5 minute read
Q U IC K P ^V IE W E cho q u e s tio n s Im agine you are a fa m o us person. W rite fo u r sentences a b o u t yo ur life. W ork in pairs. Take tu rn s to say your sentences. A n sw er w ith an echo que stion and fo llo w -u p q ue stion s: A I was on TV yesterday. B Were you?Which programme were you on?
G uess w ho yo u r p a rtn e r is.
Vocabulary Money
a Work in pairs. Which phrases in bold do you know? Check new phrases in pl51.
I lent some money to a friend last week.
I’ve never borrowed money from a bank.
I owe someone money, but I’m going to pay it back soon.
I spend quite a lot of money on clothes.
I'm trying to save some money for my next holiday.
I sometimes waste money on things
I don’t need.
My favourite possession cost a lot of money. 8 I don’t think I earn enough money. 9 I need to get some money out of the bank. 1 0 I’ve never won any money in my life. 1 1 I lost some money last week. b Work on your own. Choose six sentences from 1a and make them true for you. c Work with your partner. Compare sentences. Are any the same?
Listening and Speaking
H§ a 0 2 ^ 3 7 Listen to Ian talking to his uncle, Mike. Which country is Ian going to? What’s he going to do there? b Listen again. Fill in the gaps in
Ian’s sentences. 1 I’m working in a 2 I want to abroad. 3 I’m going to do voluntary 4 I’ll be back next 5 I can save about a week.
fe§ a E 2 } 3 8 Later that day Mike is telling his wife, Angela, about his conversation with Ian. Listen and put Mike’s sentences a-e in the order he says them. a He said that he wanted to work abroad, b He told me that he was going to do voluntary work, c He said he was working in a restaurant, d He told me he could save about £100 a week, e He said that he’d be back next summer.
b Match Ian’s sentences 1-5 in 2b to Mike’s sentences a-e in 3a.
: HELP WITH GRAMMAR Reported speech
Q a Look again at the sentences in 2 b and 3a. Notice how the verb changes in reported speech. Then fill in the table with these verb forms.
Past Simple 'd/would could Past Continuous was/were going to
verb form in direct speech verb form in reported speech Present Simple Past Simple Present Continuous 'll/will
can am/are/is going to
b Look again at sentences a-e in 3a. Then complete the rules ; with always or never. i * • • say has an object: He said (that) ... not He said me (that) ... . • • tell has an object: He told me (that) ... not He told (that) ... . ! TIP • We don't have to use that in reported speech.
c Fill in the gaps with the correct subject pronoun (/, you, etc.) or possessive adjective (my, your, etc.). 1 “I don’t see my uncle very often.” —»Ian said that didn’t see uncle very often. 2 “I don’t see my nephew very often.” -> Angela said that didn’t see nephew very often. d Check in m o m t P152.
JJ-39 ■nHihMikMHnVTl'im Listen and practise the sentences in 3a. Copy the stress and weak form of that. He said that /S at/ he wanted to work abroad.
!<{ a Listen to the end of Mike and Angela’s conversation. Answer these questions. 1 How much is the flight? 2 How much does Ian earn a week? 3 What did Mike do this afternoon? 4 What does Angela think of what Mike did? b What did Mike say to Angela? Write the sentences in reported speech. Use the verbs in brackets. 1 IA N My flight is £600. (say) He said (that) his flight was £600. 2 i a n I don’t earn very much, (tell) 3 m i k e It’s going to take you months to save enough money, (say) 4 IA N I’m working seven days a week, (say) 5 m i k e We’ll pay for the flight, (tell) 6 IA N I can pay you back next year, (say) c Listen again and check. HELP WITH LISTENING
/ h / a t th e b e g in n in g o f w o rd s • Sometimes we don't say / h / at the beginning of words.
a G 23 h 41 Listen to these sentences. Notice when we don’t say /h /.
He said his flight was He said [h]is flight was six hundred pounds. six [hjundred pounds. b Read these rules. • We usually say / h / after a vowel sound:
Yes, I heard that. • We don’t usually say / h / after a consonant sound: We can lend [h]im the money. c Look at Audio Script 0 2 3 ^4 0 p166. Listen to Mike and Angela’s conversation again. Notice when they say and when they don’t say / h / at the beginning of words.
Get ready ... Get it right!
H ] Write 6 - 8 sentences about your life. Use these phrases or your own ideas.
• I’m ing ... at the moment.
I’m working in a restaurant at the moment.
I ... every day/week/weekend.
I can ... quite/very well.
I can’t ... very well. • Next weekend I’m going to ...
I (don’t) like ...
When I'm old I think I’ll ...
I often/sometimes/never...
na Work in pairs. Tell your partner your sentences. Remember your partner’s sentences. You can write one word only to help you remember each sentence. b Work with a new partner. Take turns to tell him/her your first partner’s sentences. Use reported speech. c Tell the class two things you found out about the other students.