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HOA Payment Options
1. Mail it In
Mail your payment in the self-addressed envelope that accompanies your monthly statement.
2. Drop it Off at the Office or Drop Box
You can hand-deliver your payment or place in our drop box located directly across from our main doors under the canopy.
3. Lakewood Direct Debit (ACH)
Sign up to have your payment pulled via ACH from your checking or savings account through Lakewood. The ACH form is on our website (www.lpoa.com) or you can stop by the office and pick one up (must include a Voided check with your completed form). You can choose the debit to process on the 15th or the 25th of each month. We will pull the balance due as of the 1st day of each month which includes the current month’s dues and any miscellaneous charges from the prior month such as boat stickers, snack bar charges, Argyle meals, etc. There is NO fee for this service.
4. PayLease/Zego (fees apply)
You can process your payment through PayLease/Zego via our website (www.lpoa.com). Payment can be made using your bank account or credit card. Please note that it takes approximately 3-5 days for Lakewood to receive these funds, so plan accordingly. The fees charged by PayLease are a requirement from the various credit card companies and not affiliated with LPOA.
5. Personal Online Banking
Many residents make their monthly payment through their own bank online. These funds are not sent to us electronically. We receive an individual check from your bank that is mailed through the U.S. Postal system. Most of these checks do not come from your local bank but from the State that your bank’s main banking system is out of. Therefore, you will want to have the check sent out in enough time to travel via U.S. Mail (we suggest allowing at least 7-10 days before the 28th due date).