Maas News 05_2011

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“Neglect not the gift which is within you, which was given to you by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the presbytery. Meditate upon these things; give yourself wholly to them; that your profiting may appear to all.” - 1 Timothy 4:14-15

Dear Friends, Our lives have been FILLED to overflowing this month; Deborah went with Ellie to the USA for a power-packed, fun-filled absolutely unique mother-daughter time! We met with the White and Eaton families in Jackson, MS, and were privileged to fellowship at their church, Victory Academy. They are an amazing group of people, their love for each other and their closeness inspires us and their heart is after the Kingdom of Heaven. The best thing is that these three men, Mr Rick Eaton, Mr David White, and Pastor Danny Williams, are spending time with us at the Vocational Centre in June over graduation! It was great fun to tell them about where we live and what we do knowing that they’d be seeing it for themselves in just a few weeks time! From Jackson we went on to Pensacola, FL. This was for Woman Arise, the centre purpose of our visit, the conference taking place at Miracle Faith Centre lead by Dr. Robin and her amazing ministry team, and the guest speaker was absolutely incredible – Ellie! This conference time was incredibly powerful and Debs was very proud of her mum as she ministered. It was fun to reconnect with Esther Dan, an old friend from Christ for the Nations, and another muchanticipated event is her visit to Inhaminga, Mozambique, with Dr Robin and her daughter, Christie, in July this year! After an intense and highly-educational stop-over in New York, complete with ferry rides and the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Central Park, Times Square... wow.... it is a wonderful city and a marvel to experience -

Rick Eaton, David White and Pastor Danny Williams – Jackson, MS

Ellie and Debs made it back to their respective homes in Mozambique. Chris and Rod did a sterling job with the kids, and the kids all fell deeper in love with Oupa (grandfather) – provider of children’s TV programs, chocolates, unconditional love and unlimited patience. The students at the Vocational Centre have been working incredibly hard to finish their products off to a high standard before they graduate on June 3rd – this term has flown by, even though we have extended it by a month! They are ready to go home, stretched and filled and stretched again, beyond the limits in their minds, beyond their previous physical capabilities, beyond the opinions of man and condemnations of the world, this is a group ready to change the Mozambican marketplace. As always, it is not only the students whose lives are transformed, but the staff and team members too – Jeosafá, Nelson and Amimo have learnt much and increased in wisdom and diligence and we praise God for them! We were blessed as a ministry to receive an Outreach team from Christ for the Nations, Dallas, TX. It was wonderful to meet people on fire for the Lord, dedicated to serving Him and having fun while they did it! They have been ministering in the local community here in Nacala and also in Nampula. The Vocational Centre was glad to join with them on a woodworking project – making church benches which were then taken out on outreach and left with the local churches as a blessing. It was fun to see them all hard at work, being taught by Nelson and Amimo and the students! The verse at the top of the newsletter this month exemplifies what has been happening in our hearts this month – sharing the vision God has placed within you with others refreshes it in your own heart, it stirs up your passion and reenergises you. Being in the presence of God is so necessary to our daily walk, and being under the impartation of the anointing equips us to fully function in that which God has called us to do. Reconnecting with your roots and the place in which your desires were born reminds you of where you are going, and inspires you to get there. We would encourage you, this month, to meditate on the promises you have received from the Lord, give yourself wholly to them, and they will be made manifest in your life when you declare them through speech and action, word and deed. We thank you for your prayers and love for this ministry and our family. You are invaluable to us. Together for His Glory,

Chris and Deborah

and all at the Vocational Centre

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