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Jonathan Bennett

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Words By Bobby Nahill | January 27 2022

A Cultural Icon


There is no doubt Jonathan Bennett is used to being busy. After hitting world-wide acclaim for his roles in numerous box-office hits, Bennett’s acting career has transpired across all forms of media. Now a viral digital mogul, television host, and entrepreneur in between acting jobs, Bennett has seemingly mastered the true meaning of multitasking. When speaking to Bennett, his authenticity, passion and candidness were an inspirational breath of fresh air.

Jonathan wears full look by The Kooples, Gloves stylists own.

What is a fun or unique fact that most people wouldn’t know about you?

We live in the age of social media, and I pretty much live my whole life on Instagram and in the public eye. There isn’t really anything people don’t know about me already. I guess that would be my fun fact!

You are truly a jack of all trades and constantly involved in multiple projects. How do you manage everything?

Between social media, acting, planning a wedding, activism for the LGBTQ+ community, the days are very full and it can be challenging. But I approach everything from a teamwork aspect. You surround yourself with amazing people, and luckily I have an amazing team I work with. Especially my fiancé, who is my number 1 team mate in all of this, helping me to navigate what this world will look like. Having a support system is the answer to everything.

As an actor, the rollercoaster is real, and you are someone who is such an advocate for mental health and wellness. When did wellness start to play a bigger role in your life?

After both my parents passed, there was a moment where after all the dust settled, I realized how much a toll of the pressure of not only being an actor but a gay actor in Hollywood was having on me. It got me to a point where I realized I didn’t feel good inside and needed to figure out who I am and live for myself versus pleasing everyone else. Once I started living unapologetically myself, my real mental health felt like it was at a thriving and happy place. You realize you have to re-organize your “closet” and dump out all of your luggage and re-pack it - figuratively and literally.

Jonathan wears Shirt by A.P.C.

Do you have any go-to wellness practices that help you on a regular basis?

I want to be the person that says I meditate every day and journal, but I don’t do either. For me, group fitness classes are where I go for my mental health stability. Really high intense group classes are the only place that catch up with my brain due to the loud music, tons of energy happening really quickly and not being able to use your phone. You have to focus for an entire hour on this one task, and that really helps calm me down mentally.

If you had an entire day dedicated to just wellness what would that look like?

The only day I wouldn’t be able to answer emails or phone calls is on my deathbed. Jokes aside, I would spend the entire day with my golden doodle. My dog brings me so much joy, and is truly an emotional support for me.

“If you are ever having an off day, just stop and think “it can’t be as weird as Jonathan Bennett’s day on October 3rd.” It is a blessing to be a part of pop culture and to be an icon in that world.”

Jonathan wears Jacket by Stone Island, Shirt by A.P.C. Jeans by Frame

Your career really took off pre-social media and viral internet fame, and certain roles you’ve been in have achieved both huge box office notoriety and are still popular today with the help of social media. How does that feel to reflect on and realize you’re a cultural icon?

It’s a weird thing to be Jonathan Bennett, and October 3rd is the weirdest day of my life. If you are ever having an off day, just stop and think “it can’t be as weird as Jonathan Bennett’s day on October 3rd.” It is a blessing to be a part of pop culture and to be an icon in that world. It’s humbling and gratifying at the same time. The reason for all of the success is people. Mean Girls and Hallmark are stories about people that everyone can relate to. Everyone’s been to high school and that’s why Mean Girls does so well. Everyone has family and has to go through the holidays in someway, which is where Hallmark comes in. A lot of gay people that want to get married look to me and my fiancé for advice and support. Projects that are truly successful can all relate back to people and their lives. Whether it’s on social media or a movie, it’s due to the fact that you can identify with whatever it is you’re watching.

You have really been taking social media by storm. What has been the benefit of social media for you personally and professionally?

There’s two types of people out there: those who love and hate social media. I’d say I’m both. I love how much I can tell my story and live my life loudly, proudly and visibly for younger Jonathan’s to see. I remember back when I was a young gay man, I didn’t have any role models to look up to, or love that looks like the kind of love I wanted, between two men in a healthy, happy relationship. Social media allows me to create visibility of what a hard working gay man in the industry goes through, and on top of that is able to find love and be in a relationship that is inspiring for others. People don’t just want to see your successes but also your failures, which I believe is important to share, in order to pull back the one-dimensional curtain and show intimate and raw times in between happy moments.

Jonathan wears Turtle Neck by Sandro Paris, Suit by Brunello Cucinelli, Coat by The Kooples

“I tried to be someone else for so long and it was such a waste of energy and time. Looking back I would have been my true self the moment I could speak.”

Jonathan wears Sweater by Ralph Lauren Purple Label

What are your thoughts on marriage and what does it mean to you?

I never thought marriage was possible, because growing up it wasn’t legal between two men. It was a pipe dream that didn’t exist so I didn’t put much thought into it. When it became legal, I really saw it as a possibility. When I met James, I realized it could be a reality. I am a handful and it took meeting the right person that understands how to appreciate who you are for exactly who you are and not try to make you anything else. Marrying the person you love, you are marrying all of them and still loving them anyway.

You’ve also made huge steps for the LGBTQ+ community in the world of representation and have been a beacon for queer viewers and performers. For those who are in the LGBTQ+ community and aspire for a career similar to yours, what advice do you have for those individuals?

Just be you and do you, because everyone else is taken. Don’t try to be everyone else because the moment you do that, you lose all the amazing qualities that make you you. I tried to be someone else for so long and it was such a waste of energy and time. Looking back I would have been my true self the moment I could speak.

Jonathan wears Jacket by Stone Island, Shirt by A.P.C. Jeans by Frame

The Christmas House was such a touching and well received movie. What can we expect from the sequel that came out Dec 18th?

The Christmas House 2 has twice the humor and heart. We see the Mitchell family come back together for the holidays a few years later and the family has gotten bigger, and my husband and I have adopted another baby as a family of four. We wanted to create our own holiday traditions with our family, and end up getting roped into a Christmas decorating contest reality tv competition. Hilarity ensues and through all of it, the viewers will really relate to how great of a job Hallmark did creating an authentic version of a real family in 2021. The Mitchell Family looks like a real family, acts like a real family, and the viewers can really identify with themselves in the movie, where you get the heart and humor from. I’m so proud of the Hallmark Channel for showing the world that Christmas is for everyone, and everyone deserves to feel seen during the Holidays.

With your upcoming wedding, running Out- Bound Travel, and continuing your incredibly successful acting and hosting career, what would you love to see next in your life personally and professionally?

I would love to be in a project where my fiancé and I can be in it together. We hang out all day anyway so might as well do that on set.

Jonathan wears The Kooples Paris


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