North Carolina Entertainment Spotlight Magazine

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Easter is almost here, and there’s only one flower that can really capture the sacred spirit of the holiday: the Easter lily! The pure white color of this blossom has long symbolized the purity, hope and new life of spring, and its beautiful trumpet shape makes it the perfect for the fresh new season. So it’s no wonder it’s become one of the most popular blooms to decorate homes and churches with during this time of year. But how did this pretty little flower come to be associated with (and even named after) Easter? Here’s the full history of the Easter lily, for you to read while you dress up your home in its Sunday’s best!

How the Easter Lily Came to the U.S. The Easter lily was officially discovered in 1777 by Swedish naturalist Carl Peter Thun-berg in the Ryukyu Islands of Japan. After its discovery, the flower made its way to England in 1819 and then arrived at Bermuda in the mid-1800s. It was then named the “Bermuda lily,” but its name was eventually changed to “Easter lily” when the spring-blooming flower was brought to Philadelphia and popularized there as an Easter blos-som. A virus destroyed the Easter lily’s production on the island of Bermuda, making Japan the flower’s largest producer once again. It wasn’t until World War I that the Easter lily started being produced in the United States. When soldier Louis Houghton first saw the flower, he was so captivat-ed by it that he brought a suitcase full of bulbs back to his home state of Oregon in 1919. Houghton started handing out the lilies to his friends, who also happened to be horticulture experts. As a result, large-scale production of the flower spread across the West Coast of the U.S., and by 1945 more than 1,000 growers in Oregon and California were producing the bulbs, earn-ing the region the title of “Easter Lily Capitol of the World.” Today, Oregon and California grow 95 percent of all Easter lilies. Easter lilies are now one of the most popular potted

The Easter Lily and Christianity plants in the U.S., ranking with poinsettias, mums and azaleas.. Known to Christians as the “white-robed apostle of hope,” the Easter lily has also been a religious symbol since the birth of the Christian religion. The flower is even mentioned in the Bible quite a few times. It is said that when Eve shed tears of remorse as she and Adam left the Garden of Eden, white lilies sprang up where her tears fell. Easter lilies are also admired as a symbol of motherhood and the Virgin Mary. In artwork, she is often depicted receiving a bundle of white lilies from the angel Gabriel at Jesus’ birth, and the flowers were said to have been found in her tomb after her death.

The Easter Lilly

The most famous biblical reference to the Easter lily is when Jesus told his followers, “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: They toil not, neither do they spin; and yet … Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” It’s also believed that the lilies grew where Jesus’ sweat and tears fell to the ground during his crucifixion. Many churches today continue the long-held tradition and commemorate the resurrection of Jesus by adorning their altars with pure white Easter lilies. So whether you’re buying it as a gift for a friend or using it to decorate your own home, the Easter lily is certainly the most stunning and meaningful way to celebrate on Easter Sunday. How will you be incorporating Easter lilies into your celebration this Sunday?

Do You Know Who's Your Valentine?

The Kure Beach Street Festival returns the last Saturday in April offering over 35 vendors, children's entertainment, live music and magic, dancing and more festivities. Attendees of all ages can dance along to the music. Face Painting and crafts are available from 11:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Relax on the lawn and enjoy the shows, grab a snack from food vendors, browse the arts and craft booths for that must have item. Enjoy spending the day with family and friends, all with views of the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. This one of a kind street fair is playtime -unrestricted. Please check their Website and Social Media for the latest updates.

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Presented By: Town of Kure Beach Time: 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Price: Free

When is the Best Time to Go Fishing? The best times to fish are when the fish are naturally most active. The Sun, Moon, tides, and weather all influence fish activity. For example, fish tend to feed more at sunrise and sunset, and also during a full moon. Best Fishing Times 

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One hour before and one hour after high tides, and one hour before and one hour after low tides. Inland, the times for high tides correspond with the times when the Moon is due south. Low tides are halfway between high tides. During the “morning rise” (after sunup for a spell) and the “evening rise” (just before sundown and the hour or so after). During the rise and set of the Moon. When the barometer is steady or on the rise. (But even during stormy periods, the fish aren’t going to give up feeding. The smart fisherman will find just the right bait.) When there is a hatch of flies—caddis flies or mayflies, commonly. (The fisherman will have to match his fly with the hatching flies or go fishless.)  When the breeze is from a westerly quarter rather than from the north or east.  When the water is still or slightly rippled, rather than during a wind. However, most of us go fishing when we can get the time off, not because it is the best time! But there are best fishing days, according to lore.

Virgin Voyages' New AdultsOnly Cruise Ship Will Have a Private, Japanese-style Karaoke Room Billionaire Richard Branson's cruise line sets sail 2020

Richard Branson’s cruise line Virgin Voyages has announced another exciting amenity on board their new ship: a karaoke room!

The Scarlet Lady, which embarks on its inaugural sailing in 2020, will incorporate a room called the Groupie, where guests can book the space for karaoke, gaming and a movie. The space is designed as a “modernist take on a Japanese-style karaoke room,” which are typically small, private social spaces with one karaoke player and microphones where travelers can belt out tunes with their friends.

Alongside the personal performance room, the ship will also feature a record shop called Voyage Vinyl, where sailors can experience music from all eras and genres through personal listening stations, limitededition vinyl collections with playlists by Virgin Voyages’ resident DJs and a performance spot for live sets.

The four or five-night Havana After Dark schedule, allows travelers to explore the culture of Cuba, including an overnight stay in the capital city.

The five-night Mayan Sol itinerary heads to Costa Maya, Mexico, where sailors can disembark to explore ancient ruins and dive at coral reefs. And the Dominican Daze journey, also five nights, takes travelers to Puerto Plata in the D.R. On the island, they’ll offer trekking, surfing class or, for the more low-key cruiser, shopping excursions for hand-

By Cheryl Lock There’s a lot to love about Easter—time with family, egg hunts, candy aplenty—but this fun-filled holiday can be hazardous to pets. “Easter is a time when you may bring different items into your home, like chocolate candies in foil wrappers, poisonous plants, and plastic objects, like eggs, toys, and synthetic grass, which can be dangerous if ingested by your pet,” says Dr. Brittin Ross, spcaLA director of Veterinary Services. Keeping potentially dangerous items out of your pet’s reach is the best way to ensure his safety during the holiday, Ross says. But knowing the signs that your pet may have ingested something toxic is just as important. Our vet experts identify the most common Easter holiday hazards to watch out for, and the risks associated with each.

Chocolate Chocolate contains a chemical called theobromine, as well as caffeine, says Dr. Jerry Klein, chief veterinary officer with the American Kennel Club. “Both [ingredients] make chocolate highly toxic to dogs,” he says. “Cats may also be affected, but they generally tend to avoid sweet foods.” Dark chocolate and unsweetened, bitter chocolate are the most toxic, Ross says, because they contain the highest concentrations of the methylxanthines (theobromine and caffeine).

Signs your pet ingested chocolate can include hyperactivity, diarrhea, vomiting, elevated or abnormal heart rates, or even seizures. “Pancreatitis is also a concern when dogs eat chocolate,” Klein adds. “Chocolate ingestion can be an emergency, so pet owners should contact their veterinarian immediately if they suspect their cat or dog has consumed chocolate.”

Easter Basket Fillers Plastic grass, plastic eggs, foil wrappings, and Easter toys are popular fillers for Easter baskets, but they may also attract pets who can chew and swallow them. “The result can be obstruction in your pet’s digestive system,” Klein says. “These items can cause serious health problems such as a mechanical obstruction, gastroenteritis, or even pancreatitis. Often, these items have to be surgically removed to save the animal’s life.” A pet who has ingested one of the above Easter basket items may exhibit vomiting, dehydration, weakness, diarrhea, weight loss, loss of appetite, pain, or bloating. Contact your veterinarian if you notice these signs.

Candies and Foods Containing Xylitol Xylitol is a sweetener often found in sugar-free candy, sugar-free baked goods, and sugar-free gum. It can also be found in some common household items like toothpaste and vitamins. “Xylitol rapidly releases insulin into a dog’s bloodstream, causing an extreme drop in blood sugar,” Klein says. “It can also lead to liver failure and death.” Interestingly, dogs are actually the only species reportedly affected by xylitol toxicity, Ross says. Lethargy, vomiting, weakness, and seizures are some signs of xylitol ingestion. “The ingestion of xylitol should be considered a medical emergency, and pet owners should contact their veterinarian or emergency center as soon as possible,” Klein says.

Lilies Lilies are highly toxic to cats and can cause kidney failure or even lead to death if not treated properly. “Some ‘fake’ lilies, like lily of the valley, are also toxic to cats,” says Klein. “All parts of the lily plant can be deadly to cats, including the leaves, pollen, flower, and even the water the lilies are stored in. Prompt treatment after ingestion is needed to save a cat.” In fact, lilies are so toxic to cats, Klein recommends removing them from your home immediately if you have some. Lily ingestion in cats can cause lethargy, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, extreme thirst, seizures, and death. “Some lilies may also cause oral pain,” Klein adds. “The ingestion of lilies is a medical emergency for cats, and time is of the essence to save a cat’s life.”

Even in death Jacko is still bigger than Bieber: Michael Jackson posthumously makes $600m

Michael Jackson’s estate has made more money through ticket sales in the four years since his death than the "Thriller" performer made during his lifetime. His posthumous sales are believed to amount to more than any single living artist during the same time period. Jackson's estate has earned $600 million since his death in 2009. Contributing factors include ticket sales for Cirque du Soleil’s Michael Jackson’s One and profits from the film of Jackson’s concert performances This Is It, according to US documentary Michael Jackson 60 Minutes. John Branca, a co-executor on Jackson’s will, told US TV channel CBS: “Worldwide box office now is over $300 million. And Michael has almost 60 million Facebook friends. He’s the biggest selling artist on iTunes and he’s sold approximately 50 million albums since he passed away.”

Tom Hanks Is Rita Wilson's Biggest Cheerleader at Her Hollywood Walk of Fame Ceremony Tom Hanks could not look prouder of his wife Rita Wilson as she was awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Friday. The Oscar-winning actor sat in a front row at the ceremony along with the actress and singer-songwriter, his daughter Elizabeth Hanks, 36, and his and Wilson's sons Truman Hanks, 23, and Chet Hanks, 28, who held his young daughter Michaiah in his lap. Tom's son Colin Hanks, 41, was not spotted. Tom, who received his own Hollywood star in 1992, clapped loudly as Rita was welcomed to the podium, then joined her to give a speech. Tom praised his wife over her acting career, noting how she started out with roles on shows like The Brady Bunch and went on to appear in movies and also suggest the two coproduce the films My Big Fat Greek Wedding and Mamma Mia!, both of which were big box office hits. "The lesson here is that Rita Wilson knows what she is doing," Tom said. "Her instincts are wicked sharp." "A few years ago Rita Wilson took her lifelong love and passion for signing into a recording studio right over there and she sang with an unbridled ability and an unbridled joy and then she released her first record, but then she said she had more music in her heart and in her head, songs that needed to be written and recorded and performed," he said. "She made two more records of her original material, created with other fine songwriters and musicians and since Julia Roberts, who starred with Tom and Rita in Larry Crowne and with Rita in Runaway Bride, also gave a speech. Calling Rita "a one-woman superpower," she praised her talent. "I've been lucky enough to

Luke Bryan: What Makes You Anxious

With everything Luke Bryan has going on right now, it’s hard to imagine how he found time to take hold of a song, record it and then release it. Let alone answer fans’ questions about it. But that’s exactly what he did on Friday morning (March 29), right after he shared the new tune, “Knockin’ Boots.” And would you believe that even at his level of stardom, Bryan admitted that he still gets anxious when he plays new music for fans? “There’s always an anxiety level. You’re very anxious, because you’re wanting to hear feedback from your fans. And the most important thing is that you’re always trying to grow musically, change things and do things a little different because you don’t want to bore everybody with the same stuff over and over,” Bryan said in the quick Q&A. “So that makes it a little stressful: to see if the fans are on board with the way you’ve changed some things about your music.” Other questions Bryan answered: Favorite part of touring? “There’s like 100 amazing aspects, but walking out on stage, seeing the crowd for the first time and watching the fans react to the old music and to the new music. It’s just a blast every single night. Touring and being on the road is a dream come true every time I’m out there.” Getting excited for the summer tour? “To be able to have a whole summer to be able to see (Cole) and see how his show has grown, and then obviously I’m excited for my buddy Jon Langston to get out there and get in front of you guys and learn a little more about touring and amphitheaters and stadiums. It’s gonna be a great summer.” The sound of the new song? “It’s got kind of a retro sound — really just simple — and it lets my voice hopefully really carry the whole tune. Ready for the world to hear it now.” The biggest fish he’s caught? “I’m still on my quest for a 10-pound bass. I have never caught a 10-pound bass, but it’s going to happen. The biggest fish I’ve ever caught was like probably a 100-pound sailfish. And I’ve caught some big grouper. I caught a 300-pound nurse shark one time. I’ve caught a lot of fish, but I plan on do some marlin fishing one day. “Which reminds me,” he said when the session was over, “I’m going fishing.” Hillary Lindsey, Gordie Sampson and Jon Nite wrote the new song, and it will be on Bryan’s next album due out later this year. His Sunset Repeat Tour starts on May 31 in Philadelphia.

Things everyone gets wrong about cosplay

Cosplay has gone from being a niche habit to being absolutely everywhere. As the number of superhero and sci-fi movies rises every year, there are more and more genre conventions dedicated to all things geek. These conventions range from major events like the San Diego Comic Con to more humble affairs, like the smaller (but ever-growing) Pensacon in Pensacola, Florida. However, despite how you can't throw a lightsaber without hitting a cosplayer, many people still don't understand much about this phenomenon, or the people who participate in it. In fact, there are a number of myths and outright lies concerning the world of cosplay. In order to peel back the curtain, I've drawn on my experience and that of my friends in order to explore things that everyone gets wrong about cosplay:

It's only for hardcore geeks This misconception comes from both inside and outside of the cosplay community: it's only for hardcore geeks. From an outsider looking in, it's easy to see where that impression comes from — between the idea of people camping out for days to get into Comic Con, and the sheer detail on some of the costumes you see, it's easy to imagine that this is a hardcore, members-only club. Even within the cosplay community, there's a kind of pushback against the notion of more casual fans joining in.

Too Much Money Unfortunately, money may be something that can stop you from having fun, achieving your goals, or starting a new hobby. While cosplay can be expensive, there are cheaper alternatives that can help you look, act and feel like your favorite character without destroying your wallet.

Bridget Hennigan’s Cosplay Weekend Workshop at Multimedia Makeup Academy will teach you how to budget for cosplay more efficiently. “It can be costly, but that's not to say that you can't make a costume that you know looks like super legitimate and still have it be cost effective. It's just it's all about budgeting and watching for sales knowing where to buy things that are work. But knowing the direction you want to go and knowing more about makeup is the best way to start,” said Hennigan.


Since 1986, Nintendo's Legend of Zelda series has defined epic fantasy adventure in video games, with 19 titles spread out over every console the company has made.

Through all that time, the relationship between Princess Zelda and her eternal champion, Link, has been at the core of the franchise. The thing is, it's one of the weirdest relationships the medium has ever seen — and for video games, where romance is usually embodied by a plumber saving a princess from a megalomaniacal dragon turtle, that's saying something. It might look like the standard hero-princess trope, but over its many incarnations, their complicated history has weaved its way through secret identities, a timeline that can only exist because of Link's failures, a disturbing lack of communication, and, perhaps most surprisingly, a really prominent example of ichthyophilia. You might not have noticed them at first but once you start, you'll never stop seeing the truly bizarre things about Link's relationship to Princess Zelda. LINK DOESN'T HAVE THE BEST TRACK RECORD In most video games about saving princesses, you actually have to, you know, save the princess. That's when the relationship is fully formed, with the customary smooch and a pixelated heart floating above their heads to signal a happy ending for all concerned. In The Legend of Zelda series, on the other hand, saving the princess isn't actually mandatory. In fact, if Link did save Zelda from Ganon every time, we wouldn't have most of these games. In Hyrule Historia, an oversized art book that chronicles the in-universe history of the Zelda games, it's revealed that a fair number of titles in the series, including the original NES Legend of Zelda, happen in what's called the "Fallen Hero" timeline. This is the timeline that we get when Link fails to stop Ganon at the end of Ocarina of Time, because that game's idea of alternate universes apparently wasn't complicated enough. That means that for all their connection through the Triforce and the destiny that unites Link and Zelda, half the time their relationship is either doomed to failure or rooted in it. GANON: THE ULTIMATE THIRD WHEEL Of all the weird things about Zelda and Link's relationship, the weirdest of all might be the fact that the forces of destiny have ensured that there's always this other guy just hanging around, which only gets weirder when he occasionally turns into a giant magical pig-man. As you might've noticed, there's a reason that it's called the Triforce and not the Biforce, although judging by some of the fan-art that we've seen, Nintendo could probably turn a tidy profit throwing that one in there, too. The point is, they're part of a destined relationship that transcends the very concept of time, ordained by the gods themselves, and unfortunately for them, Ganon's a part of it, too. At the very least, he's going to be tagging along on Link and Zelda's dates with an army of Octoroks and Moblins, so they might as well get used to him being there.

Does this mean they should form a polyamorous triad with Ganon? Well‌ probably not. He is, after all, a pretty terrible person in most of his incarnations, what with all the kidnapping of princesses, destruction of kingdoms, and a litany of other crimes that include transforming into a ten-story razorback. Still, given that every single game in the entire franchise is built around an unbalance in the Triforce, we imagine that an awful lot bad things could've been avoided if they just invited him over for dinner once in a while.

THE REAL TRIFORCE IS NEPOTISM Forgive us for stating the obvious here, but Princess Zelda is, well, a princess. At the very least, she's a member of the ruling family of an entire kingdom, complete with its own army. Taking all that into consideration, you have to wonder why she keeps putting the fate of the world in the hands of a single sword-wielding tween. Call it destiny, the Triforce, or the nature of being a hero reincarnated across thousands of years if you want, but we have a word for it when someone gives an incredible amount of power and responsibility to someone who is far less qualified than others just because they have a connection that's not related to their jobs. That's called favoritism, and just because someone can shoot laser beams out of a magic shard of metal, that doesn't make it fair. Throw in the possibility of a romantic relationship, and the Hylian royal family's HR department is going to be working overtime trying to cover up this one.

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Why do bad things happen to good people? We sin ever day and the biblical answer is there are no “good” people. In Mark 10:18, Jesus said that only God is good. Because God is good, He will see to it that justice is done on the Day of Judgment. If He gave each of us justice right now, every one of us would end up in a terrible place called Hell, and we would deserve it. God is the standard of righteousness, and all of us have fallen short of that standard, so there really aren’t “good” people that “bad” things happen to. A better question is this: “Why does God allow good things to happen to bad people?” With reasons known only to God, He demonstrated His own love for us in that “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” In spite of our evil, wicked, sinful nature, God still loves us. He loved us enough to die to take the penalty for our sins when He was crucified on the cross. Often things happen to us that we simply cannot understand. Instead of doubting God’s goodness in times of suffering, we should trust Him. We should echo the words of Job: “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” The book of Job shows us that God is trustworthy, even when we don’t understand the suffering around us.

What Is Autism?

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), refers to a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication. According to the Centers for Disease Control, autism affects an estimated 1 in 59 children in the United States today. We know that there is not one autism but many subtypes, most influenced by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Because autism is a spectrum disorder, each person with autism has a distinct set of strengths and challenges. The ways in which people with autism learn, think and problem-solve can range from highly skilled to severely challenged. Some people with ASD may require significant support in their daily lives, while others may need less support and, in some cases, live entirely independently. Several factors may influence the development of autism, and it is often accompanied by sensory sensitivities and medical issues such as gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, seizures or sleep disorders, as well as mental health challenges such as anxiety, depression and attention issues. Indicators of autism usually appear by age 2 or 3. Some associated development delays can appear even earlier, and often, it can be diagnosed as early as 18 months. Research shows that early intervention

If your child is on the spectrum, he might show some social symptoms by the

time he’s 8 to 10 months old. These may include any of the following:        

He can’t respond to his name by his first birthday. Playing, sharing, or talking with other people doesn’t interest him. He prefers to be alone. He avoids or rejects physical contact. He avoids eye contact. When he’s upset, he doesn’t like to be comforted. He doesn’t understand emotions -- his own or others’. He may not stretch out his arms to be picked up or guided with walking

Most have some problems with communication, including these:       

Delayed speech and language skills Flat, robotic speaking voice, or singsong voice Echolalia (repeating the same phrase over and over) Problems with pronouns (saying “you” instead of “I,” for example) Not using or rarely using common gestures (pointing or waving), and not responding to them Inability to stay on topic when talking or answering questions Not recognizing sarcasm or joking

Opening This Week - March 29

A young elephant, whose oversized ears enable him to fly, helps save a struggling circus, but when the circus plans a new venture, Dumbo and his friends discover dark secrets beneath its shiny veneer.

Wonder Park tells the story of an amusement park where the imagi-

It's been five years since everything was awesome and the citizens are facing a huge new threat: Lego Duplo invaders from outer space, wrecking everything faster than they can rebuild.

When Hiccup discovers Toothless isn't the only Night Fury, he must seek "The Hidden World", a secret Dragon Utopia before a hired tyrant named Grimmel finds it first.

Lynn Ivey 910-322-0385

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