AGM Report July 2011 – June 2012 Contents
Business Studies
Team Members
Wood Shop
Overview We have experienced such amazing growth as the Vocational Centre over the last 12 months, glory to God! As Directors we know we have done our job well, and we have been able to see rewards from all the training we put into the staff and students at the Vocational Centre. We have come up into a new place of ownership and had the satisfaction of establishing the foundation work, enabling us to move forward into new things. Our staff, Amimo, Nelson and Jeosafá, have well exceeded our expectations and have grown up into their own boots. We are honoured to see them grab hold of the vision of the Vocational Centre with a desire to impart it into the hearts of others. The Vocational Centre had 14 students graduate in last year’s second term, August –December, one of whom was Valentim Ernesto, teacher at Nacala Bible School. It was a privilege to teach him and a joy to watch him grow. His enthusiasm and desire to learn were a great testimony for the other students, and he did very well. This class made tables and chairs for the classroom at the Nacala Bible School. The term was a very different one from the past because there were no ‘Discipleship’ students, still we had lovely devotions times under the cashew tree at the school and the whole of the Nacala team was very involved and supportive of the class, for which we are pleased and grateful. We also used SOZO during the first week with the help of all team, as a supplement for Spiritual Formação since we did not have large numbers. It was very effective. We had 15 students attend our first term this year; and have seen good fruit grow out of their character development, thanks to Jeosafá and Nelson, and later Amimo as Nelson left us in April to attend Leadership school. We missed him very much but know that he has received and grown much during his time at Inhaminga. We are looking forward to starting next term with him back again. This term the students also made desks and chairs for the Nacala Bible School, as well as windows for AWY Inhaminga. We continue to enjoy the benefits of a 5-month term, all the while developing and seeing where we can improve. We had the bank manager of FNB come out to speak to the students about banking and having an account, and the students were free to ask all manner of questions. This was very effective and made a great impact on the students. We hope to get more guest speakers in the future. Our Follow-up program is on track with the help of Jeosafá and Nelson, and other Afrika Wa Yesu team members. Thank you for your help and contributions. It is so wonderful to hear reports of what the men are doing in the field, and it adds fuel to our fire to keep on running the race and do things better and better for the glory of our God, that His kingdom may be established here on earth, as it is in heaven. It is time for us to step forward into the new things that we have always dreamed about, they are being made possible in the natural now due to a great team which is ready for expansion. We will have our first businessonly course in September this year which will help those who want to learn about managing their money and using it to glorify God. It is so exciting to be developing this program for anyone in the national church, we are so aware of the intertwining of the body of Christ, how each ministry gift operate to build up the people, so that the PEOPLE CAN DO THE WORK OF THE MINSITRY. We are also in the process of developing new courses for the end of next year, which will include a plumbing and electrics course, and an office administration program. We are so grateful for the support and accountability from AWY leaders and team members alike, and we know that when we work together we can accomplish great things for God. AMEN!
Together for His glory,
Chris and Deborah
and all at the Vocational Centre
Bank manager of FNB explaining banking basics.
Students out on the town seeing the theory of business in practice.
Discussing Business God’s Way in the VC classroom with the Mayor of Nacala.
Business Studies Community Awareness We have enjoyed being able to develop an awareness within the community of Nacala-Porto of what we do at Afrika Wa Yesu Vocational Centre. The bank manager from FNB came out to talk to the students about accounts and finances. We hope to develop this relationship more in the future. It was also quite an occasion to have the Mayor from Nacala, President Chdale Ossufo, visit the campus grounds and meet students and staff of Afrika Wa Yesu Nacala (February 2012). He expressed an interest in working together with VC to develop a business course available to the immediate community. We will see how this progresses. The time the students have in town to do market research always brings opportunity for discussion, and they can learn a lot just by talking to the owners of different types of businesses, whether with market stall owners, street vendors, or shop managers. Areas where we see the need for further emphasis include forming co-ops and partnerships on the field, perfecting a business plan, and having a practical business exercise in the class. NEW DEVELOPMENT! We are SO excited about our upcoming year in the business division, we are hosting our first ever Business Only course in September this year, which will be open to any Afrika Wa Yesu church person regardless of whether they have been to Bible School or not. Our vision is to impact the nation through Godly men in the workplace and to extend the Kingdom of God through the local church being well supported by local members. The standard of the church will be raised through this equipping and training and through the individual; the family and community will follow.
Carpentry This program is fully established and functioning very well. Results are shown in the stature of the men as they graduate full of confidence and ability, and this is confirmed in the articles they have fashioned as well as in the efforts we see they are making on follow-up. August to December 2011 saw Nelson growing in authority as he ended up the year without Jeosafá, since Jeosafá was on his furlough. Amimo also started coming more into the school at this point, and the two of them worked well together. January to June 2012 has been missing the enthusiasm Nelson brings. He started out well and moved to Inhaminga for the leadership training course, and we know that this has been a tremendous blessing in his personal life as well as for the Vocational Centre as he moves forward in his vision. He is also planning to be married in the near future! Products The students have been taught how to make their own workbenches, tool boxes which they take home with them, chairs, window frames and tables. This year we filled the order for the Nacala Bible School to have desks, and each batch of desks has been better than the last! We are proud of our staff and students for the excellence they are pouring into their work, whatever the project may be. We are also happy that the students are ready to work in whichever area it is needed most, from clearing the grounds to fixing the road. Aside from a few discipline issues, which are necessary to the formation of each individual’s character, the men have been respectful and ready to learn.
Class of December, 2011
Class of June, 2012
Alumni Follow Up Inhaminga, April 2012 Business is hard to come by for Antonio Tsene of Inhamacaringa as most people cannot afford the products he makes. As a result, he has to reduce his prices and unfortunately this leads to a temptation to reduce the quality of work as well. He was encouraged to maintain excellence in his work no matter what price he sells the product for. In Nhansonsoe, Antonio Inacio and Luiz Taibo have formed a co-op and are working together to develop a business. They have good testimony with their leaders and community. Gondola, April, 2012 Victor Joao is working in partnership with another carpenter and producing good quality work. Difficulties include the high price of timber and lack of transport; they are looking for another partner who can share the costs of cutting and transporting the timber. Chimoio, April, 2012 Atanasio and Guilherme are working together and making mainly windows which are securing them a steady monthly income. Jeosafá helped them put together the necessary documentation to obtain a small business loan, and we look forward to hearing more of their success in the future. Mocìmboa da Praia, June 2012 Costa Joaquim, was a student in 2009; and today receives good testimonies from the members of his church and his parents are very proud of their son. He feels limited due to the lack of some tools, as the prices there are very high. He is making an apprentice out of his cousin, and today makes enough money to look after his family. He has a humble heart that recognizes the hand of God in his life. Macomia, June 2012 A great difference was seen here from last year’s visit. Jackson, who was not working when visited last year, has totally changed and is confident in exercising his profession. He has built a house for his aunt and also figured out how to put a tin roof on by looking at other examples, and is making chairs for sale. The quality of his work is good; he just needs to improve his finishing off. Lourenço, who had his tools stolen two years ago, has managed to replace most of them and has set up a carpentry shop near his home. Observations What we have noticed is that it really makes a tremendous impact to the men on the field to know that they have someone who will come and visit them an encourage them, and to check up on them. We have seen situations which were not functioning well turn around and improve because of Jeosafá’s encouragement and advice. We are truly impressed with the need to make disciples of the business men, encouraging them to stand firm in their marketplace ministry and not give in to laziness or lack of confidence. THANK YOU Jeosafá, for keeping these men so close to your heart and being such an encouragement to them.
Team Members Nelson Nelson has grown in authority and confidence, and we are blessed to have him on board. Being at Inhaminga for the leadership training course has been a tremendous blessing in his personal life as well as for the Vocational Centre as he moves forward in his vision. Thank you for accommodating him. He is also planning to be married in the near future! He continues his church work in Navavene Wa Yesu with Rito. Amimo It is a victory within our team to see men rise up and take the place that has been ordained for them. Amimo is always ready for a challenge and it is very apparent that he enjoys his work. He is excited about the future additions to the Vocational Centre Courses and is an essential part of the Woodshop. Jeosafรก Jeosafรก has grown remarkably in confidence and relationship with us. He is comfortable in the little house on lot 73 and has made a lovely garden there! It is so wonderful to see him settled and implementing new ideas and tasks. He is dedicated to the Centre and to the Alumni which he visits on the field, and we are pleased to be developing further and deeper areas for him to focus on. Chris and Deborah We are homeschooling both Ashira and Gabriel this year, and they are doing very well. Our little Mikayla is growing up very quickly and we are happy to be living in Nacala, making a difference in the way which God has called us to. What a joy to see our children grow in wisdom and stature and favour with God and man. We feel secure in our future here in Mozambique.
Gabriel testifying at his baptism!
The front of the Woodshop secured
Camiza and Pita
Wood Shop
Figuring out how to operate the new spindle moulder
We are so blessed to have plenty of orders with the business side of the Vocational Centre, and yet we still see a need to maximise our production efforts by concentrating in specific areas at a time. We are very fortunate to not be in any debt, and the project keeps growing. In last year’s report we stated the need for expansion of the workshop and for a spindle moulder, and both of these things have been realised. The shop has been expanded to run the full length of the school, allowing separate spaces for manufacturing and assembling. We ran into some difficulties last year with one of our staff members, and unfortunately had to release him from service. It was a tremendous disappointment to all of us as we felt let down by someone we considered a son. However, God is a bountiful God and where one thing falls short; he replaces that thing with something much bigger and better. The team at the Woodshop has grown in commitment both to their work and in their spiritual lives. We have also welcomed a new staff member who graduated from the Vocational Centre in June and we hope to see him grow into a secure place at AWY Vocational Centre. This is Alvaro Adamo. Pita is excelling in his work and is being sent to Maforga Mission in Chimoio for further training on machinery operation. Nelson will also accompany him for a few weeks before returning to Nacala to open the new school in July 2012. Again, God is boundless and always has something new for us to move into, we enjoy His flow from one level to the next, so we don’t stagnate! All Glory to God! Thank you for your time and we hope you have enjoyed our report. Together for His Glory,
Chris and Deborah
and all at the Vocational Centre The expansion at the workshop allows extra space for assembly and storage.
The team at the Woodshop: Pita, Camiza, Giva, Alvaro, and Juma.
Plastering the school to get it ready for painting!