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78 Featured BOOKS & AUDIBLES Whether relaxing or on the go, these books and audibles will nourish your mind, your soul and maybe even have you laughing out loud.
THE SIMPLICITY PRINCIPLE: Six Steps Toward Clarity in a Complex World By Julia Hobsbawm Julia Hobsbawm offers the ultimate guide to achieving a more productive, creative and focused life. Hobsbawm reveals how to overcome digital distraction and change our lives for the better and lays out problems and solutions of our current digital age . TIME MANAGEMENT IN 20 MINUTES A DAY: Simple Strategies to Increase Productivity, Enhance Creativity, and Make Your Time Your Own Audible Audiobook By Holly Reisem Hanna In this book, author Holly Reisem Hanna gives practical advice to make increasing productivity and making the most of your time simple and easy. She shares strategic changes, modern strategies and time-saving technologies that exist today.
FIND YOUR LIGHT: Practicing Mindfulness to Recover from Anything By Beverly Conyers
Author Beverly Conyers has guided hundreds of thousands of readers through the process of recognizing family roles in addiction, healing shame, building healthy relationships, releasing trauma, as well as acknowledging self-sabotaging behaviors, addictive tendencies, and substance use patterns.
THE GIFT OF STRUGGLE: Life-Changing Lessons About Leading Audible Audiobook By Bobby Herrera
Author Bobby Herrera has had no shortage of struggles and is sharing the stories of how he has overcome and thrived from the lessons he learned. In this book, he shares 12 of those stories, along with lessons that can be applied and a set of questions to reflect on.
UNSTOPPABLE: A 90-Day Plan to Biohack Your Mind and Body for Success Audible Audiobook By Ben Angel Author Ben Angel set out on a personal mission to free himself from debilitating fatigue and depression. He shares the results by giving readers ways of reducing stress, improving physical performance and more in order to create an
unstoppable plan.
BOSS UP!: This Ain’t Your Mama’s Business Book Audible Audiobook By Lindsay Teague Moreno If you’ve been dreaming of owning your own business, this book will help you overcome your fears and guilt to find fulfillment that changes you and your family for the better. Teague Moreno shares real, solid business principles with 10 distinct success philosophies that readers may encounter on the journey to entrepreneurship.