Maas News 02_2012

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“I ask [Father God] to strengthen you by His Spirit – not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength – that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite Him in.” - Ephesians 3:16 (Msg)

Dear Friends, More and more we are impressed with the urgency of declaring Jesus’ Name throughout the Earth. How is such a tremendous undertaking achievable? This seems impossible, when we look at the vastness of humanity, how can we spread the Love of God effectually? So many people have been betrayed, disappointed, hurt – even in the name of Christ – and so many others have never even heard that Name. It came up in a discussion in cell group – DEFEND. We need to defend the Love of God, and stand for truth in a world where it is becoming harder and harder to differentiate between fiction and reality, to draw a line between right a wrong. To portray righteousness, in a pure form, as Jesus did. And we start with our neighbour – love unconditionally, without motive, being a blessing and source of the anointing for people who do not realise that they too, can tap into the riches of His glory. If the theory of six degrees of separation is true, then what it stopping you from reaching out to those nearest to you, whom you have contact with every day, and sharing the love of God? They in turn will share it with others, and this pure and perfect love will sweep the planet and prepare the heart of man to acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our personal prayer is for boldness to impact those around us, courage to operate in the gifts he has called us to, and wisdom to magnify Jesus in all we do. We pray the same for you, that the earth shall be filled with the glory of God, as the waters cover the sea.

Above: Jeosafá sharing with Vocational and Bible students duringBarrote Spiritual Formation – the covering of Florindo all the basics, from salvation to deliverance and Holy Spirit baptism. Right: Sweet worship in God’s presence during morning devotions.

Currently we have 15 students from 6 different provinces: Cabo Delgado, Manica, Nampula, Niassa, Sofala and Zambezia. Florindo Barrote → Florindo is 24 years old and comes from Cuamba in the Niassa Province of Mozambique. He is single, with no children and an 8th grade education. He is a farmer, and before coming to the Vocational Centre he helped his father with the farming, and was a bricklayer's assistant in the construction of the church, Cuamba Wa Yesu (Cuamba for Jesus). He is a very simple man, and we praise God that we can help him learn more about understanding mathematical calculations, which are essential to business management! Mateu Chico → Mateu is just 20 years old, from Marromeu in the Sofala province. He has worked as a shoe repairer, and at sugar cane plantation. He became a member of Marromeu Wa Yesu in 2010 and went to the Inhaminga Bible School. The church, Marromeu Wa Yesu, is growing rapidly due to the amount of students which it has sent to Bible School, it has 45 members at the moment, and we are excited to be extending the Kingdom of God into the marketplace of Marromeu through training men in skills and business. Armando Ernesto →He comes from Milange in the Zambezia province, is married and has 3 children and a 2nd grade education. He is a farmer, living off the land, but also has used his bicycle to transport people in his neighbourhood, as a taxi service! Armando has been demonstrating a lot of attention and dedication in the business classes. His eyes shine with happiness as he learns new things on administration of resources and money, and we believe he will be well able to establish his new carpentry business when he goes home. Leonardo João → Leonardo is 22 years old, and comes from Chimoio, close to Zimbabwe, in the Manica province. He and his two sisters were raised by his uncle as their father had left their mother, and their mother then died. He has also worked as a bricklayer’s assistant, and spent some time as a salesperson in a Chinese-owned store. He is a member of Chimoio Wa Yesu, under the leadership of Pastor Antonio, where he was working with the youth. He is very bright and dedicated in business class. He is very good with numbers, and kind in helping other students who have difficulty in that area. Alvaro Afonso → Alvaro has a dream of becoming an agricultural engineer. He is 25 and his home is in Metarica, Niassa, where he was trained in social work, helping people in his home town. He is very expressive and has good leadership qualities, demonstrating responsibility toward himself and others. Right: A map of Mozambique showing the different provinces, so you can place where each man comes from.

Learning how to use a calculator and practising mathematic calculations, part of the business course.

The first week of school is always a time of focusing on the Lord. It is called, Spiritual Formation, and students are touched by the love of God – they are transformed as they connect with God on a new level, undergoing dealing, deliverance, repentance, forgiveness. Often, students are not assured of their salvation when they arrive, and need to be baptised. Always, the Holy Spirit pours himself out on us without reservation, and we all encounter God. This term, Spiritual Formation was very rich – especially for our family as Gabriel was baptised with the students on the beach. He is seven years old. I (Deborah) remember when I was baptised, also at seven years old, in Lake Malawi, during a church convention. My dad baptised me, and I can still see the sun shining through the water while I was under and coming up towards it! When we asked Gabriel why he wanted to be baptised, he said, “Because I want to follow Jesus!” Gabriel went charging into the water so fast Chris had to run to keep up – you could feel the Father’s blessing as Chris lifted Gabriel up out of the water in joy and victory! Hallelujah! It was also an honour for us to see our friend’s daughter baptised at the same time. What joy! It was also quite a momentous occasion when we received the President (Mayor) of Nacala for a visit to the Afrika Wa Yesu Campus! He is a very well-spoken man who commands respect and holds a substantial position of authority in the city. We were very happy to be able to show Mr. Chale Ossufo what God is doing here in Nacala and share of what is happening in Mozambique through all the efforts of Afrika Wa Yesu nationwide. We are beyond blessed to have such a valuable group of supporters behind us – thank you for your interest in the Vocational centre, your prayers are important to us, and we treasure your friendships. Thank you for being a blessing to us. Together for His Glory, Natasha Marikar, 14 years old, dedicates her life to Jesus and is baptised!

Chris and Deborah

and all at the Vocational Centre Teachers and staff greeting the President of Nacala (centre) and showing him around the grounds.

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