ReWi solution: company case
n the ReWi-solution, groups are given an assignment related to circular economy based on a real corporate case. The assignment can be carried out as project lasting a day or one week, for instance. A good assignment consists of an achievable goal and an inspiring task. It must be adequately well defined and simple enough, while attempting to seek a solution to a genuine problem arising from work life. The coach supports the group throughout the solution process and the group is assigned a contact person from a company that participants can ask questions. Examples of various assignments: 1. Coming up with ideas for a company's responsibility handbook. 2. Ideas for reusing the waste or secondary flows of corporate production. 3. Coming up with ideas for communicating a company's responsibility (e.g. how a company can improve communicating its principles of sustainable development to customers). After the groups have come up with idea, they are presented to the principal in a group event. The solutions can be presented as e.g. six-minute pitches that can be supported with a slide show or a similar presentation. The principals evaluate the solutions. The evaluation should pay attention to how well the presented solutions fit the given assignment and whether they are actually viable for the company. Solutions can also be graded if the principals so wish.
A joint worshop for Pembrokeshire College students and Muurame Upper Secondary School students during Rewi Visions Youth Exchange program
Besides know-how, a good attitude, motivation and team spirit are important in a successful ReWi solution. At their best, solutions created under time constraints have exceed the groups’ own and everyone else’s expectations. The ReWi solution helps young people create networks into working life and to improve their self-esteem in facing the challenges of the future. 44