La Mensajera Fall 2012 issue

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Contents Letter from the Board 3 Fall Semester Greetings!

Features 4 A Gamma’s Life Abroad: Europe 5 A Gamma’s Life Abroad: Peru 6 Life After College 7 SLG and the Fight Against Breast Cancer 7 Rep Ur Letters: YB Chapter 9 Pink Promises Walk 10 Colors of Love 11 Southwest Regional Retreat 11 National Convention Recognition 12 Reaction to Half the Sky 13 Principle Day: YB Chapter 13 Catalysts for Change 16 Paperwork Deadlines

Spotlights 14 14 15 15 16 17 17

Crystal Martinez Sonia Guevara Zeta Beta Alpha Epsilon Crystal Torres Lambda Alpha Xi


18 Pleas for Wisdom 18 Self Reflection


Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

Letter from the Board Greetings Sisters! As your National Board of Directors (NBOD), we are humbled and truly honored to be serving you. We are currently three months into our term and are excited about the possibilities ahead. We look forward to learning from our past to better shape our future. As we embark on this journey, it is our hope to strengthen the efforts in support of Catalyst for Change (C4C). Through C4C, we have witnessed progressive and impactful changes in our members, entities and sisterhood. As a board, we are eager to continue to work closely with our Headquarters staff and volunteer leaders to fulfill the needs of our organization in an innovative, yet effective manner; creating avenues to enhance our overall sisterhood experience; and continue to promote Sigma Lambda Gamma as the premier organization for Empowerment of all Women. During this term, we also look forward to the multiple arrays of technology to communicate to our membership and remain transparent with current sorority affairs; the continuous review of our governing documents; professional development of our staff and volunteer leaders; and the future development of our organization including extending support and resources to our Alumnae and strengthening the success of our entities through Standards of Distinction. We encourage you to take the time to educate yourself with the current state of our sorority including how to get involved. Read our Wednesday Updates which include sorority announcements, the NBOD minutes and our latest production of Gammas In The Know (GITK). Check out La Mensajera, a vital communication piece that allows us to share information with one another and to celebrate the great accomplishments of

our sisters, entities and organization. As always, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the volunteer leaders and Headquarters staff for their continued hard work and dedication to the service of Sigma Lambda Gamma. As the visionary members of Sigma Lambda Gamma, we are motivated and committed to do our best in fulfilling our purpose and mission. Please do not hesitate to contact us at should you have any questions or concerns. We would love to hear from you. In conclusion, we continue to challenge each member to reflect on their daily life and commit to upholding our values in every aspect of our lives. We wish you all the best for the Fall semester!

La Mensajera Fall 2012


A gamma’s life abroad: Europe Sister Edith “Yailiss” Campos

I wanted to share my wonderful e x p e r i e n c e abroad from this past summer. During the 2012 Spring Semester I met a wonderful representative from a study abroad program at one of my school’s fair. I learned about an amazing opportunity to spend the summer studying abroad in Berlin, Germany and Strasbourg, France. I applied to the program in early February. By midMarch I received the wonderful news that not only had I been accepted into the program but I was also receiving a full scholarship to study abroad with them. I was ecstatic and felt my hard work and dedication with the application process paid off.

While abroad, I was taking two business courses that taught me a great deal about the Eurozone crisis, the European Government, and Business Ethics. I came home with a greater understanding of International Business. Some of my trip’s highlights included visiting the Charlottenburg Palace in Berlin, a six hour bike tour around the city, taking a weekend trip to London, living in a castle while in Strasbourg, visiting all the parliaments and spending one of the best nights in Paris. The people I met, the places I visited, the breathtaking

“I was ecstatic and felt my hard work and dedication with the application process paid off.” views are all that made my trip unforgettable. I am happy to have represented myself as a Woman of Distinction and as a sister of Sigma Lambda Gamma while abroad.

I packed my bags and on June 2nd I was on a flight headed to Europe. I spent four weeks in the city of Berlin, three weeks in Strasbourg, and finished my trip in the beautiful city of Paris. My experience abroad was truly amazing. There is not a single regret I have for deciding to study abroad. I was able to experience the German and French culture and learn so much from it.


Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

A gamma’s life abroad: Peru Sister Mercedes “Badayani” Morones I attend the University of Houston for Hotel and Restaurant Management. I am currently studying abroad in Lima, Peru! I have been blessed enough to live, study, and travel through such a wonderful country. The change from living in the same house all my life to living in a completely different country has definitely been an eye-opening experience. I’ve made lifelong bonds and a great network from people all over the world. Within two months I have been to the beach, oasis, jungle, and Machu Picchu. Adjusting to the school system and lifestyle here has been a challenge and I am lucky to have overcome it. I believe SLG has helped me grow and taught me how to adapt to a

“I believe SLG has helped me grow and taught me how to adapt to a new environment and new faces.” new environment and new faces. I am eager to get back to my chapter in order to spread the knowledge I have gained and be reunited with sisters who surprised me at the airport before leaving. Even 4,000 miles away, my walls are shocking pink and majestic purple. If anyone has thoughts of studying abroad, please go after it! Who says you have to wake up from a dream? I am living mine.

La Mensajera Fall 2012


Life After College Sister Karina “Pele” Enriquez who to ask. Once we get a job, we’re expected to know what our boss tells us. When that first paycheck comes what should we do? Spend it? No, we’re supposed to know about taxes, investments, retirement funds, etc. We go from being surrounded by our college friends to

“So take advantage of the opportunities around you and use your resources. “ being surrounded by just a few. What I’m trying to say is that we should take advice from others and don’t pass on great opportunities that could benefit us in the long run. Take notes whether you think it’s vital or not. Be competitive. Don’t sit around waiting for a job to appear on your screen. Do your research and use your resources, they are there for a reason. Also, take advantage of internships offered at your school. You learn hands-on experience and it looks great on your resume. Most importantly, save your pennies. Ladies, money doesn’t grow on trees and that must-have handbag can wait. Student loans are around the corner and every penny is worth saving to pay off your debt. Last, apply to graduate school. Learning never stops and a bachelor’s degree in today’s real world isn’t going to cut it.

During my last semester as a senior at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, IL, I was overwhelmed with school, work and applying for jobs. At the same time, I was excited to graduate. Long story short, I was fortunate enough to have a paid internship lined up once I moved back to Chicago. But I hadn’t anticipated what it would be like in the “real world.” I had to balance responsibilities such as working full-time and spending and saving money. As much as I love my job, I sometimes find myself saying, “I should’ve been more prepared.” There is no training manual for the real world. In high school and college we were given guidance counselors, advisors and professors. But they aren’t going to be there for us every step of the way. Once we graduate we’re expected to understand where to go, what to do and


If there is one thing I learned throughout college, it is that lost time is never gained. So take advantage of the opportunities around you and use your resources. We have thousands of sisters in this country so start networking. I believe life after college is amazing and a huge accomplishment. I wish you all nothing but the best in your future endeavors!

Do you have advice you want to share with our sisterhood? Send your career, academic, relationship, life advice to mensajera@

Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

slg and the Fight Against Breast Cancer Sister Karina “Tiziana” Rivera

Breast cancer is a disease that affects many women around the world and extends across all ethnic, racial and class backgrounds. Awareness is spread through many outlets, speeches, video, survivor stories, donations, etc. Another rising outlet is through breast cancer paraphernalia such as the “I (heart) Boobies” bracelets and t-shirts. As our sorority’s philanthropy, it is important to spread awareness throughout the year, not just during October, any way you can because breast cancer affects all of us and we are all at risk of developing it. There are 1.6 million new cases of breast cancer in women each year, worldwide (Source: Susan G. Komen Foundation, 2010). As an entity of the beautiful sisterhood of Sigma Lambda Gamma, the Upsilon Gamma Chapter honors

our philanthropy in many ways throughout the year. We have our annual Bid for a Cure, which serves to donate money towards the fight against breast cancer, while at the same time spreading awareness to our community. In addition, we participate in Relay for Life, the 3-Day Walk for a Cure and Race for a Cure. This year, we wanted to go above and beyond by spreading awareness of breast cancer across the nation through a t-shirt fundraiser for all members of Sigma Lambda Gamma. We hope to not only donate the money we raise to breast cancer research but also that every sister can join our chapter in spreading awareness on a national level. For any sister that is interested in joining us in helping to end the fight against breast cancer, we encourage you to order one of our custom made breast cancer awareness t-shirts for the price of $17. The design was made by one of our very own sisters and it features our letters, the quote “Fight the fight, find the cure” and a breast cancer ribbon made up of words in 12 different languages representing “mother,” “friend,” “sister,” “grandmother,” etc. You can find more details, the order form and payment links can be found on our Facebook page: events/388878464517270/. Join the fight and let’s work together in finding a cure for breast cancer!

Rep Ur Letters Challenge: YB Chapter Sister Olivia “Intelectual” Silvas

The Rep Ur Letters Challenge was a fun and creative idea to help spread awareness of the elections and increase voter registration all over the country. Of course, the women of Sigma Lambda Gamma had to do their part! Here at the Upsilon Beta Chapter at the University of Texas at El Paso, we made it a point to do all that we could for this challenge. Every member of our chapter became a deputized voter registrar and together with VotoLatino, set up a voter registration table on our campus. From 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. any sister in the chapter who was not in class spent the day registering voters at our table. We were successful in registering several new voters and enjoyed our time together while doing so. We hope it was enough to help Sigma Lambda Gamma win the Rep Ur Letters Challenge! La Mensajera Fall 2012



Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

Pink Promises Walk

Sister Luisa “Aušrinė” Benavides During the fall of 2009, the colony of women interested in Sigma Lambda Gamma at the Texas Woman’s University created an event that would bring awareness and impact the university every October in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The fifteen members went to the Student Health Services on campus with the idea of the “Pink Promises Walk.” Our goal was to gather and inspire women throughout our campus to get themselves and their loved ones checked regularly with self-exams and mammograms.

has successfully created an annual breast cancer awareness event. October 9, 2012 marked our fourth year since we first started this collaboration. It blossomed into a campus wide event where over 200 participants attended. We educated students on how to give self-exams and decorated our own fabric bras to wear at the Pink Promises Walk later in the evening. At the walk we helped Student Health Services pass out t-shirts, pins, and water to the walkers. We celebrated the lives of the speakers by listening to their stories and watching inspirational dancers of all cultural backgrounds. The speakers left us with inspiring messages and advice for everyone going through the experience. Last year, one of my favorite TWU alumnae, Ms. Glenda Brock Simmons, gave a moving speech. She said to listen to your body and to get to know your body. Early detection can be your life saver. She made sure to remind us that your state of mind—no matter what experience you may be going through—should always be positive. Positivity does wonders and enables our minds to control how we handle the situations that we are put in. She said to choose to be a fighter for you, for your mother, daughter, cousin, grandmother or for whoever may be affected. The Delta Delta chapter looks forward to Pink Promises every year in an effort to raise breast cancer awareness.

“We celebrated the lives of the speakers by listening to their stories.. .”

When the event first began, there were less than 80 participants. We walked around campus chanting and promising to check ourselves regularly. At the end of the walk we gathered to listen to women on our campus, from faculty to students, who shared their stories. We watched a member of our then colony, dance to an inspirational song for women to continue fighting. I am pleased and proud to say that the colony, now the Delta Delta Chapter,

“Start the fight by living right! Pink Promises! Self exams and mammograms! Pink Promises! Prevention is best! Know your breast! Educate, Encourage, Empower!”

La Mensajera Fall 2012


Colors of Love Sister Arely “Xaimali” de Leon Barrientos We live in an era of racial ambiguity. A time where fashion icons and celebrities posted in front of us are portrayed to attract not one specific cultural group within the United States but as many as possible. Even within our music you see the beautiful unity and cultural mixing that is developing. We have been referred to as a “melting pot” and as “a salad bowl” but in reality we are individuals, each of us as different as snowflakes. Being from the East Coast where so much diversity and mixing exists, I was turned off by the idea of joining a Latina sorority, despite my pride in my Guatemalan heritage. That is why Sigma Lambda Gamma, a multicultural organization was right for me. As a sister, my greatest pet peeve has been the labels forced upon us as Women of Distinction. This may not be a universal issue but being that we wear the same letters, this is an issue of representation for the organization as a whole. Labels such as “Mexican Sorority,” “Asian Gamma” or the “Black Gamma” is problematic. Regardless of who uses these terms we are individuals and not racial labels. While Sigma Lambda Gamma was once made up of Latinas, it no longer is, as we have come to represent over 110 nationalities. Additionally, I quote our sisters from Xi Alpha chapter and say that to be Latina within itself means to be multicultural as it is defined as being comprised of “the cultural heritages of Native Americans (North, Central, and South), Europeans, Africans, Asians and their multiple interesting mixtures.”

love, unity and justice. Any ethnocentrism within our sisterhood shouldn’t exist. Our future as a nation, in my opinion, is slowly turning to be the collaboration of individuals sharing and working with their cultures to better educate themselves and others. History books are written with missing people and events but still great movements and rights were achieved with the unity of many cultures. Examples of these movements include the Black Panthers collaborating with the Young Lords in New York and on the west coast, examples like the now United Farm Workers using methods that emulated those of Gandhi with support of Robert Kennedy. Currently, we live in a time where even our music isn’t particular to any culture. We have gone from Big Pun and Joe in 1998 as the only collaboration to Usher singing bachata, to Akon being featured throughout the reggaeton industry, to even Spanish versions of Marvin’s Room by Drake. While many others exist, I’m limited to my own knowledge. As Gammas we strive to “disseminate information about the diverse culture we all share.” I’ve come to respect the connections I’ve seen Gammas make across the country and I challenge our sisters to boast cultural awareness with our intake, think about how we carry ourselves, who we build relationships with and how we treat these individuals with whom we collaborate.

“We are an organization made up of Women of Distinction who work from coast to coast with people of all cultures to create awareness, love, unity and justice. “ The use of the term “Latinabased” therefore becomes unneeded, and despite the cultural representation of the other organizations we affiliate with, Sigma Lambda Gamma is who we are collectively. We are an organization made up of Women of Distinction who work from coast to coast with people of all cultures to create awareness,


Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

Southwest Regional Retreat Sister Olivia “Intelectual” Silvas

Friday, September 21st and Saturday, September 22nd were two of the most memorable days of the year thus far. These two days were the date of our Southwest Regional Retreat! Ladies from Lambda Gamma, Pi Delta, Beta Gamma, Nu Gamma, Omicron Delta, Delta Beta and Upsilon Beta gathered in El Paso, Texas, for the annual Southwest Regional Retreat. The girls traveling to El Paso arrived at all times of the day on Friday. The beautiful ladies of Upsilon Beta hosted a day of strolling at the University of Texas at El Paso. Bright and early Saturday, everyone gathered for a day of fun, business, and sister bonding. The day began with a continental breakfast and was followed by official business. At noon, business took a backseat while everyone enjoyed lunch and used the time to mingle. Before returning to the business portion of retreat, each chapter took the opportunity to show off their moves with a stroll. Once it was all out our systems—for the most part—we returned to business for the rest of the day. When the meeting was over, everyone was hesitant to leave

but we took comfort in knowing that the day itself was not over. During a brief time period apart, we changed and freshened up then reunited at the Mesa Street Bar and Grill for dinner. The end of retreat, like always, is a bitter sweet sensation. Although those who have been traveling are always happy to return home, there is always the hope that we could stay with our sisters just a while longer. Fortunately for us, Regional Retreats are annual and we WILL be together again.

National Convention 2012 Recognition At our 2012 National Convention in Tampa, Florida, Sisters and entities were recognized/awarded for their hard work and dedication to our sisterhood. We would like to congratulate all award and scholarship recipients as well as entities who were ranked “Excellent” in our new Standards of Distinction self-assessment. National Awards: Outstanding Undergraduate Officer/Leader of the Year: Sister Maritza Leon, Iota Gamma Outstanding Alumna of the Year: Sister Lydia Gutierrez, Zeta Gamma Alumnae Association of the Year: Tampa Bay Alumnae Association Outstanding Chapter of the Year: Kappa Gamma & Tau Alpha Education Foundation Scholarships: Sister Diana

Medina Wiley, 2012 Ester Materon-Arúm Scholarship Sister Dulce Garcia, 2012 Mary Peterson Scholarship Standards of Distinction, “Excellent” entities: Psi Beta Mu Kappa Gamma Phi Iota Gamma Xi Omicron Gamma Beta Alpha Lambda Alpha Mu Gamma Upsilon Gamma Nu Alpha Alpha Gamma Xi Alpha Iota Delta Pi Alpha Nu Delta Tau Alpha Psi Delta Psi Alpha Gamma Epsilon Iota Beta Omicron Beta Lewis University Colony Northeastern Illinois University Colony Tau Beta La Mensajera Fall 2012


Reaction to Half the Sky Sister Alisha “Inspirada” Lewis

Our Headquarters suggested the membership view a PBS documentary called Half the Sky a little while back. Quite frankly, I was skeptical. I had no clue as to what the documentary concerned but I was determined not to watch it, so I didn’t. A month later I got an email from my mother saying that I must watch a film with her about the oppression of women around the world and to my surprise, it was Half the Sky. Intense, graphic, earth shattering, heartbreaking, overwhelming, poignant, and all just unnecessary—this is how I can describe the experiences captured in the film. I viewed just three portions of the documentary, which focused upon maternal mortality in Somaliland, generational prostitution in India, and economic empowerment in Kenya. The film shared how very young girls of Somaliland endure traditional genital cutting which in later life results in a plethora of complications during childbirth. Also, the lack of prenatal care, trained midwives, and appropriate medical attention during childbirth contributes to 1 out of every 22 women dying during childbirth in Sub Saharan Africa while in the U.S. it is only 1 in every 4,800. In India Half the Sky documents the plight of sex workers of Kolkata and their daughters who are desperately trying to break the cycle of prostitution through education. In Kenya women show their strength, resolve, ingenuity, and entrepreneurial spirit through the creation of their own businesses. These women are former sex workers and abused wives who have empowered themselves and their families by taking small loans and growing a successful business. Some women have empowered themselves so much so that they have established an all-woman village, Umoja (Unity), which is a haven for Samburu women to live free of spousal abuse, traditional genital cutting and forced marriage. This is just a glimpse into the lives of oppressed women worldwide and it is eyeopening. I am a new mother of a 4 month old baby girl. My major fears before giving birth were stretch marks, not losing the baby weight and scarring from a C-section. Death during childbirth was a real but very distant thought to me. It is terrifying to think how vain my concerns were in comparison to 1 out of 12 women who die of childbirth in Somaliland. Something as simple as anemia (iron deficiency during pregnancy)


can be easily remedied with a pill here in the U.S. But in places like Somaliland where prenatal care is rare, death is a real factor. Labor pains are unforgettably intense. Childbirth is a serious emotional and medical event, yet women in developing countries experience it without the proper medical attention and are expected to soldier through. Women are sacrificing their lives just by becoming pregnant and are treated as though they’re disposable. It’s scary to think that at 24 you could die and never see your child grow to see their first birthday. Pregnant women bond with the small life inside of them. To carry it below their hearts for 9 months and then possibly lose it all is heartbreaking. Becoming a mother is a life changing experience, it puts everything into perspective. I could never imagine not being able to see my baby girl grow up, having her genitals cut off, not being able to supply her basic needs, not giving her an education or forcing her into prostitution to earn a living. Some may call it luck but I believe it is a blessing to be a woman here in the U.S. Yes, we still face issues such as the “glass ceiling,” but nonetheless, we have access to prenatal care whether we can afford it or not and access to a free education. Women can accomplish anything their heart desires and so can their daughters. Education and just half a chance to do something productive with their lives are all women around the world need. Women around the world need the help of women like us. Therefore, I pledge to donate $19.90 to Friends of Edna’s Hospital in Somaliland to honor my commitment to sisterhood so that I may be a “mechanism of empowerment” and I challenge my nearly 5,000 sorors to donate as well. I also challenge undergraduate chapters to become a campus ambassador for the Half the Sky Movement at their respective universities in order to spread awareness. If you are not so inclined to either donate to the cause or become an ambassador I encourage you to simply read the book or view the film it will change your life. Donate: TeamFriendsofEdnas Become a Campus Ambassador: http://www.

Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

Principle Day: YB Chapter Sister Olivia “Intelectual” Silvas

September 15 was our National Principle Day and this year the focus was on Academics. For this special occasion, the lovely ladies of the Upsilon Beta Chapter at the University of Texas at El Paso thought it appropriate to spread the love of knowledge to underprivileged and younger minds. At 9:00 a.m. that Saturday, the chapter arrived at the local Salvation Army shelter carrying several boxes full of children’s books. We set up in the children’s classroom and proceeded to cover the tables with books. The children came into the classroom to choose which books they would like to keep. The sisters assisted in helping the children see all that there was to choose from and assisted indecisive kids with their book selections. There was a special table set aside with books of older reading content for the adults who also wanted the opportunity to read something

for themselves. The event was a success. Celebrating our National Principle Day and sharing it with our community left us with a warmth and happiness we will never forget.

Catalysts For Change: UNF Colony Sister Angelica “Bambú” Franklin

“Be the change you want to see in the world” is a quote I’ve always believed in. It is also something I believe that all my colony sisters live by as well. For four years, we tried to bring Sigma Lambda Gamma to the University of North Florida campus and for almost four years we were told no. We went into each new semester believing that it would finally be our time and were let down. When we finally got our chance, we took it and never looked back. We knew the goal we wanted to achieve and never looked back. We are the first entity of this sorority in Jacksonville and we do not believe that we are the last. Since we came to the University of North Florida in Spring 2012, we’ve changed things forever. Not only have we become better women as members of Sigma Lambda Gamma, we have also changed Greek life

on our campus forever. We show our pride in all that we do and reap the benefits. Not a day goes by that someone doesn’t compliment us on what a great job we’re doing on campus. Greek life has never been big on our campus. In the few months that we’ve been here, we’ve inspired other organizations to work harder to make it as great as it can be. We give girls hope in finding a true sisterhood that is like no other. Being a part of a sorority is so much more than just wearing the letters. The University of North Florida colony has changed history forever and we continue to make history and jump hurdles every day. We live our values and continue to be Women of Distinction. Twenty years from now, we’ll be able to look back and see our names in history next to many things that have never been done on our campus. La Mensajera Fall 2012


Member Spotlight

Crystal “Encantadora” Martinez Sister Christina “Ayana” Cassan

working with Crystal. “Crystal’s poise, attitude and kind heart that she shared with us was absolutely fantastic. As part of the LeaderShape curriculum, students are asked to create a vision for the future that they want to work on. Crystal’s vision is to ensure that every student in the United States graduates from high school and her steps to get there are inspiring,” said Kristyn.

This past summer AFLV (Association of Fraternal Leadership and Values) hosted a series of Leadershape Institutes. Kristyn Tomlinson a sister/employee of Delta Gamma Fraternity served as Crystal Martinez’s AFLV LeaderShape small group facilitator at the University of Kansas. Sister Crystal “Encantadora” #132, is a member of the Xi Alpha Chapter at Texas State-San Marcos and was initiated April 22, 2011. Kristyn reached out to Headquarters Staff to share her memorable experience

“Crystal was the absolute embodiment of everything that Sigma Lambda Gamma embodies in their membership. Crystal was the only SLG who was in attendance at this national session. Over 35 students were selected from around the country to participate. Crystal served your organization on a national level very proud. I told my small group on the last day of LeaderShape that I wish I could tell the Founders of their organizations that they were moving their organizations forward and living out their values and rituals. And then Crystal reminded me that hers are still alive.” As you can imagine we were sure to pass on Kristyn’s praise of Crystal on to our Founding Mothers. Founding Mother Lupita Temiquel-McMillian stated, “Hearing stories like this are truly humbling and inspiring to hear.”

Sonia “Bondadosa” Guevara Sister Ana “Dinamica” Matamoros

Sonia was born in Houston, Texas, and her parents are from Mexico. She is a first generation student. She will graduate with two degrees in May 2014. Her ultimate goal is to become an educator. Sonia comes from a small family, her parents migrated into the United States at a young age and she hopes to teach bilingual education to young children. Sonia is a very genuine, talented, kind-hearted individual. She is always looking for solutions and does not hesitate to help others and she puts everyone else before herself. I believe she excels in every aspect of the sorority; she has studied abroad, attended Convention, has outstanding grades and she is currently our Vice President of Entity Operations. If it wasn’t for her commitment to the chapter, Lambda Alpha would not be where it is today. She is a very focused and detail-oriented individual. Sonia is a great sister and a great team player. She sets the example and is my go-to person for every decision I have to


make for our chapter. Sonia is a great sister and a wonderful human being.

Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

Entity Spotlight Zeta Beta

Sister Vanessa “Riqueza” Pineda

The Zzzzealous Zeta Beta Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma at Sam Houston State University teamed up with another student organization, Program Council, to co-host an event. The event consisted of a guest speaker, Leslie Mouton, who shared her story as a 12 year breast cancer survivor. She was the first on television to publicize her baldness during chemotherapy. Ms. Mouton was a morning news anchor for KSAT, an ABC affiliate station in San Antonio. Mouton’s story was not only an example of how important the issue is today but was encouraging to men and women of all ages to be self-aware and to regularly perform self-examinations. Everyone was wearing a pink ribbon that was given to them upon entry by the Zeta Beta sisters to symbolize support. Guests also received small informative handouts from a Susan G. Komen source that explained self-examinations step-by-step, the common symptoms to look for and a checklist to stay healthy and to prevent the chances of being at risk for breast cancer. A brief Q&A portion was followed after the

inspiring speech was made, which allowed interaction between Leslie Mouton and the audience. Snacks and refreshments were provided, including cookies and cake decorated for the theme. This event was held at the beginning of October, which is the month of breast cancer awareness. The chapter’s goal to educate and to promote awareness of breast cancer to the student body and local community was definitely successful.

Alpha Epsilon

Sister Azucena “Erayden” Duran The Alpha Epsilon Chapter at Washington State University hosted events for Breast Cancer Awareness and Principle day! For breast cancer awareness the chapter hosted an event on campus and encouraged everyone to wear pink. For principle day we hosted a school supply drive for those in need in Africa and collected over $75 worth of school supplies.

Want to share news or an accomplishment about your entity? Want to recognize an outstanding alumna or undergrad? Email us to see them in our entity/member spotlights! Send your nominations to

La Mensajera Fall 2012


Member Spotlight Crystal “Brillante” Torres

Crystal “Brillante” Torres has been a member of Sigma Lambda Gamma since March 4, 2007. She was initiated by the Central Iowa Alumnae Association. She is now a member of the San Antonio Metro Alumnae Association. She is a rising Tejano music star who released her debut album Corazon de Crystal on October 16, 2012. It’s not often you hear a new refreshing female voice in the Tejano Music industry. Crystal is such a voice. She was born in Hutchinson, Kansas on April 9, 1983 and was raised in Des Moines, Iowa. Her mother is from Odessa, Texas, so she grew up listening to the wonderful sounds of Tejano Music. From an early age, she remembers hearing music from Little Joe, Sunny Ozuna, Ruben Ramos, Shelly Lares, La Mafia, Emilio and the beloved Selena. Her maternal grandma loved to sing and informally taught Crystal to sing. Crystal had the opportunity to move to San Antonio

and record an album when she graduated high school but her parents said, “SCHOOL FIRST!” She now has a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Language and Literature from Iowa State University and a Master of Science in Adult Learning & Organizational Performance with dual emphases in Human Resources and Training & Development from Drake University. Not common for a singer to possess. She spent her teen years and 20s performing at community and school events, as well as karaoke contests. About 4 years ago, she reached out to Tejano music producer, Gilbert Velasquez of V Music, via email and sent him an informal demo. The exchange led to the opportunity to move and follow her dream. With her debut CD, Crystal hopes to achieve those professional singing dreams that she has had since she was a little girl. Along the way, she wants to impact young Latinas. She wants to show them that it is possible to be educated and have dreams. Crystal is the single mother of a handsome toddler named Aidan. She wants to be a positive role model for single moms everywhere. One of her favorite quotes is, “If you dream it and your heart believes it, you can achieve it!” Crystal’s plan is to guide young women and be an example of what persistence can do. She is proof that if you work hard, you can accomplish anything. Achieving her degree wasn’t easy but it was a priority. Now she can focus on taking the Tejano music industry by storm. Crystal wants young aspiring musicians to know that by hard work, dedication, motivation and support, you can achieve anything.

Paperwork & Fee Deadlines Due dates are received by dates, not postmark dates. The 8th of every month Chapter/Colony Meeting Minutes to Regional Director December 15 The last day to receive Initiation paperwork via Online Community. Should be submitted at least two weeks ahead of Ritual. If not having intake submit NO INTAKE paperwork January 30 Semester Fact Sheet via Online Community. Member Dues and University Grade Report or Official Transcripts *Starting Spring 2013, complete Grade Verification Form located on online community*


February 15 The last day to receive Induction paperwork via Online Community. Should be submitted at least two weeks ahead of Ritual. If not having intake submit NO INTAKE paperwork. Deadline for AME training & certification. Should be completed at least 2 weeks prior to induction March 31 Submission of alumnae association forms through Online Community. Alumnae association dues received at Headquarters Payment Plans Contact Executive Assistant Karen Hanes at

Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

Entity Spotlight Lambda Alpha

Sister Ana “Dinamica” Matamoros

of the importance of education and teaches us to be better individuals in every aspect of life. Volunteering at the school’s festival gave every sister a sense of commitment towards their education and to our beloved principle of community service. Lambda Alpha has learned that commitment comes from the heart and that every principle our sorority has must be displayed at all times. Being involved in the school fall festival made each sister in our chapter realize the importance of education and that every principle is an example of our true characters as members of Sigma Lambda Gamma.

This year, Lambda Alpha started strong and set goals for the chapter and for each sister. Our chapter decided to focus on community service as our main link to creating a stronger sisterhood. On September 15, 2012, 20 sisters from the chapter volunteered at our local elementary school during their Fall Festival. Mary Branch Elementary School is one out of the many schools in our area in need of volunteers. Focusing on the youth for a better future, Lambda Alpha’s main goal is to be role models not only on campus but in the community. Helping the youth makes us aware


Sister Jaclyn “Verdadera” Capistran During the month of October, one of SLG’s philanthropies, Breast Cancer Awareness, is talked about and celebrated nationwide. This year, the “Oh So Fly” Xi Chapter hosted its 8th Annual Power of Pink Week at The University of Texas at Austin. It is a week full of educational breast cancer awareness events that are hosted by the chapter. All proceeds raised were

donated to the Austin Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Komen Austin. The chapter also participated in this year’s Race for the Cure on November 4th.

La Mensajera Fall 2012



Pleas for Wisdom

Sister Arely “Xaimali” de Leon Barrientos This poem was written as a response to the poem To the Ancestors located on page 62 of This Same Sky. They say I’m smart, Grandmothers, are you proud of me? They call me a good girl, Abuela am I too naïve? I witness love fail too often, Grandmas, guide me to the right path I can’t cook, I work hard, natural bullshitter, Lola , am I like Grandpa? I whisper pieces of your prayer before I sleep, Grandmas don’t let me forget them. I’m struggling, but still fighting for my goal Sobo is it in vain? I try to help everyone else Meme , filter the fake friends out. Everyone speaks so highly of you,

Grand-mère , am I missing part of your story? I think hard, but speak too fast Ṭhākuramā is there something wrong with me? I have trouble making decisions, Bibi make it obvious. They tell me I’m beautiful, Nonna help me believe them. I am stubborn yet caring, I am you. Grandmothers are you proud of me? 1. Filipino for Grandmother as provided by Google Translate 2. Phonetic spelling for the Japanese word for grandmother 3. Haitian Creole translation for Grandma as provided by Google Translate 4. Grandma in French as provided by Google Translate 5. Phonetic spelling of the Bengali word for Grandmother as provided by Google Translate 6. Swahili for grandmother as provided by Google Translate 7. Italian for Grandma via Google

Self Reflection

Sister Alisha “Inspirada” Lewis Recently, Alisha had her artwork displayed at the FolioWeekly Invitational Artist Exhibition at the Cummer Art Museum in Jacksonville, Florida and it will be on display through December 2, 2012. The artwork is a ceramic sculpture entitled “Self Reflection.” The sculpture features a woman gazing into a pond which is a digital frame with images recessed under a ceramic platform. Many think that becoming an artist is a fruitless endeavor but there are opportunities such as these that prove them wrong. Alisha wants to send a special thanks to all the family, friends and Gammas who attended the gallery reception. “It is an amazing experience to know that others understand, appreciate and support my art,” she says.


Share your talents with us! Send your submissions to Mensajera@

Sigma Lambda Gamma strives to be the premier organization committed to providing a mechanism of empowerment to all women

Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc. National Headquarters 125 E. Zeller Street Suite D North Liberty, IA 52317

OFFICE: 319.626.7679 FAX: 319.626.7688 email: Questions about La Mensajera? email:

La Mensajera Fall 2012 La Mensajera Spring 2012


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