to the Best Worldwide Project category which is considered separately. Voting is only accepted through the BDA website where we ask for your top vote in each category. Now celebrating its 40th year, the Brick Awards annual ceremony hosted by the Brick Development Association honours the varied and diverse ways brick can be used in contemporary architecture with its remarkable range of applications.

Latest News Collective Works raises curtain on temporary Old Vic Collective Works designed and erected a 200-seat temporary theatre in Waterloo with the Old Vic Community Company.


t was built in seven days from reusable, reclaimed and rented materials which will be repurposed for future community projects. Its main structure was scaffolding and it was roofed with a tensioned tarpaulin. Instead of foundations it relied on water ballast The structure was designed to rise above the stage, allowing a second level for the cast and choir to perform. The theatre, constructed on Millennium Green between the Old Vic Theatre and Waterloo Station in central London, hosted two weeks of performances watched by 2,000 people,

before being disassembled last week. The build was carried out by the architects, scaffolders, set builders, production team and members of the company which was founded in 2013 and is London’s largest inclusive theatre company. Christopher Daniel of Collective Works said: “Our brief was to design a place where up to 200 people create theatre in front of a nightly audience of 200. Add in a desire for multiple bicycles to cross the stage while a live band accompanies a choir of 50, and you find yourself with an opportunity to create a fairly unique performance venue.”

The architects, who brought experience of temporary structures and performance spaces, worked with structural engineer Corbett & Tasker and set designer Carla Goodman.

INTERSERVE BRINGS NEWCASTLE’S ICONIC FORMER CO-OP BUILDING BACK TO LIFE Interserve, the international support services and construction group, has completed a two-year £17 million renovation of an iconic Grade II listed building in Newcastle city centre, which has included conversion of the building into a Premier Inn hotel.


nown to locals as the former Co-operative department store, the highly sensitive project has required Interserve to work closely with the local authority in order to preserve the character of the building, and make sure that the regulations surrounded listed building alterations have been met. The historic structure, dating back to 1902, extends over six floors. The renovation project has involved the redecoration, partitioning and reconfiguration of the building to serve its new use. External Façade

RRNews - Issue 21

The external façade of the building has been carefully renovated to reveal its original appearance. The stone cleaning was approached very carefully, as many proprietary stone cleaning systems use acid-based solutions that can remove layers of the stone and do long-term and irreversible damage. Interserve used the least invasive method, which involved a fine pressure spray of warm water to gently remove the build-up of detritus. It was a challenging and painstakingly slow process to ensure there was no damage to the building, which was in a poor state of repair.


The external renovations also included restoration of the windows, which was done in situ and required meticulous work in order to accommodate the metal and timber used in different parts of the building. The windows varied in size, shape, and condition (some were more fragile than others, such as the windows in the approximately 19 metre-high stair tower), which required the development of a specific repair methodology for each window type. The team uncovered the original stained glass ‘sunburst’ pattern windows on a curved section of the building during the works and protected them. In addition, window furniture was replaced to match the original and then repainted.

The Art Deco façade was originally embellished with colourful spandrel panels, whose pattern included acid yellow, orange and blue tones. The Interserve team took samples of the colours when it had uncovered them, and carefully matched them using the ‘RAL chart’ colour-matching system. A photograph from the archives also confirmed the correct scheme, and with agreement from the local council the team was able to re-instate the colour. Recreating the Look of the Original Barometer and Clocks A key part of the project was to recreate the look of the original barometer and clocks on the building’s two towers. This was achieved through working closely with the specialist firm, Smith’s of Derby, who had manufactured the originals and made the new ones now in place. Also important was the restoration of a cast iron arcade located in a courtyard, which was carefully achieved by the original manufacturers of the feature. The Running Men Another fascinating element of the project was bringing back to life a series of figures measuring

The Art Deco façade was originally embellished with colourful spandrel panels, whose pattern included acid yellow, orange and blue tones. The Interserve team took samples of the colours when it had uncovered them, and carefully matched them using the ‘RAL chart’ colour-matching system.

Project Summary

t Renovation and conversion of Grade II Listed Building, a feature of the city’s skyline since 1902 t 170,000 sq ft property which extends over six floors t Leisure and retail units, anchored by a 184bed Premier Inn Hotel t Character features preserved: barometer, clocks, cast iron arcade and the cast iron ‘running men’ figures of the main staircase t Local supply chain partners involved in the project; approx. 20 apprenticeships created approximately 13 centimetres high and made of cast iron, which formed part of the unique handrails for the building’s six-storey marble staircase. Affectionately known as the ‘running men’, each figure’s pose honours the Co-Operative’s former motto “Labour and Wait”. Originally produced and installed in the 1930s, the ‘running men’ were recast, renovated and renewed by the same company that originally manufactured them. Interestingly, the great grandson of the company’s founder and first installer installed the new running men. The team came across various features as they stripped back the building in a very careful and selective demolition process. One of the most poignant was a war memorial with the names of Co-op staff that had died in the first and second world wars. The memorial was carefully renovated and integrated into the new building’s interior. Historic Buildings Specialist The complexity of this project saw Interserve’s main team joined by a historic buildings specialist who led the task of marrying a planning process and a listed building process. Interserve also worked closely with local supply chain partners, and was able to create approximately 20 new apprenticeships for local people. At one stage a team of over 150 was employed on site. Interserve has now handed the scheme over to Premier Inn, who is operating a 184-bed hotel with an adjoining restaurant.

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Sheffield Low Rise Retrofit Sprinkler Installation

Following official suggestions in a report into a multi fatality fire in a high rise housing block in Southwark in 2009 that retrofitting sprinklers would not be cost-effective or practicable, BAFSA developed a proposal to determine the costs and practicability of retrofitting sprinklers into this type of premises.


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heffield City Council and South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service identified a suitable high rise block at Callow Mount and the installation was completed in September 2011. As a result of the outcome of that project a number of housing authorities and housing associations have installed sprinklers in an increasing number of high and low rise social housing properties.


The majority of these retrofits have been to individual blocks or small groups of properties, however, Sheffield City Council identified a serious fire risk potential in a specific type of property in their portfolio. These 540 ‘ranch style’ properties in 23 blocks, are sited in four locations around Sheffield. The fire risk assessments carried out on these ‘ranch style’ properties identified that the properties required significant work to gain suitable compartmentation to facilitate a stay put policy to be effective. It was also difficult to prevent the spread of fire throughout the timber construction of the block. The Council concluded that the layout and design of the buildings meant that the upgrade of passive works would be costly and in many ways impractical and could not be achieved without decanting the residents to temporary

accommodation whilst the work was carried out. Using the experience of Callow Mount, Sheffield City Council recognised that they would be able to retrofit a suppression system into the blocks without decanting the residents and with minimum disruption during the installation. A fire suppression feasibility study was conducted to ascertain the most appropriate and cost effective solution, considering the alternatives of a residential fire sprinkler or water mist suppression system. The report recommended that sprinkler systems were the most appropriate solution, based on the time taken to install together with installation and maintenance costs being lower than those for a misting system.

The main reasons for installing sprinkler systems are to protect vulnerable residents in extra care or sheltered housing situations or where it is determined during a fire risk assessment that it is the most cost effective way of addressing short comings in the fire protection arrangements for the building.

Following a lengthy tendering process the Council determined that the most cost effective way of delivering the contract was to employ a main contractor with experience in major refurbishment programmes of social housing with the sprinkler installation being subcontracted to a specialist sprinkler company. Morgan Sindall acted as the primary contractor utilising their skill and experience in managing major and complex refurbishment programmes in Social Housing. The installation of the sprinkler system was sub – contracted to Armstrong Priestley an established third party approved contractor with extensive experience in both commercial and residential installations. The sprinkler installation in all properties was designed to BS 9251:2005: Fire sprinkler systems for domestic and residen tial occupancies. The blocks contained a variety of one, two and three bedroom flats which necessitated 8 different installation designs utilising between 8 and 15 sprinkler heads. The CPVC pipework was surface mounted and enclosed in ‘Pendoc’ preformed boxing. The sprinkler heads were of the concealed type with cover plates flush to the surface. Morgan Sindall utilised a sequential programme of works with targets for the completion of a number of properties on a weekly basis. The sequential programme contained the following key elements:

t Liaison and communication with residents which is considered critical to the success of the programme

t Preparatory building works t Sprinkler system installation t Electrical interface work t Boxing and redecoration t Follow up visit In the initial phase the work required two full days to complete each flat but this was reduced to permit installation to be normally completed in a single day. The feedback from residents was that the work had been carried out in an exemplary manner, with minimum intrusion and mess. They also reported that they believed the sprinklers provided protection from the effects of fire in their properties. The installation programme was completed by November 2015 Following the completion of the project BAFSA has published a comprehensive report “Shieffield Low Rise Sprinkler Installation”. This report concluded that sprinklers offer an effective solution to the fire protection of residents particularly where there are significant structural design failings which cannot be addressed without significant expense. They are cost effective, more robust and there is no need to decant tenants to temporary accommodation whilst the installation takes place. The report is available on request from uk or can be downloaded from On 16th November Fire Sprinkler 2016, BAFSA’s biennial Conference will be held in Cardiff. To view the programme and book your place visit www.

RRNews - Issue 21


RINNAI GOES SOLO FOR CONTINUOUS FLOW WITH A STORE… Rinnai’s latest innovation in the energy efficient fast delivery of instantly useable hot water is the Infinity Solo Re-Circulator water heater.


he Rinnai Infinity Solo condensing and low NOX water heater is the first of its kind for the UK to combine the advanced technology of wall mounted continuous flow water heaters with a stainless steel storage cylinder, all in one compact footprint. The design parameters of this product empowers specifiers, designers, installers

and engineers to benefit from unique Rinnai technology in applications it was once not previously possible. For instance, the Infinity Solo will have both 35kW and 54kW sized appliances, ensuring sites with a smaller gas meter can readily use this technology. The larger Infinity Solo model will also act as a high-efficiency alternative to gas fired storage appliances that exist in today’s market.


The Infinity Solo 16


The Infinity Solo 20

The design parameters of this product empowers specifiers, designers, installers and engineers to benefit from unique Rinnai technology in applications it was once not previously possible. The cylinder is stainless steel and this reduces the weight compared to glass lined models, and it makes transportation and installation a lot easier. As well as the difference in weight, the cylinders also have extremely low heat loss figures (as low as 1.41kW/h day), so the user pays less to maintain the heat within the tank. One other benefit of the Infinity Solo using a stainless steel cylinder is that the life expectancy of the material is far greater than that of a glass-lined equivalent as glass suffers from thermal shock causing it to crack after a period of time.

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The Infinity Solo range is also renewables compatible and supplied pre-fitted with a coil, meaning that the primary energy source will always be from renewable gains and the complementary Rinnai water heater will only apply the precise amount of gas to boost the difference in temperature.


Rinnai manufactures the energy efficient Infinity range of gas fired continuous flow water heaters and space heaters. The Infinity brand carries the widest range of condensing water heaters on the market today with the most impressive efficiencies in operation, leading the field in technological innovation.

For more information on the RINNAI product range visit www.rinnaiuk. com

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CRX1 Wireless Controller for Consort’s RX Heaters Jreater

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NEW: CRX1 Wireless Controller for Consort’s RX Heaters

CRX1 )eatXres ‡ /arJe EaFNlit /C' GisSla\ for eas\ reaGinJ supplied ‡ 7oXFK Fontrol with ‡ 6iPSle to set XS anG eas\ to SroJraPPe a table top ‡ tePSeratXre settinJs Ser Ga\ ‡ Ga\ KeatinJ SroJraPPes Ser ZeeN


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Download CRX1 leaet!

For more details on Consort’s RX Wireless System and CRX1 controller or to request copies of the latest catalogue email:, tel: 01646 692172 or fax: 01646 695195.

RRNews - Issue 21

‡ 1 PinXtes %oost featXre

Consort Claudgen’s new CRX1 wireless controller features a large easy-to-read backlit LCD display and offers up to six temperature settings a day, seven days a week. It has four different operating modes and features a 15-minutes Boost with temperature control to provide the maximum comfort quickly. The CRX1 wireless controller works with all Consort RX heaters and can operate different products at the same time, allowing total heating systems to be effectively controlled; for example, in an apartment, plinth heaters and panel heaters could use the same controller. This modern design controller is supplied with a security wall bracket and a table top stand which is perfect for placing it anywhere in a room.



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There are at least 3 reasons to fit Titanium tank heaters over the traditionallyspecified Nickel alloy heaters in hard water areas: 1. More then 3 times service life as reported by a number of breweries including Teignworthy Brewery of Newton Abbot. 2. Less energy usage with Ti heaters which are manufactured with 0.4mmW tube whereas alloy heaters use a 0.6mmW tube. 3. The thermal conductivity of Nickel alloy is about 2/3 that of Titanium. Specifying Ti heaters will assist companies seeking standards accreditation such as: ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental Management – minimisation of waste & efficient use of raw materials & energy. ISO50001:2011 – Energy Management – reduction in energy usage & carbon footprint Available online through the Titanium Products website – Or Tel: 0121 705 1483 Email:

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SMITH’S SPACE SAVER SS80 GOES DUTCH AND SWEDISH Smith’s Fan Convectors market-leading Space Saver plinth heater has been given a profile boost in the Dutch and Swedish markets. A new slim-line version of the Smith’s Space Saver was launched last year - the Smith’s Space Saver SS80 - making it the only plinth heater in Europe that fits IKEA-style 80mm plinth heights. The Space Saver SS80 fits much narrower plinths found in kitchen designs popular in Scandinavia and Germany. Like its taller counterparts, installing the Space Saver SS80 frees up wall space for extra work surfaces and more storage or desirable kitchen appliances. It provides an alternative for home owners having to make do with a panel radiator or expensive under-floor heating. The SS80 is now available nationally from all good merchants and online stockists. For more information contact Smith’s Environmental Products on 01245 324900 or at or

Become an LED lighting expert The use of LED lighting technology is becoming increasingly popular. The IET Code of Practice for the Application of LED Lighting Systems gives you the knowledge to ensure safe and effective LED lighting and controls installation.


he popularity of LEDs has grown rapidly over recent years as people begin to appreciate the advantages it provides, such as energy efficiency, equipment longevity and lower electricity bills. However, it has also become apparent that poor quality installation of LED lighting systems could cancel out these advantages and result in inadequate lighting, failure to meet lifetime performance expectations, or even interference with other equipment from poor systems integration. The Code of Practice covers all of the key issues in the delivery and lifecycle management of LED lighting installations – including safety, performance and compatibility considerations – as part of a systems approach to the fit-for-purpose installation and maintenance of this important technology.

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See to find out more.


The Code is designed for use by specifiers, installers, maintainers, operators and systems managers, with coverage including: lighting design, drivers, circuits, physical considerations, control systems, inspection and maintenance.

Designed to help you to avoid common problems and debunk common myths, the Code highlights the potential compatibility issues between new and legacy LED systems. The Code is designed for use by specifiers, installers, maintainers, operators and systems managers, with coverage including: lighting design, drivers, circuits, physical considerations, control systems, inspection and maintenance. This is the first consensus-based standard for the application of LED lighting systems, with comprehensive coverage built out of the expertise and experience of the technical committee and lead authors. In establishing a basis for good practice, this Code is intended to benefit the industry and build confidence in this technology for contractors and customers. You can also take advantage of combining the Code of Practice with our related guidance on Recommendations for Energy Efficient Exterior Lighting Systems for the special price of ÂŁ99. See the website for details at www.theiet. org/lighting-package-2 IET Standards works with industry to create comprehensive guidance in areas lacking in formal standards. Other recent guidance includes the Code of Practice for Grid Connected Solar Photovoltaic Systems and the Guide to Electrical Maintenance. Find out more at

The Institution of Engineering and Technology is registered as a Charity in England & Wales (no 211014) and Scotland (no SCO38698). Michael Faraday House, Six Hills Way, Stevenage, SG1 2AY.

HOW OFTEN DID YOU USE YOUR POOL LAST YEAR? Our bespoke telescopic swimming pool covers help you enjoy your pool all year round

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After renovation work

top images

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Before renovation work

With a 130 year history it’s perhaps not surprising that Liverpool based Hayes & Finch knows something about longevity, but not just for itself, for the countless historical and sentimental antiques and treasures it restores and returns to use each year. Although a business originally founded to serve the church market, Hayes & Finch recognises the wider demand for its specialist metalwork and joinery skills and has earned an enviable reputation restoring chandeliers, plaques, woodwork and precious heirlooms for some of the country’s finest country houses, community projects, churches and private homes

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One of Hayes & Finch’s most recent projects is the restoration of a 36 inch silver galleon for a private collection. The intricate repair called for the galleon to be dismantled, cleaned, polished, repaired and lacquered and the work took more than 12 man-hours over three days.


Karen Reilly, Director of Hayes & Finch is passionate about restoration and the joy a completed project brings. She said: “It’s quite a privilege to help families and communities bring heirlooms back to life or to restore items of historical significance. We are trusted with what they deem precious, whether that’s in financial or sentimental terms and we restore things with as much care as if they were our own.

“All too often once significant items are left damaged by the ravages of time and rather than being repaired they’re put away out of sight and more often than not it’s because

the owners just aren’t sure restoration is possible or who can do it.” With so much of the country’s manufacturing heritage lost to overseas companies, Hayes & Finch is all the more special for its heritage as a British manufacturer, supplier and restorer.

We have a very specialist team with the traditional skills and craftsmanship able to reverse the signs of ageing, smoothing away dents, creases and dimples, and restoring even the most intricate of items with painstaking detail. With metalworking, joinery, engraving, sculpture and embroidery all in house, every Hayes & Finch restoration comes with its own story. Karen added: “Our team has been with us many years and they can tell you which restoration projects they’ve played a part in. Every item that goes through our workshop is unique, not just its origins but who’s had a hand in its restoration too.” Such is Hayes & Finch’s passion and commitment that Project Restore was launched in 2009; a search to find some

of the UK’s most damaged yet best loved historical and religious artefacts and to return a lucky few to the communities that treasure them most. A gilt processional cross, which honoured a young solider from the First World War was gifted with restoration as part of the project, as was a seven foot tall Victorian paschal candle stand. Karen added: “The communities we restored these items for were just overwhelmed. They felt they had part of their history back and with the huge volume of entries we received it was easy to see we struck a real chord with different community groups, projects and families across the country. At Hayes & Finch we really are about turning back time and providing many more years of enjoyment for items no matter how small, large or intricate.” Hayes & Finch has completed a vast array of renovation and restoration projects, varying from smaller items to large, sometimes uninsurable antiques.

To find out more or book a free consultation visit or contact Chrissy on 0845 450 5592

SARNAFIL PLUS SUPPORTS CLIENTS THROUGH REGULATION CHANGE Clients and facilities managers required to meet the updated Construction Design and Management Regulations (CDM 2015) when embarking on a roof refurbishment need look no further than Sarnafil Plus, Sika Sarnafil’s flagship refurbishment offer.


he Sarnafil Plus service is designed to actively support the client and the principal designer – a new role created by CDM 2015 – from survey and specification through to installation and guarantee, helping to ensure the refurbishment is carried out correctly. The principal designer takes on many of the duties of the old CDM coordinator role, such as planning, monitoring and coordinating health and safety in the

ABOVE The dome refurb complete

pre-construction phase of a project. CDM 2015 states that clients are responsible for the competency of the principal designer and team working on the refurbishment, especially when it comes to health and safety. The Sarnafil Plus team is made up of technical experts and dedicated surveyors to help the client through this process. Sarnafil Plus includes a detailed initial survey, as well as recommendations on complex design

“At Sika we want to support clients in meeting these regulations. More than ever, clients need to trust in the expertise of the team they hire to carry out refurbishment work, so they don’t get caught out. With Sarnafil Plus we offer an unrivalled roof refurbishment service that gives the client peace of mind and reassurance at every stage.” Martin Bidewell, technical services manager for Single Ply Roofing at Sika elements, resulting in a bespoke specification that the client can trust.

The Sarnafil Plus team also lends support to the principal contractor with frequent site visits and advice. A guarantee is awarded at the

Martin Bidewell, technical services manager for Single Ply Roofing at Sika, said: “CDM regulations were first introduced to improve health and safety on UK construction sites, which is incredibly important in this industry. Anything that helps to reduce accidents is to be encouraged – especially when there are still over 40 deaths annually on construction sites. At Sika we want to support clients in meeting these regulations. More than ever, clients need to trust in the expertise of the team they hire to carry out refurbishment work, so they don’t get caught out. With Sarnafil Plus we offer an unrivalled roof refurbishment service that gives the client peace of mind and reassurance at every stage.” To top it off, Sarnafil Plus includes a thorough final inspection, carried out by Sika’s nationwide team of highly experienced Field Technicians. Upon satisfactory evaluation using a 34 point checklist, the project is awarded a Sarnafil Plus guarantee that provides extensive cover for both the Sarnafil system and installation.

For more information on Sarnafil Plus, call 0800 112 3863, email or visit

RRNews - Issue 21

In addition, the system will be installed by a Sarnafil Plus Contractor, a refurb specialist trained and verified by Sika Sarnafil. These contractors are qualified to install Sika Sarnafil membranes in complete compliance with the most up-to-date health and safety regulations.

satisfactory completion of the refurbishment, ensuring that the client is protected against unlikely problems with the roofing system.


‘Specifying Aluminium for a Bespoke Solution’ “Strong, slim and sustainable”, just some of the accolades given to commercial aluminium fenestration today. Along with almost 100% recyclability and exceptionally long life, it is not surprising that the material is also increasingly being used in home improvement projects.


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ompared to other materials used in fenestration, aluminium profiles are cheaper and quicker to produce, they are also capable of providing intricate shapes for various requirements. These designs help the profiles to achieve not only incredible strengths without reverting to other materials, they can also offer high levels of weathering performance.


When half-scales (the inside and outside aluminium profiles) are coupled with modern multi chamber polyamides and strategically located aerogel insulation profiles, insulation levels of the frame can meet the Passivhaus standard. Thermal insulation performance for openable windows can achieve a UW from 0.53

W//m2K and for a door, a UD from 0,62 W//m2K. So aluminium systems are definitely not behind other materials when it comes to insulation. Recent studies in the industry suggest that coated or anodised aluminium systems can last the lifetime of a building, there are examples, such as the New Bodleian Library, now refurbished and known as the Weston Library. The original anodised aluminium windows on this building were first installed in the 1930’s and when the facade was refurbished, were simply cleaned in-situ within the original facade. These windows have already provided an eighty-year productive life with many years of life ahead. These attributes have helped

aluminium become the specified material of choice for architects when it comes to fenestration systems but, it is the ‘bespoke’ nature of today’s facades that really inspires the use of aluminium in architecture. UK leading systems supplier, Aluprof, have recently supplied a bespoke aluminium glazing solution for the £3.3m office redevelopment of 6 East Parade in Leeds. The “Avatar Mullion Feature” principle installed is a newly designed principle which incorporates an external glass structural fin which sits within the MB-SR50N mullion. The “fin”, the first of its kind to be installed in Europe, was designed in a joint venture with Aluprof. Fabricator and installer H-K-L Specialists, designed and sourced the bespoke steel cradles and associated supports to carry the glazed fin.

MB-SR50N from Aluprof is a high performance curtain wall system that can be supplied in various guises, both for vertical and roof applications and to suit a wide range of project requirements. programme and open up possibilities for bespoke shapes of mullions, transoms, curtain wall cappings and

in the case of 6 East Parade, a special detail to carry a structural glass fin. The other areas of bespoke design, could be edge detailing to an existing or a new facade material, detailing to accommodate a special glazing detail, or special profiles which will allow CNC work to provide a unique visual appearance. The only limit is the specifiers imagination.

Aluprof systems are increasingly being specified on a wide range of residential and commercial projects across the UK. Systems are designed, fabricated and installed by selected, specially trained companies to ensure each fabricated product meets the Aluprof exacting standards. Further information is available on the company website at and specialist advice is available directly from Aluprof UK offices on 0161 941 4005. Fabricator and Installer of the bespoke facade, HKL Specialists can be contacted on 01623 550357.

Located in the heart of the city of Leeds, Associated Architects designed the new facade for the existing 6 East Parade concrete structure, using a dark red glazed terracotta cladding with full height aluminium windows. Having a contemporary appearance, the new facade is carefully designed to blend in between existing office buildings in this sought after conservation area of the city. MB-SR50N from Aluprof is a high performance curtain wall system that can be supplied in various guises, both for vertical and roof applications and to suit a wide range of project requirements. The MB-SR50N EI Fire Rated System offers the same sight lines but can offer up to EI60 rating for vertical glazing.

Located in the heart of the city of Leeds, Associated Architects designed the new facade for the existing 6 East Parade concrete structure, using a dark red glazed terracotta cladding with full height aluminium windows. MB-SR50N is a tried and tested system used across the globe that can easily be modified to offer specifiers bespoke requirements. At one time bespoke aluminium solutions were limited to large facade projects; the new structural fin detail from Aluprof shows that bespoke solutions can now be efficiently developed for much smaller projects.

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Concept drawings for new extrusions can be completed between systems company and architect, then once agreed, die drawings can be produced, from this stage it can be matter of six to eight weeks for the extrusion die to be made and extrusion to be readily available. These lead times are well within a new-build or refurbishment


KEMPEROL MEMBRANES PUT PICCADILLY GATE’S ROOFS BACK ON TRACK Three roofs of one of Manchester’s most iconic office buildings have been refurbished with an overlay of Kemperol liquid membranes from Kemper System.


iccadilly Gate is home to various Government departments including Education, Ofsted and Highways England. The 125,000sqft building adjacent to Manchester Piccadilly Station was refurbished in a £25 million BREEAM ‘Excellent’ scheme in 2010. Issues with the integrity of the roof had continually plagued the building with leaks, resulting in unsightly staining to the suspended ceilings within. Consequently, the decision was taken to overlay the existing single ply roofing membranes on levels 10, 4 and 3 with a coldapplied liquid system from Kemper System. Roofing contractor, Castle Roofing, was appointed to carry out the works and selected Kemper System’s solvent-free Kemperol 2K-PUR as the most appropriate solution for the level 10 roof. Explains Mark Atherton from Castle Roofing: “The level 10 roof is directly above occupied office areas and is also the location for the building’s air handling plant, so nuisance odours could potentially have been transferred into the office areas. “As a result, we chose to use Kemper System’s 2K-PUR system, which is solventfree and odourless, while still offering high performance and a BBA-accredited 25-year service life.” The level 4 roof is above the building’s record-breaking extra-long escalators and leaks from two water outlets had caused staining of the suspended ceiling. This roof was also refurbished as an overlay system, using Kemper System’s Kemperol V210. Having cleaned and prepared the existing roof surface, Castle Contractors applied a primer before applying the resin in a single wet-on-wet process in which the resin is first applied to the substrate; reinforcement

“We needed a roofing system that could be installed quickly to prevent any further damage to the building’s interior, while minimising any disruption to occupiers and maintaining Piccadilly Gate’s high aesthetic standards.” Jim Fozzard, building manager at Piccadilly Gate fleece is then laid directly on to the wet resin, immediately followed by more resin on top. This ensures complete saturation of the reinforcement fleece. Once cured, the resin forms a seamless, elastomeric waterproof membrane that cannot delaminate, is UV stable and bonds directly to the substrate.

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For the green roof on level 3, Castle Roofing carried out the refurbishment in two sections, removing half the green roof medium and installing Kemperol V210 onto to the existing surface as an overlay before replacing it and lifting the second section so that the new roofing membrane could be installed. The second section was then reinstated, completing the programme.


Comments Jim Fozzard, building manager at Piccadilly Gate: “We needed a roofing system that could be installed quickly to prevent any further damage to the building’s interior, while minimising any disruption to occupiers and maintaining Piccadilly Gate’s high aesthetic standards. “Using Kemperol 2K-PUR on the level 10 roof meant that occupiers were not affected by any changes to air quality, while all three roofs have been overlaid using a seamless membrane without the use of hot works for a durable solution requiring no strip out.”

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Old Meets New as Middlesbrough Fire Station Gets a Makeover The transformation of Middlesbrough Fire Station, which brings together a brand new facade featuring the latest innovations in rainscreen and the refurbishment of some of the original buildings on the site, is now complete. pecialist installer, Watershed Roofing opted for the Prime VII rainscreen solution from CA Building Products. The building envelope specialists’ system is part of the broader Prime portfolio and has been developed for use in non-standard situations where the presence of joints and turns make the introduction of traditional cladding more of a challenge.


Jonathan Hudson, Draughtsman at

Watershed Roofing, commented: “The existing structure onto which the Prime VII rainscreen was introduced, has a brick bond pattern which includes a number of

“The flexibility of the hook and pin solution, provided by CA Building Products, enabled the system to be installed seamlessly. It also means that, as and when required, it will be extremely easy to take down, repair and replace any panels.” Jonathan Hudson, Draughtsman at Watershed Roofing joints and a 90 degree turn. The flexibility of the hook and pin solution, provided by CA Building Products, enabled the system to be installed seamlessly. It also means that, as and when required, it will be extremely easy to take down, repair and replace any panels.”

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All products in the Prime range have been fully CWCT tested for weather performance, air leakage and impact. The system also delivers in terms of green credentials, with more material transported on fewer deliveries, making it a more advantageous choice from a BREEAM perspective.


Chris Priestley, Rainscreen Systems Manager for CA Building Products, added: “The front and side of the existing fire station had to be completely demolished due to age-related deterioration but certain elements of the original fire station were preserved. We worked closely with Watershed Roofing and Atkins, the architect on the project, to deliver a finished product which brings old and new

About CA Group Limited Building envelope specialist CA Group Limited is at the forefront of innovations in roofing and cladding design and installation. The company’s focus on sustainable construction has resulted in the successful delivery of award winning projects including the UK’s first zero-energy cost business park at Armstrong Point, Wigan, which was awarded the title of ‘Best Industrial Building of 2013’ and an ‘Outstanding’ certification by BREEAM. Specialising in larger warehouses, the company has delivered solutions for some of the UK’s biggest names including J. Sainsbury, Veolia and Marks and Spencer, has grown to become one of the leading metal roofing and cladding systems manufacturers, contractors and suppliers for the industrial, commercial, public sector and refurbishment markets.

together, transforming the appearance of the site while staying true to the heritage of the original fire station.” The facility, located near Albert Park, is due to officially open in the autumn. The main contractor on the project was ISG.

For further information about CA Group visit: or contact Aby Hawker at Falcon PR m: 07795593706 e:

PROTECTING COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS FROM THE THREAT OF FIRE With 22,000 fires taking place in the workplace in 2014, it just goes to show the importance of working fire doors. However, new research by IronmongeryDirect has found that many people do not know how to use or maintain them properly.


ith this in mind Martin Smith, product manager at IronmongeryDirect explains how trade professionals can help to ensure a fire door is fitted and maintained correctly to ensure all employees are kept safe. Fire doors play a vital role in saving people’s lives because they are built to withstand heat and prevent the spread of flames for up to one hour. Therefore it’s important that they are checked and maintained on a regular basis to ensure they are in full working order at all times. Unfortunately, it seems that there are still a large number of people in the UK that are unaware of the dangers of not maintaining or using a fire door properly. A recent survey from IronmongeryDirect, which surveyed 1,000 employees about fire door safety, revealed that 53 per cent of respondents did not know how to spot a faulty fire door. In addition, the study also found that 28 per cent of respondents were not aware that it is illegal to prop open a fire door without using a hold open device, which has been approved by the fire authority. These are shocking results, and it just goes to show how much education is still needed around fire door safety. Tradespeople who are tasked with installing or maintaining a fire door have a moral and legal duty to ensure that the appropriate fire door and accompanying hardware is used, as well as ensuring their customers know how to keep the fire door in good working condition. The Regulatory Reform Order, which was passed in 2005, outlines a set of standards that a fire door must adhere to guarantee it is deemed safe. For instance, a fire door must include a door closer, which has to be a minimum power size 3. The door closer, which should be CE marked to BS EN 1154, must be able to shut the door and overcome the resistance of any lock or latch.

All fire doors must also have a minimum of three hinges that allow the door closer to shut the door, overcoming the resistance of a latch or seal when fitted. It should be CE marked to BS EN 1935, and come with the appropriate intumescent pads to reach the required fire rating. The latch should hold the door firmly in place without rattling and have the correct intumescent sleeve to retain the doors integrity. They should be CE marked to BS EN 12209 and further product certification by a third party is recommended. Another important feature to consider when maintaining a fire door is its door closer. Automatic closing devices, with a minimum power size three, should be fitted to all fire doors and be capable of closing the door from any angle of opening. This can be tested by opening the door to five degrees and making sure it closes and engages with the latch. To prevent people from propping open fire doors illegally, trade professionals can install a number of solutions approved by the fire authority. For example, fire door holder Dorgard allows for a fire door to be kept open legally and is ideal for commercial buildings where workers need to move freely between rooms. On activation of the fire alarm, the hold open device will release the door after 14 seconds allowing the fire door to close under the pressure of the overhead door closure. It is crucial that fire doors are maintained and checked properly to ensure that in the event of an emergency they are able to function properly. All components need to be checked on a regular basis and repaired or replaced by qualified tradespeople if they are found to be damaged or broken. It’s essential to consider every detail when maintaining and checking fire doors in order that they provide the maximum protection against the spread of fires. In light of its research, IronmongeryDirect has produced a fire door safety checklist to act as a comprehensive guide for tradesmen working on commercial properties, along with a door closer selector which assists

Unfortunately, it seems that there are still a large number of people in the UK that are unaware of the dangers of not maintaining or using a fire door properly. A recent survey from IronmongeryDirect, which surveyed 1,000 employees about fire door safety, revealed that 53 per cent of respondents did not know how to spot a faulty fire door. ABOVE Martin Smith, Product Manager at IronmongeryDirect

customers to choose the right fire door closer. The checklist covers all of the essential components that are required to make a fire door fully operational. For more information, please visit www.

About IronmongeryDirect IronmongeryDirect has been supplying architectural ironmongery to tradesmen for over 40 years. Starting out as a traditional shop, today customers can browse over 14,000 products in the catalogue and online. Orders can be placed as late as 8pm for fast next working day delivery – as standard, plus all ironmongery products are covered by a minimum 5 year guarantee. Customers can now take advantage of the mobile app which makes it even easier for tradesmen on-the-go to search for products, place orders and track their delivery status. If for any reason a product needs to be returned customers can utilise the pre-paid returns label provided with the order. With the UK’s biggest range of quality products in stock for next day delivery as standard, an award-winning service and low trade prices, IronmongeryDirect is proud to be the masters of their trade.

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IronmongeryDirect Scimitar Park Basildon, Essex SS13 1ND W: T: 0808 168 28 28 E:





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