September 15 2015

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TIS anD THaT WV TIS Cohort Newsletter

Vol. 4, Issue 2

September 15, 2015

Are You Licensed to Drive a 21st Century Classroom? The 21st Century turns 16 with the new year. Being an accomplished driver of learning in today’s classroom requires advanced and evolving skills in presentation, collaboration, and publishing platforms. The purpose of this edition of Tis and That is to encourage educators to assess their current level of technology integration and to make any needed improvements. Here’s the challenge: 1) Reflect on your current teaching strategies and use examples in a self-assessment survey to determine the level at which you are most frequently integrating technology into classroom learning. 2) Familiarize yourself with the levels of technology integration using the SAMR Model: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. 3) Commit to exploring and implementing a deeper level of integration each quarter of this academic year.

Are you preparing students for their future or your past? (Step One: Click on robot for self-assessment)

SAMR: A model to support educators in redefining their use of technology in the classroom






Step Two: Follow this link to watch a video introduction to the SAMR model and its application to classroom learning.

OEPA and Technology Integration: How does your school score?

Page 4 (click here)



● Microsoft PowerPoint ● Google Presentations ● Keynote for iPad and iPhone ● Presentation Maker for Android Devices Excellent tool for students with organizational challenges Can be used to reinforce sequencing of events, plot, or scientific process


DIGITAL DOCS: ● Microsoft Word ● Google Docs


● Pages for iPad and iPhone

● Class e-mail listserv

● Evernote for Android Devices Increases student engagement for note-taking and writing assignments Notes can be accessed from multiple locations and readily shared

● Posts within learning management system like Schoology, Edmodo, or Engrade ● Back Channel format during video or lecture via Decreases stress of being called upon during class Promotes peer-to-peer dialogue vs teacher-tostudent



● Show Me

● Google Docs

Templates reduce creation challenges for students with disabilities

● Microsoft Office Word

Embedded movement and animation increases viewer engagement.

● Pronto Forms for Android devices

● Facebook

Videos can be embedded then students respond to questions to demonstrate comprehension

● Pinterest

● Square Space

A teacher generated web page provides a one-stop learning location for students Student collaboration and contribution to the page motivates students to demonstrate content knowledge, skill acquisition, and creativity.

Can be used to emphasize the importance of self-editing (grammatically and socially) Easy method for collaboration or generation of feedback A natural platform practicing local, national, global, and digital citizenship


● Host Gator

● Twitter

Make a digital worksheet

Students can create peer quizzes to reinforce content

● Go Daddy


DIGITAL SURVEYS: ● Google Forms ● Microsoft Excel ● Survey Monkey Data can be collected from students to generate a math lesson Students can “check in” with regard to class experience or need for assistance


In terms of doing work and in terms of learning and evolving as a person, you just grow more when you get more people’s perspectives… Mark Zuckerberg

ENHANCEMENT Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important. Bill Gates



● Google Drive

● History Channel

● Microsoft One Drive


Provides all students access to team materials during collaboration and serves as “safe place” for sharing and viewing work of others.


● How Stuff Works

● Study Stack

● Khan Academy

● Spelling City

● Discovery Channel

● Purpose Games

Teacher controlled access to content.

● Cool Math

Provides an engaging method for students to independently study basic facts and assess their own learning.

Students can access engaging instruction from home or individual learning stations .

Shared documents with a folder allow for real-time collaboration on same document


VIDEO PROJECTS: ● Imovie for iPhones and iPads

REVIEW/QUIZZING ● Office Mix ● Kahoot ● Quizlet ● Socrates ● Quiz Cast Creates an engaging format for assessment of individual students and allows for informal assessment during a whole class activity.

We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.

● Movie Maker add-on for Microsoft Office ● Video Editor App on Android devices

Allows for demonstration of learning beyond written and spoken word

● Microsoft OneNote Class Notebook ● Google Pages Collection point for digital resources Provides collaboration area for all students or small groups Private posting section for each individual student

Tablets and Smart Phones provide for easy collection and collaboration


● Edmodo

● YouTube

● Schoology

● TeacherTube

● Blackboard

● Instagram

Provides a central location for student access to digital resources and Web links, discussion threads, peer postings of multi-media presentations, interactive quizzes/tests, and teacherstudent communications.

Collection point for teacher and student generated videos sharing content, skills, and talent

David Warlick


OEPa anD TECHnOLOgY InTEgRaTIOn Technology integration is an integral part of the new evaluation program of the WV Office of Educational Performance Audits. During this school year, the OEPA will complete its two-year long baseline evaluation for WV schools using the new evaluation system. All schools will then be revisited on a four year cycle. A school’s performance is evaluated against seven standards. Each of the seven standards have three or more specified functions or considerations for how the standard can be observed. A school is determined to be distinguished, accomplished, emerging, or unsatisfactory for each aspect of the standards. The new method for evaluation was prompted by WV Governor Earl Tomblin, who asked the WV Board of Education to develop a simplified system of evaluation

that parents and other stakeholders could readily understand.

The use of technology is explicitly referenced in two of the seven standards Other significant changes incorporated into the new evaluation system include the following; the use of set standards of performance by which school administrators and faculty pre-assess their own performance prior to the OEPA visit, emphasis of the evaluation on student performance instead of reported compliance, the use of a four year cyclical review for all schools, and individualized supports to assist schools in making

needed improvements. The use of technology is explicitly referenced in two of the seven standards. With regard to Standard 3: Standards Focused Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessments, teachers are to design lessons that follow the Next Generation Standards for Learning Skills and Technology Tools and teachers are to create classroom learning experiences that support students’ mastery of digital tools. To demonstrate Standard 7: Efficient and Effective Management, schools must have the needed technology infrastructure and use “data information systems and technology tools to support management, instructional delivery and student learning.” More information on the evaluation process is available at

SuPPORT fOR YOuR TRanSfORmaTIOn West Virginia Department of Education

Technology Integration Specialists

The WVDE provides support for your skill development through the WV Learns web-based classes and through videos posted on the WVDE website that model how to use the Office 365 tools for 21st Century classroom design.

Contact your school’s technology integration specialist or e-mail one of the contributors of this newsletter:

WV Learns Just a few of the classes available this semester through WV Learns include Designing a Virtual Field Trip, Digital Storytelling, Office 365 Applications for Instruction, and Teaching and Learning with Mobile Devices. Registration for the Fall 2015 eLearning for Educators session for certified West Virginia teachers opens on September 1, 2015 and closes on October 6,2015. Courses will begin on October 7, 2015. Applications for new accounts must be made before 4:00 P.M. on September 25, 2015.

Office 365 Tutorial Videos

Tenna Gray is a special education teacher at Capital High in Charleston, WV. Tenna also serves as adjunct faculty at WVSU and has traveled with People to People Student Ambassadors for nine years.

Lee Lewis is an instructor at the Mercy County Technical Education Center. In addition to being a Master Electrician, Lee is a NCCER Certified Craft Instructor. Lee is a trailblazer in innovating technical education and strives to bring awareness to the importance of technical schools to improve the economy.

Cheryl Snyder Reid, NBCT, is a social studies teacher at Spring Mills Middle School in Berkeley County. Cheryl is an avid practitioner of project based learning and Web-based instruction.

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