Mariacristina D’Oria Selection of participatory projects
project of: typology: place: year:
GarageGenera(c)tion Participatory project Trieste (TS) 2014 - 2015
The collective of GarageGenera(c)tion, founded by Anna Savron, is a network of people who settings are ranged from architecture, photography, psychology and many others and who want to share his proficiency and spaces for improving the city by artistic actions. As a member of this group I took part in SUperGRETTA, a project of participate urban regeneration focused on the Primary School “Umberto Saba” of Gretta, a district of Trieste. The project was structured into three phases: 1. The 3 superheroes at school Definition of the three superheroes, each of which represents a specific theme to face and on which we want to collect the children’s wishes: Flora, (public green), Martina (meeting places) and Arturo (safety in the neighborhood). We delivered inside the school a series of posters (superheroes’ presentation), a series of figurines with the three superheroes (on the front the superhero’s record card and on the back a question to be answered by the child) and a box, to collect all the compiled figurines. 2. Thematic roundtables at school were organized in order to collect opinions, sensations, and wishes of the children and to create with them some elements that will be exposed later on, during the third event. Each of the three roundtables was dedicated to superheroes and connected activity: Flora (germination of the bean’s seed), Martina (drawing of the favorite place where to play) and Arturo (coloring stones to be placed in the Gretta model) 3. The exhibition that shows up the children’s works
Presentation of the superheroes and roundtables at school
Figurines of the three superheroes
Some of the children suggestions
Exhibition plan
0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Start Floating ceiling of dreams. Our path, our why Family portraits. The story of our superheroes Wonderwall. The children wishes Conference space Post it! Leave here suggestions and observations The attic of beliefs. The illustrator Silvia Volonnino The pedestrian crossing of Arturo. The children drawings
8. The public living room of Martina. Clay to express wishes, artist: Roberta Tucillo 9. Flora’ green murals. New green in the city 10. Immersion in the green. Album of design references 11. New road signs. The winning signs! 12. Stage space 13. Draw your game! 14. The buffet
Photos of the event
Raibosola Contest: a participated path for a project of urban regeneration project of: typology: place: year:
Mariacristina D’Oria and Elisa Ferro Competition of ideas Comacchio (FE) 2013
Proposal of ideas for urban regeneration of the Peep Raibosola district, located in the eastern quadrant of the city of Comacchio (FE), with the aim of increasing the quality of life and the capacity of cohesion of the community settled through the transformation of open public spaces and collective use. The project developed, “R2 Rehab Raibosola. Starting again from the courtyards!” wants to promote a gradual growth and transformation of the neighborhood, encouraging the redevelopment of public space through people, pushing them out of their backyard and sharing their experiences, bringing the quality of the courtyard into the neighborhood. A relevant element that influenced our proposal for this contest was our participation at the “Participatory design workshop: Ideas for a growing neighborhood, a participatory project for Comacchio”, organized by Living Urban Scape (LUS), Municipality of Comacchio and the Union of the Delta del Po Regional Park of the of the Emilia Romagna, Comacchio (FE). The workshop, which was attended by students, teachers, and researchers from four Italian universities (Venice, Roma, Trieste, and Ferrara), represented an important introduction to the themes of participatory planning and the opportunity to experiment and study some phases in which it is articulated: visioning and planning for real.
Manifesto of the contest’ proposal: “R2 Rehab Raibosola. Starting again from the courtyards!”
Participatory design developed during the Workshop of partecipatory planning: Ideas for a neighboorhood that grows: planning for real phase
Masterplan of the proposal: “R2 Rehab Raibosola. Starting again from the courtyards!�
The project phases current state
Phase 1: Redevelopment of the disused building and new square of the district
Phase 2: Social housing, cycle paths and bike sharing, new square of the district, parking for the sport area
Phase 3: Park of urban rooms, Bronx retraining
Phase 4: Park of sports islands and maintenance
Pedibus Opicina. Safe home-school routes project of: Stradivarie Architetti Associati typology: partecipatory planning, detailed and final proposals place: Opicina, Trieste (TS) year: 2016 developed as an Associate Architect of Stradivarie Architetti Associati
The project aims to make the access of the Recreation Centre “Fratelli Fonda Savio” of Opicina safer and easier through the implementation of minimal structural interventions, inspired by the principles of traffic moderation and those related to the protection and recognition of routes used by childrenpedestrians. The work was shared and developed within some educational laboratories that involved the children attending the recreation center and thanks to the administration of a questionnaire addressed to both parents and pupils. The final route was designed as a single line of this particular “urban transport”, characterized in particular by the presence of numerous natural emergencies and named for this reason “Pedibus Dolina”. The route of the Pedibus is characterized by a green signage, easily recognizable by pedestrians who must use it to move around the area, and for drivers, for whom it represents a bollard and an element of attention.
Photo of the final race with the balloons
Photo of of the neighborhood walk and the participated process, with the reception of children’s and parents’ ideas
The definition of the Pedibus Dolina route
The definition of the Pedibus Dolina road marking elements
90 km2 of experiences project of: Giulia Bassi, Chiara Borghi, Laura Del Piccolo, Mariacristina D’Oria, Nerina Gaglioti, Chiara Padrone, Andrea Pauletich, Anna Savron, GOtoECO, Stradivarie Architetti Associati
typology: planning and coordinated graphics design place: Gorizia (GO) year: 2012 - 2014
This project proposes a new way of visiting the territory of Gorizia, based on direct experiences of the residents of 10 municipalities covering a total area of 90 km2 extending from the Carso to the sea. The name derives from the geographical data of the project that led to the creation of the multi-guide “90Km2 di esperienze” (90Km2 experiences). The aim of the project is to describe and promote the territory in a simple way, old, established and efficient as only the word of mouth can be. Thus, routes that the multi-guide collects were “gifted” by the local people through their very personal life experience; we called them “storyteller”.
Promotion of the Karst territory through maxiposter with storytellers citations
Promotion of the Karst territory through maxiposter with storytellers photo
Promotion of the Karst territory through maxiposter with storytellers photo
The route of the storyteller Gabriella, an extract of the multi-guide: Gabriella photo and description
The route of the storyteller Gabriella, an extract of the multi-guide: Gabriella describes her route
The route of the storyteller Gabriella, an extract of the multi-guide: Gabriella describes her route.
The route of the storyteller Gabriella, an extract of the multi-guide: the map.