Virtu 2020

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Fall 2020

A Letter from the Head of School James Milford

I’m very excited to share this Virtu with you. Within these pages are stories of our Maclay team and family overcoming some substantial obstacles...and doing so in extraordinary fashion. Maclay School has never had a year like 2020, but I do hear echoes of the past as I’ve seen the first half of this school year play out. For one, the use of outdoor spaces harkens back to the multiple alumni stories I’ve heard of students clearing land during physical education classes in the first few years. Now, we are not sending our kids out there with axes and rakes, but our students have enjoyed the outdoors during classes and lunch more than they have been able to in a long time. I’ve also heard some of the coaches would grill out every Friday for the students decades ago. Even though the number of burgers and hotdogs we need to make have multiplied with close to 1,000 students now, we truly enjoyed grilling for the school a few weeks back. Lastly, on this non-exhaustive list, is the spirit of a faculty who have remained focused on the possible during a very uncertain time. It is said, “When you focus on problems, you’ll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you’ll have more opportunities.” This has certainly been the mantra of ‘Team Maclay’ this year. The faculty have been hard at work finding, creating, and seizing opportunities that provide a great education and great experience for our students. That has been the mindset of our Maclay faculty since the school began on our beautiful 100 acres over 50 years ago, and I can promise, will continue to be our rallying cry as we visualize the possibility for our amazing community in 2021 and beyond. Go Marauders!

Board of Trustees 2020-2021 Members: Sarah Bascom Sally Bradshaw Kimberly Crowell (‘99) Allison Deison Chris Dudley Kiki Dunton Ted Frazee (‘98) Murray Moore, Chairman (‘83) Diana O’Bryant Alfredo Paredes Ananth Prasad Katrina Rolle, Past Chair Lori Rosenberg Chris Rumana Matt Thompson Ben Watkins, III (‘75)

Executive Committee: Murray Moore Chair Katrina Rolle Past-Chair Ben Watkins, III Kiki Dunton Ted Frazee

Fall 2020 | Volume 9 | Issue 17

Table of Contents


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2 | Covid 4 | 1School 1Community 6 | Lower School 8 | Middle School 10 | Upper School 12| The Arts 14 | Athletics 16 | Maclay Parent Organization 17 | Beck Family Innovation Center 26 | Annual Giving Report 36| Alumni Affairs

Cover Photo: The George Evans “G.E.” Light Conference and Collaboration Suite in the Beck Family Innovation Center. Photographer Scott Smith, Cade & Associates Contributors: Contributors: Kim McWilliams, Hannah Lambert, Ellen Agrella, Debbie Hurley, Morgan Lewis, Carri Smith, Garrett Robinson, Yearbook Staff, and Deborah Mayer. Design: Mamatey Graphic Design We make every effort to provide accurate information about the Maclay Community, and apologize for any errors or omissions. If you have story ideas for Virtu, please email: Have you had a great experience at Maclay? Give us a review! You can go to Google, Facebook, Private School Review, Niche, and Great Private Schools to share your positive feedback.


COVID A Different Kind of School Year The 2020-21 school year started like no other. A global pandemic adjusted all that we know, and the summer was filled with preparing our school and staff while physically making changes to campus that would keep our students and teachers as safe as possible. Over the summer, several additions were made on campus including adding handwashing and sanitizing stations, installing air purification filters in classrooms, establishing classroom cohorts, creating over a dozen outdoor classrooms, and adding plastic barriers to desks where social distancing was not possible – to name a few. We know our students need and that they want face-to-face instruction, but we also know the risk factors for some are too great. Our solution was to offer our families a virtual option called Concurrent Virtual Classroom (CVC). The CVC program, overseen by a former classroom teacher, was launched with the help of all the faculty who worked tirelessly, and our Technology Team who installed iPads, tv’s, and sound systems in every classroom so that CVC students were live in class. Our dedication to an “uninterrupted education” was an enormous task but the determination and flexibility of our Maclay administration, faculty, staff, and parents made it happen.

Guidance The Guidance Team has been actively supporting the students and faculty all year, acknowledging the challenges of isolation and loneliness that the pandemic has brought. They launched the Green Brain Campaign across all three divisions and worked with students to find and nurture their green brain by offering support and help with coping skills. This fall, Mr. Milford hosted Mr. Van and new counselors Jayme McIntyre and Tammy Eubanks in a threepart webinar series Stress and Anxiety, Finding Balance, and Mindfulness. 2

A New Appreciation for the Outdoors If there was a silver lining to COVID-19, it would have to be the addition of outdoor classrooms and spaces on our 100 beautiful acres. Events such as the honor signing and inductions, along with classes and lunches, were shifted to the outdoors where tents, picnic tables, and Adirondack chairs were added across campus. Students even enjoyed pop-up concerts in the grassy area performed by the Maclay Music Club.

Faculty Fridays It’s no secret that the school year has brought new stresses to the job of many teachers and our faculty rose to the occasion! Each Fridays, Mr. Milford and the administration said thank you in small and meaningful ways including food truck lunch, treats in the lounges, snacks, coffee bars, and a chili lunch before the winter break.

Pen Pals Since there have been a limited number of opportunities for students to interact throughout each division, the Upper School students have pen pals in the Lower School. Students from the Upper School wrote letters to the youngest Marauders on campus keeping the One School One Community feel on campus. 3

1School 1Community

Remembering September 11th This year, the Marauders participated in a school-wide moment of silence and tribute to the memory of victims of 9/11. Librarian David Low (‘05) put together a video of remembrance which was narrated by senior Nick Cicchetti and Middle Schooler Caroline Couch.

DEDICATION DAY Maclay School Dedication Day was held November 12th and was a chance for our community to come together and celebrate Maclay! Parents, grandparents, and alumni were invited to participate virtually with us throughout the day. The morning started with eleven Zoom-In to Class opportunities where visitors could sit in on Digital Photography, Advanced Honors English, or even Mythology class, to name a few. During the day, the Admissions Team of Michael Obrecht and Garrett Robinson (’98) along with Head of School James Milford took guests on a virtual campus tour, which included many favorite spaces on campus and some new areas too. Several of our alumni teachers recorded a Day in the Life video giving guests a glimpse into their lives during the school day. Mr. Milford and Mr. Beamer took to the big grill at lunch and cooked students and faculty burgers. The day wrapped up with a special ‘Alumni Toast to Alfred’ Zoom Social. Over 40 alumni from all over the country participated in the virtual event which was hosted by alums Cindy Thomas (’86) and co-faculty member and husband Dean Gargiulo (’87) who provided lots of entertainment during the trivia contest. 4

Guardian Ad Litem Maclay clubs and classes were happy once again to participate in the collection of holiday gifts for the children in the Guardian Ad Litem holiday drive. Though we missed being about to fill our shopping carts this year, sixteen various groups, service clubs, and classes collected over $2600 in gift cards, diapers, wipes, and electronics given to 416 children in the Big Bend area.

Ugly Sweater Day It’s not December without Milford’s Ugly Sweater Day. There is always steep competition every year, and 2020 was no exception. This year’s winners received gift cards to the TruBru Coffee Shop in the Beck Family Innovation Center.

MACLAY GOES PINK Maclay School once again participated in the annual “Pink Day” supporting Breast Cancer Awareness. The Upper School Anchor Club sponsored the One School event and provided age-appropriate informational videos and a pink-themed bake sale. Proceeds were donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. 5

LOWER SCHOOL NEWS Aztec Inventions Students in Mrs. Chambers’ fifth grade Social Studies class held breakout rooms with CVC classmates. They worked together in groups to solve the mystery of Aztec Inventions.

Community Helpers

Scarf, Hat, and Glove Drive

Kindergarten students kicked off the school year learning about community helpers. They celebrated the end of the unit by dressing as their favorite community helpers including pediatricians, veterinarians, and teachers.

Lower School Student Council sponsored a hat, glove, and scarf drive benefitting local children in need. Pictured is LSSC President Maggie Robinton with some of the donations collected.

Barcelona Zoom with 3rd Grade

Grateful Gathering The annual First Grade Grateful Gathering looked different this year, but students were still able to share what they are grateful for. Librarian David Low (‘05) helped students record video messages to share with the Maclay community. 6

Third graders in Jennifer Dickson’s class had a zoom meet and greet with a school in Barcelona during Spanish class with Senora Willis!

Polar Express Our Pre-K 4 students visited Langford Hall in their pajamas to watch the Polar Express and enjoy popcorn right before the winter break.

Mrs. Harris Retires The Lower School and Kid’s Club Aftercare will sure miss Libba Harris. Mrs. Harris retired in December, but not before being celebrated by faculty and students.

Tropicana Lower School students participated in the 4-H Tropicana Speech Contest in December. First place went to Emmie Kutter, second place, Krish Patel, and third place, Raquel Gonzalez Loumiet. Pictured left to right are Raquel Gonzalez Loumiet, Emmie Kutter, Alice Frazee, Bleakley Shettle, Henry O’Rourke, and Krish Patel. 7


Junior Beta Induction The Middle School Junior Beta Induction ceremony took place on the lawn this year and included just the 55 members but was streamed live to parents. Beta President Collins Barton and faculty sponsor Maggie Masferrer along with Barbara Rubio-Gomez and student musicians took part in the program. Students in Jr. Beta must be service-minded and have a qualifying GPA to apply.

COTA Fun Run Students in Miss Parisi’s Community Outreach Through the Arts (COTA) class participated in a Glow Fun Run this fall. All proceeds from the run benefit Shands Children’s Hospital.

COTA challenges students to examine their community and its needs, then address those needs through arts initiatives. Students collaborate to create art projects that directly and positively impact both the Maclay and Tallahassee communities. 8

Astronaut Guest Speaker Middle School students had a virtual meeting with Astronaut Terry Virts to discuss his new book, How to Astronaut - An Insider’s Guide to Leaving Planet Earth. Virts is one of only four astronauts in history to have piloted a space shuttle, flown a Russian Soyuz spacecraft, performed spacewalks, and commanded the International Space Station. The virtual meeting was made possible by Tallahassee’s independent bookstore, The Midtown Reader.

Student Astronaut Challenge The Middle School Student Astronaut team is focusing their scientific research on increasing an astronaut’s lung capacity while practicing for the competition at Kennedy Space Center they qualified for earlier this year. The team practices in the Computer Science, Robotics, & Engineering lab in the Beck Family Research Center under the direction of faculty sponsor Cameron Barton.

Science Fair Researchers Middle School students Caroline Couch and Belen Rambana have been working on data collection for their science fair experiment with faculty members Ariel Evans and Rachel Paul. Their work is being done in the Marie E. Krafft Biomedical & Applied Student Research Lab in the Beck Family Research Center which has dedicated laboratory space for student research.



National Merit Semifinalists Four Maclay Seniors were named as National Merit Semifinalists this year. Annette Lu, Victor Oguledo, Michael Sweeney and Ella McConnell, were among 16,000 students from across the country recognized as the highest scorers in the nation representing less than one percent of each state’s high school seniors.


The Honor Code Signing has been a long-standing tradition at Maclay. Freshmen, new students, and new Upper School faculty take part in a ceremony including signing the Book of Honor, which is housed in the Langford Library. This year’s event was moved to the grassy lawn between the Upper School and Library but continued to portray the significance and symbolism of the Maclay Honor Code. Rep. Dean Cannon was the guest speaker and students from each division provided music. Since the event was live-streamed, classes from kindergarten to 8th grade were able to view the ceremony.


Career Day Career Day was virtual this year but still offered an opportunity for our Upper School students to hear from a wide array of professionals. Nearly 20 guest speakers, including several alumni, hosted Zoom rooms for students where they gave an overview of their professional journey and finished with a Q&A. 10

The Homecoming activities were slightly different this year, but campus was still spirited with the dress-up days and break time contests. The week ended with an indoor presentation of the Homecoming Court and the crowning of the 2020 Homecoming King and Queen Cade Smith and Caroline Higdon.

Halloween We may be wearing masks every day, but we couldn’t let Halloween go by without having some fun. The Upper School teachers decked out as their favorite Harry Potter character and created some serious magic in the quad!

LEGAL ISSUES Thanks to the newly launched Parent-in-Residence program, a Legal Issues course was offered this year. Attorney Elizabeth Ricci is the instructor and has brought a wealth of speakers in including a first-year law student, a clinical psychologist, a social issues reporter, local and out-of-state judges, and attorneys whose practices include elections law and military law. Florida’s State Attorney Jack Campbell was one guest who spoke to students about the controversial Stand Your Ground law, the castle doctrine, and affirmative defenses. The students also participated in a Scholar Exchange program with the National Constitution Center and have six more sessions scheduled next semester. The class is a great way to learn about current events in law and legal issues directly from experts.

Notes from the Underground Maclay students in the Creative Writing and Literary Publications class held a release party for the newest addition of literary journal Notes from the Underground (NFTU) - a student-run publication of poetry, short stories, essays, and art. The class taught by Dr. Craig Beaven has gained a national reputation over the last several years and is for students who are passionate about literature and the arts and committed to bringing the incredible work of their peers to a wide audience. Notes for the Underground is the main project for class members who serve as contributors and editors, but other students are encouraged to submit their work or apply for editorial positions. On Friday, December 4, the class unveiled this year’s edition of Notes from the Underground at a launch party, which was attended by several Maclay alumni editors, fellow classmates, teachers, and even Rowdy the ‘Rauder. New this year was a short awards presentation for best in poetry, fiction, art, and essay.

The NFTU class also announced the launch of the new student-created website for the on-line journal which will elevate the publication to a national-level and begin accepting works submitted by high school students from across the country.


The ARTS Marauder Dance Company Nutcracker Marauder Dance Company held a Nutcracker Camp in early December. More than 20 students Kindergarten through 5th spent the week learning dance routines, creating costumes, and filming performances. MDC Parents received a digital copy of MDC’s The Nutcracker Ballet performance in lieu of a live recital.

Graphic Design Memory Project


Graphic Design students were partnered with children from Syria and created portraits of each other as part of The Memory Project, a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting intercultural understanding and kindness between children around the world through school-based art programs. Since 2004, the organization has coordinated the delivery of 180,000 portraits to children in 55 countries.

Refractive Art in Photography Upper School students in Kaitlyn Dressel’s photography class created Refractive Art projects inspired by Suzanne Saroff’s photographs. Refraction is when light bends passing through water, causing the objects behind to change appearance.

Thespians Qualify for State Congratulations to our Upper School Drama Troupe who participated in the 2020 Florida International Thespian Society North West Regional Festival. We entered 15 events with all students qualifying for State with Excellent & Superior ratings. The event was held virtually this year, but Maclay continues to provide a space for lights to shine, for students to create, and for the arts to thrive. Good luck to our Thespians at State!

The 2020 Youth Art Winter Festival The Winter Festival looked different this year without an awards ceremony but Maclay artists still took numerous awards. Sixteen student artists submitted their work to the annual event sponsored by the Council of Culture and Arts. 6th grader Sophia Fasig took best overall in the Middle School division.

HARVEST TIME BROUGHT INSPIRATION Each student in Ms. Painter’s Upper School Foundations of Art Classes painted a yellow polka-dot pumpkin that came together to become a collaborative installation inspired by Kusama’s installation All the Eternal Love I Have for the Pumpkins from her Infinity Room series. Yayol Kusama is a contemporary Japanese artist, working in a variety of media but is especially known for her installations, where the viewer becomes an active part of the artwork itself. The artwork was displayed in the Beck Family Innovation Center and students from all divisions came by to experience it.

Tessa Cooper was one of the artists featured in the Winter Festival.


ATHLETICS Volleyball

The Marauder volleyball team had a challenging start maneuvering through COVID and new FHSAA regulations but were excited to begin a new era under the direction of Coach Daijah Washington. Junior Kate Krizner led the team with 107 kills and 45 blocks in the season and was named to the 2nd team All-Big Bend. The young squad went 5-8 on the season but had big wins over JPII and NFC and will look to continue to improve under the upcoming talents of Amelia Haggins and Rachel Bethke.


The 2020 Football season certainly provided many challenges but opened the 2020 campaign with an impressive 27-13 victory over Brookwood. In addition, the team had victories over Liberty County (38-7), Lafayette (38-14), and Cottondale (43-24) to end the season 4-5. All 5 losses were to playoff teams and 3 of the 5 were versus teams who made it to the regional final. The leadership of the team was impressive from the start and included four Team Captains (Joe Butler, Kennan Milford, Jim Murrah and Broedy Poppell) who led the program as we strive to build men of character.

Though our One School State Celebrations looked different this year, the Upper School still took time out to cheer on the student-athletes who made it to the state tournament in the fall!



It was a return to state prominence for the Maclay Swimming team under the direction of head coach Pavel Sankovich, the two-time Big Bend Coach of the Year. After finishing runner-up at the District Championship, the Marauders had a strong Regional showing, including recording ten personal bests and having six individuals and two relay teams qualify for state. Senior Dimitri Nakis was named All Big-Bend Co-Swimmer of the Year after a 5th place finish in the 200 free style state race and was part of three school records in relays. The girls team was led by Meg Howell who placed 11th in the 200 free style at state and the consistent performance from freshman Kaitlyn Guyer.


It was a great season for both the boys and girls golf teams this season as both teams returned to the state tournament. Girls coach Cindy Stockstill was named All-Big Bend Coach of the Year after an undefeated season that included a district championship. The team’s trio of Amanda Gerrish, Annika Dean, and freshman Ellie Jane Riner led the Marauders to finish as the top girls team in the Big Bend. The boys team coached by Joe Kupiszewski was led by newcomer Lee Poppell who placed 10th at the state tournament. The highlight of their season was a victory of two-time state champion Chiles.

Cross Country

All-Big Bend Boys Coach of the Year Angie Milford once again led a team of young runners who exceeded expectations for the season with both teams finishing in the top five in the state. Senior Jackson Yarbrough took second place at state by a few seconds. Freshman Gracie Koeppel placed 11th and led the girls team.

Warner Inducted into Hall of Fame The Florida Athletic Coaches Association held its 45th Annual Hall of Fame induction on January 9th in Daytona Beach. Five outstanding coaches were inducted into this year’s Hall of Fame including Maclay School’s longtime soccer coach Andy Warner. Warner’s soccer career has spanned over 40 years. He came to Maclay under a one-year commitment in 1990 and 30 years later amassed 465 wins, four state championships, and six runner-up finishes while leading the Marauders. Warner has also made an impact on the community with his soccer expertise. He founded the successful soccer organization Warner Soccer, developing soccer throughout the Southeastern region. He is viewed as a soccer pioneer after becoming a founding member of the World Cup 1994 bid (1988-1994), a consultant for Major League Soccer (1994-1995), Consultant for Disney Sports (19941995) organizing the first International Adult Soccer Tournament (1994), and a founding member of the Eastern Indoor Soccer League, and Co-owner of the Tupelo Hound Dogs. He has also worked as a color commentator for Sunshine Sports and Fox Sports South.


Maclay Parent Organization A Picture-Perfect Parent Partnership The Maclay Parent Organization (MPO) has made their mark at Maclay School through the years, enriching the culture with a variety of talents and skills that keeps families engaged. When faced with a year of limited in-person and on-campus access, MPO stepped up to the challenges with creativity and unmatched dedication to support our faculty and staff from afar, volunteering virtually to help teachers, making special deliveries to new families, and offering enthusiastic support and encouragement. As a token of appreciation for the outstanding work done by our teachers each day, MPO organized a Family Photo Day this fall, with Maclay parent photographers Langley Clark and Jennifer Powell, to help faculty check an item off of their to-do lists and take holiday photos with their families. We love seeing the smiling faces of our outstanding faculty, and are so grateful for the parent partnerships that make the Maclay community shine.

A Word From Your MPO Chairs MPO is fundamental to what makes our school and community so great.  Each parent’s involvement does not go unnoticed and we believe it’s truly what sets us apart.  Every idea, service hour, helping hand is what makes the Maclay experience special and this year we need your support more than ever.  Even though at times, we may be physically distanced or unable to connect in the traditional ways we have become accustomed to, MPO warmly welcomes all new ideas and anyone that would like to be involved to make this school year as best as it can be for everyone!   Haley Frazee Alice ’28, Quinn ‘29 Stephanie VanLandingham Piper ‘33 To connect with opportunities to be involved with our school community, visit 16


Beck Family Innovation Center

After years of visioning, planning,

gathering input, and remarkable generosity from our school community, the Beck Family Innovation Center’s doors opened for student use earlier this fall. This state-of-the-art facility is the culmination of the dream of many and provides new and innovative spaces for Maclay’s students and faculty to learn, collaborate, and nurture their interests and passions. The 21,000 square foot facility is the largest capital improvement to Maclay’s campus in recent years and was a process that was led by members of our Maclay community from start to finish. As the Beck Family Innovation Center opened, we are so proud that it was designed, built, and supported by our community, from the initial conceptual sketches for the spaces, to the landscape design and signage that welcomes students as they enter the facility and the spaces inside. 17

Beck Family Innovation Center

The Beck Family Innovation Center creates new homes for the following programs: • Upper School Administrative Offices & College Counseling Offices • Student Commons, providing flexible space for gatherings, collaboration, and performances • Upper School STEM Program, providing 6 new state of the art STEM Labs for Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Computer Science, Robotics, and Engineering • Gallery Space to highlight the work of our alumni, student, and community artists • A School Store, offering coffee, food, and spirit gear for use by our students, faculty, and parents This project provides facilities to match the ambitions of our outstanding faculty and students. We are thrilled to begin a new chapter in Maclay’s academics with this new facility impacting students across all Divisions. 18

Dedicated Spaces The spaces within the Beck Family Innovation Center are designed for collaboration and innovation among students and faculty. We are so grateful to the many individuals who made this possible for our students and our community through the following named spaces within the facility.

SCIENCE LABS THE OWENBY FAMILY COMPUTER SCIENCE, ROBOTICS, & ENGINEERING LAB Carl & Helen Owenby, Ermine Owenby, Helen Errahali ‘03, John A. Owenby ‘07, William C. Owenby ‘12, Evan Han ‘10, Chris Bang ‘12, Willy Kim ‘13 BECK FAMILY INNOVATION CENTER Daniel, Kristian, Nicholas ’13, Jon Luke ’15, Anneke ’17, Jillian ’20 The iTHINK Initiative and transformation of Maclay’s campus made possible as part of this effort has been made possible through the transformative generosity and leadership of Mike & Kelly ’76 Beck. The Beck Family’s commitment to excellence in education, innovation in science, and support for Maclay’s future has enabled a new level of excellence and innovation on our campus. LANGFORD HALL Langford Hall provides a space on campus for the full school community. Made possible through the generosity of Lawton ’75 & Beth Langford, parents of Giles ’07, and Callie Corbin ’10. LECTURE & PRESENTATION STAGE made possible by Drs. Jeannine Silberman & Joseph Gray THE LIGHT COLLEGE CONFERENCE & COLLABORATION SUITE Dedicated in loving memory of George Evans, “G.E.” Light ’81, Harvard ’85, Stanford ‘96 THE COLLEGE COUNSELING CENTER Dedicated in memory of Robert C. Webster, through the support of the many generous donors to the Webster Memorial Fund. THE ROSENBERG FAMILY COURTYARD

THE SMITH FAMILY CHEMISTRY LAB Jay ‘92, Bri ‘94, Avery ‘20, Kate ‘22, Claire ‘26 THE TETREAULT FAMILY BIOLOGY LAB Scott & Karen Tetreault, Ethan ‘20 THE RUMANA FAMILY PHYSICS LAB Rachel ‘17, Ryan ‘19


The Beck Family Innovation Center creates a new home for the Upper School Administrative Offices and the School’s College Counseling Center.

THE SUBER FAMILY Jesse F. Suber ’76, Mark M. Suber ’77, Karl L. Suber ’81, Jamie B. Suber, II ‘83 DR. PAT & MARY JANE WOODWARD Patrick Munroe Woodward, Jr. ’80, Fred May Woodward ’82, Daniel Love Woodward ’84, Edward Curry Woodward ‘90 DEREK & ROBY BETHKE THE LAWSON FAMILY THE LOEB FAMILY Cecilia Drew Loeb ’79 & Peter Loeb, M.D. Alexander ’08, Madeleine ’10


These study areas, located in Langford Hall, provide a convenient and comfortable place for students to gather to collaborate, study, and meet with faculty. HANK & KELLY HUTCHINSON George ’16, Isabel ’19, Sean ‘24 THE BEATY FAMILY William ’27, Henry ’29, Charley ‘35 THE BROWN FAMILY Junious “Jay” Brown IV ‘20, Evan Brown ‘23 THE DEISON FAMILY Hunt ’20, Oakley ’23, Mae ‘25 THE BETHKE FAMILY Jared ’19, Jacob ’21, Rachel ‘23 THE FIXEL FAMILY THE DOBAK FAMILY McKenzie Grace ’32, John Michael ‘32

INNOVATION CORNERSTONES   KIKI DUNTON & JOHN HUGILL Jackson ’19, Abigail ‘22   DR. GARY & KATRINA ROLLE Garrison ’15, Gavin ’20, Garrett ’21, Gabrielle ‘22 DR. SANDEEP & ANAMIKA RAHANGDALE Ketan ’11, Aneesh ‘16 THE GUSTAFSON FAMILY Winton ‘19




Beck Family Innovation Center We are incredibly grateful to the team that made this facility a reality on our campus and are thankful for the leadership of our construction partners and Maclay family subcontractors that provided exemplary work on this project. It was important for Maclay that this project was led by our community members and we are so grateful for the great work they did to bring this building to fruition for our students: Ajax Construction EMI Architects Albritton Electrical Service Benners Contracting, Inc. Capital City Bank


Greenscapes Design & Co. Phoenix Fire Protection Keith Lawson Company, Inc. Kolekted Home Rowe Roofing

MS Signs Ultimate Fencing Shaffield Building Specialties Design Outdoors, Ed Blissard ‘99

iTHINK Initiative Donors The Beck Family Innovation Center and Beck Family Research Center were made possible through the collective generosity of the donors below. Their support of Maclay’s iTHINK Initiative and vision for the future of the school has made these innovative facilities and curricular enhancements possible for Maclay’s current and future students and faculty. Launched in 2018, the iTHINK Initiative reimagined the school’s curriculum, campus, and classrooms through hands-on, experiential learning, and state-of-the-art facilities.

The Beck Family Dr. Robert A. Holton | Lawton & Beth Langford | Drs. Jeannine Silberman & Joseph Gray Dr. & Mrs. Robley Light | The Owenby Family | The Rosenberg Family | JNB Farms Derek & Roby Bethke | The Firman Fund | Scott & Karen Tetreault | The Transou Family Ajax Construction The Cherashore Family Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Davenport Chris & Susanne Dudley

Narlin & Eva Beaty Junious & Monesia Brown The Deison Family Dr. William & Melissa Dobak Ken & Marilynn Evert The Fixel Family Jimmy & Josie Gustafson Kiki Dunton & John Hugill Hank & Kelly Hutchinson Chip & Susan Johnson Diana & Mark O’Bryant Katrina & Gary Rolle Shaffield Building Specialties Bill & Paula Smith Karen & Jason Unger Sarah & Mike Bascom John & Nellie Bastien Memorial Foundation Paul & Sally Bradshaw Austin & Lisa Jackson John & Rebecca Matthews Ann & Joe Mitchell Mary & Jeff Phipps Jay & Stephanie Pichard Rodney & Pamela Shelton Scott & Jennifer Brookins David & Brooke Browning

Lina & Dean Knox The Lawson Family Cecilia & Peter Loeb, M.D. Sandeep & Anamika Rahangdale

Florida Power & Light Company Ted & Haley Frazee Wes & Emillye James Anna & Daniel Koeppel Tim & Gerry Phipps Crit & Dee Ann Smith & their daughters Whitney & Mary Crit John & Susan Thomas Mary & Hugh VanLandingham Ben & Joy Watkins Tenley & Stan Barnes Christine & Tony Boulos Matt & Sheri Bryan Anne-Marie & Glenn Burhans Will, Carmen & John Fletcher Butler Joanna & Frederick Corpuz Betsy & Cory Couch Kim & Angelo Crowell Culliton Family Kathy & Jim Dahl Drs. Christopher & Shanna Daniels Chase & Michelle Dickson Gail & Chris Eldred Whitney & David Ellis Rosemary Farrell Kara & Martin Hackney The Howard Family Dr. & Mrs. Arjun & Diane Kaji

Kristine & Farhat Khairallah Morgan & Bradford Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo S. Lombard Emory & Autumn Mayfield John McFarlain & Ellen Camp McFarlain (‘85) Jill & Tim Meenan Sara & Jeff Merrill James & Angie Milford Murray & Corbin Moore Ricardo & Rosemary Pavon Ananth & Sunita Prasad Rudi & Kari Rowe Daniel & Caroline Scheer Brian & Erika Snow Kevin & Mary Jayne Sokolow Ryan Collins & Hettie Spooner Mary Owen & Gordon Thames Mat & Jess Tharpe Brady & Brett Thompson David & Melanie Walker Sutton & Holly Webb Alisha & Ryan Wetherell James & Ginny Yearty Sebastian Ahmed The Tunnicliff/Amos Family Allison & Josh Aubuchon Brenda & John Brown

The Rumana Family Jay & Bri Smith The Suber Family Dr. Pat & Mary Jane Woodward

Kathryn E. Cashin Ann & Seth Coffin Janine & Jeff Couch Nina & Turner Davis Susan Lumpp & Keith Finlayson Drs. Tim & Jill Fitzpatrick Brian & Michel Gregory William & Ellen Jablon Rob & Wendy Kerr Mary Katharine & Will Lawler Robert & Kristy Leparulo J.R & Brittany Long Ted & Amy Nation Stacy & Pat Paddack Alfredo & Maria Paredes Lucas Alan Perdue, Class of 2030 Lee Phillips Jason & Rebecca Pustejovsky Courtney & Nathan Roberts Nathan Ray & Monica Rodriguez Marcia Catherine & Joseph Sasson William & Sophie Smith Caulley & Joe Soto David, Meredith & Darsey Strange Erik & Melissa Tate C.B. & Anna Upton Jake & Stephanie VanLandingham


A Science Legacy at Maclay The tradition of excellence and innovation within Maclay’s science program has been a mainstay of the program and school curriculum for decades. Maclay students have long benefitted from the leadership within this program. The dream for a new Science building was a longtime goal of the school. These spaces within the Beck Family Innovation Center honor the commitment and vision of these individuals who nurtured student interests and passions over the years in this field and established the excellent program the school offers today.

The Dr. Thomas C. Lewis Biology Wing Remembered as the first true Head of Maclay’s Upper School, Dr. Lewis played a significant role in the academic history of Maclay School as well as in the lives of the students and faculty he mentored. Eager to share his knowledge with the students who sought it, he served as a teacher, administrator, and mentor at Maclay for 37 years, offering fair-minded and understanding support to all. Dr. Lewis was first hired under the leadership of Head of School Bill Jablon as a teacher in IPS, Biology, and Advanced Biology, and as the Key Club Sponsor. He quickly distinguished himself in the Maclay community as both a parent and faculty member. As the Science Department at Maclay grew with the completion of the Science Center in 1983, Dr. Lewis took on the leadership of the program as the Science Department Head, moving on to oversee curriculum for the Upper School, serving as the Assistant Head of the Upper School, and later as the Head of the Upper School. Advocates for the growth of the school and Science Department, Dr. Lewis and Mr. Jablon were awarded an Edward E. Ford grant, which supported new resources for the Science Center that laid the foundation for the scope of the program that exists today. Dr. Lewis’ impact on Maclay is far reaching, especially in his forward-thinking approach to integrating technology on campus.  The thoughtful decisions he made laid the groundwork for Maclay 22

to be a leader in the field as technology progressed. During his tenure, Dr. Lewis initiated the Science Fair in the Upper and Middle Schools, the incorporation of Advanced Placement curriculum in the Science Department, as well as the thoughtful integration of school administration software that allowed the school to operate efficiently. Dr. Lewis was awarded the Joseph B. Whitehead Educator Distinction for his exemplary dedication to the field of education. Even through his retirement in 2015, Dr. Lewis remained dedicated in his work to the School, serving part-time in administrative and scheduling support for Upper School students. His service and impact on Maclay as an institution include the remarkable accomplishment of teaching Advanced Placement Biology for 33 years, his instruction changing and evolving, always remaining current and in line with the tremendous and complex advances in biology over that time span. Over the course of his 37 years of leadership and service at Maclay School, Dr. Lewis had an impact on an entire generation of students, encouraging curiosity and growth and demonstrating to his students and colleagues that all questions have merit.  His contributions to Maclay and to the Science program are a treasured part of his remarkable legacy of service and have an ongoing impact through the work of the many Maclay alumni whom Dr. Tom Lewis taught and led.

Judy King

Judy King was a beloved educator and Chair of the Science Department at Maclay School for 22 years whose vision for innovation in science led the development of the school’s curriculum, competition, and creative application in the field to that of an exceptional reputation. Mrs. King devoted countless hours to individual tutoring and coaching, establishing excellent outcomes of Maclay students in regional, state, national, and international competitions. Mrs. King was a patient mentor, who notably coached the winner of the Best in Physics award at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in 2000.  Mrs. King pioneered a Sunday afternoon exam review tradition at Maclay and embodied the Maclay spirit of community with her lively nature and eagerness to be involved. She worked tirelessly to keep the need for a new science building in the plans for Maclay’s future.

Tyler Rowland ‘07 September 14, 1988 - March 26, 2010

A 2007 Maclay graduate, Tyler Rowland left an exceptional legacy in Maclay’s science program. He demonstrated a rare balance of unstoppable curiosity, determination, and enthusiasm for life at all times. Admired by both faculty and students alike, Tyler approached his academic endeavors with the same optimism as he approached his life. He was never deterred by setbacks, and was dedicated to his efforts in Science competition, ultimately winning numerous awards for his work with kudzu, looking at ways to transition the invasive species to alcohol for fuel. Always committed to helping others succeed, Tyler could often be found collaborating with and supporting his peers. A spirited competitor outside of the classroom as well, he was a valued player on the tennis team and took every opportunity to cheer on his teammates and attend various school events. Tyler’s love for Maclay and science was constant through his lifetime. 23

Beck Family Innovation Center Gallery Returning Home:

Selected Works by Julie Miller Torres ’98, LM18 This fall, following the opening of the Beck Family Innovation Center, Maclay welcomed home, Julie Miller Torres, ’98 LM18 as the inaugural exhibition in the Beck Family Innovation Center Gallery. Julie spent the week inspiring our students, connecting with fellow alumni, and working with our faculty in the Fine Arts Department. She generously and graciously shared insights about her work and process with students in all Divisions, encouraging their creative process and answering questions about her detailed and intricate pieces. Julie Miller Torres was born in Boise, Idaho, and was raised in Tallahassee, Florida. After attending Maclay from Pre-K through 12th grades, Julie went on to earn a Bachelor of Arts and a Juris Doctor from the University of Florida in 2002 and 2005 respectively, a Master of Law from the University of Miami in 2008, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Printmaking from the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) in 2016. Julie is an Atlanta-based artist specialized in the medium of printmaking and has had numerous accomplishments in her artistic career including being recently named a 2020 Finalist for the Sustainable Arts Foundation Award out of 1,800 applicants. Torres practiced law for seven years prior to attending SCAD. This experience is reflected in the subject matter of her work which explores the balance between various systems: natural and artificial; societal and legal. She incorporates text from legal documents into her art counterbalanced by an aesthetic of delicacy to create an interplay between content and form. Julie’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and is included in private and public collections including those of Delta Airlines, Ritz Carlton, J.W. Marriott, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Sara Blakely and the Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation. She most recently exhibited her work with Jennifer Balcos Gallery at Pulse Art Fair and with September Gray Fine Art at Art Palm Beach. To welcome Julie back to campus and provide an opportunity for fellow alumni to see her work, the Maclay Alumni Association hosted a welcome reception for classmates and former faculty of Julie’s.


“I love Tallahassee and I love Maclay and no matter where I have gone, no matter what I have tried to do, I have always known that my foundation was strong, that I have received the best education, and that I had the encouragement to make the most of the opportunities that came my way.” “I am truly grateful for the education I received at Maclay. It is an honor to return to share my artwork with Maclay students, parents, and alumni.” -Julie Miller Torres

“We are thrilled to be able to exhibit Julie’s work in this new, inspiring gallery space on campus. Having her work here for our students and school community to view is one of the many highlights of the opening of our new Beck Family Innovation Center. Pairing creativity, inspiration, art, and design, with the sciences and other STEM fields creates exciting opportunities for our nearly 1,000 students and faculty to be inspired to collaborate and work across disciplines. We are so grateful that Julie returned home to Maclay to share this work with us all.” – James Milford, Head of School


Annual Giving Report


Annual Giving Report & Donor Lists Cumulative Giving

The list below recognizes cumulative gifts to the school over the period of August 1, 2019 – December 10, 2020 through various sources including the Maclay Fund, Capital Projects and other school initiatives. We are incredibly grateful for the tremendous generosity and remarkable commitment that the donors below have shown ensuring the best possible resources and educational experience for Maclay’s students.

Alfred B. Maclay, Jr. Circle The Beck Family

Maclay Oak Circle

Lawton & Beth Langford Dr. Robert A. Holton Drs. Jeannine Silberman & Joseph Gray

Cartee Circle

Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Bethke Mr. & Mrs. Thad Beshears John & Ellen Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Robley J. Light Rex Lumber Drs. Laurence & Lori Rosenberg Ms. Eleanore P. Rosenberg Sally & Mark Rosser Mr. & Mrs. Jay Smith Scott and Karen Tetreault


Ajax Building Corporation Bessemer Trust Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Davenport Carl L. Owenby, Jr. & Helen G. Owenby


Junious & Monesia Brown Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cherashore Dr. William & Mrs. Melissa Dobak Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Evert Firman Fund Kelly & Hank Hutchinson Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Rumana Schwab Charitable Tripp & Susie Transou


Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bascom Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC John & Nellie Bastien Memorial Foundation Mr. Daniel P. Bowen John T. Burnette & Kimberly Rivers Burnette Construction & Development, LLC 26

Jim & Kathy Dahl, Dahl Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. George W. Davis II Elliott Marshall Innes PA John Hugill & Kirsten Dunton Mr. & Mrs. Chip Johnson The Matheson Family Mr. & Mrs. John Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pichard Shaffield Building Specialties, Inc. Simpson Nurseries, LAA Dr. & Mrs. Pat M. Woodward


Dr. & Mrs. Narlin Beaty The Benevity Community Impact Fund Ed Blissard Mr. & Mrs. M. Scott Brookins Dr. Timothy G. Grayson & Dr. Mary Anne Bullard Mr. & Mrs. Carlos E. Campo Tom & Kim Daniel Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Dean Frazee Partners, LLC Bettie Jane Grant Dr. Shayibu Harruna & Mrs. Jamilatu Futa Mr. & Mrs. Brecht Heuchan Wes & Emillye James Drs. Matthew & Janice Lawson Dr. Daniel P. Mears & Dr. Emily A. Leventhal Mr. & Mrs. Ryals McMullian The Owenby Family Limited Partnership LLLP Dr. Gary & Katrina Rolle Bill & Paula Smith Shirley J. Whitsitt Mr. & Mrs. Terry Widener Mrs. Marion Wilson Ultimate Fencing, LLC


Capital City Bank Group Gannon & Josh Cooper Dr. & Mrs. Garrett Chumney

Driven Brands US Chris & Susanne Dudley Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Commerce Credit Union Ted & Haley Frazee The Gustafson Family John Ho Robert & Laura Hosay Mr. Dan Koeppel & Dr. Anna Koeppel Mr. & Mrs. Will Lawler Rick & Nancy McClure James & Angie Milford North Florida Pediatric Associates G. Mark & Diana L. O’Bryant Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Price Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Robinson William & Meredith Snowden Dr. & Mrs. James A. Stephens Kevin Swartz & Suzanne Stiles Total Quality Roofing, Inc. Ben & Joy Watkins Mr. & Mrs. James L. Yearty


Dr. Emily Ashmore Stan & Tenley Toole Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Slater Bayliss Benners Contracting, Inc Jeffery & Connie Boland Mr. Jeff Boutwell Mr. & Mrs. Ken Boutwell Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Bradshaw Mr. Mark Bubriski Dr. & Mrs. Viet Bui Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cashin Chaney, Couch & Associates Family Dentistry Chris & Mandy Clark Dr. & Mrs. Cory Couch Mr. & Mrs. Angelo D. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Brian Crumbaker Drs. Christopher & Shanna Daniels Dr. & Mrs. William C. Dixon IV Mr. & Mrs. Michael Donahue Mr. & Mrs. John Dowdy III

Annual Giving Report Charles & Alison Dudley Mr. John Evers & Dr. Tanya Evers Fast Signs Florida Power & Light Company The Fonvielle Foundation Inc. Sarah & Mike Grant Gray Law Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hackney Bentley & Tyler Harris Michael Hasper Mr. E. Cantey Higdon Jr. Hill Spooner & Elliott Inc. Scott & Mary Hilton Alex & Jane Hinson Dr. & Mrs. Alex Ho Hollywood Nails Dr. & Mrs. Brett Howard Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Hughes Bill & Ellen Jablon Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kerr Dean & Lina Knox Hon. & Mrs. Bruce D. Landrum Trilly Lester Bradford & Morgan Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Travis Lloyd Cecilia Drew Loeb & Peter Loeb, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo S. Lombard Mrs. Francis P. Malone Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McAbee Mr. & Mrs. Amos R. McMullian Mr. & Mrs. C. Finley McRae Mr. & Mrs. Robert McVety Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan, Jr. Corbin & Murray Moore Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Nguyen Dr. Winston Ortiz & Mrs. Denise Hernandez Dr. & Mrs. Alfredo Paredes Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Pavon Mrs. Joyce Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Ananth K. Prasad Dr. Sandeep & Mrs. Anamika Rahangdale Redwire Mr. & Mrs. Marc Reichelderfer Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rentz Roberts Construction Services LLC Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Ruff Ms. Clarice M. Secreast Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scheer Smith, Thompson, Shaw, Minacci, Colon & Power P.A. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sniffen Hettie Spooner Surgical Associates of Tallahassee Mr. & Mrs. Erik Tate

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Thomas III Thomas County Federal Mr. & Mrs. Brett Thompson Julie & Alexi Torres Mr. & Mrs. Jeff VanSyckle Vineyard Capital Partners, LLC Visconti Children’s Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Walker Kevin & Danielle Wall Mr. & Mrs. Russell Warren Dr. & Mrs. Dean Watson Mr. & Mrs. Screven Watson Ms. Katherine A. Webb Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gifts Program Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Willis Drs. Leslie & Vicari Wilson


Mr. & Mrs. Chris Amrhein Black Fig Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bodiford Mrs. Rosemary S. Bunn Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP Leonard A. & M. Lisa Carson Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Cheesman Childers Construction Company Community Foundation of South Georgia, Inc. Douglas & Dianne Croley Mr. & Mrs. Sean P. Culliton Gloria Deison Dr. Carey C. Dozier Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Farber Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fehl Joe & Janet Fixel Mr. & Mrs. William A. Fixel The Gabor Agency, Inc The Gem Collection Bill & Debbie Giudice Ms. Christi Gray Brian & Michel Gregory Dave & Margaret Black Groves Mr. & Mrs. Matthew R. Hansard Pamela K. Haskins Tom & Mary Heinz Karen Herron Honeywell International PAC Charitable Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Tor Jensen-Friedman KALO Restaurant Group, LLC Mr. Drew Corbett & Ms. Melissa Kiniyalocts Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Lowe

2019-2020 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy McAbee Jeffrey & Sara Knox Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Julius F. Parker, III Sharp Fire Design Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Sokolow Mr. John Strickland Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Thornberry Talcor Commercial Real Estate Services Tallahassee Homes Realty Tallahassee Quarterback Club Mr. & Mrs. Matt Thompson Rick & Julie Weidner Mark & Jennifer Winegardner Mr. & Mrs. Mayo Woodward Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Wyly


Allen, Mooney & Barnes Investment Advisors Allied Veterinary Emergency Hospital Isaac Barchas Benson’s Heating & Air Conditioning Mr. David Burday Mr. & Mrs. John Burns Melinda H. Butler Mr. & Mrs. John Chason Gregory & Dianne Clayton Tom & Terese Combs Mr. & Mrs. Kraig A. Conn Mr. & Mrs. Duane Daunt Dr. Elizabeth & Dr. Tarik Dickens Dr. & Mrs. Younes Errahali Pat & Kathy Farrell Randy Fisher Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Fleischer Mr. & Mrs. James F. Foos Felicia Coleman & Christopher Koenig Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Maclay Mr. & Mrs. Gene Van Asten Mr. Benjamin T. Thon Dr. David Durden & Dr. Aimee S. Durden Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Gibbs Mr. & Mrs. James A. Graganella Rear Admiral & Mrs. Rick Grant Mr. & Mrs. Cory M. Guzzo Mr. Wesley Haber Mr. & Mrs. Brady Harrison Mrs. Anne Lee Heaton Mr. & Mrs. Carson D. Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Nathan L. Higdon Mr. & Mrs. John Hildebrandt Mr. Stewart Hinson Dr. & Mrs. Rob Hovsapian Ms. Elena Istomina 27

Annual Giving Report Mr. & Mrs. John Kirk Dr. Shiva Lakshmin & Dr. Heemanshi Shah-Lakshmin Charles A. Lee Catherine Benton Lerner Mr. & Mrs. Robert Luck Mr. & Mrs. Marvin J. Mayer Ms. Stephanie A. McCann John C. McWhorter Shannon & Kim McWilliams Mr. Rick H. Meeker & Mrs. Nhu Meeker Brianne Jablon Miller Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mistry Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Mnookin Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Nation, Jr. Naumann Group Real Estate, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Osiecki Mary & Matt Pellegrino Dr. Vamsi Ponnaganti & Dr. Neelima Ravi Remedy Intelligent Staffing Riley Palmer Construction Co. Sorenson VanLeuven, PLLC Mr. & Mrs. David Strange Structure Commercial Real Estate LLC Tallahassee Speech Center, Inc. The Clothesline Dr. & Mrs. Jake VanLandingham Mr. & Mrs. Jake von Scherrer Mr. Murray M. Wadsworth, Jr. & Mrs. Britt Whitson Wadsworth Dr. & Mrs. Frank C. Walker, Jr. Rachel Wells Dr. & Mrs. Brett Wenleder Mr. James C. Williams Mr. Thomas & Dr. Michelle Winokur Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wise Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wright

Blue & White

Mr. & Mrs. Karl D. Acuff Mr. & Mrs. Toyin B. Adeshina Bud & Sherrie Alford Mr. & Mrs. George Allen Tony Allen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Amrhein Ms. Lori Angerer Ms. Laura D. Armstrong Mr. David A. Avant III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bailey III Mr. K. Bryan Baker & Ms. Denise Miller 28

Mrs. Cameron L. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Manny Bas Mr. & Mrs. Charles Beamer Mr. Michael L. T. Belitzky Ms. Anna M. Bell Jann J. Bellamy Dr. Paul Berk & Mrs. Stephanie Funderburke Ms. Jonie Bettinger Mr. & Mrs. Breck Brannen Mr. & Mrs. James Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Lee Briix Mr. & Mrs. Hugh R. Brown Mr. Telly Buckles Ms. Parelee Budd Angela Burroughs Mr. Brandon Burrows Mr. & Mrs. J. Richardson Cassedy Thomas A. Cassedy Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Cave Mrs. Jane Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Chanon Ms. Chrystal Charles Mr. & Mrs. Richard Clary Mr. David L. Combs & Dr. Lauren DiMartino-Combs Concrete Services Unlimited of Tallahassee, Inc. Jeanne A. Corbett Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cornais Dr. Frederick Corpuz & Dr. Joanna Yao Jennifer Corzine Russell & Tammy Cotton Ann Covington Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Cox, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Croston Ms. Jennifer Crusoe Hon. & Mrs. John E. Crusoe Bethany D. Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Daniels Mr. & Mrs. Rami C. Deeb Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Dickson Paul & Brandice Dickson Dr. & Mrs. Jamil Drake Ms. Kaitlyn Dressel Mr. & Mrs. Gary Droze Mrs. Elizabeth Dunton Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Eagen Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Ereckson Ms. Ariel Evans Mr. Dale Evans & Mrs. Erica Bunch-Evans

Brad & Lauren Fantle Mr. & Mrs. James Fasig Mr. & Mrs. Frederick F. Fernandes Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Ferraro Mr. & Mrs. James Fillmore Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fitzpatrick Dr. Timothy Fitzpatrick & Dr. Jill Fitzpatrick Jacob B. Forrester Four Seasons Florist of Waynesville, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Chapin Frazee Samantha R. Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Terence D. Gibson Ms. Kathryn W. Gimbel Dr. Carlos Gomez & Mrs. Barbara Rubio-Gomez Mrs. Pamela M. Gravely Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Gray Ms. Dot J. Green Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Guzman Scott Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Troy T. Hartmann Bob & Libba Harris Elizabeth A. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Rapheal Harris Mr. Tommy G. Hendricks Marsha M. Henson John C. Hinson II Mr. & Mrs. Hans Holland Mr. & Mrs. William C. Holley, III Mr. & Mrs. John Houck Mr. & Mrs. Scott Houston Mrs. Michaela Hulstyn & Mr. Matthew Callahan Mr. & Mrs. John Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Alan Ivarson Mr. & Mrs. Deyon Jackson Mr. Mohammad O. Jazil Daryll E. Joyner Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jusevitch Mr. David Keller & Mrs. Angela Carney Ms. Jessica Kerner Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Kline Jennings & Cynthia Knox Jeanette Koelling Kevin A. Kolka Joe & Amy Kupiszewski Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Kutter Ms. Hannah B. Lambert Mr. & Mrs. C. Landon Lee Mr. Thomas E. Lewis Ms. Norma Libert

2019-2020 Mr. & Mrs. Walter Liebrich Leslie Grant Lundberg Mr. David & Dr. Elizabeth Madden Mr. Sai Maddipoti & Dr. Sudha Ravilla Charles Marschall & Elizabeth Hinson Marschall Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Masferrer Ms. Kyle N. Maurey Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McClendon Dr. & Mrs. Hunter McIntyre James N. McKell Mr. Frank McKeown Dr. & Mrs. Meredith McKinney Mr. Malcolm Means & Ms. Simmons-Means Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Metarko Mr. & Mrs. Peter Metarko Ms. Darlene Miller Carol & Chip Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Nalls Mr. & Mrs. John Nettles Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Obrecht Bryan M. O’Neill Dr. Juan Ordonez & Mrs. Kassiana Ribeiro Dos Santos Dr. & Mrs. William E. Parrish Scott and Rachel Paul Mr. & Mrs. Jordan Peeples Dr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Perkins Dr. Will Perry & Mrs. Emma Perry Mr. Dimitrios A. Peteves Mr. & Mrs. Nick Piepmeier Lesley Nan Proctor Mr. & Mrs. Dewayne J. Purifoy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Pyron Mr. & Mrs. Michael Quiggins Ms. Robyn Rachin Mr. Lance Ramer & Ms. Kristin Herman Mr. & Mrs. Jared B. Robinson Mr. & Mrs. Colin M. Roopnarine Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Ruff Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ruthstrom Philip & Fran Visconti Sandon Ken Sauls Mr. & Mrs. Gar H. Schafer Joanna Sechler Mr. & Mrs. Erik Seise Mr. & Mrs. Ramsay H. Sims Mr. & Mrs. Darin Singleton Mr. & Mrs. Benson L. Skelton, Jr.

Annual Giving Report Michael & Prudence Sloderbeck Ms. Carri C. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Chesterfield H. Smith, III Mr. & Mrs. Malone D. Smith Ms. Dena Sokolow Gwen Spivey Eric & Cindy Stockstill

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Strange Sundberg, PA Mr. Andrew B. Surratt Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Szortyka Ms. Michelle Tanenbaum Rex & Sandra Taylor Tom & Lucinda Thomas Tim Kelly Real Estate


Ms. Donna Tischler Mr. & Mrs. Chad Van Iddekinge Mr. & Mrs. Justin VanTassel Frank & Katie Walker Mr. & Mrs. James Wilkinson Ms. Amy Willett Ms. Frances J. Williams Bob & Bertha Williams

Ms. Claudia Willis Dr. Elizabeth Winslow YellowHammer LLC Mr. Shawn Youngblood & Ms. Kristen Youngblood

*All gifts received after December 10, 2020, will be reported in the 2020-21 Annual Giving Report. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this report. If you find an error or omission, please accept our apologies and inform the Advancement Office at 850.893.8465 or

Live Oak Society The loyalty and support of this group of donors remains central to the success of Maclay School. The Live Oak Society includes individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cumulative giving to the school in a fiscal year. Ajax Building Corporation Anonymous Dr. Emily Ashmore Stan & Tenley Toole Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bascom Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC John & Nellie Bastien Memorial Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Slater Bayliss Dr. & Mrs. Narlin Beaty The Benevity Community Impact Fund Benners Contracting, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Thad Beshears Bessemer Trust The Beck Family Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Bethke Ed Blissard Jeffery & Connie Boland Mr. Jeff Boutwell Mr. & Mrs. Ken Boutwell Mr. Daniel P. Bowen Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Bradshaw Mr. & Mrs. M. Scott Brookins Junious & Monesia Brown Mr. Mark Bubriski Dr. & Mrs. Viet Bui Mr. John T. Burnette Burnette Construction & Development, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Carlos E. Campo Capital City Bank Group Mr. & Mrs. Ken Cashin Chaney, Couch & Associates Family Dentistry Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Cherashore Dr. & Mrs. Garrett Chumney Chris & Mandy Clark

Gannon & Josh Cooper Dr. & Mrs. Cory Couch Mr. & Mrs. Angelo D. Crowell Mr. & Mrs. Brian Crumbaker Jim & Kathy Dahl Dahl Family Foundation, Inc. Drs. Christopher & Shanna Daniels Mr. George W. Davis II Mr. & Mrs. Christopher F. Davenport Mr. & Mrs. R. C. Dean Dr. & Mrs. William C. Dixon IV Dr. William & Mrs. Melissa Dobak Mr. & Mrs. Michael Donahue Mr. & Mrs. John Dowdy III Driven Brands US Charles & Alison Dudley Chris & Susanne Dudley Elliott Marshall Innes PA Mr. John Evers & Dr. Tanya Evers Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Evert Fast Signs Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Firman Fund First Commerce Credit Union Florida Power & Light Company The Fonvielle Foundation Inc. Ted & Haley Frazee Frazee Partners, LLC Kevin & Danielle Freeze Bettie Jane Grant Sarah & Mike Grant Gray Law Dr. Timothy G. Grayson & Dr. Mary Anne Bullard The Gustafson Family Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hackney Bentley & Tyler Harris Dr. Shayibu Harruna & Mrs. Jamilatu Futa

Michael Hasper Mr. & Mrs. Brecht Heuchan Mr. E. Cantey Higdon Jr. Hill Spooner & Elliott Inc. Scott & Mary Hilton Alex & Jane Hinson Dr. & Mrs. Alex Ho John Ho Hollywood Nails Dr. Robert A Holton Robert & Laura Hosay Dr. & Mrs. Brett Howard Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Hughes John Hugill & Kirsten Dunton Kelly & Hank Hutchinson Bill & Ellen Jablon Wes & Emillye James Mr. & Mrs. Chip Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kerr Dean & Lina Knox Mr. Dan Koeppel & Dr. Anna Koeppel Hon. & Mrs. Bruce D. Landrum Lawton & Beth Langford Mr. & Mrs. Will Lawler Drs. Matthew & Janice Lawson Trilly Lester Bradford & Morgan Lewis John & Ellen Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Robley J. Light Mr. and Mrs. Travis Loyd & Julie Loyd Cecilia Drew Loeb & Peter Loeb, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo S. Lombard Mrs. Francis P. Malone The Matheson Family Mr. & Mrs. John Matthews Mr. & Mrs. Timothy McAbee Rick & Nancy McClure

Mr. & Mrs. Amos R. McMullian Mr. & Mrs. Ryals McMullian Mr. & Mrs. C. Finley McRae Mr. & Mrs. Robert McVety Dr. Daniel P. Mears & Dr. Emily A. Leventhal Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan, Jr. James & Angie Milford Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mitchell Corbin & Murray Moore Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Nguyen North Florida Pediatric Associates G. Mark & Diana L. O’Bryant Dr. Winston Ortiz & Mrs. Denise Hernandez Carl L. Owenby, Jr. & Helen G. Owenby The Owenby Family Limited Partnership LLLP Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Pavon Dr. & Mrs. Alfredo Paredes Mrs. Joyce Phipps Mr. & Mrs. Jay Pichard Mr. & Mrs. Ananth K. Prasad Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Price Dr. Sandeep & Mrs. Anamika Rahangdale Redwire Mr. & Mrs. Marc Reichelderfer Mr. & Mrs. Francis Rentz Rex Lumber Ms. Kimberly A. Rivers Roberts Construction Services LLC Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Robinson Dr. Gary & Katrina Rolle Ms. Eleanore P. Rosenberg Drs. Laurence & Lori Rosenberg Sally & Mark Rosser Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Ruff


Annual Giving Report


Live Oak Society The loyalty and support of this group of donors remains central to the success of Maclay School. The Live Oak Society includes individuals who contribute $1,000 or more in cumulative giving to the school in a fiscal year. Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Rumana Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Scheer Schwab Charitable Ms. Clarice M. Secreast Shaffield Building Specialties, Inc. Drs. Jannine Silberman & Joseph Gray Simpson Nurseries, LAA Bill & Paula Smith Mr. & Mrs. Jay Smith Smith, Thompson, Shaw, Minacci, Colon & Power P.A.

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sniffen William & Meredith Snowden Hettie Spooner Dr. & Mrs. James A. Stephens Surgical Associates of Tallahassee Kevin Swartz & Suzanne Stiles Mr. & Mrs. Erik Tate Dr. & Mrs. Scott Tetreault Mr. & Mrs. John B. Thomas III Thomas County Federal Mr. & Mrs. Brett Thompson Julie & Alexi Torres

Total Quality Roofing, Inc. Tripp & Susie Transou Ultimate Fencing, LLC Mr. & Mrs. Jeff VanSyckle Vineyard Capital Partners, LLC Visconti Children’s Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Walker Mr. & Mrs. Russell Warren Ben & Joy Watkins Dr. & Mrs. Dean Watson Mr. & Mrs. Screven Watson Ms. Katherine A. Webb

Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gifts Program Shirley J. Whitsitt Mr. & Mrs. Terry Widener Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Willis Drs. Leslie & Vicari Wilson Mrs. Marion Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Pat M. Woodward Mr. & Mrs. James L. Yearty

The George Evans “G.E.” Light Valedictorian Scholarship The George Evans “G.E.” Light Valedictorian Scholarship was created through the generosity of Dr. and Mrs. Robley and Jeanne Light and the individuals listed below. This endowed scholarship will be awarded to the valedictorian of each graduating class in memory of Dr. George Evans “G.E.” Light, a treasured Maclay alumnus and valedictorian of the class of 1981. Dr. Light’s remarkable academic accomplishments and longstanding service to his community are remembered by many in our Maclay community. On campus, his memory continues in the Light College Conference and Collaboration Suite, dedicated in his memory in the Beck Family Innovation Center. For more information or to support the Scholarship, please contact the Maclay Advancement Office (850)893-8465.

George Evans “G.E.” Light Valedictorian Scholarship Dr. & Mrs. Robley J. Light Mrs. Marion Wilson Isaac Barchas Ann Covington Bethany D. Cullen Jacob B. Forrester

Four Seasons Florist of Waynesville, Inc. Mary Gallagher Pamela K. Haskins Marsha M. Henson Karen Herron Jeanette Koelling

Little Switzerland Book Exchange LLC James N. McKell John C. McWhorter Bryan M. O’Neill Dr. & Mrs. William E. Parrish Joanna Sechler

In Memory of Carolyn Fixel Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Ruff Wayne Sutton “Spider” Webb, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. P. Michael Ruff Sabra Albert Nickas John McFarlain & Ellen Camp McFarlain Charles Marschall & Elizabeth Hinson Marschall


Jerry Gluesenkamp Mr. Jeff Boutwell Mr. & Mrs. Ken Boutwell Hon. & Mrs. John E. Crusoe Mrs. Pamela M. Gravely Mr. & Mrs. William C. Holley, III Mr. & Mrs. Benson L. Skelton, Jr. Vineyard Capital Partners, LLC

Keith Whitsitt ‘02 Shirley J. Whitsitt Denny Bunn Rosemary S. Bunn Matilde H. Landrum Hon. & Mrs. Bruce D. Landrum

Annual Giving Report


Alumni Donors We are grateful to our alumni community for the many ways they support the school each year and extend our gratitude to the below alumni donors who made a financial contribution during this year’s giving cycle. 1973 Thomas A. Cassedy 1975 A. Lawton Lantgford (DA) Jarvis B. Watkins III 1976 Margaret Black Groves 1977 Tenley Toole Barnes Randy Fisher John Ho 1978 Bruce D. Landrum 1979 Kraig A. Conn Charles A. Lee Leslie Grant Lundberg 1980 Russell L. Cotton Julie Bradley Obrecht 1981 David A. Avant III 1982 Rick Parker Dr. Joseph W. Sechler 1983 George W. Davis II Matthew R. Hansard Murray Moore 1984 Sean Culliton Philip Sandon

1985 Paul C. Dickson Elizabeth Hinson Marschall Paige Robbins Parker Fran Visconti Sandon LM’18 Michelle Tanenbaum 1986 Mary Byrd Lewis Sims LM’19 Dena H. Sokolow 1987 Joe Kupiszewski LM’19 Murray M. Wadsworth, Jr. 1988 Cameron Lewis Barton Cecilia Cola McMullian LM’19 Lesley Langston Proctor Kevin M. Sokolow Katherine Sechler Stephenson Mayo M. Woodward LM’18 1990 Thomas E. Lewis Sara Knox Merrill 1991 Drew Corbett Thomas H. Deison Peter Fehl Michael O. Jablon LM’19 1992 Emily Ashmore Nat Higdon LM’19 Jay Smith Ginny Boggs Yearty

1993 John C. Hinson II Michael Ruff Britt Whitson Wadsworth 1994 Daniel Koeppel Jared Robinson Brianne Davis Smith Tia Hunt Smith LM’18 1995 Shea Harrison Chanon Catherine Benton Lerner Garrett Kuersteiner Robinson Rami C. Deeb 1996 Anna Thomas Koeppel Paul E. Kutter 1997 Michel Lester Gregory Martha Middlebrooks Kutter Melissa Moody Tate Fran Williams 1998 Michael L. T. Belitzky Carey C. Dozier William A. Fixel LM’19 Ted Frazee Mary Katharine Croley Lawler LM’19 Julie Miller Torres LM’18 1999 Kim Austin Crowell LM’19 Sarah Barnett Deeb

2000 Bentley Frazee Harris Brianne Jablon Miller 2001 Katy W. Gimbel Michael Hasper Caroline Hood Scheer Benjamin T. Thon 2002 Annie McMillan Bell Daniel P. Bowen 2003 Helen Owenby Errahali 2004 J. Richardson Cassedy Kevin C. Strange 2005 David L. Combs Lauren DiMartino-Combs Cory M. Guzzo LM’19 Kristin Leach Kline 2006 Chesterfield H. Smith, III 2007 Laura D. Armstrong Kyle N. Maurey Elizabeth Beasley Smith 2008 Elizabeth Morales Hunter C. Landon Lee 2010 Jennifer Armstrong Dickson Christine Piepmeier

DA - Distinguished Alumnus, LM - Leadership Maclay

Gifts in Honor Tracie Town Manrique ’00 & Morgan Manrique ‘25 Mr. & Mrs. Terence D. Gibson

Cindy Boyd Thomas & the Maclay Drama Program Kiki Dunton & John Hugill Scott & Karen Tetreault

Judy King Carl L. Owenby, Jr. & Helen G. Owenby


Advancement News Visconti Student Health Center Francis Visconti

With the start of the 2020-2021 School Year, the Clinic and Student Health Center reopened in a new facility. The Visconti Student Health Center is named in honor of Francis A. Visconti, M.D., a member of our Maclay family, grandfather and great grandfather to Maclay graduates, and beloved family member of former Maclay parents Frank Visconti, Mary Visconti, Fran ’85 & Philip Sandon ‘84, Caleb Sandon ’14, Catherine Sandon Weaver ’11, Brandon Visconti ‘04, Lisa ‘87 & Randy Pridgeon, Matthew Tschieder ’13, Nicholas Tschieder ’15, Hayden Tschieder ’19, Lora ’87 & Erich Hauser, Dylan ’19, and Larsen ’21.

Dr. Visconti was a dedicated Army doctor and, after serving in that capacity was a family physician in his small town, caring for members of his community and working to ensure their health and wellness. Together with his wife Louise, a nurse, they ran the family practice in Fremont, Ohio. Louise was an avid Maclay supporter and frequent fan at sporting events and other school occasions. The Visconti family has a longstanding history of support for Maclay’s clinic and health services. Mary Visconti was a dedicated volunteer in the clinic for many years, generously giving her time in care of our Maclay students. Always an essential location on campus, the Visconti Student Health Center has played an increased role in keeping our community safe and healthy during this school year. The Visconti Student Health Center is a hub of activity each day and serves students in all grade levels in addition to providing information and services on an ongoing basis to parents and community members. This year, the Health Center offered several new services, including on site flu shots for students and faculty and webinars and informational offerings as we prepared to return to school amidst Covid-19. With its move to this new home, the Visconti Student Health Center now has more room for treatment of patients, secure storage for materials and medications, and a dedicated quarantine space for any visitor feeling ill or needing to quarantine while on campus. The Visconti Student Health Center is located in the former site of the Francis A. Visconti, M.D. Upper School Administration Building.


Annual Giving Report


Lewis Tennis Field House The Lewis Tennis Field House has been an enduring dream of the Maclay Tennis program. We are thrilled to announce that after much time planning and effort bringing this dream to fruition, this facility is now open for use by the members of our Tennis program and other athletic teams. The facility provides locker rooms for the tennis teams, a covered area for training, meetings, and concessions, restrooms for the players and spectators, and an office and storage area for the tennis coaching staff. The Lewis Tennis Field House is named in honor of lead donors, the John and Ellen Lewis Family, and was made possible through their support along with the generosity and leadership of the donors below.

John & Ellen Lewis Cecilia Drew Loeb & Peter Loeb, M.D. Cicchetti Law Firm Drs. Jeannine Silberman & Joseph Gray James & Maureen Daughton Mr. & Mrs. Chip Cicchetti Ms. Mary Visconti Dr. Sandeep & Mrs. Amamika Rahangdale Armand & Suzanne D. Cognetta Dean & Lina Knox Dr. & Mrs. James Mossell Dr. & Mrs. Nicodemo Macri Dr. Barbara Jaeger

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Kiki Dunton & John Hugill Ms. Carrie Snider Mary & Hugh VanLandingham

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Perkins Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Sweeney Dr. Krista Rankin Jeffrey & Sara Knox Merrill Kristine & Farhat Khairallah

Mr. & Mrs. Derek K. Bethke Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Suber Mr. & Mrs. Ricardo Pavon Ms. Susan Gray

Dr. Shiva Lakshmin Bill & Traci Carnes & Dr. Heemanshi Shah-Lakshmin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Deison Mr. & Mrs. James Gross Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cocotos

Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Campbell Dermatology Associates Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Merrill


Annual Giving Report


Campus Air Purification As we prepared to reopen Maclay’s campus for the return to school in the 2020-2021 school year, this group of donors provided essential support to the School’s Covid-19 safety response. Through their contributions, Maclay was able to quickly respond with ionic air purification filters for each classroom space on campus. These ionic air filtration systems not only lessen the spread of Covid-19 but improve air quality on campus for individuals with a variety of concerns including allergies and asthma.

Air Purification Donor List Carl L. Owenby, Jr. & Helen G. Owenby Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bascom Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC Kimberly A. Rivers & John Burnette

Burnette Construction & Development, LLC The Matheson Family

John Hugill & Kirsten Dunton Mr. & Mrs. Will Lawler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Deison


Chris & Mandy Clark Mr. & Mrs. Angelo D. Crowell Chris & Susanne Dudley

Dr. & Mrs. Alex Ho Bradford & Morgan Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Marc Reichelderfer

Mr. & Mrs. David Walker Ms. Katherine A. Webb

Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Bradshaw Ted & Haley Frazee Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley Corbin & Murray Moore Mr. & Mrs. Ananth K. Prasad

Mr. & Mrs. Matt Thompson Mr. & Mrs. James A. Graganella Mr. & Mrs. Stanley T. Nation, Jr. Mrs. Taylor Thomsen Dr. & Mrs. Jake VanLandingham

Ms. Dena Sokolow Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Amrhein Dr. Elizabeth & Dr. Tarik Dickens Mr. & Mrs. James Fasig

Your Gift Can Create



The Maclay Fund is the leading vehicle for our community’s shared spirit of generosity uniting each member. Because of each gift, our students continue to benefit from abundant opportunities to be inspired, determined, and unstoppable.

Through your generosity The Maclay Fund has supported: Professional Development opportunities for our over 160 Faculty & Staff Enhanced curriculum in all divisions, extending and growing programs for our students to nurture their talents and interests in the sciences, the arts, math, and our writing and language arts curriculum Upgrades to the Tennis Facility, Track, and Lanier Aquatic Center Quick adaptation to Virtual Learning that provided invaluable stability to Maclay families and faculty during our initial COVID-19 response

Fiscal flexibility to remain nimble in our response to new challenges


Creativity, UNRESTRICTED Growth

Join us as we imagine the incredible possibilities that unfold when we unite in support of our students and our school by making a gift to the 2020-2021 Maclay Fund. WAYS TO GIVE: One-time gifts, recurring gifts, and pledges can be made in the way that’s most convenient for you. Gifts are tax-deductible and must be received by July 31. ONLINE: MAIL: Maclay School 3737 North Meridian Road Tallahassee, Florida 32312

STOCK: For gifts of stock, please call the Advancement Office at (850) 893-8465 PLANNED GIVING: For planned giving opportunities, please call the Advancement Office at (850) 893-8465

Photos were taken prior-to and during COVID-19

Calendar of Upcoming Alumni Events 2021 Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting . . . . . . . February 17 Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting . . . . . . . . . . April 14 Alumni Association Board of Directors Meeting . . . . . . . . . . May 12 Maclay Class of 2021 Graduation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 20 Leadership Maclay Retreat – Application Deadline . . . . . . . . . July 1 Robert C. Webster Friends of Maclay Golf Tournament . . . .October 11 Homecoming & Reunion Weekend 2021 . . . . . . . . . . October 15-16 Highlighting 2020 Reunion Classes & 2021 Reunion Classes: 1975 & 1976; 1980 & 1981; 1985 & 1986; 1990 & 1991; 1995 & 1996; 2000 & 2001; 2010 & 2011

Distinguished Alumnus & Athletics Hall of Fame Luncheon October 16 Open to all. Tickets will be available at

Leadership Maclay Retreat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . October 17-18

Alumni Association Board of Directors | 2020-2021 Officers: Nat Higdon ‘92, LM ‘19 President Richard Cassedy ‘04 Vice President Michel Lester Gregory ‘97 Secretary Ginny Boggs Yearty ‘92 Treasurer 36

Members: Niki Cotton Bishop ‘84 , LM ‘19 Jason Gassett ‘97, LM ‘19 Liz Morales Hunter ‘08, LM ‘19 Patrick Hurley ‘99, LM ‘19 Cecilia Cola McMullian ’88, LM ‘19 Adam Montgomery ‘98 Dylan Rivers ‘96 Jonathon Romero ‘10, LM ‘19

Michael Ruff ‘93 Jenny Moore Singletary ‘07 Tia Hunt Smith ’94, LM ‘18 William Smith ‘02 Kevin Strange ‘04 Halley Stephens Van Asten ‘90, LM’19 Jacqueline Long Webster ‘93 Mayo Woodward ‘88, LM ‘18

A LUMN I AFFAIRS Class of 1978 What a distinguished career! Judge Bruce Landrum is currently serving as an United States Administrative Law Judge with the Social Security Administration in Jacksonville, Florida. Bruce retired from the United States Marine Corps in 2010 at the rank of colonel, after 28 years of commissioned service, the last 20 of which he served as a military attorney. In his last combat tour, he served 13 months as senior Marine Corps Legal Advisor in Iraq, advising General John Kelly who later served as White House Chief of Staff and Secretary of Homeland Security. Bruce received his Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and his Juris Doctor degree, both with High Honors from the University of Florida. He received his Master of Laws degree with a Criminal Law Specialty from The Judge Advocate General’s School, U.S. Army, as an Honor Graduate. He is also a graduate of the Inter-American Defense College in Washington, D.C. Bruce is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and The Order of the Coif.

Class of 1979 Scott Buchan and his bride now call the beautiful island of St. Croix home. They were married on the Tropical Tiki Tours tiki boat which they own and operate.

Class of 1983 Bob McClure has been named one of the Florida 500, by Florida Trend Magazine. Florida Trend, now in its 62nd year, covers Florida business, industry, education, and leisure. The Florida 500 highlights the most influential executives in different economic sectors throughout the state through an annual yearlong research initiative. Bob has served as president and CEO of the James Madison Institute for the past 16 years. The James Madison Institute is Florida’s largest and oldest free market think tank. The Institute is composed of executive personnel in Tallahassee, senior researchers across

the country and college representatives on eight campuses around the state. With a strong educational background, a BA from Furman University, MS from Florida State University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida, Bob focuses on the Florida issue of managing growth, something of key importance as we look at how the roughly 1,000 people moving to the state each day will affect education, transportation, social services, the health care system and the environment.

Class of 1985

Congratulations to Lea Noblin Marshall! Lea was named The James Madison Institute’s 5th-Annual recipient of their Florida Education Innovator of the Year Award. Lea teaches drama at Leon High School in Tallahassee. Long known for her creative spirit and keen wit, she pulled off an amazing pivot when COVID-19 closed down in-person classes last spring. Lea launched an online contest that not only amused and engaged her Leon High students, but she also elicited participation from many parents, townspeople, former students, and homeschoolers. Here is an excerpt of Lea’s acceptance: “All I really do all day is just try to show teenagers the life changing concepts of connections & empathy. Those seem to be in short supply these days despite being the most amazing & life affirming ideas that I’ve ever encountered in this wearisome world.”

Class of 1987

In September 2020, U.S. Army officials announced changes in the leadership at Fort Hood in Texas. Maj. Gen. John B. Richardson IV assumed duties as Deputy

Commanding General for Operations of III Corps and acting Senior Commander of Fort Hood. Prior to his selection for this position, Johnny was commanding general of U.S. Army Forces Command.

Are you familiar with Pickleball? What started out as game for older tennis retirees has quickly become the fastest growing sport for all ages. Barbara Cairns has been playing pickleball for about 7 years and traveling to tournaments for about 5. She came across it at Premier Gym in Tallahassee and has been hooked ever since. It can be played in singles and doubles. Barbara is currently an Ambassador for USA Pickleball, the governing body of pickleball. She also runs her own business, Big Bend Pickleball. She has run 3 tournaments and plans on more in the future. From Barbara, “It’s not only fun to play but the community of people I have met are amazing. I love to play in tournaments because you get to travel, meet new people and if you’re lucky make the podium.” Take a look, Barbara made it to the podium at a tournament in Lake City, FL held January 15-18, 2021 – way to go, Barbara!

Class of 1988 Apalachicola Riverkeeper is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection, restoration, and stewardship of the Apalachicola River and Apalachicola Bay. This special river and basin comprise the


A LUMN I AFFAIRS CLASS NEWS most ecologically diverse natural area in the southern United States with a significant variety of species of plants and animals, many of which are rare, some of which are considered threatened or endangered. The organization and its members believe that because the Apalachicola River ecosystem belongs to all of us, we have a shared responsibility to preserve it for future generations.

Cameron Lewis Barton is one of the Riverkeeper’s passionate supporters and, in October 2020, she made her second RiverTrek, a kayaking trip down the entire 106-mile length of the Apalachicola River, in 5 days. The goal of this trip is raising both awareness and funds to help protect and restore the Apalachicola River Basin. As part of the journey, Cameron and other participants met with historians, local officials, naturalists and scientists to learn as much as they could during their wilderness immersion experience. As a RiverTrek member Cameron concluded, “I enjoyed the group and peacefulness of the river. It is simply powerful and beautiful and worth every effort to protect it!” Beyond the trip, Cameron takes the knowledge and experiences she gains back to her Maclay middle school science classroom and helps her students explore the river and learn about its ecology. Through sharing an understanding of the unique ecosystem and the importance of the river’s health, she is developing another group of


ambassadors for this special area – way to go, Cameron! Congratulations to designer and artist, Daniel Wingate!! Danny opened his premier flagship store for WINGATE COLLECTION in Munich, Germany in mid-October 2020. From their website: WINGATE COLLECTION is the brainchild of his visionary, international experience in the women’s luxury market. Ageless, Sizeless and Fearless are the key words and design philosophy for Daniel Wingate. WINGATE is a two season concept each year that is produced exclusively in Europe and innovative in its inclusive designs for all women of today. WINGATE is proud to also invite an array of in-residence designers that personify great design made in Germany to the space to share and create a new dialogue with customers through special events and a curated, eclectic product offer. WINGATE Store is featured in AD Architectural Digest Germany this month in the news sections: Stores to watch! Interior concept by Schönbuch - all made in Germany.

Class of 1989 Marcia Warfel has been named President of the Club 25 Women “Women to Know” in partnership with the Tallahassee Democrat. Marcia is the Director of Public Relations for Tallahassee Woman Magazine and a servant leader/community advocate for women and girls. A woman that wears many hats, Marcia is an emergency management professional that has over 20 years of experience. She is CEO of Maxim Strategies and Solutions consulting firm, and she is excited to be finishing her Master’s degree at Florida State University.

Class of 1990 Matt Hill continues his work with Green Again Madagascar, a non-profit organization, whose mission is to restore damaged rainforest reserves in Madagascar. The restoration not only involves replanting trees, but also a long-term commitment to assisting the recovery of this ecosystem. In the last 100 years, 87% of Madagascar’s rainforest has been lost. One of the fundraisers to support these efforts is a coloring book that Green Again has put out. Like Matt’s daughter Nirina Gladys, young children can have fun while learning about the rainforests in Madagascar. It’s a great bonus that several Maclay students’ artwork is included in the coloring book! You can

support Matt and his work by purchasing these color books via Amazon.

Class of 1992 Blake Dowling and his team at Aegis Business Technologies have done it again! In summer 2020, the company was, once again, named to Florida Trend magazine’s list of the best workplaces in Florida and ranked at #7! John Roland has begun an exciting new role at his beloved alma mater Samford University. He is thrilled to be serving the Howard College of Arts & Science as the Director of Advancement.

A LUMN I AFFAIRS CLASS NEWS Congratulations to Jay Smith! On January 14, 2021, at its annual meeting, Jay was installed as the Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce Board Chairman. We know you will do great things, Jay!

Class of 2002 Congratulations to William Smith – the new President of Capital City Bank for Leon County!!

Class of 1993 Jean (Young) Hallman, 93 has accepted the position of Director of Communications at Covenant Academy. She and her family live in Macon, Georgia, where she owns Greenhouse Marketing, fosters backyard farming within her community, and enjoys a house full of kids. Jean is excited about this new opportunity to promote excellence in Classical Christian Education.

Class of 2000 Dustin Odham continues his work with Franklin Covey in the field of education as Managing Director. In January 2021 he launched a podcast titled Change Starts Here. If you are a parent, educator or work with kids in any capacity you won’t want to miss this first episode. It’s all about unleasing human potential in education. You can find Dustin’s podcast:

Class of 2007 As a design team member at Studio Gang, an architecture and urban design firm headquartered in Chicago, Chase Jordan has been a key team member on the renewal of Kresge College, one of the 10 colleges of the University of California, Santa Cruz. Originally designed in the early 1970s by Moore Lyndon Turnbull Whitaker (MLTW) as a post-modern “Italian hill town” in the redwood forest, Kresge College is now in need of restoration and renovation. Studio Gang is working with local architect TEF to renew beloved landmarks while bringing new upgrades to continue the College’s legacy. The unique challenges of the site, which navigates ravines and redwood trees, has driven the contemporary design that will be in dialogue with a beloved, architecturally significant campus. Upon the first phase of construction, Chase shared, “So proud of this project and the team that is working on it!”

Ashley Carr Scully has announced a new venture: “I have officially started a small private practice for pediatric occupational therapy called Playful Pediatrics OT, LLC! Please follow me on Instagram (@PlayfulPediatricsOT) and feel free to share with any moms, dads, or caregivers that you may know! I will be regularly posting developmental information, tips, and activities for a variety of age groups. Feel free to reach out with any questions. Thanks for your support!” Congratulations, Ashley – we wish you great success! Congratulations to Travis Barnes! Though COVID preempted graduation ceremonies, Travis graduated from Georgia State with a Master’s in Finance and a MBA and he is on to a new job!!

Class of 2008 Alexander Loeb M.D. is currently in his orthopedic surgical residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Upon completion in July, he will be going to Birmingham, Alabama for a one-year Fellowship in Sports Medicine at the American Sports Medicine Institute.


A LUMN I AFFAIRS CLASS NEWS Congratulations to Maggie Miller! She passed the Georgia bar exam in October 2020 and is now a LLM Candidate in Taxation at the University of Florida Levin College of Law. Upon graduation in May 2021, she plans to move to Atlanta, Georgia to practice.

Class of 2010 Chandler Russell has been welcomed as a new member of Envision Credit Union’s Supervisory Committee. Chandler graduated from the University of Alabama earning a Bachelor’s degree and then a Master’s degree in Accounting. She then became a licensed member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Congratulations to Tyler Russell on being named as Chief of Staff at the Florida Department of Children and Families. According to, “As Chief of Staff, Russell will oversee a team that includes the department’s assistant secretary for administration, chief quality officer, chief information officer, communications director, and legislative affairs director.” Congratulations Tyler!

Class of 2012 Lance Watson threw his hat into the 2020 political ring and ran for the Gadsden County Soil & Water Conservation Board. He certainly had a strong background for the job and his constituents agreed – he won!! “My name is Lance Watson and I am proud to be running for the Gadsden County Soil and Water Conservation Board Seat 1. I am a fourth generation Gadsden County resident, where my family has called home since 1898. I grew up enjoying the outdoors with my dad, Sterling Watson, Sr. who served this county for many years. Serving the citizens of Gadsden County was very important to him, as it is to me, and I plan to carry on his legacy of commitment and public service in Gadsden County. As the Deputy Legislative Affairs Director for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), I am passionate about ensuring our waterways and land are well-preserved in my home


Class of 2014 county, just as they were when I was young. Gadsden County is my home and a very special place to me. My commitment is to always be a strong advocate for its natural resources and all its constituents.”

Class of 2013 Nicholas Waddell is in his third year as a PhD student at FSU in the Department of Biological Sciences. He just passed his preliminary exams which is a major milestone in his career. He is now eligible for PhD candidacy rather than being a PhD student. To date, he has two publications. His first publication, “Role of Long Noncoding RNA Gas5 in Cocaine Action,” was published in the Journal of Biological Psychiatry. His most recent publication titled, “DNA Methyltransferase 3A Is Involved in the Sustained Effects of Chronic Stress on Synaptic Functions and Behaviors,” was published in the Journal Cerebral Cortex. Additionally, Nicholas is currently the Vice President of the Cellular and Molecular Biology Graduate Student Association which focuses on science education and outreach while also providing a place for peers to present their own research and leading discoveries in their fields.

Wynne Casteel graduated in August with his M.S. in Geology (specializing in hydrogeology). He then moved to Houston and has been working several part time jobs while trying to land a geologist or environmental scientist position. His wife Lucy will find out in March where she will be doing her OB/GYN residency so they are excited to find out if they will be in Texas or elsewhere in the coming years. Kayla Osburn graduated from Florida State in 2019 with a BS degree in Environment and Society. Wanting to continue her studies further in the field of Zoology, she was accepted at the University of Pretoria South Africa into their Zoology program. In the beginning of 2020 she moved to Pretoria, South Africa. Unfortunately, COVID hit and South Africa went into stage 5 lockdown. Kayla persisted and shares with us: “I still managed to finish my BSc Honours degree in Zoology. During this degree I wrote a thesis on monitoring female reproductive activity in Aardvarks by using faecal steroid analysis. This year 2021 I will be furthering my studies by starting my Masters in Zoology at the University of Pretoria where I will be focusing on using a non-invasive technique to quantify faecal glucocorticoid metabolites to measure stress in the Striped Hyena.” Wishing you success in your research and your next degree, Kayla!!

Class of 2015 Parker Durrance is an Atlanta resident now. He loves that this move brings him close to the mountains and friends. Parker has released an album and he has also started teaching history to high schoolers at Wesleyan School which is located in the

A LUMN I AFFAIRS CLASS NEWS Atlanta suburb of Peachtree Corners. Graduating at the end of June with her degree in Nursing, Lindsey Poole started her dream job in November 2020. She has launched her nursing career working at Capital Regional Medical Center in Tallahassee as a MedicalSurgical Oncology Nurse.

Class of 2016 Emily Green graduated Summa Cum Laude from Presbyterian College with a BA in Christian Education and a BA with Honors in Political Science. She additionally received the “Outstanding Senior” award from the Political Science Department and the Joseph O. Nixon Leadership award from the college. Over summer 2020, Emily interned with CWS Greensboro Refugee Program and then it was on to study law at Elon. Emily shares: “I am passionate about advocacy and direct service and hope to continue that work in the future as a Human Rights lawyer.” Matthew Burhans toured the country backing up Levi Hummon on lead guitar during the spring and summer of 2019 and then came off the road to finish his senior year of college in the fall. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the music industry took a hard hit and essentially all touring was cancelled for the year. Though there is still a lot of uncertainty as to when it’ll all come back online, he’s been using the time he’s had off to write and release his own music, as well as do session work for others remotely. From Matthew, “It’s definitely been a disappointing year for live music, but I’ve stayed positive and am ready to get back onstage when things are safe again!”

At Florida State University, the Karen Myers Award in Interior Design History is given each year to a student who exhibits excellence in and passion for History of Interiors - our Lanier Hicks was the 2020 recipient! Upon receiving her award, Lanier was interviewed for a FSU College of Fine Arts news release and shared the following regarding the impact of the scholarship on her academic career: “The validation I received from this scholarship for my newly found passion in History of Interiors made me recognize my niche in the design world and the importance of leaning into it, rather than to be swept away in the current of what my peers were creating. It has inspired me to keep designing with context and craftsmanship at the forefront of all creative decisions I make to this day.” Lanier graduated from FSU in spring 2020 and now lives in Washington, D.C. where she works as an interior designer for the residential firm of Lisa and Leroy. Mark Salters graduated from Florida State University in May 2020 with his Master’s in Applied American Politics and Policy. He accepted a job with Stateside Associates, a firm based in Arlington, Virginia which tracks and researches state legislation. He began working for them in November as a Legislative Associate. Summerlin Sniffen graduated from Texas Christian University in December 2020 with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She will be starting her job as a Registered Nurse at UT Southwestern in Dallas in the Cardiovascular ICU.

Class of 2017 Melanie Canfield is in her senior year at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where, in addition to her studies, she plays volleyball. The Embry-Riddle Eagles are members of NCAA II and the Sunshine State Conference.

Class of 2018 Exciting things happen beyond studies here at Maclay. Zach Karpinski is an undergraduate student at the University of Florida and one of two students in the Department of Chemical Engineering working with space-implementation partner engineers on a project to study gravitational effects on the Faraday instability. The project, funded by an award from the National Science Foundation, seeks to validate models for Faraday instability with defining experiments conducted in the absence of gravity on the International Space Station and comparing these to ground experiments. The project also seeks to determine when the interface saturates to standing waves and when it breaks catastrophically to rupture.

Class of 2020 Sameer Ponnaluri, a recent Maclay graduate now studying at UF, worked on a design for a specific part that can help doctors and nurses with their masks. It is a part that relieves stress on their ears, especially when wearing a mask for extended period of times. The part is 3-D printable and Sameer came back to the Maclay campus last summer to use the 3-D printer to print a prototype. Ms. Barton and Mr. Kupiszewski collaborated on this amazing project.



Jennifer Armstrong (’10) and Andrew Dickson September 26, 2020 Lewiswood Farm Tallahassee, Florida Maid of Honor: Laura Armstrong (’07) Bridesmaid: Lauren Henderson Whritenour (’10) Scott Buchan (’79) and Leslie Thompson July 4, 2020 St. Croix, Virgin Islands Devon Duffy (’06) and Dean Koskinas August 17, 2020 Founders Park Islamorada, Florida Macie Wilkins (’11) and Julian Hurtado September 6, 2020 Goodwood Museum and Gardens Tallahassee, Florida Maids of Honor: Morgan Wilkins (’13) and Meagan Wilkins (’17) Bridesmaids: Grayal Allen (’11) and Lindsey Peppers Boomer (’11)

Wynne Casteel (’14) and Lucy McCollom September 19, 2020 Perkins Chapel on SMU Campus Dallas, Texas Maclay Groomsman: Miles Bebout (’13) and Greg Jaggears (’14) Maclay Reader: Ellie Casteel (’20) Maclay Friends in Attendance: Samuel Rust (’14) and John Zoll Hogan (’14)


Austin Mall (’11) and Madison Blake October 9, 2020 Fayetteville, North Carolina

Nikki Fryzel (’11) and Andrew Winchester October 24, 2020 The Retreat at Bradley’s Pond Tallahassee, Florida Maid of Honor: Gabby Bradshaw Hancock (’11) Bridesmaids: Stacey Fryzel Tuck (’05), Jessica Fryzel (’09), Kelly Hinson (’11), and Barrie Maurey Price (’11) Evan Miller (’09) and Chantal English November 1, 2020 Tallahassee, Florida Maclay Friends in Attendance: Conor Sweeney (’09), Brandon Fabozzi (’09), and Taylor Miller (’10) Caroline Hunter (’05) and Jotan Borms January 12, 2021 Aalst, Belgium

Jordan Cavanaugh (’08) and Kayla Elizabeth D’Angelo November 14, 2020 Newport, Rhode Island Katherine Bixler (’08) and Michael Joseph Oberlies November 14, 2020 St. Helena Catholic Church Clayton, GA Matron of Honor: Cissy Bixler Proctor (’94) Maid of Honor: Emily Beck (’08) Bridesmaid: Aaren Graves (’08) Groomsman: Jack Bixler (’11) William Owenby (’12) and Anne Moore December 16, 2020 Goodwood Museum and Gardens Tallahassee, Florida Bridesmaids: Victoria Dickeson Owenby (’07), Helen Owenby Errhali (’03), Katherine Moore Groomsmen: John Owenby (’07), Slade Downs (’12), Klauss Dimitri (’12)

Steven Libroth (‘16) and Aubrie Reister December 19, 2020 Jupiter, Florida


Jack Robertson Langford June 23, 2020 Giles (’07) and Jennifer Langford Tallahassee, FL

Tucker Wolfe Jordan July 6, 2020 Dane (’01) and Alyson Jordan Orlando, FL

Carter Grace Berglund July 16, 2020 Jeff and Dede Meros (’07) Berglund Tallahassee, FL

Harper Grace Wolfe October 20, 2020 Jay and Katherine Rosser (’10) Wolfe Tallahassee, FL Joins big brother Hudson (2)

Hayes Elizabeth Heffley December 3, 2020 Drew (’12) and Brooke Heffley (‘13) Tallahassee, FL

James Crew Odham August 12, 2020 Dustin (’00) and Ashley Odham St. Louis, MO Joins big brothers Luke (7) and Noah (4) Cormac Jackson Miller August 19, 2020 Chris and Brianne Jablon (’00) Miller Washington, DC Joins big sister Caroline (4) and big brother Robert (2)

Henry Wade Harrison July 29, 2020 Garrett Harrison and Kerry Alexander-Harrison (’17) Santa Rita, Guam Poppy Collins Singletary August 2, 2020 Lewis and Jenny Moore (’07) Singletary Tallahassee, FL

Collier Elizabeth Friddle October 16, 2020 Hayes and Madeleine Loeb (’10) Friddle Jacksonville, FL

Wilson Hales Gunter August 4, 2020 Adam and Briley Cotton (’08) Gunter Gainesville, FL Joins big brothers Camp (12), Collins (8), and Rawls (4)

Ramona “Mo” Elaine LaBeaud June 19, 2020 Jonathan and Andrea Combs (’06) LaBeaud Tallahassee, FL

Owen Rhett Andree September 24, 2020 Aaron (’01) and Erin Andree Dallas, TX

Adleigh Elizabeth Poole December 21, 2020 Robby and Carlyn Harris (‘11) Poole Atlanta, GA

Edward “Eddie” August Sloderbeck January 1, 2021 Paul (’05) and Sarah Sloderbeck Raleigh, NC Joins big brother Amos (3) and big sister Birdie (1¾)

Elizabeth Griffin “Finn” Glazner January 11, 2021 Ben and Molly Drake (’02) Glazner Atlanta, GA


The third Leadership Maclay Retreat will take place in Fall 2021 in conjunction with Homecoming & Reunion Weekend

2021. During the retreat, selected participants will obtain a behind-the-scenes view of the School, participate in discussions on the internal and external forces that affect the School’s direction, and learn about opportunities that lie ahead for Maclay. Attendees will also participate in discussions with senior school administrators and take part in generative discussions about the future of Maclay. Leadership Maclay, now in its third year, provides an opportunity and forum for alumni to connect with the school and one another. To date 44 alumni have participated in the program, traveling from 7 states and representing 24 graduation classes. More information and the application form can be found on the Maclay web site: All Maclay alumni are invited to apply. Application Deadline: July 1, 2021

In Memoriam Robert Carson Buchner July 15, 2020 Tallahassee, FL Class of 2016

Katharine “Kathy” Willis September 14, 2020 Stevens Point, WI Maclay School Board of Trustees 1983-1986

John P. Hutchins, Jr. January 7, 2021 Tallahassee, FL Former Supervisor of Maintenance


Nicholas Charles Peters December 31, 2020 Tallahassee, FL Class of 2021

Denise Elizabeth Brown Stiegler January 10, 2021 Tallahassee, FL Class of 1986


Register today for a super summer with tons of fun experiences from Art, Academics, Athletics, Adventures, and of course iTHINK.

Maclay School 3737 N. Meridian Road Tallahassee, FL 32312 850.893.2138

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