Face2Face Pre - Intermediate 2nd Edition

Page 56

Vocabulary travel Grammar Present Continuous for

50 places to go Q U IC K R EV IEW C o m p a ra tiv e s a n d s u p e rla tiv e s T h in k o f th re e p la c e s y o u have b e e n to . W o rk in

I’vebeen toLondon,VeniceandCairo.London’salotcolder thanCairo. VeniceisthemostbeautifulplaceI’ve beento. p a irs . Take tu rn s to c o m p a re th e s e p la c e s .

A s k fo llo w -u p q u e s tio n s .

future arrangements

B a

Work in groups. Which of these places are in photos A-C? Which place would you most like to go to? Why?

Disney World, Florida, USA

• The South Island, New Zealand • The Grand Canyon, USA • The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

Vocabulary and Speaking 01

• Cape Town, South Africa


a Look at these travel words. What is the difference

in meaning? Check in I'n n m u ito r iflk p140.


a journey


a tour

c Check your answers on p114. Then follow the instructions.

b Choose the correct words.

1 How long is your travel/journey to school? 2 Have you ever been on a business trip/journey abroad? 3 Did you trip/travel a lot last year? 4 Have you ever been on a bus trip/tour of a famous city? 5 What’s the longest journey/travel you’ve ever been on? 6 Have you ever been on a package travel/tour? c Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Ask follow-up questions if possible.

Reading and Speaking B Read the travel blog and answer these questions. 1 What was the BBC programme about? 2 What did the blogger decide to do? 3 How many places has the blogger been to? 4 Did the blogger like all the places he’s been to?


.. by goman A f t e r w atchin g the B B C p r o g r a m m e ab o u t the best


places in the w o rld t o visit, I decided to visit all

o f them! So fa r I’v e b ee n t o fifteen o f the



and I’v e loved e v e r y o n e o f them , particularly the to p five - t h e y w e r e amazing. H e r e ’s m y blog ab o u t th e trips I’v e m ade. A d d y o u r c o m m e n t s h e r e to tell m e a b o u t y o u r ex p e rie n ce s.

b The places in 3a were the top five holiday destinations that people chose for the TV programme 50 places to go before you die. Guess which order they were in.

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