The Witness-Fall 2015

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evival and renewal are the words that stay on my heart these days. As I survey our culture, I am astounded at the changes I have witnessed. Yet, I believe Christians have a tremendous opportunity to be salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). The question I have is “How are Christians going to be a beacon of hope in a world of spiritual darkness?” As I have prayed over this question, God has revealed to me that Mid-America has several tangible ways to advance the Kingdom and broaden our influence.

back! And we will do it through personal evangelism with our pastors leading the way. Thousands could be saved!

Witness One:Seven

Mission Advance

First, be on the lookout for our new evangelism program called Witness One:Seven based on John 1:7. (See ad on the next page for more information.) Friends, we are going to take our nation

Third, with the increase of missionary families to the city of Memphis, we will have a once-in a-lifetime opportunity. These missionaries speak the languages of the world, and they can help us win the international community of Memphis to Christ—more on this later. I want you to join me in prayer that the Lord Jesus will do a great work on the campus of Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary that will impact our nation and our world. God is love. Jesus is wonderful.

Mission Dignity Second, with the return of many Southern Baptist missionaries from the field in the next few months we have set aside 30 of our student housing apartments to house them. For the missionaries in distress there will be no cost in rent or utilities. Please join me in prayer that the Lord will raise up 30 sponsors to help us cover the cost of rent and utilities. We want our personnel to return home from the field with dignity and honor.

Michael Spradlin President, MABTS


The Witness | FALL 2015

He came as a witness to testify about the light, so that all might believe through him. —John 1:7

Introducing Witness One:Seven. Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary is inviting the pastor of every Southern Baptist Church to join us in committing to “Witness One:Seven.” It’s a commitment to witness to at least one person every seven days during 2016. Of course, others are welcome to join us, too, including YOU! But if the pastor of each of the 46,000 SBC churches made the commitment…more than two million people would hear the Gospel during 2016. It all begins with you. Please contact us at to let us know you’re making the “Witness One:Seven” commitment.


he people of Nepal experienced a devastating earthquake on April 25, 2015. The Nepal earthquake is responsible for the deaths of more than 9,000 people and the injuries of more that 23,000. This tragedy was the worst natural disaster to hit Nepal since 1934. In living out Matthew 5:16, as being the light to the world “that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven,” Pat Melancon, double Mid-America alumnus and IMB missionary, along with his family, devote themselves to assisting people who have experienced tragedy through natural disasters. PAT SERVES AS THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF RESPONSE AND TRAINING with the Baptist Global Response of the International Mission Board. Their purpose is to share the Gospel, create opportunities for discipleship, and plant vibrant New Testament churches by loving people who have recently gone through catastrophes. They know that without the demonstration of love (1 Corinthians 13:1) the Gospel is not received, therefore, lives are not eternally transformed. For example, the Baptist Global Response ministry reported for 2014 that 167,533 personally heard the Gospel and 19,498 made professions of faith. Through this ministry, 1,193 new areas were opened for the first time to hearing about saving faith in Christ while 165 new churches were planted.

THIS MINISTRY IS A FAMILY AFFAIR. Pat’s wife Veronica and five children have been instrumental in the prayer ministry and assisting every aspect of the work for the organization. They have worked in 27 countries and taught and developed a variety of courses at various seminaries nationally and throughout the world. In addition, they lead international disaster response training and teaching for the North American Mission Board Southern Baptist Disaster Relief network, various Southern Baptist state conventions, associations, and churches. Pat said, “Their focus has been upon significant humanitarian crises around the world that have resulted in millions of displaced people, multiple refugee situations, and other disasters that present opportunities to be the hands, feet, and voice of our Lord.” The Melancon family share that the Lord has used the seminary family and experience in a mighty way to create and fan a passion for the world. The most lasting impact upon their life was the emphasis on evangelism and the trustworthiness of God’s Word. “The very first thing God used to show me that we belonged at Mid-America was the emphasis upon evangelism.” They ask for fervent prayer in continuing to influence “the hard-to-reach, whether because of hostility toward Christians or simply because they are located in hard-toreach locations.”

By Pat Melancon MDIV–1989 and PHD–1997

The Witness | FALL 2015



hen wickedness is prevalent and financial markets are erratic and unreliable, where do we rest our faith? Horatio Gates Spafford lost much of his property in the Great Fire of Chicago of 1871. Two years later, he lost four daughters when their ship was struck by another vessel, killing hundreds of people. As he sailed over the location of the accident to meet with his wife, he penned these words to the hymn It Is Well with My Soul, “When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, when sorrows like sea billows roll; whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say, it is well, it is well with my soul.” OUR FAITH MAY BE TESTED in difficult times, but we can rest in God’s eternal words, Psalms 46:1: “God is our refuge and strength.” His Word requires us to be faithful in faithless times. When we are living by faith, we follow His statutes which leads to obedience to God in times of uncertainty. When obedience is present, it leads to authentic and humble service to the Lord. If we are living a faithless life, it leads to decisions motivated by fear. A recent Talk Money radio show, hosted by Shoemaker Financial, addressed the subject, “Roller Coaster Market.” Rusty Leonard, CEO of Steward Partners, shared that the recent erratic market shift was the direct product of panic selling. He said, however, people should not be fearful. Though there is still some natural concern, these concerns can end up helping the U.S. markets.

What now? Do we fear? Do we ignore? Or do we continue to live in a manner that indicates a life of placing our trust in the Lord?

WHAT NOW? DO WE FEAR? Do we ignore? Or do we continue to live in a manner that indicates a life of placing our trust in the Lord? As believers, we are blessed to have a Lord Who loves us with His immeasurable love. Ashley Clayton shares in Confessions of a Poor Money Manager a story of his father closely following behind a vehicle’s taillights through the Smoky Mountains on a dense foggy night. From his dad’s faithful example, his life was impacted as he learned to rely on the Lord’s wisdom and direction by moving forward in faith. From God’s amazing love, it creates in us a devotion of living a life that is in direct obedience to Him, and we know that it is always “well with my soul.”

By Duffy Guyton Chief Development Officer MABTS

The Witness | FALL 2015



2, 9 SonRise Breakfast 7 Ladies’ Prayer Fellowship Luncheon 9 Handel’s Messiah 11 Graduation Ceremony


2 Ladies’ Prayer Fellowship Luncheon 4,11, 18, 25 SonRise Breakfast 6 MABTS Fest


3 Ladies’ Prayer Fellowship Luncheon 7,14, 21, 28 SonRise Breakfast 20 Fall Preview Day


P.O. Box 2350 • Cordova, TN 38088-2350

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