Rocket Science vs. Facebook or Google Retargeting Pixels

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VS. R e t a r g e t i n g P i x e l a n d A d Wo r d s

Rocket Science plants a pixel on your website to capture all of your traffic (which is only a fraction of the Rocket Science benefit, but more on that in the following pages), regardless of where that traffic originated. So, how does it differ from a Facebook pixel or Google AdWords? In three very important ways: 1. No expiration: With a facebook pixel, customers can instantly clear their cookies, thus erasing the retargeting pixel and leaving you guessing as to whether or not you were able to market to those people that were visitors to your website. And clearing cookies is something that is getting more mainstream with consumers this day and age. Even if they don’t clear it, that cookie expires in 30-days, making your window to market to those customers very short-lived (or worse, your budget runs out before you serve up your ad to each visitor). Most important, you never get to know who they are and you never get to know if they saw your retargeting ad. You cross your fingers and trust that Facebook will get your message in front of that warm lead before they clear their cookie or you spend your monthly budget. With Rocket Science ID, our pixel never expires and, better yet, even if a customer clears their pixels, it doesn’t matter. Rocket Science doesn’t need a planted cookie because it captures the customer’s Sha 256 code, which is the format that is read by both Facebook and Google, meaning you OWN that data and can be 100% assured that your retargeting ad will be delivered to the customer. Just upload the 256 codes into Facebook, Google, Bing, Yahoo and more, and your ad will appear on the customers Facebook newsfeed (or browser)—with 100% certainty.

VS. Retargeting Pixel

2. Leads are turned into real people: With a facebook pixel, who owns the “lead?” Facebook, of course. They don’t give you the data, and when they retarget, they are retargeting to an anonymous person (at least to you they’re anonymous). If the cookie isn’t cleared, you will get your ad in front of that customer ONLY WHEN THEY ARE BACK ON FACEBOOK. And what about the leads that came to your site through brokers, owner referrals, organic search, paid media, etc? Facebook doesn’t remarket to them unless they have a facebook profile and unless Facebook can match that profile. And only when they are back on Facebook, assuming they haven’t cleared their cookies or the pixel has expired. It’s not a bad program, but it’s not the BEST program. And AdWords? One word…expensive. With Rocket Science ID, our pixel captures the customer’s Sha 256 code. Not only can you remarket to those leads on Facebook (and also Google, Linkedin, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and more), but you can also uncover the identity of that customer (name, email, mailing address, phone number, wealth score, etc) and market to them offline. You know who they are, and you now own the lead (forever). So, instead of hoping your retargeting ad lands on Facebook, you can increase awareness and the likelihood of engagement by marketing to those customers through email offers, open house flyers, quarterly postcards, etc. But even if it’s just online that is your strategy, you now can reach that person—because you own the data and you’re not beholden to one platform (that is increasing its cost by 27% just since last year, by the way). More ads to the leads that you now own means being “top of mind” with your customers. Repetition is a vital part of engagement, and now you can market to your leads on multiple platforms, and without the fear of the pixel expiring and having that lead disappear (or find a competitor first).

VS. R e t a r g e t i n g P i x e l a n d A d Wo r d s

3. No more marketing to the masses to find those who are truly looking: The Facebook pixel can capture people that come to your site and then retarget them with more advertising from your company. But you first have to get quality leads to your site in order for that pixel to work its magic, right? Facebook used to have great targeting that made lead generation very dialed in. But that has all changed. Now, the targeting is all but gone and you have to wade through the masses to find people that are truly interested in what you’re selling and are looking to do something about it right now. You have to market to the entire haystack just to find the few needles that can make your ROI worth the effort. And Adwords—bidding against tons of competition to ensure you’re in the top 3 has gotten too expensive. With Rocket Science ID, it’s the exact opposite. Our retargeting, web capture and decrypting of the leads Hash Code is all great, but the real secret sauce is in the data that we have access to in order to find people that are in the market for real estate right now, as evidenced by their online footprint and behavior at this very moment. That’s right, we can track keystroke behavior, URL visits, google searches, articles read and more—up to 225 million people and over 5 billion URL’s—that tells our algorithm one thing: who is in the market right now for real estate. Even more specifically, we can tell it exactly what markets we want that data from (i.e. your core markets). And at prices far below AdWords. Then we upload your recent buyers (or good traffic) to our software. It looks at their online behavior over the last few months (sites visited, articles read, Zillow searches, social media pages viewed)—in other words, their online body language leading up to their purchase or visit. Then the algorithm finds people in your target markets that are doing those same behaviors right now. These are the people giving off the body language of a buyer, and you can reach them at the very moment that are starting their buying journey (before your competition knows who they are).

Summary of the Benefits of Rocket Science ID

Increase your marketing return. Lower acquisition cost for leads because your dealing with interested people who are looking for what you’re selling.

No longer beholden to the cost of Google AdWords or SEO costs to find leads further down the funnel (a much higher cost per lead than most other programs, and you it’s financially unrealistic to buy all of the keywords that will get you in the top 3 on the search page, where over 50% of the clicks happen)

No worry about Facebook targeting changes (and the impact it’s had on lead quality)

Lower your cost per lead by 25% - 70% by only focusing ONLY on prospects that are InMarket — prospects that are actively seeking a purchase of second-home, retirement or new home real estate (whichever you are targeting).

Build look-a-like campaigns or audiences on Facebook, YouTube, Google or Instagram based off of relevant, real time data (if you use you typical Facebook look-a-like audiences and upload leads, tours or even buyers from 6 months ago or a year ago—or more, it doesn’t know that what they did recently is not relevant, so if they purchased 6 months ago, none of their recent behavior is relevant NOW, post-purchase). We want behavior that happens leading up to a purchase, so we can find more of THOSE people. Our data is going to give you the relevant behavior. Increase repetition of your ads AFFORDABLY (the more people see it, the better chance of engagement)

The more that people re-engage on multiple platforms both online and offline, the better they remember it. It’s proven that spaced learning over a period of time is more effective than crammed learning (this goes hand-in-hand with a proper lead nurture campaign as well—same philosophy).

Repetition breaks down resistance and gains acceptance to the message, which increases the likelihood of the customer engaging with a sales agent. You own the data with Rocket Science so you can market to customers as often as you like and on any platform.

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