Church Directory Published September 25, 2019
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
CALVARY CREEKSIDE Love Jesus - Love Gods Word - Love People
Sundays 9 & 11 am
2313 E. Badger Road Everson, Washington 98247 www.cvcreekside.com 360 966 5673
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Calvary Creekside Calvary Creekside, a simple Christ-centered community centrally located near Sumas, Nooksack, Everson and Lynden seeks to keep the most important thing - loving God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength as the primary focus of life together. Celebrating 22 years of serving the Lord in North Whatcom County we have seen the Lord open up doors in many different places around the world in church planting and discipleship. God has transformed an old dairy parlor, auto body repair shop and residential house into a meaningful place of worship. Each time we gather in the buildings, we are reminded that God can take the old, broken pieces of our lives and make them new and useful for His good and glory. We have ministry for all ages and our doors are open. Christ is worthy of our whole lives and in the words of many who have gone before us, “May He receive the reward of His suffering.�.
Calvary Creekside 2313 E Badger Road Everson Washington 98247 www.cvcreekside.com 360-966-5673
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
God’s Work. Our Hands.
Choosing books to read Packing food for the weekend to fill empty stomachs of elementary students
Backpacks full of school supplies Reading during the summer
Loving and serving our neighbors as we love and worship our God
Come and join us! Hope Lutheran Church
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Hope Lutheran Church
God’s Work. Our Hands. Loving God and loving our neighbors – Living out our Faith in actions.
We believe that we are saved by God’s grace, not by good works that we do. Our response to God’s gift is to welcome everyone and care for individuals who are experiencing situations where they need help. • Family Promise – Hope Lutheran is a support congregation for the local host church providing a warm, safe, and welcoming place for children and their parents who are experiencing homelessness. Families can stay together as they receive services and work as they gain permanent housing. Meals are provided for the families. • Backpack Buddies – Some families do not have the resources to provide food during the weekends for their school-aged children. Hope Lutheran is one of the churches that provides meals for the children who would otherwise go hungry on weekends and holidays. This is our third year of packing backpacks of food each week for the students. • Reading for the Summer – For the fifth year, members have gone out to several farm worker camps and given books to the children. Each week the children select books (to keep) and receive a serving of fruit. Just before the families move on to their next job, Hope takes backpacks filled with school supplies and gives them to the children.
Worship Services – 10:00 a.m. Sundays – September through May During June, July, August the services are 9:30 a.m. 900 E. Grover Street, Lynden, WA 98264 360-354-4211 ~www.lyndenhopelutheran.org~ visit us on Facebook
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Faith Community Church
To learn more about us and our belief in Christ, please visit our website:
WWW.FCCLYNDEN.ORG 360-354-0536 1 mile west of the Guide at 586 Birch Bay-Lynden Road. “Meeting needs, promoting LIFE, sharing Christ”
Sunday Services
Look for the Wayside Chapel.
9:00 am - Sunday School, ALL ages 10:00 am - Worship Service
6:30 pm - Family Night Out; something for EVERYONE! (AWANA, Youth, Women’s and Men’s Bible study) Life Groups offered throughout the week
W W W. F C C LY N D E N . O R G
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Lynden United Reformed Church
We strive to be a place where the Bible is sincerely believed, faithfully taught, and where God’s people grow. God-honoring worship services are centered on the Word and driven by the Gospel of Jesus Christ from all of Scripture.
Lynden URC @LyndenURC
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
First Presbyterian Church 204 N Washington St, Everson (360) 966-4833 Sonlight exists to bring glory to God by being transformed through the Gospel in order to bring and be good news to the city of Lynden. We believe that God's grace restores everything.
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Love Dwells Here Everson Presbyterian Fellowship English Services Sunday 9:45 a.m. Bible Study Sunday 11 a.m. Worship Iglesia Hispana Nueva Vida Spanish Services Sunday 3 p.m. Wednesday 7 p.m.
Don’t miss our holiday worship directories! Christmas 2019: Publishing December 11 & 18 Easter 2020: Publishing April 8 360-354-3434 8800 Bender Road, Lynden, WA 98264
Call Jan at 360-384-1411 for advertising opportunities!
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Immanuel Lutheran Church All are welcome here, without exception. We are a loving, servant-minded congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, called to reach out to all people. Everyone is invited to take part in communion at Immanuel, come and be fed.
9:30 A.M. Worship Service Immanuel Lutheran Church 5782 Lawrence Road Everson WA 98276 (Just North of Nugent's Corner)
360.592.5876 Rev. Leslie Mahraun Sunday Service 9:30am Visit us at www.immanuellutheraneverson.com Email Immanuel.everson@gmail.com Follow us on Facebook: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Everson WA
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Third Christian Reformed Church We are committed to the faithful teaching of God’s Word, to giving ourselves in joyful service to our God, and to being the hands and feet of Christ to each other, to our community, to our region, and to the world.
We welcome you to join us on our faith journey.
The United Methodist Church
Lynden United Methodist Church extends to all the hand of friendship and faith, believing every person is of sacred worth. We commit ourselves to the hospitality Jesus taught, by creating a place of safety and spiritual sanctuary for people in all stages of their faith journey. At Lynden United Methodist Church we embrace diversity. The phrase“Open hearts, Open minds, Opendoors” embodies three of the core values that we strive for each day. COME WORSHIP WITH US
Lynden United Methodist Church 500 N. 14th Street * Lynden, WA 98264
Pastor Jon Young Services: 9:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Amor Viviente Spanish Service at 10:00 a.m.
360-354-1448 514 Liberty Street, Lynden officemail@third-church.org www.third-church.org
Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors. Worship Service: 10:30 am Adult Sunday School: 9:30 am Bible Study: Thursdays @ 10 am & 6 pm Nursery open 10:15 am thru Worship Service Pastor: Rev. Conrado M. Gonzaga For more information call 360-354-4169 or visit our website at www.lyndenumc.com You can also contact us at office@lyndenumc.com
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Portal Way Church of Christ We offer a variety of services including: Sunday Classes at 10 am Worship at 11 am & 6 pm Wednesday Class at 7 pm We also offer a Community Clothing Bank on the 4th Saturday of the month from 10 am to 12 pm. Evangelist: Dr. Jack W. Keller 6300 Portal Way • P.O. Box 99 • Ferndale, WA 98248 (360) 384-6741
A People Caring Bible Believing Church Portal Way Church of Christ
Rome Community Bible Church A worshipping community of grace and truth, sharing the love of Christ locally & globally. We have a contemporary worship service that features clear teaching from God’s Word. We Offer: • Children’s Ministry: Age-graded Sunday School, Vacation Bible School & Wed night Rock Zone for kids from the community. • MERGE Teens 7th to 12th grade meet on Sunday nights from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. They hang out playing games & worshipping God with Bible teaching & small groups. • Men’s Ministry: Meets first Saturday of the month for 8:00 am breakfast. They enjoy discipleship times together as well as work & wilderness outings. • Women’s Ministry: They support a weekly Bible Study around 3 times a year. Each session is for approximately 8 weeks. • Home Study Groups: Studying God’s Word in an informal small group context in private homes providing a warm & personal opportunity for adults to share their lives, grow together, deeper in love with Jesus while studying different topics & book studies.
6300 Portal Way • P.O. Box 99 Ferndale, WA 98248
(360) 384-6741
360-592-5600 2720 Mt Baker Hwy, Bellingham WA www.rcbcbellingham.com SUNDAY SCHOOL (All Ages) 9:45 am - 10:45 am WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
First Christian Reformed Church From Generation to Generation for the Glory of God! ~ Since 1900 ~
Sundays at First CRC 9:30 am 10:30 am 6:00 pm
Education Hour Worship Service Worship Service
Childcare provided at all services
Find us near downtown Lynden at: 1010 Front Street Lynden, WA 98264 Find us online at: www.firstcrclynden.org First Christian Reformed Church is a community dedicated to living out the command to love the Lord with all our hearts and love our neighbors as ourselves. We do that by keeping our focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all we do. Our vision is to spread a passion for the glory of God in Christ Jesus from generation to generation. We love our church family and community and have a strong desire to care for those hurting around us. We are committed to both local and global missions. Our worship services are a blended style, where both traditional and contemporary songs are woven throughout the service. We have a passion for solid, Biblical preaching and teaching that is relevant. Our ministry and education programs are available for all ages, from nursery for infants, to Bible classes for children 3 years through adults. We also have ministry groups for all ages and stages of life. We invite you to come and join us as we strive to glorify God! 360.354.4560
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Church Directory Index: Calvary Creekside--------------------------- 2-3 Lynden United Reformed Church----------- 7 Faith Baptist Church--------------------- 15-16 Lynden United Methodist Church---------- 10 Faith Community Church--------------------- 6 North County Christ the King--------------- 12 First Christian Reformed Church----------- 13 Portal Way Church of Christ---------------- 11 First Presbyterian Church--------------------- 8 Rome Community Bible Church----------- 11 Hope Lutheran------------------------------- 4-5 Sonlight Church-------------------------------- 8 Immanuel Lutheran Church------------------ 9 Third Christian Reformed Church---------- 10
The Lynden Tribune and the Ferndale Record are happy to present our 2019/20 North Whatcom County Church Directory. Churches play an important role in our community and North Whatcom County has a variety of congregations to choose from. We are proud to showcase them in this magazine. The churches that have chosen to advertise with us have given readers a glimpse into their church, its mission statement and their various activities. We hope you enjoy this magazine as much as we have enjoyed producing it!
113 6th Street • Lynden, WA 98264 360-354-4444
2008 Main Street, Suite B • Ferndale, WA 98248 360-384-1411
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record
Lynden Tribune | September 25, 2019 | Ferndale Record