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2022 Election
by mac-lpoa
2022 Election – LPOA & LHC Board of Directors
2022 Election Timetable // Approved January 13, 2022
Jan. 13 (Thurs.) Board approves Election Timetable at regular board meeting Jan. 13 (Thurs.) Appointment & Ratification of 2022 Election Committee
Feb. 10 (Thurs.) Deadline for Election Committee “Election Process” submittal for March Ripples and Notification of Annual Meeting. Feb. 10 (Thurs.) Petitions for Candidacy available at LPOA offices
Mar. 9 (Wed.) 5:00 p.m. deadline for petitions, candidate questionnaires and pictures Mar. 9 (Wed.) Election Committee reviews petitions and certifies candidates Mar. 10 (Thurs.) Deadline for Election Committee, “The Candidates” submittal for April Ripples. Mar. 28 (Mon.) Access Codes are mailed to LPOA members by this date – Candidates questionnaires and pictures are published in April Ripples Mar. 30 (Wed.) Meet the Candidates Night (7:00 p.m. at Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse)
Apr. 5 (Tues.) Electronic voting begins at 8:00 a.m. Apr. 11 (Mon.) Final day for voting. Ballots must be cast electronically by 5:00 p.m. Apr. 11 (Mon.) Data sent to vote-now.com, including ineligible voters, to be removed from system. Apr. 19 (Tues.) Votenow.com tabulates final vote and sends results via FedEx. Apr. 20 (Wed.) Election Results received at LPOA Office. Apr. 21 (Thurs.) Election Committee receives detailed report from vote-now.com. Apr. 21 (Thurs.) LPOA Annual Meeting (7:00 p.m. at Lakewood Oaks Clubhouse) Apr. 21 (Thurs.) Election Committee opens and announces results of election of three new LPOA/LHC Board of Directors
May 12 (Thurs.) New Board members seated during New Business at May Board of Directors meeting
Board of Directors Electronic Voting Tip
Soon you will be receiving a voting letter with an access code for the 2022 LPOA Board of Directors election. Please note this tip to avoid confusion.
Tip: You will be provided a web address to input that will take you directly to an electronic ballot. This web address should be input into the address bar of your browser (see the arrow below). DO NOT enter the address into the Search Bar (see the Search Bar below). The example provided is for the Google page, but no matter which search engine you prefer, the area you type the web address will be same instructions.