3 minute read
From the Boardroom
by mac-lpoa
Terry White, Board Secretary
Hopefully, by the time you are reading this we are into full springtime. This is the time of year many residents, both new and long time, think about updates and remodeling the exterior of their homes and their landscape. They look forward to being outside and enjoying our many amenities.
I cannot stress enough the importance of reading your governing documents given to when you purchased a home in a neighborhood governed by an association. If you have never done so, please do it before beginning any improvement. The staff of Community Services is happy to help you with any questions. You will get correct answers. Please do not rely on “but my neighbor said,” no matter how well intentioned the neighbor.
The scenario is common, you purchase your home, and cannot wait to make it your own by installing new landscaping, a new color of paint, and a much larger deck for entertaining. The kids are excited to invite their friends to the pools, pleasure docks, and lake, with kayak in tow, for a summer of fun.
Assuming the family in the above scenario took the time to read and follow the association’s guidelines and rules, this turns out to be a perfect Lakewood summer. However, if they did not, it can become a less than ideal situation for all involved.
Landscaping, exterior paint, including changing the color of your front door, and deck upgrades require approval.
Every member and their dependents need current and valid Lakewood IDs to use the common areas and must stay with their guests while using the amenities. Remind your children to carry their ID with them when using the amenities. It is the responsibility of our Community Services employees to check for IDs on common ground and amenities, done for your welfare and safety. This year all dependents must get a new ID for 2022. If you are asked to show your ID, please do, and if you do not have your ID and are asked to leave an area, also please do, and return when you have it This is for the security of our amenities and members.
Pool Guest Passes will need to be purchased for any guests at the pools. Kayaks need a registration sticker and are purchased at the office.
What can happen if you do not seek approval for improvements or do not get a boat or kayak registration? Citations can be issued for these and other violations regarding your property. Violations, if not addressed, could result in fines assessed and several points, and can ultimately result in a suspension of amenity privileges for the whole family. This is not an outcome anyone wants to see.
Lakewood’s Policies, Rules, Regulations, and Architectural Guidelines can be found at lpoa.com. Everyone should have received a hard copy with their New Member Packet when they visited the office after closing on their property. Any questions about any of these documents should be directed to association staff at 816-373-4326.
It is important to know that violations carry not only monetary fines, but also points, which after the accumulation of 12 results in loss of all amenity privileges for the entire account. This can mean loss of pool privileges and all pool area activities for the entire family, and pleasure dock, boat rack and boat slip leasing privileges One of the unfortunate aspects of my nine years of board experience is having to address neighbors in this position. However, this is what we agree to when we purchased in a neighborhood with an active and responsible Property Owner’s Association.
Your Board of Directors is made up of neighbors and fellow