The following are Q&As with Ferndale valedictorians
Grade-point average: 4.0
Where will you attend college? I am planning to attend Bellingham Technical College for at least two years.
As a child, what was the first thing you wanted to become when you grow up?
When I was little, I wanted to be a construction worker, just like my dad used to be. It changed to being a plumber for a little bit, but after elementary school I didn’t really know what I wanted to do when I grew up. All I knew was that I had an interest in computers and technology in general, and that jobs in computers are highly sought after. Only this year have I found what field I truly want to work in: IT. What are your career plans? I plan to have some sort of job in tech support, cyber security, or something
Grade-point average: 4.0
Where will you attend college? I will be going to Western Washington University for the 23-24 school year.
As a child, what was the first thing you wanted to become when you grow up?
As a child, the first thing I wanted to become was an artist. I loved painting, drawing and crafting. Today, I still love the arts, and have also learned how to sew and work with ceramics. I would love to become a stop-motion animation artist, but I’m also interested in teaching, and in a totally opposite direction, medical surgery interests me.
What are your career plans?
Again, I am in between becoming some type of artist, either stop-motion or ceramic, a teacher of either art or math, and/ or a physician’s assistant with an interest in surgery.
What is the greatest thing you gained from your K-12 experience? What is the
greatest thing you gained from attending your high school?
The greatest thing I have gained from my K-12 experience has been the friends I have made in both students and teachers. The greatest thing I have gained from my high school experience has been learning how to be more accepting of myself and expressing myself openly.
Who is your role model?
My role model is Sarah Lavender, teen librarian at the Ferndale branch of the Whatcom County Library System. I met her in sixth grade, and since then she has encouraged me to become engaged in the arts, theatre, and to be confident in being myself. She is a very caring, honest and hard-working person as well as a great friend.
What do you hope to be doing in five years? In 10 years? In 20 years?
In five years, I hope to be happy about my decision of which degree I’ll be working for, since right now I’m not sure which I’ll choose of the few careers that I’m thinking about. In 10 years, I hope to be
else along those lines. I’m not too sure yet, but what really helped me narrow my choices down was the IT class I took this year, as it made me realize my true interest in working with computers. What is the greatest thing you gained from your K-12 experience? What is the greatest thing you gained from attending your high school?
I think the best things I’ve gained from school in general are the friends I’ve gained over time. They are the reason I enjoy life and they allow me to be my true self. From specifically high school, the greatest thing I’ve gained is knowing what I want to do after I finish high school. Not knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up made me stress a lot, but now that I know who I want to be, I’m able to relax a bit and have confidence in myself. Who is your role model?
If I had to name one, I’d have to say my
working in a field that makes me happy. Perhaps if I follow the stop-motion path, I’ll be working on the next Laika film to be released. In 20 years, I hope to have a house and a family somewhere in the pacific northwest with chickens, mules and sheep.
What is the most important thing in your life?
The most important thing in my life is loving other people. I feel that if we treated people with kindness more often, the world would be a better place. If just one person’s day can be made better, that’s success.
Who is the most important person in your life?
The most important person in my life is my younger sister Siri Somers, who was born before the Apple Siri came out (haha). She is a very kind, sensitive and funny person whom I love and respect beyond words. My sister and I have a very close relationship. We can be very silly together but we also support and care for one another very strongly.
mom. She is so incredibly hard working, encouraging, and smart.
What do you hope to be doing in five years? In 10 years? In 20 years?
In five years I hope my college education will have gone smoothly and I hope to have a well-paying job. As for 10 and 20 years, still having a well-paying job, but maybe with less student debt to pay off. What is the most important thing in your life?
The most important thing to me is happiness, both in myself and others. I aspire to make others happy because that’s one of the best feelings.
Who is the most important person in your life?
I can’t name just one, but my parents are the ones who make me feel the most confident in myself and who I am. They provide for me not only the necessities to live but the things that make life worth living.
Academic Scholarships
Kevin Arellano: Bellingham
Technical College
Alexandra Aponte: Gonzaga
University’s Merit Scholarship
Kaylee Biewer: Children’s
Ministry Institution’s People of Whatcom and Child Fellowship
Paige Birdsell: Western Washington University’s Admissions
Achievement Award
Emma Brockett: Utah State
University’s Dean’s Scholarship
Samuel Brulotte: Central Washington University
Diana Cacho: Seattle University’s Achievement Scholarship & U Bound Scholarship
Brooklyn Cagle: Columbia-Basin College’s Northwest Athletic Volleyball Scholarship
Ericka Castroescobar: Evergreen Beauty College
Jordan Childs: Western Washington University’s Admissions
Achievement Award
Janet Cortes: Whatcom Community College
Jaxon Dahlstrom: Western Washington University’s Admissions Achievement Award & Merit Award
Joshua Enger: University of Washington’s Opportunity
Adrian Finsrud: Western Washington University’s Thomas
Wynn Family Scholarship & College Bound Scholarship, Washington State University’s College
Bound Scholarship, University
Achievement & Washington College
Grant Tatum Fox: Grand Canyon University’s Provost
Andrea Garcia: Bellingham
Technical College
Abigail Hanft: Western Washington University’s Admissions
Achievement Award
Hailey Hermann: University of Portland’s President’s Scholarship & Anchor Award
Lilly Hulett: Western Washington University’s Admissions
Achievement Award & Merit
Cailyn Kessen: Skagit Valley College’s Athletic Scholarship
Avanee Lal: Western Washington University’s Admissions
Achievement Award & Merit Award
Glenda Lozano-Licona: Seattle
University’s Achievement Scholarship, WA State College Bound
Scholarship Tim Malpezzi: Bellingham
Technical College
Madison Michels: Western Washington University’s Admissions Achievement Award & Merit Award
Maximo Napoles: Bellingham
Technical College
Jonathan O’Brien: Whatcom
Community College
Ellie Ochoa: Grand Canyon University’s Academic Scholarship
Lane Oostra: Clark College’s Springtime Youth Scholarship
Melina Saxman: Southern Oregon University’s Western Undergraduate Exchange Scholarship
Jacob Singleton: University of Idaho’s Western Undergraduate Exchange Scholarship
Sahijvir Sohal: Bellingham Technical College
Helena Somers: Western Washington University’s Admissions
Achievement Award
Jared Surber: Bellingham Technical College
Aubrey Tegt: Grand Canyon University’s Provost Scholarship
Lexie Townley: Western Washington University’s Admissions Merit Award & Achievement Award
Janely Valenzuela: Western Washington University’s Admissions Merit Award & Achievement Award
Nolan Wisbey: Western Washington University’s Admissions
Achievement Award
Warner Wood: Western Washington University’s Admissions
Achievement Award
Community Scholarships
Bryn Bezona: Mr. Wood and Family Scholarship
Tipton Bundy: Jamie Vermeulen Memorial Scholarship, Central Elementary PTO Scholarship, Richard & Elaine Tucker
Scholarship Madisyn Butenschoen: Ferndale Kiwanis Memorial Scholarship, Ferndale Administrative Assistants Association, Ferndale Public School Employees Tom Taylor/Terry Ebright Memorial Scholarship
Brittany Case: Ferndale Administrative Assistants Association, Rose Gould Memorial Scholarship
Jordan Childs: Ferndale Education Association, Fallen Workers Memorial Scholarship, Richard & Elaine Tucker Scholarship
Jaxon Dahlstrom: Daniel Bartle Memorial Scholarship, McCourt Family Scholarship
Adrian Finsrud: Thomas Wynn Family Scholarship
Josiah Fox: Ferndale Performing Arts Scholarship
Haelie Hayes: Mr. Wood and Family Scholarship
Madison Helt: PEO, Chapter BQ
Ferndale Scholarship, Wes Martinson Memorial Scholarship
Paloma Jose-Day: Whatcom Access and Advocacy Scholarship
Divdish Kaur: Trans-Ocean Products Scholarship
Payton Lee: Ferndale Public School Employees Tom Taylor/ Terry Ebright Memorial Scholarship, Ferndale Performing Arts
Scholarship Jake Mason: Ferndale Youth Sports Mentor Scholarship, Jake
Mason: Mr. Wood and Family
Scholarship, Ferndale Education Association
Jordan Mason: Mr. Wood and Family Scholarship
Madison Michels: Ferndale Scholarship Fund, Mary L. Seilo Memorial Scholarship
Jonathan O’Brien: SISU Children’s Fund
Aiden Otto: Trans-Ocean Products Scholarship
Meline Saxman: Ferndale Kiwanis Memorial Scholarship, Ferndale Band Booster Scholarship, Ferndale Administrative Assistants Association, Lynden/ Ferndale International Masonic Lodge No. 56 Scholarship
Gurkamal Singh: Trans-Ocean Products Scholarship
Helena Somers: Lynden/Ferndale International Masonic Lodge No. 56 Scholarship Helena Somers: Ferndale Performing Arts Scholarship, Ferndale Education Association, Cascadia Elementary PTO Scholarship
Zoey Stricklett: Central Elementary PTO Scholarship
Jared Surber: Ferndale Education Association Trade / Tech, Ferndale Education Association, Ferndale Administrative Assistants Association
Bria Van Arevalo: Daughters of the American Revolution –Good Citizen Award
Malia Welch: Ferndale Education Association, Ferndale Band Booster Scholarship
Carlos Ailon-Gomes
Gabreila Andrade-Benitez
Miguel Andres-Francisco
Daniel Andrushenko
Aneissa Avina
Angel Barco
Cristian Bercerra
Maya Berwick
Orrin Berwick
Kaylee Biewer
Melissa Blanke
Matthew Blunt
Gurleen Brar
Hannah Briano
Christine Broselle
Lily Burke
Malia Burrous
Christian Cadero
Isaiah Carlson
Brandon Carpenter
Lucas Carpenter
Sonia Casillas
Diana Castro
Allen Chao
Blue Chapin
Caleb Chaussee
Jerry Cooper-Phair
Janet Cortes Ayala
Jeremiah Covington
Simon D’Arienzo
Austin Dayton
Nick De Leon
Alivea Deng
Brooke Dwight
Johnny Edwards
Emma Egerdal
Jocelynn Esteban Portes
Trevor Fetty
Arlenie Flores
Trenton Ford
Deyshawn Foster
Christopher Foulke
Kristel Garcia
Kiyomi Geppert
Dominick Godinez
Gianna Gonzales-Canevaro
Eduardo Gonzalez
Kaden Grumbles
Justin Hartke
Nevan Harvey Tyler Housouer
Zhiyu Hui
Samuel Irvine
Robert James
Robert Kamps Jr.
Divdish Kaur
Valeria Kazantseva
Ryan Kirkpatrick
Winston Knezek
Anna Kwon
Ty Lindsay
Pascual Lopez Ortiz
Chase Lopez
Jonathan Lorn-Dugan
Zoe Marapao
Sixto Marquez Rodriguez
Siselya Martin
Axe McBride
Durban Mccarty
Pablo Mendoza-Mendez
Jorge Mendoza-Raymundo
Devin Miller
Arianna Mintah-Myers
Shane Mira
Malakhi Moreau
Jillian Moren
Cody Moseley
David O’Brien
Estevan Olguin
Cody Olsick
Aiden Otto
William Owings
Yana Paliyev
Quinseenum Rabang
Victoria Radchishina
Ramandeep Randhawa
Ali’lawet Red Elk
Olivia Revey
Olivia Reynolds
Spencer Reynolds
Samara Rodriguez
Jesstin Rojas
Tyler Sager
Chief Saluskin-Pitt
Jennifer Schmitt
Jose Silva
Kody Simmons
Gurkamal Singh
Hanna Singh
Sukhmanpreet Singh
Jacob Singleton
Amelia Smeby
Basil Sohail
Sahijvir Sohal
Ashton Solomon
Sarah Somawang
Zoey Stricklett
Dylan Strom
Tayven Sturtz
Henry Summers
Cara Sytsma
Dylan Taylor
Robert Templin
Jewelz Terry
Samundra Thapa
Josue Trejo Jr.
Jaedyn Valdez
Aodhan Vaughn
Ty Warner
Alexandria Wilson
Oleh Yadchenko
Michael Zelenskiy