Virtu, Summer 2014

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Summer 2014

In this edition

A Final Farewell Q&A with the New Head of School 2014 Graduation Maclay Alumni News

Board of Trustees 2014-15

A Final Farewell Dear Maclay Community, Words cannot express what a year it has been. It was territory that we had never explored before, the search for a new headmaster, the opening of two new buildings, the gala and tributes, the establishment of an endowment and the many words of gratitude many of you shared with me. It’s difficult for me think about not getting up and standing on the front step come August 18th, but I’m confident you are in good hands.

Rip Kirby, Chairman Tom Barron Lamont Cook Kathy Dahl Nancy Deal Tom Deison Chris Diamantis John Foote Meredith Hunter Hank Hutchinson Emory Mayfield, Jr. Rob Langford Jill Meenan Katrina Rolle Karen Unger Hugh VanLandingham

My daughter Eileen sent me an email during the last week of school and I thought I would share a portion: “Yes, this is the final week on campus where you built a lifetime of work. You raised us and we enjoyed rides to school in various Driver’s Ed cars and many NPR shows. I challenge you this week to see this cup overflowing – not half empty.” “When you arrived in 1969, did you really ever think that you would not only become Headmaster but build a state-of-the-art 100-acre campus? Could you have imagined the faculty you would assemble, and the children who would graduate and accomplish amazing feats across the globe as SEALS, doctors, lawyers, CARE workers, contractors, vineyard owners, ecommerce entrepreneurs, teachers, executives, lobbyist, CIA agents, and the list goes on. You sent children into the world to make it better than it was before because of what they learned in and out of class at Maclay. We had a responsibility to excel and make the world a better place by caring for those around us.” I am grateful for my time at Maclay, for the friendships, the opportunities, the faculty, the students, and the many wonderful memories that Ellen and I will always cherish. I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for all of us. Sincerely,

William W. Jablon Maclay Headmaster 1976-2014

On the cover: Retiring and incoming Headmasters Bill Jablon and James Milford Cover Photo by: Blake Greene Photography Design and Layout: Mamatey Graphic Design Photo Credits: Blake Greene, Ray Stanyard, Deborah Mayer, Yearbook Staff, Claire Timm, Carl Owenby, Katie Kole, Amy Nation, Maggie Masferrer, GradImages, April Craig, Carri Smith, Kim McWilliams, Gina Weaver at Blue Canopy Photography.

Summer 2014 | Volume 2 | Issue 5

Table of Contents


2 Q & A with James Milford . . . . . . 6 Lower School News . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Middle School News . . . . . . . . 10 High School News . . . . . . . . . . 12 Graduation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fine Arts / MPO . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Stand Out Students . . . . . . . . . 20 Capital Campaign . . . . . . . . . . 21 Maclay Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Alumni Affairs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Class News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

A Fond Farewell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .










21 We make every effort to provide accurate information about the Maclay Community, and apologize for any errors or omissions. If you have story ideas for Virtu, please email: 1

A Fond Farewell Some people probably thought this day would never come‌in fact, most

people. What has to be one of the longest, most historical careers of a headmaster at an independent private school is coming to an end. William W. Jablon came to Maclay School as an English teacher and leaves a legend. His leadership, vision, and guidance have made Maclay School what is today and for that, we are all so grateful. The year began with the unknown. The school, having never gone through the process of hiring a new headmaster, was uncharted territory. But with steadfast determination of board members, the selection committee, and the patience and input of Mr. Jablon, the choice was made and announced before the New Year’s Eve ball dropped. So as 2014 began, so did the celebrations. A wonderful Gala filled with laughs, old friends, memories, and tributes was held on April 5th in Cartee Gym. It was a fabulous evening to not only reflect on the decades of service from our fearless leader, but to also announce an endowed scholarship in his name that will live on and honor him permanently. In May, the faculty enjoyed a wonderful evening filled with wellwishes, comedy, and sincere appreciation to a man that hired all but two people in the room.


As another graduating class took the stage, the final handshakes were made, there were a few tears in the eyes of many. As they tell the seniors about to leave the nest, the same holds true, one chapter closes, another one begins. It has been an honor and a privilege to have Bill Jablon as our leader. He will forever and always be Maclay School.

It has been an honor and a privilege to have Bill Jablon as our leader. He will forever and always be Maclay School. 3

An Evening William W. Jablon to honor

of Honor and his lifetime of

exceptional service to maclay school Members of the Maclay School

thecommunity, pleasure of your company is requested alumni, and friends saturday, oflongapril gathered onthe Aprilfifth 5 to honor

wo thousand fourteen half pastas six time leader Bill Jablon heo’clock nears in the evening

the conclusion of his year as Cartee Gymnasium at final Maclay School

tallahassee, Headmaster. WWJ: florida An Evening of Honor was chaired by board member cktails • Dinner • Dancing • Live Auction • Toasts & Tributes and former parent Kathy Dahl who reserve a table at or contact the Advancement office at 893-8465 spearheaded the effort that not only black optional recognized Mr.tie Jablon’s decades of service, but also raised funds to endow the Bill and Ellen Jablon Scholarship. The scholarship will be presented at the end of each year to a charter member of the senior class who has excelled in and out of the classroom.

After dinner, the program began with host Lawton Langford introducing former trustees John Mahoney and Palmer Proctor who gave memorable tributes to Mr. Jablon followed by remarks from alumni Bob McClure and Leslie Allen. Members of the 1979 State Championship basketball team and former head coach Tom Carlson also took the stage. Maclay Alumni Association President Mary Katharine Lawler, former student and current parent Jane Aurell Menton, Board of Trustee chairman Gary Hunter all made gift presentations throughout the program. Musical entertainment numbers were performed by Maclay student talent and a special performance from Sonny and Cher’s (Lawton and Beth Langford) revised rendition of I’ve Got You Babe (Bill) was a showstopper. Caroline Menton also sang a revision of Carol Burnett’s “I’m so Glad We Had This Time Together.” The evening was capped off by a video tribute and a toast followed by dancing to the wonderful band The Boardwalk All-Stars 4

Faculty Dinner On May 16, the Faculty had a chance to celebrate Mr. Jablon’s retirement. Over 150 guests had dinner in Cartee Gymnasium and enjoyed an evening down memory lane. Alum and current teacher Dean Gargiulo served as the Master of Ceremonies for the night. Dr. Tom Lewis, Dr. Scott Hampton and Russ Camarda kicked-off the night followed by Pat Ashcroft, Cameron Barton, Marty Kiser and Bentley Harris. One of the highlights was certainly the music tribute performed by the Lower School teachers. Mr. Jablon also took time to recognize the retiring faculty who have a combined 183 years at Maclay!


Meet Maclay’s New Head of School James Milford What was your first impression of Maclay School? Ambitious. The process I went through with the Board of Trustees prior to ever stepping foot on campus was extensive and I could tell there was an overwhelming desire and passion for continual improvement. Students were ambitious in their innumerable pursuits in the classroom, on stage, field, court and in the community. I was impressed with the teachers’ tenacity to make sure they were being responsible to the promises we make and staying true to Maclay’s mission. I saw in the many parents I met their desire to partner with Maclay to make sure their daughters and sons were ready for each milestone and were launched, ready for a life well lived. Maclay alums were also pervasive in the process and very clear in their love of the school and desire to find ways to support their school and see it continue to thrive. I also was struck by the passion and love the members of the Board of Trustees had for the school and their ownership of Maclay’s success. We always must remember that what makes any school great is not one person, but the countless people, passions and partnerships that surround our children. Families make investments in Maclay not because they want their children to be watched during their childhood, parents want us to take their child further than any other option could. Doing that well is ambitious. That is what I love about Maclay.

What are you looking forward to most about becoming the Head of School at Maclay? Being a part of something greater than I am, in a role where I can have maximum impact on the lives of those who choose to share in the “Miracle on Meridian”. I was introduced to this phrase by one of the founders of the school. Maclay has been built through the hard work of so many. It is my honor to be able to stand on their shoulders and steward the school as we near our second half-century. I have a tough act to follow in Bill Jablon but I take heart in seeing how the Maclay community supports him as their Head of School. With their continued support, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Maclay has come a long way but together we will take her even further. James and Angie Milford

What is something you want the Maclay Community to know about you? I want everyone to know that I’m listening, and always will be. My charge as Head of School is not to bring all the answers, but to find them. I believe the best decisions are made in collaborative environments where all opinions are welcome and considered. I believe if you set your mind to anything, you can achieve it if you remain fearless of failure and try. The personal mission that hangs on my wall states, “To learn, help, lead, try and always remain fearless of failure.” I believe if we can teach our children to be resilient, tenacious, to be relentless in their strivings, they will find success. I will be a living model of that lesson and bring as many along with me as will come.


“We always must remember that what makes any school great is not one person, but the countless people, passions and partnerships that surround our children.”

What experience do you bring that you feel will be most beneficial to your new position as Head of School? It is hard to pick one particular experience over the others but a few come to mind. I believe being a parent of three very different children does a lot to balance and humble any individual. I’ve learned to balance my desires for what I want my children to be with what fulfills them and know that ultimately, I guide and cheer – and in the end, I simply pray for a long life to enjoy watching what they become. I believe the second would be the hundreds of students who have passed through my life in my classroom and dorm. I’ve been able to see how family, peer and self-pressure play out in a child’s mind and heart and how important it is for a child to have a passion and have armor to sustain them in these increasingly tough times for children and teens. My more classic training in business will serve me well as Independent Schools like Maclay continue to feel the competitive pressure from other educational options as parent expectations continually grow. The days of the one room schoolhouse are long gone. However, some things never change. The magic is to find where the passions of the individual cross with the opportunities available. Easier said than done, but when it happens – it makes it all worth it.

What are three things you hope to do the first week on the job? Remember as many names as possible, not get lost on campus when I’m looking for someone and be thankful.

If you had to describe your “Leadership Style” in three words, what would they be? How about I give you three sets of three? Each shape an aspect of my leadership style. Ultimately, it is all about accountability. • Together We Can • Child Centered Decisions • Ever-Rising Expectations

You have been at Darlington since before your boys were born. How big of a change is this for your family? To say this is a big change for my family is an understatement. The boys have only known Darlington and its community. Angie and I have been in Rome for 20 years and have worked with Darlington for most of those. It is also an understatement to say that the Maclay community has been welcoming.

We have been overwhelmed with well-wishes, offers of help, expressions of excitement and support for all five of us. The energy we have felt certainly makes the move easier. We can’t wait to get started.

Why did you choose a career in independent private schools? There is a place of influence a student allows a teacher to occupy that is rare and powerful. I consider that a sacred trust that I want to protect and continually influence for the good. An independent education is like no other. It allows everyone in the equation to put the students’ well-being and growth first. I believe that is one of society’s highest callings, and definitely one of mine.

What do you like to do when you’re not working? I have to admit; I’m a work-a-holic. If I’m running with my ear buds in, I’m usually listening to a podcast on leadership/ education or an audiobook. My favorite races are the adventure races like the Spartan or the Tough Mudder. I need a goal to get out of bed early in the morning, and those are fun to train for with friends. I’m an extremely competitive individual, but not against others, it’s more about how far I can push me. My favorite distance is the half-marathon. It is long enough to require a serious commitment in training and it lets your body know you did something hard after running that far. I’m looking forward to picking up some new hobbies in Florida. Working at a boarding school for almost two decades consumes much of your free time; I’m looking forward to exploring a relationship with the coast and warmer weather. My only requirement is that they involve my wife and/or sons. Angie and I know that we have our boys for only a precious few more years before they take the next steps in their lives. We want to invest deeply in them and our time together. However, since the family sport is triathlon, I’m sure I’ll be swimming, biking and running again soon. 7

LOWER SCHOOL NEWS Annual Father Daughter Dance

Maclay Parents Organization


held the annual Father Daughter Dance in the Cartee Gymnasium. This is a wonderful tradition that dads and the girls look forward to each year.

AMAZING AMERICAN LIVING MUSEUM First graders once again participated in our Amazing American Living Museum by researching and giving a presentation or speech on an Amazing American in history. 8

MODERN LANGUAGE EXPO Maclay students competed in the Modern Language Expo in February this year. There were 34 students in all (14 Upper School 20 Lower School). Upper School French earned a 1st place and Upper School Spanish 2nd place. For the Lower School (pictured), 17 students achieved Superior rating, two earned an Excellent and one received an Honorary

4th and 5th Grade 1:1 ipad Initiative Set To Launch This Fall By Marty Kiser, Assistant Headmaster


The fifth grade Spanish classes celebrated Earth Day with the visit of on April 18t. Dr. Galeano teaches Literature, Culture and the Environment, Latin American Poetry, and Amazonian Folklore at FSU in the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics. He is also head of a summer program in Iquitos, Peru. He spoke to the students about the ideology, nature, and culture of the natives who inhabit the vast Amazonia.

Dr. Juan Carlos Galeano


Our goal for the iPad initiative is to enhance the students’ opportunities for more collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity. We want our students to develop and use these skills so they can be prepared as they move forward with their education and their careers. As we approach our classroom discussions, projects, and assignments, technology will be woven into the places that will help our students be more productive and efficient. We will spend our time developing all of these strategies to make our teaching and learning more engaging and empowering. We will also strive to continue to make digital citizenship a part of everything we do. As we explore new techniques and strategies to use with our curriculum and teaching, digital citizenship will always be addressed and monitored. Finally, the use of technology will be a tool that we integrate into our curriculum. It will be integrated in the areas where it helps our curriculum be more meaningful. We will aim for a balance in all that we do so that our students come away with a strong foundation in every area.

For more on the 1:1 iPad Initiative, go the Lower School page on the Maclay website. Moms got a special treat with the Muffins with Mom Morning in April. PreK and Lower School students were happy to treat their moms to coffee, muffins, and conversation.



Bert Fletcher made a remarkable run as a four-time

Geography Bee Champion from

5th-8th grade – as many times as possible. Mr. Gargiulo says it’s a feat unlikely to be matched! Congratulations, Bert!

National Academic Quizbowl

The Middle School Brain Bowl team competed in the tournament in Atlanta again this year. This is the 4th year in a row they have qualified. There were 128 teams from all over the country competing. Maclay’s A-team placed an amazing 21st after 12 rounds and made it to the elimination round. Bert Fletcher anchored the team that also included Mercy Bickell, Connor Rash, and Timmonds Ross while John Menton, Paris Miller, Blaine Parker, and Jared Bethke represented the B-team.

Duke TIP Stanford Achievement Test

Out of the 6th and 7th graders who took the , 44% scored in the Top 5% nationally qualifying them for the Duke TIP program. Jainey Coates scored in the top 3% nationally which qualified her for a special program and recognition! The other top scholars were Jared Bethke, Jackson Hugill, Isabel Hutchinson, Zachary Lee, Alfredo Paredes, Dhenu Patel, and Prophecy Wilson. 10

Joanna Francis Foundation Walkathon

Junior Beta Club

The held their 2nd Annual Joanna Francis Foundation Walk-A-Thon to raise money. Unfortunately, Ms. Francis lost her long battle with cancer this May, but her Foundation is going strong with the help of the $7,000 raised this year by our Lower and Middle School students.

Math Counts

The Math Counts team finished third in a city competition in February. Members of the team in the photo include Timmons Ross, Simon Corpus, Mercy Bickell, retired teacher and sponsor, Bertha Williams, and Will Daughton. Also pictured is Ashley Anderson who was coordinator for the which sponsored the event.


Florida Engineering


HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Inter-Club Council selected as the charity of choice for this year. Anchor, Freshman Class, Mu Alpha Theta, Technology Club, MCSC, Brain Bowl, SHS, MAC, Yearbook, USSC, Calculus classes, Key, and Sophomore Class raised an amazing total of $5,178! Chelsea House is a home for women at risk for being homeless.

Chelsea House

Inter-Club Council Long-time science teacher was recently honored by the “SCI Scholars Program” in partnership with the American Chemical Society. Under this program, outstanding college sophomores and juniors in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering are identified and awarded summer internships at member companies’ facilities. To reward them, the scholars are asked to identify an outstanding teacher that helped create their love for science. Mrs. King, who was nominated by former student Andreia Fenley was awarded $1000 grant for her classroom.

Judy King

SCIENCE FAIR Aneesh Rahangdale took the Regional Best of Fair in the Senior Division, 1st place in Senior Biochemistry and two special awards and Sadhana Ponnaluri took 1st place in Senior Mathematics and two special awards. Mercy Bickell won Best in Show for the Jr. Division. Seven of the 20 Maclay students participating advanced to state. 12


Tallahassee Quarterback Club

Julia Filloon, Kirk McGraw, and Emily Ostrich were honored by the as recipients of The Biletnikoff Award Scholarship. These three seniors were among the 16 area outstanding young men and women honored in February at the University Center Club.


CLUB The Chess Team held the 1st annual Maclay High School Chess Tournament this spring. Over 30 students and faculty signed up to play matches during lunch throughout March and into April. The first semi-final match was between Brian Lockwood and Jongho Youn (both juniors). The second semi-final match was between teacher Dr. Paul Berk and freshman Jimmy Baggett. The final match was between Jongho and Jimmy, with Jimmy taking title of champion. 13

Where Seniors Are Headed Auburn University College of Central Florida Colorado State University CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Eckerd College Elon University Fisher College (Boston) Flagler College Florida Institute of Technology Florida Southern College Florida State College Florida State University Georgia Institute of Technology Grinnell College (Iowa) Huntingdon College King University (Tennessee) Korean University Lafayette College (Pennsylvania) Louisiana State University Mississippi Valley State Oglethorpe University Rollins College Samford University Savannah College of Art & Design Southern Methodist University Stetson University Tallahassee Community College Thomas University UCLA University of Alabama University of Central Florida University of Chicago University of Florida University of Mississippi University of Nevada – Las Vegas University of New Mexico University of North Florida University of Southhampton - UK University of Virginia Vassar College Villanova Virginia Tech Warner University Washington & Lee University Washington University of St. Louis Wheaton College 14


CLASS of 2014

Class of 2014 Highlights The Class of 2014 received $6.4 million in scholarship offers (average of $71,000 per students) The Class accumulated over 16,500 community service hours (average of 207 hours per student) 75% of the Class of 2014 will be attending their first choice college (national average 57%) 24% have been admitted into an Honors or Scholars program 17%, 15 members of the class, are going to compete in a sport at the collegiate level The Class had one Eagle Scout and a Gold Girl Scout with two pending Gold Scouts 3 8 members of the Class are Charter Members, four are alumni children


Fine Arts Troupe 3644

Maclay’s – Upper School Drama Club was selected by the American High School Theatre Festival (AHSTF) as a “remarkable” American High School Theatre Program! In addition, 12 students competed in the District International Thespian competition where they received a Superior in One Act Performance, 11 Excellents, and Carri Ostrander received a Superior in monologue performance. This spring’s performance of Sheherazade received rave reviews for their two night show! Senior Anna Brooks was also selected to perform in the Leon High School summer musical Fiddler on the Roof. Anna is the first Maclay student to be selected in the last four years.

Maclay Parents Organization

3 1 4

2 16


It was another outstanding year for the Maclay Parents Organization. Many thanks to President Carla Lunny who steered the leadership this year. Some of the highlights included Donuts for Dads, GRANDparents Day, Muffins with Mom (3), the Father Daughter Dance (2), Teacher Appreciation Luncheons throughout the year (4) and the Senior Mother’s Luncheon (5) to name a few. MPO also purchased our new Rowdy the Rauder mascot (1) who quickly became a fan favorite at events. A beautiful oak tree was planted and dedicated to Bill and Ellen Jablon’s honor on behalf of the MPO and the Lower School parents. The tree is located right in the front of the school facing Meridian Road. If you’re interested in being a part of the Maclay Parents Organization next year, contact Stephanie Bridges ( or Mary Vanlandingham ( who will be serving as Co-Presidents for 2014-15.

Maclay Athletes Head to the Next Level

From left to right, Josh Cottle, swimming, Grinnell College, Kenya Pye, basketball, New Mexico, De’ja Jeffery, basketball, College of Central Florida, Josh Price, football, Mississippi Valley State, Halle Scott, volleyball, University of Central Florida, Matthew Weaver, soccer, King University, Kolby McWilliams, golf, Florida Southern College, Kelley Everett, soccer, Huntingdon College, Reanna Leoni, soccer, Lafayette College, Olivia Hunter, soccer, Washington & Lee, Jack Berg, lacrosse, Colorado State (club), Andrew Killinger, lacrosse, Vassar. Not pictured: Alex Artecona, soccer, Savannah College of Art and Design, Justin Ghazvini, basketball and football, Huntingdon College, Christian Kobes, baseball, Warner University, Scott Reardon, baseball, Thomas University







(1) Reanna Leoni, Lafayette College, soccer (2) Matthew Weaver, King University, soccer (3) Olivia Hunter, Washington & Lee, soccer (4) De’ja Jeffery, College of Central Florida, basketball (5) Justin Ghazvini, Huntingdon College, football and basketball (6) Scott Reardon, Thomas University, baseball 17

Winter/Spring Baseball Under new Coach Drew Sherrod, the Marauder baseball team made some great strides and look to be headed in the right direction. This season, the squad beat the second ranked Robert F. Munroe in a come from behind win on senior day. One of the most memorable moments of the season was Jackson Hansen’s walkoff three run homer to beat district rival JPII to win the game in the bottom of the 7th! Max McKinley, Christian Kobes, and JT LaVia were named All-Big Bend Honorable Mention.

Boys Basketball Boys Basketball made it to the Regional Semi-Finals after a runner-up District bid. Walter Moore and Kyle McWilliams were named to named All-Big Bend Honorable Mention, and Rhyse Boeneke was the team’s MVP. The team graduated seven seniors but will reload next year with a large junior class!

Girls Basketball Girls Basketball went to the Final Four for the first time in 21 years. They lost in the semi-finals against Miami Country Day and finished with a record of impressive 22-7. Kenya Pye and Hannah Schuchts were named to the 2014 FABC All-State 2nd team and 3rd respectively and both were named All-Big Bend 1st team. Camryn Parker was named 2nd team All-Big Bend and De’ja Jeffery was honorable mention.

Lacrosse A final record of 19-4 gave the Maclay Lacrosse team the most successful season in its history. The Marauders went 10-0 in the district taking the title once again and making it into the Elite 8! Jack Berg was named to the US Lacrosse Academic All-American team. Coach Mike Jones was named Coach of Year by the Tallahassee Democrat and Stephen Chase, Jack Berg, Luke Langford, Andrew Killinger, Chad Minter, Teddy Transou, and Andres Masferrer were all named 1st team All-Big Bend.

Boys Tennis The Maclay Boys Tennis had a much improved 11-7 record , were District Champions, before losing to a tough Pensacola Catholic in the regional semis. The entire team, with the exception of Jim Anania who is relocating, will be back in full force next year with a lot of experience and determination. The Tallahassee Democrat named Andrew Peipers and Matt Sweeney to the 1st All-Big Bend.

Girls Tennis The Maclay girls team finished the season 15-3 winning the District, City, and Regional Championships! Seniors Emily Ostreich and Clara Frances McClure led the squad to the STATE Tournament for the first time in many years. Daniela Schnieder who went undefeated the entire regular season in singles returns along with Carson Stratton , Liz Houston (who will return from injury), Christina Giralt and Elspeth Suber. Coach John Vinson was named Coach of the Year by the Tallahassee Democrat and Ostreich, Duncanson and Carson Stratton were named 1st team honors. 18

Athletics Boys Track and Field The Maclay Boys Track and Field team won their 19th straight district championship this year. They were also Regional runner-up. Darin Meeker was the top Big Bend pole vaulter and the team of Steven Simpkins, George Escobar, Jack Rutledge, and Connor Daughton won the 4x800 at the state championship!

Girls Track and Field The Girls Track and Field team won the district championship for the 16th time in 19 years and were also Regional runner-up. Lindsey Poole, who is the area’s top thrower in discus place 5th at state and 7th in triple and long jump. Caroline Willis won the pole vault at Districts and Regionals and also placed 7th at state.

Boys Soccer The Maclay Boys Soccer team went 13-8-1 on the season and made it to the regional quarterfinals. Their biggest win of the season was over district rivals JPII 4-0. Matthew Weaver, Bradley Stager and Matt Deal were all named to the Florida Athletic Coaches Association All-State Team and Weaver played in the All-Star game in March.

Girls Soccer The veteran Girls Soccer team finished with an impressive 16-5-2 season and won their ninth straight District Championship. Reanna Leoni, Olivia Ooten, Kelly Everett, and Olivia Hunter were all named Florida Athletic Coaches Association All-State. Leoni was named the Tallahassee Democrat’s All-Big Bend Co-Player of the Year and Hunter was also named to the 1st team.

Softball The Lady Marauder Softball team made great strides this season. Again, with a very young team having no seniors, the squad was led from the mound by pitchers Emily Green and Baylee Lutz. Sixth grader Regan Hermiling was named to the All-Big Bend 2nd team. In April, the team held their annual Breast Cancer Awareness game in honor of former parent Regina Brewster who lost her battle a few years ago. Almost $400 was raised that night and donated to the American Cancer Society.


Stand Out Students and Faculty Julia Filloon was awarded The Gold Award. It is the highest and most prestigious award that a Girl Scout can earn. Only 5.4% of all eligible Girl Scouts between the ages of 14 to 18 earn their Gold Award. Julia planned, researched, created and distributed a video for teens about preventing noise-induced hearing loss, for which the Girl Scouts awarded her the rank of Gold Scout.

Maclay School senior Sam Rust was recently awarded the rank of Eagle Scout. Sam is a member of Troop 44 under the leadership of Scoutmaster Todd Owens. He started as a Cub Scout and has spent eight years working his way through the ranks. Sam’s Eagle Scout project was to replace signage at the Girls Scouts Camp for All Seasons located off of Blountstown Highway.


Anna Brooks won the Holocaust Education Resource Council contest with her essay “Kristellnacht: A tragic Disregard for Value of Human Life” and was awarded $500. She was also chosen for a role in the Leon Summer Musical “Fiddler on the Roof” where she will be playing Shandel, mother of Motel the Tailor.

Caitlyn Dittmeier danced with the Scranton Civic Ballet Company for 12 years before dancing with Tallahassee Ballet. She has performed in The Nutcracker, Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, and Sleeping Beauty. She has also had the opportunity to dance in the FSU opera Orpheus in the Underworld and attended the Orlando Ballet at Patel Conservatory.

Many thanks to our long-time faculty who are retiring this year: Willie Moore, 19 years, Terry Wilder, 14 years Dianne Ruff, 28 years, Dr. Kathy Scott, 38 years, Marsey Johnson, 25 years. Not pictured: David Taylor, 41 years, Mari Parilla, 17 years, and Cathy Hathaway, 27 years.



ast June the Lower School building was knee deep in construction, with dozens of men and women working around the clock to make sure we could open the doors on the first day of school with a totally renovated and state of the art building for our students in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Fast forward to this June and the completion of the new Peipers Field House and the arrival of the first new Headmaster in 38 years. Summers on campus are never dull and always buzzing with activity. We are half way through our 3-year Capital Campaign Tomorrow Begins Today and over half way to our goal of $4 million. Campaign leaders continue to tell the story of Maclay School and what it has meant to hundreds of families in this area since 1968. We are so appreciative of all the donors who have made a contribution so far, but we still have work to do. Visit to make a secure donation online or contact Advancement Director Carri Smith at 893-8465 or for more information.

How much money has been raised? Our current Capital Campaign total is $2.48 million in cash and pledges. We need to raise $4 million to fund the campus improvements identified in the strategic plan. Is a pledge the only way to donate or can I make a one-time contribution? One time donations are always welcome. I cannot make a large donation; does a small donation still make a difference? Yes! At the start of the campaign an effort was made to secure large donations to create momentum; however, donations of every amount are crucial to the success of this Capital Campaign.

William W. Jablon Lower School - $2.75 million Naming Opportunities Clock Tower Administrative Offices/Foyer Commons Area Courtyard Kindergarten- 2nd Grade Wing 3rd-5th Grade Wing

$250,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $50,000 Dudley Family $50,000 Unger Family

Foreign Language Lab Art Lab Technology Lab Science Lab Benches (2 available) Engraved Pavers

$50,000 Mayfield Family $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 Koski Family $6,000 $1,000 21

Athletics - $1 million

Peipers Field House (completed) | Frank Shaw Field lighting | additional bleachers

Naming Opportunities Name the Field House Weight Room Boys Varsity Locker Room Girls Varsity Locker Room Concessions Coaches Office

$500,000 Peipers Family $100,000 $75,000 $75,000 $50,000 Boeneke Family $25,000 Scott Family

Asst. Athletic Director’s Office $25,000 Conference Room $25,000 Trainer’s Room $25,000 Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic Bleachers at Frank Shaw Field $50,000 (4 available)

Perimeter Road Paving - $125,000 Name the Perimeter Road $125,000

Fine Arts - $125,000

Cartee Stage renovation with new lighting and sound $50,000 (completed) Visual Arts Improvements $5000 (LS kiln, sinks, tables, frames) Instrumental Improvements $40,000 (timpani drum set, oboes, baritones, saxophones, marimba) Black Box Theatre Renovations $30,000

We thank the following donors for their support of our on-going capital campaign.* *Gifts received as of May 27, 2014 Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Toyin B. Adeshina Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bailey III Mr. and Mrs. Blair Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Travis S. Barnes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Derek K. Bethke Mr. and Mrs. Ben Betts III Dr. Sudipkumar Bhanderi Dr. and Mrs. Vivalkumar Bhanderi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boeneke Mr. and Mrs. Kyle H. Bollman Shelton S. Bridges, IV Mr. C. Joseph Brigham and Mrs. Linda A. Bailey Mr. James R. Brewster Dr. and Mrs. H. Logan Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Junious D. Brown Mr. Allen R. Burch and Dr. Heather K. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Burhans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Carnes Mr. and Mrs. M. Paul Chavis Mr. and Mrs. David M. Christian Armand and Suzanne Cognetta Lamont and Johnnie Cook Mr. Drew Corbett Dr. Frederick Corpuz and Dr. Joanna Yao Douglas and Dianne Croley Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Culliton Jim and Kathy Dahl Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Davenport Mr. and Mrs. Sammy W. Deal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Deison Chris and Andrea Diamantis


Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Dimitri-DaSilva The Dudley Family Mrs. Elizabeth Dunton Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Eastman Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Evert Brad and Lauren Fantle Mr. Kevin Wall and Ms. Lisa Freeze Mr. and Mrs. John Gardner Jeannette T. Goldsmith Bettie Jane Grant Mrs. Susan Gray Mr. and Mrs. William C. Green Mrs. Ronit Greenfeld Dr. and Mrs. George J. Haedicke Mr. Craig M. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hilton Bob and Marylou Hinkle Alex and Jane Hinson Mr. John R. Hugill and Mrs. Kiki Dunton Ms. Gannon Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Hunter, Jr. Mrs. Tina Hunter Dr. and Mrs. Hank L. Hutchinson Michael and Katy Jablon Rip and Kelly Kirby Dean and Lina Knox Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koski Dr. Shiva Lakshmin and Dr. Heemanshi Shah-Lakshmin Jay and Jennifer Parker LaVia Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. William H. Long Mr. Jun Lu and Mrs. Yan Xin The Matheson Family Mr. and Mrs. Emory Mayfield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Emory L. Mayfield

Mrs. Elaine McConnell John and Kathie McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Shannon P. McWilliams Mr. Daniel Mears and Mrs. Emily Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan, Jr. The Rev. Dr. Steve and Mrs. Antonia Melamed Jeffrey and Sara Knox Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Miles Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Miller Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mnookin Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Noblin Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Perkins Mr. and Mrs. Gene Phipps Gerry and Tim Phipps Mrs. Joyce Phipps The estate of Peggy Post Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Price Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Richardson Mrs. Sandra S. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Robinson Dr. Gary and Katrina Rolle Ms. Eleanore P. Rosenberg Drs. Laurence and Lori Rosenberg Landon and Nancy Ross Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Ruff John and Lisa Rutledge Philip and Fran Visconti Sandon Elizabeth and Mark Scott Family Fund Ms. Clarice M. Secreast Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Shapley Dr. and Mrs. Philip V. Sharp Ms. Abbygail Sly David and Kathleen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sniffen

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Snow Ms. Dena Sokolow Mr. and Mrs. Larry Sokolow Mrs. Eldonna Steffen Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Suber Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tritschler Ms. Janie Turner Mr. Reed B. Turner Jason and Karen Unger Mr. and Mrs. Steve Unger Dr. and Mrs. Hugh VanLandingham Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Walker Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Webster III Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wells Judge and Mrs. Thomas K. Wetherell II Ms. Frances J. Williams Mr. Jim Williams Katherine J. Willis Mr. Daniel Woodring and Ms. Jean Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Woodward Bascom Communications & Consulting, LLC Cardiology and Internal Medicine Firman Fund Florida Healthy Kids Corporation Jane Smith Turner Foundation Maclay Kids Campaign North Florida Lumber, Inc. Premier Motorcar Gallery, Inc. Residential Elevators, Inc. Tallahassee Orthopedic Clinic Turner Foundation Inc. US Energy Development Corporation Wells Fargo Educational Gift Program

2013-2014 Maclay Fund Donors (as of May 28, 2014)

We thank the following donors who have made a gift or pledge to this year’s Maclay Fund drive.* Anonymous (13) Mr. and Mrs. Karl D. Acuff Mr. and Mrs. Toyin B. Adeshina Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Ahrendt Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Aldredge Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Angerer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Antworth Mr. Kurt Artecona and Ms. Christina Rook Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Ashcroft Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ayers Mr. and Mrs. James E. Baggett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Bailey III Ms. Elizabeth Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bakas Mr. K. Bryan Baker and Ms. Denise Miller Kim and Ken Ball Mr. and Mrs. Sean Bankston Stan and Tenley Toole Barnes Mrs. Cameron L. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Manny Bas Mr. and Mrs. Sabin Bass Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bastien Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beamer Mr. and Mrs. Terrell L. Bebout Mr. Steven Becker and Dr. Marie Becker Mr. and Mrs. Davis Bell Mr. Douglas S. Bell and Mrs. Luana K. Leialoha-Bell Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Belvin Mr. Lee Benoit and Dr. Nancy Chorba Valerie and Chris Berg Dr. Paul Berk and Mrs. Stephanie Funderburke Mr. and Mrs. Aymen Beshay Mr. and Mrs. Derek K. Bethke Mr. and Mrs. Ben Betts III Ann and Ian Blake Mr. and Mrs. John D. Boland Kyle and Hollee Bollman Mr. and Mrs. Tony Boulos Mrs. Cheri R. Apthorp Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boynton Mr. and Mrs. Harold Branch Mr. and Mrs. David Brennan Jim Brewster Mr. and Mrs. Daron E. Bridges Ms. Lily Brigham Dr. and Mrs. H. Logan Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Junious D. Brown Don and Sally Bryant Lewis and Georgia Buford Mr. Butch Bundy and Dr. Vikki Mckinnie Rosemary Bunn Mrs. Rosemary S. Bunn

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Burhans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Burnopp Beverly T. Burnough Mr. Brandon Burrows Mr. August A. Busch III Mr. and Mrs. Christian Caballero Mr. and Mrs. Kent A. Cain Ms. Barbara J. Cairns Russell and Mary Anne Camarda Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Campbell Leonard A. and M. Lisa Carson Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Carvajal Ms. Kathryn E. Cashin Thomas A. Cassedy Mr. Mark W. Casteel Mr. and Mrs. Rob Cathcart Tom and Donna Chambasian Mrs. Elissa G. Chase Mr. and Mrs. M. Paul Chavis Nan Carswell Cherry Mr. and Mrs. David M. Christian Loan Nguyen and Justice Chuku Ms. Susan Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clary Gregory and Dianne Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Sean Clifford Mr. and Mrs. John D. Coats Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cocotos Mr. and Mrs. Seth Coffin Ms. Melanie Coker Dr. and Mrs. Walter Colon Tom and Terese Combs Mr. David L. Combs and Dr. Lauren D’Martino Combs Mr. and Mrs. Kraig A. Conn Caleb Connor Lamont and Johnnie Cook Jeanne A. Corbett Dr. Frederick Corpuz and Dr. Joanna Yao Jennifer Corzine Mr. and Mrs. L.Thomas Cox, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Blue Craig Mr. and Mrs. Marshall M. Criser III Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Croston Mr. and Mrs. Angelo D. Crowell Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. Culliton Jim and Kathy Dahl Mr. and Mrs. James R. Daughton, Jr. Linda Davey Dr. and Mrs. Wilburn T. Davis III Mr. and Mrs. Chris S. Day Mr. and Mrs. Sammy W. Deal Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Deison Beth Moor Desloge Chris and Andrea Diamantis Brandice and Paul Dickson Mr. and Mrs. R Chase Dickson Dr. and Mrs.

Leonard Dimitri-DaSilva Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donahue Lisa and Gary Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. John Dowdy Mr. and Mrs. Blake H. Dowling Robert C. Downie II Mr. and Mrs. Gary Droze Charles and Alison Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Ted Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Eagen Ms. Kristin Winokur Early Mr. and Mrs. Vindana Ekanayake Ms. Caitlin Ellis Mr. and Mrs. John P. Engelbrecht Mr. Gregory D. Ereckson Ms. Robin Ereckson The Essary Family Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Evans Mr. and Dr. John Evers Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Evert Brad and Lauren Fantle Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fehl Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Ferraro Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. Filloon Randy Fisher Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fixel Mrs. Cynthia S. Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Rogelio J. Fontela John and Debbie Schwartz Foote Ted and Haley Frazee Mr. Kevin Wall and Ms. Lisa Freeze Mr. Eric and Dr. Andrea Friall Samantha R. Fulton Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Gallagher Dr. Michelle Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gargiulo Mr. Dean O. Gargiulo and Ms. Cindy B. Thomas Jake Garner and Kelley Cox Garner Dr. Michael A. Glaze and Mrs. Tammy Knowles-Glaze Jeannette T. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Erik C. G. Gomer Mr. and Mrs. Mike Grant Ms. Christi Gray Mrs. Susan Gray Mr. and Mrs. William C. Green Drs. Alex and Mya Greenberg Mr. Ron Greenstein and Ms. Rebecca O’Hara Lyles and Susan Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Justin M. Grow Mr. Jack Grubbs and Ms. Marian Berndt Mr. and Mrs. James N. Guy, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George J. Haedicke Dr. and Mrs. Scott Hampton Mr. Craig M. Hansen

Bentley and Tyler Harris Bob and Libba Harris Mr. and Mrs. Rapheal Harris James and Claire Harrison Mr. William Harrold and Ms. Barbara Hill-Harrold Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harwin Dr. and Mrs. Walter Hathaway Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Heinz Mr. R. Claude Hendon and Ms. Kathleen Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Hermeling Mr. and Mrs. Carson D. Hicks Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hicks Mr. E. Cantey Higdon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott Higginbotham Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hilton Alex and Jane Hinson John C. Hinson II John Ho Mr. Michael A. Hogan and Dr. Patricia A. Hogan Bishop and Carolyn Holifield Mr. and Mrs. Lee A. Homison Mr. and Mrs. Scott Houston Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hughes Mr. John R. Hugill and Mrs. Kiki Dunton Mr. and Mrs. Damian Hundley Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunkapiller Geoff and Nancy Hunt Ms. Gannon Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Hunter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Hurley Dr. and Mrs. Hank L. Hutchinson Rhoda and Joe Icerman Mr. and Mrs. Bret Ingerman Bill and Ellen Jablon Dr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Jaggears Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. James Ms. Suzanne Jamir Ivan and Marsey Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Hal Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Rick Johnston Mr. Michael Jones Bill and Susan Jordan Ms. Pam Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Chad S. Jordan Drs. David and Krista Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Reza Karimipour Ms. Jessica Kerner Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr Mary J. King Mr. and Mrs. Rip Kirby Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk Chip and Marty Kiser


MACLAY FUND DONORS Dean and Lina Knox Felicia Coleman and Christopher Koenig Mr. Dan Koeppel and Dr. Anna Koeppel Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kottkamp Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Kronenberger Joe and Amy Kupiszewski Dr. Shiva Lakshmin and Dr. Heemanshi Shah-Lakshmin Margaret Smith Lamb and William Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Greg LaMendola Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lamy Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lancaster Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Land Mr. and Mrs. G. Robertson Langford, Jr. Ms. Amelia L. Lanier Jay and Jennifer Parker LaVia Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawler Charles A. Lee Dr. and Mrs. Albert S. Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jay Levenstein Thomas C. and Regina N. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Lansing M. Lewis III Mr. and Mrs. Bradford C. Lewis Jason and Susan Lichtstein Peter and Cecilia Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo Lombard Mr. and Mrs. James Love Leslie Grant Lundberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Lynch Mr. Charles R. & Dr. Lisa C. Lyons Tucker and Coleman Mackie Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mahdavi Mr. Scott P. Mall Charles Marschall and Elizabeth Hinson Marschall Greg and Anne Martin Dr. and Mrs. James Martin Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Martinoff Dr. and Mrs. Michael Mascagni Mr. and Mrs. Miguel Masferrer The Matheson Family Mr. Robert W. Matthews Mr. and Mrs. Marvin J. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Emory Mayfield, Jr. The Mazziotta Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. McCall, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. McCann Mr. and Mrs. Michael McClure Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDuffie Mr. and Mrs. John D. McFarlain Mrs. Terrie C. McGlon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. McGraw Mr. Michael H. McGrotha Mr. and Mrs. William T. McKinley Dr. and Mrs. Meredith McKinney Shannon and Kim McWilliams Mr. Daniel Mears and Mrs. Emily Leventhal Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Meenan, Jr. The Steve Menton Family Jeffrey and Sara Knox Merrill

Brianne Jablon Miller Ms. Darlene Miller Mr. and Mrs. William Miller Dr. and Mrs. Edward L. Mills David and Melissa Minacci Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Minter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Mnookin Mr. and Mrs. Allen R. Moayad Howard and Kathy Moody Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Moody Corbin and Murray Moore Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore Carol and Chip Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mullinax Mr. and Mrs. Danny E. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. John Nettles Mr. Lee Norment Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris Ms. Kristen Nyers Mr. and Mrs. John R. Nylen, Jr. Ms. Anneli Nystrand Dr. and Mrs. David Oberste Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Obrecht Adekunle and Folayemi Omotayo Carol and Andy Oseroff Carl L. Owenby, Jr. and Helen G. Owenby Mari and Jose Parrilla Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parrish Mrs. David H. Peipers Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Perkins Dianne Pappachristou and Glen Perrigan Mrs. Emma Perry Mr. and Mrs. George B. Pesta Gerry and Tim Phipps Ms. Cynthia Phipps Mrs. Joyce Phipps Mr. and Mrs. Jay Pichard Mr. and Mrs. Alan Platt Mr. Raj Ponnaluri and Mrs. Hemamalini Gattupalli Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Price Ms. Maureen C. Proctor Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Putnal Roger and Carolyn Raepple Dr. Kevin K. Ragsdale and Mrs. Susan Webb Ragsdale Dr. and Mrs. Sandeep Rahangdale Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Richardson Ms. Dwan Riggins Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Rillstone Grover and Jean Rivers Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Rivers David and Mary Ann McClure Robinson Charles and Roxanne Robinton Mr. and Mrs. Jason Roland Dr. Gary and Katrina Rolle Mr. and Mrs. Colin M. Roopnarine Drs. Laurence and Lori Rosenberg Ms. Eleanore P. Rosenberg Landon and Nancy Ross Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ross Mark and Sally Rosser Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Rubenstein

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Ruff Mr. and Mrs. P. Michael Ruff Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Rumana Ms. Connie Rumberger Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rust John and Lisa Rutledge Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Saff Dr. Vincent J.M. Salters and Ms. Nancy J. Sampson Dr. Shezad Sanaullah and Dr. Helen Nitsios Philip and Fran Visconti Sandon Maria and Michael Santoro Ms. Elizabeth K. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sanz Mr. and Mrs. Gar H. Schafer Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Schnippert Dr. Kathryn E. Scott Ms. Clarice M. Secreast Dr. Matthew Shaftel and Mrs. Pascale Shaftel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shapiro Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Shapley Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Shaw III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Shelfer, Jr. Mr. Andrew Sherrod Mr. and Mrs. Skip Shiver Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay H. Sims Drs. Hardeep and Jayati Singh Jon and Erin Sjostrom Grant and Kris Slayden Michael and Prudence Sloderbeck Cindy and Layne Smith Carri C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Malone D. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Rich Smith Mr. and Mrs. James H. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sniffen Mr. and Mrs. Brian Snow Ms. Dena Sokolow Gwen Spivey Mr. Dennis P. St. Pierre-Charles Mrs. Eldonna Steffen Peter and Crystal Stejskal Christopher Steuterman Eric and Cindy Stockstill Dr. Spencer Stoetzel Dr. Naresh Suchak and Dr. Niharika Suchak Mr. William L. Sundberg Mr. and Mrs. William G. Sweeney Debra Tackett Mr. and Mrs. Rajesh Tahaliyani Dr. and Mrs. Jan K. Tanenbaum Rex and Sandra Taylor Lucinda F. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thomsen Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Thumm Claire T. Timm Mr. Jeff Townsend and Mrs. Jennifer Kilinski Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tritschler Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Tunnicliff

Jason and Karen Unger Mr. and Mrs. Chad Van Iddekinge Dr. and Mrs. Hugh VanLandingham Bud and Trina Vielhauer Jim and Lisa Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Murray M. Wadsworth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Walker Charlotte P. Watkins Steve M. Watkins III Ms. Sharon M. Watkins Dr. and Mrs. Tony Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Weaver Mr. and Mrs. T. Collins Webb Mr. and Mrs. William Welge Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wells David and Nancy Wesley Judge and Mrs. Thomas K. Wetherell II Shirley J. Whitsitt Mr. and Mrs. John Whitworth Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilder David and Tanya Wilkins Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Wilkinson Ms. Amy Willett Bob and Bertha Williams Mr. Jim Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ashbel Williams Ms. Frances J. Williams Leslie Williamson Katherine J. Willis Ms. Claudia Willis Drs. Leslie and Vicari Wilson Richard Wolkind Mike and Leslie Wood Mr. Daniel Woodring and Ms. Jean Hartman Dr. and Mrs. Pat M. Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wright Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wright Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wright John and Tricia Wurst Mr. Michael Yoon and Dr. Jessica Yoon Ms. Kristen K. Youngblood Phil and Loraine Zaidan Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zins Allergy and Asthma Research Cassedy Financial Group Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Heinz Brothers Nurseries Wells Fargo Educational Gift Program Cardiology and Internal Medicine Community Foundation of North Florida Emerson Charitable Trust Bank of America Matching Gift Program Preventative Cardiology & Internal Medicine Associates, PL Community Foundation of North Florida Capital City Group Foundation, Inc. US Energy Development Corporation Firman Fund First Commerce Credit Union Honeywell International PAC Charitable Gift Program

*There’s still time to add your name to the list! Please visit us at www.maclay.or/giving before or on July 31, 2014 to support this vital fund. You may also send a check to Maclay School 3737 N. Meridian Road Tallahassee, FL 32312 or contact the Advancement Office at 850-893-8465. THANK YOU!


Alumni Alumni Affairs Affairs Alumni Association Board 2013-2014

Officers: Mary Katharine Croley Lawler ‘98 President Will Fixel ‘98 Vice President Dan Koeppel ‘94 Secretary/Treasurer

Members: Charlie Belvin ‘73 Barbara Cairns ‘87 Kim Austin Crowell ‘99 Blake Dowling ‘92 John Hinson ‘93 Joe Kupiszewski ‘87 Greg Lamendola ‘91 Beth Rowe Lewis ‘93 Elizabeth Hinson Marschall ‘85

Terrie Cartee McGlon ‘79 Cassie Mitchell Mills ‘04 Mike Moody ‘00 Cindy Phipps ‘78 Charles Robinton ‘85 Fran Moore Shaw ‘85 Dena Sokolow ‘86 Collins Webb ‘96

Alumni Calendar of Upcoming Events August 27, 2014 October 20, 2014 October 24-25, 2014 November 12, 2014 November 28, 2014

Alumni Association Board Meeting Robert C. Webster Friends of Maclay Golf Tournament HOMECOMING & REUNION WEEKEND Highlighting the Reunion Classes of 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, & 2004 ALL Alumni Invited!!! Alumni Association Board Meeting Thanksgiving Alumni Social 7:00 – 9:00 pm at the Midtown Caboose

Let Us Hear From You!!! Update Your Contact Information and Send Us Your News -


Alumni Affairs Introducing


Distinguished Alumnus AWARD

The Maclay School Distinguished Alumnus Award is being established in 2014. It is the highest award presented by the Maclay School Alumni Association. Candidates will have distinguished themselves through personal or professional achievement, must have attended or graduated from Maclay, and may not be a current member of the Alumni Board. This award will be given to recognize Maclay alumni for any or all of the following areas:

• • • •

notable achievement in professional field service to his or her community, state or nation service to the arts, sciences, or humanitarian causes loyalty to Maclay

The purpose of the Distinguished Alumnus Award is to bestow recognition and appreciation for outstanding achievement. The award is a meritorious reflection on the school and provides inspiration and encouragement for our young people. The Alumni Board, in conjunction with the Alumni Office, will solicit nominations each year from alumni, parents, trustees, faculty, staff and friends of Maclay School. From those alumni nominations, a Selection Committee reviews the names and determines the most appropriate person for that year. The Selection Committee submits a slate to the Alumni Board and the Board votes on the slate. The approved slated is submitted to the headmaster for final approval. There will be one Distinguished Alumnus Award recipient each year. It is a difficult task to narrow down the list of qualified applicants – we are very fortunate to have so many from which to choose. If you would like to nominate an alumnus/na, please visit the Maclay web site to find and submit the Nomination Form.

Deadline for nominations for the 2014 award: August 15, 2014 The 2014 award will be presented during Homecoming & Reunion Weekend: October 24-25, 2014 26

Alumni Affairs Introducing Recognition of Excellence in Athletics …


Maclay Athletic Hall of Fame

ormally being established in 2014, the Maclay Athletic Hall of Fame strives to maintain the rich heritage and tradition of the successful athletic programs of Maclay School. It serves as a means of recognizing, preserving and honoring the athletes, coaches, teams and individuals who have made significant contributions to the school’s athletic programs. The Hall of Fame honors the contributions and accomplishments of these individuals and teams who are worthy of recognition and serve as examples for others to emulate. The inductees will be honored at an all-school assembly on the Friday of Homecoming & Alumni Reunion Weekend each year. They will also be recognized prior to the Homecoming football game that evening and at a special luncheon on Saturday of the weekend. To nominate an individual or team for the Hall of Fame, please visit Nominations are due by August 15, 2014 prior to induction in the fall of this year. The Maclay Athletic Hall of Fame has been established to provide a means to recognize the efforts and achievements of various athletes, coaches, teams, and contributors to Maclay School’s athletic program while reinforcing a sense of history and tradition. The Hall of Fame honors those who, by outstanding achievement in athletics or service to Maclay School athletics, have made lasting contributions to the school. A nomination committee, headed by the Athletic Director and comprised of long-standing members of the Maclay coaching staff, will, to the best of their ability, verify athletic records and narrow down the pool of nominees for the Selection Committee. The Headmaster will approve the nomination list before it goes to the Selection Committee. The Selection Committee, headed by the Athletic Director and the Alumni Relations Coordinator, will choose inductees each year.

Who Is Eligible?

Individuals will be considered on the basis of athletic achievement in the Upper Division (grades 9-12) and must have graduated from Maclay at least five years prior to nomination, have a nomination submitted detailing their athletic accomplishments, and have positively represented Maclay both as a student and as an alumnus/na. For 2014, alumni from Classes of 2009 or earlier may be nominated.

An athletic team shall be eligible for induction as a unit. The induction of a team shall not prohibit the separate induction of one or more of its members. If a team is inducted, the Hall of Fame Selection Committee shall select a representative to accept the award. Coaches, administrators and special supporters of Maclay athletics are also eligible for induction if they have nominations submitted on their behalf detailing the special nature of their contributions to Maclay athletics and they have positively represented Maclay for a minimum of five years. Coaches cannot be considered for induction if the nomination is about their ongoing coaching accomplishments at Maclay. Once nominated, an eligible nominee remains under consideration for five years. Thereafter, re-nomination may occur at any time.

How Do I Nominate?

You can nominate an alumnus/na, including yourself, from the Class of 1972 through 2009 using the form which can be found on the Maclay web site at The deadline for consideration for 2014 is August 15.

M ACL AY FO OTBALL LE T TE RM AN’S CLU B As the Maclay Football Program enters its 8th year, the number of Maclay Alumni who have lettered in the sport has grown. To celebrate the special place each football letterman holds in the history of Maclay Football, and as a way to stay in touch with its former players, the Football Booster Board has established the Maclay Football Letterman’s Club. The annual membership dues ($20) will help fund the Varsity and Middle School programs. Each year, the Board will attempt to identify one specific funding need and apply the total dues collected from Club members toward that need. Club members will be listed in the game programs, the football website and other promotional materials generated by the Booster Club. The Board also plans to hold special events during football season and at other times of the year. The Board hopes all football alumni will consider becoming a member of the Club and that all Maclay alumni will follow the team on its website (www.maclayfootball. com), the team Twitter account (@ MarauderFootbal) and on the team Facebook page (/maclay.marauders). To become a member of the Letterman’s Club, please contact Rob Sniffen, Booster President, at (850) 510-8586 or rsniffen@


Alumni Affairs CLASS NEWS Class of 1973

Class of 1998

Charlie Belvin (Leadership Tallahassee 8) received the American Advertising Federation-Tallahassee’s highest honor, the Silver Medal Award for 2013. Belvin also accepted an invitation to serve on the External Relations Council of the Masters in Public Administration Program at Florida Gulf Coast University.

Kate Poitevent Pararo recently had Marlo Moody (wife of Michael Moody ‘00) join her event planning company, A Piece of Cake Event Planning. Kate and friend Lesley Gardner established the business in 2011 and the company has won numerous awards including Top Tally Awards and weddingwire couples choice awards. Marlo brings to the company twelve years of event planning and coordinating experience. Both Marlo and Kate pride themselves on making each event unique and special. Visit them at

Class of 1990

Class of 1999 Matt Barr ‘90 (far right) and Megan Hinkle ‘02 (center right) were members of a legal team that defended Quik-Med Inc in a new trial of a case in which the plaintiff claimed permanent injury. Their victory in the re-trial brought the verdict from $5.4 M to the plaintiff down to Zero. Megan is an associate with Parker Hudson Rainer & Dobbs and Matt is a partner with Hawkins Parnell Thackston & Young, both firms in Atlanta.

Class of 1997 Jolene Fine has released a comedy novel for dog lovers, entitled Dog Breath. “I’m a novelist whose books are either going to take you down a zany, light-hearted comical adventure or a deep literary fantasy to another realm.” Her book is available through Amazon and you can visit her blog for more information: http://jolenefine.


Frank (‘99) and Katie Walker (Thomas Jefferson High School, Alexandria, VA ‘02) welcomed their first child, daughter Fiona Claire Walker, on November 8, 2013. Katie teaches special education and mathematics at George Mason High School in Falls Church, VA, and Frank is working as Chief of Staff for a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. They recently moved from Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. to Alexandria, VA.

Class of 2001 After Maclay, Ashkan Abbey graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University and received his medical degree, with honors, at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York. He completed his transitional residency at Scripps Mercy Hospital in San Diego, California, and his ophthalmology residency at the top rated eye hospital in the country, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute in Miami, Florida. He is currently a vitreoretinal surgery fellow at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, Michigan, recognized as one of the premier retina training programs in the country. He specializes in the management of all diseases of the retina and vitreous. His clinical expertise includes the diagnosis and treatment of macular degeneration, retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, macular

holes, retinopathy of prematurity, and other pediatric retinal diseases. He has been active in research during his medical career and has published numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers, book chapters, and national meeting abstracts on various ophthalmologic topics. Ashkan’s wife Melody is a litigation associate at the New York law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges.

Class of 2002 Eric Neal has been quite busy since graduating from Maclay. After receiving a B.S. degree in microbiology from the University of Florida, he completed four years of military service in the Air Force. He has just finished (May 2014) his third year of medical school at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.

Class of 2004 Mississippi College graduate Summerann Shuler Miller returned to her collegiate alma mater in early January to join the legal staff of the university’s Office of Advancement on the school’s Clinton campus. Her newly created position is Coordinator of Foundations and Legal Compliance. She received her bachelor’s in business administration from Mississippi College in 2007 and earned her MBA from MC in 2009. Summerann is a 2011 graduate of the Mississippi College School of Law in downtown Jackson, MS, the state’s capital city. Washington D.C. is home for Matt Allman and his wife Tanya. Matt is an attorney with the law firm of Walsh Colucci Lubeley Emrich & Walsh PC and Tanya is an attorney for the U.S. FDIC.

Alumni Affairs CLASS NEWS Class of 2005 After finishing his studies at the University of Florida in the field of chemistry, Kevin Neal graduated from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis in 2013. Dr. Neal is completing his transitional year in Pittsburgh before returning to Washington University for his radiology residency.

Class of 2006 Whitney Smith Ellis graduated from the University of Florida’s Levine College of Law in 2013. She and her husband, David, are living in Orlando where Whitney is an associate with the law firm of Moye O’Brien Pickert and Dillon. Living in Edmond, Oklahoma, Chet Smith is a field engineer for Robins & Morton, a general contractor out of Birmingham that specializes in building hospitals. His current project is building a medical office for Integris Health Edmond. His wife, Elizabeth Beasley Smith (’07), has just started a job as an office administrator at the Primrose School of Edmond.

Class of 2009 Theo Meros is about to complete his Engineering degree in the dual enrollment program with FSU and FAMU; he will graduate in December 2014. To expand and enhance his field experience, Theo has been working with Florida’s Department of Transportation in their Bridge Department.

Class of 2011 Congratulations to Natalie Pearson! Natalie has been chosen as one of the University of South Florida College of Business’s Top 25 Under 25 students.

Frank Shaw IV graduated from the US Army Airborne School at Ft. Benning, GA and is now qualified to jump out of planes!! His dad, Frank III (’78), is also an Airborne Veteran and is pictured pinning on his wings. He recalled the song “put silver wings on my son’s chest.”

Class of 2012 Mary Kathryn King has been elected to Phi Beta Kappa. MK has just finished her sophomore year (May 2014) as a double major in English and Political Science in the Honors Program at UF. She completed 12 AP courses at Maclay, so she is ahead of most college sophomores in terms of credit hours. Nikki Diamantis was awarded the honor of MVP for the hunt seat equestrian team for the 20132014 season at Texas Christian University. She had a winning record in both her events (jumping and flat) with a total of 17 wins throughout the regular season. At their national championships, she went 3-1 and won both of her points against the number one team. The equestrian team is a dual semester sport. Congratulations, Nikki!!

“Vanderbilt Off-Broadway is a student-run group that produces one large-scale “Main Stage” musical and one smaller musical production Jasper Brey each year. I played bass guitar in the pit orchestra in three VOB productions: “The Drowsy Chaperone,” “Asher,” and “Grease.” Our previous pit orchestra conductor is graduating this year, so I decided to apply for the position. As conductor, my responsibilities will include attending rehearsals with the singers, assembling and rehearsing the pit orchestra and conducting the full production during dress rehearsals and performance, as well as having a role in planning the show and creative direction.” Jasper Brey

Class of 2014 Charter Members of the Class of 2014

Nikki (left) with her coach Haley Schoolfield


Alumni Affairs









We’re looking for passionate alumni to share their ideas and insight on how we can improve our program and better serve the alumni.

Join us as we celebrate Homecoming /Reunion Weekend in the Fall 2014 with a variety of events open to all alumni. Watch for more details.

Volunteer as a Class Agent and help your classmates stay connected through alumni happenings.

We want to know what you’ve been up to. Tell us about your adventures and accomplishments.

Learn more: or, click on “Alumni” Debbie Hurley, Alumni Relations Coordinator | | 850.893.8465 30

Alumni Affairs A FEATURE FILM BY NIKKI BRAENDLIN LOS ANGELES, CA (April 7, 2014) AS HIGH AS THE SKY, a first-time, independent feature from writer-director Nikki Braendlin, is a beautifully nuanced film that explores the fragile bonds between sisters. Made on a SAG Indie Ultra-Low budget the film packs an emotional and memorable punch with stellar performances by Caroline Fogarty (‘Big Love’ and ‘Desperate Housewives’) and Bonnie McNeil (SYMPATHY FOR DELICIOUS). Following an award-winning festival run, the film will screen in early May at the Screen Actors Guild Foundation and Raleigh Studios in Los Angeles as well as at the Tallahassee Film Society in Florida before being released on DVD on May 6 by Cinema Libre Studio. Our own Nikki Braendlin, Maclay Class of 1990, is nothing short of a writer/director on the move up in the filmmaking industry. Of Nikki’s first film, AS HIGH AS THE SKY, another film critic put it this way: “Nikki Braendlin has Nikki Braendlin firmly planted her flag (right) with in the world of strong Sara Knox Merrill, indie filmmaking with both Class of ’90, during a recent trip this special movie. AS to Tallahassee. HIGH AS THE SKY is as charming as it is moving, and the writing and performances will leave you talking for days. A wonderful film.” - Stephen Savage, Idyllwild CinemaFest Though Nikki now resides in California, her roots are in Tallahassee and the majority of her school years were at Maclay. “When I think about my time at Maclay, the pool features prominently! I swam competitively from age 6 through my senior year of college, and because we practiced 15-20 hours a week year round, I didn’t have a lot of time for other extra-curricular activities. But I have

very fond memories our high school team. We were a close knit bunch, training and traveling together. And while swimming is, for the most part, an individualized sport, when we competed as Marauders, we worked together toward our common goal of winning the meet. Everyone needed to do their part and I loved that collaborative feeling. Film sets are like that. Each person has a different job but we all have the same goal. And being a director is much like being a team captain, which I was my senior year. You have to set the tone and keep everyone motivated. Swimming proved to be great training for a writing/directing career that I didn’t discover until a few years ago. She continues: “I always loved telling stories but didn’t “discover” screenwriting until my mid-30s. I was drawn to film and television but thought I wanted to be an actor. Being very self-conscious, I didn’t begin to take classes until my mid-20s. I booked a few small parts but ultimately decided I didn’t enjoy it. Unsure of what to do, I moved from Los Angeles, spent some time traveling in Europe and then lived with my parents in Tallahassee for awhile. I took a long-term temp job as a receptionist and, being stuck in front of a computer all day with little to do, I wrote my first script. I decided to return to Los Angeles on a new career path and was eventually able to direct one of my screenplays.”

Family Fun Event… A Casual Gathering for Alumni and Their Families April 26, 2014 It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon in late April that local alumni and their families gathered simply to enjoy visiting and playing. What could be better, right?! Bounce houses, a video game gallery (The Ultimate Gaming Trailer, courtesy of Rosemary Farrell Evans ‘00 and her husband Timothy), and delicious sub sandwiches donated by Jersey Mikes (owned by Kim Austin Crowell ’99 and her husband Angelo) all combined to make it a delightful opportunity just to be with Maclay friends. It was such fun that plans are being made for next spring – stay tuned for the date and plan to join the fun.

With this feature length film AS HIGH AS THE SKY launched and doing so well, Nikki has her eye toward the future and has several completed screenplays that she is hoping will make it to the screen. She is currently writing a television pilot and meeting with various producers and production companies to find a good fit for her work. To learn more about AS HIGH AS THE SKY, visit We wish you and your career great success, Nikki!


Alumni Affairs Birth Announcements Helen “Blair” Gregory September 6, 2013 Brian and Michel Lester (’97) Gregory Joins big brother Ben who will be attending Maclay PK4 in Fall 2014 Annette Elizabeth Walker Douglas “Anna Beth” September 8, 2013 Zach and Whitney Walker (’02) Douglas West Melbourne, FL Fiona Claire Walker November 8, 2013 Frank (’99) and Katie Walker Washington, DC Ansley Lanier Bakas November 10, 2013 Ben and Melissa Sparkman (’94) Bakas

Thaddeus “Trace” Van Buskirk Drake III December 11, 2013 Tad (’99) and Haunani Drake Vista, CA Ansley Jane Chanon January 5, 2014 Paul and Shea Harrison (’95) Chanon Joins big sisters Railey and Maysie Marietta, GA Henry Patrick Yeager January 6, 2014 John and Gina Wurst (’94) Yeager Joins big brother Jack who is 2 Thomas Gillespie Harris February 25, 2014 Tyler and Bentley Frazee (’00) Harris Joins big brother Henry Hailey Brooke O’Neal March 10, 2014 William and Kirsten Klein (’05) O’Neal

Emma Caroline Knippel December 4, 2013 Joe and Brittany Giudice (’02) Knippel Smith Hamilton Connor December 11, 2013 Caleb (’99) and Faris Connor Joins 3 sisters, Eliza Faris (6), Ryals (5) and Clarke (3) Aiken, SC


Luke Maxwell Tate March 10, 2014 Erik and Melissa Moody (’97) Tate

Carter Ellis Page and Avery Lynn Page March 17, 2014 Tyler and Lindsey Jackson (’01) Page Trussville, AL Thomas “Tommy” Christopher Roper March 25, 2014 Chris and Lydia Boggs (’99) Roper Joins big brother Charlie who is 2 ½ Patrick Jon Ridley March 26, 2014 Jon (’01) and Natalia Ridley Coral Gables, FL Lily Noel Timm April 1, 2014 Hampton (’04) and Melissa Timm Sterling Heights, MI Hunter Dixon McClure April 22, 2014 Craig (’02) and Ally McClure San Diego, CA Noah Jackson Ruh May 14, 2014 Pete and Jesse Williams (’04) Ruh

Alumni Affairs WEDDINGS Amanda Marie Humphress (’01) and Justin Smith December 28, 2013 Hudson Swafford (‘06) and Katherine Brandon December 31, 2013 Ashley Elizabeth Carr (‘07) and Brian Michael Scully January 4, 2014 St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Tallahassee Hannah Jean Mayer (’05) and Grant Story March 22, 2014 Hyde Park Farm and Polo Club in Charleston, SC Sara Whitney Smith (’06) and David Ramsey Ellis April 12, 2014 First Presbyterian Church in Tallahassee, with reception following at the Grove Bridal Party members who are Maclay alumni included Mary Crit Smith (‘09) (Maid of Honor), Katy Cashin (‘06), Brooke Weidenbenner (‘06), Robin Smith (‘04), Callie Criser (’06) all bridesmaids. Christopher Thompson (‘05) groomsman; James Thompson (‘09) served as an usher. Dr. Ashkan Abbey (’01) and Melody Akhavan April 19, 2014 Planterra Conservatory in West Bloomfield, Michigan

Elizabeth Lines Beasley (’07) and Chesterfield “Chet” H. Smith III (’06) April 5, 2014 - Goodwood Museum & Gardens There were many Maclay alums in their wedding: Sarah Logan Beasley ‘09, Margaret Lines ‘08, Kate Lines ‘99, Jenny Moore ‘07, Taylor Smith ‘10, Kyle Jones ‘06, Andrew Prescott ‘06, Ryan Kelly ‘06, John Lines ‘05, Zak Ball ‘07, Tyrell Daniel ‘07, and Patrick Bateman ‘05 Our flower girl was Avery Campbell, daughter of Grady Campbell ‘99 and his wife Sidney Campbell. Lee Porter (’06) and Lindsey Allison Ball May 3, 2014 Orlando, FL

Nick Powell (‘03) and Jen Shirley May 10, 2014 Charleston, SC Madison Roberts (’05) and Amy Skvarla May 10, 2014

Ned Fernandez (’03) and Kathryn Arden Miller May 10, 2014 St. Peters Anglican Church in Tallahassee


Maclay School 3737 N. Meridian Road Tallahassee, FL 32312 850.893.8465



Dates to remember:

August 18: First Day of School September 25: MPO’s Fall Fling Dinner on the Grounds October 20: Robert C. Webster Friends of Maclay Golf Tournament October 24-25: Homecoming and Reunion Weekend October 25: 2nd Annual Rowdy ‘Rauder Adventure Challenge March 28: Southern Soiree – Annual Auction, Dinner and Dancing Event Friend us on

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