2 minute read
Board Meeting Minutes
by mac-lpoa
association members. There is an Appeals Committee also made up of your neighbors. We want to meet and get to know our neighbors out on the lake, at the pool, or having a glass of wine at the Argyle, not during an appeal of citations or suspensions.
So, please, know and understand the rules and regulations of the Lakewood Property Homeowners Association, which you decided to become a member when you purchased in Lakewood. We all want to have good neighbors and be good neighbors. Your board of directors looks forward to seeing you out enjoying all the best that Lakewood offers this summer. Have a fun and be safe.
April 14 • May 12 • June 9 Meetings take place at 6:30 p.m. at The Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse.
Lakewood Property Owners Association Board of Directors’ Meeting
Actions taken March 10, 2022
• Olympic Pool Management 2022 Contract • East Lake Play Park Design and Funding • LPOA Storage lot will remain open, Finance Committeeto review future user fees to fund Capital Improvements/Replacement • Policy 5 - remove sub paragraph 5, Boat Slip Lottery • Set Parcel Maintenance fees to $110 for Chapel Ridge Greens
• LPOA Reserve Investment Policy - remanded to Finance Committee for review and recommendation
Boat Registration stickers for 2022 are available at the LPOA office. The stickers are $5.00 for light water crafts (kayaks and standing paddle-boards), $35.50 for non-motorized and $90 for motorized boats. There is a $21.50 charge if you would like for staff to attach your stickers for you. There is an additional $8.50 charge if you do not purchase and apply your stickers for your previously registered watercraft by May 1, 2022. Community Service will be inspecting your boat for boat stickers and upkeep the beginning of May.
The Board of Directors Approved a change for the Chapel Ridge Greens parcel. This is effective May 1st. This is the official 30-day notice. Please view the charge below:
Chapel Ridge Greens Parcel
Home Watch
The Lee’s Summit Police Department offers a House Watch to be used when you are out of town. If you wish to be added to their House Watch List, please contact LSPD at 816-969-1700. Don’t forget to contact your LPOA Community Service Staff at 816-373-1500 so they can keep an extra eye on your property, as well.