Acju activity report 2016 17

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Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

CONTENTS Honorary President’s Message


Honorary General Secretary’s Message


Honorary Treasurer’s Message


ACJU Mission & Objectives


Incorporated Act of ACJU


Executive Committee


ACJU Fatwa Committee


Internal Operational Structure


Our Team


ACJU District & Divisional Branch Network


ACJU by the Numbers


Highlights of the Year 2016-17


Flood Relief Report - 2016


Special Projects 2016-17


Special Guests Column



Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Honorary President’s Message It is a great honour to present the President’s Message for the Annual Report for the Financial Year 2016/2017 of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU). The ACJU, being an organization for Muslim Theologian was inaugurated in 1924, has stood for promoting and protecting Islam whilst ensuring inter communal amity amongst all Sri Lankans, irrespective of their religion, race, ethnicity or language. Indeed, as stated by Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) himself, the Ulama are heirs of the prophets and all the prophets are mercy to Mankind. It is their selfless dedication to enlighten the masses in all aspect of life, regardless of their community affiliations that helped to build upright, just and moral societies. Our progress and operation in the Financial Year 2016/2017 continued in the same spirit, with over 6100 strong membership, with presence over 150 branches island-wide. Operationally, organized under Administrative Secretary and four Chief Coordinators, the ACJU continued its operations in the year under consideration, with improvement in very key performance indicators we have set ourselves during the year, in line with the overall objectives set out in the Incorporation Act No 51 of 2000; from expanding membership, to Fatwa division to Education and Social Services, our services to the key stakeholders improved during the year under review. Operational Review Our Council of Cooperation and Coordination (CCC) is a division of the ACJU, focused on developing Coexistence and the Social Unity in this island. All our Religious Scholars, Masjid

Trustees, Imams, Katheebs, Madrasa Teachers and students, members of civil societies and Muslim communities are nurtured to live in peace and harmony with all communities. Our positive record of constant peaceful living for over one thousand years as recorded by many authors including recently by Dr. (Mrs.) Lorna Devaraja in her book “The Muslims of Sri Lanka – One thousand years of ethnic harmony- 900 to 1915”, is a record that we strive to maintain in years to come. While we were attempting to promote coexistence we were also making efforts for the unity of all Muslims. Unity in Diversity is well-practiced in our Fatwa Committee where there are Religious Scholars from various accepted Islamic Schools of Thoughts and Da’wah Organizations working in unison. Our vision of having a united Ummah and maintaining good relationships with different communities have been further strengthened through the two Declarations issued by ACJU, namely the ‘Declaration on Coexistence’ and the ‘Declaration on Unity’. We will continue to strive and make efforts in the midst of numerous challenges and will not rest until we achieve this enormous task. At a national level, we welcome the initiatives taken by H.E. the President Maithripala Sirisena under the Inter-religious Advisory Committee in peace building efforts which are in line with our thinking that could lead to peace and harmony among all segments of the society. ACJU as an organization will continue its unstinted support for these efforts. Furthermore, the establishment of the Ministry of National

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 Integration and Reconciliation, the Ministry of Coexistence, Dialogue and Official Languages are also practical steps taken to achieve greater communal amity. In Sri Lanka, there are about 10,000 schools where approximately 4.5 million students are taking their education. There are different types of ethnic groups among them. They are all our country’s future assets. They all need to be provided with the vibrant power of education. Every child born is blessed with some sort of inborn talents, which should be identified by intellectuals and scholars to benefit all in general. Our Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “The people are like mines of silver and gold.” Our concept of ‘Education for All’ launched by Education Division is meant to support these children irrespective of their ethnicity. Our recent contribution of a sophisticated laboratory to Gamini Madya Maha Vidyalaya, Wellampitiya is a testament to this approach. Despite the fact that the ACJU’s Maktab providing Islamic preliminary education started its operation in 2011, the term “Maktab” had been used for more than 1000 years in our country. Al Haj A.C.M. Azeez, a Muslim Minister delivered a lecture in the International Conference for Education in 1962, where he used the term Maktab in reference to Quran Madrasa. These Makatib were connected to Masajid. During the year under review, over 6,300 Maktab classes were conducted throughout the country. We believe that children are invaluable treasures and gifts from Allah, and as such, we as elders are duty bound to bring up these children in an obedient manner, therefore, the aim of Maktab is to nurture every child with Thaqwa & Tharbiya. We urge all stakeholders to give the maximum

02 support to make the Maktab operation a success. Insha Allah we will continuously strive to improve and enhance the quality of the Maktab education system by providing on-the-job training for all key stakeholders. The tremendous volume of work carried out by the ACJU Social Service Division is another commendable effort with 26 completed projects and 43,485 beneficiaries supported during the year under review. Through these efforts what we aspire is to support people on humanitarian grounds. During incidents such as Tsunami in 2004, Aluthgama Riots in 2015 and Floods in 2016, we supported people in the same spirit. During the 2016 floods and the landslide disaster that brought an unexpected calamity to the people the ACJU started assisting flood affected victims irrespective of their caste, creed and religion, sincerely striving for their rehabilitation with the assistance of the other organizations and Masjid Federations. A detail of the Flood Relief Report is attached in this Annual Report for your further reference. The competency development of the Religious Scholars is given utmost importance in our strategic planning; training in the form of “Train the Trainers”, training on technical areas and awareness on unity & coexistence are prime examples of that focus in action during 2016/2017. Going Forward The ACJU is not for profit organization. It is sponsored by donors and welfare organizations for its success. We consider each and every cent contributed as Amanath and the ACJU has given the assurance of ever evolving benefit. May Allah bless and accept your contributions. We,

03 the ACJU, have adopted standard accounting and auditing practices that been a greater transparency in utilizing funds for each and every project. "and (success is attained) by those who honestly look after their trusts and covenant" (23:8) I would like to acknowledge the support extended by the Deputy President, Vice Presidents, General Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretaries, Assistant Treasurers and the members of Executive Committee, providing guidance and leadership and conducting affairs of the ACJU in most respectable and satisfactory manner. May Allah bless all serving with sacriďŹ ce and accept everyone’s good deeds.

Mufti M.I.M. Rizwe Honorary President

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Honorary General Secretary’s Message All praise is due to Allah. It is with great pleasure that I am issuing this message for the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU) on the occasion of releasing its Annual Report for the year 2016-17. The ACJU, as a council of Muslim Theologians, has been in the service of this community, since 1924, quite a long period approaching almost a century in another seven years to come. The ACJU has exceeded its membership by over 6,000 in the beginning of the last year and most of our members are qualified Religious Scholars educated locally with a few percentage abroad. Our occupying divisions in the recent years have enhanced to 15, whereby most of the veteran members are involved in the services of the ACJU, along with selected professional employees in the forefront equally serving the community altogether. The projects in all the divisions in our organization have remarkably progressed in the year 2016/17 and I do appreciate human resources rendered by our staffs. Details of the projects are given in the Highlights of the year 2016/17. However, I would like to highlight certain projects in progress. Under the Maktab Division, there was a significant initiative and progress, though inaugurated six years ago approximately 120,000 students throughout the country were enrolled. Last year a professional qualitative measure was taken to an improved Maktab

education. The ACJU created a uniformity in this child education with a professional management system, which erased all disorderly deviated child education with untrained teachers. Under the Education Division, the ACJU’s concern over the selected Government Schools feeble in various ways affecting the poor students in most parts of the country: a survey was initially taken in 34 schools from different locations and were found that proper motivation and the parents’ unaffordability were the major causes for the backwardness of these schools. As per the survey funds were collected from affordable parents and donors of the school locations and were encouraged to support the concerned schools. Thus, a remarkable development was on the way in Colombo, Kandy and Negombo. After the efforts on weak areas the Education Division took steps to improve, which showed a drastic change. Several hundreds of children attending school without breakfast, lack of uniforms, socks, shoes, etc., lack of teachers for specified subjects, lack of transport facility, text books & stationary, apart from all these non-maintenance of the schools’ infrastructure, like the laboratory, library and the closet facilities. The concerned Division drew up a specified strategic plan for urgent improvement. It was found that the similar children produced better results in attendance, discipline, improved education producing better results. This effort was extended to other Districts gradually throughout the island. Covering the whole

05 country’s weaker schools is a long-run process to be continued extending to other Districts. The other major challenge faced by minorities in the country is well-known. As a part of one of our Divisions under the Council of Cooperation and Coordination (CCC) worked out several programs to counter these challenges. Publication of responding specific doubts on Islam and Muslims were provided through Social Dialog books and were distributed among Muslims and especially to non-Muslim brothers. The readers were completely convinced and they were asked to raise any further queries from the CCC of the ACJU. Out of thousands of books printed and distributed in three major languages have been moving fast to the needful readers who commended our efforts, while accepting the responses provided. This responsibility has been continued by the concerned Division.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 Fatwa Division has released 51 Fatwas during the year 2016/17. Fatwa on performing Salah being seated on Chair and Fatwa on Leasing are remarkable issues. The other Fatwas released were based on Inheritance, Waqf matter, Zakath, Salah and Janaza (graveyard). Masha Allah. With the help of Allah, the Almighty all our Divisions were very operative in different services, with the support of the well-wishers, donors and philanthropists of concerned localities, May Allah forgive all and accept every one’s good deeds.

Ash-Sheikh M.M.A. Mubarak Honorary General Secretary


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Honorary Treasurer’s Message First of all, I am pleased to thank Almighty Allah for giving the opportunity to release this message as the Treasurer of the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama. (ACJU). There has been a number of accelerated activities since the new management, under the leadership of Ash Sheikh Mufti M.I.M. Rizwe, took over the chair as the President in 2004. The ACJU has been involved not only in religious services, but in social, economic, educational and various activities. The ACJU’s effort in Tsunami disaster, flood and landslides are some of the remarkable social aids provided to the victims. We have been bearing the expenses of 15 sub committees as and when needed. We have achieved all the targets with great contributions by the philanthropists. In 2015-2016, we received Rs.40.56 million as income for various projects. Such as Takreemul Ulama program, New Building projects etc. We released the payments for above mentioned projects and administration expenses Rs.42.75 million. And we thank the generous and kind hearted people who helped those projects. We raise funds only on pending projects. We succeeded those projects in short period. ACJU INCOME & EXPENSES REVIEW (Rs. In Million) 50.00 40.56 42.75 40.00 30.00 23.74 21.70 20.00 10.00 2015-2016


In 2016-2017, we were involved with flood projects in Kolannawa, Wellampitiya Malwana, Awissawella, Mabola and Wattala areas. We mainly focused only flood related projects, because it was a dire need at that time. We gave fullest support to flood projects to save and help those victims. Therefore, we raised fund only for flood related projects during that period in which we will show in detail in our financial statements. However we raised Rs. 24.76 million as an income for administrative expenses during that period in which we have released the payments of Rs. 29.38 million as ACJU administrative expenses. I express my sincere thanks for the time and support provided by the Board of Executive Members who provided the fullest support of the Organization. I would like to thank all our members, volunteers and generous donors who have supported the ACJU over the past years. We look forward to the coming year with anticipation and enthusiasm. Meanwhile, we invite our community to join hands with us in taking this Organization to a greater height.

Ash-Shaikh A.L.M. Khaleel Honorary Treasurer

Income Expenses

07 Name: This establishment is called and known as ‫ ﺟﻤﻌﻴــﺔ ﻋﻠﻤــﺎﺀ ﺳﺮﻳﻼﻧﻜﺎ‬in Arabic, iuia; ,xld cïbhsh;=,a W,ud in Sinhala, mfpy ,yq;if [k;,a;aj;Jy; cykh in Tamil and All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama in English. Henceforth, it would sometime be referred as 'The Jamiyya'.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

ACJU 07.


Address: The Registered Office of the Jamiyya is located at 281, Jayantha Weerasekara Mawatha, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka. It could be shifted to any other address the Executive Committee decide to do so.


Mission Statement :


The Mission Statement of The Jamiyya should be the 25th verse of the Holy Quran, chapter 16 that translates, 'Invite (all) to the way of the Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching: And argue them with the ways that are best and the most gracious'


Objectives : 01.




05. 06.

Preserving and promoting the religion of Islam called Dheenul Islam. Ensuring upholding unity among the Muslim community and especially strengthening accord among the Ulama Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the Muslims in economical, social and cultural spheres. Publishing books, periodicals and magazines in Sinhalese, Tamil and English languages to better inculcate the Muslim masses as well as non-Muslims about the teachings and principles of Islam and establishing one or more libraries to further facilitate this cause. Encouraging learning Arabic language and the Islamic Shari'a. Promoting ethnic harmony.

Establishing branches of the Jamiyya in every administrative district in the country. Executing all necessary activities that would enable The Jamiyya to acquire its objectives and goals.

Activities: 01.


06. 07. 08. 09.


11. 12.



Organizing and conducting workshops, meetings, seminars, and conventions. Opening and maintaining libraries and branches. Publishing periodicals, magazines, books etc Promoting Arabic colleges on Islamic teachings along with other Islamic teaching institutions. Encouraging the collection and the suitable dissemination of Zakath and Sadaqa. Organizing and conducting dialogues among Islamic Da'wa organizations. Guiding the Ulama to consolidate their religious and social activities. Issuing necessary Fatwa rulings whenever necessity arises. Ensuring permissibility (Halaal certification) of beverages and food items that are being marketed by various companies. Take appropriate measures to look after the welfare of the Ulama and/or their families who are affected in the course of their religious missions. Striving to enroll all the eligible Ulama as members of the Jamiyya. Instigating all the appropriate efforts to acquire and sustain the objectives and goals of the Jamiyya. Striving to develop the Islamic economic system.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17



[Certied on 18th August, 2000]

Printed on the Order of Government

Published as a Supplement to Part II of the Gazette of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka of August 18, 2000



Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

AC J U EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Honorary President Mufti M.I.M. Rizwe Honorary Deputy President Ash-Shaikh A.C.M. Agar Mohamed Honorary General Secretary Ash-Shaikh M.M.A. Mubarak Honorary Treasurer Ash-Shaikh A.L.M. Khaleel Honorary Vice Presidents Ash-Shaikh M.J.Abdul Khaliq Mufti M.H.M. Yoosuff Ash-Shaikh A.L.M. Rila Ash-Shaikh S.H. Atham Bawa Ash-Shaikh A.L.M. Hashim Honorary Assistant Secretaries Ash-Shaikh M.S.M. Thassim Ash-Shaikh M.M.M. Murshid Honorary Assistant Treasurer Ash-Shaikh M.K. Abdurrahman

Honorary Executive Committee Members Ash-Shaikh H. Omardeen Ash-Shaikh S.L. Nawfer Ash-Shaikh M.L.M. llyas Ash-Shaikh M.F.M. Fazil Ash-Shaikh K.M. Abdul Muksith Ash-Shaikh S.A.M. Jawfar Ash-Shaikh Arkam Nooramith Ash-Shaikh Abdullah Mahmood Ash-Shaikh A.C.M. Fazil Ash-Shaikh A.B.M. Aliyar Ash-Shaikh S.M.M. Junaid Ash-Shaikh S.A.B.A.S. Sufiyan Ash-Shaikh S.H. Zarook Ash-Shaikh M.I.M. Shuhaib Ash-Shaikh J. Abdul Hameed Bahji Ash-Shaikh A.M.M. Anas Ash-Shaikh M.M. Hasan Fareed Ash-Shaikh J.M. Ashraf (Lawyer) Ash-Shaikh S.H.M. Ismail Salafi Ash-Shaikh M.M. Careem


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Ash-Shaikh C. I. Azmeer

Ash-Shaikh I. L. M. Hashim Soori

Ash-Shaikh A. G. Hamid Sadaqah

Ash-Shaikh M. L.M. Ilyas

Ash-Shaikh M. Z. M Ameenuddeen

Ash-Shaikh M. M. A. Mubarak

Ash-Shaikh M.S Noorul Hamza

Ash-Shaikh M. H. M. Burhan

Ash-Shaikh M. A. M. Lafar

Ash-Shaikh A. L. M. Rila

Ash-Shaikh S. H. M. Ismail Salafi

Ash-Shaikh S. H. Athambawa

Ash-Shaikh M. F. M. Riyas

Ash-Shaikh A. C. Agar Mohamed

Ash-Shaikh M. O. Fawzur Rahman

Ash-Shaikh M.J Abdul khaliq

Ash-Shaikh M. F. M. Hasan Faris

Ash-Shaikh M. K. Abdur Rahuman

Ash-Shaikh A. G. M. Jaleel

Ash-Shaikh A. R. Abdul Rahman

Ash-Shaikh M. Abdul Qadar

Ash-Shaikh S. M. M. Junaid

Ash-Shaikh M. Z. M. Mufeer

Ash-Shaikh M. H. M. Yahya

Mufti A.R. Amanullah

Ash-Shaikh M. T. M. Salman

Ash-Shaikh A. M. Haroon

Ash-Shaikh M. I. Abdul Cathar

Dr. M. L. M. Mubarak Madani Ph.D.

Ash-Shaikh A. M. Najmudeen

Mufti Javid Iqbal

Ash-Shaikh H. Abdul Nazar

Ash-Shaikh M. N. Ramalan

Ash-Shaikh M. B. M. Hisham

Mufti N. M. Irzan

Mufti M. H. M. Yoosuff

Ash-Shaikh M.N.M Irshad

Mufti K. H. M. A. Mafaz

Ash-Shaikh A. M. Azath

Ash-Shaikh M. M. M. Murshid

Ash-Shaikh M. N. Afras

Ash-Shaikh M. C. M. Rilwan


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17



























Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

OUR TEAM Fatwa Division Ash-Shaikh M.A.A. Haris Ash-Shaikh A.M.M. Mafahim Mufti A.H.M. Minhaj Mr. M.S.M. Cassim

Coordinator - Fatwa Assistant Coordinator - Fatwa Junior Assistant Coordinator - Fatwa Clerical Assistant - Fatwa

Hilaal Division Ash-Shaikh M. Abdul Wahab

Coordinator - Hilaal

Education Division Ash-Shaikh A.M. Khalid Mahmood Ash-Shaikh Inaamul Hassan Ash-Shaikh Bilaal Nalir

Coordinator - Education Asstant Coordinator - Education Junior Assistant Coordinator - Education

Social Service Division Ash-Shaikh M.H.M. Fawaz

Coordinator - Social Service

Propagation Division Ash-Shaikh A.R. Muhammed

Coordinator - Propagation

Council for Coordination & Cooperation Ash-Shaikh M.A.C.M. Fazil Ash-Shaikh N. Abdur Rahman Ash Shaikh T. Numan

Internal Secretary / Coordinator - CCC Asstant Coordinator - CCC Asstant Coordinator - CCC

Islamic Economics & Finance Ash-Shaikh M. Rumi Muhammadh

Coordinator - Islamic Economics & Finance

Branches Coordination Ash-Shaikh M.A.M. Arshad

Coordinator - Branch Affairs



Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Maktab Division Ash-Shaikh S.M.M. Fahim Ash-Shaikh M.N.M. Bilal Ash-Shaikh M.N. Muhammad Shafraz Ash-Shaikh M.R.M. Haleemullah Ash-Shaikh M.R.A. Bishrul Hafi Ash-Shaikh M.Z.M. Zafarullah Ash-Shaikh M.H.M. Fazal

Coordinator - Maktab Head of Maktab Centers Senior Executive - Maktab Administration Maktab Syllabus Assistant Maktab Syllabus Assistant Executuve - Maktab Administration Front Office Executive - Maktab

Youth Affairs Ash-Shaikh M.N.M. Nusrath

Coordinator - Youth Affairs

Ulama Affairs Ash-Shaikh N.M. Siraj

Coordinator - Ulama Affairs

Finance Department Mr. M.F.M. Irfadh Mr. M.A.M. Aslam

Assistant Accountant Accounts Executive

HR & Administration Ash-Shaikh M.F.M. Farhan Al-Hafil M. Ghazzali Ansar Ash-Shaikh M.M. Abdur Rafi Mr. M.N.M. Nilfar Mr. F.M. Ishak Mr. S.M. Ramzy Krathy Mr. M.H.M. Lafir Mr. A.S. Shabeer Mr. M.F.M. Umar

Consultants Mr. A.R. Adam Ali Mr. M.S.M. Jareen Mr. M.N.M. Nafees Mr. T. Ryzan Cassim

Asst. Manager - HR & Administration Executive - Administration Personal Assistant to President IT - Administrator Front Office Executive Senior Executive - Publications Transport Assistant Office Assistant Office Assistant


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Our Reach...

Ampara Addalachchenai Akkaraippattu Central Camp Irakkamam Kalmunai Maruthamunai Mawadippalli Nappidimunai Ninthvur Oluvil Palamunai Pottuvil Sainthamaruthu Sammandurai

ACJU District & Divisional Branch Network Jaffna

Anuradapura Anuradapura City Horopotana Ikkirigollawe Kahatagastigiliya Kekirawa


Badulla Badulla City Bandarawela Boragas Gururthalawe Haliela Passara




Baticcalo Eravur Kalkudah Kattankudi


Colombo Central Division Colombo East Colombo North Colombo South


Gampaha Kahatowita Malwana Minuwangoda Negombo Pasyala Thihariya Wattala




Kalutara Atulugama Beruwala Dharga Town Kalutara City Panadura

Matale Kurunegala

Kandy Gampaha

Amapara Kegalle Nuwara Eliya



Monaragala Ratnapura


Kegalle Hemmathagama Hinguloya Kegalla south Kirungudeniya (Mawanella) Uayanwatta Warakapola Wilpola

Hambantota Galle



Kandy Akurana Kandy City Dehiyange Deltota Dumbara Galagedera Galhinna Gampola Gelioya / Udunuwara Madawela Nawalapitiya Wattegedara Yatinuwara


Kurunagale Abukkagama Arakiyala Bammanna

Kurunagale City Dampitiya Divurumpola Elabadagama Ethulgahakotuwa Ibbagamuwa Kekunugolla Kinniyama / Walpothuwewa Kureekotuwe Madalassa/Thoranegedera Madige Midiyawa Maho/Galgamuwa Narammale Nikaweratiya Paduwasnuwara Pannawa Pothuhara Ridigama Siyambaladaskotuwa Mannar Mandai Mannar City Musali Nanattan Matale Galewela Matale Town Nikagolla Ukuwela Matara Matara City Weligama Monaragale Bakkinigahawela Gaodagamuwa Nuweraeliya Hapugasthalawe Hatton Nuwereliya City Polannaruwa Lankapura Thamanakaduwa Puttalam Akkaraipatru Kalpiti Kottaramulla Madawakkulam Pulichakulam Puttalam City Ratnapura Balangoda Ehaliyagoda Kuruvita Rakwana Ratnapura City Trincomale Mutur Kantale Kinniya Kuchaweli Mullippottana Pulmottai Toppoor Trinco City Vavuniya Cheddikulam Pattanichoor Salambaikulam Sooduvandapulavu Galle Hambantota Jaffna / Kilinochchi Mullaitheevu


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

DISTRICT & DIVISIONAL BRANCHES CONTACT DETAILS DISTRICT SECRETARIES Colombo Gampaha Kandy Matale Nuweraeliya Vavuniya Batticaloa Ampara Trincomalee Kurunagale Puttalam Anuradapura Polannaruwa Badulla Kegalle Matara Mannar Monaragala Ratnapura Kalutara

Ash-Shaikh A.C.M. Fazil


Ash Shaikh Numan


Ash-Shaikh A.L Abdul Gaffar


Ash-Shaikh N.M. Irzan


Ash-Shaikh M.R.M. Fazmeer


Ash-Shaikh S.M. Shibly


Ash-Shaikh A.B.M Mustafa


Ash Shaikh AL.Nazir Kani


Ash-Shaikh K.R.M. Insaf


Ash-Shaikh M.C. Ishak Lebbe


Ash-Shaikh Abdur Rasheed Ash-Shaikh M. Nizam

0724044634 / 0718256414 0718251261

Ash-Shaikh T. Khaleeur Rahman


Ash-Shaikh Careem deen


Ash-Shaikh A.C.M. Iqbal


Ash-Shaikh M.M. Munsir


Ash-Shaikh N.M. Uvais


Ash-Shaikh M.S.M. Salsabeel Ash-Shaikh Rifah Ash-Shaikh M. Thasleem

0716002631 / 0773886443 0769340592 0716814446

DIVISIONAL SECRETARIES Colombo District Colombo Central Colombo East Colombo South Colombo North

Ash-Shaikh M.H.M Nawfer Ash-Shaikh Irshad Hilmy Ash-Shaikh A.C.M. Fazil Ash-Shaikh M.A.C. Abdul Kareem

0776177777 0772375868 0772227745 0776180648

Ash-Shaikh Abdur Rahman Ash-Shaikh Umar Ash-Shaikh M.H.M. Usman Ash-Shaikh M.Z.M. Samrihan Ash-Shaikh A.M.M. Abdus Salam Ash-Shaikh M.N.M. Saifulla Ash-Shaikh Yasir

0777916162 0774469440 0765439086 0776039926 0718325263 0773556822 0772260545

Gampaha Wattala Negombo Minuwangoda Pasyala Kahatowita Thihariya Malwana

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Kandy Kandy City Madawela Nawalapitiya Gelioya / Udunuwara Dehiyange Akurana Galagedera Galhinna Gampola Yatinuwara Dumbara Wattegedara Deltota

Ash-Shaikh A.C.M. Zaki Ash-Shaikh A. F. M. Siraj Ash-Shaikh Muzzammil Ash-Shaikh B.M. Niyas Ash-Shaikh M.H. Abdullah Ash-Shaikh A.L.M. Nayeem Ash-Shaikh S.M. Rifdi Ash-Shaikh A.S. Muhammed Ash-Shaikh M.S. Riyas Mohammed Ash-Shaikh A.W. Nilamdeen Ash-Shaikh H.M. Shameem Ash-Shaikh K. Irshad Muhammadh Ash-Shaikh H.M.M. Ilyas

0772828474 0766725559 0777069383 0779682730 0773185965 0713449533 0774040067 0772221285 0774666634 0718417400 0773754345 0756070770 0773868424 /0812467030

Matale Matale Town Ukuwela Galewela Nikagolla

Ash-Shaikh A.A.M. Faisal Ash-Shaikh A.M. Nazmi Ash-Shaikh M.J.M Jahangeer Ali Ash-Shaikh M.Y. Arshad

0777251316 0772331177 0777483217 0767467855 / 0778467855

Nuwereliya Hapugasthalawe Hatton Nuwereliya City

Ash-Shaikh A.S.M. Akram Ash-Shaikh N.A.M. Azhar Ash-Shaikh B.M. Fahme

0711839893 0774960920 0773699359

Ash-Shaikh M.F. Sadikeen Ash-Shaikh S.M. Naseer Ash-Shaikh T.S. Sajith Ash-Shaikh N.P. Junaid

0776985293 0773581112 0718409135 0718272799

Ash-Shaikh M.MC.M. Rilwan Ash-Shaikh Naleem Ash-Shaikh A.M. Izzath Ahmed

0777869063 0776641854 0772498202

Ash-Shaikh A.R.M. Zubair Ash-Shaikh Rifas Ash-Shaikh M.T.A. Munaff Ash-Shaikh U.L.S Hameed Ash-Shaikh M.A.M. Rizwin Ash-Shaikh Thasthakeer Ash-Shaikh S. Ismail Lebbe

0776968317 0771800674 0778848138 0775878971 0775883624 0772373110 0773187331

Vavuniya Pattanichoor Sooduvandapulavu Cheddikulam Salambaikulam

Baticcaloa Kattankudi Eravur Kalkudah

Ampara Maruthamunai Central Camp Nappidimunai Kalmunai Sainthamaruthu Mawadippalli Sammandurai

17 Nintavur Oluvil Palamunai Addalachchenai Akkaraippattu Irakkamam Pottuvil

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 Ash-Shaikh M.U. Aashiq Ali Ash-Shaikh A.N.M. Nawas Ash-Shaikh Saleem Anver Ash-Shaikh U.K.M. Muhees Ash-Shaikh M.I.M. Habeeb Ash-Shaikh M.K.M. Ruwais Ash-Shaikh A.S.M. Mahboob

075-4364189/ 067-2251505 0757948996 0756686691 0776002727 0771858595 0752944143 0772683286

Trincomalee Trinco City Pulmottai Kuchaweli Mullippottana Kantale Kinniya Mutur Toppur

Ash-Shaikh A.M. Zahir Ash-Shaikh S.H. Saliheen Ash-Shaikh C.M.M. Naleer Ash-Shaikh Feroze Ash-Shaikh S.M. Fasry Ash-Shaikh A.M. Arif Ash-Shaikh A.W.M. Rishath Ash-Shaikh A.C. Arjees

0773995397 0715529912 0777383542 0778858607 0779693646 0777192436 0779359624/0752624712 0772286996

Kurunegala Abukkagama Arakiyala Ibbagamuwa Ethulgahakotuwa Elabadagama City Kureekotuwe Paduwasnuwara Divurumpola Nikaweratiya Pannawa Madige Midiyawa Narammale Dampitiya Maho/Galgamuwa Kinniyama / Walpothuwewa Madalassa/Thoranegedera Ridigama Siyambalagaskotuwa Pothuhara Kekunugolla Bammanna

Ash-Shaikh M.M. Naleemdeen Ash-Shaikh A.M. Mafahim Ash-Shaikh S.M Nawasdeen Ash-Shaikh A.K.M. Ramees Ash-Shaikh M.F. Riyasdeen Ash-Shaikh A.G.M. Fahmy Ash-Shaikh Z.A. Nilamdeen Ash-Shaikh M. H.M. Rizwi Ash-Shaikh M.H.M. Hameem Ash-Shaikh A.M. Rismi Ash-Shaikh M.R.M. Ziyad Ash-Shaikh M.S.M. Faleel Ash-Shaikh M.F.M. Zarook Ash-Shaikh M.I.M. Aasim Ash-Shaikh N.M.M. HaďŹ z Ash-Shaikh A.H. Ismath Hasan Ash-Shaikh A.R.M. Riyas Ash-Shaikh A.R.M. Zaid Ash-Shaikh Minaj Ash-Shaikh Abdu Jabbar Ash-Shaikh A.M. Mahir Ash-Shaikh M.D.M. Ifthikar

0713374931 0777595913 0718016936 0776934190 0716952005 0777882939 0715625830 0776979335 0725268846 / 0374927445 0712967442 0713322530 0715150300 0718061659 0716958858 0718217555 0716829015 0772307749 0777327825 0718299932 0770890936 0718075956 0775332343

Puttalam Puttalam District Puttalam City

Ash-Shaikh Abdur Rasheed Ash-Shaikh M.H.M. Failur Rahman

0712994143 0714326046

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 Kalpiti Akkaraipatru Madawakkulam Kottaramulla Pulichakulam

Ash-Shaikh K.M.M. Thamseer Ash-Shaikh S. Muhammad RishďŹ khan Ash-Shaikh M. Fouzul Ameer Ash-Shaikh A.M. Rismy Ash-Shaikh M.H.M. Sufyan

18 0726302032 / 0714411549 0715454788 0723738100 / 0767771980 0775001054 0713137335

Anuradapura Anuradapura City Kekirawa Horopotana Kahatagastigiliya Ikkirigollawe

Ash-Shaikh S.U.M. Ali Ash-Shaikh Nizam Ash-Shaikh Nilmdeen Ash-Shaikh S.M. Niyas Ash-Shaikh L.T.M. Rizwan

0714168248 0718251261 0776434204 0718180448 0718385974

Ash-Shaikh T. Khaleeur Rahman Ash-Shaikh A.L.M. Irshad

0775158203 0713931856

Ash-Shaikh M.S.M. Shifan Ash-Shaikh Iqram M Ash-Shaikh M.F.M. Naheem Ash-Shaikh J.D. Careemdeen Ash-Shaikh S.M. Hadhik


Polannaruwa Thamanakaduwa LankaPura

Badulla Badulla City Bandarawela Gururthalawe Boragas Haliela

0722750783 0718373673 0725369595

Kegalle Kirungudeniya (Mawanella) Hemmathagama Wilpola Kegalla south Uayanwatta Warakapola Hinguloya

Ash-Shaikh A.C.M. Iqbal Ash-Shaikh M.S.M. Nalim Ash-Shaikh M.A.M. Mujahid Ash-Shaikh M.M. Nizam Ash-Shaikh U.L.M. Nishath Ash-Shaikh Y.M. Siddeek Ash-Shaikh M.N.M. Anfas

0718396397 0774632851 0779632239 0770412074 0713700276 0777003406 / 0776409649

Matara Matara City Weligama

Ash-Shaikh M.F.M. Anas Ash-Shaikh M.U.M. Walih

0718407547 0776973206

Mannar Mannar City Musali Mandai Nanattan

Ash-Shaikh S.A. Azeem Ash-Shaikh A.R. Mohammed Nihar Ash-Shaikh Mubarak Ash-Shaikh M. Uvais

0719266405 / 0716032683 0772092006 / 0715472009 0772282165 0713055488

Ash-Shaikh A.A.M. Najeem

0729874456 / 0768459575

Monaragale Godagamuwa


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Ratnapura Ratnapura City Ehaliyagoda Balangoda Rakwana Kuruvita

Ash-Shaikh Nasrin Ash-Shaikh A.L. Kaleelur rahman Ash-Shaikh Abdullah Ash-Shaikh Siraj Ash-Shaikh M.S.M. Ishaq

0719329702 0776271535 / 0718149382 0773755128 0714170448 0717222977

Kalutara Dharga Town Beruwala Kalutara Panadura Atulugama

Ash-Shaikh M.H.M. Farhan Ash-Shaikh M.M.M. Mufti Ash-Shaikh M. Irfan Ash-Shaikh S.A.M. Farhan Ash-Shaikh M.S. Mansoor Ilyas

0773987629 0773339641 0718391717 0773751878 0776235322


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Qibla Identification for Masjids


Fatwas Issued

Hilaal Awareness Programs


Spiritual Motivation Programs

Student’s Breakfast (Daily)


Student’s Uniforms




Social Service



43485 26



Calls Received

Completed Projects

Beneficiaries Supported



Ration Packs given


Reformed Branches


No. of Maktab Mu’allim Mu’llimas

Ulama Affairs


Baithuz Zakaths Established

No. of Maktab Classes


No. of Maktab Mu’allim Mu’llimas Trainings


University programs

Front Office


Calls Recieved

Inward Letters


Total Memberships



New Memberships


Youth programs

Youth Affairs



Baithuz Zakath Awareness Programs


Awareness Programs Conducted

6364 12


Total Samaja Sanwada Books Issued


Walk-In Clients


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

ACJU DIVISIONS All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama has been in existence since 1924, and Incorporated by the Parliament Act No. 51 of 2000 of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. The objectives of the ACJU are farsighted, long-run and designed to serve the Muslim Community in Sri Lanka. At present ACJU has 150 branches in 24 districts and over 6000 scholars as members. The ACJU has organized itself into 15 divisions to serve its stakeholders. The Year 2016/17 was yet another eventful year for the ACJU, which continued with efforts in strengthening its key divisions while working closely with the Muslim community in Sri Lanka to deliver its ambitious visions of developing a gracious Muslim community with excellence who will inspire to live an exemplary life that would lead to a higher standard of patriotic Citizen in Sri Lanka. The divisions, arranged as follows, are each headed by key ACJU members who are supported by a team of scholars. Highlights of each division for the period 2016-17 is written in subsequent page of this report. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Fatwa committee Hilaal Committee Education Committee Social Service Committee Propagation Committee Council for Cooperation and Coordination Islamic Economics and Finance Advisory Committee Branch Coordination Committee Maktab Rehabilitation Committee Youth Affairs Committee Media Committee Ulama Affairs Committee Research and Publication Committee Halaal Committee Women's Affairs Committee



Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

ACJU FATWA DIVISION The ACJU, as the only authorized body to deliver Islamic Shari’ah based guidance and rulings (Fatwa) on socio-religious issues faced by people, carries out this unique project with consensus of opinion among Ulama of different schools of thought. The aim of Fatwa is to simplify and present religious rules that may cause confusion for the people and to create a lifestyle of peace and harmony. It is notable that the majority of the Fatwa issued by the committee has been related to social, economic, and inheritance related guidelines. The public are able to request Fatwa via phone, email, post or by visiting ACJU. All queries are handled by dedicated staff and scholars; with common fundamental issues being responded to immediately. More complicated queries requiring deliberation are taken up by the committee during the monthly Fatwa meeting with key scholars. The intention is to deliver clear and accurate solutions to issues of a religious nature, and documenting and compiling such discussions for future references. The Fatwa committee currently handles 15 – 20 inquiries per day, and has also made a compilation of over 185 documented cases of Fatwas handed down. Achievements / Highlights of the Fatwa Division 2016-17 54 Fatwas has been released by the ACJU Fatwa Division. 25 ‘Aajilah’ (urgent) Committee Meetings have been conducted. 03 ACJU Fatwa Committee Meetings have been conducted. April 19th 2016

Representatives of the ACJU Fatwa Division participated at a special discussion on the topic ‘The Islamic perspective on Traditional & Modern Methods of Slaughtering Cattle' which was held in Colombo. April 22nd 2016 ACJU Fatwa Division conducted a Program on ‘Explaining the Fatwa on Network Marketing’ at ACJU Galgamuwa Branch. June 2016 / Ramadhaan 1437 During the Month of Ramadhaan 1500 (Approx.) telephone queries were attended via the Special Fatwa Service pertaining to Zakath & Fasting. September 05th 2016 The ACJU Fatwa Division published a Fatwa on "Ruling on deciding the price of the animal for Uldhiyyah after Zabiha (Slaughter)". September 14th 2016

Ulama of the Fatwa Committee attended a meeting with regard to an issue on permissibility of commencing Jumu'ah at a Masjid, in Matale.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 August 10th 2016 December 06th 2016 January 17th 2017 February 23rd 2017 March 12th 2017 April 08th 2017 April 26th 2017 April 30th 2017


A Magazine on Q & A on Zakath was released. Some Fatwa Committee members visited Pusella Farm to review for the response to the query received on slaughtering the chicken after making it unconscious in electrified water. The ACJU Fatwa Committee held a two day discussion with concerned Lawyers on the Amendment of Muslim Marriage & Divorce Act at Ramada Hotel. The ACJU Fatwa Committee held a meeting with those opposing the use of Vaccination. The ACJU Fatwa Committee held a meeting with Doctors on Vaccination. A discussion was held on the Amendment of Muslim Marriage & Divorce Act. The ACJU Fatwa Committee held a meeting with Ash-Sheikh Mansoor Naleemi regarding the Amendments on Muslim Marriage & Divorce Act. The ACJU Fatwa Committee held a meeting with Justice Saleem Marsoof and his Committee regarding the Amendment on Muslim Marriage & Divorce Act.

ACJU HILAAL DIVISION In line with the Islamic usage of lunar movement and the lunar calendar to determine key events and timings, the ACJU’s Hilaal Committee is tasked with determining the Hijri Months, changing Salah (prayer) times according to various geographic locations in the country, and providing accurate Qiblah directions. A moon sighting mechanism organized according to the internationally adopted standards are in place to determine the (beginning and end of) Hijri Months. According to plans in place, sub-committees at National level will guide the committee in implementing this mechanism. At a grassroot level Jumu’ah Masjid representatives for Hilaal (crescent-moon), will operate under the ACJU Divisional branches. Public awareness of the Hijri month declaration will be done through SMS, while the Hijri calendar will be published through email and in the ACJU web site. In addition, the public will be kept informed of solar and lunar eclipses. Changing salah times according to various geographic locations in the country as a future project in the pipeline, the ACJU intends to assign representatives of all Masjids in different geographic locations to report the Fajr and Maghrib prayer times, in order to determine the changes of salah times. Based on these recordings, prayer time differences in these locations will be established in the future.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Providing guidance for determining the accurate direction of the Qiblah having taken into consideration the fact that due to dependence on technology, the direction of the Qiblah established in Masjids has been wrong at times, the ACJU is planning to introduce a system based on the Sun to identify the accurate direction of the Qiblah. To achieve the above goals the ACJU has already conducted in house training programs at divisional levels to all participants of the program. It also plans to inform the public at the Masjid at prayer times, to be vigilant about moon-sighting, on the 29th day of each lunar month. Once it has been determined that the crescent moon is sighted and a decision is taken in that regard, the Colombo Grand Masjid and the ACJU will share the information with the public. Achievements / Highlights of the Hilaal Division 2016-17 16 Hilaal Sighting Meetings were attended by the ACJU Hilaal Division. 02 Committee Meetings were conducted by the ACJU Hilaal Division. 13 Qiblah Identification visits were conducted by the ACJU Hilaal Division around the country. 02 Posters on Eclipses were released by the ACJU Hilaal Division. April 2016

Representatives of the ACJU Hilaal Division participated in a discussion on the ‘Islamic Holidays in Calendar for 2017’ which was conducted by the Muslim Religious & Cultural Affairs.

May 06th 2016

The Ulama of ACJU Hilaal Division participated in a meeting to discuss about the 'Calendar Holidays' of year 2017 which was organized by Registrar Generals Department.

ACJU EDUCATION DIVISION The Education Committee of the ACJU is in place to provide services to schools, Universities, and Arabic colleges. Necessary steps are being taken to raise the standards of Muslim schools, while for the Arabic colleges in Sri Lanka; a common syllabus and lesson plans are already being implemented. Achievements / Highlights of the Education Division 2016-17

 18 Academic Motivation programs conducted  165 Booster Classes in 8 schools for O/L in 2016.  86 Booster Classes for Grade 5 Students conducted (Jan to Dec 2016)  143 Booster classes for A/L in 1 school (within 5 month)  The O/L booster classes have come to an end after having conducted

approximately 235

booster classes.

 30 sessions of ‘Certification in Psychological Counseling’ was conducted for selected teachers

of 30 Muslim Govt. Schools in Colombo and 16 Teachers from Kandy in 2015/16 and 2016/17, by Psychological Counselor Ash Shaikh Lukmaan Hakeem.


with the collaboration of Zam Zam Foundation organized programs under the project ''Back to School'' for the students who were affected by flood, of around 15 schools.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Spiritual Guidance program for School Students SCHOOL


Al Ameen Maha Vidyalaya

Respecting ones parents/teachers/senior citizens

Al Hamza Maha Vidyalaya

Good citizenship Drugs/smoking and its consequences Good company friends

Al Hidaya Maha Vidyalaya

Bonding with family/social How to spend the holidays Porn is a Thorn

Al Hijra Maha Vidyalaya

Qualities of Nabi (Sal) Bonding with family/social General Topic

Al Hikma Maha Vidyalaya

Drugs/smoking and its consequences Unity with diversity Status achieved by good characteristics.

Al Iqbal Maha Vidyalaya

Respecting ones parents/teachers/senior citizens. Actions & Distractions

An Nasser Maha Vidyalaya

Unity with diversity-inter religious harmony Unity With Diversity How to spend the holidays

Darussalam Maha Vidyalaya

Porn is a thorn Drugs/smoking and its consequences Education with belief and piety How to spend the holidays Qualities of Nabi (Sal)

Dr. Badiudin Mahmud College

Respecting ones parents/teachers/senior citizens. Bonding with family/social How to spend the holidays General Topic

Fathima Muslim Ladies College

Faith and life Unity With Diversity

Hameed Al Husseinie College

Harms of false ideologies and extremist behavior

Khairiya Muslim Girls' School

Good company friends Unity with diversity How to spend the holidays Love of Rasool (sal) Faith and life



Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Sir Razik Fareed Maha Vidyalaya

Respecting ones parents/teachers/senior citizens General Topic

St Sebastian Maha Vidyalaya

Good company friends

T.B. Jayah Zahira College

Drugs/smoking and its consequences Technology to use and not to abuse

April 20th 2016

The ACJU Education Division organized a Special Training Program for selected Teachers on Counseling with at Nida Ul Khair, Colombo 09.

April 23rd 2016

An event to share the experience with Final Year Ulama on the topic “Current status of Education in Colombo Schools and the Contribution of Young Ulama to develop the Education in Future” at Colombo.

April 25th 2016

Provision of breakfast for 120 students including 20 staff under the project “Every Child Matters” at Al Ameen Maha Vidyalaya.

April 26th 2016

A Counseling program under the project “Transforming Every Child” was conducted by Ash Lukmaan Hakeem at St. Sebastian College on the topics ‘Social Media Addiction, Teachers and Senior Citizens’, which was organized by the ACJU Education Division.

April 26th 2016

Special Teachers were provisioned for Core Subjects, under the project “Transforming Every Child”, at Sir. Razick Fareed Muslim Ladies College and Al Hamza Maha Vidyalaya, was conducted.

April 26th 2016

An Awareness Program about “Social Media Addiction” at St. Sebastian Tamil Maha Vidyalaya and at Al Ameen Maha Vidyalaya.

May 02nd 2016

The ACJU Education Division provided breakfast for 75 students under the project “Every Child Matters” at TB Jaya Zahira College.

May 02nd 2016

Under the project “Every Child Matters” The ACJU Education Division implemented transportation services to 64 students of Al Ameen Maha Vidyalaya and Al Hijra Maha Vidyalaya.

May 12th 2016

A delegation of the ACJU including the President Ash Shaikh Mufti Rizwi participated at the inaugural ceremony of the 'School Programs on Promoting National Integration and Reconciliation' which was organized by the Ministry of National Integration and Reconciliation.

May 12th 2016

The ACJU Education Division visited the ACJU Kandy District Branch and had a meeting with the Zonal Director of Education and other related members with regard to implementing the projects of the Education Division in Schools located in Kandy. The Division also visited a School in Hapugastalawa to conduct case-study during this tour.

May 28th 2016

ACJU Education Division had a meeting with the principals of Kandy city schools and two other schools, to discuss about conducting a research in Kandy city Muslim schools, under the project ''Jaariyah''. Event was held at Kandy Jinnah Hall auditorium.

June 17th 2016

Under the projects of ACJU Education Division a presentation was conducted for the Sri Lankans who live on Male on the topic of "Education is a Right not a Privilege". Event was held at Arabiyya College - Maldives.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


June 30th 2016

ACJU with the collaboration of Zam Zam Foundation organized a program under the project ''Back to School'' for the selected students who affected by flood, event held at Al Nasser College.

July 15th 2016

ACJU with the collaboration of Zam Zam Foundation organized a relief event under the project ''Back to School'' for the students who were affected by flood, event was held at Al Hidaya College.

July 24th 2016

ACJU Education Division organized a program to conduct a survey in Kandy City Muslim Schools. Event was held at the Peradeniya University.

July 25th 2016

ACJU with the collaboration of Zam Zam Foundation organized a relief event under the project ''Back to School'' for the students who were affected by flood, event was held at Al Hijra College.

July 26th 2016

Under the project "Moving Forward" ACJU Education Division organized an event to form a Quality Assurance and Management team (QAM) with the participation of selected school principals, teachers, counselors and ACJU supervisors. The event took place at ACJU head office.

August 02nd 2016

Under the ACJU Education Division project "Transforming Every Child" an Islam teacher in Sinhala medium was provisioned at Al Hidaya College.

August 03rd 2016

ACJU Education Division organized a Quality Assurance and Management training for selected counselors and teachers at ACJU head office.

August 04th 2016

ACJU with the collaboration of Zam Zam Foundation organized a relief event under the project ''Back to School'' for the students who were affected by flood, event was held at Khairiya College.

August 16th 2016

A special motivation program was conducted by Br. Namees & Dua by Sheikh Nusrath for the grade 5 students & their parents at the conclusion of 'Booster classes' project after completing 6 classes. The event was organized by the ACJU Education Division at Al Hijra Maha Vidyalaya.

August 18th 2016

The ACJU Education Division organized a special Training program for Islam subject Teachers which was conducted by the National Institute of Education, at the ACJU Head office.

August 27th 2016

ACJU Education division conducted a presentation on the topic "Education to all", at an event organized by the Negambo Periyamulla Welfare Association (NPWA) in Negombo.

September 05th 2016 Under the project "Every Child Matters", the ACJU Education Division, initiated the project of providing breakfast for around 75 under privileged students of the Sir Razick Fareed Muslim Ladies College, Colombo. September 17th 2016 The ACJU Education Division had a Meeting with the some School Principals of Kegalle - South, in which topics such as 'Why ACJU is concerned about Muslim Schools, the Survey methodologies practiced etc. were discussed’. October 03rd 2016

A program on 'Implementing the Projects of ACJU Education Division in Schools in Kandy City', was conducted for major stakeholder groups in Kandy such as KMTA, SEDA, YMMA, Kentrust, Baith-uz - Zakath, Masjid Federation, Kandy Forum and Muslim Majlis of University of Peradeniya, at the ACJU Kandy District office.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

October 05th 2016

An Award Ceremony on the completion of Psychology Counseling training for teachers was held at the Al Hidaya School Auditorium, in which 26 Teachers were awarded. Ash Shiekh Mufti Yoosuf Haniffa - Vice President of ACJU, Mr. Jayantha Wickramanayaka - Zonal Director of Education Colombo, Principals of Schools in Colombo, Community leaders, Professionals, Well Wishers & Teachers participated in the program.

October 06th 2016

Under the project 'Transforming Every Child' an Islam Teacher in Sinhala medium was provisioned to St John's College, Colombo, to which more than 1000 Muslim Students are attending.

October 25th 2016

Another Prize giving Ceremony was organized by the ACJU Education Division & 'Jariya' Organization, for the Grade 5 Scholarship Students of Al Hijra Maha Vidyalaya.

October 27th 2016

A Motivation session for the parents was conducted by Ash Shaikh Mufti M.I.M. Rizwe, President of the ACJU, who participated as the Chief-guest at the Prize giving Ceremony for Grade 5 Scholarship students Meelad Muslim Vidyalaya, Dehiwala.

November 2016

The ACJU Education Division organized a survey, conducted by a Research Team under the theme 'Education to All', in 8 Schools in the Kegalle District.

November 01st 2016

At Al Hidaya School on the topic "Good Company/Friends & Respecting One's Parents" conducted by Ash Shaikh Hashim.

November 11th 2016

The first session of spiritual motivation program was conducted for the students of Siththi Lebbe College (SLC) Kandy.

November 16th 2016

A Counselling Training program commenced for selected Kandy Muslim School teachers.

November 29th 2016 An Awareness Program on Food & Technology and Halal Certification process of Halal Accreditation Council, Sri Lanka was conducted at Al Hidaya Maha Vidyalaya. December 01st 2016

A Workshop for parents of the New Admission Students - 2017 was conducted on the topic 'Parental support to enhance education' conducted at Khairiya Muslim Ladies College

January 10th 2017

A seminar on 'Tips to improve the English Language' was conducted at Al Hidaya Maha Vidiyalaya.

January 11th 2017

A function to distribute School uniforms for needy students, was conducted at the Meelad Maha Vidiyalaya.

January 11th 2017

A workshop for the parents of new admission students for 2017, was conducted at the Fathima Muslim Ladies College on the 'Importance of Parental Support to Enhance Education'.

January 18th 2017

ACJU Education Division successfully carried out surveys at Usmaiyyah College and Khadheejah Maha Vidiyalaya in Jaffna by a competent Research Team.

January 19th 2017

ACJU Education Division had a special meeting with Al Hilal School Administrators and Negombo Periyamulla Welfare Association - NPWA regarding the Education development of Al Hilal Central College at Periyamulla, Negombo.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


February 2017

A complete Survey to identify the barriers for learning & Teaching for students & Staffs by a research team was conducted at Usmaniyyah College, Jaffna last week.

February 17th 2017

Spiritual Motivation program for upper grade students on "What are the barriers to learning" and "what are the indicators to learning" and for parents on "Parent's contribution towards children education" was conducted at Al Hilal Central College Assembly Hall, Negombo, which was organized in collaboration with NPWA.

February 16th 2017

Under The Project "Transforming Every Child" Education Division of ACJU with the collaboration of Arabic Colleges in Sri Lanka, has organized a 3 Month Teacher Training Program for Arabic College Teachers. This Course will be conducted by The Open University Of Sri Lanka (OUSL) for the first time. Inauguration ceremony of this course was held at ACJU Head office.

February 18th 2017

A special Teachers' Training program for Ulama, conducted the by 'The Open University of Sri Lanka', organized by the ACJU Education Division, commenced at AMYS, Colombo-09.

February 10th 2017

Jumu'ah Khutbahs were conducted on the 'Importance of Parent's Contribution Towards Children's Education' at the Dikwella Grand Jumu'ah Masjid & at the Negombo Grand Jumu'ah Masjid on the 10th of February.

March 02nd 2017

Academic motivation program for the 2017 O/L students at Al Hamza Maha Vidiyalaya, Mattakkuliya.

March 06th 2017

Academic motivation program for the 2017 O/L students at Dr. Badiuddin Mahmud Maha Vidyalaya, Kotahena.

March 07th 2017

Academic motivation program for the 2017 O/L students at Al Nasser College.

March 08th 2017

Academic motivation program for the 2017 O/L students at Fathima Muslim Ladies College.

March 09th 2017

Academic motivation program for the 2017 O/L students at Al Hikma Maha Vidyalaya.

March 09th 2017

A special meeting was organized by ACJU Education Division and the Masjid Based Service Team (MBST) in Jaffna, with the School Principals of Usmaniyyah College & Khadeejah College, Teachers, Old Boys Association, University Students on the implementation of projects of the Education Division.

March 11th 2017

A "Teacher Empowerment Workshop" was held at the Al Hilal Central College- Negombo on the 11th of March, which was organized in collaboration with NPWA.

March 11th 2017

A Career Guidance program for A/L students was conducted at the Fathima Muslim Ladies College Auditorium, organized with the collaboration of civil organizations.

March 13th 2017

Academic motivation program for the 2017 O/L students at Al Hidaya Maha Vidyalaya.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

March 15th 2017

Academic motivation program for the 2017 O/L students at TB Jaya Maha Vidyalaya.

March 15th 2017

The 11th Training session on 'Certification in Psychological Counseling' for selected Teachers of Muslim Government Schools in Kandy was conducted by Counselor Shaikh Lukman Hakeem.

March 18th 2017

A special Training program for selected Teachers from Arabic Colleges in Colombo was commenced at The Open University Of Sri Lanka organized with the collaboration of 'The Federation Of Sri Lankan Arabic Colleges'.

ACJU SOCIAL SERVICE DIVISION The Social Service Committee of the ACJU aims to develop high levels of social and cultural propriety standards, and the best environment and healthy lifestyles. It is also making efforts to assist Muslims and non - Muslims on humanitarian grounds, making endeavors to help uphold peace and economic development of the country and is engaging in relief and rehabilitation activities. The work of the committee is, therefore, focused on the areas of Relief, Social Services & Counseling includes the training of Ulama at branch level, in Disaster Management, building strong relationships with NGOs within the frame work set out by the Government, eliminating the social impact caused in the areas of medical support, relief and education, rehabilitation of prisoners and organizing special camps for stakeholders to provide guidance concerning the environment, health, medical, education and relief. If funds collected for a certain social service remains after that service is completed, such left over is transferred to another social service. Achievements / Highlights of the Social Service Division 2016-17 May 17th 2016

Representatives of the ACJU Social Service Division and Colombo District Branch along with other Muslim organizations had a meeting with Mr. M. H. A. Haleem Minister of Muslim Religious Affairs and Posts regarding the relief efforts to the people affected by the flood.

May 20th 2016

A letter was sent to all Masjids in Colombo regarding the families who were deployed and living with their friends and families to register to the nearby Masjid.

May 20th 2016

A progress meeting with the Muslim civil organizations was held at ACJU regarding flood relief efforts.

May 21st 2016

RCC hotline operations, flood victims data collection and data entering commenced with the involvement of more than 100 volunteers at ACJU head office.

May 22nd 2016

Minister of Disaster management Hon. Anura Priyadarshana Yapa was met and many coordination meetings took place.

May 23rd 2016

A meeting with the Muslim Parliamentarians was conducted at the ACJU head office to update them about the ongoing relief efforts.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


May 25th 2016

A meeting with all the Masjids under Kolonnawa Masjid federation was held in Kolonnawa.

May 26th 2016

A meeting held between ACJU, RCC and selected Muslim Parliamentarians at ACJU head office to discuss about ongoing flood relief works.

June 04th 2016

ACJU, RCC and selected Colombo Masjidh Federations had a meeting at ACJU head office, regarding flood relief works.

June 06th 2016

ACJU, RCC and selected Colombo Masjidh Federations had a meeting at ACJU head office, regarding flood relief works.

June 08th 2016

ACJU Executive Committee members and the RCC had a progress meeting with selected organizations regarding flood relief works at the ACJU head office.

June 09th 2016

ACJU, RCC and selected Colombo Masjid Federations had a progress meeting at ACJU head office regarding flood relief works.

June 16th 2016

ACJU with the collaboration of Muslim Aid and RCC organized its first phase program under the project ''Back to Work'' for the selected Principals and Teachers who affected by flood, event held at ACJU head office.

June 23rd 2016

ACJU with the collaboration of Muslim Aid and RCC organized its second phase program under the project ''Back to Work'' for the selected Female Teachers and Muallimas who affected by flood, event held at Fathima Muslim Ladies College.

June 28th 2016

ACJU with the collaboration of Muslim Aid and RCC organized its third phase program under the project ''Back to Work'' for the selected Muallims who affected by flood, event held at ACJU Head Office.

June 29th 2016

Jabal ur Rahma organization held its flood relief project for the selected Ulama who affected by flood. Event held at the ACJU head office.

July 03rd 2016

Jabal ur Rahma organization held its flood relief event for 128 Ulama who were affected by flood. Event held at ACJU head office.

July 21st 2016

ACJU organized its second phase Felicitation Event for those who contributed largely in flood relief efforts. Event held at ACJU head office on 21st of July.

July 29th 2016

ACJU Social Service Division and Islamic Economics & Finance Division organized an Awareness Program on “Masjid Based Service Team” for the selected Ulama, Trustees, Donors and ACJU branch members at Mawanella.

August 30th 2016

A Social Service Project, organized by the ACJU Social Services Division in collaboration with the ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division, was successfully initiated by conducting a census at Kirungadeniya, Mawanella.

September 09th 2016 An event was held to provide 'Livelihood support' to 35 families who were flood victims of the Kolannawa Division, under the 1st phase of the Emergency Flood Recovery Project “Back to Business”, which was supported and implemented by Sri Lanka Muslim Cultural Centre (SLMCC) East London, Inter Build Aid (IBA) UK, ACJU and Muslim Aid Sri Lanka September 19th 2016 A function to provide Relief Aid to selected victims of the recent Floods & Landslides was organized by Preston Muslim Society UK in association with ACJU Social Services Division, which was held at the ACJU Head office.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

October 03rd 2016

A Training Program for 'Masjid Based Service Team' was conducted at Kirungadeniya – Mawanella by the ACJU Social Service Division.

October 16th 2016

Masjid based Social Services Teams, consisting of Ulama, Masjid Trustees and volunteers, were formed and trained by the ACJU Social Services Division at the Jaffna Grand Jumu'ah Masjid.

October 17th 2016

A Census survey was conducted in Jaffna which was collectively organized by the Jaffna Masjid based Social Services Team, ACJU Jaffna Branch and the ACJU Social Services Division.

December 31st 2016

Programs were organized to distribute Exercise books & Shoes to students affected by the floods at Wadugodwatta, Wellampitiya.

January 23rd 2017

An orientation program for the newly recruited Social Service Volunteer members for the Project 'Post Flood Livelihood - Kollonnawa', which is headed by the ACJU Social Services Division along with Muslim Aid - Sri Lanka, was conducted at the ACJU Head office.

January 30th 2017

A special meeting was held with Preston Muslim Society - UK, on the project "Strengthening & Supporting Livelihood" of flood victims at the ACJU Head office, which was conducted by the ACJU Social Services Division along with Musim Aid - Sri Lanka.

January 31st 2017

Under the project "Strengthening & Supporting Livelihood", a special event to distribute livelihood goods to selected vulnerable flood victims sponsored by Preston Muslim Society - UK, was held at the ACJU Head office on the 31st of January, which was jointly organized by Muslim Aid and ACJU Social Services Division.

February 22nd 2017

An official delegation from the Lady Ridgeway Hospital visited the ACJU Head office for a special discussion with the some Members of the ACJU Executive Committee and the ACJU Social Services Division about a Building Construction project for the Hospital.

March 22nd 2017

ACJU Social Services Division conducted a special visit to Kinniya to donate aid to the dengue patients warded in hospitals along with the members of the ACJU Kinniya Division.

March 26th 2017

ACJU Social Services Division initiated a program to distribute king coconuts to the Thoppur Hospital in aid of the dengue patients, with the collaboration of the ACJU Mutur Division.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


ACJU PROPAGATION DIVISION The Public Relations unit of the ACJU is formed and focused on assisting and guiding the community in dispelling misinformation by misguided movements, and on other key areas including Masjids, the general public and Ulama. Masjids: On request by the trustees of a Masjid the ACJU will guide them in proper structuring in terms of Masjid registration, constitutions, training for trustees, Imams & Mu’azzins, creating MOUs between Masjids, Imams & Trustees, Baithulmal, Zakath (wealth tax) and Wasiyyath (last will), cleanliness and good management; and on fostering great relationships with the non-Islamic community of the area. Public: The committee conducts awareness programs needed for the general public such as Hajj, Ramadan, Good Family life, etc., through every ACJU branch. It also provides guidance to the general public on protecting themselves from major sins. Aalims: Aalims are trained in the art of effectively presenting Jumu’ah sermons and in public speeches. The ACJU is also educating them on the challenges of modern times such as the internet, drug abuse, Islamic finance etc. Misguided Movements: The ACJU regularly arranges and conducts awareness programs for the public on misguided movements and activates Ualams to guide the public, where and when required. Achievements / Highlights of the Propagation Division 2016-17 August 28th 2016

A Program on 'Uldhiyyah Guidelines' was conducted by the ACJU Propagation Division at the Rosevilla Garden Jumu'ah Masjid, Wattala, in which than 200 participated at the Program.

August 28th 2016

Another Program on 'Uldhiyyah Guidelines' was conducted by the ACJU Propagation Division at the Gintota Jumu'ah Masjid, Galle.

September 08th 2016 A set of Samaaja Sanwaada Books were presented to the OIC of the Hunupitiya Police Station by the ACJU Propagation Division. December 25th 2016 The ACJU Propagation Division commenced a special tour to the following District Branches of ACJU, to provide guidelines in organizing programs & activities on Coexistence island-wide, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, Vavuniya, Gampaha, Kalutara, Galle, Matara, Monaragala, Badulla, Matale, Pollonaruwa, Trincomalee January 27th 2017

A program to provide guidelines in ‘Organizing programs & activities on Coexistance’ was conducted at Puttalam Town & Pulichaakolam.

January 28th 2017

A program to provide guidelines in ‘Organizing programs & activities on Coexistance’ was conducted at Kegalle & Ratnapura.

February 05th 2017

A Guideline program on 'Precautionary Measures in the Current Situation’ was conducted by the representatives of the ACJU Propagation Committee for the Trustees of Masjids & School Principals in Hemmathagama.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

February 16th 2017

The ACJU Propagation Division organized the first Committee Members meeting at the ACJU Head office.

February 12th 2017

The ACJU Hemmathagama Divisional Branch organized 'Manaakibus Sahaabah' programs at Kegalle for ladies in the morning and for gents in the evening, in which around 1200 women and 2000 men participated, under the guidance of the ACJU Propagation Division.

February 26th 2017

Representatives of the ACJU Propagation Committee member & Masjid Trustees paid a visit to a Temple in Welimada.

February 26th 2017

A Guideline program on 'Precautionary Measures in the Current Situation’ was conducted by the representatives of the ACJU Propagation Committee for the Trustees of Masjids in Welimada.

February 26th 2017

A Guideline program on 'Precautionary Measures in the Current Situation’ was conducted by the representatives of the ACJU Propagation Committee for the Trustees of Masjids in Matale.

March 24th 2017

ACJU Madawakulam Divisional Branch conducted a special program for 'Drivers and Businessmen', under the guidance of ACJU Propagation Division.

March 25th 2017

ACJU Galgamuwa Divisional Branch conducted a ‘Shramadana’ Program at the Galgamuwa Hospital.

March 25th 2017

ACJU Pollonnaruwa District Branch organized an Islamic Conference at the New Ramada Hotel, Pollonaruwa with the collaboration of 'Thambala Da'wah Welfare Organization' under the guidance of ACJU Propagation Division.

March 25th 2017

ACJU Pollonnaruwa District Branch organized a Manakibus Sahaabah program for the Ulama and the Masjid Trustees.

March 26th 2017

A program on 'Manaaqibus Sahabah' was conducted by the ACJU Propagation Division at Anuradhapura Town Jumu'ah Masjid.

ACJU COUNCIL FOR COOPERATION AND COORDINATION (CCC) This committee focuses on humanitarian values and exists to foster and grow the unity and co-existence, the Muslim and non-Muslim community has enjoyed for over a thousand years. The committee brings together various actors in the community including Da’wah Organizations and the Tharīqās (sects), within the Islamic principles, as well as the non-Islamic communities, by taking effective steps to create and promote mutual understanding, unity, peace, cooperation, and peaceful co-existence. In its broader mandate the CCC focuses on fostering intercommunity relations by means of dialogue, discussion and conventions providing guidance to the public on harmony and co-existence through the Friday Jumu’ah Sermons, supporting Schools and Universities in building social unity , and supporting the Propagation unit in creating and issuing publications.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


April 05th 2016

A delegation from the Congress of Religion, including Ven. Ittapana Dhammalankara Thero and other religious leaders visited the ACJU head office and met some of the members of the ACJU Executive Committee.

April 05th 2016

The ACJU CCC Division, participated in a meeting conducted by the Congress of Religions with officers of the United Nations, Mr. Alan Alradi & Mr. Patrice Chivota on the topic 'Development of Coexistence in Sri Lanka’.

April 11th 2016

A delegation from the Government headed by Minister A.H.M. Fowzie visited the ACJU head office and met some of the Executive Committee Members including ACJU President to discuss matters related to 'Co-Existence'.

November 20th 2016 The ACJU CCC Division with the collaboration of the ACJU Nikaweratiya Branch organized a program on the 'Introduction of ACJU & Samaaja Sanwaada (Social Dialogue) Book Series', at the Zaid Bin Sabith Arabic College, Abukkagama. December 12th 2016

The ACJU CCC Division & ACJU Galagedara Divisional Branch organized a program on Introduction of ACJU and Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series at Masjid ul Anwar, Galagedara.

August 05th 2016

The 3rd session of the Ulama Training Program on Coexistence organized by the ACJU CCC Division was conducted from the 05th to 10th of August at the ACJU Head office.

October 15th 2016

A 5 day Training Program for Ulama on the subject of 'Coexistence', was conducted by the ACJU CCC Division from 15th to 19th of October at the ACJU Head office.

November 03rd 2016 The ACJU CCC Division participated in a Meeting with the 'Congress of Religions' and the 'Secretariat for Coordinating Reconciliation Mechanism' (SCRM), which was held at the National Christian Council, Colombo on the 03rd of November. November 03rd 2016 The ACJU CCC participated in another meeting to 'Promote Eradication of Child Sexual Abuse' at the PEaCE (Protecting Environment and Children Everywhere) Head office, Kohuwala. November 10th 2016

The ACJU CCC Division participated in a meeting on 'Co-existence and Da'wah', organized by the Association of Muslim Youth of Sailan (Sri Lanka) - AMYS.

November 13th 2016

The ACJU CCC Division conducted a program on Introduction of ACJU and Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series at Panadura, which was organized by the ACJU Panadura Divisional Branch.

November 14th 2016

The ACJU CCC Division conducted a program on Introduction of ACJU and Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series at Kalutara, which was organized by the ACJU Kalutara Divisional Branch.

December 22nd 2016 A Special Program on Coexistence was organized by the ACJU CCC Division at the Tanweer Academy, Thihariya, for the O/L students. December 22nd 2016 A special address was delivered by a representative of the ACJU CCC Division on Coexistence & Ethnic Harmony at the Rahul College, Meethotamulla.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

January 10th 2017

A special delegation of the ACJU CCC Division visited Venerable Kotugoda Dhammawasa Thero, Anu Nayake of Amarapura Nikayaat, at the Dharmapalaramaya Temple, Mount Lavinia.

January 22nd 2017

ACJU CCC Division and ACJU Kurunegala District organized a program on 'Introduction of ACJU and Introduction on the Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series' at the ACJU Pannawa Branch, in which Ash Shaikh Omardeen, member of the ACJU ExCom and a delegation from the ACJU Head office participated.

January 25th 2017

A special delegation of the ACJU CCC Division visited Venerable Sagara Thero at Sri Saddarma Ramaya Temple in Maligawatta, member of Amarapura Nikayaat, on the 25th of January.

January 28th 2017

The ACJU CCC Division and ACJU Kurunegala District organized a program on 'Introduction of ACJU and Introduction on the Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series' at Siyambalagaskotuwa.

February 03rd 2017

A special delegation of the ACJU CCC Division visited Venerable Baragama Wimala Thissa Thero and Indrawansa Thero at Nawagampura.

February 08th 2017

A delegation consisting of the ACJU Executive Committee members and the ACJU CCC Division had a meeting with Secretary of the Ramanya Nikayah Venerable Seevali Thero at Nagaviharaya.

February 10th 2017

ACJU CCC Division and ACJU Hambantota District organized a program on 'Introduction of ACJU and Introduction on the Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series' at the Hambantota Markaz Masjid, in which Ash Shaikh Arqam Nooramith, member of the ACJU ExCom and a delegation from the ACJU Head office participated.

February 14th 2017

The ACJU CCC Division, ACJU Puttalam Branch and Ash Shaikh Abdullah Mahmood, a member of the ACJU Executive Committee, visited some Temples & Churches in Puttalam Town.

March 02nd 2017

A special delegation from the ACJU consisting of Ash Shaikh M.M.A. Mubarak General Secretary, Ash Shaikh A.L.M. Khaleel - Treasurer, Ash Shaikh M.S.M. Thassim - Assistant Secretary, Ash Shaikh Farood and Ash Shaikh Farhan visited the Viharathipathi of Vidayalankara Temple - Kelaniya and Vice Chancellor of Sabaragamuwa University, Ven. Professor Kamburugamuwa Vajira Thero, who was injured in a recent accident in Mawanella.

March 09th 2017

ACJU CCC Division participated in a Religious leaders meeting at the Congress of Religions at the Maha Bodhi Society in Colombo on the 09th of March in which they discussed ways to improve national unity and reconciliation with Hon. Mano Ganesan, Minister of National Co-existence and National Languages.

March 12th 2017

ACJU CCC Division and ACJU Pothuhara Divisional Branch organized a program on 'Introduction of ACJU and Introduction on the Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series' at the Pothuhara Jumu'ah Masjid.

March 17th 2017

ACJU CCC Division and ACJU Kurunegala - City Divisional Branch organized a Jumu'ah sermon on 'Introduction on the Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series' at the Malay Jumu'ah Masjid, Kurunegala.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 March 25th 2017


ACJU CCC Division and ACJU Madawala Divisional Branch organized a special awareness program on 'Introduction on the Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series' at the Auditorium of the Madeena School, Madawala.

ACJU ISLAMIC ECONOMICS & FINANCE DIVISION (IEF) The committee is tasked with handling the financial & economic aspects of the Muslim community, as well as to streamline the processes of handling matters related to Zakath (Wealth Tax), Sadaqa (Charity), Warasath (inheritance) and others. The committee collects information at Masjid level on the economic needs of the people, in order to provide assistance and guidance to those in need. Further, steps are taken to provide vocational training to Muslims in order to improve their livelihoods and to provide assistance for technical studies for those who discontinued school education due to financial inabilities and other reasons. The committee also will be providing guidance to people in securing job opportunities and starting small industries. The streamlining of the Zakath collection process is another major task of the committee, with Zakath collection and disbursement of Zakath done at Masjid and/or Federations of Masjid levels. Educating people on the calculation and payment of Zakath, by way of organizing seminars is also undertaken. The committee also is working on establishing Baithul-Maal funds in Masjid or/and federation levels in order to help Muslims with interest free loans to take care of their needs. It also encourages giving out money in the forms of Sadaqa, Wasiyyath, wow, and Waqf (endowments) etc. and redirects these funds for economic activities for eligible, skilled and motivated persons in the community. Legal guidance to solve issues of Wasiyyath (last will) and Warasath (inheritance) with the assistance of lawyers is also provided by the ACJU. Achievements / Highlights of the IEF Division 2016-17 April 10th 2016

The ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division conducted Baithuz Zakath Training for Galhinna Baithuz Zakath Committee.

May 01st 2016

The ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division organized Baithuz Zakath Awareness Program at Battaramulla Jumma Masjidh.

May 18th 2016

The ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division organized Baithuz Zakath Donors Program. They also organized Baithuz Zakath Awareness program at Thihariya.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

May 21st 2016

The ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division organized Baithuz Zakath Donors Program at Thihariya.

June 05th 2016

ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division organized Baithuz Zakath Awareness Program for the ACJU Thihary branch and Thihary Zakath Sadaqa Fund.

June 18th 2016

ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division organized Baithuz Zakath Awareness Program for the selected Ulama, Trustees, Donors and ACJU branch members at Kotiyakumbura.

June 26th 2016

ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division organized Baithuz Zakath Awareness Program for the selected Ulama, Trustees, Donors and ACJU branch members at Malwana.

July 16th 2016

ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division organized 'Baithuz Zakath Program' at Aluthkade Jamiul Ashraf Masjid on 16th of July, targeting the Mahalla members and Zakath applicants.

July 22nd 2016

ACJU Islamic Economics and Finance Division held a meeting with selected Baithuz Zakath Societies to discuss about the current status of the Baithuz Zakath process. Meeting was held at ACJU head office.

November 11th 2016

The ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance (IEF) Division conducted an Introduction Program on the IEF Projects, at the Welamboda Jumu'ah Masjid.

November 14th 2016

A meeting on Baithuz Zakaath & Baithul Maal process of 2017 was conducted by the ACJU IEF Division at Thihariya.

December 11th 2016

A Baithuz Zakaath awareness program for the Masjid Trustees & Ulama was conducted by the ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division (ACJU-IEF) at Dantura, Kadugannawa.

December 18th 2016

A Baithuz Zakath Awareness program was conducted for selected Ulama & Masjid Trustees of Battaramulla, Jayawardanagama by the ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division (ACJU-IEF).

December 30th 2016 A Baithuz Zakath Awareness program was conducted for selected Ulama, Masjid Trustees & ACJU Kolonnawa Divisional Branch members by the ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division (ACJU-IEF) at Nooraniya Masjid, Meethotamulla. January 12th 2017

ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division (ACJU-IEF) conducted a meeting and training session on Baithuz Zakath (BUZ) for the BUZ members in Thihariya.

January 31st 2017

A Baithuz Zakath Training session was conducted for selected Ulama & Masjid Trustees of Minan Jumu'ah Masjid, Dematagoda, by the ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division (ACJU-IEF).

February 01st 2017

A Baithuz Zakath Awareness program was conducted for selected Ulama & Masjid Trustees of Shoe Road Masjid, Colombo, by the ACJU IEF Division.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


March 02nd 2017

ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division (ACJU-IEF) conducted an awareness program on Baithuz Zakath for Ulama and Masjid Trustees in Mawanella, Aranayaka.

March 12th 2017

ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division (ACJU-IEF) conducted an awareness program on Baithuz Zakath for Ulama and Masjid Trustees in Mutwal Jumu'ah Masjid, Modara.

March 26th 2017

ACJU Islamic Economics & Finance Division (ACJU-IEF) conducted an awareness program on Baithuz Zakath for Ulama and Masjid Trustees at the Negombo Grand Masjid.

ACJU BRANCHES COORDINATION DIVISION The All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama has a total of 150 branches around the island, with 126 Divisional Branches and 24 District branches making up the sum. These branches will be reorganized every three years, for optimum performance. Thus, the activities of the Division for Branch Organizing shall be as follows:

 Reorganizing the whole set up of the branch.  Introducing all divisional activities of the Head Office with the exception of the Fatwa Division.  Providing all necessary training for the branch.  Monitoring the performance and service standards of each branch, and addressing issues with corrective measures and necessary follow up. Achievements / Highlights of the Branches Coordinating Division 2016-17 April 22nd 2016

The office bearers of the ACJU Rathnapura Divisional Branches were elected.

May 08th 2016

The ACJU Kandy District Branch organized a special Seminar for Khateebs on 'Delivering Khutbah' at the Meera Maqam Jumu'ah Masjid Cultural Hall.

August 17th 2016

The AGM and restructure program of the Hemmathagama Divisional Branch of ACJU was held at Zahriyya Arabic College, Hemmathagama.

August 17th 2016

The AGM of the Kollonnawa Divisional Branch was held at the Gothatuwa Jumu'ah Masjid.

August 17th 2016

The opening ceremony of the ACJU Kandy District Branch office was held.

October 02nd 2016

ACJU Branches Coordination Division organized a Branch Training session for selected members from the ACJU District Branches of Matale, Kurunegala, Ratnapura, Kalutara, Kegalle.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

October 08th 2016

The ACJU Kandy District Branch Monthly meeting was held.

October 09th 2016

The ACJU Hemmathagama Branch Monthly meeting was held.

October 09th 2016

The ACJU Kegalle District Branch Monthly meeting was held.

October 12th 2016

Due to the prevailing drought conditions, the ACJU Badulla Branch organized 'Salaathul Isthiska', Prayer offered in seeking rain, at a ground near the Mujahideen Masjid, Badulupitiya.

Oct. 14th & 15th 2016 Reorganizing of ACJU Branches were conducted by the ACJU Branches Coordination Division at Hapugastalawa, Nuwara Eliya City, Hatton. October 16th 2016

Reorganizing of ACJU Branches were conducted by the ACJU Branches Coordination Division at Monaragala, Bakinigahawala, Godigamuwa.

October 23rd 2016

A Goal Setting Program was held at the ACJU Kegalle District Branch which was conducted by the Staff members of the ACJU Head office. Office-bearers of the 7 ACJU Divisional Branches participated at the Program and a Special Address was delivered by Ash Shaikh Mufti Yoosuf Haniffa.

November 06th 2016 The ACJU Darga Town Branch organized a program on 'Introducing of Social Dialogue - Samaaja Sanwaada Book Series' at the Meera Masjid, Darga Town. November 06th 2016 The ACJU Gampola Branch oraganized a program ' Yawmul Jamiyyah' at Atuwawatte, Gampola. November 12th 2016

ACJU Kandy District Branch organized an awareness program on 'GSP+ & Muslim Marriage & Divorce Act'.

November 24th 2016 The ACJU Balangoda Divisional Branch Reorganizing and the Divisional General Meeting was held. December 04th 2016 The ACJU Branches Coordination Division organized a discussion with the office bearers of the ACJU Branches of the Puttalam District at the ACJU Head office. December 06th 2016 The ACJU Kandy City Branch organized a special guidance program for the Kandy City Ulama, which was conducted by Ash Shaikh Hasan Fareed, at the Jamiul Hairath Jumu'ah Masjid, Mahiyawa - Kandy. December 16th 2016

The Annual Activity Planning 2017 of ACJU Puttalam Divisional Branch was held at the Casimiyya Arabic College.

December 25th 2016 The ACJU Puttalam District Branch office bearers meeting was held at the Casimiyya Arabic College, Puttalam. December 25th 2016 The ACJU Kurunegala District Branch Committee meeting was held at which the annual activity plan for the year 2017 and other matters was discussed. December 29th 2016 The ACJU Polonnaruwa District Branch and its two new divisional branches were reorganized. January 01st 2017

The 2nd Session of the Annual Planning for 2017 of ACJU Puttalam Divisional Branch was held at the Casimiyya Arabic College.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


January 05th 2017

The ACJU Kandy District Branch organised a special Guidance Program, conducted by Mufti Rizwe at the District Branch office.

January 19th 2017

A meeting was conducted for the formation of Thalgaspitiya Divisional branch under Kegalle District Branch. The new Divisional Branch in Thalgaspitiya commenced operations.

January 23rd 2017

The ACJU Madawakkulam Divisional Branch has organised special prayers for Rain 'Salathul Isthiska' for the prevailing drought.

January 20th 2017

ACJU Kinniya Divisional Branch organized a special 'Dengue Awareness Program'.

January 13th 2017

ACJU Pottuvil Divisional Branch organized 'Salathul Isthiska' for the prevailing drought.

February 04th 2017

ACJU Kegalle Divisional Branch organized a 'Shramadaana' in collaboration with Golden Welfare Association - Kegalle.

February 04th 2017

ACJU Wattala Divisional Branch organized a special program on the Independence Day at Wattala.

February 04th 2017

An Independence Day program was organized by the ACJU Thihariya Divisional Branch at Thihariya.

March 04th & 05th 2017 The ACJU Branches Coordination Division conducted Branch reorganizing sessions in which the ACJU Executive Committee members also participated at the ACJU Batticoloa District on the 04th & 05th of March, in which around 200 ACJU members participated. March 04th 2017

The ACJU Branches Coordination Division conducted Branch reorganizing sessions at ACJU Akurana Branch office.

March 05th 2017

The ACJU Branches Coordination Division conducted Branch reorganizing sessions ACJU Kattankudy Branch office.

March 12th 2017

Reorganizing of the ACJU Matale District Branch and the selection of new Office Bearers was held at the Matale Town Jumu'ah Masjid.

March 15th 2017

ACJU Dharga Town Divisional Branch meeting was held at Masjidul Khairath.

March 25th & 26th 2017 Reorganizing and appointment of the new office bearers of the ACJU Colombo Divisional & District Branches was conducted under the supervision of the ACJU Branches Coordination Division.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

ACJU MAKTAB DIVISION The idea of a Maktab is not a new one for Sri Lanka. As far back as 1969, the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, Ceylon in its publication “A Centenary Volume of Education in Ceylon – 1969” carries an article by Dr. A. M. A. Azeez on ‘The Muslim Philosophy of Education’ in which he explains the Islamic elementary education system, the ‘Maktab’. Established with the aim of cultivating an enthusiasm amongst students towards learning the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah, and the Islamic way which in turn would benefit the society; the ‘Maktab’ project for the development of Qur’an madrasah is by far the biggest project carried out by the ACJU. Similar Maktab Projects are currently conducted in England, Thailand, South Africa, India, Pakistan and many other countries. Achievements / Highlights of the Maktab Division 2016-17 April 2016

ACJU Maktab Division organized Training Sessions for Head Muawins (Supervisor) from 27th and 28th of April and for Muallima from 24th to 27th April. These sessions focuses on increasing the quality of Maktab.

May 03rd 2016

A meeting on Thajweed Training for Coordinators organized by the Maktab Division was held at the ACJU head office.

May 30th 2016

ACJU Maktab Division held a Thajweed Training Exam for Maktab Muallim at Puttalam with 128 participants.

June 02nd 2016

ACJU Maktab Division organized a full day Mu'aawin workshop with more than 70 participants at the YMMA Conference Hall Dematagoda.

August 29th 2016

ACJU Maktab Division conducted Revision Training programs for Maktab Muallims at Badulla.

August 30th 2016

ACJU Maktab Division conducted Revision Training programs for Maktab Muallims at Gampola.

August 31st 2016

ACJU Maktab Division conducted Revision Training programs for Maktab Muallims at Akurana.

September 01st 2016 ACJU Maktab Division conducted Revision Training programs for Maktab Muallims at Kandy. September 19th 2016 The ACJU Maktab division conducted 'Muallim Revision Training programs' for existing Muallims at Gampaha. September 20th 2016 The ACJU Maktab division conducted 'Muallim Revision Training programs' for existing Muallims at Kegalle. September 21st 2016 The ACJU Maktab division conducted 'Muallim Revision Training programs' for existing Muallims at Galle, Matara. September 22nd 2016 The ACJU Maktab division conducted 'Muallim Revision Training programs' for existing Muallims at Colombo. October 03rd 2016

ACJU Maktab Division conducted Muallim Revision Training programs at Madurankuliya.

October 04th 2016

ACJU Maktab Division conducted Muallim Revision Training programs at Ethalai Jumu'ah Masjid.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


October 05th 2016

ACJU Maktab Division conducted Muallim Revision Training programs at Theliyagonna Jumu'ah Masjid.

October 05th 2016

ACJU Maktab Division conducted Muallim Revision Training programs at Siyambalagaskotuwa.

October 06th 2016

ACJU Maktab Division conducted Muallim Revision Training programs at Arakyala Jumu'ah Masjid.

October 24th 2016

A Series of Training Workshops for the Maktab Muallims and Muallimahs was conducted by the ACJU Maktab Division at Olambawa, Arafah Nagar – Anuradhapura.

October 25th 2016

A Series of Training Workshops for the Maktab Muallims and Muallimahs was conducted by the ACJU Maktab Division at Trincomalee.

October 26th 2016

A Series of Training Workshops for the Maktab Muallims and Muallimahs was conducted by the ACJU Maktab Division at Eravur & Ampara.

October 27th 2016

A Series of Training Workshops for the Maktab Muallims and Muallimahs was conducted by the ACJU Maktab Division at Ninthavur.

January 17th 2017

The ACJU Maktab Division conducted the 72nd Mualliamah (Ladies) Training.

January 21st 2017

The ACJU Maktab Division conducted the 117th Muallim Training for 46 Ulama at the Bambalapitiya Jumua'ah Masjid.

January 31st 2017

A workshop for Maktab Mudeers (principals) was conducted at the ACJU Head office by the ACJU Maktab Division.

February 07th 2017

A special workshop for Maktab Mudeers (principals) was conducted at the ACJU Head office by the ACJU Maktab Division.

Feb. 14th & 16th 2017 The 3rd & 4th workshop sessions for Maktab Mudeers (principals) was conducted at the ACJU Head office on the 14th & 16th of February, by the ACJU Maktab Division. February 22nd 2017

The 5th workshop session for Maktab Mudeers (principals) was conducted at the ACJU Head office, by the ACJU Maktab Division

March 07th 2017

A workshop for Maktab Mudeers (principals) was conducted at the ACJU Head office, by the ACJU Maktab Division.

March 09th & 14th 2017 Workshops for Maktab Mudeers (principals) were conducted at the ACJU Head office on the 09th & 14th of March, by the ACJU Maktab Division. March 11th 2017

The 119th Maktab Muallim Training program was conducted from the 11th to 17th in Bambalapitiya.

March 15th 2017

And the 74th Maktab Muallimah Training was conducted from the 15th to 19th of March in Dematagoda.

March 16th 2017

Workshops for Maktab Mudeers (principals) were conducted at the ACJU Head office on the 16th & 21st of March, by the ACJU Maktab Division.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

ACJU YOUTH AFFAIRS DIVISION The Youth Affairs committee will operate by organizing youth teams, through ACJU branches, to discuss their problems and encouraging them to propose their own solutions to the Youth Affairs committee. The committee will also aim at identifying all Islamically unacceptable activities that youth engage in, and find means to draw them away from sinful activities. It would also provide counseling and other services for youths with addiction problems, in order to rehabilitate them. The committee is currently collecting the data of youths in prisons and planning steps for their future rehabilitation. In order to provide the youth with an Islamic way of life the ACJU will provide leadership training and other training such as leading a successful marriage life. It will also take other efforts necessary to achieve this objective. The ACJU is also drawing up strategies to encourage parents to lead their children to become a Hafiz and/or an Aalim. Identifying the need for youth to be empowered, the committee will be helping the youth for higher studies, providing needful technical and vocational training to find means of Halaal income, strategizing manners to identify the basic skills of every youth and to develop their skills, among others. The committee is also working out means by which to provide unemployed and under-employed youths to find better employment according to their competencies, (e.g. A job bank for Muslims). In order to encourage youth to realize the importance of unity, peace, coexistence and tolerance the committee will be organizing competitions for social unity, conducting seminars, and encouraging the youth in participating in sports, social and cultural activities permissible in Islam. Achievements / Highlights of the Youth Affairs Division 2016-17 September 03rd 2016 The ACJU Youth Affairs had a meeting with University Undergraduates at the ACJU Head office, in which creating a bond with ACJU and carrying out Youth based Projects, and modes of voluntary contribution to ACJU were discussed. October 02nd 2016

The ACJU Youth Affairs Division organized a program on 'Spirit of True Islam' for members of the 'AUMSA - All University Muslim Students' Association' at the ACJU Head office.

October 22nd 2016

Ash Shaikh Arkam Nooramith, Secretary of the ACJU Youth Division, conducted a spiritual motivation lecture in "Heartiget 2016", a Past Pupil Get-Together event, organized by the Al-Ain Muslim Majlis of Uva Wellassa University in Badulla.

October 19th 2016

ACJU Youth Division organized a motivation program for the University students of the Ruhuna University, which was conducted by Ash Shaikh Arqam Nooramith, on the 19th of October.

November 09th 2016 The ACJU Youth Division organized a Spiritual Motivation program to the University students on the topics 'Introduction of ACJU' & 'Importance of Good Character' at the South Eastern University, Oluvil. November 10th 2016

The ACJU Youth Division organized a Spiritual Motivation program to the University students on the topics 'Introduction of ACJU' & 'Importance of Good Character' at the Eastern University, Chenkalady.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


January 05th 2017

The ACJU Youth Affairs Division organized Youth programs which were conducted by Ash Shaikh Arkam Nooramith at the Jaffna University.

January 11th 2017

The ACJU Youth Affairs Division organized Youth programs at Aluthgama organized in collaboration with Aluthgama Divisional Branch of ACJU.

January 11th 2017

The ACJU Youth Affairs Division organized Youth programs at the Matara Ruhunu University.

January 27th 2017

A special Youth Program was conducted on the Topic 'Understanding Life', at Minan Jumu'ah Masjid, Colombo 9, by Sheikh Arkam Nooramith and Sheikh Abdur Rahman (Rasheedi), which was organized by the ACJU Youth Division.

February 18th 2017

The ACJU Youth Division organized a program for youth on 'Understanding Life', which was conducted by the Ash Shaikh Arqam Nooramith, Secretary of the Division, on the 18th of February at Wellampitiya, Zaras Garden Masjid.

February 18th 2017

A program for youth on 'Understanding Life' program was conducted, by the ACJU Youth Division at Avissawella.

March 07th 2017

The ACJU Youth Affairs Division conducted a session at a Rehabilitation program organized by the National Dangerous Drugs Control Board (NDDCB) at Moratuwa.

ACJU MEDIA DIVISION Given the current situation of unrest in the country, the Media Committee was established on a priority basis by the ACJU with the main goals of eliminating the misunderstandings and misconceptions of Islam & promoting the truth to counter the current spread of misinformation, educating non-Muslims on the basic beliefs and values of Islam thereby preventing them from taking harmful action due to misconceptions about the religion, publicizing the ACJUs stand on national and day-to-day issues by way of media releases, educating Muslims on Islam and training the Ulama and professionals to carry out these tasks in all three languages. Print Media: Regular press releases and media articles to guide and inform the Muslim community and general public is done through this channel, in addition to the publication of special religious articles during special occasions such as Ramadan and Hajj. Electronic Media: Regular Radio and TV programs are conducted in all three languages to disseminate similar information as published in the press. A future need of the committee includes the launch of an Online Radio Channel. Online - Social Media: Catering to the modern trends, the committee intends to upgrade the ACJU website to cater current needs, and also plans to create videos and documentaries to be uploaded on the website and through social media.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Channels: The committee is also working on using social media platforms such as Twitter & WhatsApp, to exchange news & views more efficiently. Achievements / Highlights of the Media Division 2016-17 Newsletters : 93 Issues of the ACJU English Weekly Online Newsletter has been continuously released every Friday to E Mail Subscribers. June 03rd 2016

Media Release ‘Let's Speed Up the Masjid Centralized Reliefs’ (English)

June 04th 2016

Media Release ‘Spending Ramadhaan in the Best Manner’ (Tamil)

June 13th 2016

Media Release ‘ACJU Press Release - Let's Register For Voting’ (English)

July 15th 2016

Media Release ‘ACJU condemns the Nice City Attack in France’ (English)

July 25th 2016

Media Release ‘New selection of office Bearers of the ACJU’ (Tamil / English)

July 26th 2016

Media Release ‘ACJU Annual General Meeting – 2016’ (Tamil)

August 2016

The Official Website was re - launched.

August 29th 2016

Media Release ‘Following the Guidelines of Islam in performing Uldhiyyah’ (Tamil)

September 11th 2016

Media Release ‘Clarification On The ACJU’s Stand On Women Wearing Face-Cover’ (Tamil / English)

September 11th 2016

Media Release ‘Eid Greetings of ACJU’ (Tamil)

October 11th 2016

Media Release ‘Let’s Pray For Rain’ (Tamil / English)

November 09th 2016 Media Release ‘Affairs On Muslim Personal Law’ (Tamil/English) November 16th 2016

Media Release ‘Joint Statement Of Muslim Orgs. On Hate Speeches And Activities Inciting Racism’ (Tamil/ English/ Sinhala)

November 17th 2016

Media Release ‘Verifying Messages prior to Circulating’ (Tamil)

November 23rd 2016 Media Release ‘Let’s Pray & Make Efforts Towards The Prevalence Of Peace & Coexistence’ (Tamil / English) November 26th 2016 Media Release ‘False Messages Being Circulated About ACJU And Ali Sabri PC’ (Tamil / English) November 30th 2016 Media Release ‘Let us pray for Syria’ (Tamil) December 27th 2016 Media Release ‘Gathering details of the Usthaads’ (Tamil) January 2017

Tamil Monthly Newsletter commenced.

January 09th 2017

Media Release ‘Message Of Condolence On The Demise Of Justice C.G. Weeramantry’ (English)

January 17th 2017

Media Release ‘Let us Pray for Rain’ (Tamil)

January 31st 2017

Media Release ‘Remembering the 69th Independence Day’ (Tamil)

February 03rd 2017

Media Release ‘ACJU Message On The 69th Independence Day’ (Tamil / English)

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 March 24th 2017

Media Release ‘Being vigilant against Dengue’ (Tamil)

March 27th 2017

Media Release ‘Let us Pray for Rain’ (Tamil)


ACJU ULAMA AFFAIRS DIVISION The Ulama Affairs division is dedicated to serve the interest of the Islamic Scholars who have served and continue to serve the community to the best of their ability. The committee aims at providing the following wide range of services for the Aalims:

 Identifying the sacrifices and the services of the veteran Aalims and honoring them.  Identifying qualified Ulama and categorizing them based on expertise, in order to


utilize them for the needs of the Muslim community.  Supporting Ulama in their quest for Islamic-based higher studies.  Uplifting the general living standards of all Ulama and every Imaam serving in the Masjid.  Creating self-employment opportunities for Ulama, with needful technical and vocational training, where necessary. Achievements / Highlights of the Ulama Affairs Division 2016-17 April 06th 2016

The Ulama Affairs Division of ACJU conducted programs on 'Introduction to ACJU' and 'Membership campaigns' at the Nooriyyah Arabic College, Kannatota & Fawziyya Arabic College, Napawela.

April 07th 2016

The Ulama Affairs Division of ACJU conducted programs on 'Introduction to ACJU' and 'Membership campaigns' at the Nilaamiyyah Arabic College, Minuwangoda.

August 27th 2016

The Ulama Affairs Division conducted a Program on Introduction of ACJU and Ulama Membership campaign at the Jamiah Ibnu Umar, Panadura in which more than 100 Ulama participated.

August 31st 2016

A special Training program was conducted for 40 selected Ulama, on conducting Khutbah sermons on 'Motivating parents on the importance of General Education', at the ACJU Head Office which was organized by the ACJU Education Division.

Sept. 06th & 07th 2016 The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted programs on 'Introduction of ACJU' and Ulama Membership Campaign at 08 Madarasas in the Ampara District Saad Al Islamiyya Arabic College – Mawadipalli, Hamiyya Arabic College – Kalmuunai, Sahwa Islamiyya Arabic College – Palamunai, Kashiful Uloom Arabic College – Ninthavur, Sabeelur Rashad Arabic College – Pottuvil, East Ceylon Arabic College – Addalachenai, Abubakr Siddeek Arabic College – Akkaraipattu, Thableegul Islam A.C- Sammanthurai


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

September 28th 2016 The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted programs on 'Introduction of ACJU' and ACJU Membership Campaign at 02 Madarasas in the Kurunegala District, Manarul Hudha Arabic College – Divurumpola & Zaeemiyya Arabic College – Bammanna. Oct. 05th & 06th 2016 The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted programs on 'Introduction of ACJU' and ACJU Membership Campaign at 02 Madarasas & 03 ACJU Divisional Branches in the Nuwara Eliya Distric:- Hamidhiyya Arabic College – Hapugastalawa, Usmaniyya Arabic College – Dickoya & at ACJU Divisional Branches -Hapugastalawa, NuwaraEliya, Hatton. October 19th 2016

The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted programs on 'Introduction of ACJU' & Membership Campaigns at the Madarasas in Matara District:- Nooraniyya Arabic College, Matara Minnathul Fassiyyah Arabic College, Matara, Khilriyyah Arabic College, Weligama.

October 20th 2016

The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted programs on 'Introduction of ACJU' & Membership Campaigns at the Madarasas in Matara District :- Baari Arabic College, Weligama, Mursiyyah Arabic College, Weligama, Azeeziyyah Arabic College, Weligama

November 07th 2016 The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted programs on 'Introduction of ACJU' & Membership Campaigns at the Madarasas in Galle District: Al-Bahjathul Ibrahimiyyah Arabic College, Jiffriyyah Preliminary Arabic College, Makkiyyah Arabic College. November 08th 2016 The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted programs on 'Introduction of ACJU' & Membership Campaigns at the Madarasas in Galle District:- Jamia Kanzil Hairath Arabic College, Al-Madrasathul Aliyyah Arabic College, Ibnu Abbas Arabic College. November 29th 2016 The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted Programs on Introduction of ACJU and Membership campaign at 03 Madrasas in the Kalutara District:- Jamia Ilharil Islam Arabic College, Salah Arabic College, Dhahwathul Hudah Arabic College. December 06th 2016 The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division conducted Programs on Introduction of ACJU and Membership campaign at 02 Madrasas in the Ratnapura District:- Aynul Hudha Arabic College, Rawlathul Jennah Arabic College. December 26th 2016- The ACJU Ulama Affairs Division is gathering details of the Ustaadhs in service of teaching for more than 25 years.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17



IT System, Store Management and Publication Procedure

December 2016

‘Planning and Budgeting’

March 2017

‘Productivity Development’

April 2017

‘Handling Work under Pressure and Multi- Tasking’

Employee Appraisals

Employee Appraisal was held in March 2016.


Increments were made in April based on the Appraisals conducted in March 2016.

New Recruitments

7 Full Time Staff have been recruited.

Interviews - 18

No. of Interviews is as follows: 02 - Front Office Executive | 02Publications Executive | 02-Finance Officer | 02 - Office Assistant |02 – Asst. Coordinator –Education| 08 - Media Officer

Annual Planning 2017

2 Full Day sessions were conducted for the Annual Planning of all the Divisions of ACJU.

Staff KPI

KPI have been made for each staff as 3 terms per year (4 months), where performance would be reviewed accordingly.

Staff Restructure

4 Chief Coordinators (CC) have been appointed under whom all Divisions have been categorized. The Divisional staff shall be reporting to the respective CC.

English Language Course

Staff were facilitated with a 6 Month English Language Course which was offered Free of Charge. External - Selected Staff were provided with external trainings. Customer Handling Leadership Training ‘RAISE SUMMIT’ Beyond CSR – a Social Services Training Review of the HR Manual was conducted in January 2017 and upgraded to Ver: 1.1.

Special Staff Training

HR Manual Staff Welfare Projects

Swimming membership has been provided for staff FOC at the Zahira College Swimming Pool. Provided special payments for Expenses of Janaza of Family of 03 Staff. Provided special payments as Gifts on Birth of Child to 07 Staff

Staff Loans

10 staff loan requests processed and provided.

Staff Attendance

The Attendance Software service provider agreement has been renewed. A special Document on ‘Labour Legislations applicable to ACJU’ has been prepared.

HR Document

Divisional Coordinator Meetings Divisional Coordinator Meetings are conducted as per the requirement where Divisional Performances are reviewed. Staff ID

Official Staff Identity Cards have been provided to all staff.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


The Admin Manual was revised and upgraded to Ver: 1.1 in April 2016

Security Services

A new Security services provider was hired, who provide a 24 hour Security Service for the ACJU premises.

Appointment of Floor Managers

New Floor Mangers were appointed in the Building. Guidelines were provided on supervising administrative matters. 10 meetings were conducted with the Floor Managers.

Cleaning Mechanism Implemented A cleaning checklist system was implemented for the Office Assistants (OA) OA supervision mechanism was implemented Routine Physical checkup on the cleanliness of the Building is being conducted in a scheduled manner. Front Office Operations

12 Meetings have been conducted with the Front office executive on the operations.


Purchasing Grocery Items every Month. (12 times) Stationary items purchased bi-monthly as required. (6 times) Sanitary & Detergents purchased bi-Monthly. (6 Times) Necessary equipment for building maintenance purchased as and when required. Required Assets / Furniture Fittings purchased.

Key Register

A Key Register is being maintained, which has a record of all the Keys of the ACJU Head office

File Maintenance

File maintained for Equipment Maintenance, Trainings, General Secretary Correspondence and etc. Individual Files maintained for all Staff.

Business Cards

Business Cards have been provided upon requirement.

Sign Boards

Sign boards have been displayed at Staff Desk and in the Building as per the need.

Notice Boards

Glass Notice Boards were provided to General Secretary/ Media Dept./ Maktab Div.

Sand-Blast Stickers

Sand-Blast Stickers have placed in multiple locations as per requirement

Building Takaful

A Takaful Policy (Insurance) for the building has been obtained.

Lift Maintenance Agreement

The agreement signed with Lift Service Provider was renewed.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


GENERAL EVENTS April 04th 2016

The ACJU Proposal for Constitutional Reforms was handed over to Constitutional Reforms Committee Chairman Mr. Lal Wijenayake.

June 15th 2016

ACJU Treasurer and Executive Committee Member Ash Sheikh A.L.M. Khaleel was honored at the event ''MASSCO 2016 Awards Ceremony'' which was organized by Lanka Mass Communicators Associates, event held at Colombo.

August 04th 2016

Representatives of the ACJU Executive Committee along with the representatives of other Islamic Organizations met His Excellency the President Maithripala Sirisena, for a discussion on issues faced by the Muslim community, at the Presidential Secretariat, Colombo.

August 05th 2016

Mufthi M.I.M. Rizwe's addressed the gathering at the Special Felicitation Ceremony for Hon. Ruwan Wijeyawardena, State Minister for Defence, organized by the Forum for National Unity, at The Excellency, Colombo.

August 11th 2016

Pesident of the ACJU, Mufthi M.I.M. Rizwe addressed the gathering at the inauguration ceremony of the International Conference on "Muslims and the Prospects for Co-Existence" held at the Temple Trees, Colombo.

August 11th 2016

Selected members of the ACJU staff participated at the International Conference on "Muslims and the Prospects for Co-Existence" organized by Muslim World League in collaboration with the Islamic Centre in Sri Lanka at the auditorium of Sport Ministry, Colombo, on the 11th & 12th of August.

August 23rd 2016

ACJU submitted the Proposals to the Fundamental Rights & Language Rights of the Constitution of Sri Lanka at the Parliament to the Constitutional Assembly - Sub Committee on Fundamental Rights.

August 23rd 2016

An Awareness program on the "Rights of the persons with Disabilities" conducted by the 'Disability Organizations Joint Front' was held at the ACJU Head office.

August 23rd 2016

Selected staff members of the ACJU participated at a special discussion with Hon. Sagala Ratnayaka Minister of Law & Order and Southern Development, held at the Temple Trees.

August 26th 2016

The Official ACJU Website has been re-launched on


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 Thihariya on 30th of August, following an issue pertaining to the inauguration of Jumu’ah at a Masjid Aboobucker.

December 23rd 2016

The Divisional Annual Planning - 2017 of the ACJU Sub-Divisions was held at the ACJU Head Office on the 23rd & 24th of December.

January 11th 2017

A delegation from the Media sector, 'Newsfirst - Shakthi TV' visited the ACJU Head office, to provide details to the Muslim Religous leaders about a '100 - Day' Social Service project that helps the needy in the rural areas of the country, of the which the 2nd phase would commence shortly.

January 20th 2017

ACJU Publication - 'Compilation of Responses to the Baseless Allegations towards Islam (Sinhala)’.


A special discussion between the Members of the Executive Committee of ACJU and a delegation from the Sri Lanka Police including Inspector General of Police, Mr. Pujitha Jayasundara. Matters regarding inter religious issues and national reconciliation and how to react in disaster situation were discussed at this meeting.

July 16th 2016

ACJU organized two Felicitation Events for the Donors and for those who coordinated with ACJU and contributed largely in flood relief efforts. Event held at ACJU head office.

July 24th 2016

ACJU held its Annual General Meeting with the participation of more than 450 Ulama at the Kandy Grand Jumma Masjidh. ACJU's constitution was also reformed during the event.

July 24th 2016

The Central Committee Meeting of ACJU was held at Kandy Grand Jumma Masjidh. New Executive Committee Members were selected at the event by a secret ballot.

July 26th 2016

Representatives of the ACJU participated in a Religious Leaders Forum meeting at the Presidents House.

August 6th 2016

The first meeting of the newly selected Executive Committee was held at the ACJU Head office, in which, as per the ACJU Constitution, 8 new members were selected to the Committee and Secretaries for Divisions were appointed.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


August 26th 2016

A special meeting to discuss issues related to 'Marriage & Divorce in the Muslim Society' was held on the 26th of August, which was organized by the ACJU Galle District branch in collaboration with the Galle District Quazi and Masjid Trustees Federation of the Galle District.

September 14th 2016

ACJU Media Division had a meeting with a team of volunteers, who have extended their support in carrying Media related activities, at the ACJU Head office on the 14th of September.

October 14th 2016

Representatives of the ACJU Executive Committee participated at a Meeting with the UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, which was organized by the Presidential Secretariat at the Secretariat.

November 20th 2016

An emergency Meeting with the Muslim Civil Organizations was conducted on the prevailing situation of the country at the ACJU Head office. It was decided to meet the H.E. President, Hon. Prime Minister, Muslim Parliamentarians and other relevant authorities to smoothen the situation.

November 21st 2016

A Special Meeting with the Muslim Parliamentarians was held at the ACJU Head office on the 21st of November on the current issues of the Muslim Community.

November 23rd 2016

Ash Sheikh Fazil Farook, Secretary of the Media Division – ACJU, the Muslim Representatives had a meeting with Honorable Minister of Justice Wijeydasa Rajapaksha at the Ministry of Justice.

February 23rd 2017

A special meeting with the Muslim Women's Development Trust and some members of the ACJU Executive Committee on the subjects of 'Injustice faced by Muslim women in the Society and the Muslim Personal Law', was held at the ACJU Head office.

March 30th 2017

Aspecial Meeting was conducted on 'Wilpattu Issue' with the Muslim Parliamentarians and the ACJU Executive Committee at the ACJU Head office.

Front Office Operations

12 Meetings have been conducted with the Front office executive on the operations.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Participants 20 Executive Members


Participants 26 Executive Members


Approximately 800 participants for Annual General Meeting and New EXCO Election held


Participants 23 Executive Members


Participants 25 Executive Members


Participants 26 Executive Members


Participants 17 Executive Members


Participants 18 Executive Members


Participants 21 Executive Members


Participants 18 Executive Members


Participants 21 Executive Members

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17



57 Continuous rain started from the beginning of May, 2016, followed with heavy floods and landslides affected 22 districts out of 25, which resulted in more than 400,000 affected, with a record of 91 deaths, 109 persons missing, 506 houses destroyed, 4005 houses damaged, as at 24 May 2016. The most devastating incident was reported from Aranayake, Kegalle District where over 60 houses got buried due to landslide. The worst hit areas were Kollannawa, Wellampitiya, Mabola, Peliyagoda, Orugodawatta, Malwana and Avissawella, out of which 30,000 families were considered for urgent assistance & resettlement. From the inception of this tragedy, All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama representing Muslim community in Sri Lanka started assisting flood affected people irrespective of their cast creed and religion. ACJU were able to bring together all the Civil Organization who was operating in providing relief efforts to one single table to form a relief coordination center. Relief coordination Center was operating with the guidance of ACJU was setup to support a coordinated effort in providing quick relief to the people affected by floods and Landslide. A Comprehensive list of Task & Projects carried out by ACJU from the inception of this calamity is given below.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 the disaster, further ACJU leadership gave instructions to all 25 District branches to get involved in the relief efforts. •

Fund Raising ACJU started fund raising through publishing a media statement. Masha Allah, local and foreign donors came forward and contributed generously to the appeal made by ACJU;

ACJU involvement in the initial stage of the rescue operations • Boats were dispatched to rescue the stranded victims. •

Assistance of Police was sought to control the situation.

Efforts were made to bring the Navy in for additional support.

The Islamic Care Line Counseling ladies teams were sent to displace Camps to analyze the situation and provide necessary counseling services. Most of affected families out of which 90% were non-Muslims.

8 units of mobile toilets were deployed at the camps.

Urgent needs at displaced camps were fulfilled by providing sanitary pack, clothing and Meals.

PHASE 1 ACJU has announced the public to be involved in Dua and Isthighfar as the rains started to look threatening. ACJU teams were deployed to the flood affected areas such as Wellampitiya, Kaduwela, Malwana, Molawatta, Nawagampura, Sedawatta, Kannathota, Awissawella Aranayaka to obtain firsthand information about

A meeting with the Muslim Parliamentarians was conducted and informed them to take quick and necessary action to bring immediate relief to affected people and also get maximum support from the government agencies.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 •

Colombo District Masjids were instructed to register the families who were affected and also the families who are living with their friends and families in that respective masjid locality.

Establishing Medical Camps, Conducting Counseling programs and Implementing Qatar Charity project.

To Manage Qatar Charity project.

ACJU instructed its District branches and 11 Masjid Federations to take over and provide necessary assistance to the district/area that was affected by this catastrophe.

Conduct TOT for health & mental health program.

Ifthar arrangement was made to affected people.

Formation of Relief Coordination Center & Its Responsibilities • A meeting with the Muslim civil organizations was held at the ACJU head office which led to formation of RCC. ACJU, MCSL, NSC, CDMF and other civil organization participated in this meeting. RCC operations were conducted from ACJU head office. •

Key objective of RCC was to collect data on affected people, Government Lobbying and launching relief coordination hotline (to Avoid Duplications)

Managing storage facilities @ YMMA and Slave Island, Kolanawa JM (Food and Non Food)

Volunteer Coordination for Cleaning work, Data Entry, Hotline operations and Store management (More than 1000 Volunteers participated in the whole process)

Procuring Cleaning materials via ACJU relief fund,

Data Collection Data collections were carried out in 7 centers with more than 200 volunteer’s participation. Nearly 15000 data were collected and entered in to a database for further analysis and reporting. Government Lobbying A team was appointed for lobbying with the government officials to get the maximum support for flood victims. They met the Minister of Disaster management Hon. Anura Priyadarshana Yapa and also met GS and DS government official to lobby the case. Procuring Cleaning Material Cleaning materials such as gum boots, wheel barrows, shovels and chemicals were purchased and dispatched to affected areas to conduct cleaning work. Storage Facility Operations (YMMA, Salve Island, Kolannawa JM) 3 storage facilities were operated under the guidance of ACJU and provide a comprehensive training to volunteers who were manning the storage facilities. 35,640 ration packs were distributed for people affected in 26 masjid localities. These distributions were made irrespective of Muslim or Non-Muslim. Food and Non Food goods were mainly received through ACJU district branches, Masjids, Civil Organizations.

59 PHASE 2 With water level going down many people started resettling in their homes. The Re-settlement happened at the time when the month of Ramadan was approaching and ACJU planned the phase 2 of the flood relief operations. In this regard ACJU executive committee decided to provide cash of LKR 8000 for each family. ACJU collaborated with CDMF (Colombo District Masjid Federation) to accomplish this enormous project. LKR 8000 Fund Distribution Project Project started with collecting data from families affected by the floods in 28 masjid localities. A form was prepared in this regard and through that respective masjid data was collected. Collected data was entered to a database to avoid duplication. At the time of distribution a mechanism was implemented to give a coupon to each family, which was generated through computer system. Distribution of money took place in the masjid localities with participation of CDMF and ACJU members allocated for each area. Mash Allah with help of Almighty Allah, ACJU with the partnership of CDMF distributed money for families affected by the floods in 28 masjid localities.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17 affected service sector staff by providing them a complete back to work kits, especially for School Teachers, Maktab Muallim and Muallima’s. Project implementation was carried out with the partnership of Muslim Aid. No of Beneficiaries:


Back to School This Project was initiated to support the school children who were affected by the floods. 1700 school children were selected from 13 government schools, which received LKR 3500 worth of comprehensive back to school kit. This project was funded by Zam Zam Foundation, while Coordination and Implementation was carried out by ACJU No of Beneficiaries:


Maktab Uniforms & Text Books Distribution This project was initiated with the intent of supporting Maktab students in the affected areas to restart their Maktab studies, ACJU Maktab Division provide much needed material such as Maktab text books, uniforms, bag etc. for 550 students. No of Beneficiaries:


Other Phase 2 projects Masjid Administrative Expenses With the intention of supporting the affected masjid, ACJU in collaborating with Gem Association provided administrative expenses worth of LKR 200,000 for 17 masjids. No of Masjids: 17 Back to Work This Project was initiated to support flood

Ulama Livelihood In the First phase of the project 84 Ulama were given cash. This project was funded by GEM Association while Coordination and Implementation was carried out by ACJU. In the Second Phase of the project 134 Ulama were given cash. This project was funded by Mountain of Mercy while Coordination and Implementation was carried out by ACJU. No of Beneficiaries:



Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Back to Business This project was initiated to provide livelihood support for flood affected people in Kollanawa and Welampitiya area, who lost their livelihood means. They were given necessary tools and equipment’s to restart their livelihood activities. ACJU with the support of Sri Lankan Muslim Cultural Centre UK (SLMCC UK) provided livelihood kits for 249 families. ACJU partnered with Muslim Aid to carry out the implementation work. No of Beneficiaries:

supporting to restart or strengthen their livelihood, provision of educational support for kids; medical and nutritional support for their dependents, and to build coexistence between Muslim and non-Muslim children through renovating flood effected schools in the area. This project nearing its completion has been mainly focusing on following 6 objectives: 1. 2.

249 3.

Strengthening & Supporting Livelihood Second project on livelihood was initiated to further strengthen and to uplift the living conditions of flood affected households through provision of livelihood support to build their own source of living, ACJU with the support of Preston Muslim Society UK provided livelihood kits for 245 Families. ACJU partnered with Muslim Aid to carry out the implementation work. No of Beneficiaries:

245 Families

PHASE 3 Restoring household economy of flood affected widows and supporting orphans in vulnerable families. For the final phase of flood relief operations, ACJU pursued 4 month project under titled “Restoring household economy of flood affected widows and supporting orphans in vulnerable families”. the project was targeting to empower household economy of widows, women-headed and vulnerable families through




To improve educational status of 250 orphan children . To contribute towards healthy life of 200 elderly widows or widowers without support. To strengthen income of 150 widows or vulnerable families. To change attitudes of 750 vulnerable children through learning and practicing of good habits To strengthen coexistence between Muslim and non-Muslim children through renovating 2 schools’ buildings. To provide safe and comfortable shelter facilities to 45 most vulnerable poor families

No Beneficiaries: 196 families and 2350 individuals Award & Felicitation Ceremony for Flood Relief Workers ACJU organized an Award & Felicitation Ceremony for Volunteers and Civil Organizations, who worked tirelessly to serve the flood affected people, they were awarded with a certificate in recognition for their valuable effort. More than 50 civil organizations and members representing Colombo District Masjid Federation participated in this event.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17







Data Collection (7 Centres, 200 Volunteers 15,000 Data Collected)



11 Ration Packs Distribution (35,640 packs worth




Procuring Cleaning Material

Provided Councelling (for victims)

Managing Storage Facilities (3 Locations)


Est. RCC with the support of Civil Organizations Operation Expences

Rescue Operation (Providing Boats)


Cleaning Work (1000 Volunteers participated)

Provided Clothing & Meals

Announced to Involved in Dua and Isthighfar

Mental Health Programme

Government Lobbying (Met Minister DM, GS & DS)





LKR 8,000 Fund Distribution Project Benificiaries : Families affected by the floods in 28 masjid localities



Ulama Livelihood Supporting Flood Affected Ulama Benificiaries : 218 Individuals (Sponsored by Gem Association & Mountain of Mercy Implemented by ACJU)

Back to Work Flood Affected Service Sector Staffs Benificiaries : 200 Individuals


Back to Business Livelihood Support for Flood Affected Businesess Benificiaries : 244 Individuals (Sponsored by SLMCC-UK Implemented by ACJU)




Masjid Admin. Expenses No. of Masjids : 17


Back to School Flood Affected School Children Benificiaries : 1700 Individuals (Sponsored by ZAM ZAM Foundation Implemented by ACJU)


Maktab Uniforms & Text Books Distribution Benificiaries : 550 Individuals

Livelihood Support Suppoting Flood Affected Houseold Benificiaries : 245 Families (Sponsored by Preston Muslim Society -UK Implemented by ACJU)

Educational Support of 250 Orphans (1 year)


3 Livelihood Support for 150 Widows



Supporting 200 Vulnerable Children in Religious Education

Medical Support for 200 Elderly Widows (1 year)



43,485 Beneficiaries

Renovating Flood Affected Schools 2 Schools in Wellampitiya


Shelter Facilities to 80 poor families

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17




Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Division : Fatwa Project Title:

Fatwa Hotline Operation

Objectives: To have a dedicated hotline for public to call and clarify doubts arising in their day to day activities concerning the Islamic way of life. Implementation: This project was initiated in June 2017 to facilitate querying especially on Zakath and Fasting issues in the month of Ramadhan. More experienced Ulama were deployed at the Fatwa Division to respond to the questions made to the hotline. The hotline was operated between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on working days. Positive Outcome: During the month of Ramadhan more than 1200 calls were attended on Questions related to Zakath & Fasting. Subsequently, there were 400 to 500 calls received on various queries and responded. Increase of public contact for clarifying their doubts in performing their religious, social, economic and other activities in relation to the perspective of Islam. Future Plans: Organizing ďŹ qh classes in masjids around the country under the supervision of the ACJU fatwa Committee to increase awareness among the public.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Division : HIlaal Project Title:

Conducting awareness programs to the public on the five criteria of determining

Hilaal (crescent) sighting. Objectives: Propagating the five basic criteria of determining the Hilaal (crescent) sighting. Providing guidance to the public on all Hilaal matters with complete clarification. Implementation: This Awareness programs were conducted to students of Madrasas District-wise and public programs to general public. Altogether 12 programs were conducted. Further more Awareness programs was conducted through TV Channels for the benefit of the public. Positive Outcome: Due to the above said awareness programs difficulties in determining the moon sighting was reduced. Further, Hilaal Sub committees were established in some areas. Unity of the Muslim Community strengthened by following our guidance in Hilaal Sighting. Future Plan: Conducting more awareness programs island wide on five basic criteria of determining the Hilaal (crescent) sighting throughout the country.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Division : Social Service Project Title:

Masjid-based Service Team (MBST)

Objectives: Creating an environment of the Prophet’s (PBUH) Masjid-un-Nabavi during the period of Salaf us Saliheen. Propagating, promoting and assisting religious, social, cultural and educational developments of the Muslim community to uphold Islam. Implementation: Teams of field officers were appointed by the MBST committee to conduct a comprehensive assessment by visiting in small groups to every house of a locality of the selected Masjid. Generated reports based on the survey conducted help identify the needs for development. Based on the identified needs projects related to Spiritual, Economical, Social,Health and Education will be initiated for the advancement of the relevant Muslim community and to propagate uphold Islam. Some of the projcts that are intended to implement through this initiative are listed below. Spiritual (a) Efforts to Improve the number of Musallees (b) Unity Amongst Diversity (c) Co-existence while protecting Islamic identity Economical (a) Baithuz Zakath (b) Baithul Maal Social (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Pre/Post Marital Counseling Drug Addict – Re-Habilitation Programs Vocational Training Programs Health Programs Career Guidance Conducting Business Forums

Educational (a) Academic Motivation (b) Spiritual Motivation (c) Counseling (d) Career Guidance (e) Infrastructure

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Positive Outcome: There has been signiďŹ cant progress in the process of implementing this project in two Masjids in Mawanella and Jaffna, which has yielded positive response up to now. The beneďŹ t of this shall be reaped in the long run. Future plan The MBST project shall be implemented in all Masjids throughout the country in Sri Lanka.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Division : Propagation Project Title:

Providing Guidelines to Develop Coexistence

Objectives: Carrying forward the message of developing & promoting coexistence to all communities clearing the doubts on Islam towards achieving peace and harmony. Implementation: (a) Visited the District branches of Kurunegala, Anuradapura, Vavuniya, Gampaha, Kalutara, Galle, Matara, Monaragala, Badulla, Matale, Polonnaruva and Trincomalee. (c) Programs on Coexistence were held in these District Branches. (d) District Executive Committee members, Branch Executive Committee members and other Religious Leaders participated. Positive Outcome: Most of the other communities were very interested in learning Islam. Some requested for Al-Quran translation. The participants approved the need for strengthening coexistence. The results were very positive. Future Plan: Continuing these types of programs throughout the island until all citizens recognize to agree to support coexistence.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Division : Propagation Project Title : Responding to the Allegations on Islam and the Holy Quran Objectives: This book was written to provide a compilation of clarifications to the baseless allegations on Islam and the Holy Quran presented to the All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama (ACJU). This compilation will help to understand and eradicate misconceptions on Islam among all human beings. Implementation: The ACJU assigned four Religious Scholars to prepare a plan of responding these allegations. The team assigned did an extensive research and carefully drafted the responses for all the allegations presented. Further, ACJU sent this document to a team of fifteen prominent individuals, professionals, and religious scholars to improve, alter and amend the responses to finalize. The finalized document was published in Sinhala and Tamil languages via ACJU official website and Social Media platforms. Positive Outcome: This compilation has become beneficial to the Muslim community in providing awareness for such Questions and Answers. This book received many positive responses from public and helped many individuals to clarify their doubts about Islam and Muslim. ` Future Plan: Bringing the compilation of these questions and responses to the awareness of Muslims and other communities throughout the country by translating the written Sinhala document to English and Tamil languages. Preparing a set of FAQs and responses to the general public.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Division : CCC (Council for Coordination & Cooperation) Project Title:

Special Training Program for Selected Ulama on Social Unity and Coexistence

Objectives: With the intention of promoting social unity among Muslims and peaceful coexistence with other communities, Learning and practicing how to be united in Diversity and to bringing ethnic harmony facing the contemporary issues within different faiths, this special training program was designed to train the trainers. Implementation: The Training course was designed for 150 hours within 4 months duration on a specially arranged Syllabus prepared with different subjects including (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g)

Islamic Shari’ah on Social Unity & Coexistence Introduction of the concept of the other Religions Skill Development Time Management Psychology Basic Computer Application & Other relevant subjects

35 Ulama were selected for training from all over the island through an interview process. A panel of around 20 Lecturers including highly qualified Religious Scholars and Professionals were assigned for this project. The course was completed successfully by 28 (80%) participants with satisfactory feedback. During the course practical, visited all religious places like Buddhist temples, Christian churches and Hindu Kovils in various locations and had discussions with all religious leaders.

Positive Outcome: The selected Ulama showed keenness in the subjects being taught and their feedback was very satisfactory. They were determined to promote unity & co-existence among all Religions. They are confident and capable of organizing programs in social unity and coexistence with patriotism. Future Plan: To conduct the similar course in all Districts of the Island.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Division : CCC (Council for Coordination & Cooperation) Project Title:

Visiting Religious Places

Objectives: To improve relationship and good understanding with other communities and to make effort to build a good opinion about Muslims in their hearts and minds Implementation: A team of ten Religious Scholars were assigned to visit 20 temples initially and visited so far 10 temples and met the Buddhist priests for a friendly discussion with the intention of improving coexistence. Mainly the ACJU team clarified their doubts or any misunderstandings on Islam and Muslims in a logical and a respectable manner and provided the Social Dialogue books for clarity. The above visits also included visiting the places of worship through Inter-religious leaders from the Congress of Religions. The team visited four various places of worship within Colombo. The team also made a visit to Putlam and met around five Religious leaders along with the ACJU Putlam District branch. Positive Outcome: Some Buddhist Monks are in the opinion that introduction in this nature is vital not only to understand one another, but also to understand the concepts and cultures of other religions and the communities. These opportunities create friendly environment of clearing doubts of others’ religions. The gaps between different religious people could be narrowed. Future Plan: Planning more visits among places of worship throughout all Districts of the country via ACJU Branches for a closer relationship.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Division : IEF (Islamic Economic & Finance) Project Title: Baithuz Zakath Objectives: Enabling the Zakath payer to pay his Zakath in his own Masjid locality and enabling the eligible receiver to receive his rightful Zakath from his own Masjid locality through creating a systemized Baithuz Zakath complying with Shari’ah guidelines. Implementation: A team was formed to make a sophisticated system to implement Baithuz Zakath across all masajids in Sri Lanka. After comprehensive study a system was introduced by the team which comprises manuals, Standard Operating procedure (SOP), Investigation checklist and application Forms. Through many awareness programs the system was introduced and Masjids came forward to implement the system. Below are some of the masjids which ACJU Baithuz Zakath system has been implemented. Positive Outcome: (a) Those who are liable to pay Zakath are content over the system as they pay to their own Masjid locality and those who receive the Zakath are confirmed of their eligibility since the distribution is done in the same Masjid locality. (b) Masjid has a statistics detail about its locality and possess a needs list and finding solutions for their financial needs. Zakath Process for year 2016-2017 completed in 9 Masjids and auditing process in progress. 1. Minan Baithuz Zakath Dematagoda (LKR 6.6 Million distributed among 135 families) 2. Aluthkade Baithuz Zakath Abdul Hameed Street (LKR 4.7 Million distributed among 253 families) 3. Lyards Broadway Baithuz Zakath (LKR 400,000 distributed among 103 families) 4. Hulsdorf Baithuz Zakath at Jamiul Ashsroff Masjid (LKR 1 Million distributed among 24 families) 5. Thihary Baithuz Zakath (LKR 2.9 Million distributed among 47 families) 6. Jawatte Baithuz Zakath 7. Galhinna Baithuz Zakath 8. Kotiyakumbura Baithuz Zakath at Masjid Ampe 9. Jayawadanagama Baithuz Zakath. Future Plan: (a) To enable all the Eligible to receive Zakath in the country to receive his rightful fund through his Masjid locality. (b) To enable all the Zakath payers in the country to pay his Zakath to his Masjid locality. (c) Implementing Baithuz Zakath system in all the Masjids in Sri Lanka by forming and establishing Baithuz Zakath Society with trained members. (d) To implement Baithul Maal system in every Masjid. (e) To implement Wasiyyath facility through Bathul Maal System


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Division : Branch Coordination Project Title: Developing and enhancing the branch activities throughout the island Objectives: (a) Carrying forward the activities of ACJU in District and Divisional Branches. (b) Easy access of communicating with branches from the ACJU Head Office. (c) Connecting the people of the grass-root level to the activities of ACJU. Implementation: (a) Selection and assignment of branch office bearers have been implemented according to new system in 9 districts for the year 2016/17. (b) Training on branch activities was held in 13 branches for the year 2016/17 (c) 10 branches were given ‘’ email domain for easy communication Positive Outcome: (a) Development in branch activities (b) Office bearers of the branches were motivated to develop their respective branch (c) 6 branches started operating branch level office and 5 branches were newly inaugurated in the year 2016/17 Future Plan: All branches shall be operated and monitored island-wide as per the guidance of the ACJU Head Office

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Division : Maktab Project Title: Enhancing the Knowledge and Skill levels of main stakeholders of Maktab Objectives: Alhamdulillah the ACJU Maktab division has reached great heights during the last 6 years. Many strategies were executed in order (to bring in a proper revolution in the primary Dheeni education of the Sri Lankan Muslims). In order to strengthen the success of the system the Maktab Division identified that continuous training needs to be provided to its key stakeholders. (a) Maktab Mu’allim (Teacher) (b) Maktab Mudeer (Principal) (c) Maktab Representative (MR)

Implementation: Though these stake holders represent their own respective Maktab, the overall success of the Maktab system is dependent on their performances. With this regard the following trainings were conducted during the last year. (a) (b) (c) (d)

Special workshop for Maktab Mu’allim Mudeer Workshop MR Workshop Special Tajweed Training for Maktab Mu’allim

(a) Special workshop for Maktab Mu’allim 16 programs were scheduled and executed at their respective locations in order to cover the entire Mu’allim and Mu’allimah force with least difficulty for them. In order to make this project a success the head office Maktab team had to visit various parts of the country during 8 weekends. (b) Maktab Mudeer Workshop (Principal) The Mudeer of each Maktab plays a key role. In order to develop the skills of the Mudeer in order to perform their duties effectively. Totally ten programs were conducted in order to cover 417 Mudeers from around the country. This program was conducted at the head office. (c) MR Workshop To increase the commitment of the MR and to specify their responsibilities the Maktab Representatives were given special training. The trainings were conducted in 8 different locations with the expectation of 400 participants for each program.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

The participation of the program was comparatively low for the standards of the Maktab. However the Maktab division has planned to conduct the same training in each Maktab center which will be for 40 MR’s. This program will be conducted by the Head Mu’awin. (d) Mu’allim Tajweed Training In order to expertise the skills of Tajweed of the Maktab Mu’allims this special 4 months training is conducted with the endorsement of Hai’athu Qur’an Sri Lanka. It is mandatory that each Mu’allim takes part in this training. Summary of the Workshop / Training conducted for key stake holders of Maktab - 2016-17 Name of Workshop / Training Special workshop for Maktab Mu’allim/ah Mudeer Workshop MR Workshop Tajweed Training for Maktab Mu’allim

No. of Workshops / Trainings 16 11 08 34

No. of Participants 3448 428 1396 724

Possitive Outcome: As per the feedback obtain from participants in the special maktab Mu’allim workshop a 99.6% of the participants agreed that the Maktab system is good. Further it was suggested In order to increase the quality of teaching new teaching techniques have to be introduce and the Mu’allims will have to undergo an annual training in this regard.With regard to feedback obtain from Mudeer workshop Many important inputs were received for further development of the Maktab. Future Plans: Continuous trainings will be conducted for the above mentioned key stakeholders. All new members assuming duties in one of the above roles will have to undergo a mandatory training. The head Mu’awin will ensure that this process is taken place in each Maktab center. In order to make all the trainings more convenient for the trainees the Maktab division is assessing the possibilities of having few training centers around the country. Further, The Maktab Division has decided to extend its syllabus for five more years which makes the total stay of a student in Maktab for 10 years.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Division : Youth Affairs Project Title: Spiritual Development Programme for University Students Objectives: Making effort for the spiritual development of youth, connecting towards Allah, the Creator and make them follow the daily obligation towards Deenul Islam, while guiding him in his routine studies and other works. Implementation: To achieve our objective we conducted various spiritual and motivational training programs in 18 universities around the country. The audience who participated in this program learned and understood how to live as a good Muslim and a good citizen in our country. Furthermore, a Special Guidance Programs for the youths on unity and coexistence conducted with “Social Dialogue” books prepared by CCC Division and Introduction of the ACJU given to them where many students came forward to provide “Volunteer Service”. Positive Outcome: (a) Creating a mutual friendship and understanding between the youth and ACJU (b) Contacting the ACJU for the youth to clarify their personal problems and abnormal issues in life. Future Plan: To appoint a youth affairs co-coordinator in each and every university to co-ordinate with ACJU head office and to organized Ithikaf night in each of this location. Further we are planning to have a volunteer pool from each university to promote and support ACJU Activities. Making effort to assign a Religious Scholar in the location of the University and conducting periodical I’thikaaf in a suitable place to conduct discussions on Basic Islamic Jurisprudence and Islamic disciplinary activities.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Division : Ulama Affairs Project Title: ACJU Membership Drive Awareness Programme Objectives: Clarifying the ACJU’s services and activities to Ustads, exiting Alims and students. Making arrangement to enroll as members. Implementation: Visited 33 Arabic Colleges in the following Districts – Kegalle, Ampara, Kurunegala, Nuwareliya, Matara, Galle, Kalutara and Ratnapura. Organized programs under the caption, “Introduction of the ACJU & Membership Campaign”. Positive Outcome: In these events an aggregated total of 120 Ustads and Alims along with 1036 students participated. The participants remarked that their doubts on the ACJU were responded and cleared. Future Plan: Similar event should be conducted in all Arabic Colleges throughout the country. And all Ulama should obtain the ACJU membership.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Division : Human Resource Project Title: ACJU Human Recourses and Operations Objectives: Empowering & developing Human Resources of ACJU and standardizing the operations in order to provide quality services to the Ummah. Implementation: An Annual Planning session was conducted for the Year 2017 in November 2016, in which, KPI and an Appraisal System was introduced for the Divisions of ACJU as a mechanism to measure the progress in 3 terms per year, and also the internal hierarchy of the ACJU Departments was restructured by appointing Chief Coordinators in order to build the team spirit among staff. Positive Outcome: Smooth Function of ACJU Operations in scheduled manner and a noticeable development in the services provided by ACJU has been resulted. Future Plan: A mechanism to be implemented to evaluate the quality of services offered by ACJU and to identify and rectify the prevailing short comings in the operation of ACJU Insha Allah. Further, developing the ACJU as an Ideal Islamic Organization.

Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Division : Administration Project Title: Standardizing the maintenance of the ACJU premises Objectives: Standardizing the maintenance of the ACJU premises Implementation: ACJU obtained a ‘Building Takaful’ policy and has acquired 24 hour Security Services for the building. In addition, an effective cleaning mechanism has been initiated to maintain cleanliness of the premises and Floor Managers have been appointed in every floor of the building to overlook the routine maintenance. Positive Outcome: A secure and a pleasant environment maintained at the office, which results in a comfortable atmosphere to work. Future Plan: Further implementing the ACJU Administration Manual to ensure smooth operations Insha Allah.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17


April 05th 2016

A delegation from the Congress of Religion, including Ven. Ittapana Dhammalankara Thero and other religious leaders visited the ACJU head office and met some of the members of the ACJU Executive Committee.

April 11th 2016

A delegation from the Government headed by Minister A.H.M. Fowzie visited the ACJU head office and met some of the Executive Committee Members including ACJU President to discuss matters related to 'Co-Existence' on the 11th of April.

April 30th 2016

A meeting with Turkish Delegation was held at the ACJU Head Office in which they were briefed about the ACJU activities.

May 10th 2016

Ash Shaikh Dr. Umar Ilyas from Pakistan visited the ACJU Head Office, met the Ulama and he was briefed about the activities of ACJU.

May 29th 2016

A special discussion between the Members of the Executive Committee of ACJU and a delegation from the Sri Lanka Police including Inspector General of Police, Mr. Pujith Jayasundara, was held.

June 23rd 2016

Ash Shaikh Qari Ishak from Pakistan visited the ACJU Head Office and he was briefed about the activities of ACJU.

August 02nd2016

Delegations from Bangalore and Mozambique visited ACJU head office to participate in the Maktab training sessions.

August 10th 2016

The Secretary General of the Jeddah-based Muslim World League (MWL) Dr. Abdullah bin AbdulMohsen Al-Turki and the accompanying delegation visited the ACJU Head office.

August 13th 2016

A delegation of 4 members from Kuwait visited the ACJU Head office.

August 16th 2016

Officials of the Sri Lanka Customs visited the ACJU Head office for a discussion.

September 21st 2016

Dr. Muhammad Imran Ashraf Usmani, an Islamic Finance Scholar and Expert, (son of Justice (Retd) Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani a prominent Islamic scholar from Pakistan), visited the ACJU Head office for a discussion with Mufti M.I.M. Rizwe.

September 21st 2016

A delegation from Turkey visited the ACJU Head office.

September 23rd 2016

A Special Program was conducted on 'Making Da'wah Efforts in Multi Religious Society' by Mufthi Dr. Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera, a prominent scholar from UK, for the ACJU Staff at the ACJU Head office.

November 15th 2016

Bryce Hutchesson, Australia's High Commissioner to Sri Lanka visited the ACJU Head office and met Ash Shaikh Mufti M.I.M. Rizwe.

January 18th 2017

The Palestinian ambassador Zuhair Mohammad Hamdallah Zaid visited the ACJU Head office for a special meeting with Ash Shaikh Mubarak and Ash Shaikh Thassim of the Executive Committee of ACJU and explained about the Quds situation.

January 25th 2017

Ash Shaikh Nooh from China visited the ACJU Maktab Division and he was provided an introduction of the Maktab operations.


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17

Allah (

) said:

Spend (on charity) O son of Adam, and I shall spend on you Sahih al-Bukhari 5352

Join hands with ACJU to serve the humanity General

ACJU, inaugurated in 1924, incorporated by the Parliamentary Act No. 51 of 2000, is a non-political and a non-profitable organization operating with its 145 branches spread over the island, through its 15 Divisions providing core services to the people in the fields of Fatwa, Maktab, Education, Social Services, etc. with ever increasing demand. (Support ACJU and be a part of it to progress together. Let’s make our shared effort possible). Account Name:All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama Account Number: 0100112110001 Bank: Amana Bank Branch: Main branch Swift Code: AMNALKLX Account Name: All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama Account number: 1901005001 Bank: Commercial Bank Branch: Islamic Banking Unit Swift Code: CCEYLKLX

Education to All

Education is of a paramount importance and key to build a better learned society who will work towards righteousness & success while abiding by the law of the country. We at ACJU Education Division strive hard to make this great task a reality by initiating key project such as Provision of food and uniforms to underprivileged students, transforming every child by providing academic and spiritual guidance and investing in educational infrastructure projects in Sri Lanka. There is great opportunity for you to be part of it Account Name: All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama Account number: 1901007111 Bank: Commercial Bank Branch: Islamic Banking Unit Swift Code: CCEYLKLX


Activity Report 1437-38 / 2016-17



The ACJU Publication Division is entrusted with publishing quality titles on a wide variety of subjects in all three languages. Samaja sangwada (Social Dialogue), Declarations of ACJU are some of the books printed and published by this division. Publication such as Samaja Sangwada (Social Dialogue) have been written and distributed to eliminate the misunderstandings on certain religious practices in Islam which have yield positive feedback form readers. We feel that it is a dire need of the hour to expand our work in this area to gain better results; hence we seek your generous contribution towards this worthy cause.

Sadaqah is a virtuous deed in Islam. Giving Sadaqah out of our wealth does not decrease our wealth but instead Allah (s.w.t.) increases it. “Allah will deprive usury of all blessing, but will give increase for deeds of charity” (Qur’an, 2: 276). Sadaqah received by ACJU is utilized to help the most needed in our society. May Allah give us opportunities to giving sadaqah for His pleasure and reward the best in this world and hereafter Account Name: All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama Account number: 1901005002 Bank: Commercial Bank Branch: Islamic Banking Division Swift Code: CCEYLKLX

Account Name: All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama Account number: 1901004751 Bank: Commercial Bank Branch: Islamic Banking Division Swift Code: CCEYLKLX

Humanitarian Response

In times of unexpected natural disaster like floods, Tsunami, landslides, etc., ACJU has provided much needs support and assistance to the victims. ACJU Social Service Division in collaboration with ACJU Branches work across the country in delivering lifesaving medical care, food, water, clothing to the people affect by disaster irrespective of their cast & religion. Furthermore ACJU has implemented projects such as back to work, back to business and back to school to bring the life of affected people back to normalcy. Please support our work to help desperate communities during the times of calamities. Account Name: All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama Account Number: '0010112110014 Bank: Amana Bank Branch: Main branch Swift Code: AMNALKLX

Account Name: All Ceylon Jammiyyathul Ulama Account number: 1901005000 Bank: Commercial Bank Branch: Islamic Banking Division Swift Code: CCEYLKLX

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