Dear Friends... Road trips, conferences, family fun, new students, business and home school are just a few of the things we’ve been up to lately! We were so happy to be at Inhaminga Bible School for the graduation of their students and leaders, and the unique and Nelson graduates from Leadership School and is anticipated conference time. How awarded a prize by Rodney at the Inhaminga rich to be in God’s presence with all Graduation Ceremony the team, students and leaders all together. It was a proud moment to see Nelson graduating from the Leadership School, thank you so much to all the teachers for putting such energy into their classes! He has grown tremendously and received new vision for leadership of the church he is involved in, Nacavala Wa Yesu. We were sorry to miss the team conference, but our trip to Zimbabwe was so fruitful as we saw many people about Gabriel’s hand and leg and got different ideas and points of view. We are happy with the way we are moving forward, which is to continue with the daily exercises and stretches, and go for a re-assessment in December when we are in Zimbabwe for the Christmas season. We are happy to have someone who we can take Gabriel to for regular check-ups, as now that he is growing older he needs to be monitored in different areas. Wonderfully, Chris’ visa for the US was granted easily! What a blessing! We also were able to spend some time with our family and reconnect with friends. We visited the church we used to attend in Harare, River of Life, and were encouraged by its continued growth. River has been a big blessing to us as our friends from there have always been a great support system, even from far away, and now some of them even live in Mozambique, too! River of Life also provided us with the basic business principles which we teach in the Vocational Centre, Business God’s Way. Sisters and Cousins: Tammy and Deborah (centre) with two of their cousins!
A privilege to minister and impart through the Spirit
Chris preaching at the Leadership Conference
Gabriel, Ashira and Mikayla doing a drama at the conference
Zooming back to Nacala saw us at Inhaminga for two nights during their women’s conference, what a special time! The women were so precious and it was a joy to witness their sensitivity to the Spirit. When we arrived home we were immediately ready for the second intake of students for this year, school started within two days! We have a great group of guys this term as Jeosafá really worked hard to ensure the best came, and we ended up with 17 students instead of our usual 14! We will all be stretched a little this term as we accommodate them, teach them, disciple them and train them in the classroom and the workshop, but this is a joy for the kingdom! 13 of the 17 have just completed Bible School and came directly to the Vocational Centre, so it is lovely to have their fresh zeal and passion in worship in the mornings. A few of the students have a little trouble with Portuguese, and in understanding the basic skills of mathematics, but they have resolved to work hard and are improving with practice. They are nearly completing their business course already and will be starting with carpentry next week. Homeschooling after the break has been great fun, the kids really love to get into their work and we are all so blessed to have this opportunity. Some days it takes longer than others, but it is amazing how the attitude of the day, in any situation, can be determined through the prayer and ‘reactivity’ of the individual! In taking responsibility for your own words and actions, many situations can be completely turned around for the benefit of being a blessing. The Nacala Women’s Conference really sparked a new flame in each ladies heart – not just the attending ladies, but the ministering ones as well! Having some of the team from Inhaminga join us up here in leading the conference was such a great blessing, and they each did an amazing job. Even though the ladies in the North, with the strong Islamic influence, are so different to the ones further South, who are more open and free, the team were not intimidated at all. They stuck to their convictions and were led by the Spirit to a place where they were obedient and therefore able to lead the northern ladies to a place of breakthrough in worship and yieldedness to God. The team worked well together and gave their best through teaching, small groups, worship times, prayer times, and fun. We are excited as the time draws near for the first ‘business studies only’ school. The course will run for one month and entails of our basic business course being taught to any member of an Afrika Wa Yesu church, male or female, whether they have been to Bible School or not, without training in a practical skill. It will involve life skills and planning techniques, helping each individual figure out how to apply God’s principles to their own lives. We have 30 students coming from throughout Afrika Wa Yesu, and we have 5 places reserved for the mayor of Nacala to send some of his business loan applicants to attend business training before they receive their loans. It is a fantastic opportunity to include people from the secular field in this experience and we ask that your prayers for them insist that Deborah and her special mum, Ellie
their eyes be opened to the wonders of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are excited that within a month these men and women will be returning to their Afrika Wa Yesu homes throughout Mozambique and begin extending the Kingdom in a new dimension. Thank you for your prayers and support. Some of you know of our thieving incidents here in Nacala, the group has accelerated its efforts and have been hitting private homes in our residential area once a week. There have been 14 incidents in the last 3 months, and on Tuesday night we were the target for the group. We were the target, but not the victims, because in Christ Jesus we are victorious! We praise and glorify God for His miraculous protection and deliverance. We know that no weapon formed against us can prosper, and that these men are on borrowed time. The kingdom of darkness cannot prevail where there is light, so we ask that you continue to pray against this reign of terror and believe that there has already been a turnaround both spiritually and in the natural realm. Hallelujah!
Students interviewing small business owners in the marketplace
Nelson and his fiancé, Sonia!
We are so thrilled and proud to announce that Nelson is engaged to a lovely girl named Sonia, and their wedding will take place at the end of September. We are grateful to Pastors Armando and Lurdes, who have done some good counselling sessions with them, and look forward to their special day. It’s going to be a great party! Thank you to each one of you for your support and prayers. It is a privilege to work together with you and our Lord at Afrika Wa Yesu. Together for His Glory,
Chris and Deborah
and all at the Vocational Centre
Good old beans in jars – grown and observed by the kids
This month we decided to plant a corn field modelled on the principles of ‘Farming God’s Way’. This is a highly effective farming method designed specifically for subsistence farmers to get the best possible yield from their land by working according to God’s standards. We want to teach this method to students as an extra tool for them to be effective with and also to church members throughout Afrika Wa Yesu. To learn more about this method and ministry, you can visit their website at .
Marking out holes for planting
Ladies at the Nacala Women’s Conference blessing the seed