2017 Highlights
With teachers for life
Tiger Time C. Read and M. Ormerod
• 6 levels • 6–12 years old • 3–5 hours Tiger Time is a new vibrant six-level course based around different settings and characters, which grow and change with the students, reflecting their evolving interests and needs. Written with classroom management in mind, activities are practical and well-staged. The online Presentation Kit and Teacher’s Resource Centre help teachers create dynamic lessons, which cater to diverse classroom situations. The online Student’s Resource Centre provides a home-school connection offering extra activities and support.
Key features • Graded approach to teaching grammar and vocabulary • Strong strand of CLIL, cultural awareness and values in each unit • Digital flashcards • Flexible teaching approach with optional integrated digital components
'The approach to learning in Tiger Time is holistic and child-friendly with an emphasis on team work, core values and learning to learn right from the start.' Carol Read, Tiger Time Author
www.macmillanyounglearners.com/tigertime For more information on all our available titles conctact us on uruguay@macmillan.com
/ Macmillan Uruguay.
Gateway 2
David Spencer
• 6 levels • Teenagers • 5+ hours
Gateway 2nd Edition is an academically-rich course for teenage students with an emphasis on building exam skills and critical thinking, and a focus on life skills. Encourage your students to take an active role in their own learning by using Flipped classroom video presentations of grammar together with fully-interactive digital content to make their learning more effective. Designed to prepare your students for school-leaving exams and a smooth transfer from school to college or work, this new edition includes 50% change of content from the first edition, 90% new reading texts, a fully interactive digital offer, and Student’s and Teacher’s Resource Centres. A cleaner and more teen-friendly design makes Gateway 2nd Edition more appealing and easier to use.
Key features • A thorough, step-by-step exam preparation guidance plus a variety of tests and a Test Generator to accurately measure students’ learning progress • A wide range of Life Skills videos and worksheets enable you to blend life and language outside the classroom • Culture, Literature and CLIL are now covered in individual worksheets on the Resource Centre • Flipped classroom grammar presentation videos and Life Skills videos featuring teen-friendly formats such as street interviews, blogs and school projects and authentic video interviews • New critical thinking/reading features on the Reading pages
For more information on all our available titles conctact us on uruguay@macmillan.com
/ Macmillan Uruguay.
Bebop L. Peimbert and M. Monterrubio
• 3 levels • 3–5 years old • 3–5 hours Children have fun using sight, sound and motion whilst learning with the Bebop multi-sensory course.
Key features • Animated storysongs and action videos • Bebop Band App for use at home • Online Teacher’s Resource Centre • Critical thinking and multi-sensory approach • Teacher’s Presentation Kit DVD-ROM www.macmillanyounglearners/bebop
Captain Jack Jill Leighton
• 2 levels • 4–6 years old • 1–3 hours
Captain Jack is a two-level course for pre-primary children, designed to teach English to 4–6 year-olds. It follows a story-based approach and its syllabus covers vocabulary topics that relate to young learners’ immediate environment. It also covers areas of CLIL to make children more aware of the world around them.
Key features • Photocopiable resources CD-ROM • Flexible course that caters for all teaching situations • Learning with the Captain Jack Puppet bring stories and songs to life
For more information on all our available titles conctact us on uruguay@macmillan.com
/ Macmillan Uruguay.
Macmillan Next Move Amanda Cant, Mary Charrington and Viv Lambert
• 7 levels • 6–12 years old • 3–5 hours Welcome your students aboard a language learning adventure! Each stop within the Next Move syllabus has students participating in active learning tasks, setting them up to have a better understanding of themselves and the world they live in. www.macmillanyounglearners.com/nextmove
Story Central V. Lambert, M. Choy, A. Llanas and L. Williams
• 6 levels • 6–12 years old • 5+ hours Criticial thinking, critical literacy and storytelling are at the hub of this beautiful new six-level course. Every chapter (unit) covers key language and includes a feature story, a grammar corner, CLIL content and a project lesson.
It includes a Reader, Oral Storytelling videos, YLE-style activities, online Student’s and Teacher’s Resource Centre and a Student’s App.
Your Quest J. Corbett, R. O'Farrell and E. Mohamed
• 6 levels • 6–12 years old • 5+ hours Your Quest is an adventure-packed primary six-level series for young pupils learning English. Level 1 is ideal for classes in which children are not yet expected to read or write in English. Reading and writing are gently introduced from Level 2.
For more information on all our available titles conctact us on uruguay@macmillan.com
/ Macmillan Uruguay.
Beyond R. Campbell, R. Metcalf and R. Robb Benne
• 6 levels • Teenagers • 3–5 hours Beyond is a new six-level course for teenagers, with a focus on developing strong linguistic skills as well as teaching the wider strategies your students need to improve as language learners. Beyond follows a practical sub-skills syllabus, equipping students with strategies they can transfer to other areas of their education. The age-appropriate, 21st century life skills introduce a new dimension to language teaching. The life skills lessons ensure students not only develop academically, but also grow into considerate and confident individuals. The regular use of multimedia materials, class and homework activities on the online Resource Centres ensures that your students are learning from a variety of sources.
Key features • Carefully researched and planned sub-skills syllabus • Life skills lesson in every unit • Two separate videos strands bring the pages to life • Flexible multimedia components: Online Workbook, Teacher’s Resource Centre, Student’s Resource Centre
For more information on all our available titles conctact us on uruguay@macmillan.com
/ Macmillan Uruguay.
E. Heyderman, F. Mauchline, P. Howarth, P. Reilly and O. Johnston. Consultant: A. Ottolina
• 4 levels • Teenagers • 3–5 hours Phases is a four-level course which contains a wealth of material genuinely interesting to teenagers. Phases aims to encourage students to learn about the world around them. Texts and situations are based on real contexts with specific cultural references.
Straight to First Roy Norris
• Cambridge First (B2)
Straight to First is an intensive preparation course for students aiming for Cambridge English: First. Each part of the exam is covered in the book with tips and strategies your students can take and apply in the real exam. Digital learning is supported through the Presentation Kit (the IWB version of the Student’s Book), the Teacher’s Resource Centre and the Student’s Resource Centre with tests, speaking worksheets and videos, and extra language practice. The Online Workbook instantly marks students’ work and sends feedback to them and to you.
Key features • Exam-style practice in every unit • Comprehensive Writing Bank focusing on all the task types found in the exam • Grammar reference at the back of the book provides thorough explanations of the language presented in the main unit
Open Mind M. Rogers, J. Taylore-Knowles, S. Taylore-Knowles, I. Wisniewska and D. E. Zemach
• 6 levels • Young Adults/Adults • 3–5 hours Open Mind is a groundbreaking course that not only provides learners with the language they need but also with 21st century skills to deal with challenges in their academic and professional life. The course offers a flexible combination of materials: content-rich reading texts, speaking and writing workshops, high-quality video, self-study Online Workbooks with Markbooks, and projectable Student’s Books. The Teacher’s Resource Centre provides teachers with option for testing, with customizable Word unit tests, mid-course and end-of-course tests, along with a placement test. For more information on all our available titles conctact us on uruguay@macmillan.com
/ Macmillan Uruguay.
Macmillan Readers Everyone loves a good book!
Macmillan Children's Readers
Macmillan English Explorers
6 levels Factual and fictional content Primary level
8 levels Reading scheme ideal for 5+ contact hours Primary level
For more information visit www.macmillanenglish.com/readers
Macmillan Readers Macmillan Literature Collections 7 levels Classic and original stories Teenage/Adult level
Macmillan Diccionario Pocket All the words you really need in English and Spanish!
With over 68,000 words, phrases, expressions and examples
With learners for life www.macmillanenglish.com Everything you need in one place: sample materials, resources, online catalogue, events and much more!
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Macmillan Uruguay
e. uruguay@macmillan.com