9 minute read
BOAR Changing the Landscape of Leadership

Profiles by Roselyn Poon, Introduction by Jennifer Florendo
They say it takes a village to raise a family, but if there is another thing that we have learned, it is that we need a community to build us up and stand alongside us when we need the support. The women profiled here have proven that they are out to impact positive change within our community. From helping women plan for their financial future to helping an entrepreneur achieve their business goals, Virginia Knudsen, Sonia Petkewich, Lisa Chastain and Kimberly Malloy all have inspiring stories of strength, determination and changing our landscape of leadership.
Virginia Knudsen

Virginia Knudsen is the founder and CEO of BOAR. Her lifelong passion for helping leaders reach their highest potential, not only in business but also in their everyday life, motivated her to create a unique mastermind entity that addresses people’s growth from a holistic point of view. BOAR Room Mastermind Groups take the concept of a mastermind to the next level, encompassing all that it is to be a high-achieving human. BOAR, and all who work with Knudsen, are devoted to bringing authenticity into the boardroom and strategic outcomes into individual lives, providing fresh viewpoints and unique insight.
Knudsen has filled roles as CEO, entrepreneur, EVP/ COO and executive coach, and is one of an exclusive group of highly respected, trusted advisors who are experts in business leadership coaching. Knudsen leads local CEO mastermind groups and provides one-onone coaching to top chief executives and business owners to more effectively manage the growth of their businesses, achieve significantly better results, while working fewer hours, and improving their relationships.
Knudsen and her team at BOAR are cogniscent of the fact that today we have five different generations in the work force, resulting in multiple communication and leadership languages and styles. She ensures that this challenge is addressed in the BOAR Room Mastermind Groups and the NextGen Evolution programs, where the focus is on getting the next generation of leaders ready to lead.

Knudsen has participated in, and facilitated traditional masterminds, for over 15 years and she knows that it is truly lonely at the top. She points out that leaders need an environment where they can share their frustrations, fears, ideas and opportunites with others whose only motivation is to help them be their best selves. BOAR Room Mastermind Groups provide a safe and confidential environment where everyone rolls up their sleeves and helps each other attain their personal and professional goals.
BOAR focuses on working with the whole leader: personally, professionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. BOAR is unique in that it is more than just a business leadership company, it is a personal growth company. They are building a community of conscious leaders who come together to inspire, share and hold each other up. Leaders who are dedicated to building great companies and have a passion for giving back to their communities.
Virginia believes in lifelong learning and growing, and she has a long list of awards, including Masters in Organizational Leadership and the 2009 Woman of Distinction Glass Ceiling Award.
Sonia Petkewich

Area of Specialty: Information Technology Staffing and Project Solutions
Taurean Consulting Group and BOAR 5215 Ponderosa Way 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89118
702.682.1899 sonia@taureanconsulting.net spetkewich@boarcommunity.com taureanconsulting.net linkedin.com/in/soniataureanconsultinggroup
Sonia Petkewich is the founder and CEO of Taurean Consulting Group (TCG). TCG is a 100% woman-owned, Las Vegas IT staffing and project solutions company built on deep relationships, with over 25 years of experience in technology staffing. They specialize in matching candidates to the culture of an organization as well as the required skill sets.
Petkewich believes that it is always important to be improving one’s self, and because of this, she is committed to helping others grow. This philosophy is so important to her that TCG not only helps IT people find the right job, but they also provide their contractors with access to continuing education, and sponsor at least one contractor per quarter towards a certification that improves their career path. TCG differentiates itself by investing in their candidates’ efforts to learn.
Petkewich is also an avid supporter of increasing the number of women in the information technology arena and is the current Las Vegas affiliate president of the National Center for Women & Information Technology; Petkewich is a woman who walks her talk.
Not only is Petkewich leading the charge at TCG, but she is also taking what she has learned and paying it forward. Petkewich is a member of the BOAR Mastermind facilitator team, which is a unique mastermind community committed to the holistic approach to supporting and coaching CEOs and business owners. BOAR fosters an environment where CEOs and leaders feel comfortable opening up, asking for help and genuinely addressing their personal growth as well as that which pertains to their business.

Petkewich feels that business owners, regardless of the size of their company, are often dealing with the same issues, just thinly veiled because of the size of the company or the industry they are in, for example: people issues, growth issues, financial, life balance and family life. When you are in BOAR Mastermind, you can address all these issues and share what is happening in your life. You receive unbridled feedback from the team and are an active participant in hearing another business owners’ challenges. You grow, they grow— sounds like a great win win for everyone.
Petkewich is an energized passionate woman who strives every day to grow and help everyone she encounters to do likewise. To her, business coaching is an opportunity to give back in a way that people helped her to achieve her success and personal growth.
Lisa Chastain

Area of Specialty: Financial Wellness
Millennial Consulting LLC 520 S. 7th St. Las Vegas, NV 89101
702.305.1905 lisa@lisachastain.com lisachastain.com Instagram: @lisachastain4
Lisa Chastain has first-hand experience in financial devastation, which is why she is one of the best coaches to have on your side when it comes to managing your money. Chastain is a renowned financial wellness coach with over 1,000 hours of trained life coaching experience. She has been featured in O, The Oprah Magazine; Fortune magazine; Entrepreneur magazine and interviewed multiple times by CNBC. She is championing financial wellness across the nation and, if that isn’t enough, she is also the No. 1 best-selling author of “Girl, Get Your $hit Together.”
Chastain hit rock bottom financially in 2016 when she was on the brink of losing everything; she had been through a divorce, lost her house, maxed out her credit cards and her cash flow was negative. It was at this point Chastain founded Millennial Consulting, a unique financial training company that focuses on the whole person and offers life coaching blended with financial wellness coaching. Four years later, she is on fire and teaching other women how to enjoy taking control of their money.
Chastain’s holistic approach to financial wellness and her 20+ years advising millennials meant that she was the perfect candidate to join Virginia Knudsen, CEO and founder of BOAR, in her new endeavor: NextGen. Chastain is the program director for NextGen, a yearlong, executive-style program for companies that are committed to training their next generation of leaders. In addition to the fundamentals of leadership, NextGen leaders are intrinsically social and socially conscious.
Chastain is not only the master of financial wellness coaching, but also time management, as her new role with NextGen is in addition to her own financial consulting practice and extensive 24/7 speaking program.

We asked Lisa what advice she would like to share with our readers and, without hesitation, she responded:
“TODAY is the best day to take control of your financial lives. When that happens, you can start living your BEST life, and that’s what actually matters in the end. You can keep money simple. You can keep life simple. Audit your time and who you spend your time with. This is the key to understanding where your money is going. If you don’t like your financial results, take a look around and make necessary changes in your environment, too. A budget won’t fix everything, which is why we start with your life, vision and values first!”
Kimberly A. Malloy

Area of Specialty: Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Executive Coach/Chief Inspirational Officer Center for Relational Health – LV, LLC 8879 W. Flamingo Rd. Ste. 101 Las Vegas, NV 89147
Kimberly Malloy, MS, LMFT is the founder of Center for Relational Health-LV and recently appointed executive coach for BOAR. In private practice since 2009, Malloy’s extensive background in corporate training, providing customer service, leadership, management and all forms of personal development for large corporate and small local companies, inspired her to transition her career focus to therapy and create the Center for Relational Health-LV.
Malloy believes that at the root of our personal and professional success—or failure—are relationships that either work well or relationships that need work. She believes health is the never-ending pursuit of wholeness for our minds, bodies and spirits. These tenets are the focus of her company CRH-LV, as Malloy explains that relational health calls upon each of these to ensure our relationships are working optimally.
Malloy says it best herself:
Malloy’s list of accreditations is extraordinary, starting with a bachelor’s degree in communications and a master’s degree in counseling, marriage, family & child therapy. She is also a Certified Daring Way™ Facilitator, based in the research of Dr. Brené Brown. She was a co-host on a women’s talk show, “A View from Above,” and recently a 2017 inductee into the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce Leadership Hall of Fame.
A sought-after speaker and trainer for large groups, Malloy recently joined BOAR as an executive coach, launching a CEO mastermind Group. BOAR focuses on working with the whole leader; personally, professionally, physically, mentally and spiritually, which aligns beautifully with Center for Relational Health-LV’s values.
“I love the concept of BOAR. I believe when most people think of a mastermind concept they think of strategic planning and professional development, but BOAR adds the component of emotional health. This piece is different! A company can be financially healthy today, but if the leaders are lacking in emotional intelligence, this will impact the people and infrastructure over time. BOAR is dedicated to the full picture of health for business and personal to its members. This was a match made in heaven for me,” said Malloy.
Malloy’s passion is to inspire personal and professional emotional health with truth and generosity.