Call for Participation and TOR for Committees and Sub-Committees

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Foreword In 2018, Coalition of Civil Society on Sustainable Development CSCSD Ogun state organised the 1st International Stakeholders Conference On SDG (INSTACON-­‐SDG18 )with the theme “Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Ogun State through Integrated and Innovative Partnership Approach” It was the 1st International conference at the sub-­‐national level in Nigeria, a lot of progress and gains has been achieved due to the convergence and moving further on the implementation of Agenda 2030 in Nigeria, CSCSD National is now ready to leverage on the gains and converge for the 2ND INSTACON-­‐SDG19. Introduction The International Stakeholders Conference on SDGs’, Local Organising Committee (LOC) choose to operate with sub-­‐committees for ease of programming that will best suit our needs. Therefore, the sub-­‐committees need to understand the tasks by giving them the term of reference which will outline the roles and responsibilities of each working group with conference planning timeline. CSCSD National Steering Committee (NSC) is committed to making INSTACON-­‐SDG 19 hosting, practical and feasible for most CSCSD members and participants. To achieve this goal, NSC has made conference planning and management a shared responsibility between the host state, LOC and NSC. With this arrangement conference LOC and hosts can concentrate on aspects of conference organization that can best be done by those with local knowledge, technical skills and capacity. To this end, CSCSD-­‐NSC assumes the intellectual ownership of the conference including the main responsibility for the program and sponsorship opportunities. LOC takes on most of the financial and technical administration while the conference host concentrates on logistical matters. The SDG thematic goals to be addressed are; Goal 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 16 and 17 Conference Theme: Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria - Gains, Opportunities and Challenges at sub-national level

Sub theme:

1. Intersectionality and Working Together to Achieve the SDGs (Goal 5, 10, 16, 17)

2. Education for Sustainable Development and the SDGs, learning to Act, learning to Achieve (Goal 4, 8, 16) 3. Implementing SDGs: actors and policies needed and barriers to overcome. (Goal 16, 17) OGP space 4. Nutrition: a maker and marker of development to support the achievement of each Sustainable Development Goal. (Goal 2,3,4,8,10,16,17) 5. Health Inequities, Social Determinants, and Intersectionality (Goal 3, 10, 16) CSCSD National Steering Committee Responsibilities 1. Responsible for the overall organisational planning of the conference. 2. Delegate conference responsibilities to specific CSCSD members such as General Chair, Co-­‐ Chairs, LOC Chairs, Treasurer, Sub-­‐Committee chairs, mobilising of LOC sub-­‐committee from other geo-­‐political zones. 3. Serve as advisers to these chairs and assists them in making decisions, especially around the conference venue and date, the budget and the overall technical content of the conference. 4. Approve the nominations of members of the public for the award of SDG Champions. 5. Establish reporting structure for the conference. 6. Communicate consistently with conference hosts and LOC. 7. Apply for funds from International/ National Partners and establish sponsorship levels 8. Approve LOC-­‐SC Issue “Call for Papers” to appropriate partners and organizations. Evaluate response and follow up as required. 9. Perform high level advocacy, mobilise national and international resources. 10. Plan and hold regular meetings (on-­‐line and virtual) till the end of the process. Local Organising Committee 1. Arrange and deliver an exciting, educational conference where attendees feel they have learned something new, have had a chance to meet different actors on SDGs, and able to network for good outcome. 2. Produce the conference concept note to capture conference main theme, sub-­‐theme, expected outcomes, objectives, activities and methodology. 3. Disburse funds and account for the Conference finance in line with the financial structure of CSCSD National. 4. NSC/LOC member to chair each Sub-­‐committee and give the utmost support in; a) Determining registration and other fees and estimate income and expenses b) Organize conference programme and publicity c) Contact keynote speakers and plenary speakers for the conference. d) Perform multi-­‐stakeholder advocacy for strategic support. e) Integrate local contributions to the programme including plenary session, papers, poster sessions et al. f) Distribute conference preliminary programme electronically to all sub-­‐committee and NSC g) Print final programme and arrange for it to be included in conference bags h) Solicit funds from Public sector with the host providing information about regional possibilities i) Promote the conference inside and outside of CSCSD Nigeria j) Confirm participation of speakers including coordination of registration, abstracts, biographical material, and submission of completed papers for inclusion in the Journal

5. Any other duties that need priority attention for the success of the conference. 6. Plan, attend and hold regular meetings (on-­‐line and virtual) till the end of the processes. 7. Debrief Sub-­‐committee’s meetings and deliberations and report to NSC. Proposed Sub-­‐committees are: 1. Resource Mobilization/Partnership/Advocacy 2. Technical Program Committee 3. Finance Committee/Treasurer 4. Publications Committee (Editorial Board for conference proceedings/ SDG Journal) 5. Registration Committee (Secretariat/Programming) 6. Media Publicity and Public Relations Committee 7. Hospitality Committee: (Welfare/ Tourism/Food/ Travel arrangements (International) 8. Protocol, Security and Exhibition Committee 9. Youth Pre-­‐conference committee A. Resource Mobilization, Partnership and Advocacy Committee The Resource Mobilization/Partnership/Advocacy Committee will have the responsibility of: I. Map and Prepare advocacy plan for all stakeholders. II. Identify appropriate partners and/or sources to fund and/or undertake direct funding of different aspects of the event. III. Identify and engage stakeholders/ partners for their participation in the opening ceremony and at the plenary sections and overall success of the conference IV. Prepare invitation letters and disseminate to various stakeholders. V. Ensure that the Conference mission is communicated throughout all aspects of the event. VI. Work on locating and recruiting new sponsors VII. Secure contributions, “in-­‐kind” products and services to enhance event from local companies. VIII. Submit weekly progress report to the LOC. B. Technical Program / Publications Committee The Technical Program/ Publications Committee is responsible for ensuring a well-­‐balanced, high quality conference program. The committee shall handle all issues related to paper submission, review, selection and the establishment of the final conference technical program. Committee members should be experts in their fields and may represent different areas within the domain of the Conference. Primary duties of the Technical Program / Publications include: I. Determining the important dates and deadlines relating to the technical program. (i.e. paper submission, author notification, camera-­‐ready copies) in cooperation with the publications committee to ensure that publication deadlines are met. II. Determining strategic issues such as program composition, call for Papers, use of session tracks, paper review system, etc. III. Assigning appropriate reviewers to submitted papers and monitoring the Paper Review Process. IV. Selecting papers to be presented at the conference, organising the accepted papers into appropriate sessions for presentation at the conference. V. Selecting and recruiting Session Chairs, providing instructions to authors and session chairs. VI. Coordinating with the Publications Committee for the creation of the conference proceedings. C. Finance Committee The Finance Committee will have the responsibility of: I. Preparing the budget


Submitting the budget & requests to LOC for final approval and approval Opening a bank account Recording all financial transactions Obtaining an Audit Preparing detailed final financial report -­‐ 1 months after conference Submit weekly progress report to the LOC.

D. Registration Committee (Secretariat): Registration is the most visible function at the conference, and sets the tone for the whole event. It is imperative that it be is well-­‐run and friendly. The registration process is key to providing accurate and up-­‐to-­‐date information on anticipated attendance at all of the workshops, seminars, and social functions of the conference. This information guides projections and any necessary adjustments for budget, food, and accommodation. The information gathered at registration also helps advise future conference committees. I. Create and maintain a Registration Summary spreadsheet which shall include a minimum biodata of participants. II. Prepare index form for CSO mapping, collate, analyze and publish a compendium for dissemination at the conference III. The arrangement of Audio-­‐Visual equipment for all the conference needs IV. Set up and supervise the on-­‐site registration system. V. Arrange for the recording of attendance at technical sessions and other events as required. VI. This committee will also assist with the development of the website. VII. Arrange for appropriate signage throughout the conference venue. VIII. Arrange for the on-­‐site distribution of handouts, proceedings, programs, etc. IX. Document and Produce pre-­‐conference, conference and post-­‐ conference report along with documentation on the conference processes as guidelines for organizing future Conferences by CSCSD X. Submit weekly progress report to the LOC.

E. Publicity and Promotions Committee Promotion of the conference throughout the planning process is critical to the success of the conference. I. This committee gathers, maintains and utilizes lists of media contacts and past and potential attendees for targeted outreach. II. Map, identify and prepare media advocacy plan III. Create PR Timeline & media plan to secure media sponsors IV. Create and disseminate advocacy messages targeted to various stakeholder groups.

V. VI.

Prepare and disseminate jingles and Press releases to media outlets Promotes the conference and ensure that the public are well informed of the event through all media channels (social media, radio, TV, newspaper, Bill boards, EVEENTBRITE) Prepare and budget for IEC materials for projected participants. Design, allocate conference top and bag with appropriate SDG Logo and desin

VII. VIII. IX. This committee will also assist with the development of the website. X. Submit weekly progress report to the LOC. F. Hospitality Subcommittee: The major responsibilities of the Hospitality Subcommittee are in the areas of coordinating hotel reservations, planning social Welfare/ Tourism/Food/ Travels arrangements functions and arranging for hospitality facilities. This includes;


The arrangements for all food and beverage functions that take place during the conference Work with the local arrangements committee to ensure that special dietary, health, and accommodation needs are met Arranging printed meal tickets, tourism and accommodation tickets for conference logistics. Identify and engage volunteers as ushers. Coordinate hotel reservations, plan social functions and give options on good standard hotel choices. Identify, food types and vendors with appropriate food budget for both local and intl. participants with food menu list Handle special Visa and other diplomatic requirements as necessary Identify and Communicate airport transfer from all directions. Present projected budget for intl. participants (accommodation and air travel, and feeding) within one week of deliberations Liaise with approved Tourism sites for smooth Tourism experience. Conduct participants round approved tourism sites. Recommend the amount to be paid and other exigencies as it relates to Tourism to the Executive Committee. Submit weekly progress Report to the executive committee

G. Protocol & Security/Technical Logistics/ Exhibition Committee: I. Liaise with Security agencies to ensure security for the Conference and participants. II. Provide protocol advice and support for dignitaries. III. Ensures proper handling of contracts, venue, floor etc. IV. handle space, exhibitor registration, security and other logistics. V. Airport Transfer security and Logistics VI. arrangement of the conference hall VII. Liaise with budget/finance committee to acquire video and photo camera, projector, flip chat and other technical gadgets. VIII. setting up and fixing necessary equipment including generating plant; hall lightening; prepare banners and posters IX. Submit weekly progress Report to the LOC Youth Pre-­‐Conference Committee Careful planning and location logistics are essential for the success of the conference. This committee should work with local vendors, Host Government, Private sector, Media, other actors and sub-­‐committees in the planning of the conference space and other local logistics. N.B CSCSD National Steering Committee (NSC) and Local Organising Committee (LOC) has been formed and for ease of programming and inclusion at all levels at the six geo-­‐political zone of Nigeria there is need to have sub-­‐committees for ease of programming that will best suit their needs. 1. We therefore call on volunteers that are passionate to use their skills and knowledge in the various sub-­‐committee stated above. Anyone that is interested should send a voluntary nomination to the WhatsApp number 08033276770 or 08035606915 or email or latest May 3rd 2019 at 6pm.

2. To deliver their roles and responsibilities very well, interested volunteers must show commitment in attending all online and virtual meetings. However, anyone that misses three meetings consecutively will be de-­‐listed from the sub-­‐committee.

3. All the academics/academicians from tertiary institution amidst us are encouraged to join the Technical Program sub-­‐committee or Publication sub-­‐committee

On behalf of Local Organising Committee(LOC) Ms. Mojisola Akinsanya Conference Chairperson 08033276770

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