5 minute read
8A Home sweet home
Q U IC K REVIEW Irre g u la r ve rb s W rite the infinitive, P ast S im ple and p a st p a rtic ip le o f e ig h t irre gu la r verbs. W o rk in pairs. Test yo ur p a rtn e r on yo ur ve rbs: A w rite. B w rote, w ritte n .
Vocabulary and Speaking
Describing your home
Work in pairs. Read these sentences.
Which words/phrases in bold do you know? Check new words/phrases in
p 1 4 2 . 1 My house or flat is quite small/large/ spacious. 2 It’s unusual/typical for the area. 3 It’s got air conditioning/central heating. 4 It’s got a balcony/a great view/ a garden. 5 It’s on a busy/quiet road. 6 It’s close to/a long way from a park. 7 It’s in a nice/fashionable part of town. 8 It’s on the ground/third/top floor.
m a Choose five sentences from 1 that describe your home. b Work in groups. Tell the other students about your home. Do you like living there? Why?/Why not?
Reading, Listening and Speaking
e a Look at the photos. What is the best thing about each home, do you think? b E E 9b46 F*ead ar|d listen to Angus and Meg. What do they think is the best thing about their homes? c Read the texts again. Answer these questions. 1 Where is Angus’s lighthouse? 2 What does he do for a living? 3 Why is he very fit? 4 Where were Meg and Larry living when they first met? 5 Who worked in a restaurant, Meg or Larry? 6 Why does she think the motorhome is comfortable? • We use • We use e Check in with a period of time (how long). with a point in time (when something started). m P143.
ANGUS I live in a lighthouse on the west coast of Scotland. Before I moved here ’I lived in Glasgow for eight years, but I prefer living in
a lighthouse. I ’m a writer and I enjoy being on my own, so this place is perfect for me. 2I’ve lived here for six years and don’t ever want to leave. The best thing about living in a lighthouse is the view. You can see for miles in every direction, and the sunsets are fantastic. The worst thing is the weather - it can get very cold and windy in winter. But I ’m very fit because I have to w alk up and dow n stairs a lot!
: HELP WITH GRAMMAR I P re sen t P e rfe c t w ith for a nd since
a a Look at phrases 1 and 2 in Angus’s text. Then answer questions a-c. a Does Angus live in Glasgow now? b Does Angus live in a lighthouse now? c Which are the verb forms in phrases 1 and 2? b Complete these rules with Present Perfect or Past Simple. • We use the to talk about something that started and finished in the past. • We use the to talk about something that started in the past and continues in the present. c How do we make positive and negative sentences with the
Present Perfect? d Look at phrases 3 and 4 in Meg’s text. Then fill in the gaps in the rules with for or since.
M EG 1 live in a motorhome w ith my husband, Larry, we first met when we were living in H ouston, Texas, and 3we’ve been married for twelve years. In Houston I was a waitress and
Larry worked in a factory, but we both lost our jobs at the same time. After that we decided that we d id n ’t w ant to live in one place all the time. 4We’ve lived in our motorhome since
2008 and we really love it. I t ’s quite spacious and we’ve got central heating and air conditioning, so it’s very comfortable. And the best thing about it is that when we need to find work, we just drive to a new town!
[ j| Fill in the gaps with fo r or since. 1 for ten years 6 2 since 2010 7 3 an hour 8 4 a long time 9 5 I was a child 10 three weeks Saturday I was born ten o’clock ages
HI a Choose the correct verb forms in these sentences.
Then complete the sentences for you. 1 I lived/’ve lived in my home since 2 When I was a child I lived/’ve lived in 3 I was/’ve been in this town or city since 4 I had/'ve had my mobile phone for 5 I was/'ve been in this English class for 6 I started/’ve started learning English ago. b Work in pairs. Compare sentences. HELP WITH GRAMMAR Q u e s tio n s w ith How long ... ?
a Look at the text about Angus again. Then answer these questions. 1 How long did Angus live in Glasgow? 2 How long has he lived in a lighthouse? b Answer these questions. 1 Which question in 7a is in the Present Perfect? 2 Which is in the Past Simple? 3 Which question asks about where Angus lives now? 4 Which asks about where Angus lived before now? 5 Can you answer both questions with for and since? c How do we make questions in the Past Simple and Present Perfect with How long ... ? d Check in ESESMBE& P144.
E l
a Look at the questions about a friend. Fill in the gaps with the Present Perfect or the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.
What’s your friend’s name?
How long you him? (know)
Where ........ you first.. him? (meet)
Where does he live?
How long ...... he.. there? (live)
Where he before that? (live)
Where does he work or study?
How long _____ he there? (be)
When you last him? (see) JJ-47 liiMIHMiWHfll Listen and practise the sentences in 8a. Copy the stress and weak form of have. What’s your friend’s name? How long have /av/ you known him?
Q a Think of a man or boy you’re friends with.
Decide how you can answer the questions in 8a about him. b Work in pairs. Take turns to ask your partner the questions in 8a about his/her friend. c Work in new pairs. Take turns to ask your partner about a woman or girl he/she is friends with.
Get ready ... Get it right!
Work in two groups. Group A p106. Group B p112.