the support and love even through COVID and all the di culties that came with it.”
Ellie Van Hulzen has been a part of soccer at Lynden Christian all four of her years there and cheer teams in her junior and senior years, basketball and track earlier. She sang in chamber choir and participated in elected student government. She plans to attend Dordt University in Iowa to study education and sing in choir there.
Hailey Nava is in a position now to re ect upon her four years at Lynden High School, something she was very nervous about when it started.
Nava has served this past year as vice president of the Lynden Associated Student Body. She was in student government in some way or another all of her four years. is avenue helped her make some strong friendships and see extra involvement in the school. She was glad “to not get infected with senioritis” this school year, but of course there was another real health challenge in the air: “COVID impacted each student and I de nitely had to adjust work, school and hobbies.”
From coming to school every day, as in normal times, to now what students went through this past year, rst just doing school online and then in-person wearing masks — she was in a spot of “ guring how to involve students in a COVID-friendly way” in her ASB role. She enjoyed her freshmen, sophomore and junior years by trying out new sports for her such as wrestling.
She also took all the
science classes available to her, which proved intriguing enough that Nava is now choosing the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) area to be her likely major when she goes to college.
Nava will be attending Seattle Pacifc University this fall and pursuing nursing. She is excited that the program at SPU does partnerships with Seattle Children’s Hospital. “ at is my dream job,” she says, “working alongside kids and amazing doctors.”
She feels ready for the move away from Lynden, where she has lived all of her 18 years, and to step into this next challenge, now that she has overcome the uncertainty she had about high school. “Learning how to adjust will help with the move to college,” she wrote.
“While I did not get a regular senior year, my class tried to do the most together and have fun. I am blessed to have a graduation that I will be walking on June 11 and will look back at this date as the beginning of my next adult academic life. Being patient through my high school experience has gotten me ready for the ‘real world’ parents talk about.”
She appreciates the scholarships she will receive from organizations to help her achieve her goals.
Any parting words of wisdom? “Being patient is the hardest thing to learn because although all four years of high school go faster than you think, you have to be patient and not rush.”
— Calvin Bratt“I would like to thank my parents for the constant love, time and support they’ve given me, not only in these last two years during COVID, but throughout my life at LCHS. ey have come to countless games and concerts, and were always my number one fans. I also want to thank my teachers who have spent so much time adjusting to the new rules of COVID and always putting their students rst. ey truly care about all of us, and the relationships I have with them I will cherish forever."
Speci c memories will be of cheering at two state championship games and playing at state in soccer.
“I got to make amazing friends through choir, and spent countless hours
(through ASB) making sure things like Valentines Week, the rst week of school and Deck the Halls were ready to go for the student body.”
Away from school, Van Hulzen loves to help lead worship at her church, spend time with her family, and go on hikes. e coronavirus pandemic was 2020-21 reality.
“COVID has been really hard these last two years, but if I’ve learned anything from it, it’s to be thankful for everything I have,” she said. “Even though COVID has taken a lot away from
Serena Buitenbos is one of six seniors in the Class of 2021 from Cornerstone Christian School of Lynden.
Her experience at Cornerstone has been great, she said. “I have been taught to prioritize things that are important.” Her teachers, besides teaching their subjects, gave her a Christian perspective on life. She learned to think critically while doing her schoolwork with determination and passion, gaining skills she realizes can be valu-
my senior year, we ended up having a soccer season, an in-person choir concert, and some school events like the Junior-Senior Banquet! Even though it isn’t a totally normal year, these events were extra special to me and my classmates, and I am so thankful I got to be a part of them.
“School has not been the same as it used to be. From having no o cial ‘breaks’ to walking one way in the halls, we as students have had to adjust to how we approach school. But thanks to the teachers and good friends, we have felt
Van Hulzen shares this source of encouragement: “A Bible verse that has stuck with me this year is Zephaniah 3:17. It says, ‘ e Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing.’ It reminds me that our God is great, and no matter what happens in our lives, he is with us and so proud of who we are in Him. He is our comfort and joy, even in some of the hardest times.”
“I have a lot of good teachers, but ones that have impacted my life most are Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. Whitehead. Mrs. Sloan is my choir teacher, and she has helped me grow not only in music, but as a person. She made music fun and something I knew I wanted to pursue in the future. Mrs. Whitehead also has impacted me in my years at LCHS with her genuine care for her students. She is always praying for us and was one of my biggest role models my senior year when school was hard. I had her rst hour all year, and her devotions impacted my life in so many ways.”
— Elisa Claassenable for her future. rough the challenge of COVID she learned even more about responsibility.
“During quarantine, I start-
In the words of Jonathan Castro directly: “Easily the most memorable experiences for me have been thanks to my involvement in our music department. “I am so thankful that I will be able to look back and think of the family I found in my director, Mr. DeGrace, and my fellow musicians. Above all else, this program has shown me the value in caring for those around me and building a community in which people feel they can belong.
“It also taught me that life has so much potential for fun if you seek it out. I had so many wacky experiences that I can’t imagine nding anywhere else. I don’t think I can ever forget cooking hot dogs over the iron in our hotel room when we went to Disneyland. Truly memorable, to
say the least. “Outside of the music department, the in uence that my social studies teacher, Mr. Lawrence, has had on me cannot be overstated. He has driven me
to be passionate and vocal about issues facing the world and has made me realize how powerful the voice of one person speaking up can be. I hope never to lose sight of the sense of
virtue and decency he has displayed and made me aspire to meet.
“After high school, I will be attending Western Washington University majoring in psychology, and I eventually plan to obtain my master’s degree and PhD in psychology. I hope to nd a career providing diagnoses, conducting psychotherapy and recommending further treatment plans for clients.
“I believe mental health is something that often goes neglected in many aspects of our lives, despite being a factor in the very foundation of our individuality. I intend on remaining active throughout my life in advocating for the destigmatization of mental health treatment and promoting kindness and compassion.
“I realize that as a high school senior, my life is only beginning and the world at large is likely not eager to take advice from what is probably a very naive perspective on life. All I can promise is that I am ready and willing to play my part in making the world just a little more friendly. If I have done that, I will have accomplished my goal.”
Aidan Conner has been involved in almost every aspect of high school at Nooksack Valley.
He played football for three years and soccer his freshman and senior years; he was in track and eld for two years. He joined FFA for his rst two years and was in the Environmental Friendly Club all four years. He took the Winter Ride up for Mount Baker snow sports his rst three years in high school. He was in ASB his last two years being activities coordinator. He also did drama his junior year and was the main character in that play. He has qualied for the National Honor Society for three years.
“My favorite quote is ‘getting lost is where you nd yourself,’” Conner said in explaining his approach to life.
His favorite school memories will be going on a eld trip to Pike Place Mar-
ket in Seattle with friends and having parties in calculus class for every “little” holiday such as Cinco de Mayo and St. Patrick’s Day.
Outside of school, Conner loves to play guitar and go on hikes as “much as I can.” He nds time to work for Northwest Flooring.
“COVID hasn’t really a ected my life as much as many other people,” he said. “COVID actually gave me the opportunity to do more. I built a sauna during quarantine and during winter when there was nothing better to do I would use it. But COVID, on the other hand, made it so that our school could not have school dances or a normal senior year.”
Conner said he thanks his parents for being “the greatest motivators in my high school career” and also his sisters for teaching him that “you can nd adventure in everyday life.” And, he adds, “de nitely thanks to my teachers for putting up with me.”
Next year Aidan Conner is going to Western Washington University to study marine biology.
— Elisa ClaassenEven in COVID, she is ‘thankful for everything I have’
‘I have been taught to prioritize things that are important’
Mirella Figueroa
wants to pursue nursing after she graduates from Mount Baker High School, and one of her favorite experiences while attending school in the district directly contributed to that goal.
Teacher Todd Rightmire’s animal biology class was both fun and educational at the same time, and Figueroa learned a lot about biology and other topics she will no doubt use in the future.
No matter that it was on animals; it can relate to human biology.
“We got a lot of handson practice and we went through many labs and it was really educational but super fun at the same time and I gained a lot of experience in that class,” Figueroa said. “I was able to relate it to my nursing.”
Figueroa said being in the Mountaineer band was also a highlight of her time in the district.
“It was really nice,” she said. “We traveled a little bit and I made a lot of nice friends and shared some really fun experiences with everyone.”
Figueroa said the pan-
demic has been a di cult time for her and her class to deal with, of course, but it has also served as a bonding experience.
“We de nitely grew more as a class. Our relationships with our teachers grew and we shared some really nice moments despite everything that happened,” she said. “I feel like it helped us depend on each other more, and we were able to, I don’t want to say get more personal, but
we would contact each other outside of classes online and work on things together. I feel like teachers were more there for the students a lot this year. We were able to talk to them literally whenever because we had such limited resources.”
After high school, Figueroa will head to Western Washington University to take classes for two years before entering a nursing program outside of WWU.
— Brent LindquistFor Carmen Gallegos, the end of high school is both scary, and exciting. e senior at Lynden Academy will be pursuing a career in education next year. She’ll be nishing up at Whatcom Community College and then head o to a university afterward.
“Not knowing what the future holds is a scary feeling,” Gallegos said. “Going to school is all I know. I’m 18, and for most of my life it’s been school. I’m not sure if I know anything else.”
Moving on from high school, she said she’s going to remember the environment Lynden Academy provided her and implement that in her future career as a teacher. Gallegos was involved with theater for three years, which she said helped her a lot.
“Doing theater denitely made me break out of my shell and comfort zone,” Gallegos said. “I gained so much condence I didn’t think I had.”
With the pandemic still changing how schooling was approached this past year, Gallegos said she worked to set herself up for the future, and is
thankful the pandemic didn’t take away more.
“COVID took a lot from a lot of people. So having my senior year be all that was taken away is perfectly OK with me. I worked hard to get my classes behind me so I could make my senior year as easy as possible. I dedicated my senior year to Running Start and get-
ting a job.”
Gallegos said she’s looking forward to putting the gifts that high school has given her to the test after graduation. “I’m so excited to see the world through my own eyes instead of the pages of a textbook,” she said.
— Hailey PalmerBrynn Neal says that her Meridian High School experience will always be incredibly special to her.
Looking back now as a departing senior, she realizes she was able to go to “an amazing high school where I was pushed academically, yet also able to be part of such a close community through both the volleyball and basketball programs and the yearbook class.”
At Meridian in sports, Neal was a varsity volleyball team captain as both a junior and senior and was voted captain of the Skagit Island Volleyball Academy U18 Club team for the 2021 season.
She feels deeply grateful for her family, coaches, friends and amazing teachers who helped her navigate high school and nd her di-
rection for life.
“Meridian and the experiences I have gained from my last four years there will always be incredibly important to me and who I have become,” Neal wrote. She is going to Gonzaga
Ethan Brooks has really enjoyed his time at Meridian High School, both in sports and in academics. He came into the Meridian School District as an eighth grader and found it quite easy to make friends and get involved. In high school he ended up becoming a three-year varsity letterman in football, basketball and baseball and with teams he had the opportunity to reach the state playo s in all three sports. His most memorable experience was getting to play on the football team in 2019 with both of his brothers. He terms that “pretty cool, creating memories with them that none of us will forget.” is 2020-21 year, once sports could be played, Brooks was the captain of both the baseball and basketball teams. He enjoys working with and encouraging the underclassmen of a team, in spite of Meridian being a 1A school in a multi-classi cation conference, which can be challenging.
“Playing schools two and three times your size on a weekly basis can
sometimes be discouraging. Keeping your head up, and keeping the morale up of the team can be hard, making it more di cult to stay focused and driven,” he wrote. “But in a non-COVID year we get to see the results of all our time in the gym, on the court or eld when we nally get to face only 1A schools in districts and state, so to stay the course in a year without a postseason (this year) wasn’t easy.”
Being a team leader for baseball this year was extra challenging. Without having baseball last year because of COVID, the current sophomores were really like freshman and so it was like having two freshman classes coming into the program at once, Brooks said. And because of program size, the team was starting on varsity quite a few sophomores and freshmen.
“When we played 3A schools whose whole roster was made up of juniors and seniors, keeping the younger guys encouraged and willing to go through the growing pains, while experiencing some pretty big losses, was more difcult than I expected,” he said.
Brooks is enrolled for the fall at Washington State University where he will study civil engi-
neering. He has received academic scholarships to attend WSU. His plan is to stay focused on his grades, attend as many Coug sports games as possible and participate in intramurals sports “to keep active and feed my competitive spirit.”
To younger students in high school, he encourages them “to not rush through it.
“We all have to grow up and be adults for a really long time, so don’t be in a hurry to make that happen. Make time to get crazy in the student section during a basketball game, or try a new sport, or a new instrument. Work hard and keep your grades up (there are a lot of scholarships out there!), but don’t be afraid to make a mistake or worry too much about what others think of you. Be in charge of your own high school experience.”
— Calvin BrattEven as the COVID-19 pandemic kept schools closed, Garrett Smith and his fellow Associated Student Body ocers at Mount Baker found ways to have some fun.
ey did morning announcements via YouTube every day, and they hosted ask-me-anything interviews with teachers and competitions of sorts.
“We were just trying to incorporate the whole school, all the grades up, and a lot of us seniors also did peer mentoring,” he said. “We would go and be part of a freshman class and we’d just participate in their stu and try to make it fun.”
Smith started in the Mount Baker School District all the way back in kindergarten at Acme Elementary. Looking back at his time in the district, Smith can see now that his teachers were always a big highlight, and especially so when it came to mak-
ing the best of a less-thanideal situation during the pandemic.
“It’s always fun, and the teachers are there and they cared about you,” he said. “ ey wanted you to succeed, and to see you succeed after school, too.”
In addition to ASB, Smith spent time playing football and basketball with the Mountaineers.
After he graduates, Smith plans to attend Montana State University in Bozeman where he may pursue a double major thanks to the school’s policy regarding class
credits. “You pay for the 12 credits that you’re required to have in a year of schooling, then you can take it however many credits you want over that for free,” he said. “I might do a dual major.”
Smith said he is interested in engineering, but having grown up on a farm, he may want to take over his family’s farm eventually. He said he might pursue ag business or farm and ranch management and mix that with engineering.
— Brent LindquistUniversity in Spokane where she intends to major in either human physiology or pre-health. She hopes then to continue working in the medical eld, possibly as a hospital pharmacist.
As a sports team captain he needed to inspire others to ‘keep the morale up’— Calvin Bratt Lynden High School graduation will be Friday, June 11, although each senior is allowed to have only four people attend in the gymnasium. (Courtesy photo)
Continued from C2
ed to understand the value of maturity and how you respond to those things, (and) the things you are able to control.”
Serena has been the class valedictorian, and all through high school she was involved on the student leadership STAMP team. She enjoyed playing on the soccer, volleyball and basketball teams of Cornerstone Christian.
We're proud to tell our readers of your achievements and hope as you meet your futures head on, we will continue to hear about your accomplishments from whatever path your life takes.
Kelsey Alcaraz — College Bound Scholarship
(LSF stands for Lynden Scholarship Foundation)
Phoebe Anderson — Boys & Girls Club WA State Association, 2019 Youth of the Year
Scholarship presented by ICU, Seeking Health, North Cascades Concert Band
Riley Anderson — Lynden Lions, Mt. Baker Rotary, So a Milstead Foundation, LSF Lynden Scholarship, LSF Curt Maberry Memorial, LSF Elmer J. Clarkson Memorial, Lewis & Clark College Faculty, Lewis & Clark College Endowed
Evelyn Ayala-Antano — College Bound Scholarship
Faith Baar — Skagit Valley Community College Sports
Jaden Barnes — College Bound Scholarship
Kobe Baseden — College Bound Scholarship
Abigail Bazante Solano — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, College Bound
Christian Bethea — Paci c Lutheran University Academic
Brittany Bowman — College Bound Scholarship
Amsalech Burke — LSF Briley Benner Memorial, LSF Designation Imagination Phil Davies Memorial, Clarence and Cornelia Ludden Memorial
Masen Burks — LSF Tony Wilson Memorial
Riley Burks — Lynden FFA, LSF Lynden Scholarship, LSF Garth Francisco Memorial, LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, University of Arizona Merit Distinction
Evan Calvert — Western Washington University Merit
Madison Canales — College Bound Scholarship
Brithany Cazares — College Bound Scholarship
John Chatterton — College Bound Scholarship
Allyson Clyde — LSF Hazel Anderson Memorial
Julia Cooper — LSF American Legion
Emily Czesak — Western Washington University
Beth DeBoer — Mt. Baker Rotary, Masonic Scholar-Citizen Award, University of Washington-Seattle
Aaliyah Diaz — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial
Ulysses Diaz-Bolanos — College Bound Scholarship
Christian Duran — College Bound Scholarship
Cameron Feller — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, College Bound Scholarship, Clarence and Cornelia Ludden Memorial
Celestia Ferreira — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, College Bound Scholarship
Cole Fierst — Reed Presidential
Joshuel Figueroa — College Bound Scholarship
Matthew Furdyk — Mt. Baker Rotary, LSF Tony Wilson Memorial
Teija Gerlach — North County Christ the King
Kyle Gonzalez — College Bound Scholarship
Liam Hanenburg — Rotary Club of Bellingham Most Improved Student, LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, Northwest Nazarene University Tuition Waiver Exchange, Clarence and Cornelia Ludden Memorial
Shelley Honey — Boise State University WUE, College Bound Scholarship
Ian Jacob — Northwestern College Academic, Northwestern College Football, Northwestern Alumni
Laine Jenkins — LSF Lynden Scholarship
Sara Jones — LSF Lynden Scholarship, LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, Concordia University Irvine Swim, Concordia University Irvine Regents
Nathaniel Klineman — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial
Brianna Koop — LSF Resilient, LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, College Bound
Tate Langstraat — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial
Francisco Lopez — College Bound Scholarship
Angel Lopez-Chavarin — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, College Bound
Axel Madrigal — College Bound Scholarship
Isaiah Magana — College Bound Scholarship
Sierra McPhail — LSF Lyle Rader Agricultural Memorial, Montana Sate University WUE
Juan Meza — Northern Arizona University
Isaac Mitchell — DigiPen Institute of Technology Merit
Je rey Moore — Mt. Baker Rotary, LSF Whatcom Community Foundation: Roy George , LSF Lynden Middle and Senior PTA, College Bound Scholarship, e Master’s University
Scholar, e Master’s University Distinguished Scholars Award
Hailey Nava — LSF Garth Francisco Memorial, College Bound Scholarship, Washington
Baccalaureate, Seattle Paci c University Falcon Bound, Seattle Paci c University Faith for the Future, Seattle Paci c University Visit
Belen Nicolas — LSF Lynden High School First Generation, College Bound Scholarship, George Fox Merit, George Fox Scholarship Summit #1, George Fox Scholarship Summit #2
Allison Ruhl Griswold Family Association, Gonzaga University, Clarence and Cornelia Ludden Memorial — Clarence and Cornelia Ludden Memorial
Jose Padilla — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial
Marlin Perez Perez — LSF Resilient, LSF Curt Maberry Memorial, LSF Lynden Education Association
Ashlyn Rasmussen — College Bound Scholarship
Courtney Reamer — LSF Howard Heppner, LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial
Jose Rodriguez — Mt. Baker Rotary, LSF Jake Maberry Memorial, LSF Designation Imagination Phil Davies Memorial, College Bound Scholarship
Aileen Rosas — College Bound Scholarship
Allison Ruhl — Griswold Family Association, Gonzaga University, Clarence and Cornelia Ludden Memorial
Haley Saur — Oklahoma Panhandle State University Softball Athletic, Oklahoma Panhandle State University College of Business and Technology School, Oklahoma Richard and Marguertie Roth Downer, Oklahoma Allie Mitchell
Avery Somma — Mt. Baker Rotary
Michael Sorto — College Bound Scholarship
Lane omas — Mt. Baker Rotary
Ian orgeirson — College Bound Scholarship, LSF Lynden Middle and Senior PTA, College Bound Scholarship
Layla Todd — Lynden FFA, LSF Eddie Wilson Student Athletic Manager Memorial
Anna VanderYacht — Lynden/Ferndale International Masonic Lodge 56, Mt. Baker Rotary, So a Milstead Foundation, LSF Lynden Scholarship, LSF Jake Maberry Memorial, Compass 2 Campus, Western Washington University Academic Scholar
Caleb Wheeler — College Bound Scholarship, Central Washington University
Connor White — LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial
Jessica York — Lynden FFA, LSF Mr. and Mrs. Gale Wallace Memorial, College Bound Scholarship
Brandon Zehm — Lynden FFA
(MPSF stands for Meridian Public Schools Foundation)
Viki Andryushenko — MPSF Atkinson Scholarship, MPSF Wiser Lake Scholarship
Karissa Benson — Western Washington University Merit Scholarship, Whatcom Community College Athletic Scholarship, Whatcom Women in Business, MPSF Horn Foundation Scholarship, Lynden/Ferndale Masonic Lodge Scholarship, MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Wiser Lake Scholarship, Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship, John Fassett Memorial Scholarship
Wyatt Brink — Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship
Ethan Brooks — Washington State University Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture, Washington State University Distinguished University Achievement Award, MOPSF McClellan Trust Scholarship
Grady Burkett — Chickasaw Nation Education Scholarship, Whitworth University Scholarship, Whitworth Merit Scholarship, MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Watts Scholarship
Jonathan Castro — Western Washington University Merit Scholarship, MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Ed Nelson Scholarship, Masonic Lodge Scholar/ Citizen Scholarship
Mansheel Chawla — MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Wiser Lake
Emily Coulter — Western Washington University Merit Scholarship
Walker DeWaard — Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship
Mike Goy — MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Wiser Lake Scholarship
Elijah Hayrynen — Whitworth Academic Scholarship, Whitworth Young Life Scholarship, MPSF Bouma Endowment Scholarship, Meridian Public School Watts Scholarship
Matthew Hudson — Student Fire ghter Scholarship - Steese Fire Dept.
Andrew Kuljis — MPSF Zander Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Zuidmeer Scholarship
Wesley Kurz — Grand Canyon University Merit Scholarship, MPSF Marion Evans En-
dowment Scholarship, MPSF Wiser Lake Scholarship
Kendra Lee — Fresno State Equestrian Scholarship, Equestrian Scholarship – Meridian High School/Ferndale High School teams, MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Ed Nelson Scholarship, MPSF Wiser Lake Scholarship
Zackary Loya — Washington State University Distinguished University Achievement
Jenna McCauley — Oregon State University Merit Scholarship, MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Ed Nelson Scholarship
Brynn Neal — Gonzaga Trustee Scholarship
Cody Robinson — WUE Scholarship Montana State University – Northern
William Sharp — Western Washington University Merit Scholarship, MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Wiser Lake Scholarship
Claire Skaggs — St. Martin’s Merit Scholarship, St. Martin’s Athletic Scholarship, Masonic Scholar-Citizen Scholarship, Rotary Club of Bellingham Scholarship Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement, Daughters of the American Revolution, P.E.O. Scholarship Award, Whatcom Women in Business, MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Watts Scholarship, Todd Curran Athletic Scholarship
Tenley Swope — Eastern Oregon University Foundation Scholarship, Eastern Oregon University Scholar Athlete Scholarship, Eastern Oregon University Athletic Scholarship, MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Ed Nelson Scholarship, Meridian Youth Soccer Carrie Dougan Memorial Scholarship
Kayla Terpsma — MPSF Marion Evans Endowment Scholarship, MPSF Wiser Lake Scholarship
Andrew Trautman — MPSF McClellan Trust Scholarship
Brenda Tsan — Washington Opportunity Scholarship
Claire Barrow — Western Washington University Admissions Merit Award
Devonta Bootsma — Dordt University Men’s Track Athletic Scholarship
Dawson Bouma — BAI Environmental Services Industry and Trades Scholarship
Katie Buist — Ludden Memorial Scholarship, Calvin University Presidential Scholarship, Calvin University Jack Veenstra Lynden Area Scholarship
Samantha Buist — Ludden Memorial Scholarship, Calvin University Presidential Scholarship, Adelene Haverhals Scholarship in Memory of Dorothy Otter
Katherine DeYoung — Calvin University Dean’s Scholarship, Calvin University Legacy
Logan Dykstra — Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship, Northwestern College Football Athletic
Zachary Eisenberg — Montana State University Academic Scholarship, Northwest Student Exchange
Kenadi Fay — Arizona State University Presidential Scholarship
Alexandra Hernandez — e Master’s University Basketball Athletic Scholarship
Oliva King — Central Washington University Volleyball Athletic Scholarship
Kennedy Lange — Ludden Memorial Scholarship, Lynden Lions Service Club Scholarship, Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship
Levi Libolt — Calvin University Provost Scholarship, Calvin University Eelkema Family
Emily Mellema — University of Wyoming Basketball Athletic Scholarship, University of Wyoming Academic Scholarship
Grace Meyer — Friends of Lynden Christian Scholarship, George Fox University Merit
Scholarship, George Fox University Summit Trail Scholarship
Ariana Rader — Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship
Abigail Rhoads — Seattle Paci c University Faith for the Future Scholarship, Seattle Paci c University Music Scholarship
Kiley Roetcisoender — Grand Canyon University Presidential Scholarship, Grand Canyon University Christian School Consortium Scholarship
Ava Seigman — Ludden Memorial Scholarship, Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship, John Fassett Memorial Scholarship
Taryn Spoelstra — Nick Spoelstra Memorial Scholarship, Friends of Lynden Christian
Scholarship, Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship, Dordt University Presidential Scholarship, Dordt University Adelene Haverhals Scholarship, Bellingham Whatcom County Fireghter Benevolent Foundation Scholarship
Taylor Spoelstra — Ludden Memorial Scholarship, Nick Spoelstra Memorial Scholar-
ship, Dordt University Presidential Scholarship, Dordt University Alumni Scholarship, Dordt University Herbert and Bernace Korthuis Lynden Christian Scholarship Nick Spoelstra Memorial Scholarship
Kolin Sterk — Mark Stap Award
Faith Suprak — Hoksbergen Scholarship, Friends of Lynden Christian Scholarship, Colorado Christian University Distinguished Achievement Academic Scholarship, Colorado Christian University World Changers Scholarship
Paige TeVelde — Oregon Institute of Technology Purvine Presidential Scholarship, Oregon Institute of Technology Owls Scholarship, Oregon Institute of Technology Engineering Scholarship, Oregon Institute of Technology Volleyball Athletic Scholarship
Cade VanBoven — Friends of Lynden Christian Scholarship, Randall L. DeBoer Memorial Scholarship, Northwest Nazarene Riley Academic Scholarship, Northwest Nazarene Christian Education Scholarship
Joshua VanDellen — Dordt University Honors Scholarship, Dordt University Men’s Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Scholarship
Emma VandeVoort — Roy George Scholarship, Dordt University Women’s Volleyball Athletic Scholarship, Dordt University Presidential Scholarship, Dordt University Distinguished Scholar Award Hendrick VandeVoort — Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship, Dordt University Jelgerhuis Engineering Scholarship, Dordt University Presidential Scholarship
Ellie VanHulzen — Mark and Betty Vander Ark Leadership Award, Mt. Baker Rotary
Scholarship, Dordt University Presidential Scholarship, Dordt University Vocal Music Activity Scholarship, Dordt University Adeline Stap Lynden Christian High School Scholarship, Dordt University Presidential Award for Future Leaders
Braxton VanLoo — Lyle Rader Memorial Scholarship, Mt. Baker Rotary Scholarship, Harold Sterk Memorial Scholarship, Whatcom County Cattlemen Association Scholarship, Washington State University Regents Scholarship
Kolton VanWeerdhuizen — Ludden Memorial Scholarship, Dordt University Presidential Scholarship
Sydney Wiersma — Grand Canyon University Faculty Scholarship, Grand Canyon University Christian School Consortium Scholarship
Hailey Wubben — Grand Canyon University Christian School Consortium Scholarship, Grand Canyon University Provost Scholarship
Emma Wynstra — Grand Canyon University Presidential Scholarship, Grand Canyon University Connect Scholarship
(MBSF stands for Mount Baker Scholarship Foundation)
Petra Allred — Sygitowicz Endowment Scholarship, Class of 2004 Endowment Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship
Hannah Brendley — Castles Endowment Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship, MBSF Scholarship, Glen Ziegler Memorial Scholarship, American Legion Scholarship, Ed Strachila Memorial Scholarship, Glen Ziegler Booster Scholarship, Norm Maleng Memorial Scholarship
Marques Brown — Massie Endowment Scholarship, Lockerby Scholarship
Aidan Corning — Calvin Johnson Endowment Scholarship, Stavik Endowment Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship
Teigen Detta — Hodges Endowment Scholarship, MBSF Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship, Saluki Gold Scholarship
Mirella Figueroa — Harold J. Young Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship
Elijah Freeman — Denton Endowment Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship, Everson Lions Scholarship, Susan Anderson and Bob Tisdale Athletic Booster Club
Braedan Hart — Calvin Johnson Endowment Scholarship, Mt. Baker Alumni 51 Plus Reunion Scholarship, Susan Anderson and Bob Tisdale Athletic Booster Club Scholarship
Nico Johnson — Susan Anderson and Bob Tisdale Athletic Booster Club Scholarship
Kylee Kelley — PTA Fund Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship
Leseah Kennedy — Jerry Smoot Endowment Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship, Everson Lions Scholarship
Jeremiah Lee — Loren and Muriel Monsen Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Schol-
arship Jenna Lenssen — Kourtney Cadle Memorial Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment
Scholarship, Everson Lions Scholarship, Rome Grange Scholarship, Susan Anderson and Bob Tisdale Athletic Booster Club Scholarship, Deming Logging Show Auxiliary
Scholarship Mckenna Mamac — Mount Baker Sta Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship
Kiyoshi Oshir — Loren and Muriel Monsen Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship
Angelina Perez-Anguiano — omas Horn Scholarship, Wolschlagel Endowment Scholarship, MBSF Scholarship
Trina Rainey — Baisden Endowment Scholarship, Loren and Muriel Monsen Scholarship, MBSF Scholarship
Aislinn Sanday — Denton Endowment Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship
Zyanne Sanford — Girade Endowment Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship Garrett Smith — Denton Endowment Scholarship, Acmenormous Scholarship, Mt. Baker Scholarship Foundation Scholarship, Henry Polinder Memorial Scholarship
Rex Vandenhaak — Denton Endowment Scholarship, Kourtney Cadle Memorial Scholarship, or Mohn Endowment Scholarship
(NVSF stands for Nooksack Valley Scholarship Foundation)
Ashley Alcaraz — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Aislinn Anaya — Western Washington University Merit Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Erika Bautista Sanchez — Whatcom Community College Foundation Pioneer Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Eden Benner — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Aubree Bird — Everson Lions Club, NVSF Hansen Memorial Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Vendela Boersema — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship, NVSF Horn Memorial Scholarship
Brylee Brevik — Lamar Community College Rodeo Scholarship, Lamar Community College Horse Training Management Program
Marley Byers — Western Washington University Achievement Award, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Stacey Castillo — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Alexander Clawson — Nooksack Valley Athletic Club Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship, NVSF Best Essay Scholarship, NVSF Honcoop Memorial Scholarship
Jenna Compton — Whatcom Community College Foundation Scholarship, Whatcom Community College Athletic Scholarship, Everson Lions Club, Nooksack Valley Athletic Club Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship, NVSF Ramstead Memorial Scholarship
Aidan Conner — Todd Curran Memorial Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship, NVSF Baker Memorial Scholarship
Liam Coppinger — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Cody Coppinger — NVSF Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Destiny Dunlap — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Maya Galley — Whatcom Community College Foundation Scholarship, Whatcom Community College Athletic Scholarship, Everson Lions Club, Nooksack Valley Athletic Club Scholarship, NVSF Snider Memorial Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Ally Gebhardt — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Elicia Guebara — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Amber Haak — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Signe Hance — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Alan Hernandez Zavala — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Yesenia Jose Cruz — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Sophia Karber — Whitworth University Visit Scholarship
SarahMartinez — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Sahara Mkwananzi — NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Jasmine Saenz — Western Washington University Merit Scholarship
Lily Snow — Eastern Washington University Dean’s Scholarship, Everson Lions Club, Lynden/Ferndale International Masonic Lodge Scholarship, John Fassett Memorial Scholarship, Nooksack Valley Athletic Club Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship
Lexi Strong — Everson Lions Club, Nooksack Valley Athletic Club Scholarship, NVSF Mann Memorial Scholarship