6 minute read
Power In Numbers
Empowered women empower women. It’s the belief that women should be encouraging each other to be and do their best, and in this new decade, it has become a rallying cry for United Way of Southern Nevada’s Women United. Members focus on lifting each other up to achieve success, but they take it one step further. Empowered women empower women—and their community.
As a founding member of Women United back in 2008, Rhonda Clausen was drawn to the group by that very idea. “Women who come from all different backgrounds, walks of life, places in their careers and home and family life—the one thing we all have in common is that we want to make impactful change in our community,” she said. “We know it can be done, we know we can make a difference, and that’s what brings us together.”
“One of our members has said that we are greater than the sum of our parts, and I couldn’t agree more,” shared Monte Smith, who led the group as a co-chair. “It’s not just professional networking, it’s not just a social club, it is not just business development. We all are here to make a difference, to make a contribution.” The founding members of Women United led the charge to change Southern Nevada for the better, bringing members together to help improve their community and grow as individuals. Women across the valley took notice, including current Women United chair Michelle St. Angelo.
“After spending years looking for a women's group that would satisfy my craving for mentorship, growth and making a real difference, Women United was it! These ladies work hard to impact each other and our neighbors in ways you can’t even imagine,” Michelle said.
This impact can be seen in how Women United has empowered organizations throughout the community, like Leaders in Training. LIT founder Erica Mosca was so inspired by the members making a difference that she joined the group herself. “As the founder & executive director of a non-profit supported by Women United in the past, I knew firsthand the strong community impact these women on the move have,” she explained. “I wanted to contribute my on-the-ground experience as well as learn from the multitude of inspiring, successful and collaborative women.”
Now that the group has grown to over 100 members from all different backgrounds and stages of life, members are looking forward to the future and how they can leave a legacy of change for generations to come. It starts with the Emerging Leadership Award for Women, a member-funded scholarship helping local young women pursue their dreams of graduating college. Eight women have been selected to receive the scholarship, along with the support and mentorship that comes from the members of Women United.
Milena Avagyan, a freshman at UNLV, says that receiving the scholarship is one of her most treasured accomplishments. “I get to be a witness of multiple women making changes on a daily basis to improve our community. These women have made an influential and inspirational mark on me and my future actions.”
Mey Mey Heng, another recipient, values the guidance and experience that members can share with someone just starting out. “We have a wonderful support group of ladies who are successful and have provided great leadership. It’s very inspiring, knowing you have someone there to look up to, to be a mentor and give personal and professional guidance.”
By empowering past, present and future members to use their collective strength to make a difference for their fellow members and their community, Women United is creating a better future for Southern Nevada. Join them at uwsn.org/womenunited.

Did you know that horse therapy can help those with anxiety, depression, eat ing disorders, addictions, trauma recovery, as well as helping people build their self-esteem? If you like animals and being outdoors, this trending psychotherapy is available in Las Vegas!
Laura Higgins is the owner and founder of Tranquility Ranch Equine Assisted Ther apy, LLC (TREAT) based in Las Vegas. Her client, Nicole Pluta, said it best: “I thought ‘how are horses supposed to help me deal with all of these dark, emotional struggles I was going through?’ Oh man, was I wrong! Through Equine Therapy, I learned how im portant it is to build relationships with others. And for the first time in my life, I felt like I was making a deep connection with an other being that didn’t judge, look down on, or hurt me, and it just so happened to have four legs.”
Laura is certified in Equine Assisted Psy chotherapy (EAP) and uses her gentle, well-trained horses to help participants learn how to build trust and create healthy boundaries. She works closely with her friend and clinician, Francine Greenstein, MFT. Together, they have over 50 years combined experience using horse ther apy for individuals, groups, families, and couples. And the programs are vetted by the Vegas Strong Resiliency Center to help those impacted by One October.
EAP is a unique trauma-informed, proven experiential therapy. Sessions are held outdoors in a peaceful setting that en gage all the senses to process emotional challenges. This often leads to breakthroughs, and epiphanies, that may oth erwise be slow with traditional therapy. Laura explained, “The horses truly are champions at disarming the guarded and engaging the withdrawn. They do it ef fortlessly and beautifully.” Adding, “Work
Laura Higgins, owner of Tranquility Ranch Equine Assisted Therapy, LLC with Rio. ing through the exercises with horses, participants learn to identify and cope with emotions, improve communication skills, and understand the importance of how, and when, to ask for help. It is uniquely rewarding to see the partici pants gain knowledge and perspective that can literally save their lives!” Corporate Team Building and Business Leadership Training are also available at the ranch. Laura said, “The corporate en vironment can be competitive. Teams can learn much from the horses, such as how to be a “herd” not a “pack.” This philosophy for a team creates productivity and a posi tive dynamic in the work environment. Valor Corral. These specialized sessions are confidential and geared to help every one in the First Responder community and active military. Sessions focus on healing from the cumulative emotional stress and trauma they experience in their every day service to our community. Laura’s clinical team brings the horses for therapeutic on-site visits to the client as well. “I was diagnosed with PTSD in 2015 from being involved in an officer involved shooting that happened years before. I have continually battled anger, anxiety, depression, rage, and nightmares. I have sought out and continue with traditional therapy and counseling, but within the last year I found Tranquility Ranch. I have found that there is value with working with horses. There is something about working with the horses that calms me down, and after working with them, I find a peace within me.” Retired Sergeant Greg Ziel Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

Combine this calming effect with the knowledge of an Equine Specialist and a Licensed Mental Health Professional, both certified in Equine Assisted Psycho therapy, and you begin to understand the magic of EAP!