5 minute read
5B Never too old
Q U IC K REVIEW will fo r p re d ic tio n W rite five sentences w ith will, won’t o r might a b o u t yo u r life in th re e ye a rs’ tim e. W ork in pairs. Take tu rn s to say yo u r sentences. W hose life d o you th in k w ill chan ge m ore?
Vocabulary Collocations (2) t i a Choose the correct verbs in these collocations. Check in
1 (take)/make photos 2 live/leave abroad 3 make/move house 4 say/write a blog 5 get/have a fantastic time 6 spend/give time doing (something) 7 learn/want how to do (something) 8 make/do a course in (something) b Work in pairs. Test your partner on the collocations.
ph otos tak e photos
Reading, Listening and Speaking
H Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 At what age do people usually retire in your country? 2 What do you think are the good and bad things about being retired? 3 Do you know anyone who is retired? How do they spend their time?
ma Look at photos A-C. Match the people to their plans for when they retire (1-3). 1 We’re going to drive across the USA. We’re planning to spend about six months travelling and I’m sure we’ll have a fantastic time. 2 I’m hoping to retire before I’m 50, but I’m not going to stay in this country. I want to live abroad, somewhere that's hot all year. 3 I’m looking forward to spending more time in the garden. I’m thinking of doing a course in wildlife photography and I’d like to go to Africa next year. b U 2 3 h 6 Listen and check.
H E LP WITH GRAMMARbe going to; p la ns, h o p e s a n d a m b itio n s
a Look at these sentences. Then answer questions 1-3. We’re going to drive across the USA. I’m sure we’ll have a fantastic time. 1 Do both sentences talk about the future? 2 Which is a prediction? Which is a plan? 3 Which verb form comes after be going to l b How do we make negatives, questions and short answers with be going to? c Check in B B P137.
a Find these phrases in 1-3 in 3 a . Which verb form comes after each phrase: the infinitive with to or verb+/ng? a We’re planning ... infinitive with to d I’m looking forward to ... b I’m hoping... e I’m thinking o f... c I want ... f I’d like ... b Answer these questions. 1 Which phrase in 5 a means ‘I’m excited about this and I’m going to enjoy it when it happens’? 2 Which is more certain: I’m planning ... or I’m thinking o f ... ? 3 Which is less certain: I’m going to ... or I’m hoping ... 1 c Check in D E B pi 37.
U a Complete paragraphs 1-3 with the correct form of the verbs in the boxes. Which people in photos A-C said them, do you think?
bay visit write drive
1 We’re going to a buy a camper van and b from San Francisco to New
York. We're hoping c____ some old friends on the way, and Meryl’s thinking of 0 _______ a blog about our journey.
get up learn spend buy
2 I’m planning a a house by the sea, either in Thailand or Barbados, and
I’m looking forward to b late every day. I’m hoping c__ . every afternoon at the beach and I’d like d _ how to dive.
meet go buy learn
3 I’m going to a a new camera and I’m looking forward to b how to take photos of animals in the wild. I’m also thinking o fc. _ on holiday to
Uganda. I wantd a gorilla faceto-face.
Q E 2 h 8 C M E E M d Listen and practise. Copy the stress. writing a blog —*
M eryl’s thinking o f writing a blog.
a 1 2 3 - 9 Listen and notice the tw o different ways we say going to. Both are correct. a I’m going to /gauigta/ buy a new camera, b We’re going to /gana/ buy a camper van.
b |2 2 3h 10 Listen to these people’s sentences. Do you hear: 1 /g a u ii]ta / or 2 /gana/? a We’re going to drive across the USA. 2 b He’s going to live abroad, c I’m going to write a blog, d They’re going to have a great time, e She’s going to retire next year, f When are you going to retire?
H a Write six sentences about your plans, hopes and ambitions. Use be going to and phrases from 5a.
I’m going to study Chinese next year.
I’m thinking o f buying a new laptop. b Work in groups. Tell each other your sentences from 9a.
Which are the m ost unusual?
Get ready ... Get it right!
IQ Make yes/no questions with you.
1 be / going to / visit friends next month?
Are you going to visit friends next month? 2 would / like / be famous?
Would you like to be famous? 3 be / planning / move house this year? 4 be / looking forward / do / something special? 5 want / live abroad in the future? 6 be / thinking / change / your job or course? 7 be / going to / take any exams this year? 8 would / like / learn how / fly a plane? 9 be / hoping / retire early? 10 be / planning / go on holiday soon?
c a a Ask other students your questions. Try to find someone who answers yes to each question. Then ask tw o follow-up questions. b Tell the class about tw o people’s plans, hopes or ambitions.