P R E S I D E N T ’ S Page
WHAT HAPPENED TO PERSONAL EVANGELISM? BY D R . MIC HA EL SPR A D LIN The Scripture states in Proverbs 11:30 that “he that winneth souls is wise.” Yet in some churches today, the subject of personal evangelism is seldom mentioned. What has happened to our churches that has led us away from sharing the Good News? Several reasons have been offered to explain our lack of passion for evangelism. One theory is that since Bible prophecy is not preached often then we are not reminded of the imminent return of Christ. This reminder motivates us to live a holy lifestyle but also to share the Gospel with those around us. The lost do not have much time and the hour is desperately late. Another reason for the lack of evangelistic passion is the spirit of our age. Loose morals, apathetic Christianity, and political correctness hinder some from declaring “Thus says the Lord” with conviction.
Regardless of our excuses, we have a reason to share the Gospel: the love of God. He first loved us and gives us the opportunity to share that love with those around us. If you want some encouragement, then come by MidAmerica any Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. and hear our students share their witnessing testimonies. If you can’t stop in, then go to mabts.edu/chapel anytime or mabts.edu/live on Tuesdays at 11:00 a.m. and watch our Tuesday chapel online. We are hearing stories of people accepting Jesus as Savior every week. It’s amazing, and we praise the Lord for what He is doing.
Leading by Example Dr. Spradlin, Mid-America President, and the rest of the faculty regularly share their own witnessing experiences at report times during Tuesday Chapel.
contents VOLUME 45, NUMBER 2 | WINTER 2017 Published by the Mid-America family of educational institutions
PRESIDENT Michael Spradlin, PHD
EDITOR Randy Redd
America Messenger (freshly designed, we might
CONTENT COORDINATOR Deanna Coscia DESIGN Eternity Communications
The theme of this winter issue of the Midadd) is “Proclaiming Biblical Truth in a NonBiblical World.” Never has there been a more urgent need for the kind of Gospel-centered men and women that Mid-America is training.
AWARD-WINNING MINISTRY How can we ensure that churches and ministries have God-honoring, effective ministries, running well, so that...“There is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that day”?
PREACHING OUT-OF-DATE? Mid-America Alumnus of the Year, professor, and pastor, Dr. Hershael York, offers a winsome, timely, and reassuring message of encouragement on how to preach in a world of cultural hostility.
SCRIPTURE & SCHOLARSHIP The new College at Mid-America is committed to making reconnections between education and a biblical worldview, between the church and the classroom, and between the Christian and the community.
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Witness One:Seven and GO! Program reported August 1, 2017–October 24, 2017
PROFESSIONS OF FAITH SINCE 1972 = 164,679 SHARING FAITH SHARING STORIES Our new chapel format has been a great success. This year, we went back to our format from years ago and dedicated an entire service each week to student witnessing testimonies. Every Tuesday our students, staff, and faculty volunteer to share their stories of evangelism from the previous week. We are hearing of souls saved on a weekly basis and the spirit of revival is growing on our campus. If you are not a part of Mid-America, you should join us today. You will be blessed beyond measure to be involved with seeing people come to Jesus every week. As our students graduate and go out, we want that spirit to spread to churches all over America and all over the world. Pray for souls. Support with your finances. Enroll as a student. We are waiting for you! At the seminary, our Practical Missions program is called Witness One:Seven, a name reflecting that students witness to one person every seven days and a reference to the theme verse, John 1:7, “He came as a witness to testify about the light, so that all might believe through Him.” At the college, Practical Missions is called the Go! Program, and offers opportunities for students to give of themselves by serving the community and building God’s Kingdom.
Dr. T. Van McClain, Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, teaches at Mid-America’s Northeast Branch.
to one, one talent. Immediately, the
ability and doubled their master’s
first two stewards took their master’s
resources; and finally, both were praised
money into the marketplace to conduct
upon their master’s return.
business, and during the master’s long
In Matthew 25:25, the unwise
absence, doubled their master’s money.
steward told his master, “I was afraid,”
The steward with the one talent took his
and accomplished nothing with his
talent to a secret place and buried it for
master’s resources. He was afraid to
During Jesus’ last visit to Jerusalem just
safekeeping until the master returned.
enter the marketplace, afraid to assume
a few days prior to His crucifixion, He
Upon the master’s return, the
the risks of conducting business with
was with the disciples at the temple. The
stewards who doubled their master’s
his master’s resources, lazy concerning
disciples pointed out the magnificent
money were praised and rewarded with
the disciplines of learning and growing,
temple buildings to Jesus, and He
more responsibilities in the master’s
and thus, he made no contribution to his
responded, “Not one stone here will be
kingdom. The steward with the one
master’s kingdom.
left upon another, which will not be torn
talent faced his master’s wrath and was
As I travel the roads and highways
condemned for his laziness and lack of
of the Northeast, I pass through towns,
good stewardship.
villages, and small hamlets where there
down” (Matthew 24:2). A short time later, the disciples questioned Him concerning the timing
The implications of this parable
is no Gospel-preaching church. Not
of this event and His second coming.
are clear. God is sovereign over all the
one. People will be born here, live a long
Jesus then launched into the wonderful
resources of His kingdom and during
healthy life, and die here—and never
text we refer to as the Olivet Discourse,
His physical absence, we, as believers,
hear the Gospel. Why don’t more laborers
describing the condition of the world
are entrusted with the stewardship of all
come? The harvest is truly plenteous.
prior to His second advent. As He
His property, both the tangible physical
Perhaps, in each of us, there is
concluded, He changed the course of the
property and the intangible, meaning
a tendency to be like the one-talent
discussion and gave three parables to
the specific gifting/equipping that comes
steward. We are afraid to enter the
His disciples indicating the importance
to each believer through the indwelling
marketplace, afraid to assume the risks
of readiness for His coming.
Holy Spirit.
of ministry, afraid to be challenged, to
The last parable was the parable of
In the parable of the talents, two of
learn and to grow. The Master has given
the talents. In this parable, the master
the three stewards acted wisely: both
us all we need to affect Kingdom growth
went on a long journey and entrusted
were immediately obedient and entered
and expand His Kingdom, if we don’t
all his possessions to three stewards.
the marketplace to conduct business
bury it. Remember, the Master is coming,
Specifically, each one was given a large
with their master’s resources; both were
and He will return like a thief in the
sum of money, a talent, to manage
willing to assume risk in managing
during the master’s absence. One was
their master’s resources; both stewards
given five talents, one two talents, and
learned and grew in their managerial
Dr. Mike Haggard is the Director of Mid-America’s Northeast Branch (mabtsne.edu).
Biblical Truth
exodus, in the face of this politically
ministries? Paul gives three charges that
correct, “whatever” world? Too often,
will ensure an effective ministry that
the reply is to take a census of what is
receives God’s seal of approval.
popular to divine what the culture says. Instead, I would suggest we look for an answer in the unchanging, infallible Word of God. In an atmosphere of desertion, of turning away, of compromise that mimics our own today, Paul takes up
BY D R . T I M S E A L
his pen, under the inspiration of the
The United States Census Bureau
Holy Spirit, and describes the type of
Records give some disturbing statistics
ministry that God honors, that God’s
about the faltering state of the church:
favor rests upon, that God blesses.
Every year, more than 4,000 churches close their doors
Consider what Paul writes to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:1–8:
compared to just over 1,000 new
I solemnly charge you in the presence
church starts.
of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to
Every year, 2.7 million church
judge the living and the dead, and by
members fall into inactivity. This
His appearing and His kingdom: preach
translates into the realization that
the word; be ready in season and out of
people are leaving the church.
season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with
From 1990 to 2000, the combined
great patience and instruction. For
membership of all Protestant
the time will come when they will not
denominations in the United States
endure sound doctrine; but wanting
declined by almost five million
to have their ears tickled, they will
members (9.5 percent), while the
accumulate for themselves teachers in
U.S. population increased by 24
accordance to their own desires, and
million (11 percent).
will turn away their ears from the truth
At the turn of the 20th century
and will turn aside to myths. But you,
(1900), there was a ratio of 27
be sober in all things, endure hardship,
churches per 10,000 people, as
do the work of an evangelist, fulfill
compared to the close of this
your ministry. For I am already being
century (2000) in which we have
poured out as a drink offering, and the
11 churches per 10,000 people in
time of my departure has come. I have
fought the good fight, I have finished
The United States now ranks third
the course, I have kept the faith; in the
following China and India in the
future there is laid up for me the crown
number of people who are not
of righteousness, which the Lord, the
professing Christians; in other
righteous Judge, will award to me on
words, America is becoming an
that day; and not only to me, but also to
ever increasing “unreached people
all who have loved His appearing.
group.” The logical question today is, what is the church to do in the face of this mass
How can we ensure that churches and ministries will have God-honoring, effective ministries—”award-winning”
Hard to miss here is that Paul, in verses 1–4, means for Timothy and the church today to focus on the command nailed to the doorpost of verse 2, namely, the command to preach the Word! To make certain that Timothy’s ministry and every ministry subsequent to his would be a ministry that God honors, Paul charges that one of the vital keys is to preach the Word! R.C.H. Lenski describes the meaning of the Greek word kerusso which is an imperative to “preach the Word”: This word . . . regards the preacher as a . . . “herald,” whose function is . . . to make a loud, public proclamation, one that has been given him by a superior. He must announce it in its completeness (Acts 20:27) and not alter it in any way, not add anything of his own or anything that is borrowed from another source, not subtract a particle. “Herald!” and not offer religious opinions, not philosophize, not argue. Hence, the main principle to glean in verses 1–4 is that pastors must herald the unadulterated Word of God! In his book, The Truth War: Fighting for Certainty in an Age of Deception, John MacArthur, Jr. writes: Most of the world is caught up in disillusionment and confusion. People are unsure about virtually everything and do not know where to turn for truth. However, the absolute worst strategy for ministering the gospel in
a climate like this is for Christians to
unto death. Jesus teaches this concept in
Talleyrand wrote the following words
imitate the uncertainty or echo the
Matthew 10:37–39:
on a piece of paper and laid it on a
cynicism of the age. Instead, we need
“He who loves father or mother more
nightstand near his bed: “Behold,
to affirm against the spirit of the age
than Me is not worthy of Me; and he
eighty-three years passed away!
that God has spoken with the utmost
who loves son or daughter more than
What cares! What agitation! What
clarity, authority, and finality through
Me is not worthy of Me. And he who
anxieties! What ill-will! What sad
His Son (Hebrews 1:1–2). And we have
does not take his cross and follow after
complications! And all without other
the infallible record of that message in
Me is not worthy of Me. He who has
results, except great fatigue of mind
Scripture (2 Peter 1:19–21).
found his life will lose it, and he who has
and body, and a profound sentiment
lost his life for My sake will find it.”
of discouragement with regard to the
Considering the great roll call of
future, and of disquiet with regard to
Because of the disillusionment and confusion of the present time, it is vital to preach the Word of God to impact the
saints who gave their lives for Christ,
world for Christ.
should the expectation be any less for us
today (Hebrews 11:35–38)? As J. Sidlow
as he neared the end of his earthly life.
Baxter once wrote, “No man who is full
They are a triumphant epitaph. Some
of himself can ever truly preach the
thirty years after his encounter with
Christ who emptied Himself.”
Christ on the Damascus Road, in every
regard that matters he was without
Timothy that he, like himself, must be
willing to die for the Truth? Notice the
John MacArthur, Jr. writes regarding
forceful motivation for every believer to
expressions Paul uses in verse 6, “I am
verses 7-8:
live a life of faithful service to Christ.
What is the point of Paul’s statement here to Timothy? Is not Paul telling
the past!” How different are the words of Paul
regret or remorse. With an economy of words known only to a Holy Spirit– inspired writer, he not only affirms his own spiritual triumph but also offers
already being poured out as a drink
The final words of dying men and
offering” and “the time of my departure
women usually are stripped of
ministry that consistently practices the
has come.” Both of these metaphors
hypocrisy and reflect accurately
Word of the Lord.
convey that Paul expected to be
their true beliefs and feelings. On
martyred for the sake of the Gospel. John
his deathbed, Napoleon said, “I die
God’s seal of approval? Paul says it is a
MacArthur, Jr. comments, “It seems
before my time; and my body will be
ministry that preaches the Word (4:1–4),
there is no shortage of people nowadays
given back to earth, to become the
that pours itself out for the Word (4:5–6),
willing to kill (i.e., terrorists) for a lie. Yet,
food of worms . . . .” Not long before
and that practices the Word (4:7–8). It is
few seem to be willing to speak up for
he died, Gandhi, the world-renowned
a ministry without regret—an award-
the truth—much less die for it.”
Hindu religious leader, confessed,
winning ministry.
“My days are numbered. I am not
Dr. Tim Seal serves Mid-America as Academic Vice President, Dean of the Seminary, Chairman and Professor, Department of Practical Theology.
An award-wining ministry involves a pouring out and a loosening process
likely to live very long . . . . For the
whereby, over the years, the ties with
first time in fifty years I find myself
this world are willingly cut in service to
in a slough of despond . . . .” The
the Lord, even unto pouring out our lives
nineteenth-century French statesman
A ministry that honors God is a
What kind of ministry receives
Mid-America Team
MID-AMERICA WELCOMES NEW CHIEF DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Mid-America is pleased to announce that Ray Helton has accepted the role of Chief Development Officer leading the work with faithful and generous donors. After being long affiliated with MidAmerica through partnering churches, organizations, and as a volunteer, Ray now brings his more than 40 years of corporate business and non-profit experience to help the seminary and new College at Mid-America at a critical time. Originally from Memphis, Ray lived in Virginia, Mississippi, Maryland, the District of Columbia, Georgia, and North Carolina before returning to Memphis in 1981. He is married to Sharon and they have five children, including two grandchildren. Ray’s first wife of 45 years (Barbara) went home to be with the Lord after battling cancer several years
improve our donor relationships. My
and seminaries in Europe, Indonesia,
goal is to work closely with other teams
Southeast Asia, India, North Korea, and
to build foundational systems and
the Middle East, as well as hundreds of
processes which Mid-America Baptist
alumni in missionary positions in other
Theological Seminary and The College at
countries around the globe.”
Mid-America will rely on for a successful and scalable future.” Ray goes on to express his enthusiasm about Mid-America saying, “I have observed first-hand a depth of
Please pray for Ray and the efforts he leads so that Mid-America can continue to take the Gospel, as the Alma Mater states, “to all the world for Jesus’ sake.”
faith and commitment in our faculty that goes beyond the classroom. It was astounding to learn that the student evangelism requirement (Witness One:Seven) has resulted in over 164,000 professions of faith since the seminary opened its doors in 1972. That’s an average of 3,600-plus people per year who have professed Christ based on the efforts of students. I am amazed at the reach and impact of Mid-America across the world. Our alumni are in leadership positions in churches
ago. Ray says, “I grew up in a Christian home with parents who taught me well, and I professed Jesus as my Savior when I was 13 years old.” Being in local church leadership exposed Ray to Mid-America’s great mission and legacy. He always admired the mission, but when he saw the impact on his son as a student (Parrish graduates May 2018), he wanted to help Mid-America in some way. After volunteering with Mid-America to aid business planning, he realized God was leading him to become more involved. In his words, “I’m convinced I am exactly where God wants me to be and trust that I can provide a positive impact to
Ray Helton Chief Development Officer Mid-America
Biblical Preaching
HOW CAN WE PREACH IN A WORLD OF CULTURAL HOSTILITY? BY D R . HE RS HA E L W YO R K When I was a boy, my father had only five jokes, and most of them were not really jokes. His catalog of corny little routines included fake French
imbalance of hospitality, but eventually
past. Once we could safely assume that
they invited me and, when I ventured
people had a respect for the Bible—all of
into their houses, my ingenuous eyes
it—and considered it the Word of God,
opened to shattered worlds completely
even if they had not read it or did not
unlike my own. Most of their homes
understand it. Phrases like “the Good
were chaotic and disheveled, while some
Book says” punctuated public discourse,
were outright filthy. Some of their dads
schools did not schedule sports on
were absent, but most of those who were
Wednesday night because it interfered
around sat sullenly, serially nursing
with prayer meeting, stores were not
cans of beer in a dark den, and others
open on Sundays, and the pastor was
were morose and unkind even without
one of the most respected men in town.
alcohol. None of their dads told jokes, not
We now minister in a different
even corny ones. From then on, I gained
world. Gender is considered fluid,
a new perspective of my father’s humor.
marriage is temporary, morals are
Even after I got older and discovered the
malleable, and personal autonomy—
mystifying and inscrutable world of girls,
sexual, economic, and moral—is
no matter who came to visit, I found
the greatest good and highest goal.
myself saying, “Dad, Kathy hasn’t heard
Biblical literacy has been replaced by
you speak French yet.”
indifference or disdain. Preaching is deemed outdated or, worse still, hate
told my wife I’d ask the first monkey I
saw.” I heard these tired comedic sets
Ministry today has become a tricky
throughout my childhood, especially
thing. Pastors of a certain age were
when I had friends over to spend the
trained in a different world than the
night. I loved my father very much, and
one in which they now find themselves.
I didn’t mind his jokes when we were
Once we could ask people on what basis
alone, but I often felt more than a little
they hoped to go to heaven; now we live
embarrassment when he engaged my
in a world that, at best, ignores heaven
unwary schoolmates.
or, more probably, disbelieves it. Once
(“Comment allez-vous? Chevrolet? Pontiac? Coupe, oui?”), or he would carry on an entire conversation like Donald Duck (and he had a killer Donald Duck voice!), or he would ask questions like “Do bananas grow on bushes or trees?” so that, whatever his confident interlocutor replied he could retort, “I
I don’t think I noticed that my
we ministered among unchurched
friends always came to my house and
people who would nonetheless agree
rarely, if ever, asked me to spend the
that going to church is a good thing
night at theirs. Perhaps their mothers felt
that they “ought” to do, but now they
an embarrassment of their own at the
find church a quaint relic of a bygone
speech. With the culture arrayed against the orthodox teaching of the church for 2,000 years, Christians find themselves embarrassed by the Bible or, at least, parts of it. Passages that instruct women to submit to their husbands make them cringe and are no longer read in wedding ceremonies. Texts that address gender, sexuality, or God’s design in marriage have proved terribly inconvenient and are barely mentioned in some churches. Old Testament stories of warfare and conquest are discarded as endorsing violence and genocide.
How are we to preach in such a
them as genuinely the Word of God,
world? How can anyone believe the Bible
explain them within the redemptive-
in the face of such cultural hostility?
historical narrative, and proclaim the
works and people find purpose when we
transhistorical truths that they convey.
preach a radical call to discipleship and
To do less is to surrender any claim of
the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Following
the inspiration and the uniqueness of
Jesus is not a diversion or a charity to
Scripture. We should always be ready to
which one makes a contribution. Jesus
give a reason for the hope within us, and
did not say take up a cushion and follow
that hope emanates from our confidence
me. This generation, perhaps more than
in and understanding of Scripture.
any prior, is not interested in making
First, we need to understand that people are no more lost now than they have ever been. While things have certainly changed around us, in some ways the lines are clearer because they are not cloaked by the fog of cultural Christianity or a traditional religion that has no genuine effect. False believers won’t stick around very long in the face of intimidation, marginalization, or persecution. These changing times, however, may cause us to feel, in truth we don’t have it tougher than Paul. The Gospel is not less effective than it was. God’s ear is not heavy that it cannot hear, nor His arm shortened that He cannot save! The power of the Gospel and the Word of God is as great now as ever. Since the Gospel is the
Churches and preachers that are
reason to exist, let alone to grow. On the other hand, the Holy Spirit
a donation nearly as much as finding
abnegating the historical views of the
something worthy for which to live and
church in the face of cultural pressure
are bound to weaken and die because
they only offer the culture something that the culture has anyway. In other words, those churches have no unique product, no life-changing value that can fill the emptiness or repair the brokenness in the lives of people without Christ. If the church only reflects the values and presuppositions that people already have without Scripture or salvation, the church has no compelling
The good news of the Gospel is only good news if it is preached in the context of the forgiveness of sins. It’s only good news if they need to be saved from something. This generation may not initially know categories of sin, but they understand brokenness. They long for wholeness. When we boldly preach the holiness of God, the sinfulness of humanity, the greatness of Christ, and the availability
power of God unto salvation
of grace, then the Gospel is
in the 21st Century just as
good news! The more we see
it was in the 1st, preachers
the brokenness of humanity,
must stand with boldness.
the more we realize that the
A preacher of the Word will
Word of God is not a cause for
fear God, not man. We stand
embarrassment, but a source
before the Judge of all the
of life.
earth; why fear what man can do? Spirit-anointed
Dr. Hershael York (MABTS
preaching fears no reaction,
alumnus, MDIV, 1988, PHD, 1999) serves as Senior Pastor, Buck Run Baptist Church, Frankfort, Kentucky, and as Professor of Christian Preaching at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. York was recently named Mid-America Alumnus of the Year. He blogs at pastorwell.com.
compromises no truth, avoids no subject, and spares no passion.
EMBRACE THE DIFFICULTY Rather than avoiding those passages that put Christianity at odds with the culture, we should claim
Faculty News
At their August meeting, the Trustees of Mid-America
The discovery of a commentary written (but never
Baptist Theological Seminary elected Dr. Bradley (Brad)
published) by Dr. Roy O. Beaman, longtime seminary
Roderick to the faculty. Dr. Roderick will serve as
professor and New Testament
Professor of Missions and Evangelism, as Dr. Mark Terry
scholar, brings his unique
will become Professor Emeritus. Dr. Roderick is well
biblical insights to light.
qualified to serve in this position. He earned his Bachelor
Roy Beaman combined the
of Arts degree at Mississippi College and his Master
talents of a linguist, a New
of Divinity and Doctor of Philosophy degrees at New
Testament scholar, and a biblical
Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He majored in
archaeologist. He was one of the
missiology in his doctoral studies. Beyond his academic
original four faculty members
preparation, Dr. Roderick has the field experience
of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary. His
necessary to serve as a missions professor. He served
commentary on the Gospel of John was developed for
11 years with the North American Mission Board in the
almost four decades and taught repeatedly in churches
northeastern part of the United States, and he served
and in seminary classrooms. Though the manuscript
19 years with the International Mission Board in South
was never published, printed copies were distributed
and Southeast Asia. He and his wife, Gretchen, have two
through the years. Beaman’s Commentary on the Gospel
grown children and two grandchildren. He comes to
of John is the compilation of two of those manuscripts.
Mid-America from Greensboro, North Carolina, where
Edited and revised by Michael R. Spradlin, PhD, this
he has been serving as the Director of Missions for the
work will serve the scholar seeking information and the
Piedmont Baptist Association.
believer seeking devotional insights.
Dr. Brad Roderick
Professor of Missions and Evangelism
Dr. Roy Beaman
Biblical Truth
WE ARE TO PREACH THE WORD EVEN IN AN INCONVENIENT WORLD BY DR. FRANK ANDERSON JR. I love Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary! The Mid-America family has so greatly and positively impacted my walk with Christ, my marriage, my pastoral journey, the spiritual growth of my church family, and my Christian teaching career. So as God continues to use the MidAmerica family to bless my life, I was not surprised to learn that this edition of the Messenger would focus on “Biblical Preaching in an Unbiblical Age.” I am honored, however, by this opportunity to write about the challenge God’s preachers face during this time. When I think of this “unbiblical age,” my mind runs to Paul’s charge to Timothy—and God’s charge to all of His preachers of every generation—as Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2, “Proclaim the message; persist in it whether convenient or not.” Our times certainly are inconvenient for the preaching of God’s Word; but how do we execute God’s charge when we are preaching to such an untoward generation? Allow me to share three thoughts of encouragement that have resulted from my 38 years of preaching and my prayerful contemplation of the matter of biblical preaching in an unbiblical age.
FIRST, God’s preachers of today should avoid thinking of our times as “post-Christian.” If there ever was a time during which the world was pre-
Christian, that time is now! Just think of the religious and
this world until He returns. In Luke 9:28, we hear Jesus telling us that “foxes have
philosophical pluralism that was “in
dens, and birds of the sky have nests, but
play” when Jesus was born. Mythology
the Son of Man has no place to lay His
was prominent. Some engaged in
head.” And all who follow Him will not
emperor worship. A pre-Christian
have a place of rest in this world. Until
form of Gnosticism was in effect; and
He returns, this world will function as
many were captivated by the various
a lost world; and inasmuch as He will
schools of philosophical thought, such
return, again, we should think of this
as Epicureanism and Stoicism. Others
world as pre-Christian.
were cynics and skeptics. Interestingly,
SECOND, we should remember—
Judaism was also complicated during
as God’s preachers—that while we have
this time by the existence of the
been ordained (by Him) to preach the
Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, Essenes,
Gospel, our work will flourish only by
and Zealots.
and through His power.
Then came Jesus. It could be argued that today’s world
In Ecclesiastes 1:2, Solomon said, “Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher,
is more pluralistic than the world into
vanity of vanities; all is vanity.” This
which Jesus was born; but even now,
passage will even apply to our preaching
Jesus enters the world of lost people
if we fail to recognize that when God
when we preach the Gospel. Before the
calls us to any task, including the
Gospel is preached, the world is (at least)
preaching of the Gospel, He necessarily
as pre-Christian as the world was before
calls us to do what we absolutely cannot
Jesus was born.
do in our own strength. He calls us, first
I think it is all too easy to forget that Jesus has promised that we will be aliens in
and foremost, to rely on Him and to trust in His power. Without
His power, we are
destined to be frustrated—especially
aids the spiritual formation of those
encouraging us to think about
where preaching is concerned—in this
who—under the unction of the Holy
preaching in an unbiblical world,
pre-Christian age.
Spirit—are listening as God’s Word is
because our sinful world is—in fact—
preached. And inasmuch as expository
clearly described in God’s Word. Every
God’s preachers employ expository
preaching requires that we help God’s
prophet of the Old Testament and all
preaching because expository
people apply God’s Word to their lives,
of the apostles, pastors, teachers, and
preaching places the preacher and the
we are equipping them to avoid the
evangelists referenced in the New
preached message in the flow of God’s
temptations and endure the frustrations
Testament preached before untoward
THIRD, it is very important that
generations and during inconvenient
So many definitions of exposition
times. Our sinful world was foretold
were provided and great commentary
by Jesus (Matthew 24) when He spoke
rendered concerning expository preaching in the Summer 2016 edition of the Messenger (mabts.edu/ resources), I will not render another definition. I learned how to develop and preach expository sermons at Mid-America (approximately 27 years ago). Since that time, I have felt God’s power—in a different way than
of the darkness that will come
before—as I am preparing
before He returns, and Scripture prepares us to know that we as believers will be called upon to suffer in a manner that more closely resembles His suffering before He returns. In terms of an oxymoron, the current sinful world may be referred to as biblical, since it is so well described in God’s Word. Thankfully, God’s Word commands us as His preachers concerning
to preach. The preparation
what we should do in this lost
process greatly affects my life
or pre-Christian world. Again,
and my walk with my Lord; and as
through Paul’s charge to Timothy, God
I preach, expository preaching helps
has directed us to “persist” in this pre-
me to know that I am relying on the
Christian world “whether convenient or
power of the Holy Spirit as I am guided
of an unbiblical or pre-Christian
not.” We are to preach the Word in this
by His Word as opposed to relying upon
world. We are equipping them to live
inconvenient world.
my wisdom.
“incarnationally”—that is, to be the
As preachers and pastors, we can
hands, the feet, and the presence of
neither guarantee that our listening
Christ before an unbiblical or pre-
audiences will heed God’s Word as
Christian world. We are equipping them
we preach, nor are we responsible for
to be proclaimers of the Gospel of Jesus
their responses to our preaching; but
Christ as they go about their lives. We are
we are required by God to be servants
equipping the church to grow in Christ
of His Word, and expository preaching
and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ
greatly enables us to do just that.
with others.
Furthermore, expository preaching
I greatly appreciate Mid-America’s
Dr. Frank Anderson Jr. (MABTS alumnus, MDIV, 1994, PHD, 2000) serves on the faculty of Union University, Jackson and Germantown, Tennessee.
December 12, 7:00 p.m.
March 22–25
January 5, 9:00 a.m.
March 26–April 13
January 16
March 27
February 5–11
April 9–13
March 12–23
May 1
March 12–23
May 11, 2:00 p.m.
Biblical Resources
Such a close valuable presents itself to
beginning. While audience members
all at Mid-America, and its supporting
recall aspects of Dr. Gray’s telling with
community: The Ora Byram Allison
clarity, amusement, astonishment, or
Memorial Library, full of varied and
favor, the keen listener grasps a notable
deep wealth in thousands of books,
theme—Mid-America’s need for a robust,
journals, e-copies, and videos. Soon,
vibrant, and resourceful library facility.
the Allison Library will pass another
Dr. Allison has sounded this critical
landmark event in its 45-year history,
subject repeatedly, “the Library, the
the acquisition of its 200,000th title, but
Library, the Library” on Monday nights,
this occurrence will not be the result of
emphasizing this special division of
Tales of buried treasures intrigue
happenstance. Careful planning and firm
the Seminary. Moreover, for the past
people. Indeed, folks go to great efforts
administrative support make the Allison
two decades, President Mike Spradlin
in speculations and searches for these
Library one of the strongest in our entire
has furthered and broadened the
supposed wonders. However, people
region for study and research.
administration’s unflinching support to
overlook treasures before them—such as
Dr. B. Gray Allison, founding
the Allison Library through planning and
God’s Word, a precious family member,
president of Mid-America, has spoken
funding, helping to shepherd the Library
or a wonderful church congregation—
on Monday night of Founders’ Days of
fully and confidently into the new era of
and fail to appreciate immediate riches.
each academic year since the school’s
electronic copy, delivery, and assistance.
Today, with guidance from its successful and noteworthy heritage, including a cumulative circulation of materials into the hundreds of thousands and the value of collections into the millions of dollars and a long list of dedicated employees, the Allison Library guarantees its pledge to excellence. Aggressive expansion forsakes timidity in the Allison Library where even in years of lean budgets and reduced purchases, meticulous planning and the assured faith that the Lord will always provide produces a mindset of expansion, always expansion, in meeting needs and honoring our Lord Jesus. Terry Brown has served Mid-America as Director of Library Services since 1981.
THIS TIMELINE demonstrates Mid-America’s unbroken commitment to developing and maintaining the highest quality library facility as the intellectual and research hub for all its users— students, faculty, staff, and visitors. — 1972 Establishment of the library in Little Rock; original faculty members—Drs. Gray Allison, Philip Allison, Roy Beaman, and T.V. Farris donate all, or part, of their personal book collections to provide the core of materials — 1973 Holdings reach 7,500 — 1978 Dedication of library as The Ora Byram Allison Memorial Library; holdings reach 50,000 — 1981 Holdings in Library reach 80,000 titles — 1982 Move to first separate, permanent facility in Mid-town campus — 1989 Holdings reach 100,000 — 1995 Computerization complete for entire catalog and circulation — 1996 Move to the Germantown campus — 1998 Installation of first electronic databases for journals — 2006 Move to Cordova campus and separate wing for housing — 2009 Acquisition of first e-book collection, 29,000 volumes; holdings pass 150,000 — 2017 Acquisition of e-business collection for forthcoming College degrees, 16,000+ titles
THE COLLEGE AT MID-AMERICA IS RECONNECTING SCRIPTURE AND SCHOLARSHIP BY D R . B RA D THO MPSO N On June 25, 1962, the United States Supreme Court decided in Engel v. Vitale that a prayer approved by the New York Board of Regents for use in schools violated the First Amendment by constituting an establishment of religion. The following year, the Court disallowed Bible readings in public schools for similar reasons. These two landmark
Supreme Court rulings mandated that
in the Massachusetts Bay Colony passed
religion had no place in public education,
The Old Deluder Satan Law of 1647,
planting the seeds of secularization that
ensuring that students would not be kept
have transformed education today.
from the knowledge of Scripture. Its
Fifty-five years later, almost to
preamble reads as follows:
the date, at the 160th annual meeting
It being one chief project of that old
of the Southern Baptist Convention,
deluder, Satan, to keep men from the
messengers addressed the reality of an
knowledge of the Scriptures, as in
increasingly secular American higher
former times by keeping them in an
education system further removed
unknown tongue, so in these latter
from a biblical worldview. They voted
times by persuading from the use of
to strengthen the connection between
tongues, that so that at least the true
campus ministries and local churches.
sense and meaning of the original might
The connection between church
be clouded and corrupted with false
and classroom has weakened over time.
glosses of saint-seeming deceivers;
From our very beginning, the Puritans
and to the end that learning may not
Undergraduate Degrees
be buried in the grave of our forefathers,
his life and studies is to know God and
England and Methodists, Princeton
in church and commonwealth, the Lord
Jesus Christ which is eternal life, John
by Presbyterians, Columbia by the
assisting our endeavors.
17:3, and therefore to lay Christ in the
Church of England, Brown by Baptists,
bottom, as the only foundation of all
Dartmouth by Congregationalists, and
even then, between the “church and
sound knowledge and learning.” In 1692,
Cornell, the only non-colonial school, is
commonwealth.” Early communities of
it adopted its original motto, “Truth for
also the only nonsectarian school.
50 families or more were required to
Christ and the Church” (Veritas Christo
hire a teacher, and those of 100 families
et Ecclesiae), which was changed in 1836
secularism, Darwinism, and naturalism,
or greater were required to provide a
after 200 years of secularization to just
the 19th century experienced the same
grammar school and a teacher.
“Truth” (Veritas).
cultural morass similar to present day.
There was a deliberate connection,
A few years earlier, the
In fact, seven of the eight Ivy
With the rising trends of the time—
In 1886, D.L. Moody acted upon the need
Congregational Church instituted
League schools today started with a
for young people to be connected to
Harvard College in 1636. The founders
distinct Christian and denominational
Scripture when he founded Moody Bible
said this: “Let every student be plainly
connection. Yale was founded by
Institute. The Bible School Movement
instructed, and earnestly pressed, to
Congregationalists, The University
of the 1880s to 1920s grew rapidly,
consider well [that] the main end of
of Pennsylvania by the Church of
and in the United States today, there
are approximately 4,500 colleges and
a high-quality education. Most Christian
degree as a part of our Institute for
universities, most of which were founded
colleges offer a great education for
Nouthetic Studies, founded by Dr. Jay
prior to 1900 as Christian colleges.
their students, providing them with
Adams. We have seen equal interest
Samuel Joeckel and Thomas
knowledge informed by wisdom and
in our Organizational Leadership and
Chesnes, editors of The Christian College
spiritual guidance. This connection of
Business Administration degrees to
Phenomenon, describe the 1990s as a
the classroom to the community through
launch in the spring semester.
time when public institutions of higher
a Christian worldview is an experience
learning in the United States experienced
that will remain with them for the rest of
believers, “See to it that no one takes you
a 3% growth in enrollment, while Christian
their lives.
captive through philosophy and empty
colleges and universities experienced a
Third, according to the College
In Colossians 2:8, Paul warns
deception, according to the tradition
36.9% growth during that same period.
Board, the average cost of tuition and
of men, according to the elementary
They remember 2006, when enrollment
fees for the 2016–2017 school year was
principles of the world, rather than
over the previous year at public
$33,480 at private colleges, and $9,650
according to Christ.” Too often, what’s
universities grew by 13% and at other
for state residents at public colleges.
heard on Sunday is cancelled out on
private colleges by 28%, but Christian
Affordable, Christ-centered education
Monday as college students enter the
colleges and universities rose by 70.6%.
is needed as we continue to experience
classroom. Instead of having their faith
dramatic cultural and moral shifts. What
strengthened, students are paying
in the Christian college and university
What is causing the rapid growth
a blessing to know that because of the
tremendous sums of money, often
movement? First, the community of
generous gifts by donors to The College
incurring sizable debt, to be indoctrinated
faith lacking in most every area of
at Mid-America, our tuition costs remain
away from the truths of Scripture.
modern culture is generally present in
at about $8,000 per year.
Continue to pray for us as we seek
a Christian school. Students encourage
It’s an encouragement to see the
to train the minds, hearts, and hands of
each other’s faith, and instead of tearing
wonderful response by pastors, parents,
college students for the future God has
down or mocking the belief of students,
and young people as we have begun The
for them.
faculty understand the relevance and
College at Mid-America. In addition to
importance of the Christian faith and
our current Bachelor of Arts in Christian
seek to strengthen it.
Studies, we have seen immediate
Dr. Brad Thompson serves Mid-America as Executive Vice President, Dean of the College, Chairman and Professor, Department of Christian Education.
Second concerns the experience of
interest in the new Biblical Counseling
Faculty News
MID-AMERICA PROFESSOR PUBLISHES NEW SEMINARY TEXTBOOK ON MISSIONS Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary is delighted to announce that Dr. Mark Terry, Chairman of the Missions Department, has published another book. In August, Baker Publishing released Dr. Terry’s most recent book, Encountering the History of Missions. This book is the last of a series of books on missions called the Encountering Missions Series which is edited by Dr. Scott Moreau of Wheaton College Graduate School. Dr. Terry also wrote another book in the series, Developing a Strategy for Missions, and Dr. Terry stated that all the books in this series are intended to serve as textbooks for seminary classes on missions. Concerning the book, Dr. Chuck Lawless, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Ministry Centers at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, writes: “The authors have done what might seem to be impossible, telling the story of centuries of missions history while holding the reader’s attention through biographical portraits, relevant sidebars, and challenging case studies. I finished the book asking God to allow me to play a role, even a minor one, in the continuing story of missions history. Somehow, I think the authors would be pleased.”
Dr. Mark Terry Chairman of the Missions Department MABTS
P.O. Box 2350 • Cordova, Tennessee 38088-2350 901-751-8453 • info@mabts.edu • mabts.edu
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