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“For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him.” – Philippians 2:13

Dear Friends... Whatever God inspires, He empowers. You are inspired to do what you desire to do, and He will give you the power to do it! Inspiration means ‘to breathe into’. God breathes ideas into you. Inspiration comes from the Word, which is in your heart and in your mouth. Hold onto the Word that has always been, and will always be! Don’t give up on your ideas, inspirations, and desires, but acknowledge that God has given you the ability, the power, to bring them out into reality, and move forward on the inspiration of the Word of God. His Word always prevails and you will see results! Our idea to have a business class without the additional skills training was very effective. In spite of the small number of the group, it was a great start to a new division in the school. We are excited to be equipping the local church in matters of finance and integrity of business management. This is just the beginning! Students from Afrika Wa Yesu churches in Nacala, Milange, Gorongosa, Nampula and Ribaue (from near, and from far!) came together and graduated full of joy and inspiration and our prayer is that they maintain their connection to the Word, and bring what is on the inside of them, out into the marketplace. Let the marketplace be filled with Christians who will ANSWER the report of the world with the Word of the Lord!





Business Class for Anyone! Taught by Jeosafá.

Time to Testify!



Manuel Ernesto - What I liked a lot about the course was learning how to plan everything I wanted to do before reaching the target, how to save money, and I learned how to do business, about creating new products, how to research what I do in my business; I learned I shouldn’t spend all my money, just part of it,and that it is good to have a bank account. I learned that when someone has a new product they should advertise the product and the way to use it; that a man must have a weekly plan of what you want to do or produce; that in a business it is necessary to keep records to know the dynamics of your own business regarding how much you spent, how to add value to a product to make a profit and how to cover expenses such as paying daily rates of the market. When I arrived at this place of empowerment I felt that something new was needed in my life, I believe that before I studied here business was in disarray my life and now I see a lot of change within me, in fact I am a new person to society, I believe that with this training will be even more changes in my lifestyle. Joaquim Armando - I thank God for the opportunity he gave me to be part of the teachings about business. I learned how to price products, I saw that the owner of the business needs to have authority, and found it very funny because many do business, but hardly have wages, and so I am willing and ready to do business in the apostolic vision.


This course also taught something wonderful about family and culture, the conclusion was that all cultures were formed for God's glory, all cultures are good for those who live in them and there is none better than the other, and all must be redeemed by the Lord Jesus, I felt very encouraged. Zita Antonio – I thank God that He called me here to enable me. I have learned how to do business in a way that is good and pleasing to God. I knew that every believer is a steward of the things of God, but did not know how to use this function, stewardship. I discovered I need to grow the Kingdom of God with my money; glorify God and praise Him in my work through my service; I found out the function of a bank and their relative importance; about business, how to make a pofit and multiply.

Graduation of the business class, followed by chocolate cake to celebrate!

Other new things for me were how to start a business, how to make money with good pricing, how to invest in the business, these areas have changed my life and for me is a blessing. I almost did not know how to buy, but thank God today I learned a lot of good, and I learned that I will implement powerfully on behalf of my Lord Jesus Christ. I also do not forget to thank the teacher who taught us both with patience and love, God bless you four times longer and use you more often to open the views and renew the mind of the Mozambican people. Amen.

...and All the Rest! The maize stand at the school is growing so well. After initially planting with hybrid seed, of which only 2 seeds germinated of the whole lot, we replanted with seed given by one of our workers, from his own field. It has taken off. It is tall, full of tassles and lots of baby cobs. Only another month before it starts to dry! God’s all sufficiency truly is amazing as we see that we have everything we need in Him, in Christ in us, and in the way He created the world. There is no lack where the Kingdom of God is reigning, and no fear, doubt or unbelief, where His Word is presiding. Carpentry school continues, the whole team is pulling together in a wonderful way with Chris away in the US, and our thanks go out to Amimo for keeping an eye on the woodshop and making sure everyone is where they are supposed to be! To Nelson, for moving well with the students and keeping the projects going – To Jeosafá, for checking up on me and them! To the teachers for keeping the students stirred up, and Jeff and Nicky, for helping out in so many little ways and making a big difference with big things and little things. TEAMWORK! We really loved having Rod and Ellie here for 8 days. The apostolic impartation that Mum and Dad brought was so timely and precise for our moment. It was just what we all needed, team, students, workers. The highlight was when they showed pictures of Pomene and told the story of ‘Satani’ getting saved! The workers all LOVED it – even the usually grim and quiet ones were rejoicing, singing and dancing after hearing the testimony! It is such an encouragement to all of us to know that we are part of something much bigger than just ourselves! The Word they brought of the government, or kingdom, of God being on our shoulders, and us being the civil servants who execute the will of the government, or Kingdom, was a big inspiration – and when something is inspired it is God-breathed, and God inspires your desire and gives you the power to fulfil what he has called you to do! Yes, it was just what we needed to remind us to finish our year strong and not falter before the finish line.

The carpentry side has been busy... here students receive their tools Big smiles and also a sense of wonder...

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. Together for His Glory,

Chris and Deborah and all at the Vocational Centre

Practical training – constructing toolboxes to put their new tools into!

Nelson and Sonia September 29, 2012

The day for Nelson and Sonia to declare their covenant of love to each other before God was filled with sweetness and joy and anticipation – we had hardly organised a thing, save the location for the wedding and the transformation of the school hall to a banquet hall – and we were excited to see the day unfold! Of course, it was hot and sticky, but nevertheless the team and students layered on their best dress and piled into the back of the truck, exuberant and loud as they sang all the way into town, most of the time there, and all the way back again. The trip to town was for the official registry signing, which was followed by a church wedding service at the Bible School, conducted by Pastor Armando – what a privilege to see Afrika Wa Yesu family growing in a blessed and annointed way. The princesses (Ashira and Simonita, Pr Armando’s youngest) were starstruck as they witnessed ‘The Kiss’, dreaming of their princes, one day, I am sure! The heartbeat of Afrika Wa Yesu is the drumbeat of Africa worshipping in Spirit and in Truth, and as we praised God in the cool shade of His creation, it was awe-inspiring to realise that the Love of God truly has no bounds – we are one body in Christ, and we rejoice with each other and edify one another. There was a huge festa for all guests and so much cake that we really couldn’t eat it all! I was very proud of the entire affair, everything really pulled together nicely and it was a lovely commencement marker for Nelson and Sonia. We had so much fun taking all sorts of funny pictures in the photo shoot, to enjoy more pictures of the wedding and all the other goings on at the Vocational Centre, please feel free to have a look at our Facebook page! Afrika Wa Yesu Vocational Centre.

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