2017-202! Architecture Selected Works

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Ning ling, y ang TKUA / Engineering | Architecture

N I N G A R C H I P O R T F O L I O 2 0 1 7


2 0 2 !

Tamkang University 2017 - 2021 Architecture Selected Works

N i n g L in g , Ya n g +886 979665052 406360536@gms.tku.edu.tw

2017 -

Dept. of Architecture, Tamkang University

2014 - 2017

National Tainan Girls' Senior High School


Born in Tainan

Ex pe rie n ce 2020 Summer


2019 Summer


Sk ills AutoCAD / Illustrator / Photoshop / InDesign / Premiere Sketchup / Rhinoceros3D / Vray / Lumion



Home-for-all by the Harbor


Deconstruction Community Center

03 2021 | EA4 |

11 2021 | EA4 |

Between the Mountains


Tide of Mood


Redefine the composition of the Tribe

Hunger Park in the City

Transmigration Buddhist Temple

The Breeding of Skills Tamkang Hub

A Day in Wanhua Co-living Space

2020 | EA4 |

2021 | EA4 |

35 2019 | EA3 |

39 2020 | EA3 |

43 2019 | EA2 |

Trace of Light and Shadow Information Station

2018 | EA2 |


FERMENTATION A home-for-all by the harbor 發酵 - 家的再詮釋

01 A home-for-all by the harbor

Fermentation Nangfang-ao Harbor

Yilan, Taiwan 2021 Spring


Hideki Hirahara


03 04


Fermentation A home-for-all by the harbor


A film camera is interesting because we cannot see the image immediately when the shutter is pressed. Before the photo was developed, the expectation for that picture continued to grow, which created the expansion of feelings. But the pictures taken are still the same thing, because the expansion of emotions makes people see more. People have different states at each point in time. The mood today will affect who you are walking with or what you just encountered. Because the situation of one person that floats over time creates the experience of different feelings even in the same space. Interpreting architectural elements through people's self-differentiation in this situation, what kind of situation can make the experience continue to ferment?

底片相機之所以有趣是因為拍攝的當下無法立即看見成像,在介於洗出底片時這段時間會因 為心中有所期待而無限擴大對事物的想像。以此比擬,人在不同時段、狀態下對於事件或空 間的感知開始產生浮動;在這樣地情況下,透過人們在不同狀態下對建築元素解讀之差異, 是否能夠讓空間經驗持續發酵?


Nangfang-ao Harbor | Yilan The site located at the southern corner of the first fishing port,The south is a sightseeing fish market. In addition to gathering tourists to enjoy seafood, it is also one of the areas where fishing boats stop and supply.



01 Fermentation

How the Event Ferments “Home for .” A new interpretation of Home

The human rights issue of foreign fishermen has always existed in Taiwanese society.

but a place where we can gather common strength.In this place, there is no

Because of multi-party power entanglements, their human rights have been ignored. The

need for dazzling design, and more importantly, how people can accompany

fishermen in Nangfang-ao Harbor bathed and slept on the boat. Sometimes they go ashore

ea c h o t h e r. W i t h t h i s i d ea , m a y b e H o m e fo r A l l ca n b e b u i l t o n t h e s i te .

to the chapel or laundry supplies, but not go home. When the fishermen went ashore with

Because of negligence in communicating with foreign fishermen,most

no reason, they suddenly had nowhere to go.

p e o p l e d o n o t u n d e r sta n d t h e s i t uat i o n o f t h e i n c i d e n t . H o w to b l u r t h e

According to the concept proposed by Japanese architects for the 311 earthquake

gap between people and approach each other unconsciously, so that

reconstruction plan Home for All ( み

more people can pay attention to this problem is the purpose of this prject.


家 ) . Home is not just a house,

Spatial Experience Through the wall and the high level difference, the fishermen and other people who were in parallel time and space accidentally met each other. Seeing other people's dancing shadows and focusing on the things that change by hand, we can unload our hearts and get to know each other better because we have broken the barrier. As a result, the opinions and feelings about the event are slowly fermenting.

Sketches about Fermentation How to blur the boundaries to create more spaces for casual encounters


01 Fermentation

Part 1. /

Part 2. /

Interlacing and influence of axes

#fish market #tourism #resident

Coincidence and Meeting

With the fish market as the boundary, foreign fishermen

#harbor #foreign fisherman #fishing boat

The foreign fisherman who was sorting the goods saw the

and tourists live in a parallel world. Tourists ate and buy

#estrangement #inaccessible

woman resting from the crack in the wall.

seafood in the port, but they did not find the blood and tears behind these fishery products.With the site, the project takes people to another field. The brown area is the "home" of the fishermen, where they repair fishing nets and rest; while the white area is the fishing port park, where tourists can take out seafood to eat, and nearby residents can also come here to chat.

Fermentation And the woman heard a foreign language coming from Initially, foreign fishermen and others were in a parallel world. They did not intersection.

behind, it was the voice of a group of people focused on work.

Through many inadvertent encounters, like hearing each other’s voices or seeing shadows at work, because many incidents have taken off each other’s guards. This situation began to ferment.


Part 3. /

Part 4. /

Part 5. / Fermenting. . . . . . . .

The recessed notch gives the angler a choice to sit down

Some people buy goods and replenish goods, and some

Wandering between fuzzy boundaries, we meet and

and fish quietly; and at the rear is the fisherman’s lounge,

people go shopping in the market. This is a lively fishing port.

know each other inadvertently. Such accidents make

and the translucent facade allows those who move inside

us see more.

to show some actions to echo the outside world.

Shuttle through this park, those benches provide a space for tourists who take out food to eat; at the same time, fishing boats in the distance enter the port, and some fishermen sit on the shore to mend their fishing nets.

A place to stay and rest on the shore.


RIPPLE Deconstruction Community Center 解構社區活動中心

02 Deconstruction Community Center

Ripple Xu Zisang Ancient Residence and surroundings

Keelung, Taiwan 2021 Spring


Hideki Hirahara


11 12


Ripple Deconstruction Community Center


When an event occurs in the middle of a city, it can stir up some unstable particles that start to disturb the environment. A single event spreads outward, two events are caught in each other, and three events start interacting internally and can be seen as a cluster that spreads outward. Then, when an architecture is seen as the center of ripple dispersion, it activates or changes the surrounding behavior patterns. If the center is seen as a prototype, that is, the original form, how do the surrounding ripples shape its appearance?

當一個事件發生在城市之中,會激起些不穩定的粒子,開始擾動這個環境。單一個事件向外 擴散,兩個事件時相互夾擊;而發生三個事件時內部開始交互作用,並能視為一個群體向外 發散。當建築視為漣漪擴散的中心,即活絡或改變了周圍的行為模式。那如果將中心視為虛 無的存在,也就是最初的形式,周圍的漣漪會怎麼形塑出它的樣貌呢 ?


Xu Zisang Ancient Residence 許梓桑古厝 | Keelung Keelung was originally the center of a thriving region with rich industrial resources. However, with the decline of the city, it has become a rippling edge of the Greater Taipei area—Commuter Town.



02 Ripple

How it Ripples Reshape the center through surrounding activities

The presence of a symbolic building in the city diffuses new patterns of behavior around it.

Thinking of the spread of ripples in the opposite direction, the scattered pieces are like

In an area, the center of the ripple acts as the starting point of a state, a complete thing that

small islands in the sea, that is—the concept of Archipelago. The dots scattered in the

fragments as it spreads; and those fragments become a new stronghold, thus expanding

city have their own characteristics and may seem unrelated at first glance, but they are

into a network of cities.As the center of the ripples keeps emitting energy, the ripples

behaviors emanating from the same center. Then perhaps the construction of the city can

continue to attach themselves to the land, overlapping and extending new textures.

also be extrapolated back, and by establishing connections between the fragmented blocks, people can follow those patterns of behavior to find their central—the spiritual existence.


The site of this project was selected in the hills of Keelung. There are many hills around the prosperous area of Keelung. It is amusing that public facilities such as community centers, elementary school, and temples are located on the hills. These structures are attached to the hills to form a site that radiates outward. Using the “Xu Zisang Ancient Residence”, an ancient monument on the hills, as a starting point for the design. The project explores how small buildings can be used to influence the behavior patterns of the community, thereby reshaping the spiritual symbolism of the area.

Center of Ripples


Marginal Proliferation


Flow in Neighborhood


C i t y


Villa + Tearoom

Suite + Kitchen / Bar

Backpacker Inn + Audiovisual room


S h e l t e r

Discussing about architecture w ith the essence of landscape, think ing t hat t he l andscape i s r el at i v el y f r a g m e n t e d a n d d e ce n t r a l i z e d . A n d t h i s co n t r a d i c t s t h e m a t t e r of ripples : R ipples spr ead out f r om poi nt s, but t he l andscape i s r e l a t i v e l y d e ce n t r a l i z e d .T h e n ca m e u p w i t h a n e w i d e a : I f t h e star t ing point of the ripples is shaped t hr oug h sl i g ht changes i n t he sur r oundings, t hen t hat point w ill be activated. So in this project, the residents need to be dismantled a n d combi n e d w i t h t h e h ost el t o become a deconstruction community cen t er scat t er ed i n t h e hil l s.



Architecture with the Essence of Landscape


becomes an open space in this area.

Because it is not enclosed, it retains ambiguity and can generate rippling,

flex ible patterns

of behavior. Regard the place as the prototype of

retaining its current appearance.

s h a d o w d e f o l i a t i o n


r e f r a c t i o n

Xu Zisang

Ancient Residence



Stairs along the way The staircase on the hill grows with the construction of the building. Because of its organic form, showing the vitality.

T h e ce n t e r i s a v i r t u a l e x i s t e n ce . T h r o u g h t h e surroundings, the prototy pe could be shaped.

Residents in the site A resident carrying fishing climbed up the hill. Quite interesting! Site The building, after losing its functionality, becomes a carrier for plants. It is attached to life, and in the center of the hill, it is expected to be revitalized.


00 The Center of Ripples

The historic building without

Urban Forest

that bring people here.

Compar ing t he landscape to nature, t his is t he closest t hing to an organic site.

While the show is going on, people can watch from the platform above.

01 Marginal proliferation

Community Center

Weaving through the alleys creates more unexpected encounters.Those seemingly unimportant connections

On the hills, layers of interfaces sandwich many fields, as the unexplained division of the limp makes these spaces more possible to use.

After neighborhood meetings, residents can sit down and make a cup of tea after they leave the community center; a viewing platform is provided for community performances. The project connects the surrounding allies and enhances the vitality of the place. People different kinds of activities, and that is the moment people are closest to nature.

Hostel | villa

Community center | tearoom


inadvertently approach Xu Zisang's ancient residence, happening



Weave up the surrounding texture

As a result, a new and smaller ripples are created, enlivening the community within.



The height difference is used to extend the flow around the site. Followed the state of the site and assembled people from different places.

Hostel | suite

Community center | reception room & bar


The flow brings us together.

With the spread of the trail, the opportunity to communicate with people and dif ferent ex periences arise.


02 Flow in Neighborhood

When the ripples extend into the alleys, they shape the field. The new coexists and intertwines with the activities existed before. The elderly in the neighborhood come to enjoy the shade and chat, and above the place there is a quiet bar for the younger people to drink and chat.

the hills, a notch appears, allowing people to breathe a little. A meeting room with audiovisual space and a mini food bar is available for backpacker inn visitors, while residents can also come and enjoy a movie together.

Architecture In Archipelago

breathe. At the junction of the flat land and

03 City Shelter

In the disturbing city, there is no room to

The notch of the alley also ser ves as a playground for children to weave in and out. Looking from the Alley Linking alleys to create more pocket space for people to relax.

The foot of the mountain is the outer edge of the ripples and the starting point of another world.

Hostel | backpacker Inn

Community center | Audiovisual room


In the disturbing city, there is no room to breathe. At the junction of the flat land and the hills, a notch appears, allowing people to breathe a little. A meeting room with audio-visual space and a mini food bar is available for backpacker inn visitors, while residents can also come and enjoy a movie together. The notch of the alley also serves as a playground for children to weave in and out.


BETWEEN THE MOUNTAINS Redefine the composition of the tribe 重釋部落的構成

03 Redefine the composition of the tribe

Between the Mountains Skikun Tribe, Datong Township

Yilan, Taiwan 2020 Autumn


Shih-hwa Hung


21 22


Between the Mountains Redefine the composition of the tribe


Due to the inconvenience of transportation and the exploitation of planting a single economic product , the Four Seasons Village, which is rich in natural resources, cannot exert its maximum value. Through the planting of agricultural laboratories, and then expanding to the entire agricultural industry chain, using geothermal greenhouses and other natural advantages combined with tribal lifestyles to build an advanced mountain settlement. Combining with the local Atayal lifestyle, creating more complex programs while implanting the agricultural chain, providing educational and experimental sites during fallow or farm damage, so that the output value of high-economic crops can reach the previous 2 to 2 Three times, to enhance the agricultural competitiveness of Four Seasons Village, while preserving the original traditional culture, becoming a new type of settlement that can go hand in hand from research and development of planting technology to implementation.

由於交通的不便及種植單一經濟產物所遭受的剝削,使自然資源豐富的四季村無法發揮他的 最大價值。透過植入農業試驗所,進而擴大至整個農業產業鏈,運用地熱溫室及其他自然優 勢與部落生活型態結合,建構一個先進的山中聚落。 結合當地泰雅族的生活型態,在植入農業鏈的同時,創造更多複合型 program,在休耕或農 損之時提供教育及試驗的場所,使高經濟作物的產量達到先前的 2 至 3 倍,增進四季村的農 產競爭力,且同時保存原有的傳統文化,成為從研發種植技術至執行皆能並進的新形態聚落。

Site 23

Skikun Tribe | Datong Township, Yilan

Logic diagram

Preliminarily partition the site using terrain, and finding out the unique resources in each partition, using those program as nodes to explore possible behavior patterns and unique fields around the node. In addition to crop planting areas and aboriginal living infrastructure, there are also geothermal hot springs and other resources on the site.

Agricultural Chain characteristics of each partition 24

Between the Mountains

Prototype Setting



Generation logic of Prototype

Through the establishment and division of nodes, the solution of the shortest path on the slope of the base is sought, and the area obtained by the road division is used to establish the function of the area. The differences in the parameters in each subarea have resulted in multiple changes in the geomorphology.


TID E O F M O O D Hunger Park in the City 抑鬱解放公園

04 Hunger Park in the City

Tide of Mood Yoyogi 2 Aoi Park, Shinjuku

Tokyo, Japan 2021 Spring


Hideki Hirahara


27 28


Tide of Mood Hunger Park in the City


Obsessed with the periodic change of tides, deriving the idea of wanting to explore more about the phenomenon of tides. The ebb and flow of tides cause the ambiance of the space changes. Also, when sun shines on the waves sparkle attractively. But if the tide without water, what can it be? It was found that tides may also exist in the city. It takes on an imaginary form, as if an annual event is held in an area that brings people together.People's moods also fluctuate periodically. That is, tide of mood in cities. Our mood It's like ebb and flow in life. Respond to the event in real life, founding that the government established a new official position called “Minister of solitude & isolation.” Because of the revages of covid 19, people feel lonely & isolated even more. The project would be reconstruction the park that become a place providing emotional release. Here, people decide for themselves whether forgive their emotions or not. 在汪洋大海中,有著周期性變化的事件發生——潮汐;而同樣地,城市中亦存在。 著手找尋城市中的潮汐,發現最貼近生活的莫過於情緒的潮汐。疫情的肆虐使得人們孤獨與 被孤立的情況加劇,自殺率因而節節攀升,基地選定於東京新宿,利用情緒的階段性分解來 探討於都市中壓抑的人如何意識並回歸以往的生活狀態。


Yoyogi 2 Aoi Park | Shinjuku, Tokyo On the north side of the site, there are commercial office buildings and a car rental company, forming a path leading to the main road. Compared to the north, those blocks on the southern side of the site are divided into pieces, so there many trails.



After the emotion relieved, coming to the dessert tower,

which is an area where people can interact with others.

Here, you can look out over the city and get back to life.

The suspended promenade of fear makes one aware of one's own emotions.

Dessert Tower

The corridor of fear Subway station

People who come to the site from other directions can also find these rasterants and take a break through the volume hints. First, people will be attracted by the notch and come into the park. At there, people will first go through constant choices, from ramen shops to bars that provide roaring space to release his emotions.If the emotions are released, people can choose to leave. But if someone keeps repressed, he will walk to the corridor of fear and make people feel their emotions through the unstable suspended space. After that, passed by a personal shabu-shabu restaurant. Because one had to go to the public bar to fetch ingredients, he would be forced to interact with people, so that the depressed people gradually returned to the crowd. 31

The personal shabu-shabu restaurant echoes the

Activities & Experience

state of life. Even if you are a maverick, you will

Liberate Depressed Emotions

eventually return to the life of the crowd.

Shabu Shabu

Simple food can heal a person's mood. In this park, people can choose to be alone or sit down, eatingand chatting with others.


Ramen shop


The Exit of the Mind

After choosing to come to the Roar Bar, it's a great place to let go of your repressed ego. Also, the first floor offers carr y-out drinks for passersby.


04 Tide of Mood

Choice in Dif ferent Ways Forced to interact with the crowd on the way to take Office workers who have just finished work pass by the park to have a drink to

hot pot ingredients and return to the pace of the city.

relieve their body and mind. Chatting with the owner of

Eat dessert to replenish

the ramen shop to recharge

energy, overlooking the city.

energy and keep working

After this, people recovered


t h e sta t e o f m o o d a n d returned to the crowd.


Stages of Mood

Following the way of mood

In accordance with the environment of the base, the space is disassembled into four parts, which in turn correspond to the changes in people's reactions to depression,becoming a tidal cycle of emotions. The only way to get yourself out of a depressed state is to realize that you are in the situation. Whether talking to bartanders or let oneself be alone. Overlooking the city, and realized that it's life.


Transmigration Buddhist Temple 迴 - 喧鬧中的靜謐

05 Buddhist Temple

Transmigration Intersection of Zhongzheng Road and Gongming Street

Tamsui, Taiwan 2019 Autumn


Chang-han Shen


35 36




3F Plan

2F Plan

Site Plan

1F Plan




Transmigration Buddhist Temple


The Buddhist temple on Tamsui Old Street is a secret place that provides a noisy area. With the idea of reincarnation in Buddhism as the core, each path transition in the path symbolizes the transition; from the community space on the ground floor to the vertically upward clock tower, people inadvertently enter the circle, and they intentionally or unconsciously look at the third floor The big Buddha in the main hall is calm and respectful. The skylights of the underground monk's room protrude to shape an outdoor plaza and performance space, once again in line with the old street.

位於淡水老街上的佛寺,是提供喧鬧區域的一塊秘境。以佛教中的輪迴一念作為核心,路徑 中的每一個路徑轉折象徵著轉念;從地面層的社區空間到垂直向上的鐘塔,人們不經意地進 入迴圈之中,且有意無意端看位於三樓大殿的大佛,平靜且不失敬意。而地下僧房的天窗突 起形塑出室外廣場及表演空間,再度與老街接軌。


Tamsui, New Taipei City


The Breeding of Skills Tamkang Hub 技藝的孕育 - 淡江育成中心

06 Tamkang Hub

The Breeding of Skills Tamkang University

Tamsui, Taiwan 2020 Spring


Ching-huang Ju


39 40



The Breeding of Skills Tamkang Hub


Taking the prototype as the initial state of the incubation center, the space presents a layered atmosphere through the sandwich between the facade and the wall. The curved mezzanine is where the darkroom needs to be prevented from light sources. The inward is a large cone-shaped hollow, which is used as a large-scale exhibition and extension platform; while the curved tail wing extends out to become several small commentary fields and research rooms, because of the extreme fluidity. Gao encourages people to communicate actively. The addition of the incubation center

The Breeding of Skills

has increased design academic diversification and more experimental teaching.

以原型作為育成中心的初始狀態,透過皮層和牆面的包夾使空間呈現出層層包裹的氛圍。曲 面的夾層是需要杜絕光源的暗房所在,向內是圓錐狀的大挑空,作為大型展覽和伸展台使用; 而曲面的尾翼延伸出去成為數個小評圖場及研究室,因為流動性極高促使人們活躍交流。育 成中心的增設增加了設計學術多元化與更多實驗性教學的產生。


Tamkang University The site is located in Wuhugang, which is now the school locomotive parking lot. Because of the huge height difference, this place brings unique conditions.



Model Space and Facade Operation

Office and general course use space Functional space Audiovisual room This volume covers small conference rooms and stepped audio-visual rooms, etc.

Entrance With the concept of wrapping, it symbolizes the inclusion of no mathematics in this learning environment.

Outer Layer Completely impenetrable darkroom As an equipment room for film and photography related subjects.



A Day in Wanhua Co-living Space 萬華の 24 時間

The people living in Wanhua are

2F Plan

4F Plan

1F Plan

3F Plan

all kinds of people. Old people waiting for people to listen to the story, office workers who return at night, vegetable vendors who order goods in the midnight market , and prostitute who goes out late and return in the morning. With such a different routine of life, the arrangement of the shared space i n c rea s e s t h e co m m u n i cat i o n among the people under the eaves, taking care of each other and sharing life.

住在萬華的人形形色色,等待人們來傾 聽故事的老人、夜歸的上班族、半夜市 場批貨的菜販、晚出早歸的酒店小姐。 在如此不同的生活作息下,透過共享空 間的擺設增加了同在屋簷下的人們的交 流,彼此照應、共享生活。

07 Co-living space

A Day in Wanhua Changtai Street, Wanhua

Taipei, Taiwan 2019 Spring


Ten-chun Hsiang


43 44

Trace of light and shadow Information Station 光影的追溯

The old factory buildings in Huashan symbolize the evolution, rise and fall of the industry. After several generations, the bits and pieces of the base will pass away with time. Through the window of collecting those historical memories, regaining the scene of the industry, I will replay it here. Section 華山的舊廠房象徵產業的演進與興衰。 在經過數個世代後,基地上曾經的點滴 將隨著時間逝去。透過搜集那些歷史記 憶的窗,重拾產業的光景,在此回放。

08 Information station

Trace of Light and Shadow Huashan 1914 Creative Park

Taipei, Taiwan 2018 Autumn


Deng-guei, Yang


45 46

Ning ling, y ang Tamkang University 2017 - 2021 Architecture Selected Works

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