Maas News 03_2010

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March, 2010 "My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise His holy Name forever and ever." Psalm 145:21

Dear Friends... Dreams come true, vision gets fulfilled, ships reach their destination! And the best thing is that they turn around and keep on sailing to the next place! From the time we opened the Vocational Centre, it has been our dream and our vision to have a side-line business generating an Income to help cover the financial running costs of the school. A lot of thinking, planning and praying has gone into this area of the ministry and many ideas have been tossed about, and in God's excellent timing He created the opportunity for us to partner with the White and Eaton families. After much research we agreed on a carpentry business manufacturing doors and windows with frames - WOW! Needing a workshop and machinery, we got straight to work and in January started building the shed. The end of February saw Rodney driving up a bandsaw 800 miles on Bigfoot, a 37-hour journey in total. What a joyous arrival that one was! Now the time is drawing near for us to start production of the windows and doors and their frames. We have employed two Vocational Centre graduates to manufacture and assemble, and are cutting timber and stacking it to dry so we will have a good supply when we open. It is such a miracle and we give God all the glory for this opportunity – in no natural way would this have come about, but all things are possible with God – so DREAM BIG!! God’s faithfulness should not astound us, but it does. He protects, heals, ministers, guides and fulfils us each day with His fresh anointing. Gabriel, Ashira and Mikayla are beautiful and growing up so strong and clever – Thank you for all your love and prayers – they are so vitally important to us.

Chris and Debs

From the Students... EVARISTO AMERICO This is my testimony for these days about what God doing in my life. God is opening my vision on how to work with money by glorifying God using money, I did not know that when I do my own work I am glorifying God, I though that it is devil work, when it is not. Now I have opened my mind by knowing that tithe and offering are different things, now I know that when I tithe it is one thing, and when I give a Sunday offering it is another matter. From these few days of studying God has opened my eyes. From the Vocational Centre up to discipleship training, I can see God doing something in our lives by showing God’s character. Each one of the students in this school are being impacted by the power of the Holy Spirit.

GIVA BARNETE In these few days of being at this school, God has done great things in my life. He is showing me great things for my future for prosper from this course that I am receiving. I now have it in my mind that I am no longer a poor man, which is what I thought before. Now I know how I will lead my future in the community and church. My mind is open every moment when I live true, prosper my life by loving God. The word of God always renews my mind, the things which I thought were difficult for me are now becoming easy, like my own devotions and praying for others. All this I am learning from the Spiritual training, so God may bless my family and community.

ERNESTO JULIAO During this week God has changed my mind, my thinking, I had been baptised in fire, but I never knew how to use it, I have been learning here. Now I know how to use it all the time for the glory of God. Learning about money is also a new thing. I never used to think that when I am doing business I should do it to bring God glory, using the money for expanding His kingdom. When I look at myself I can see this is a step to another level of living serving God.

Thank you for making it possible to give these men new vision and life.

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