3 minute read
The Secret to Being Well Isn’t Just for Kids … Anymore
By Janice Marie Wilson
Do you want to know the secret to perfect health and wellbeing? If I could bottle up this secret and sell it, I would be incredibly rich. But, I love you all too much to charge for something that is free. It’s as easy as the air we breathe, the beauty we see and the love we feel. If I tell you now, you have to promise to do this every day, in every way. Guaranteed you will feel what it truly means to experience great health and well-being. It doesn’t require a health club, supplements, special diets or an insurance premium. Did I say it was free?
The answer is PLAY! Quite simple, isn’t it? Play is living creatively. It’s what fun is, just for you. Playtime is essential for a vibrant life. We fill our lives with more and more stuff, living an action-packed life, going from one activity to the next. How many of those things that we do are for fun? Even the sports we play are competitive and focused on the win. As adults, we often neglect to schedule a little fun for ourselves. Play is when our actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcomes. Every day offers us a chance to kick up our heels, take off our shoes, and even sing and dance a little.
Creative expressions, meaning playtime and down time, are key ingredients for a radiant and healthy life. It is important to make time for the moments that offer you real joy. Rest and relaxation need to be scheduled into our day just as much as exercise, eating healthy and regular checkups.
The benefits of having fun are enormous. How many of us truly have fun every day? A time when we relax, enjoy a good book, listen to great music or just laugh because we are surprised and delighted with what is happening. Laughter truly is the best medicine. Think back to when

you were a child exploring your block or neighborhood. Every sidewalk hopscotch art, rock, dandelion, childhood game, tree and empty lot was an adventure to explore. Every activity brought with it a flood of creativity and experiences that were sheer fun. They were glimpses into our souls. Every game of hide and seek, red light green light, statues or tag is rooted firmly in the present moment. We didn’t want to go home for dinner, and we lost track of time. These kinds of experiences continue to be important, even as adults.
Enjoying activities that have no external goals or milestones to reach enable us to dig deep into our own reservoirs of creativity and connect more deeply with ourselves and others. It is through play, fun and experimentation that some of our best ideas come to life.
Just as your body is changing in every moment, give yourself permission to play in the moment. Free yourself from feeling attached to an outcome. Be easy-breezy about what you’re thinking and feeling. Like the wind, feel the freshness of the air and breathe new life into this moment. Let the breeze swirling around you energize and renew you. Have fun creating new experiences you’ve never had before.
Each new experience gives you a fresh perspective and this insight fosters new brain patterns that support your cherished desires and goals. When you rest and play, your creative channels are opened in new and amazing ways. So, if you are feeling tired, depressed or out of balance, maybe all you need to do is get out and play!
Janice Wilson is a keynote speaker, workshop leader, fashion consultant and author. Her book, "The Goodness Experience" provides the inspiration for her articles. You can contact her at janicewilson@me.com.