Face2Face Pre - Intermediate 2nd Edition

Page 96

Working abroad

Vocabulary money Grammar reported speech

Q U IC K P ^ V IE W E c h o q u e s tio n s Im a g in e yo u a re a fa m o u s p e rs o n . W rite fo u r s e n te n c e s a b o u t y o u r life. W o rk in p a irs . Take tu rn s to sa y y o u r s e n te n c e s . A n s w e r w ith an e c h o q u e s tio n a n d fo llo w -u p q u e s tio n s :

IwasonTVyesterday. Wereyou? Whichprogrammewereyouon?



G u e ss w h o y o u r p a rtn e r is.



a Work in pairs. Which phrases

in bold do you know? Check new phrases in pl51. I lent some money to a friend last week. I’ve never borrowed money from a bank. I owe someone money, but I’m going to pay it back soon. I spend quite a lot of money on clothes. I'm trying to save some money for my next holiday. I sometimes waste money on things I don’t need. My favourite possession cost a lot of money. 8 I don’t think I earn enough money.

9 I need to get some money out of the bank.

10 I’ve never won any money in my life. 11 I lost some money last week. b Work on your own. Choose six sentences from 1a and make them

true for you. c Work with your partner. Compare

sentences. Are any the same?

Listening and Speaking H§ a 0 2 ^ 3 7 Listen to Ian talking to his uncle, Mike. Which country is Ian going to? What’s he going to do there? b Listen again. Fill in the gaps in

Ian’s sentences.

1 I’m working in a 2 I want to abroad. 3 I’m going to do voluntary 4 I’ll be back next 5 I can save about a week. fe§ a E 2 } 3 8 Later that day Mike is telling his wife, Angela, about his

conversation with Ian. Listen and put Mike’s sentences a-e in the order he says them. a He said that he wanted to work abroad, b He told me that he was going to do voluntary work,

c He said he was working in a restaurant, d He told me he could save about £100 a week,

e He said that he’d be back next summer.

b Match Ian’s sentences 1-5 in 2b to Mike’s sentences a-e in 3a.

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