1 minute read

The nursing care process and its implications

Cristina María Zamarioli*

orders, following only the medical prescription and with negligible remuneration ( MCEWEN; WILLS, 2015), which justifies the gaps in its theoretical bases


However, in the mid-twentieth century there was a real effervescence in the universe of nursing as a science, when discussions on subjects of interest to the area intensified, such as the person, the environment, health and nursing itself This fact, later, raised new discussions about the interaction (nursing patient), the nursing process, the transition and nursing therapy (MELEIS, 2012).

The most recent historical trajectory comprises the evolution of what we now call, a little more clearly, the Nursing Process. Therefore, important projections and intersections emerged that still require evaluation, given the different scenarios where the practice develops

Regardless of the issues that pervade the care process, including the phases that compose it, the generation in which we are or whether terminologies or classifications are used to name the elements of practice, the foundation in a theoretical framework brings autonomy and professional recognition and, consequently, it contributes to patient safety

*Department of General and Specialized Nursing - DEGE of the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo - EERP-USP


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