M. Citizen Magazine Issue 3

Page 76

How COVID-19 Transformed The Fitness Industry For Good

By Scott Ashley

2020 was a year that the world will remember as one of the most unpredictable and cinematic years of our time. Covid-19 was a global attack on human health, mentally and physically pushing people to look at their worlds differently. Every type of industry was affected. Many were negatively hit and others thrived. My industry for the past 9 years has been focused inside the h ea lth and fitne ss w o r ld an d I hav e s e e n a huge development during this time and Covid-19 accelerated some of the c h a nges . Historically we would buy health and fitness magazines, books, videos and dvd’s. Then the internet offered us blogs, downloadable fitness plans and YouTube became a source of free education and motivation. This was quickly followed by Instagram. Health a nd fi tn es s cont e n t w as b e i n g po ste d by professionals and enthusiasts from all over the world, every second of everyday, and this trend has skyrocketed due to the pandemic. Many people were no longer commuting to work with global lockdowns and furloughs. Many were forced to stay home unless they had an essential work role, with the exception of f o od s hoppin g an d o ut do o r e xe r c is e . Gyms were closed, so the only exercise people could do was outside or in their homes . O n li n e f i t n e ss e xpl o d e d . People were now looking to fill their free time and find ways to feel good again, and many people championed online 76 M. CITIZEN MAGAZINE | ISSUE 03

health guru’s to help them through t h e s e s t ra ng e a nd t e s t ing t im e s. We sa w a dramatic increase in outdoor running, which was something I personally was e x c it e d t o s e e . R u nning h a s a l w a ys be e n such a mental release for me. If I’m tired, stressed or feeling low I know a 30 m inu t e ru n wil l s o l v e it a l l . I have gone from someone who travelled day to day, from client to client at private residences, to then working on camera from my studio in L o nd o n. W o rk ing w it h c l ie nt s ove r se a s, in all different time zones. I believe as the world begins to open up, life will resume, people will return to the gym and enjoy the social aspect that gyms bring to people’s lives. However there will also be those who have loved digital fitness, taking group classes on zoom and instagram live workouts. With this new demand, it means that fitness professionals have new opportunities to build online platforms and create new financial revenue streams. In my opinion, everyone should get outside if possible. Absorb vitamin D, fill your lungs with fresh air and enjoy the benefits nature has to offer. We are social beings who thrive off interaction from others, so I hope that although the online fitness world has taken off, people will still find the time and motivation to be at gyms, pools, parks and sporting activities. It is these places we meet new people, exercise social skills and create necessary positive changes for our mental health. ▪

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