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Attenention Graduates
ARB/ARC Information
ARB/ARC deadlines are the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month. The meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6:00 p.m., at The Community Service Office, 735 NE Lakewood Blvd.
Attention Graduating High School Seniors! Scholarship Opportunity
This year the Lakewood Garden Club is proud to offer two $500 scholarships to graduating high seniors with an expressed interest in the life and environmental sciences. These scholarships are open to all students living in Lakewood or Lees Summit that are attending Lees Summit North High School, Blue Springs South High School, or St. Michael the Archangel High School. Interested students can pick up an application from their respective high schools or at the LPOA Administration Office. Applications must be completed by Monday, March 21, 2022 and be submitted to either the students’ high school counselor or mailed to:
Lakewood Garden Club
Scholarship Committee 651 NE St. Andrews Circle Lees Summit, MO 64064