This is a Study book designed to help you overcome everyday struggles. This book will take you step by step process with a healthier relationship with yourself and others. We will cover things From Depression, Anxiety, Fear, stress, and how to deal with difficult people. The book includes a journal to track your progress. A New You is only 30 days away.
Most people would agree that food makes them happy - but did you know there's actual science behind it? Some foods can truly boost your mood, and I want to share a few of those with you. It's important to note that our gut is our second brain so when we take care of it by eating a healthy diet we will feel much better overall. It is estimated that 90% of our serotonin production is in our digestive system so let's get to feeling happy. Here are a few of my favorite mood-boosting foods... Dark chocolate. You may have felt like chocolate made you happier, but now it's been scientifically proven as well. It's been shown that eating dark chocolate each day lowers your levels of stress hormones and therefore makes you happier. This isn't a free pass to eat endless amounts of chocolate, but a little piece won't hurt - in fact, it could actually help! Fruits & Veggies. All the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that come from a lifestyle filled with vegetables and fruits allow you to release neurotransmitters that make you happy. Therefore, incorporating this rainbow of food into your life is great for your mood and health.
Fatty fish. The omega 3's that come from fatty fish like wild salmon and tuna provides your body with the nutrients it needs to feel less stressed, a lot more relaxed and happy. Another benefit of omega 3 is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. If it helps you reduce pain that's an added bonus to boost your mood. Saffron. Have you heard of saffron before? Saffron is a spice from India. Conducted research showed that only a little bit of saffron a day makes serotonin more available to the brain. Saffron has also been shown to help alleviate PMS symptoms. Along with eating mood-boosting foods, you can also make an effort to exercise on a regular basis for more mood boosting benefits. The endorphins that are released during exercise have a powerful effect that can last the whole day and set you up for success. Another great practice to boost your mood is by keeping a daily gratitude journal. Every day write down at least 3 things you are grateful for and really think deeply about them. When we are in a state of gratitude it completely transforms our perspective and mood. Enjoy your food, make healthy decisions and you will be happy! If you are struggling with your mood, please seek medical attention from a licensed medical professional. These tips are not to take the place of medical assistance. Article Source:
STOP DON’T STRESS!!!! 5 Natural Ways to Lower Stress
Stress is a routine expectation in everyday events and can be very persuasive in overwhelming every other aspect of life. However, with successful stress management strategies, most people can overcome or at least minimize their stress levels to a significant extent. Effective stress management is all about taking charge of your lifestyle, emotions, thoughts and the approach you take to cope with problems. Here are ten natural ways to lower everyday stress by adopting effective strategies for stress management.
1. Meditate Meditation, also known as mindfulness is a powerful way to relieve stress levels. Even on a hectic schedule, meditation done for as little as 15-20 minutes a day can help achieve this. It is possible to meditate anywhere; simply clear out the mind, give yourself some silent time and let your thoughts run free. The purpose here is to refocus attention while eliminating any jumbled up thoughts that may be crowding the mind. Oftentimes, mediation sessions may also require focus on breathing that can also be beneficial for calming the mind. Deep breathing does this by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. The best part about meditation is that the benefits do not end with the session, but will help the individual carry on more calmly throughout the rest of the day.
5 Natural Ways to Lower Stress
2. Exercise Exercise is closely related to meditation since it gives an individual time to be alone with their thoughts, or an opportunity to let them go.
3. Aromatherapy Aromatherapy, in a lot of instances, has shown to be beneficial for creating an immediate sense of stress relief. This is because certain scents in nature can help elevate mood, reduce anxiety and promote focus and better concentration. These scents can stimulate the limbic system which in turn releases chemicals that promote feelings of calmness, relaxation and tranquility.
4. Baths Soaking in warm water has a soothing effect on both the body as well as the mind. Its relaxation and therapeutic benefits are based on the stimulation of blood circulation and release of muscle tension. Hot baths initially rise heart rate and temperature, and to dispel the heat, the body perspires which gets rid of toxins. Then the blood vessels dilate and improve circulation, thus removing lactic acid from muscles, lowering blood pressure and easing pain.
5. Massage Everyone loves a massage whether they are stressed or not. Historically, this technique has been used in many different cultures to open up blocked energy channels, relieve muscular tension and calm the mind. Today massage is used to relax tense muscles, reduce pain as well as improve circulation, all factors that can do wonders for the mind.
The Law of Attraction and Letting Go of Your Limiting Beliefs By Estra Roell | Submitted On April 23, 2018
We are vibrational beings. With every thought we have we transmit a vibration to the Universe. When we place our focus of attention on a particular thought, we strengthen the vibration of that thought. The Universe responds to our vibration by giving us what we are placing our energy and attention on. When we repeatedly hold a thought, it becomes a belief. Our beliefs determine what shows up in our lives. If, for example, a person believes he or she is not deserving of success, then despite all efforts, there will be some way in which she sabotages her success. Most of our beliefs come from the ideas we picked up in childhood. Unfortunately, many of those beliefs are not true. Think about your self-talk. How often is it encouraging and positive? For most people, the majority of their thoughts are
negative and habitual. No wonder so many people struggle to reach their goals and dreams! Our beliefs, attitudes and values are stored in our subconscious mind. You may not even realize some of the beliefs you hold subconsciously. Our beliefs become the lens through which we see the world and affect how we behave. If you want to know what beliefs you hold, simply look at your life and ask, "What would someone have to believe in order to have created this?"
Perhaps you recognize some of these commonly held beliefs:
No matter what I do or how hard I try, it's never good enough. I blame others for my problems. My opinion doesn't matter. What I do isn't really important. If people knew the real me they wouldn't like me. I shouldn't try anything new or risky because I'll probably screw it up. I don't deserve to be happy (be successful, have love, etc.) Mistakes and failure are bad.
The way to consciously deactivate a thought is to replace it with a different thought. When you first give your attention to a new thought, the vibration isn't very strong. But with practice, you begin to shift your limiting dominant thought to the new one. You actually create new neural pathways in the brain, so the new thought is now your default thought. Now you will be transmitting a vibration in alignment with what you want to create in your life.
Think about how you feel when you have a negative thought. Not so good, right? That feeling of contraction is your indicator you are off track from creating what you want. Your Source knows you are deserving and capable of bringing into being everything you want to be, do and have. When you think a negative thought you are out of alignment with what is actually true about you. So, use your feelings as your internal guidance system to tell if you are in alignment with your desires or keeping them away from you. Some ways to practice shifting to positive thoughts: 1. Start paying more attention to your self-talk. When you notice a negative thought, gently replace it with a thought that feels better. Practice the new thought as an affirmation. You can start the new thought with the words "I've decided" or "I chose." Ex: I choose to know that I am deserving of success" or "I've decided I am deserving of success." 2. Scripting is another great way to practice new thinking and raise your vibration. Simply write a story about how you want your life to look, as if it was already accomplished. Use sentence starters like, "I love knowing that... " and "It's so exciting when... " Read your script frequently to raise your vibration-and make sure it is something that feels great to read! 3. Vision boards and "mind movies" are great if you are a visual person. There are many resources online that will help you with ideas for creating a vision board or create a video version of a vision board.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, also called "tapping") or PSYCH-K are two modalities that work to help you shift limiting subconscious beliefs quickly.
Don’t let others control your feelings So many times we think of ourselves in a way that the world sees us, in the way we see our inner self. To be happy one has to be happy with what they see in the mirror. Wake up with a smile on your face! You have been granted another day to learn from yesterday, the change mistakes or at least learn from them. Every day is a day that is what you make it. Days can be dreaded, sad, happy, and even joyful. In many situations we let the world dictate how we should feel we run into someone that hurts our feelings and instead of letting it go, we dwell on
that one negative thing all day long and then the entire day is ruined! Example: I had a great day at work, my boss praised me for my hard work I had a visit from the kids today. So, far a perfect day then I had to go to the store, a rude guy jumped in front of me at the registered and acted like it was my fault the line was going slowly. My entire evening has been ruined!!
Question: So how should we handle that situation? Answer: Fist of all, that person may have been having a bad day already. Remember we can change how we react to situations, not how others react. The most important thing is not dwell on the one negative thing that has happened. Remember you had a great day at work and the kids came to visit. Instead of getting you down keep this in mind: You never know what others and going through to give them an attitude, one thing to keep in mind all
it takes is a smile to brighten a person’s day. Who know it could be yours!
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STINKING THINKING Sometime or another we have all been guilty of negative thinking, also known as “stinking thinking� the mind is a very powerful thing sometimes, it seems our mind runs faster than the rest of our body.
Stinking thinking is just what it says, it gets you in the most negative way there is. When everything seems to be going so wrong that negative thinking creeps right into our minds when that happens replace those thoughts with positive ones. For example: we had to sit in traffic for an hour and my nerves are rattled. Instead while in traffic use the time to relax, concentrate on the scenery
around you, take a break from the hectic world and relax, listen to a song, meditate (safely) Control your world Do not let the world control you!
Letting go of worry We often worry about things that may not happen, or rarely ever does. Why is he or she mad at me? Why can’t I be like that? What if this doesn’t work out? What if I get sick? How can we pay bills? These are statements and what I call worry questions. Should, we prepare for tomorrow? Well, of course
but, when these topics are racing through your mind and robbing you of everyday happiness it becomes a big problem. With worry you lose sleep which leaves to other problems like, headache, body aches, loss of concentration and mental fog. So what can you do? For one, most of the time tomorrow has already taken care of itself self. Pray over you situation and if it is something that is out of your control let it go if you can’t fix it then why keep stressing over it? Your worry today will not change what will happen tomorrow and most of the time you wonder, why, was I stressing over that? it wasn’t that bad or never even happened at all. When you feel worry stating to take on again, think of positive things, concentrate on what you are doing right. Find a way to take your mind off things, read a good book, watch a positive movie, visit friends and get involved with things that have a
positive influence on you will help a great deal. Don’t let worry defeat you. We have the power to conquer all. Worry is one of the most leading causes of Depression, anxiety, and stress. The fact is true worry and stress with eat you up on the inside and destroy you, if we can eliminate a lot of worry concentrate on our day and live each day like it may be the last, we would see a lot more happier and positive people in the world, instead of everyone walking around with sad faces, again worry does and will not change things, on the other hand our actions will.
Anger Holding on to anger destroys you from the inside out, Anger develops by not being able to handle ones emotions weather it is from something that has happened with a friend or loved on that you have a hard time dealing with the outcome. For Example: someone did you wrong which, caused hard feelings between family members. You get your feelings hurt then being angry overrides the entire situation. Anger is a normal emotion and we all are going to feel angry, it is when the anger is manifested in unhealthy ways that keep you from being happy.
I love the saying and will probably repeat it many times.” You can’t control how others feel and think you can control your reactions to others” and one more saying that I totally love, you “can attract more bees with honey than vinegar,” so true!
When you start to feel the overwhelming feelings of anger start to develop step back and look at the situation.
Step back and do not react right away, think of something relaxing and cool down. Ask yourself is this really worth it? Could the other person be having a bad day? Will getting even have any positive impact? Once people get mad they stop listening and only respond in a negative way. Wait, be patient, when things have settled down talk in a mature manner. You will find things will be so much more enjoyable. Controlling anger does not happen overnight. Step by step, little by little, you can gain control of your life.
1. What are my anger triggers? ____________________________________________
2. What are some Relaxation ideas? _________________________________________
3. What are could I do differently? ____________________________________________
4. Name a goal _________________________________
5. I can’t control the way others __________________
6. I can Control my ______________________________-
Becoming more assertive
One of the hardest things to learn is being able to stand up and say NO! So often we let people take advantage of us by doing thing we are not capable of doing or just too tired.
The more you do the more people ask you to do things, this continues until you are tired, ill, depressed, and feel you have the weight on your shoulders. Of course you can’t stop helping people but, when it hurts you mentally with trying to take on so much it is time to nicely put yourself first. This does not come easy! Actually, it is very hard. First you have to know your limits, once you start taking care of YOU! People will stop asking so much and they will respect you more. Sounds strange, it is true, Try it!!
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10 Ways to Boost Self Esteem By Taylor Chi
There are many ways to boost self Esteem, Self esteem is the positive or negative attitude one feels about themselves. Portraying yourself to be a certain way in your mind will eventually lead to disappointment. Here are ten ways that helps to boost your self esteem. 1. Avoid Negative People Don't let people's negative perception of you lead you to start believing those negative thoughts of yours. When it comes to self esteem, your opinion is the only one that matters. Avoid people that treat you badly for this will start to make you feel bad towards yourself. Surrounding yourself around negative people will only make you act negatively. 2. Stop Trying to Please Everyone You can't please everyone so don't try. Trying to please everyone will have you feeling unappreciated if you don't get that same treatment in return. Even though you should treat others how you want to be treated, you won't always get that same treatment in return. Not getting the same treatment in return is not a reflection of you, but them. Everyone's intention won't be the same as yours. Pleasing everyone is stressful. Don't rely on others to determine your self worth because of rejection. Don't expect things to always come out the way you expect it to. Be the unique person that you are. You don't need to seek
validation from anyone. Never let the thoughts and feelings of not being able to help others affect you mentally, physically, and emotionally. 3. Occupy Yourself Don't spend time thinking about something that makes you sad or insecure. Do the things you love to do to occupy your mind. If you are busy doing things you love to do, you're not going to have the time to dwell on negativity. 4. Get Support It's OK to get the support you need when struggling with low self esteem. You don't have to do it alone. Having a good support system makes believing in yourself a lot easier. Communicating how you really feel shows that you are in tune with negative thoughts and really want the help. Being more open allows you to express all your feelings that you have been holding inside. 5. Forgive You have to be able to forgive. Holding onto feelings of resentment will keep you in a state of negativity. Once you forgive yourself, you will be able to start to forgive others. Sometimes you have to change your perspective to see other's point of view. The past is the past and you can't change it so don't live with regrets. Having that sense of forgiveness is a relief lifted off your shoulders.
6. Be Confident
Never feel like you are ever worthless. Have confidence on both the inside and out. Encourage yourself and treat yourself with kindness. The more you practice treating yourself genuinely, self -confidence will rise. No one can see your insecurities and lack of confidence unless you show and tell them. Having strong self -esteem results from day to day activities and how you control the bad thoughts. As you focus more on the present instead of what should have, could have and would have, confidence will come easily. Are these thoughts factual? Do you really believe the things you think about yourself? Would you say those things about yourself to someone else? If you wouldn't, then avoid saying them to yourself. Being hard on yourself, while having low self -esteem will lead to depression. 7. Don't Compare yourself to others Comparing yourself to others can make you feel as if you're not worth it. Just because you feel someone has more than you, or is doing better than you in any type of way brings you down. There is no such thing as a life that's better than yours. Your insecurities shouldn't be a reflection on any and everything that someone says. Don't be so hard on yourself if things don't go exactly as you want them to. Know your own personal value. 8. Surround yourself around positive Surround yourself around people who loves, cares, and accepts you just for who you are. It helps when family and friends remind you of things that you do right. If you expect to be treated a certain way, surround yourself around those people. Treat those who treat you negatively how to treat you. People see you differently than you see yourself. Openly accept the sayings of the ones who treat you good. This helps you view
yourself in a different way other than how you view yourself. Hearing what people like about you instead of what they don't like about you puts your mind at ease. Treat others with kindness and the kindness will be returned. Being appreciated makes you feel better about yourself. 9. Make a list Make a list of things you feel proud of. Celebrate your accomplishments. No matter how big or small, it's always a job well done. When you feel your self -esteem is not high, look at the list to remind yourself of your success. 10. Turn negative thoughts to positivity Negative talk can cause you to respond negatively. Emotions run high when there is negative talk around. Instead of feeling overwhelmed from negative thoughts, accept them. Don't allow negative thoughts to influence your behavior. When you feel bad, you will only remember bad times. As you continue to think about things that upset you, it will cause you to act in such a way that's not appropriate. The way you feel has a major impact, on thoughts and behavior. Your self -esteem will began to improve as you learn to control negative thoughts. If you can't control your thoughts, you will never be able to control your behavior. Learn from past failures and turn it into positives. Being aware of your thoughts and feelings uncovers the real issue. Just because you see yourself to be a certain way. Thoughts are just thoughts; not necessarily to be factual. Thoughts are normal and may seem factual, but they are just perceptions of the way things should be