M.Citizen Magazine Issue 4

Page 146


Words By Vanna Rasmusen

Have you heard of the phrase, “Put your money where your mouth is”? Why throw away half your paycheck on temporary beauty solutions, when you can pick up authentic beauty enhancers at a p l a c e y o u v i s i t r e g u l a r l y. . . t h e grocery store.

Next time you are strolling through the local market, realize that you are selecting your cellular makeup. An investment that will determine how much energy you will have, influence your mood and give you that “just left the spa glow” better than any product or p r o c e d u r e , i f y o u c h o o s e w i s e l y. After all, eating and drinking are two things that we must do every d a y, w h y n o t l e a r n e x a c t l y h o w t o d o this to our greatest advantage? Everyone knows that drinking (1/2 your body weight in oz.) water helps us to purge toxin and improves our skin. There are also essential edible components, if consumed r e g u l a r l y a n d p r e p a r e d p r o p e r l y, c a n drastically improve our appearance: Vit amin A, Ant ioxid ants and Ke y Minerals. We h a v e a l l h e a r d o f t h e s e mystical molecules, let me share w h a t t h e y d o i n t h e b o d y, w h i c h foods have the most of them, and the best ways to preser ve these precious little gems in the cooking process. 146 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 04

Vitamin A (beta-carotene) A main contributor to the health of o u r h a i r, s k i n , n a i l s , e y e s a n d t e e t h . This vitamin is usually associated with foods that are red, orange and y e l l o w i n c o l o r. F o o d s t h a t c o n t a i n high amounts of vitamin A include: sweet potato, winter squash, dark greens like: kale, chard and collards, turnips, carrots, red peppers, mango, cantaloupe, and grapefruit. Antioxidants These are molecules that combat oxidation (death) of a cell, known as a free radical. Antioxidants, such as Vit amin E and C, defend your body on a cellular level. Food that rank especially high in antioxidants include: black berries, blueberries, mint, oregano, basil, cinnamon, pomegranates, artichoke, avocado, walnuts, pecans, and cacao (chocolate nut). Key Minerals There are many essential minerals that play imperative roles in the b o d y. H e r e a r e t h e t o p t h r e e t h a t majorly contribute to the quality of our overall appearance: Selenium – Improves the skin by combating inflammation, soothing redness and dry skin. Found in: Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, mushrooms and green/brown lentils.

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