“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:.” - Ephesians 1:2
Jan/Feb 2013
Dear Friends,
H “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, He has anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliverance to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of our Lord. Luke 4:18-19
ow wonderful to be full of life with plenty to share about! We are truly living under an open heaven, life in unfolding in deeper dimensions each day as we learn about our mighty God. This year has only been 2 months long so far, and already so much has happened that is of marked significance and milestones in our lives.
The best way to begin a year is saturated in His Presence... Rod and Ellie came to visit Nacala for some time and used three of those days to host an Apostolic Oversight Seminar and time of impartation and teaching for the team. It was a special, blessed occasion and we ‘ate’ spiritually until we were more than full! Being strengthened for the year ahead and moving with deeper understanding of the things of God, what a privilege. We are so blessed to be a part of this ministry. Thank you, Afrika Wa Yesu,
for always giving your best to all the team. THANK YOU so much, Mum and Dad, for initiating this event and giving so much of yourselves in preparing and impartation.Our every day life has changed remarkably, and it is so good remembering back over the phrases of the first century disciples and enjoying the revelation of blessing and transformation and the nature of God, along with Holy Communion. The mysteries of God are priceless and and precious. The Vocational Centre opened on the 4th of February, along with the Bible Schools. It is always a blessing to run together with the Bible School. Jeosafá recruited a good group of students and we have 17 in total, FULL SCHOOL! They joined in with the time of Spiritual Formação at the Bible School, and are already half way through their business course.
Nelson has just finished teaching the ‘African Family’ course, and he has admitted that it is a little different teaching it when you are married, as opposed to when you are single! He has enjoyed that time with the students. His wife, Sonia, is currently attending Bible School, and we are enjoying seeing her grow up into the things of the Kingdom, and so happy knowing that the teachers and leaders there are the best around!
Our department team (Vocational Centre) has added a weekly meeting of the staff involved, to debrief and stay in personal contact with each other, and it is a time we all look forward to. We discuss plans and ideas, and encourage one another. Another landmark change that has brought spiritual advancement in our lives on campus is the opening up of cell to all those who have been through Bible School. Now, the Vocational Students can join in, as can the workers from Loja, who are all graduates of either Nacala or Inhaminga as well as VC. We see all these developments as keys to growth and expansion and already are experiencing the benefits, or blessings, of implementing them.
Student Share Papaito Tito Soares of Quelimane At first I lived with my father. I made money by making charcoal. I left my father’s house in Mocuba and went to live with my mother in Quelimane. I made money through farming, and then began working as a bricklayer’s assistant. After a few years God helped me start a business selling used shoes. It that kept me financially. I decided to come to carpentry and business school and learn what God has for me, in my life and also to help in youth ministry. To learn how to live life with God socially as well as spiritually. That’s what brought me to this school, I want a total change of life. I know that when I work in God’s way, changes in my life will follow. Thank you. Moises Milione of Milange My life was difficult, for a long time I made mats to sell and worked on the farm and made traps to catch rats for sale. After that I bought a bicycle taxi and that slightly bettered my situation. Then I decided to come here to the Vocational Centre to learn carpentry, with the purpose of combating poverty in my home and in my family. Francisco Manuel of Mecanhelas My professional life was based on agriculture, I cultivated maize, cassava, beans etc.. By means of these products I supported my family and helped others, but it was not enough and sometimes we lacked. It was in 2009 that I sold my corn and bought a saw to extract timber and started it, that money helped my ministry of evangelism and the four cells that I looked after. I tried to get a loan from the government to start a project, but it did not work. I wanted to use the loan money to develop a carpentry business, where I would work with my brothers, walking together with me in the work of evangelism and care of the cells.
I thought I’d come here to the Vocational Center to learn and what I receive I know God will multiply. I will invite the brothers to work in carpentry, so we can have the resources to support the work of evangelism. My desire is to open many cells in our district and we will have the mother church through this initiative and will help the two Sunday schools that could not work in the area. This way my home will be very, very happy and full of joy. Lucas Abilio of Ribaue I have aways been a subsistence farmer. I grew and sold cabbages and tomatoes and thus made money to support my family.My expectation in coming to the Vocational Centre, is to know the business case and how to manage money as a true Christian. I know I will study business and I believe God will give me knowledge with the help of the Holy Spirit. I have a vision for my cell in Ribaue. I am the leader there and I ask God to work miracles through that area of my life. And thus forming other cells in different areas. I ask God to open my mind so that I can understand what will be taught in this place. May God open the view in my life and make me a person of Christ and faithful in His presence. I know that God has a purpose for me, I serve Him at all times. God bless you. Nelo John Festa of Quelimane In order to have clothes and food, I made charcoal. I would go into the bush burning coal, cut the sticks and burnt them. I wanted to come to the Vocational Centre to learn carpentry and to have a profession in order to improve my life history and develop my business. I also want to invest in my ministry, and grow spiritually and physically. With that money I want to support my living and my brothers. And from this point where I will improve my life and no more begging bread, I will teach my brothers the talent of business. May God help me in my time here at school.
A New Home School! When Mum and Dad announced the gift of a schoolroom from the White and Eaton families, we were both astounded. I had been thinking for some time of how we could make the school setting better for our children, and had arrived at the conclusion that, our God, great and mighty as He is, knew my desire, and He could make it happen, and I released the idea entirely. Soon after that, the email came with the promise of a schoolroom. While in Zimbabwe, we talked about where and how we could do it, and by the end of January, there stood my Dad, surrounded by a team of hard working lads, supervising and directing and building a schoolroom, exactly how I had envisioned, in the place where the caravan had once stood. It was quite sobering to see the caravan move, since it is priceless time
with my Mum and Dad when they stay in it and are so close to our family, but that is soothed over by the fact that soon they will be just down the hill in their own, more comfortable, cottage. Yay! It took just three weeks for the schoolroom to be ready for us to move into. While it was being built, a highlight was having Ouma close by to help out with Reading and other aspects of school! Each child really enjoyed this special one on one time with their Ouma, and Ouma had a few stories to tell, too! We have now settled into a great routine in our new building, and it has made such a difference! It is nice and cool, and there is plenty of space to move around in. Everything is organised and easily accessible, and things don’t go wandering around the house all by themselves, leaving me to search high and low whenever I need them! They all stay in the schoolroom! It is fun to have all the kids’ learning charts displayed on the walls and their projects out as well. They have their own little desks, and it is developing into a very special area where we can learn and play together. Debs was so blessed to have a very special birthday time - she turned 30 and had an Un-Birthday Mad Tea Party - friends came and shared a crazy afternoon of fun and laughter. “My real birthday fell during the Apostolic Conference, and it the anointing and blessing that came from Mum and Dad, and the team, I will cherish forever. I am so blessed to have such Godly parents who give their best, not only as my parents, but as my leaders as well.” Thank you for all your input into our lives, for your blessings, for your prayers. We are so ready for 2013 – BRING IT ON! Together for His Glory,
Chris and Deborah, Gabriel, Ashira and Mikayla
and all at the Afrika Wa Yesu Vocational Centre