Nursing: from Call to Action | Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): July - December

Page 16

Tau Alpha

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Mexico - March 24, 2004

Upsilon Nu

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Colombia - March 28, 2008

Rho Upsilon

Universidade de São Paulo

Brazil - May 17, 2002

Alpha Beta Omicron

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Chile - November 14, 2022

Omega Kappa

The UWI School of Nursing, Mona Jamaica - May 30, 2019

Bulletin ISSN:2954-5366 (Online)

This Bulletin is a serial publication of the Latin American and the Caribbean Region of Sigma Theta Tau International, which aims to make visible nursing leadership actions in the region in response to the presidential call to action that Sigma renews each biennium.

From the copy: July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 51 - Periodicity: Biannual - Edited in Bogotá, DC (CO)

ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) - In process

Official publication of:

Latin America and the Caribbean Region of Sigma Theta Thau International

Editorial committee

Juana Mercedes Gutiérrez Valverde

Tau Alpha Chapter Leader UniversidaddeNuevoLeón,México.

Lorena Chaparro Díaz

Upsilon Nu Chapter President


Sheryl Garriques-Lloyd

Omega Kappa Chapter President UniversityofWestIndies,Jamaica

Kelly Graziani Giacchero Vedana

Rho Upsilon Chapter President UniversidadedeSãoPaulo,Brasil

Sonia Patricia Carreño Moreno

Latin America and Caribbean Region Coordinator


Edition, design and layout:

Cristian David Cifuentes Tinjaca

Upsilon Nu Chapter Member


Daniel Arturo Guerrero Gaviria

Upsilon Nu Chapter Member

UniversidadNacionaldeColombia,Colombia /lacr-stti

Contact and social networks:




Message from the regional coordinator Let's know our region Responding to the call to action in our region Highlighting leadership News of interest Contents 4 6 9 12 15

Message from the regional coordinator 01

Leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean: communicating what characterizes us

It is with deep joy and satisfaction that I greet you and share with you our second newsletter from the Latin American and Caribbean Region, an exercise in communicating who we are, what we do, and what we dream of. For several years now, the idea of having a regional newsletter in which nursing leaders in practice, academia, science, and politics could communicate the developments of nursing leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean has been

considered. . Today, when our second issue is consolidated, I highlight the importance of assuming with passion, but also with a lot of discipline, the challenges that are being imposed on our path.

The exercise of communicating in writing what we do requires a great emotional and intellectual effort; on an emotional level, it is necessary to be sure that what we are going to tell is important not only for us but also for those who are going to read it, it is necessary to trust ourselves, in our knowledge, in the importance of what we do and in the importance of our role for those around us. Taking advantage of emotion as a resource helps us find meaning and enjoyment in what we communicate, and it is precisely what you will be able to perceive when you read the warm description of Jamaica that our colleagues from the Omega Kappa Chapter offer us and the devotion with which the Chilean colleagues and Colombians tell us about the history and progress of their nursing programs Without a doubt, the construction of disciplinary knowledge, nursing leadership in scientific knowledge networks, and nursing innovation in climatic health care fill us with joy, because without a

Boletín 5 M e s s a g e f r o m t h e r e g i o n a l c o o r d i n a t o r Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 5-6 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean: communicating what characterizes us

sample of the passion with which we assume being nurses in our region.

At an intellectual level, the unmatched capabilities of the leaders of our region are evident. Latin America and the Caribbean is a growing region in which doctorates, scientific journals and innovations are increasingly numerous and recognized In the experiences regarding the consolidation of the Nursing Academic Unit at the Catholic University of Chile as a collaborating center of PAHO/WHO and the results of the program called Semilla de Liderazgo of the Upsilon Nu Chapter of Colombia, it can be observed how the training, discipline, motivation and teamwork have been the spearhead of the initiatives of colleagues, who have managed to transcend borders, demonstrating that the audacity of

nursing is precisely the care of processes, details and people . And what about the leaders exalted by their leadership, I invite you to be inspired and learn from the stories of Cristóbal Padilla and his research on the Post ICU Syndrome in Chile, Beatriz Sánchez Herrera and her contribution to Colombian nursing since the founding of the Upsilon Chapter Nu, the Doctoral Program in Nursing and the Caring for Caregivers ® Program, Oscar Noel Ochoa and his contribution to Nursing leadership in Trinidad and Tobago through his performance in public office and Isabel Amelia Costa and her contributions as founder of the chapter Rho Upsilon in Brazil.

6 M e s s a g e f r o m t h e r e g i o n a l c o o r d i n a t o r Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 5-6 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Let's know our region

Un modelo de liderazgo

Knowing the Alpha Beta Omicron Chapter

Chile is the southernmost country in Latin America with more than 4,270 kilometers of extension It borders Peru to the north, Bolivia to the northeast, Argentina to the east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The Republic of Chile is a unitary, democratic and presidential State, whose territory is divided into 16 regions, 56 provinces and 346 communes Chile has an important geographical diversity, which has had an important influence on cultural expressions in different areas of the country. Given its extensive territory, the types of climates are diverse, including the desert in the great north, the dry in the central valleys and the cold steppe in the southern zone. This influences the fact that each region has its own characteristics, ways of life and development needs, including the health and well-being of its inhabitants.

The School of Nursing of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile was founded in 1950 and, during its 73 years of life, has trained nurses and nurse midwives who provide professional services through direct care and service management, which They help promote healthy lifestyles, prevent disease and injury, and

maintain and restore health in individuals, families, and communities.

It currently has a 5-year undergraduate program, flexible and diversified, which grants its graduates a degree in nursing and allows them to opt for the professional title of nurse. This program has international accreditation for 7 years granted by the international agency Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing.

Graduates stand out for their Christian ethical values that permeate their professional performance, which is expressed in humanized nursing care.

In addition, the School creatively contributes to the updating and professional development of Chilean Nursing and other Latin American countries through improvement and specialization programs. Since 2005, the School has a Master's in Nursing, from which 113 professionals have graduated. In addition, in 2021 the Advanced Practice Master's Program in Nursing was implemented, mentioning oncology, whose purpose is to reduce the gaps in access and coverage of people with cancer to early diagnosis, timely treatment and follow-up of their disease, considering

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 8 Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 8-9 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)
Paz Soto Fuentes, Francisca Marquez-Doren, Marcela González-Agüero, y Camila Lucchini-Raies

Knowing the Alpha Beta Omicron Chapter

that the Cancer is the first cause of death in Chile. This program has been a pioneer in the country since it allows for highly trained nursing professionals in the disciplinary and professional role, as well as in the extended role.

The construction of disciplinary knowledge, through theoretical and empirical research, has allowed the School of Nursing to develop, with the support of the W.K.Kellogg Foundation, a care model based on health promotion and self-care, which favors the quality and humanization of health care and the development of users' abilities to care for themselves. This model is currently applied in various health institutions nationwide and is being replicated in Latin American countries. This allowed the UC School of Nursing to be designated

as a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center for the Development of Health and Nursing Services for Care in Noncommunicable Diseases since 2008

Given the trajectory of the UC School of Nursing, in August 2022 it was designated a SIGMA chapter host, named Alpha Beta Omicron, becoming chapter number 613 of SIGMA International. At the chartering ceremony, held in November 2022 and officiated by SIGMA CEO Elizabeth Madigan, 62 members were inducted To date, the Alpha Beta Omicron chapter has held a webinar on the challenges to prosper in the work of the Advanced Practice Nurse and a nursing leadership workshop

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 9 Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 8-9 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Nursing Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia from the caribbean to the colombian west

The university has five Nursing programs, locatedin Santa Marta, Bucaramanga, Pasto, Villavicencio and Medellín On this occasion we will talk about the first two, which began in 1994 and 1997, respectively. As a differentiating factor, students recognize the solidarity economy as a model for sustainable development through participation in social projects in vulnerable communities, promoting the obtaining of economic resources according to cooperative, social and solidarity principles; as well as the promotion of innovation and technological development to empower the individual and communities in sustainable solutions to health problems

In Bucaramanga, the Program has high-quality accreditation[1], with coverage in the Colombian Northeast; To date, it has 2,265 graduates, recognized for their leadership and performance in national and international health institutions, health secretaries, and mayors' offices in territorial entities. The Research Group for Health and Well-being recognized by Minciencias in category B, with projects in national and international

alliances, such as the Ibero-American Nursing Network, the Latin American Network for chronic patient and family care, the International Network of Critical Care Nursing REINECC, the Ibero-American Network of EvidenceBased Nursing, with health institutions and research groups, responds to social needs in the clinical and community settings to contribute to health practice and services in different contexts and population groups of adolescents, older adults, health personnel, early childhood and family, in accordance with the Sustainable Development Goals: Health, Nutrition and Education. Likewise, from social projection articulated with municipal entities and participation of the communities of influence of the institutions providing health services, it has developed actions to promote the health and well-being of the family, adolescents, older adults and especially women.

To date, 1,322 Nursing professions have graduated on the Santa Marta campus. One of the great challenges has been the training of students from the Arhuaca indigenous communities in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 10 Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 10-11 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Nursing Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia from the caribbean to the colombian west

and Wayúu de la Guajira, while maintaining respect for their beliefs and cultural knowledge The Program has currently achieved recognition thanks to the positioning of its graduates in the Region, as well as the participation in different instances at the local, national and international level. Advances in research in intercultural care, chronic care and environmental nursing are highlighted; the link to South America EBHC of JBI[1] for the development of high-impact research projects; the implementation of social projection projects with health institutions in relation to teaching and service; the

design of an intercultural care model for tertiary care institutions; the leadership of networks such as RIGCE Colombia, ANHE Latin America[2] and REINECC Santa Marta; the interaction with academic communities through the International Nursing Week, especially with Finland, the Netherlands, Australia, the United States, Spain, Mexico, Peru and Chile; as well as leadership in the area of environmental nursing, being the first Program in Latin America to participate in the Nurses Climate Challenge[3]

* Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia-Sede Bucaramanga

** Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia- Santa Marta

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 11 Bulletin
Elveny Laguado Jaimes*, Doriam Esperanza Camacho**, Magda Liliana Villamizar Osorio*
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 10-11 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Omega Kappa’s Caribbean People

Known for our warm hospitality beautiful sunshine, amazing beaches and tantalizing food, we are a real melting pot of heritage and culture across the Caribbean. The Omega Kappa chapter is geographically located in Jamaica but has some of its members in Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, The Commonwealth of The Bahamas and Barbados. As a people we have many similarities but also many differences Join us for a quick tour of these four Caribbean countries.

Jamaica island country of the West Indies It is the third largest island in the Caribbean Sea. Known for its tropical climate, warm hospitality and great food. Tourism is one of the main services of the country. Recently Jamaica was number one on a list as having the best sunset (from Rick’s Café in Negril). Jamaica is also known for its Blue Mountain Coffee, Reggae music and Sporting prowess. Bob Marley, Shaggy, Usain Bolt, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce are a few of the celebrity names associated with Jamaica

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 12 Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 12-14 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)
Rafting on The Martha Brae River - Jamaica

Omega Kappa’s Caribbean People

Trinidad and Tobago, island country of the southeastern West Indies, consists of two main islands Trinidad and Tobago (T & T) and several smaller islands Forming the two southernmost links in the Caribbean chain. Known for their tropical climate, Steel Band and Calypso music, the annual Carnival celebrations are one of the main tourist attractions It is also home to the Pitch Lake (the largest collection of asphalt), referred to as the 8th wonder Machel Montano, Sir Brian Lara and Nicky Minaj are a few of the celebrity names associated with Trinidad and Tobago.

Americas, it is also a top choice for tourist destinations. One Bahamian long-standing tradition, Junkanoo, a jovial celebration with music, dance and costumes attracts both locals and visitors. Sir Sidney Poitier, Lenny Kravitz, Tia and Tamera Mowry and Shaunae Miller-Uibo are a few of the celebrity names associated with The Bahamas

The Bahamas, archipelago and country are on the northwestern edge of the West Indies The Bahamian climate, mild throughout the year, is one of the great attractions of the area Known as one of the richest independent countries of the

Barbados, island country in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. As tropical as the islands of the West Indies, Barbados also relies heavily on Tourism. Barbados in 2021 transitioned to a Republic and named music icon Rihanna as its newest national hero. Known as the home to the carnival festival Crop Over, it pulls many visitors. Sir Garfield Sobers, Tony Cozier

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 13 Bulletin
Steel Pans y Steel Bands – Trinidad y Tobago Junkanoo Parade en Nassau, Bahamas
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 12-14 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Omega Kappa’s Caribbean People

and Edward Kamua Braithwaite are a few other celebrity names associated with Barbados.

Sigma is proud to announce and participate in The Nurse Antigone, a virtual Theater of War production featuring professional actors and a chorus of frontline nurses who are Sigma members.

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 14 Bulletin
Crop Over – Barbados
BE BEBOLD BOLD 23FEBRUARY Thursday Time: 5:00pm(Eastern) Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 12-14 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

The nursing care process and its implications

The Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Nursing Courses, the Deontological Codes, the Professional Practice Law, in addition to normative resolutions, contribute to determining the scope and responsibility of nurses in their different functions.

Considering the theoretical bases, one of the tripods of professional practice, in addition to the functions and operationalization of the care process, it is pertinent to highlight that concepts such as science, occupation, profession and discipline permeate this universe. Let's think for a moment about theory, occupation and profession

In spite of numerous concepts, theory is understood as “a construct composed of a set of laws and related principles, hierarchical, solidly systematized, conclusive in nature, applied to a given area” (VEIGA-NETO, 2009, p.86). It is seen as a systematic explanation of events, in which constructs and concepts are identified, relationships are proposed and predictions can be made (MCEWEN; WILLS, 2015). Yes, nursing has many theories and theoretical references guiding the elements of its practice, understood as diagnoses, results and interventions

An occupation is an activity that requires widely varying levels of training or education, different skill levels and varied knowledge bases (MCEWEN; WILLS, 2015) The profession, on the other hand, is more valued by society as a result of the services that professionals perform, considered beneficial to its members. Professions have: a defined and specialized knowledge base; control and autonomy over training and teaching; accreditation or registration system; selfless service to society; code of ethics; formal education in higher education institutions; prolonged socialization and autonomy (ELLIS; HARTLEY, 2012; FINKELMAN; KENNER, 2013). Here, the value of the nursing profession is not even questioned, perhaps the benefit of its practice for society.

Due to the discrepancy observed in terms of visibility, remuneration and even recognition as a profession in different countries, looking into its historical bases is justifiable. We will understand that nursing slowly traveled the path between an occupation and a profession, being supervised by hospital administrators and doctors, carrying out internships in schools linked to hospitals, obeying

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 15 Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 15-16 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

The nursing care process and its implications

orders, following only the medical prescription and with negligible remuneration ( MCEWEN; WILLS, 2015), which justifies the gaps in its theoretical bases

However, in the mid-twentieth century there was a real effervescence in the universe of nursing as a science, when discussions on subjects of interest to the area intensified, such as the person, the environment, health and nursing itself This fact, later, raised new discussions about the interaction (nursing patient), the nursing process, the transition and nursing therapy (MELEIS, 2012).

The most recent historical trajectory comprises the evolution of what we now call, a little more clearly, the Nursing Process. Therefore, important projections and intersections emerged that still require evaluation, given the different scenarios where the practice develops

Regardless of the issues that pervade the care process, including the phases that compose it, the generation in which we are or whether terminologies or classifications are used to name the elements of practice, the foundation in a theoretical framework brings autonomy and professional recognition and, consequently, it contributes to patient safety

*Department of General and Specialized Nursing - DEGE of the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo - EERP-USP


ELLIS, J R; HARTLEY, C L Nursing in today’s world: Trends, issues, and management 10th ed

Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012

FINKELMAN, A; KENNER, C Professional nursing concepts: Competencies for quality leadership 2nd ed

Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett, 2013

MCEWEN, M; WILLS, E M Bases Teóricas de Enfermagem 4ª ed Porto Alegre: ArtMed, 2015

MELEIS, A. I. Theoretical nursing: development and progress. 5th ed.

Pennsylvania: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2012

VEIGA-NETO, A. Teoria e método em Michel Foucault (im)possibilidades. Cadernos de Educação, v.34, p. 83-94, setembro/dezembro 2009

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 16 Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July
December 2022, Vol 1, No 2,

Webinar knowing the chapters of the region

L e t ' s k n o w o u r r e g i o n 17 Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 17 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)
To access the recorded session of each Webinar click on each image

Responding to the call to action in our region 03

Responding to the call to action

The Academic unit has managed to position itself internationally in outstanding areas of professional development in Nursing, for example, it is a PAHO/WHO Collaborating Center (CC) Recently, it has been reassigned for the 2020-2024 period, as a result of the work that this academic unit has carried out for more than 15 years on the subject of chronic health care In fact, the first designation materialized in April 2008, an aspect that demonstrates the trajectory with which it has been contributing in this field and that responds to the public commitment of the UC.

Among the defined purposes for the center is to contribute to the efforts of PAHO/WHO "to support the development of a competent nursing workforce, capable of providing effective care to people living with chronic conditions" and also promote " the generation and dissemination of evidence-based research related to the prevention and management of chronic diseases”.

"From teaching and research, our center seeks to train the human resources necessary to care for the most vulnerable people and also build care models that respond to the real

needs of people, thus contributing to the well-being of the people of our country and also of the region”, highlighted Lilian

There are currently more than 800 CC that work with the WHO and PAHO worldwide in areas such as nursing, occupational health, communicable diseases, chronic diseases, emergency response and e-Health, among others This international positioning has favored, among other areas, the creation of the SIGMA chapter Project that since its inception has been directed and guided by the Directorate of International Affairs of the EEUC, promoted by the director of the time, Professor Lilian Ferrer, is how, between 2015 and 2019, progress was made in complying with the first stage of working with the Beta Tau chapter of the University of Miami, achieving the incorporation of 19 Chilean nurses in that chapter. Subsequently, as of the year 2020, the second stage of the process began to achieve the designation of the School as a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International.

Process that considered an initial stage of background presentation, approval, eligibility and formation of the Board of Directors that today must finalize a Manual of Policies and

19 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 19-20 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Responding to the call to action

Paz Soto Fuentes, Francisca Marquez-Doren, Marcela González-Agüero, y Camila Lucchini-Raies

Procedures. On November 14, 2022, the Inauguration ceremony of the Alpha Beta Omicron chapter was held, number 613 in SIGMA, the first chapter in Chile and the fifth in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

Bulletin 20 R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 19-20 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Daring to be a leader in nursing –Experience from the Upsilon Nu Chapter

This year our chapter promoted a project in response to Sigma's presidential call: "Be BOLD" With hard and constant work, the "Seed of Leadership" program was planned and materialized, focused on promoting leadership in nurses of the Upsilon Nu Chapter Aware of the need to prepare leaders who can face different, current and future, challenges of our discipline, we dared to create a dynamic, flexible and open space that would put our members' potential leadership abilities to the test.

In this occasion, 15 members took on the challenge of being the next leaders in nursing in Colombia and the world From the diversity of gender, age, culture and nursing role, exchanges of experiences were carried out, managing to build and strengthen the necessary skills and attitudes to dare to promote changes that highlight our profession and discipline From the analysis of real and current nursing problems, the innovation and creativity of our participants were stimulated, focusing on the development of inherent competencies such as problem solving and the assertive orientation of work teams

Discussion spaces were opened where the theoretical-conceptual bases of nursing were resumed to solve problems associated with the recognition, dignity and exaltation of our discipline. All the above was possible thanks to the support of the Board of Directors and the Members of the Upsilon Nu Chapter, as well as the Colombian Nursing Student Association, who have been strategic allies in many of our projects.

It is important to highlight that to start with this program we wanted to sensitize each of our participants about the love for nursing, thus awakening a sense of belonging that would give new meaning to the sense of being a nurse, and thereby lay solid foundations of leadership and disciplinary and social projection. Once this phase was completed, conceptual constructions and reflections were made about what leadership is and what it is not, contextualizing it to each participant's own experiences.

Little by little, our leadership seeds were taking shape, assuming more and more challenges, knowing each one himself, recognizing his strengths and weaknesses, thus allowing the

21 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 21-23 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Atreverse a ser líder en enfermería –Experiencia desde el Capítulo Upsilon Nu

development of intrapersonal skills that allow assertive interaction with others, forming harmonious teams focused on the successful achievement of objectives and challenges.

Through other tools such as the planning and execution of projects focused on real nursing problems in our context, each one of our participants put into action, developing organization, management, visualization and projection skills, with objectives clear and concise and measurable results. Real problems such as the lack of humanization towards nursing professionals, the lack of collegiality, the lack of scientific recognition of our research work by our own nurses, among many others, were addressed by our participants through specific actions, creative and innovative that could offer a solution in a particular context (hospitals, universities, companies, etc.).

We firmly believe that this first step brings us closer to what is called "Epistemic Dignity" and "Ontological Dignity", where there is selfrecognition and external recognition of

nursing as a science, discipline and profession, capable of contributing to society not only technical and procedural, but also humanism, science, innovation, technology and political participation, with a high capacity for resilience and transformation

Today we can say, as the Upsilon Nu Chapter, that we have planted a seed in our members, which will soon begin to germinate and spread, increasingly encouraging "being daring" to innovate and promote new visions and

22 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 21-23 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Atreverse a ser líder en enfermería –Experiencia desde el Capítulo Upsilon Nu

ways of caring that can respond to this world so changing and with increasingly challenging needs We feel proud and very happy to be able to respond to the calls of Sigma Theta Tau International with concrete and significant facts.

This project has been a success in our chapter, and we share it with you so that we can infect all our members to be "daring" and take on these leadership challenges that can drive positive changes that fit the global dynamics.

23 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 21-23 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)


As the Biennium comes to a close, we have struggled to complete our Be BOLD project We have been encouraged to shine boldly personally and professionally We have been challenged to leave our nursing silos and explore other areas that impact on nursing and healthcare. As a chapter we are behind in deciding how we accept this challenge under three umbrellas within several countries. As we finalise our project or projects, it is comforting and encouraging the many ideas we have discussed to Being BOLD no matter where in nursing we are.

As members of Omega Kappa, we have embarked on Being BOLD through our service organisations, our institutions of work and through our chapter We started our activities from as far back as September 2021, with our annual participation in International Coastal Cleanup activities. Though the actual Cleanup day was not held in 2021, our chapter was happy to partner with the National Environmental Protection Agency in Jamaica We were able to present on Air Quality and its impact on Health. We also embarked on a virtual series to share current Infection Prevention and Control education which also facilitated continuing education hours

for our nurses. These sessions were vital as we continued to battle a Pandemic The sessions were shared live and streamed to our YouTube channel which we also started in 2021

In 2022 we BOLDly embarked on a 16week Nursing Research Writing Workshop Series in collaboration with the Nurses Association of Jamaica We utilised the Google classroom to facilitate this exciting series. We had nurses from across four countries participating in the series to build nursing research capacity There are plans in progress to conduct a followup series to assist with presentations and publications. Research must be shared. We next embarked on a deep conversation about Retention Efforts to stem the challenge of Nurse Migration globally It was an enlightening and productive virtual webinar. Nurses are the largest group of workers in healthcare and the shortage has definitely been the largest human resource issue we continue to face.

Within the Pandemic as we continued our annual World Mental Health Day activities, we focused in 2022 on Mental Health For All and issued a 15Day Mental Health Challenge to our colleagues globally to spend the next

24 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 24-25 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)


consecutive days doing one deliberate activity that benefitted their mental health We also asked nurses who participated to use the hashtag, #MyMentalHealthMatters across our social media platforms. We wanted to encourage our colleagues to build and maintain their mental health especially with the stress of Pandemic.

As we get to the end of the Biennium, we are next embarking on plans for a Virtual Healthcare Fair, that will encompass all three areas of Economics, Technology and Conservation While this Fair is being planned, we hope to embark on a project of using technology across all our member countries to do health promotion We have also started a Chapter challenge for 2023 to have our members complete at least one Sigma course for their professional development.

As we finalize our project or projects, we have enjoyed the journey, the challenge and stepping out BOLDly.

25 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 24-25 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

From the call to action: Challenges and possibilities of post-pandemic nursing

With great joy and enthusiasm, I invite you to reflect on the challenges and possibilities of post-pandemic nursing, as a call to action.

In the midst of the health crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, nurses from all over the world demonstrated their commitment to the lives of individuals and families, dedicating themselves to intense work in direct patient care; in health education on prevention measures; and in research, promoting evidence for decision-making. Nursing also adapted the care and organizational way of working, regarding the management of health services, human resources and maintenance of care during the pandemic.

Although the world had experienced other health crises, few had such an unprecedented impact and challenges as the one created by the Covid-19 pandemic If, on the one hand, the pandemic has abruptly transformed our way of living and organizing ourselves politically, economically and socially; on the other hand, it taught us the importance of the results of science, reciprocity and leadership.

In the region of Latin America and the Caribbean, nursing highlighted the strength of its leadership and managed to extract the best expression of competence and dedication, in different care scenarios, providing fuel to advance and defeat the virus. This feat signals the excellence of our nurses and the transformation of nursing that we want for the post-pandemic world.

That said, nursing actually gained the necessary visibility so that, in addition to social recognition, the need for improvement in working conditions was observed If the strengthening of robust health systems is an urgent post-pandemic issue, the way in which professionals who are fundamental to the sustainability of these systems work is equally essential It is not possible to produce responses to a pandemic without investing in a profession that is central to the health system – nursing.

In Brazil, the pandemic scenario has also rekindled old debates that brought up old challenges with new aggravating factors, such as the discussion regarding Distance Learning (EAD) in the training of

26 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 22-28 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

From the call to action: Challenges and possibilities of post-pandemic nursing

nursing professionals, especially when we consider training exclusively through this modality.

The challenge is even greater when one observes the lack of a national wage floor, which results in inadequate and unsatisfactory remuneration for nurses, technicians and nursing assistants. In our country, the greatness of the category contrasts with the low wages still practiced in certain regions. Although nursing represents the largest contingent of workers in the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil, working not only in restoring health, in hospitals, but also in Primary Health Care, in the prevention, recovery and promotion of the population's health Brazilian, wages do not match the workload. After years of struggle, in 2022, the Executive sanctioned Law nº 14434/2022, approved by the National Congress, which regulates the minimum salary for Nursing. However, it was suspended by order of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) to analyze the impact of its implementation, highlighting the need to overcome obstacles to guarantee category rights through the minimum wage.

Added to this is the unequal distribution of nurses in a country of continental dimensions, such as Brazil. On the one hand, there is a large contingent of professionals in large urban centers, mainly in state capitals, to the detriment of the countryside On the other hand, there is a concentration of nurses in the Southeast Region, while the North and Northeast regions suffer from a shortage

In addition to the lessons learned from the obstacles overcome in the areas of assistance, teaching, research and management of care and health services, the pandemic also presented us with possibilities for the future When rethinking Health Care and the work process in nursing to meet the old and new demands in the postpandemic world, paths are envisioned in expanded training, leadership and innovation, towards digital health and a population of patients increasingly empowered to use technology

In a scenario of changes like the current one, it is time to make use of these pillars to observe the before and after of the health practice established

27 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 22-28 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

From the call to action: Challenges and possibilities of post-pandemic nursing

in this health crisis of great proportions, modify the errors and redirect health care. This is the true lesson learned from the pandemic that I invite you to reflect on and put into practice. When we learn from the past, we open several windows of possibilities for the future!

28 Bulletin R e s p o n d i n g t o t h e c a l l t o a c t i o n i n o u r r e g i o n
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 22-28 ISSN:
(Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Highlighting leadership 04

Alpha Beta Omicron Chapter - Chile

Cristóbal Padilla Fortunatti

The Assistant Professor of our school, Cristóbal Padilla Fortunatti, is Doctor of Nursing Sciences from the University of Miami and was recently awarded a Fondecyt Initiation research fund from the National Agency for Research and Development of Chile (ANID). The title of their project is "Incidence and Factors Associated with the Development of Post Intensive Care Syndrome in Family Members of Survivors in an Intensive Care Unit: An Exploratory Longitudinal Study" Through this study, she will deepen her line of research about psychosocial outcomes, needs and satisfaction in relatives of ICU patients. We highlight Cristóbal as a leader in nursing research for Chile and our region

30 Bulletin H i g h l i g h t i n g l e a d e r s h i p
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 30 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Upsilon Nu Chapter - Colombia

Beatriz Sanchez Herrera

The Upsilon Nu Chapter wishes to exalt the leadership of Professor Beatriz Sánchez Herrera for being one of the Founders of the Chapter in 2005. In her period as Dean of the Faculty of Nursing of Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the initiative was conceived, and it was her decision and commitment to the leadership of new generations that has left a legacy based on example as a woman, nurse, professor and pioneer in many initiatives She is one of the intellectual authors of the "Caring for Caregivers®" Program, manager of internationalization initiatives in the training of nurses in the master’s degree in Nursing of Universidad Nacional de Colombia and manager of the Doctorate in Nursing of Universidad de La Sabana On this occasion, the chapter wants to express special gratitude for the more than 40 years in Colombian Nursing in which its human and scientific quality leaves its mark on each of us who have had the opportunity to interact and work closely in initiatives always relevant and projection by Colombian and Latin American Nursing.

31 Bulletin H i g h l i g h t i n g l e a d e r s h i p
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 31 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Rho Upsilon Chapter - Brazil

Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes

In this Bulletin we praise the leadership of Professor Isabel Amélia Costa Mendes. She played a key role as a Mentor in the Creation of the Rho Upsilon Chapter of STTI at EERPUSP. She is Professor Emeritus and Senior Professor at the University of São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto School of Nursing She was Director of EERP / USP for two terms. She was the Manager/Director of the WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Research for 25 years. Prof. Isabel was General Secretary of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers in Nursing and Midwifery from 2008 to 2014. From 2018 to 2021 she led and was Responsible for the Nursing Now Brasil Campaign, before the Burdett Trust for Nursing Professor Isabel is an important Reference, a Model and Leadership Inspiration in our country.

32 Bulletin H i g h l i g h t i n g l e a d e r s h i p
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 32 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Omega Kappa Chapter - Jamaica

Oscar Noel Ocho

Dr. Oscar Noel Ocho is the current Director of The UWI School of Nursing, St. Augustine in Trinidad and Tobago. He is also the Chair of the Leadership Succession Committee of Omega Kappa Throughout his professional journey Dr Ocho has served in many roles and has embraced nursing leadership. He continues to make an impact through nursing research, publications and public service. He has served in various roles within the Ministry of Health of Trinidad and Tobago, including Acting Chief Nursing Officer. He has served as a motivational speaker to youth in the Caribbean across several countries He also served as Vice President of the Nursing Council of Trinidad and Tobago and as Chairman for Casa de Corazon; a home for abused children in Trinidad and Tobago We salute Dr Ocho for his continued contributions to nursing and healthcare.

33 Bulletin H i g h l i g h t i n g l e a d e r s h i p
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 33 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

News of interest 05

Nursing Horizon Journal is already SCOPUS

It is a scientific publication founded in 1990 that aims to be a national and international reference in the field of nursing and health, recognized for its contribution to the dissemination of knowledge and for constituting a space for dialogue between different health professionals and other disciplines around people's health.

This great achievement is the result of an excellent teamwork, meticulous, persevering and in which the academics, professionals and administrators of the School of Nursing and the UC Library system collaborated.

We invite you to disseminate this news and consider submission of your manuscripts for evaluation in our journal.

Visit our website:

35 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
The Nursing Horizon Journal has been indexed in the SCOPUS!
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 35 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

International Care Seminar

The International Care Seminar is an academic event developed by the Faculty of Nursing of the National University of Colombia for 25 years In this event, the nursing community at the national and international level has a space to socialize, debate, share and disseminate experiences and new knowledge derived from performance in the different fields of the profession. The last edition of the seminar was held between October 27 and 28, 2022 with the purpose of describing the factors that promote the exercise, performance and management of the nursing professional to strengthen the quality of care, autonomy and leadership. Its modality was hybrid (face-to-face and virtual) to achieve a greater impact and reach in the scientific community in national and international nursing. The general objective of the seminar was "Describe the factors that promote the exercise, performance and management of the nursing professional to strengthen the quality of care, autonomy and leadership." Additionally, the seminar sought to identify the conditions that favor the exercise, performance and management for the professional development of nursing, in international and national contexts, to identify the impact on the quality of care in human health from the strengthening of professional competencies nursing, point out modern trends on the development of autonomy and leadership in professional nursing practice, socialize care experiences in various development contexts, to promote a dialogue between researchers, educators, students and other actors in the nursing system. education and health and identify the challenges and projections that the nursing profession has in the Colombian context.

The last edition of the seminar had the participation of international speakers from the United States, Chile and Spain.

Representing the United States was Dr. NANCY ELAINE SABOL EDWARDS, who has a Ph.D. in family studies and a master's degree in nursing. She is currently an associate professor at Purdue University She is the director of the project for advanced nursing practice in primary care. On the other hand, representing Chile, there was the participation of Dr MARÍA CONSUELO CERÓN MACKAY, who is a Nurse, master’s in educational psychology and Diploma in Management of Higher Education Institutions. She has worked in a pediatric intensive care unit. She currently works at the School of Nursing at the Universidad de los Andes in Chile She is the current dean of the college of nursing and midwifery. She has participated in the Technical Group for the Development of Advanced Practice Nursing Competencies (EPA) for Latin America. She has led the first advanced

36 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 36-37 ISSN:
(Online) Copyright
© The author(s)

International Care Seminar

practice Nursing Master's program for primary health care and cancer in Chile. She leads the research team of the RN4CAST-Chile Project that seeks to establish the impact of the nursing workforce on patient outcomes. Finally, representing Spain, Dr JOSÉ LUIS MEDINA MOYAparticipated, who is Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Barcelona - Department of Didactics and Educational Organization. He’s a doctor in Philosophy and Educational Sciences. He has participated as a European consultant in international Ibero-American cooperation projects in the fields of health, education and teacher training in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama and the Dominican Republic. He has published 11 books and 35 book chapters.

37 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
FoundersofSigmaTheta TauInternational Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 36-37 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)
STTIwasfoundedbysixstudents andanursingfacultyfromIndiana University.

Prime Minister Pays Tribute to Nursing Pioneer

Prime Minister the Most Hon. Portia Simpson Miller says she is deeply saddened at the passing of former Senator and nursing stalwart Dr the Hon Mary Jane Seivwright, OJ. The Prime Minister described Dr. Seivwright as a solid Jamaican woman and natural leader of the nursing profession.

“For decades, Dr. Seivwright provided outstanding and distinguished leadership to Jamaica’s nursing and public health profession and was the first nurse to be appointed to the Senate. She was among the first black women in nursing to gain a doctorate degree and to receive both national and international acclaim Dr Seivwright used her enormous talent, expertise and experience to transform nursing education while serving as Director of the then Advanced Nursing Education Unit at the UWI,” the Prime Minister said

Dr Seivwright, who was conferred with the Order of Jamaica (OJ) and the Order of Distinction (CD), made significant contribution in capacities as Public Health Nurse; Nursing Research Project Director and Research Assistant; Nursing Education Consultant and Director of the Advanced Nursing Education Unit, UWI, Mona now the UWI School of Nursing, Mona.

The Prime Minister said Dr. Seivwright was a true daughter of Jamaica and a public servant par excellence who encouraged Jamaicans, particularly women and young girls to be inspired by her hard work, drive to achieve and excellent contribution to nation building.

“On behalf of the government, I express sympathy to all the family members of Dr. Sievwright and pray God will strengthen and comfort you during this time of grief,” the Prime Minister said.

38 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 38 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online)

Copyright © The author(s)

In honor of the Founders Day, the Latin America and Caribbean region of STTI, invites you to know the newsletter: 100 bold nurses of Latin America and Caribbean that promote excellence in nursing, a space created to exalt the work and contributions of nurses of Latin America and the Caribbean to the discipline and profession Available

39 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
to Action July
Bulletin Nursing: from Call
2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 39

Confronting violence against women: dialogues between health and human rights

The extension project entitled “Facing violence against women: dialogues between health and human rights” is developed by the School of Nursing of Ribeirão Preto, University of São Paulo and the Civil Society Organization (OSC) Casa da Mulher – Associação de Assistência , study and research, in partnership with the Faculty of Law of Ribeirão Preto of the University of São Paulo, School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities of the University of São Paulo, State University of Campinas and University of São Carlos This initiative is supported by the Collective Health Studies League (LASC), Center for Studies and Research in Collective Health Profa Dr Maria Cecília Puntel de Almeida (NUPESCO) and the Rho Upsilon Chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (STTI).

The project runs from September 2021 to December 2022 and has subsidies from the Pro-Rectory of Culture and University Extension of USP, funded by EDITAL 02/2021, whose objective is to financially support projects that demonstrate their link with culture and extension university through the application and dissemination of their knowledge, and other initiatives aimed at interacting with society. Among the objectives of the extension project, actions to promote the debate on the prevention and confrontation of violence against women stand out; production of educational technology (booklet) for dissemination on the theme of violence to be used in the CSO Casa da Mulher, both for health education activities and in the Training Course for Popular Legal Promoters (PLP) and collaboration in the Training Course of PLP. In the actions carried out by the project, a conversation wheel on sexual and reproductive rights in the “Locomotiva” community of Ribeirão Preto on 12/04/2021 stands out Development of the Seminar “Talking about gender, race and class: dialogues between health and human rights” on December 1st and 2nd, 2021 on 12/10) promoted the debate on the awareness and context of struggle of black women in the field of rights and health. Development of the Seminar “Preventing and confronting violence: strengthening human rights”, on 07/02/2022, 07/23/2022, 08/06/2022 and 08/20/2022, which made it possible to discuss violence against women women and girls, public policies to face violence and the challenges posed to face violence in the context of the demands arising from the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic, which causes the disease COVID19. Finally, we highlight the production of the booklet that will be launched and disseminated in September, both in print format, in Portuguese, and in digital format in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French, with a view to enabling the

40 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 40-42 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Confronting violence against women: dialogues between health and human rights

dissemination of the material to the immigrant women residing in Ribeirão Preto.

The project was coordinated by professors Angelina Lettiere Viana and Juliana Cristina dos Santos Monteiro, both members of the Rho Upsilon Chapter of the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (STTI)

Seminar “Talking about gender, race and class: dialogues between health and human rights”

To access the recorded session of the seminar, click on each image

Discussion round about sexual and reproductive rights in the “Locomotiva” community of Ribeirão Preto on 12/04/2021

41 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Day2 Seminar “Preventing and confronting violence: strengthening
human rights”
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2,
2954-5366 (Online) Copyright ©
The author(s)

Confronting violence against women: dialogues between health and human rights

42 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 40-42 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)
Seminar "Preventing and confronting violence: strengthening human rights"

Chapter Leadership Connection

On September 16–18, 2022, the Chapter Leadership Connection (CLC) event was held in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA This event is open to all Sigma members who have an interest in chapter leadership training, which presents topics such as member recruitment and participation, program planning, operations and communications of the chapters, and the creation of a culture of inclusion

This edition of the CLC had a variety of activities and conferences, from which the opening plenary was highlighted by the President of the Sigma, Dr. Kenneth Dion, where he presented the three key components of the presidential call to action for the 20212023 biennium In addition to this, he emphasized the importance and development of technology in the area of health, from emerging artificial intelligence technology to augmented reality, which is already used in health services. One of the highlights of the trip was the visit to the Sigma

headquarters in Indianapolis. During this semi-guided visit, I was able to contemplate the exhibitions of historical articles of the SIGMA, including the charter of the alpha chapter with the six founders of the SIGMA, the commemorative plate of the 75 years of the Foundation, and the Presidential Hall.

Within the programming of the event, there were spaces to connect between chapter leaders as well as to listen, through the plenary, to strategies and experiences of implementation of

N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 43-45 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Chapter Leadership Connection

the host university or through recommendations, what the specific interests of the population you want to reach are, and a personalized invitation must be sent to each potential candidate Additionally, it seeks to empower the new members in the chapter and invite them to actively participate in committees and activities of the chapter to create generational relief as well as a leadership succession.

chapter programs, mainly at the American level. Shared experiences focus on early recruitment programs and members from undergraduate to postgraduate Nursing leadership is promoted through member retention strategies and the reinduction of inactive members Early recruitment focuses on all potential members who, based on their undergraduate degree, meet the chapter's admission criteria. It is not about sending the invitation, but that information about the chapter must be provided, including the benefits of being a Sigma member and making known members that can be aligned with professional interests to forge a mentoring contract. Not all of Sigma's benefits are of interest to members and potential candidates, so it must be determined, either through

The experience of attending CLC was unique. I had the opportunity to speak with and interact with the President of the Sigma, Dr. Kenneth Dion, the

44 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 43-45 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Chapter Leadership Connection

Elected President, Dr. Sandra Garmon, the General Secretary of the Sigma, Dr. Nancy Rollins, the Coordinator of the Regional Coordinators Committee, Dr. Carole Liske, and the CEO, Dr Liz Maddigan. All these interactions, in addition to those with the leaders of chapters and the leaders of the region, are a faithful testament to the power of Sigma and to the power that each of us, as members and nursing leaders, has in our organizations, communities, cities, and countries. We have the opportunity to impact positively and empower ourselves as nursing professionals, from the newly admitted to the newly graduated from Sigma nursing programs.

45 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 43-45 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)
be BOLD!

Member from the Region receives a Sigma grant.

On behalf of Sigma's Latin America and Caribbean Region and the Uspilon Nu Chapter, we congratulate Daniel Felipe Suarez Baquero for being selected as an awardee of Sigma Small Grants. We wish him the best in future endeavors as well as the continue development for nursing excellence!

Bulletin 46 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 46 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Nursing Now Challenge

This Sigma initiative comes as a response to the year of nursing in 2020 This program seeks to foster leadership in nursing professionals, connect mentors with mentees for the development of their professional lives and promote excellence in nursing through networking In 2023, the fourth cohort of young nursing professionals from all over the world began, with a common interest, development and training in leadership The Upsilon Nu Chapter has been represented by Cristian David Cifuentes in the third cohort, Geraldine Jiménez Pérez and Daniel Arturo Guerrero Gaviria in the fourth cohort

The Nursing Now Challenge is structured in 12 meetings a year, one a month, synchronously in which scholars meet to listen and discuss topics of interest in training and leadership Within the meetings we talk about what is leadership?, the value of professional organizations, mentoring, professional identity, advocacy, equity, nursing leadership, among others Each meeting involves different experts in the area who not only share their knowledge and experiences, but also promote the participation of attendees.

As part of the training process in nursing leaders, the Challenge has a mentoring program, through which scholars identify a nursing leader they would like to be their mentor and the management is made to formalize it with a written document. This document is an agreement in which

47 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 47-48 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

Nursing Now Challenge

both parties, mentor and mentor, establish the goals and objectives they wish to achieve and a time is stipulated, this in order to promote the participation and fulfillment of the agreement by both parties The choice of the mentor is the decision of the scholar; however, it is urged that the person selected as a mentor has some of the characteristics such as having a professional profile or development of practice similar to that aspired by the scholar, having a similar professional career and being a leader in nursing and can contribute to the development of the scholar.

The Nursing Now Challenge has two significant challenges for scholars. The first of these is to attend and participate in a plenary of the United Nations in New York, having an agreement between Sigma Theta Tau and the United Nations. The second is to participate as a presenter in the

Nurse Leader Virtual Summit", where you will have the opportunity to share the experience in the program, as well as put into practice the knowledge acquired in the program and encourage nursing leadership in those attending the event This presentation also has an additional challenge, it is sought that it is not a traditional conference, but to implement the PechaKucha methodology that seeks to present 20 slides, each in 20 seconds.

This Challenge is a great opportunity for young nursing professionals to strengthen their training as leaders and transfer it to their chapters, institutions, families and society We invite more professionals to join and participate in these free Sigma initiatives

48 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 47-48 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)



2023 June 23, 2023 | Virtual

Deadline for abstract submission: April 30, 2023

Submission of abstracts:

Submission types: The event will accept for consideration work derived from research, teaching, and nursing practice.

49 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Binneal Latin America
Caribbean Conference
Guidelines Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 49 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

We invite all our members of our chapters to access the "Journal of Nursing Scholarship" and "WorldViews on Evidence-Based Nursing" , Sigma magazines, where they can consult or publish scientific articles of interest to the development of our discipline.

They can also post their stories and experiences on Sigma's Nursing Centered

50 N e w s o f i n t e r e s t Bulletin
Bulletin Nursing: from Call to Action July - December 2022, Vol 1, No 2, Pages 50 ISSN: 2954-5366 (Online) Copyright © The author(s)

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Articles inside

Nursing Now Challenge

page 48

Nursing Now Challenge

page 47

Chapter Leadership Connection

page 45

Chapter Leadership Connection

page 44

Chapter Leadership Connection

page 43

Confronting violence against women: dialogues between health and human rights

pages 40-41

Prime Minister Pays Tribute to Nursing Pioneer

pages 38-39

International Care Seminar

page 37

International Care Seminar

page 36

Nursing Horizon Journal is already SCOPUS

page 35

Omega Kappa Chapter - Jamaica

page 33

Rho Upsilon Chapter - Brazil

page 32

Upsilon Nu Chapter - Colombia

page 31

Alpha Beta Omicron Chapter - Chile

page 30

From the call to action: Challenges and possibilities of post-pandemic nursing

page 27

From the call to action: Challenges and possibilities of post-pandemic nursing

page 26


page 25


page 24

Atreverse a ser líder en enfermería –Experiencia desde el Capítulo Upsilon Nu

page 23

Atreverse a ser líder en enfermería –Experiencia desde el Capítulo Upsilon Nu

page 22

Daring to be a leader in nursing –Experience from the Upsilon Nu Chapter

page 21

Responding to the call to action

page 19

The nursing care process and its implications

page 16

The nursing care process and its implications

pages 15-16

Omega Kappa’s Caribbean People

page 13

Omega Kappa’s Caribbean People

page 12

Nursing Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia from the caribbean to the colombian west

page 11

Nursing Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia from the caribbean to the colombian west

page 10

Knowing the Alpha Beta Omicron Chapter

page 9

Knowing the Alpha Beta Omicron Chapter

page 8

Leadership in Latin America and the Caribbean: communicating what characterizes us

page 6

Message from the regional coordinator 01

page 5
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