Aug/Sep 2010 “And therefore the Lord *earnestly+ waits (expecting, looking, and longing) to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show lovingkindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory].” Isaiah 30:18 The Maas Family
Dear Friends... We never tire of telling you our story... sometimes it feels as though we are repeating ourselves, same story, same pictures, but nothing could be further from the truth, as we have new faces, new lives changed, and new families uplifted through the business lessons and practical skills training. Thirteen new students arrived in August, they are catching the vision and being made aware of the abilities God has placed within them to support their families and extend the kingdom of God at the same time! It is a revolutionary concept here in Mozambique, one which is destined to change the course of Mozambican history as men of God rise up and bring truth and light into the marketplace. It is in every way their destiny, they have the potential to reach people we cannot, disciple those they come into contact with, to raise the standard of business transactions and little by little, mould a society of higher morals and integrity which will infiltrate into government and bring glory to God. It’s time to move the church into the marketplace with confidence and the direction of the Holy Spirit. This too is your destiny. Your opportunity. It’s not about how we perform in our church fellowship or ministry circles, but how we impact the lost through our lifestyle. Ministering through commerce and business relationships, bringing His Kingdom here on earth in the middle of the marketplace by allowing Him Has God Chosen You? to move and speak through us. God crosses our paths The heart of the city is the marketplace. with people who might never To change a city, the marketplace must be have the opportunity to know Him but through you. You are transformed. This is your call. This is more than a layman, you are your destiny. Focus on God’s purpose for you anointed for business! and not on any of the fears that may be Together for His Glory, lurking around or inside of you. Obedience rates
Chris and Deborah and all at Afrika Wa Yesu Vocational Centre
higher than knowledge. From Anointed for Business, by Ed Silvoso
We are honoured this term to have with us a unique student. His name is Jeosafa, and he is actually a teacher at the Inhaminga Bible School. Hailing from Brazil, he asked if he could join in the Vocational Centre classes this term, and he is proving to be a tremendous blessing as he interacts with students and works hard, setting a good example for others to follow! He brings an attitude of joy and servitude and an essence of excellence into the workshop. Here he works on a box to house his oilstone.
Thank You! Your love, prayers and support are effective and appreciated.
Our God waits for a chance to be gracious to us! He is ever ready to bless us and help us, if we would but look to Him. Imagine that: The Creator of the Universe, the Giver of All Life, has chosen to wait for us...