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Q U IC K REVIEW C o m p a ra tive s and s u p e rla tive s T hink o f th re e pla ces you have been to. W ork in pairs. Take tu rn s to co m p a re th ese places. I’ve beento London, Venice and Cairo. London’s a lot colder than Cairo. Venice is the most beautiful place I’ve been to. A sk fo llo w -u p que stion s.

Vocabulary and Speaking Travel


0 1 a Look at these travel words. What is the difference in meaning? Check in I'n n m u ito riflk p140.

travel a journey atrip a tour

b Choose the correct words. 1 How long is your travel/journey to school? 2 Have you ever been on a business trip/journey abroad? 3 Did you trip/travel a lot last year? 4 Have you ever been on a bus trip/tour of a famous city? 5 What’s the longest journey/travel you’ve ever been on? 6 Have you ever been on a package travel/tour? c Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Ask follow-up questions if possible.

Reading and Speaking

BRead the travel blog and answer these questions. 1 What was the BBC programme about? 2 What did the blogger decide to do? 3 How many places has the blogger been to? 4 Did the blogger like all the places he’s been to? B a Work in groups. Which of these places are in photos A-C? Which place would you most like to go to? Why? • Disney World, Florida, USA • The South Island, New Zealand • The Grand Canyon, USA • The Great Barrier Reef, Australia • Cape Town, South Africa b The places in 3a were the top five holiday destinations that people chose for the TV programme 50 places to go before you die. Guess which order they were in. c Check your answers on p114. Then follow the instructions.



7 *•*

.. by goman

A f t e r w a t c h in g t h e B B C p r o g r a m m e a b o u t t h e b e s t 50 pl ac e s in t h e w o r l d t o visit, I d e c i d e d t o visit all o f th e m ! S o f a r I’v e b e e n t o fifteen o f th e 50 places and I’v e lo v ed e v e r y o n e o f t h e m , par ticularly t h e t o p five - t h e y w e r e amazing. H e r e ’s m y bl og a b o u t t h e trip s I’v e m a d e . A d d y o u r c o m m e n t s h e r e t o tell m e a b o u t y o u r e x p e r i e n c e s .

Listening and Speaking

H a |2 3 3 h 33 Josh and Esmay are colleagues. Listen to their conversation. Where is each person going for his/her next holiday? b Listen again. Tick the true sentences. Correct the false ones. 1 Esmay and Ronnie are leaving on Saturday. 2 They’re getting the six'o’clock train to the airport. 3 They’re staying with Ronnie’s friends for two weeks. 4 They’re going on a cycling tour for three days. 5 They’re going to some places in a tour bus. 6 Josh is having a skiing holiday this winter.


Present Continuous for future arrangements U a Look at sentences 1-3 in 4b. Then answer questions a-d. a Do these sentences talk about the past, present or future? b Do they talk about possible or definite arrangements? c Does Esmay know exactly when these things are happening? d Has she booked the flight and the cycling holiday? b How do you make positive sentences, negatives and questions in the Present Continuous? c Check in p141.

Listen and practise. Copy the

U J22J-34



We’re leaving on Saturday. How long are you going for?

New Zealand South Island

DAY 1 M on d ay 1 1 th February C h r is t c h u r c h t o H a n m e r S p r in g s

MORNING • Meet at the Plaza Hotel • Cycle along the coast LUNCH • Have a picnic lunch on the

Canterbury Plains AFTERNOON • Go to the hot pools in

Hanmer Springs • Visit the National Park NIGHT • Camp overnight by the river

a Read about Day 1 of Esmay and Ronnie’s cycling tour. Write sentences about their first day. On Monday they’re travelling from Christchurch to Hanmer Springs. b Work in pairs. Student A p104. Student B p110.

Get ready ... Get it right!

□ Look at these possible plans. Make yes/no questions with you. 1 / have / a holiday next month? Are you having a holiday next month? 2 / meet / some friends after class? 3 / do / something interesting next week? 4 / go out / with friends tomorrow evening? 5 / take / an exam next month? 6 / have / dinner at home this evening? 7 / travel / abroad in the next two months? 8 / go to / another town or city next weekend? m a Ask other students your questions. Try to find someone who answers yes to each question.

Ask follow-up questions if possible.

Are you having a holiday next month?

Yes, I ’m going to Bodrum .

W here are you staying?

Q U IC K REVIEW P re sen t C o n tin u o u s fo r fu tu re a rra n g e m e n ts W rite five th in g s you are doing next w eek: On Saturday I’m going to a party. W ork in pairs. Tell yo u r p a rtn e r a b o u t yo ur arrangem ents. A sk fo llo w -u p q ue stion s. Are you d oing any o f the sam e things?

Speaking and Vocabulary

Things we take on holiday Q Work in pairs. Discuss these questions. 1 When is the best time to go on holiday in your country? Why? 2 How many bags or suitcases do you usually take on holiday? 3 How long does it take you to pack? 4 Do you ever forget to take things you need? If so, what? H a Esmay and Ronnie are packing to go to New Zealand.

Find these things in the picture. Check new words in 1 B » P140.

a towel 11 sun cream shorts soap sandals• • * chewing gum shaving gel a swimming costume swimming trunks a sun hat toothpaste a toothbrush walking boots perfume a T-shirt a razor sunglasses insect repellent shampoo tea make-up

b Look at the picture again. What other things are they taking on holiday? H a Work in pairs. Which words in 2 are: countable (C)? uncountable (U)? plural (P)? a towel C sun cream U shorts P b Which of the plural words are: usually plural? always plural? shorts - always plural sandals - usually plural

Qj a Look again at the picture. Choose the correct words.

1 There are lots of books/T-shirts. 2 There are a few books/T-shirts. 3 There aren’t many books/T-shirts. 4 There’s a lot of toothpaste/make-up. 5 There’s a bit of toothpaste/make-up. 6 There isn’t much toothpaste/make-up. b Look at the phrases'in bold in 4a. Which mean a large quantity? Which mean a small quantity?


y a Look at sentences 1-6. Then complete the rules with some or any. 1 There’s some tea. 2 There are some towels. 3 Is there any sun cream? 4 Are there any T-shirts? 5 There isn’t any coffee. 6 There aren’t any jackets. • We usually use in positive sentences, • We usually use in questions, • We usually use in negative sentences. b Look again at the sentences in 4a and 5a. Do we use these quantifiers with countable nouns (C), uncountable nouns (U) or both (B)? 1 lots of/a lot of 6 5 a bit of 2 a few 6 some

3 not many 4 not much 7 any

C Check in d141.

2 ^ 3 5 i JiiiKMiKMHMTfiffl Listen and practise the sentences from 4a and 5a. Copy the stress and linking.

» • Thereare lo ts j)f T-shirts.

Q j a Match quantity phrases 1-6 with a-f. Then check in B H > ’ P140. 1 a piece o f--- a tea 2 a bottle of \ b perfume 3 a packet of c chewing gum 4 a tube of d shorts 5 a bar of e toothpaste 6 a pair of f soap b | j|2J-36 i;J:Hh'iii,'inr:i7TiT71 Listen and practise the phrases in 7a. Copy the stress and linking. a piece o f chewing gum I I a Make a list of ten things you always take on holiday.

Use language from 2, 5b, 7a and your own ideas. a few T-shirts two pairs o f shorts some sun cream b Work in pairs. Compare lists. How many are the same?

Listening and Speaking

Q a | ^ ^ 3 7 Listen to Esmay and Ronnie. Tick the words in 2a they talk about. b Look at Audio Script ^ 2 h 37 p160. Listen again and underline all the quantifiers (a lo t of, some, etc.).


Possessive pronouns IQ a Look at these sentences. Notice the possessive pronouns in bold.

ESMAY Have you got any room in your suitcase? RONNIE W hy? ESMAY There are a few things I can’t get in mine. (= my suitcase) C an I p u t them in yours? (= your suitcase)

b What are the possessive pronouns for I, you, he, she, we, they? c Check in H D l h P"»41.

ED a Choose the correct words. 1 A Are these your/yours sunglasses? B No, those are my/mine. 2 A Is that her/hers towel? B Yes, that one’s her/hers.

3 A Is that their/theirs camera?

B No, it’s our/ours. 4 A Excuse me. Are these books your/yours?

B This one’s my/mine, but that one’s him/his. b Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture and in the classroom.

W hose T-shirts are these?

They’re hers.

W hose bag is this?

It’s mine.

Get ready ... Get it right!

|H Work in two groups. Group A p107. Group B p113.

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