1. Port folio: 1st year in Architecture

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M. M. LEKHON ALAM (B.ARCH., Khulna University, Khulna, BANGLADESH) LECTURER, Stamford University Bangladesh E-Mail: lekhon_arch@yahoo.com , Mobile: +8801716425245

Year of completion: 2014

1st YEAR , TERM-1 1.Dot’s Composition:

2.Platonic Solid

Here We have to make a composition with the dot on a 12’’X10’’ black base plan. I had made dot by white paper as well as had created a composition of dot & a base plane.

Geometers have studied the mathematical beauty and symmetry of the Platonic solids for thousands of years. In this project, I had tried to make an internal space within a platonic solid which would be interactive with the surroundings.

This Project was done by a platonic solid and a base plane of 12’’X10’’

In this composition I had tried to make a free owing space with the platonic solid and the base plane.

4.Color Wheel:

3.Conceptal line-plane: By this project I have tried to make the essence of “DEATH’. This composition tries to tell the infinite journey after death. I assume that Death is actually the starting of an endless journey, so infinity in my composition.

1st YEAR , TERM-2 1.Platonic solid color composition: in this project I had created a composition which would give the essence of upper owing space. composition itself turns the space upwaord and it was terminated by the colored platonic solids.

2.Line plane composition: Indication of upwards owing space which is done by the composition.

This is the project of simple line and plane which will make an impact with the base plane.

3.Space Design Space design was the last project of the 1st year. in this project we were given by some restriction as well as some directions. Every student of my studio is given by a certain architect which he/she might follow in his/her space design. in space design every student had the exibility to choose their own site in anywhere. And that site was needed to build in scale.

Charles Correa Charles Correa (born 1 September 1930) is a noted Indian architect, urban planner and activist. An inuential architect credited for the creation of modern architecture in post-Independence India.

Concept: Drop In Silence - I had taken my site on the top of a hill which actually surrounded by another hills which are situated just beside a Ocean. - I had learned the philosophy of the master architect Charles correa and tried to take the design elements of her project. As it was a requirement to make the project more close to charles correa architecture. - After doing this, I just tried to design that nature with the concept of

Perspective View of the Space Design Traditional Court which is used by Charles Correa

Ocean Side View Of the SITE

Ocean Side View Of the SITE

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